What time is best to get up in the morning. What time is best to wake up? How to catch the best time to wake up

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep. interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day.

But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates between two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. Good night sleep consists of 5–6 such full cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in the REM sleep phase.

It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15.
Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time:

Usually healthy person 7-8 hours is enough to get enough sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7-8 hours, a person should wake up on his own.
Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time he is resting nervous system person.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you have completely slept.

In the east, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00, vata (the energy of movement) operates, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are committed to spiritual development and self-awareness try to get up. Early in the morning you naturally want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special sun rays, which cause special effect in the body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is precisely switching from night mode to day mode happens at this time.

In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with sleepiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. From here constant use coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep at the most interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day.

But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. A good night's sleep consists of 5-6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in the REM sleep phase.

It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15.
Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up alert at the right time:

Usually a healthy person needs 7-8 hours to get enough sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7-8 hours, a person should wake up on his own.
Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you have completely slept.

In the east, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00, vata (the energy of movement) operates, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are committed to spiritual development and self-awareness try to get up. Early in the morning you naturally want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere, which cause a special effect in the body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is precisely the switching from night mode to day mode that occurs at this time.

In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with sleepiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. Hence the constant use of coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is excellent for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body naturally cleanses and removes toxins.


I tried to solve the problem of how to learn to get up early in the morning for many years, 7-8 years exactly!!! I finally solved it, now I’ll tell you exactly how I did it and how you can do it.

Looking ahead, I can say that, first of all, the following helped me:

1. Feel the TASTE of getting up early, understand how beneficial it is for my life, body, soul - and as a result, PASSIONATELY WANT IT. I get up early not because I HAVE TO, but because I WANT, and I really enjoy it!

2. Support of like-minded people in the Kyrgyz Republic project.

These are the two most important ingredients, and now about the intricacies of this path.

Before moving on to how to wake up early, get up and not go back to bed, without any alarm clocks, without suffering, I will tell you why you need it. If there is no understanding of the importance of early rise and the impact on your life, then the chances of introducing it into your life will be much less.

Physiological side of early rise.

There is an opinion, which I share, that the body itself is closely connected with natural cycles, lives and functions according to certain laws. IN different times days inside us happen completely different processes. At certain hours he rests, at others he recovers, and at others he is ready to work effectively.

For example, the most best time for eating and digestion - from 11-00 to 13-00. There should be lunch at this time. In fact, even modern civilization recognizes lunch at this time. If you have lunch at 16-00, it will be too late, if at 8-00, then it will be too early. You can feel it yourself. Wrong mode nutrition leads to a huge number of problems varying degrees gravity is known fact.

So, the best time to relax the psyche and body is from 21-00 to 5 am. In this regime, the body will function according to its nature, will have time to recover and be ready to spend a new day with full dedication. It is very important that with this regime, not only the body itself will be in order, but also the psyche itself, which means less nerves, less depression, more peace and clarity in the head.

There is a theory about larks and owls. The theory gives good reason continue to force your body with your daily routine - sit at the computer in social networks until 2 a.m., and then get up exhausted and tired when you can. My PRACTICAL experience suggests that at least for the vast majority of people, getting up early will not only be useful, but also joyful! I observe this in hundreds of people who come to my trainings.

In other words, getting up early is a natural physiological need of the body, and everything else is mental traps that justify our carelessness in this matter, wrong image life, laziness and other vices. I believe that waking up early is an indicator of how clear your mind is and how clean your body is. All the people I know who live a healthy lifestyle, work on their personal or spiritual growth, wake up early in the morning, or are passionate about it.

There is also a well-known fact that confirms all of the above, that the most effective time- in the morning!

Your life results directly depend on getting up early.

If you get up early, life becomes more efficient and joyful. These are not just words. This practical experience watching hundreds of people. Why is this happening?

You learn to manage your life. If you want to get up, get up. This also transfers to other plans of your life; you train yourself to implement what you want into your life. There is more willpower and self-confidence. Since your psyche is resting, you have much more energy, a sharper mind, are less nervous, act more, there is less racing and running around in life. You have more effective time that you previously spent in bed.

Your life results depend on your thoughts and actions. IN healthy body and corresponding thoughts appear in the pure psyche, which then do not disappear, but turn into action. This is facilitated by getting up early.

Research and practice of early rising among successful people and in big sports

A study comes to mind from the area of ​​large professional sports. I no longer remember what game, country and who exactly did this research, but this is the gist. It turned out that football players who get up early have best performance. They pass more accurately, hit more accurately, and run longer.

I am a former football player, and I am well aware of how coaches approach the daily routine. They know that the earlier an athlete gets up and the earlier he goes to bed, the better his results. Some youth teams now even have a rule: hand over all phones and gadgets before 10 p.m.

The richest and most famous clubs in the world have sleep specialists. She creates conditions for football players to fall asleep early and get up early. They adjust the lighting and temperature, select mattresses and pillows. Seriously!

If you study the daily routine of many successful, famous and rich people, you will see: they also follow the rule of waking up early and say in interviews that this is one of the secrets of their success.

Morning is time for yourself, time for cleanliness.

In my trainings, we don't just get up early. We have certain rituals that help us wake up and recharge ourselves for the day. In the morning, be sure to perform a complete ablution, drink water on an empty stomach, physical activity, for example, yoga.

When you wake up at five, you don't have to run anywhere. You have time, which many people lack in the modern rhythm of life. You have the opportunity to relax, do your favorite things, take care of your health, planning, and reassessing your values.

Anyone who has ever gotten up at five in the morning could not help but notice the special taste of this time. Particular silence, peace, cleanliness. In some esoteric teachings it is believed that at this time the energy of goodness is present, others consider this a time of purity of the etheric space. You can call it whatever you want, but it’s impossible not to feel it.

If you feel the taste of morning, then you will be able to get up early easily. Provided that you get enough sleep, which means you go to bed early.

There are several rules, without which all attempts to get up regularly in the morning will be doomed to failure.

1. Going to bed late. Many people try to get up at 5-6 at the very beginning of their “lark” career, while going to bed at 12 at night. It is clear that after a short time the newly-minted “lark” understands that things won’t work out that way. It just physically won't work. To get up early, you have to go to bed early.

I personally have this kind of addiction. If I go to bed at 22-00, then I get up at 5, if I go to bed at 23-00, I get up at 6-7, if at 12, then at 6-7-8. The earlier you go to bed, the less time you need to sleep.

2. Eating at night will not allow you to fall asleep normally, get enough sleep and get up in the morning easily and in a cheerful mood. You should not eat at least 2-3 hours before going to bed, and meals in the afternoon should be as light as possible.

3. Overstimulation of the psyche at night. It's enough to play computer game, watch a film with a plot that is not conducive to peace and tranquility - and you can say to a calm going to bed: “Come on, goodbye!”

How to acquire this useful habit?

There are a lot of tips on how to learn to get up early in the morning easily and get enough sleep, which in fact do not work)))) Set alarm clocks, practice self-hypnosis, ask loved ones to wake you up. My experience says that this is all nonsense.

You need to get up YOURSELF. No alarm clocks. The body itself will tell you when it is better to get up. We are all different in essence, and we all have different circumstances.

Most effective way- to find yourself in such circumstances when you do it naturally, with a minimum of effort, and circumstances help you get up early. I create such circumstances at the “Reality Constructor” training, and all participants very quickly get up early. I myself was able to become permanent in this matter only with the help of my own training))) Before that, I did everything I could, but nothing worked.

Surely you have encountered such circumstances in your life. For example, if you definitely want to get up at 4 am, then just buy yourself a plane ticket that leaves at 7 am))))) Or when, as a child, you found yourself far from home in some pioneer camp, where everyone had to get up with morning, whether he wants it or not, or in the ARMY))) Or maybe in a boarding house where there is such a regime.

Interestingly, in any place where the regime of early rise in the morning is natural norm life and is followed by most people, this ceases to be a problem.

If you decide to do this yourself, then there are two ways. Start getting up a little earlier every day, or start getting up very early right away. There is no one solution for everyone, try this and that. We are all different. Some people in my training easily get up at 4:30, while others can’t get up that early, and they stop at a comfortable time. at the moment time, for example, at 6 am.

As soon as you wake up, you have 5 seconds to decide the outcome of the battle. Either you got up, or decided to lie down - and good luck. Get up right away. Get in the shower right away – right away! If you have the desire and opportunity, then before the shower it is better to realize all your physiological needs. In the shower, I recommend alternating warm water and not very warm, it is not necessary to turn the shower into shock therapy and turn the mixer handle from one extreme position to the other)) Boiling water and ice, boiling water and ice - this is not necessary, just warm and barely warm is enough - already there will be an effect.

Next, be sure to brush your teeth and then drink a glass WARM water. Then be sure to do exercises, yoga or any other complex. After all this, you will wake up and want to do something, you can eat.

If you feel sleepy during the day, then sleep. If it’s not easy at first, be patient. In the future, it will turn out to be a matter of habit, you will feel the taste and NEVER want to return to the old regime AGAIN. Once you experience this taste, you will fall in love with it forever.

What contributes to waking up early?

Healthy eating.

If you kill your body junk food, then, of course, he needs huge amount recovery time. His task becomes not to LIVE, but to SURVIVE. It is clear that more time will be required to sleep.

Healthy psyche.

The less nervous, angry, and in chaos we are, the easier it is to get up earlier. The less we stimulate our psyche with tea, coffee and other stimulants, the easier it is to fall asleep. It turns out interesting: in order to get up early, you need to live a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, a late rise indicates that we are leading a lifestyle that is destroying us.

The surrounding landscape.

Surprisingly, when we go out into nature, we sleep completely differently and get up differently. The city is the most difficult place not only for correct mode sleep, but also for a healthy lifestyle in general. Stress, bustle, lack of quality air, ambient energy - all this leads to the fact that it is always more difficult to solve this issue in the city, especially in winter and autumn.

Step by step plan:

1 step. Start getting up early to get a taste. At first it may be unfamiliar or difficult. During the day you may feel sleepy, and in the second half of the day you will feel as if you were hit on the head with a bag))) You need to endure this moment and focus on the positives and sensations in the morning. See beauty, magic, experience pleasant sensations from this process.

If you have enough willpower, then try to do it yourself; if you don’t, then come to the training, and there we will do it absolutely without any problems.

Step 2. Strengthen the habit.

Step 3. Always get up early in the morning, because you will never want to go back to getting up late again.

What time should you get up?

There is a huge difference between waking up at 5 am or 7 am, since somewhere after 6-30 this elusive early morning state disappears.

If I get up at 9, then it will seem to me that half the day is lost, and this is not far from the truth, because 3-4 of the brightest, cleanest and most effective hours will go into minus.

But still, we are all different, so fanatically demanding that you get up at 4 a.m. tomorrow may not be worth it)) But you should definitely try to live in the early waking up mode at least for several months in order to actually do some conclusions.

Video version of the article:


Anna Kucherova 08/17/2015

The advice about 5 seconds immediately after waking up hit the nail on the head)). Over the years, I have developed the habit of “getting enough sleep.” Another 10 minutes, then another 10 minutes... As a result, getting up is not very early and the internal alarm clock is set with great difficulty. I'll work on it


Kuldoshina Anna 08/25/2015

I have special problems never had to get up in the morning. However, only when there was something to wake up for.
If there is no work, nothing to do, then I can sleep for a long time.
If there was a lot of work, I got up on my own without an alarm clock at 6 and could work until 1 am (with breaks, of course, and walks - this is mandatory)
In addition to what is described in the article, I share my new experience:
I introduced a simple exercise to massage the pituitary gland + some breathing techniques before bed. And for two weeks now, I wake up every day from 3 to 4:30 - I have a ton of energy for the whole day. I don't sleep during the day. Now I go to bed from 21:30 to 22... sometimes at 23.
I'm getting enough sleep like never before))
The massage is simple:
You need to hum “Aum”, or “Om”, or just “Mmmmm” with your mouth closed so that your nose tickles.
Breathe in your own mode for 15 minutes, pausing until there is slight discomfort. The word “MILD” defines discomfort. Every day it will be a different rhythm and different pauses. In the last 5 minutes of these 15 minutes, as a rule, you will want to yawn - that’s how you fall asleep.


Olga 12/08/2015

Mikhail, Thank you!! But the task is complicated by the fact that these tips are for a lonely person or a person whose other half shares this desire with you. It is clear that this other half can get infected by getting up early, and if not, then you may not see her awake for days.


    Admin 12/08/2015

    Aza 09.12.2015

    Ivan 12/17/2015

    Vladimir 12/18/2015

      Admin 12/21/2015

      Roman 03/04/2016

      Mikhail, I agree with getting up early 100% and sometimes such moments have arisen several times in my life - I remember these feelings with all my being... BUT there is one BUT... What to do if all my work and activities are “tied” to Moscow, and I live on the edge of the country - Vladivostok. (in the East, the sun rises earlier - God himself ordered to wake up early) So, the difference of 7 hours does not make it possible to go to bed before 2 am, or better yet 3-4. In the capital at this time it is still the middle of the day and the most active period in my field... Of course, over time I can and will work according to my own “local” schedule, regardless of the company’s priorities (I’ll just move on =)), but what about those who are also bound by such temporary “gaps”, there are a lot of remote workers , and cannot (does not want) to leave his profession??? Any advice?


        Admin 03/15/2016

        When I live in other countries, I work according to local time, but I am my own boss, but if there is a webinar, then you have to adapt to those who can come to it and there is also a chance that the time will shift by late night... You can’t fool time only if you agree on special conditions work so that we can live normally.


        Ilgizar 07/12/2016

        I am subscribed to the Neoglori mailing list from Krasnodar, which promotes and sends out the experience and traditions of the Chinese according to healthy image life. So, they note that the most important thing is to go to bed early, no later than 10 p.m. It turns out that at night, in the interval between 23 hours and 02 hours, hormones are formed in the body, it seems serotonin, at other times it is not formed! And getting up early in itself is already a consequence of falling asleep early.


        Vladimir 08/26/2016

        But what about those who work at night? After all, a lot of people work at night. If everyone slept at night, it would be impossible to call the police, an ambulance, trains wouldn’t run, planes wouldn’t fly. In general, the entire infrastructure in cities would come to a standstill, because there is a duty officer at every station. What can you advise people with night work? After all, who then you have to do this work, but everyone wants to feel good.


          Admin 08/26/2016

          Vladimir, I don’t know how to work at night and feel good and maintain health, many people work in hazardous industries and live near factories. There are circumstances that cannot be smoothed out, I don’t know of such ways.


          Rita 09.25.2016

          I had a very cool laugh)) This is all only suitable for those who either don’t work full time, or don’t work, or don’t work/work 4 hours a day without children, elementary school students, middle schoolers, because when you work from 8 to 18, Moreover, you get up, yes, forcedly early, namely at 5.30, and every day you just want to run away and kill yourself against the wall, because going to bed before 12 at night is IMPOSSIBLE, since you only get home around 20:00 (don’t forget the travel time), if after work you don’t go anywhere at all If you go in, except for the grocery store right in the next building from the house, then cooking + homework takes 4-5 hours (yes, such a program for poor schoolchildren is now unimaginable in terms of volume). And from emotional overload, not only at 12 in this case, even at 3 at night you can only hardly fall asleep! Well, what kind of benefit and advice is this that doesn’t work in the real rhythm of life?? laughter, and that’s all))) And on weekends, exhausted by the unphysiological rise and extreme lack of sleep on weekdays, the body is already without an alarm clock, but out of habit wakes up around 6 in the morning, but how unbearable I feel!!! I hate everyone and everything around me, everything hurts, I’m just dying, I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep! The whole weekend is a blast. And all these soul gymnastics only lead to the fact that after them you just want to fall and fall asleep again. Sometimes it works, but more often it doesn't. Because weekdays are a complete nightmare, like weekends. Under this regime, around 30, I became just a sick woman, absolutely sick, unable to leave the hospital. And only when I quit did I FINALLY begin to recover and feel good. And yes, neither on weekdays nor on weekends, living in a draconian regime, not only did I not sit at the computer, I never even turned on the TV! except for the New Year...
          But on vacation I go to bed at 23:00, get up at 9:30 and feel great. And if you go to bed at 12 and get up at 12, then it’s just a fountain of energy, great mood, and only in such cases do I feel healthy, happy, and calm. So I don’t agree with the article at all. Here is my experience of life in different modes. I need at least 10 hours of sleep then I'm human. And in nature, I also need sufficient sleep and physiological wake-up (which has nothing to do with 4 o’clock in the morning). Otherwise, I don’t need such nature even with an additional payment.


            Admin 09.27.2016

            You have written a lot, but a huge number of factors have not been taken into account, ranging from banal nutrition to worldview, which ultimately creates or does not create mental stress in the form of the stress that you write about. To understand the TRUE “I feel great,” it is necessary to compare several states, because on vacation, when you are not abusing your body, even if you get up at 2 o’clock, you will “feel great.”

            The tips have been tested on hundreds of people in my trainings, so they are directly related to life, but they will not work if a person kills himself 18 hours a day and approaches this issue based only on individual factors.


            Rita 09/28/2016

            Well, as always, blah blah, water, you have no counterarguments! Some general phrases and nothing more! And I took everything into account, all the more so you need to work after getting enough sleep, and if you don’t work, then at least get up at 3 in the morning and enjoy yourself. For a full-time working person with small or primary school children who don’t dump their children on their grandparents, everything you write is not suitable. Which means it doesn’t bypass most people. Oh yes, I know what TRUE “feel great” means, and with getting up at 5 am and short sleep, and in my opinion, anything shorter than 10 hours is short nap, there can be no great feeling.
            My opinion is uncomfortable for you, because it reflects the picture of the reality of a working WORKING person, and not a person doing something for himself for a couple of hours a day. Thus, your system can and does work on many, but it is suitable only for people who do not bother themselves much in life.
            The reality is that a person who is forced to get up early for some time will then inevitably fall asleep, and precisely because a person working FULL day (and I repeat, the majority of them) will suffer from a colossal lack of sleep due to fatigue. And he will wholeheartedly hate early rises, which, according to the Internet, are loved and dear to someone.
            Now about nutrition, I have it more than right, so I can’t find fault here. And mental stress comes from forced non-physiologically early rise for a long time. Euphoria does not last long, the person is not an energizer, and after some time the body’s reserves are depleted, and the person earns chronic fatigue
            Observing many families, I clearly traced the difference in age after 40-45 years: those who got up early for many years have quite a lot chronic diseases, and those who did not get up so early and lived more relaxed, have much healthier or almost good health compared to the first category of people.

We have long divided people into night owls and larks according to the time they wake up and when they work best. I am more of a night owl than a lark, as the night is something special for me. It is at night that wonderful thoughts and ideas come to mind. But inspiration is inspiration, and life dictates its own rules, and we cannot always go to bed and get up whenever we please. You still have to wake up early in the morning.

The child must be taken to kindergarten by 8:30, and the headmistress vaguely resembles the director of my school, so I’m a little afraid of her - it’s better not to be late. You still have to get up early, and often this turns into a whole quest: wake everyone up, feed them, wash them, and dress some of them. Folk wisdom“They lifted me up, but forgot to wake me up” - this is about me. And, as always, interesting advice and perspective on the problem come to the rescue. early rise from a slightly different angle.

10. Avoid "night traps". This is when your hand reaches out to interesting magazine or a book, or maybe to the TV remote control or computer to see if anyone has commented on your post. The latter is especially dangerous, since we are all familiar with the “Honey, someone on the Internet is wrong!”

11. Dinner should be light. And avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks at night.

12. Accept bath before bed. Possible with lavender oil- very relaxing. Good for children to brew sedative collection and add to water. Although on especially difficult days this will suit you too.

13. Try to always go to bed at the same time. And even on weekends.

14. Completely extinguish all light sources. It's best to sleep in complete darkness. If the night light is on, your body will not be able to completely relax and will be on alert all the time. What kind of healthy and sound sleep is there?!

15. Find the right alarm ringtone. It shouldn't be too soft, otherwise you simply won't wake up. But it’s also better not to choose something that is too sharp and loud. She may well be annoying. It would also be nice to put the alarm clock somewhere far away so that you have to get up for it.

16. Are you awake? How about stretching? Good and proper stretches are very beneficial. They should not be sharp, otherwise you risk pulling your leg or back or getting a cramp as a gift. Stretch gently and sweetly.

17. Charger. As children we were forced to do exercises in the gardens and primary school V mandatory. And who can boast of a daily morning routine now?

18. Glass of water. It would be a good idea to drink a glass of water after you wake up. Water will help your body wake up and remove substances that have accumulated during the night.

19. An unobtrusive reminder. Still can't wake up? Try, for example, hanging your weekly or daily plan in the bathroom next to the mirror. While you wash your face and recognize yourself in the mirror, at the same time read what you have planned.

20. Convenient clothes for getting up in the morning. This could be a robe, slippers or warm socks (very important in winter, when you especially don’t want to get out of bed).

21. Find a friend in misfortune, that is, someone who will not allow you to stay in bed after the alarm goes off. And it’s even better if this person is very positive and energetic. Then the kick will be something like a charge of vivacity.

22. Be prepared for bad surprises. When you are sleeping sweetly, you may be woken up by a late call or bad dream. And after you wake up, you may not be able to fall back to sleep quickly. Therefore, it would be great if you found your own way to fall asleep.

23. Cheer up. Upbeat music from your favorite artist in the morning is the best soundtrack for getting ready for work. Plus coffee, tea or your favorite fresh juice is the key good morning and high spirits.

24. And open the window again. Only after we woke up. More fresh air- we kick the dream out of the apartment!

One of my friends said that she found the ideal period for sleep - from 23:00 to 6:00. And she feels great if she goes to bed and wakes up within these time frames. Perhaps everyone has such a comfortable time for sleep, all that remains is to find it.

Learning to wake up early in the morning is not an easy task, but it is worth it. Firstly, in the early hours a person can concentrate very quickly, this is facilitated by maximum brain activity, as well as loneliness - during these hours we are surrounded by a minimum of people who can distract us. Secondly, regardless of whether you are a morning person or a night owl, in any case, in the morning you will be faced with more complex and painstaking tasks. Thirdly, getting up early improves your mood, thereby setting the tone for the whole day.

16 secrets on how to train yourself to get up early

  1. Set a goal for getting up early. You are unlikely to want to wake up early if you don’t know exactly why you need to do it. Think about what you will do in these extra 2-3 hours: work, sports, intellectual development, performing household duties, etc. Try to include during this time those things that you constantly forget about or for which you simply don’t have enough time, although in fact they are very important. The easiest way to formulate the goal of the climb is - individual entrepreneurs or people who work exclusively for themselves, since they have the opportunity to work even more and at the same time spend much less energy, which accordingly promises greater earnings and prospects for development. Try to choose a goal that is not only useful, but also desirable, in this case the rise will be more vigorous.

  2. Study where you spend most of of your day. Often we spend all our time in a very irrational way: watching TV, films or series for a long time (that they get boring), communicating with friends (despite the time), doing those types of work (at home or at the enterprise) that are easier, and not those that are more important. A time journal will help change the situation; it can be a regular notebook or notebook in which we will write down all the things we do during the day. Moreover, you need to record it not at the end of the day (you can forget a lot), but directly in the process. At the end of the week, you will most likely be shocked by the results - you will learn that you spend most of the day on stupid and unnecessary things. And already on the first morning next week When brain activity is at its maximum, you will not do unnecessary things, since pure consciousness simply will not allow you to waste time.

  3. Be consistent and patient. It’s worth coming to terms with the fact that it’s unlikely to quickly train yourself to get up early, especially if you’re used to sleeping until lunch. IN new mode day should be poured in gradually. For example, if you are used to getting up at 10:00, then if you set the alarm for 5:00, you are unlikely to wake up, and if you do this, you will walk around all day tired, tired and completely sleep-deprived. Instead, we recommend starting to wake up 5-10 minutes earlier than usual every day. Yes, perhaps in this case you will not be able to quickly learn to get up early, but the acquired habit will be useful, and you will actually be able to wake up early yourself without an alarm clock. Such patience is needed not only for adaptation, but also for the body to accept new living conditions.

  4. Create ideal conditions for lifting. Sometimes a lot interferes with us (or better said, does not contribute to early wakefulness). Firstly, this is the temperature in the apartment, it should not be too high (the heat will irritate), but not too low, otherwise you simply will not want to get out from under the warm blanket. IN winter time, try to have warm clothes next to your bed so you can quickly wrap yourself in them after waking up. Secondly, your favorite tea or coffee should always be available in the kitchen, along with a delicious (prepared in advance) breakfast. Thirdly, prepare everything you need for work or for the activities that you will do. That is, make a task plan for the morning and for the day as a whole (in advance in the evening), prepare necessary documents on the table, as well as the clothes you will wear. If you play sports, then for this you will need to prepare the necessary equipment, clothing and a physical exercise plan.

  5. Go to bed earlier and spend the day active. It’s simple: to wake up earlier, you need to fall asleep earlier, but forcing yourself to go to bed early is also very difficult, because, as a rule, it is at this time that we find a thousand interesting activities, from which we cannot tear ourselves away, even though they may not carry any value. Correcting the situation is quite simple; during the day you have to work not only with your head, but also get physically tired: do exercises, walk more often and not be lazy in performing tasks that require physical effort from you. In this case, at the end of the day you will simply be tired, and you will only want to sleep.

  6. The secret is in the alarm clock. You can do it simpler - just set alarms every day for the time at which you need to wake up. However, if the alarm clock is placed directly next to the bed, you will easily turn it off and continue to watch your dreams. You can correct the situation quite simply - by placing the alarm clock in a place where it would be difficult for you to turn it off quickly. For example, on a closet in the far corner, under the bed or in the bedside table, locking it with a key (and ask someone from the “household” to hide the key). In general, the essence of this method is that every morning you will be woken up by an alarm clock, which is difficult to turn off immediately, but by the time you reach it, you will have time to wake up.

  7. Ask someone to call you. If your alarm clock does not have a sufficiently convincing signal, then you can use the features instead mobile phone. Ask one of your relatives to wake you up by phone, and not just call, but to call and talk to you. Telephone conversation brings you to your senses pretty quickly sleepy man, especially if he is constantly asked about something and asked to tell something. They even developed a similar service on the Internet where you could leave your phone number and the date/time at which you need to be woken up. If you are learning to wake up with friends, then try to call each other and talk on the phone in the morning hours, thereby preventing each other from falling asleep, and in general, joint efforts will help you quickly integrate into the new daily routine.

  8. Ask your loved ones to wake you up. If you do not live alone, then ask your loved ones to wake you up regularly. And not just say the phrase: “Get up, sleepyhead!”, but sit down next to you and start talking to you, the effect is about the same as on the phone, however, the bigger problem here is whether any of the relatives will agree with with whom you live, getting up so early, and even communicating with you.

  9. A radical way to awaken."Computer geniuses" came up with original way wake up the younger generation - they install a program on the computer that certain moment starts the computer and begins to completely format the entire hard drive. You can disable formatting only by entering a series of data in continuous mode. The idea behind the method is that almost every PC owner has a number of important files on their hard drive that should never be lost, so whether you like it or not, you will have to get out of bed, and entering data will finally drive away sleep.

  10. Don't eat before bed! Eating food before bed promises a restless night, during which you are unlikely to get enough sleep, and in the morning you will feel “broken” and tired. If you have hopeless situation, then try to eat only light food(fruits or vegetables), but not meat products, sweets or fatty foods.

  11. Sleep during the day! In the first months of regularly waking up early, you will feel a little uncomfortable all day and will always fall asleep. To avoid this, try to set aside at least one hour during the day for nap. It will invigorate you, and you will spend the evening in good mood, and you will also be full of strength.

  12. Create a morning ritual. For example, you get up, go to the bathroom, wash your face, drink a glass cold water and get into the shower. If you follow these steps every day, then over time you will develop a habit, and even if you haven’t woken up yet, you will automatically go to the bathroom, to the kitchen, and then to the shower, which will become the final point of awakening. We strongly do not recommend lying in bed for a long time, trying to force yourself to get up. Nothing will work out for you, and in general it is dangerous, because if you thus wake up important event, and then accidentally fall asleep (trying to wake up), in the end there is a high probability that you will fall asleep.

  13. "Carrot and stick." Come up with a system of fines and rewards for yourself, for example, for failure to comply with the regime, fine yourself money (by giving it to an orphanage), or for work (by going to your grandmother’s dacha to dig a garden). If, on the contrary, you follow the regime, then be sure to “have fun” - relax more, buy yourself the things you want, or communicate more with friends.

  14. Don't pick up your tablet before bed or watch TV. Big problem modern people that before going to bed they read news on the Internet, watch movies, series or television programs. All of the above forces the brain to actively process the information received, that is, subsequently it cannot calm down and fall asleep. If you cannot fall asleep in silence or darkness, try reading books, but again, these should not be action-packed novels, choose something calmer. It is best to read books, not a tablet or e-book, since the screens will also emit light, which in turn irritates the retina. You can also put on relaxing music so that it plays quietly and somewhere in the background, but be sure to turn it off when you feel like you’re falling asleep, otherwise you’ll wake up in the morning with your head feeling like it’s made of cast iron from the noise of the night.

  15. Use traditional methods for falling asleep. To fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier, traditional healers It is recommended to drink before bed warm milk, and also eat a few tablespoons of honey. We would also advise taking contrast shower, however the last stage watering should be a warm stream of water. The shower will help you take off emotional stress, and you will sleep even better. We do not recommend drinking tea or coffee at night, but in the morning this is quite acceptable, unless you have problems (diseases) with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

  16. Wake up at the same time! When introducing a new regime, remember that now you will have to choose a specific time range at which you will regularly get up. If you constantly “jump” the clock (waking up at 5:00, then at 7:00, then at 9:00), in the end you will never train yourself to get up early in the morning.

What time do you wake up in the morning?!



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