What is the secret of human longevity. Longevity plant Alpinia cerumbet - the Japanese secret of long life

At all times, people have dreamed of finding the elixir of immortality in order to live a long, long time, to become like the gods (although most of these dreamers do not know what to do with themselves even in the next weekend, let alone for many years). They were inspired by examples of long-livers, of which there are many in ancient sources (for example, Methuselah, the record holder among the biblical patriarchs, lived 969 years).

What is the secret of the longevity of our distant ancestors? “Man is what he eats,” the ancients said. In other words, the substances that enter our body model and modify us, our body and consciousness. Therefore, in order to be like the gods, you need to take the “food of the gods.”

Aredian eyelids

According to legend, cook Peng Tzu lived for 800 years.

Other biblical patriarchs were also super-long-livers (by modern standards). For example, his own grandfather Jared (Ared) lived only seven years less than Methuselah. Therefore, in XVII-XIX centuries When speaking about the age of venerable elders, they used the term “Aredian eyelids.” In general, according to the Old Testament, people before the Flood lived much longer than modern people: the first man on Earth Adam - 930 years, his son Seth - 912, his grandson Enos - 905, his great-grandson Cainan - 910, Cainan's son Maleleel - 895 years. Methuselah's grandson Noah, who survived the Flood, died at the age of 950.

On the other side of the Ecumene (part of the world conquered by humanity), in Ancient China, the descendants of the Heavenly Lord were also distinguished by their extreme longevity. Tradition says that a certain man named Jian and nicknamed Keng lived more than 800 years, but he nevertheless complained before his death that his life was too short. And Peng Zu by the end of the Yin Dynasty was already 767 years old, but he did not look old and frail. People were at a loss as to the secret of his longevity. Some believed that he took medicine from the cinnamon tree mushroom; others saw the secret of his longevity in the ability to breathe correctly. But in fact, Peng Zu knew how to cook wonderful pheasant soup. He presented this dish to the Heavenly Lord. God liked the soup so much that he granted the skilled cook 800 years of life. However, this was not enough for Peng Zu: before his death, he regretted that he had not lived to his fullest, that his life was cut short in its prime. For my long life Peng Zu buried 49 wives and lost 54 sons.

But the Sumerians outdid everyone. The clay tablets of the Sumerian state show the reigns of eight kings: Alulim reigned for 28,000 years, Dumuzu for 36,000 years, and Ibartutu for 18,000 years.

Divide by ten?!

Of course, it is difficult to trust fairy tales and myths. Most likely, the above figures are greatly exaggerated. But one can also doubt the veracity of Holy Scripture! Therefore, some modern commentators on the Bible believe that the age of the Old Testament patriarchs could be measured according to the ancient Egyptian custom - at the rate of one month per year, or according to the custom of the ancient Jews - two months per year. Then there is nothing supernatural about the age of the biblical patriarchs. As they say, divide by ten. Another version is that the age of the biblical patriarchs was calculated by Moses when writing the Book of Genesis not as their absolute age, but as the sum of the years they lived and the years lived by their descendants.

But the Sumerian tablets do not fit into any version. We can only assume that they were either incorrectly decrypted or...

Gods who descended to Earth

Feast of the Gods

What if people were ruled by gods in ancient times? Or rather, representatives of highly developed space civilizations? One day they landed on Earth and began to explore it. This first generation of gods did not need ordinary food. They were fueled by the energy of the Sun, the ocean, and the surrounding space.

And then, using a genetic program, they created living organisms to feed on their energy and emotions. According to this theory, we are all biorobots with the inherent ability for self-development and self-improvement. In ancient times, the gods constantly descended from heaven, came into contact with people, showed them how to make fire, and taught them agriculture and crafts.

And even, if you believe the Book of Genesis, they entered into communication with their creatures: “then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took [them] as wives whom they chose. At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are the mighty ones from ancient times. nice people" In this case, these space aliens and the first generations of their descendants could really live for millennia.

Stone delicacies

Terraced fields on the slopes of El Akhdar, where according to legend Zeus is buried

For the next generation of gods, mainly consisting of “mestizos” - children of space aliens from earthly wives, solar energy was no longer enough. Legends and myths Ancient Greece they say that the Olympian gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar. This food gave strength and eternal youth. But the rulers of Olympus were not immortal. For example, the king gods Zeus although he lived a long and stormy life in health, he still died and was buried on the northern African coast, in the El Akhdar mountains, opposite the island of Crete. And the grave of his father, the god Kron, is located on Bely Island near Yamal.

So what is ambrosia and nectar? Nobody really knows this. These divine and magical substances were kept secret from mere mortals. Legends say that birds brought ambrosia and nectar to the gods of Olympus. From Greek sources it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, the place, method of obtaining (harvesting) and using them. For modern science, this “food of the gods” remains unknown and is perceived as a beautiful invention, fantasy.

However, the rulers and rulers of nations at all times have made great efforts to search for these and similar substances. Currently, many countries are sending scientific expeditions to different parts of the planet to search for forgotten knowledge. Many years of research have shown that the legends are partly true. The gods of Olympus were brought ambrosia and nectar from Africa, where they were mined in underground deposits. Similar deposits (deposits) exist in a number of places on the planet, including Antarctica, China, Japan, America, Cuba, and in the territories former USSR etc.

From the preliminary information obtained about these substances, it became known that ambrosia is light crystals among black rocks. Their color at different deposits has some differences in tone. This is due to the difference in the types of rocks themselves. Nectar is growths (stalactites) formed by deposits of thick oily juice from dark rocks of the earth. These growths are yellowish-orange in color. In different deposits there are purple and other shades in the main color. The growth of these stalactites occurs in the spring and summer during the secretion of sap.

According to ancient Indian knowledge, mountains on Earth are born, grow, age and die (destroy) like plants. They have a root system, thanks to which they reproduce throughout the planet and even have their own “gene structure,” a life support system with energy flows and fluid circulating in various directions. Mountains are like a biological object. It can be assumed that inside them, at the roots, they can produce and deposit various products their vital activity (including nectar and ambrosia), valuable in their composition and properties for humans.

By its size vital energy ambrosia and nectar are superior to all nutritional minerals and liquids on Earth, have a large energy shell and vitality. A multilayer inner part their auras are strongly elongated towards the center of the Earth.

Obviously, the Olympian gods knew how to soften these “stone delicacies” and obtain from them tasty and healing foods and drinks that gave them strength and longevity. These secrets are unknown to mere mortals. Although in South America back in the 20th century there were jewelers who knew the secret of softening stones, passed down from their ancestors, but they did not know how to create “food of the gods”. Perhaps science in the future will still be able to solve this riddle, and the age-old dream of mankind will come true.

"Sun Eaters"

Sun-eater Manek has been going without food for a year

By the way, these days there are “sun eaters” - people who feed on the energy of the Sun. For example, on the eve of 2001, the Times of India newspaper published a sensational fact: a 64-year-old mechanic named Manek had been going without food for a year! During all this time he did not swallow a single crumb, he only drank boiled water. He fed exclusively on the energy of the Sun... According to Manek, all we need to live without food is to learn to absorb solar energy directly, from its original source. And a whole group of doctors from the Institute of Multipurpose Therapy at International Center Health (Ahmedabad), as well as specialists from the Jain Doctors Association, who conducted long-term observations of the health of the “sun eater”. AND similar people on Earth - dozens, or even hundreds.

Geneticist Mikhail Borodachev assesses the phenomenon of “sun eaters” this way:

– Thought forms have material embodiment. These people are able, through the power of thought, to organize a matrix structure and create a protein molecule, without even thinking about how it is structured. Simply evoke an image of a protein molecule in your subconscious, and the lack of protein in their body is replenished due to this matrix structure.

  • Read about proper nutrition: Food as medicine. Nutrition secrets...



The greatest wit of our time said one smart thing: no matter what you do to a person, he stubbornly crawls to the cemetery. But the speed is different and so are the routes. And in general, it has been established that people are like wine: some turn into vinegar with age, others become even better. You need to think more often - you will be healthier..

One of the immutable laws of civilization at all times and among all peoples is respect for the elderly. Now we are not talking about humane support for those who are in old age became weaker. When choosing a decision, a person listens to the opinions of his elders. Synclites of elders in one form or another existed and exist in any society. No matter how much we criticize the Academy of Sciences, it is also a council of elders in modern form. At the meetings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, if we ignore the debates, it is striking that this is a meeting of Russian elders, who for the most part are vigorous in both body and mind. And the question arises: is there a relationship between a person’s health and his intelligence? Maybe the best way to stay healthy is to study hard and think often?

Patient people live longer

In the question of the relationship between intelligence and health, it is necessary to avoid tricky logical traps and abandon a number of tempting arguments. The first is to do without names. Individual examples do not solve anything. Plato was a genius of thought and an Olympic champion. Stephen Hawking is also a genius, but completely disabled. It can only be correct statistical analysis. By the way, it is known that 30-50% of centenarians had centenarians in their family. But it is again difficult to say that genetic predisposition comes first, because the family preserves its lifestyle and environment...

And secondly, do not confuse cause with effect. Smart people lead a healthier lifestyle - this is clear to a fool. In addition, there are professions in which success depends on age. Whoever survives moves on. Age is a pushing force for recognition. In the United States, the highest life expectancy is for members of the Supreme Court, who initially become almost elderly. There have been no studies, but I’m sure it’s even higher middle age from the hierarchs of the church. The champions of champions are the popes and patriarchs, from which it does not at all follow that holiness and sinlessness are directly related to longevity. The high average age of members of the Academy of Sciences is also partly due to the fact that they elect not zealous candidates of science, but those who have outlived their competitors. It is also important that all these titles are for life, and the most important incentive to life, if we recall the data on what pushes people to euthanasia, is demand and independence in old age.

Fools have weak chests

30 years ago, scientists at Harvard University took control of a group of 700 seven-year-old children. The health was examined and at the same time a test was carried out for mental development. Observations continued, and the results of a second examination were recently made public. Children who showed high mental abilities, in adulthood differed more good health. On the contrary, those who did not shine with intelligence in the first grade grew up frail. And even more so, it won’t hurt a future academic to be healthy: the workload in graduate school alone is worth it. An interesting list of diseases in people with lackluster intellect: diabetes mellitus, asthma, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

However, it seems to me that the list is the same for the Newtons. And you don’t need to plant a scientific garden to understand that smart children will go further in life and get better education, better paid work and good medical care. The rich usually do not squander their precious health, but protect it in every possible way, including avoiding bad habits.

To remedy this shortcoming, a large-scale study was carried out by the British Council. 1 thousand people from different social groups and professions. It turned out that the mortality rate of people who constantly work with their heads all their lives is 4 times lower compared to those whose brains did not experience any particular stress. Scientists emphasize: constant intellectual load is important, and not just a high IQ, which is given to everyone by nature.

But someone will object: you can work with your head, be healthy - and give an oak in one moment. The most indisputable indicator of health is longevity. In 2007, the most authoritative publications, the New York Times, Washington Post, and New Scientist, devoted a lot of space to the results of perhaps the most interesting and complete work on the factors that influence life expectancy. This work was done at the University of Chicago under the US National Institutes of Health program by Russian scientists Leonid and Natalya Gavrilov, who left Russia 10 years ago and settled abroad. Methodologically, this is the purest of all known experiments, since Gavrilov managed to exclude social factor, which distorted all previous results. Russian scientific emigrants drew attention to something that the Americans themselves, out of habit, overlooked: the most detailed data from all US censuses, which are conducted every 10 years, are publicly available on the Internet. In addition, the results were used anthropometric studies, performed during the First World War among all Americans under 30 years of age.

Mom must be young

In July 2007, Leonid and Natalya Gavrilov came to St. Petersburg to report on a major international conference in gerontology. Then we visited Moscow State University, where we agreed on joint work with the team of academician Vladimir Skulachev, who leads a grueling and exciting pursuit of the death gene. Izvestia learned about the work of the Gavrilov couple first-hand.

So, what statistically determines a person’s survival rate to 100 years? Most important factor- mother's age. If the mother is under 25 years old, the child is 2 times more likely to become a long-liver than his brothers and sisters. Serial number The child does not play a role, the main thing is the age of the mother. Even for old people after 70 years old, it is important whether mother was young in ancient times. But with the age of the father statistical dependence not found. Interestingly, a recent study of European royal houses found an inexplicable pattern: daughters of older fathers live 4 years less. But this is a local and statistically unreliable result.

What hypotheses? To find out the truth, there must be many hypotheses - otherwise science does not work. Maybe the first eggs are of better quality than the subsequent ones. In mammals, eggs are consumed according to the order of maturation. In 2005, a similar result was obtained in mice: the first eggs are better. This makes evolutionary sense - nature may not provide a second chance to get offspring. There is another reason, though English proverb- best eggs use first. Although we agreed, it was difficult to resist: Mendeleev was the 14th child in the family, Lincoln and Lenin also came from large families. Another version: the older the mother, the more hidden infections accumulate in her body. And this is reflected in intrauterine development child when hidden chronic inflammation starts.

Being thin and living in the village is the key to health

To become a long-liver, you need to watch your figure. Statistics say: it doesn’t matter whether you’re normal or a little thin, but you can’t be fat. Obesity, even by 10-15%, catastrophically reduces the chances of becoming a centenarian. And one more pattern. If a person spent his childhood in a village, his chances of becoming a long-liver are much higher. City dwellers are doomed to early death. It is important to emphasize that these conclusions concern today’s old people, and science does not know how life will turn out for modern city dwellers and farmers.

Obesity affects not only life expectancy, but also intelligence, which is confirmed by the work of French scientists who, over a 5-year period, studied 2,200 men and women aged 32 to 62 years who performed intelligence tests. Normal and thin people perform 56% of the test, while those who are obese perform only 44%. After 5 years, well-fed citizens dropped even lower - to 37.5%. In people with normal weight, the indicators did not change. Whatever one may say, being thin is more profitable - it makes you smarter and you live longer. And even earlier we established: if you are smarter and use your head more often, then you live longer. The chain goes like this: smart - healthy - thin - hundred years old.

About bachelors, smokers and millionaires

There are many versions about what factors influence life expectancy. If you check them with impartial statistics, it turns out that these are all myths. Bachelors live as long as married people. Height, if within normal limits, has nothing to do with life expectancy. And it is not the elite, nor the millionaires who form the ranks of long-livers, but ordinary people.

Negative factor, this has been proven for sure, is smoking. In fact, I can’t remember which of our academicians smokes. By the way, in the USA life insurance for smoking people occurs at a very strict rate. There are two exceptions to this: smoking is indicated for Parkinson's disease. And after 90 years, the connection between age and smoking is erased, everything is the same there. But moderate alcohol consumption reduces mortality, and I saw academicians drinking in abundance. There is no statistically reliable evidence that cheerful people live longer, but lack of data does not mean that this is not true. But how else - if there is no joy in life, then why live?

An interesting fact has been established by researchers - longevity depends 25% on hereditary predisposition and 75% of a person’s lifestyle. Analyzing the lives of thousands of centenarians, they also found out that there is no single universal recipe longevity, since both the conditions and events of the lives of these people were significantly different from each other. However, there are some regularities that make it possible to compile a list of rules, observing which the chances of living a long life, maintaining the soundness of mind and body, are significantly increased. We bring to your attention these rules.

1.Positive thinking

Among centenarians there are few people whose life would be cloudless and easy. On the contrary, more often than not, people with longevity lived a difficult life, full of dramatic events and hardships, but they were able to maintain positive thinking. This does not mean that all of them are cheerful people; rather, they can be classified as cheerful people. And this is natural - why should someone who doesn’t like it live long?

2. Physical activity

The human body is unable to function efficiently in a sedentary mode. Physical activity, mobility, ease of movement - these are all characteristics of people whose age is approaching one hundred years or has exceeded this mark. At the same time, gerontologists draw attention to the fact that, as a rule, there are no professional athletes among centenarians. Excessive physical activity undermines the body, depletes its strength, so you should not overdo it. But the daily physical labor, especially on fresh air, long-term hiking and easy gymnastics is just what you need.

3. Proper nutrition

Nutrition for centenarians different countries, of course, has big differences. However, regardless of the culinary traditions of a particular country, it can be characterized as very moderate, with a predominance of a vegetable-dairy diet. Among people of a hundred years of age you will not find either fat people or gourmets. All of them are adherents of simple food, and what is now commonly called organic, that is, grown in natural conditions.

It is interesting that tea or coffee is highly revered by centenarians. As you know, these drinks contain antioxidants - substances that block free radicals, that is, those compounds that cause cell damage, as a result of which, in fact, aging occurs. In addition to tea and coffee, large number antioxidants are found in cocoa, cabbage of all types, bell pepper, beets, plums, oranges, spinach, fresh berries, legumes and spices. As you can see, plant based diet really promotes longevity, and adding dairy products to it will provide the body with the necessary proteins. And yes, chocolate with high content cocoa is good for you.

4. Sexuality

This point may make young people smile - what kind of sexuality do grandparents have? Meanwhile, grandparents willingly forgive this smile of inexperience, laughing in turn, and scientists claim that longer people remain sexually active, the longer and healthier they live. Sexual activities keep you in optimal condition hormonal system, isn’t it hormones that control all body functions? Most of the centenarians have a reputation as womanizers, and many of them even had offspring in old age. Thus, it is not uncommon for 90-year-old mountaineers to have two or three small children. And to your health, as they say.

5. Daily routine

It is not possible to live a measured life at all periods of life, but you need to strive for this if you want to live long. Of course, centenarians do not follow a daily routine in the kindergarten sense, they do not live strictly by the clock, but their lives follow a certain rhythm, observed for many years. This rhythm allows the body to work “like a clock,” that is, without failures, and it also minimizes the amount of stress, most of which comes from the inability and unwillingness to learn to organize one’s life. So the long-livers are those who learned.

6. Get enough sleep

This is one of important conditions to restore the body and maintain its functions in optimal condition. Moreover we're talking about specifically about quality full sleep, and not about the long-term. Each person has their own needs for the duration of sleep, in addition, they change with age, so there is no single figure; the usual eight hours is nothing more than an average figure. But it is important that a person’s need for night sleep is fully satisfied.

7. Family

There are no loners among long-livers. There are those who outlived their family members, but there are practically no those who did not have a family and lived their lives alone. Researchers say family is a factor of multiple influences. Firstly, caring for other people gives meaning to a person’s actions, saving him from unnecessary tossing, secondly, family is support in both sorrow and joy, thirdly, having a family simplifies compliance with all the above rules, you see, family life promotes regularity, proper nutrition, positive communication, not to mention constant sexual activity. In addition, it is known and proven that married men live longer, and among women, those who have given birth to children live longer, especially in late age. But even if you don’t take into account later children, the family gives a person a feeling of security and need, and it’s much more pleasant to live with the awareness of your need.

8. Favorite thing

The Japanese have a word "ikigai" which means "what you wake up for in the morning." This concept is one of the key ones in longevity. Agree, it’s one thing to pull a tired burden with groans and grunts, and quite another thing to enthusiastically wait for a new day that will bring new impressions. Favorite activity is very individual. For some it is the same family, for others it is grandchildren, for others it is wood carving, dancing or gardening, it is only important that this is not related to work in any institution or enterprise. Why? Because in this case, having retired, a person suddenly, one day, loses his favorite activity, and this is one of the most severe stress in life. So strong that not everyone is able to cope with it and find a new “ikigai” for themselves, so it’s not worth the risk.

9. Bad habits

A very interesting point. You probably expect to read that bad habits need to be burned out at the roots. It turns out that everything is somewhat more complicated. Many centenarians lived most of their lives in the years when they healthy It was not customary to worry about life, since it was necessary to solve problems of a more acute nature: how to survive in a war, for example, or how to feed children. Perhaps that is why some of them smoked or indulged in a glass of alcohol. However, among the long-livers there are no those who were slaves to bad habits. Gerontologists have concluded that if such a habit does not lead to abuse, then it can be viewed more as individual remedy stress relief, but stress resistance is important quality for a long-liver, defining item 1 on our list.

Fantasy or hoax? Live plant food and herbal cleansing work wonders...

All living centenarians need to live at least another century to break the record set by Li Qingyun. This man lived to be 256 years old!

And this is not nonsense, this story was studied by scientists and journalists! A 1930 New York Times article states that Chengdu University professor Wu Chung-chie discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 wishing Li Qingyun a happy 150th birthday, as well as documents from 1877 congratulating him on his 150th birthday. congratulations on the 200th anniversary.

In 1928, a New York Times journalist wrote that most of the old people who lived in Li Qingyun's neighborhood recalled how their grandfathers told them that they had known him since childhood, but even then he was already a grown man.

Li Qingyun was a merchant medicinal herbs. From the age of 10, he collected them in the mountains and learned that they could promote longevity. For almost 40 years he followed an herbal diet, eating only herbs such as lingzhi, goji berries, and wild ginseng. In 1749, at the age of 71, he joined the Chinese army as a martial arts teacher. Lee was everyone's favorite, married 23 times and became a father more than 200 times.

According to the stories generally accepted in his province, Li knew how to read and write from childhood and, by collecting herbs, by the age of 10 he had already visited Gansu, Shanxi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria.

For the first hundred years he continued to collect and sell medicinal herbs. He then continued to sell herbs collected by others. Along with others Chinese herbs, he sold lingzhi, goji berries, wild ginseng, hee shu wu and gotu kola and lived on a diet of these herbs.

He wasn't the only one

According to one of Li's students, he once met a man who was over 500 years old. He taught him breathing exercises and gave him some dietary recommendations that could help him extend his life to superhuman terms.

On his deathbed, Lee said his famous phrase:

I have done everything I was supposed to do in this world. I'm heading home

Could these words be one of the biggest secrets of a long and happy life? It is interesting that we, in the modern civilized world, are trying to fight age with the help of high-tech infrared devices and the most modern medications.

The Sage's Secret to Longevity

Lee was once asked what his secret to longevity was, and this is what he answered:

Keep your heart quiet, sit like a turtle, walk like a dove and sleep like a watchdog.

Lee stated that inner world and calmness, combined with breathing exercises, and there is his secret to longevity. Apparently his diet also played a role important role. But it's surprising that the most old man on Earth attributed his longevity to the state of his mind.

Why is this so hard to believe?

People whose average duration life is 65 years, it’s hard to believe even in life after 100. And it’s generally very difficult to imagine that someone lives more than 200 years.

We must take into account that there are people who do not live in a grueling work schedule, do not deal with loan debts, do not breathe polluted city air and regularly exercise physical exercise. They do not eat sugar, flour or any other product treated with pesticides. They don't feed on a quick fix, as we are used to.

They do not eat meat, sweet desserts or GMO foods. They do not smoke or drink alcohol. Their diet is not just free from harmful products, which we so often indulge ourselves with. It includes super healthy products and medicinal plants, which, like steroids, affect our organs and immune system.

They also conduct their free time in nature, meditating and practicing breathing techniques that improve mental, physical and emotional health. There's no doubt that if we all adhered to these healthy patterns of behavior, living to 100 wouldn't seem so mythical to us.

It is only important to understand and realize that health should not be a person’s end in itself. Health is only a tool that can help a person fulfill the main task of his incarnation. Appreciate the precious human birth and do not waste it!

The secret of longevity

There are mysteries in the world that have remained unsolved for centuries, despite the efforts of hundreds, or even thousands of specialists. One of these secrets is probably the most amazing treatise in the world - the Voynich manuscript. No matter who tried to decipher it, no matter what versions the researchers offered, it was all in vain: the text of the mysterious manuscript has stubbornly kept its secret for more than five hundred years.

However, that's enough interesting version offered to transcribe the manuscript famous writer, paleoethnographer Vladimir DEGTYAREV.

— Vladimir Nikolaevich, so what does the Voynich manuscript tell us? What opinions are there on this matter?

— Someone says that this is an encrypted alchemical text that figuratively describes ways to prolong life. Others call this document a medical book for a certain European ruler. Well, still others generally believe that this manuscript is just someone’s mockery, which contains a set of meaningless graphic characters. By the way, it is not difficult to see the text of the manuscript itself; it has long been placed on the World Wide Web - the Internet.

- And yet it has not yet been deciphered...

— Experts tried to read the manuscript high level- cryptographers for the CIA and NSA. The world's most powerful computer was even connected for this purpose. But in vain. Let me remind you: the book has four illustrated sections. The color drawings depict plants, naked women, entrails human body, some diagrams and even a map of the starry sky. In fact, half of the information is quite clear because it is illustrated.

- What do these drawings and diagrams mean? What is the book ultimately about?

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious book written about 600 years ago by an author whose name has not been preserved by history. The text of the book is either encrypted or written in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet.
As a result of radiocarbon dating of the manuscript, it was precisely established that the book was written between 1404 and 1438. The Voynich manuscript has been repeatedly tried to decipher, but so far to no avail. The book got its name thanks to the bibliophile from Kaunas, Wilfried Voynich, who bought it in 1912. Today the manuscript is in the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University.

— The illustrations tell about a person, or more precisely, about how a person can live no less than the 120 years God has given him. Of course, you can’t claim more, but it’s possible to live 120 years in full health, in mind and memory. This is what is written about in the ancient manuscript. More precisely, this is one of the “ storylines" of this completely scientific work.

Moreover, the “plot” of the book suggests a possible extension of life to three hundred years... Why such a figure was chosen, I will not say, but the formula “Being the elder of a family in twenty generations” directly speaks of the number 300. The time when the manuscript was created , differed from ours in that one generation was considered a period of 15 years. Today we think differently: one generation is 25 years.

— Do you mean to say that you have read the manuscript? Or did they simply make such an approximate conclusion based on the universal desire of people for longevity?

“I only read a few pages of the manuscript, chosen at random from the Internet, because I needed to get some information about the plants that interested me. More precisely, about the line of plants that is depicted at the beginning of the manuscript.

— What language was the Voynich manuscript written in, if you managed to read it?

— It turns out that the manuscript was written not in any language, but in common language. This is the proto-language of our civilization, and it is hundreds of thousands of years old. It is important to remember that the book was not born 600 years ago - it was copied onto paper from linen scrolls or from layers of tanned leather. And it was also copied onto those same skins or linen scrolls - probably from clay tables or from palm leaves, and this happened around the 1st century according to the current calendar.

I realized that the rhythm of the writing does not suit the 1/6 folio sheets of paper on which the current text of the manuscript is transferred. After all, the style of writing, even of a strictly documentary nature, always depends on the size of the writing material. And the Voynich manuscript is not a strict document. This is most likely a scientific essay, a kind of diary of the development of an action according to a certain scenario. scientific research. It seems that much earlier the text of this manuscript was executed on sheets of material that were elongated in length and not in height.

- So what is this text about?

“Today there is a popular hypothesis that someone in the 15th century sat over three hundred blank sheets of expensive parchment and diligently wrote on them various meaningless curlicues with no less expensive ink. Then he painted almost a thousand pictures and decorations with different, also extremely expensive, paints. However, there were no futurists, imagists or abstractionists in that era - if they appeared, they were quickly sent to the fires of the Inquisition.

So create an abstraction like this high class It’s unlikely that anyone would be able to. From time immemorial people have written a lot. One should not think that after the Flood there was complete illiteracy and it continued until the 19th century. For example, in the 17th century, a simple Belarusian merchant mediocre wrote in Old Church Slavonic, but... in Arabic letters. And nothing. His cash receipt for one hundred and fifty thalers she was considered honest and was accepted into the business...

I will not describe exactly the process of decoding three pages of this manuscript due to the complexity of the explanations. I can only tell you about my general impression. The manuscript used three languages: Russian, Arabic and German. But they are written in a certain alphabet, unknown in the world of scientists. Although in fact this alphabet is found much more often than one might think.

Last year, I specifically communicated with people who spoke African dialects. In the conversation, I cited two words from the Voynich manuscript: “unkulun-kulu” and “gulu.” They translated to me that it is “the one who came first” and “the sky”. This is a modern interpretation of very ancient East African concepts, the original meaning of which is “one who stands above all (slaves)” and “blue doom”. In general - “God” and “Death”. The last concept “gulu” (Si Gulu) means uranium, the same one that is used to stuff nuclear charges.

- But the book depicts plants. What does uranium have to do with the exotic flower or mushroom ergot?

— A solution or infusion of ergot in very small quantities apparently acted as an antidote. People in those days lived very far from London and Paris. And in the Sahara, the dust carried radioactive particles, a kind of “blue salt” that wiped off a person’s skin. So ergot could well be used as an ointment against ulcers that appear on the body... Do you know what at all times was the most precious knowledge in Egypt, China, and Europe? Not a Fibonacci number, not an electric battery, not a method of producing kerosene from oil. The secret of longevity is what cost a lot of money. People paid a lot of money even for the most fantastic recipe. Imagine what would happen if you gave this elixir of youth to the world. No, it would be better if it remains a secret.

Interviewed by Dmitry LAVOCHKIN
"Secrets and Riddles" April 2013



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