Removal of tonsils in adults and children. Why do humans need tonsils?

- this is a human organ that protects not only the upper respiratory tract from infection, but also the entire body as a whole. Protection occurs due to the accumulation of lymphocytes in them. And inflammation is an anomaly that occurs when an infection penetrates. But thanks to the tonsils, the transmission of germs by airborne droplets is blocked. Inflammation begins when organ dysfunction occurs.

Contrary to popular belief, there are six tonsils in the throat. The palatines are very clearly visible with a freely open throat, even with the naked eye. Two more are located in the swallowing zone and are called pharyngeal. There is also a language single and pharyngeal tonsils, which also affect the immune system. The palatine tonsils also protect the body's flora.

The most common pathogens of the disease are pneumococci and pneumococci.The tonsils can also become inflamed from hypothermia, especially in the autumn-spring period. Children and adolescents whose immunity is still weak are susceptible to temperature changes, as the body will continue to grow and develop.

Tonsillitis is divided into chronic (advanced) and acute, the main causative agent of which is beta-hemolytic streptococcus and very rarely staphylococci. Acute inflammation is called. The infection penetrates the tonsils not only through airborne, but also if you do not pay due attention to a common runny nose, caries or sinusitis.

Causes of the disease can also include rapid or difficult breathing. A man opens and closes his mouth to breathe required quantity oxygen, and with it swallows microbes. Infectious focus begins to form only in a weakened body. This leads to the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Depending on conditions and factors, it may worsen from time to time.

In this case, toxins begin to form, which, when released into the blood or lymph, cause some complications, namely: infectious polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints), nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), rheumatism and very rarely sepsis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • . It can be a harbinger of the disease, appearing along with pain during swallowing.
  • Enlarged palatine tonsils.
  • The appearance of pain even while breathing. But this is in especially severe and advanced cases.
  • An increase in temperature to 39 C is evidence of the presence of infection in the body.
  • Upon examination, a yellowish-white purulent plaque is visible.
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes. On palpation the patient feels pain.
  • Swelling is visually visible.
  • , sometimes there is a loss of voice. If there was ineffective treatment, is developing acute laryngitis, characteristic feature which is a coughing fit.

Inflammation of the tonsils is a disease that is very easy to detect. To do this, you need to visit, who will examine you, collect tests in the form of a smear or blood draw, listen to all your complaints, identify symptoms and prescribe treatment.

To prevent inflammation, it is very important to strengthen the immune system. The main task is the formation healthy image life, both in children and adults. It is very important to combine mental and physical activity.

When your main job is sedentary or you spend all your free time at the computer, take a break for a couple of hours, do exercises, breathe in fresh pine or sea ​​air, go to training, go jogging. Hardening will also be very useful.

It is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods from your diet and add as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

To protect yourself from the surgeon’s knife in the future, follow these tips:

  1. Do not drink cold compote, milk, water or other drinks. It is best to consume liquids at room temperature.
  2. Try to dress according to the weather, avoiding hypothermia.
  3. Avoid smoking completely.
  4. Do not breathe through your mouth in cold weather. The air that passes through the nose becomes warmer, becoming moisturized. This allows you to once again avoid not only diseases of the tonsils, but also the bronchi and trachea.
  5. Treat inflammatory processes in a timely manner.

Do a preventative rinse after every brushing of your teeth. To do this, you need to make a decoction from a mixture of herbs and let it brew: 2 tbsp. l. , St. John's wort, coltsfoot and 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and... This is enough for 2 rinses: morning and evening.

Indications and contraindications for tonsil removal

– surgery to remove tonsils occurs when:

  1. Due to the obstruction of breathing through the nose, they interfere with normal swallowing.
  2. When a patient gets a sore throat, complicated by ulcers, more than 5 times a year.
  3. Antibiotic treatment and physical therapy do not bring the desired result.
  4. Heart diseases (myocarditis, heart failure, heart defects) and kidney problems appeared ( renal failure and pyelonephritis).

Before sending a patient to the surgical chair, the otolaryngologist will do everything possible to prevent this from happening. If the reason for removal is only infectious or allergic diseases respiratory tract, then no one can be sure that after tonsillectomy the desired improvement will occur.

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Deterioration chronic diseases.
  • Failure of the lungs and heart.
  • , ARVI, intestinal infections, .
  • Blood diseases that reduce blood clotting.
  • Oncological diseases.

Methods for removing tonsils

It happens as with the help of ordinary surgical instruments, and additional equipment.

The classic method using instruments is carried out with a thin scalpel. A loop made of wire material can also be used. In this case, the inflamed area is cut off from the healthy one. This is often accompanied by blood loss, which is stopped by cauterizing the tissue. This method solves the problem chronic inflammation forever. And you don’t have to worry about the cells regenerating.

A microdebrider is also used. This is a rotating instrument that grinds the tonsils, pieces of which are sucked out by a pump. The vessels are cauterized. Similar procedure requires a longer continuation of anesthesia than the previous one.

Additional equipment - the use of thermal energy by ultrasonic, laser, cold plasma, radio wave options.

What laser therapy can do:

  • heat tissues, causing their destruction
  • connect living cells by heating
  • “seal” blood vessels to stop bleeding
  • promote tissue evaporation, while reducing the volume of the tonsils

Local anesthesia is used when using laser surgery. But, unlike the cold freezing method, there is always a certain risk of burns to the larynx.

Dry freezing includes three variations:

  1. Cryodestruction or freezing with liquid nitrogen. Tissues that have been frozen are rejected during the process, not in one go. And therefore a repeat operation is possible.
  2. Cold plasma. In this case, the tissue is heated to 60 C. The proteins evaporate, turning into low molecular weight nitrogen compounds, carbon dioxide, and water.
  3. Ultrasound, similar to the action of a scalpel. It is used at frequencies above 26 kHz. Ultrasound not only separates tissue, but also opens abscesses in hard-to-reach areas.

Possible complications

Immediately after its completion, your throat will hurt for a long time. Healing directly depends on the type of treatment, but usually lasts no more than a week or two. After a cold tonsillectomy, recovery is much faster.

All treatment methods, except surgery, do not require hospitalization, and the time for recovery and return to normal schedule is reduced.

Let us say right away that complications do not necessarily have to occur after the operation, but they are considered as a possible option for surgical intervention or laser therapy. But even these unpleasant moments must be taken into account. If the preparation was carried out in good faith, all the characteristics of the patient’s body were taken into account and the tests were correctly interpreted, then the risk is minimized.

  • Even when using cold, the bleeding does not stop. This does not necessarily indicate medical negligence, it just may inadequate reaction blood clotting or the patient has undergone an incomplete complex of treatment to stop bleeding in postoperative period. To prevent this from happening, even before the operation begins, the patient must be checked for blood clotting speed. If it is below normal, the operation is postponed.
  • Getting infected. Because main reason During the operation, there are purulent foci, that is, the likelihood of microbes entering the blood vessels. They are also possible with severely weakened immunity. Therefore, doctors should under no circumstances perform surgery if the patient has chronic inflammation, has developed acute viral-bacterial infections, or has AIDS. And to prevent the risk of infection, a course of antibiotics is administered before surgery.
  • . Before removing the tonsils, the patient may not even suspect that he is allergic to one or another drug. During the removal process, the longer the anesthesia lasts, the more drugs are administered. And it is an allergy to anesthetics or antibiotics that may soon manifest itself. To prevent this from happening, the patient must be tested for reaction to drugs.
  • Burns of mucous and soft tissues that appear only as a result of careless electrocoagulation or laser surgery.

More information about tonsillectomy can be found in the video:

Treatment after surgery

Upon completion, the patient is placed on his side and his neck is covered with ice. This prevents bleeding from opening. To avoid unwanted infection entering the body, the surgeon prescribes a course of antibiotics.

In the first few hours, it is better to drink only a few sips of water. Further food will consist of liquid or pureed food only in cold form. Healing occurs only on day 6, and general recovery- two weeks later.

During rehabilitation, breathing through the nose may be slightly difficult due to tissue swelling. For 5-7 days, but no more (they can be addictive), instill the nose 3 times a day with saline or vasoconstrictor.

In the depths of the pharynx, on its lateral surfaces, there are two formations that are called. They received their name due to their resemblance to the nut of the same name. The tonsils belong to the glands of the body's immune system and are part of the lymphoepithelial pharyngeal ring.

Functions of the tonsils

Even if you suffer from tonsils, before you decide to remove your tonsils, you need to understand why they are needed in the body. The main function of the tonsils is to provide protection. These formations are engaged in the utilization of viral and bacterial infections that enter the body by airborne droplets. After the tonsils are removed, this barrier disappears, so there is nothing standing in the way of microbes. In addition, protective substances are produced in the palatine tonsils. The tissues of these formations produce interferon, lymphocytes and gammaglobulin.

Reasons for removing tonsils

But in some cases tonsils cease to cope with their protective functions. As a result of a deterioration in the general state of the immune system, a chronic disease known as chronic tonsillitis may occur. Removing tonsils in this case is far from the only way to solve the problem. Although to many it seems the simplest.

The question of removal arises in cases where the palatine tonsils cannot resist microbes that enter the body by airborne droplets. In this case, the patient suffers from recurrent sore throats and constant exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis. In these cases, an infectious-inflammatory process takes place in the palatine tonsils. Pus accumulates and stagnates in the lacunae. These masses inflame and irritate the tonsil tissue. If left untreated, the tonsils become a constant source of infection in the body, because pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in these weakened formations. In cases where conservative treatment does not give positive results, or long-term intoxication of the whole body is observed, the doctor may recommend removal of the tonsils. Reviews from patients mostly indicate that people regret that they rushed to agree to surgery. Therefore, there is no need to rush if not all treatment methods have been tried yet.

Causes of development of chronic tonsillitis

In order not to bring the tonsils to critical condition, you need to know what exactly can contribute to the development of a disease such as chronic tonsillitis. Removal of tonsils, reviews of which are rarely positive, is often the only way out for advanced forms of the disease. If you do not want to bring your tonsils to such a state, then it is important to know that sore throats that are not fully treated lead to chronic tonsillitis. To unfavorable external factors include poor ecology, air pollution, drinking water low quality. In addition, the development of the disease can lead to severe stress, general weakening of the body's defenses, various diseases of the oral or nasal cavity. Ordinary caries or purulent sinusitis may cause the patient's tonsils to become infected.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Of course, a slight pain and sore throat several times a year is not a reason to talk about the need for surgical intervention. Chronic tonsillitis has slightly different symptoms. These include aching pain in joints, muscles, heart, kidneys, lower back, weakness, increased fatigue, noticeable decrease performance. Symptoms also include low-grade fever, the appearance of persistent skin rashes and even bad mood.

The doctor says that it is necessary to remove the tonsils when chronic tonsillitis when the disease threatens complications. It can lead to heart disease - myocarditis, kidney damage - glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the joints - rheumatism. This occurs because microbes that multiply in the weakened tissue of the tonsils produce toxins. Some of them enter the general bloodstream of the body and damage cartilage and ligament tissue. Others can lead to changes in tests and cause headaches. If there is streptococcus belonging to group A in the tonsils, then the body’s defense cells will attack it. The protein of this bacterium is similar to that found in connective tissue heart muscle. Because of this, the immune system begins to attack her too. This leads to rhythm disturbances of heart valve prolapse. As a result, bacterial endocarditis or myocarditis may develop. In addition, chronic tonsillitis can lead to allergic reactions. Itching, rashes occur, and bronchial asthma may even begin to develop.


Despite the fact that many doctors recommend removing tonsils for chronic tonsillitis, reviews indicate that first it is better to try all sorts of conservative treatment methods and consult in several clinics with different ENT doctors. Of course, if they don’t help, then you’ll have to undergo surgery. In most cases, doctors recommend a bilateral tonsillectomy. In this case, all the tissue of these protective formations is removed. But sometimes it is enough to carry out partial removal of the tonsils for chronic tonsillitis. This operation is called bilateral tonsillotomy.

Only a specialist can choose the most appropriate surgical option in your case, based on your medical history and general health. You should not insist on having surgery on your own if your doctor advises you to try to treat chronic tonsillitis. Tonsil removal (reviews under general anesthesia recommended to perform this operation) is performed only when there are absolute indications for it. Previously, such surgical intervention was carried out only under local anesthesia, but thanks to the advent of modern anesthetic drugs Now they also practice full anesthesia.

Methods for removing tonsils

The main method of getting rid of palatal formations in the throat is conventional surgery. It is performed using surgical scissors and a wire loop. This method is quite common and well-tested by surgeons; it is most often used to remove tonsils for chronic tonsillitis. Reviews from patients indicate that during the operation the only concern is a feeling of discomfort.

If the doctor recommends partial excision of tonsil tissue, then a special device is used - a microdebrider. With its help, diseased areas are excised. Removing tonsils for chronic tonsillitis using this method allows the patient to quickly recover. But it makes no sense when the tissue is severely damaged.

In addition to conventional surgery, currently the doctor may recommend the use of an ultrasonic scalpel, electric current, radio waves or laser. All these methods allow you to quickly remove tonsils for chronic tonsillitis. Methods developed modern medicine, allow you to reduce the time of both the operation and the postoperative period.

Laser intervention

If you want to return to normal life almost immediately after surgery, during which tonsil removal will be performed, reviews about each of the listed methods will allow you to make the right choice. For example, laser treatment lasts no more than 30 minutes, and complete recovery occurs in 4 days. Another advantage of this method of getting rid of tonsils is that it is completely bloodless. The beam coagulates all damaged vessels. If you decide to remove tonsils with a laser for chronic tonsillitis, you will not experience all the “delights” of the postoperative period. After all, the pain after such an intervention will be less pronounced.

But, like a regular tonsillectomy, you need to prepare for laser intervention. First of all, all potential foci of infection in the nasal and oral cavity are eliminated. It is also advisable to take urine and blood tests and take pictures of the heart and lungs. This will help evaluate general condition body and understand how chronic tonsillitis affected it.

It is carried out under If the patient is excessively excitable, he can be given the drug “Atropine” or “Pantopon” half an hour before the start of the intervention. During the procedure, the tonsils are irradiated several times. The duration of each irradiation does not exceed 15 seconds. First of all, the tissues of the posterior and anterior arches are exposed. Only after this the specialist begins to work on the surrounding tissue. In this case, only local anesthesia, and the patient should be conscious in a sitting position.

Other methods

In addition to laser destruction, tonsil removal for chronic tonsillitis can be performed using electric current. When using this method, diseased tissues are subjected to electrocoagulation. This operation does not cause pain and there is no bleeding after it. But this procedure is considered relatively dangerous, since the current can damage healthy tissue.

Removal of tonsils for chronic tonsillitis in adults can also be performed using bipolar radiofrequency ablation. When using it, the tissues of the tonsils are cut into molecular level. At the same time, they are not affected by laser, current, or heat. That is why there are practically no complications after such an intervention.

Carrying out a surgical operation

Despite the diversity modern methods, quite often the removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis is carried out in a standard way using clamps and scissors. The operation is done through an open mouth without any external incisions. After its completion, the base of the tonsils is cauterized. The entire procedure lasts up to 1.5 hours. It can be carried out both under local and under

After removal of the tonsils, the patient is placed on right side, and his neck is covered with ice. This causes blood vessels to contract and prevents postoperative bleeding. In addition, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

On the day of the operation, the patient is allowed only a few sips of water. Over the next few days, the diet includes pureed liquid food, which is consumed only cold. This diet promotes the healing of wounds that occur after tonsillectomy.

Getting to know the tonsils occurs in our early childhood at the first serious cold. Swollen throat, difficulty swallowing, pain, high fever accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. Why did nature provide these strange formations in our body?

Question: “Why do humans need tonsils?” occurs at the first inflammation. In order to answer it accurately and competently, you need to find out what this organ actually is.

The tonsils are paired formations the size of an average walnut located at the junction of the nasopharynx and pharynx. They are also called tonsils because of their similarity to the shape of this nut. The tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue and have a loose structure. They have many folds and gaps and are designed by nature to perform a protective function.

In addition to the tonsils, there are two more types of tonsils - nasopharyngeal () and lingual.

Many doctors and scientists consider the tonsils to be an organ of the immune system, a kind of outpost at the entrance to the body. They are able to neutralize microbes that settle on them. The immune system produces special bodies that fight the invasion of infection, preventing pathogens from passing further into the respiratory tract and digestive system.

Inflammation of the tonsils different forms are especially common in childhood, since the child’s body is very susceptible to various kinds infections due to imperfect immunity. Early response will help protect the child’s body from the harmful effects of infections and the development of chronic diseases.

Despite the fact that the main function of the tonsils is to protect the body from infection, they themselves can be attacked by microorganisms and cannot cope with them. As a result, the tonsils become inflamed and can themselves become a source of infection in the body. This is facilitated by their soft and loose fabric, as well as location. In fact, all microbes from the external environment settle on the tonsils.

If there is hypothermia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract may occur, which does not affect the tonsils. With this disease, the throat is red, there are difficulties with swallowing, and, but the tonsils resist infection and their inflammation does not occur. This disease is easier to treat, since the source of infection is not too dangerous and can be quickly localized and suppressed.

It's another matter if the tonsils are involved in the process. If these organs are severely inflamed, a disease occurs that we call, and doctors call it. It is accompanied sharp deterioration the patient's condition, high fever, severe sharp or tearing, diffuse pain in the throat, inability to take solid food, pain throughout the body, aching joints, weakness, lethargy, and in severe cases, clouding of consciousness.

More information about tonsil removal can be found in the video.

The main danger of angina is not even the disease itself, but its harmful consequences. This disease can cause complications in such vital important organs human body like kidneys and heart.

Especially great risk Young children and chronically ill patients are affected - they are weakened, have low immunity and can suffer greatly from the consequences of tonsillitis.

Another threat of sore throat is its transition to chronic form. If the disease is not treated, or it is done incorrectly, without completing the process full recovery, it can become chronic, and this threatens many health problems in the future.


The decision on the need to choose a tonsil method is made by the attending physician, based on the age and health status of the patient and the appropriateness of the chosen method. Since the tonsils are still a protective organ, it does not seem reasonable to thoughtlessly remove them left and right.

Moreover, all people are different and varying degrees resist infection. There are cases in which the tonsils are practically not affected and do not cause inflammation. This is due to the strength of the body’s own immunity or the structure of the tonsils.

Some people notice that purulent plugs do not form in their tonsils even with severe inflammation in the throat. There is absolutely no need for surgery in this condition.

Treatment may not be surgical, but conservative, using medications and traditional medicine methods.

In case of acute inflammatory process in the throat, heating, neither general nor local, is not used. It can cause increased blood circulation, which, in turn, will lead to the spread of infection throughout the body. Also, you should not use heat when your body is high.

To cope with inflammation of the tonsils, the following actions are taken:

  • Strict bed rest.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially warm vitamin teas, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks and lemonades, milk with honey and butter, alkaline mineral water.
  • patented and home remedies. A solution or soda with salt and a drop of iodine tincture helps a lot.
  • medicinal herbs (eucalyptus, mint, chamomile, etc.), ready-made preparations.
  • Irrigation of inflamed tonsils with medicines such as Chlorophyllipt and many others.
  • Lubricating the surface of the tonsils with Lugol's solution.
  • Taking medications - when bacterial nature infections, sulfa and antiviral agents, as well as fungicidal drugs for fungal infection. All these drugs must be prescribed by the attending physician, since their arbitrary use may not cure the disease, but aggravate it or cause damage to other organs.
  • Taking sedatives and painkillers can help alleviate the patient’s condition, the choice of which is also entirely the prerogative of the doctor.

A patient with inflamed tonsils should be fed soft or pureed food, avoiding spicy, fried and sour foods, which can increase irritation. The food should be tasty, since with a sore throat, appetite often disappears. This is especially important when we're talking about O small child or a very weakened patient. Also, food should be warm and high enough in calories to maintain the patient’s strength.

Is tonsillectomy necessary or not?

The discussion about why people need tonsils has been going on for many decades. By now, most doctors have come to the conclusion that tonsils need to be removed in cases where their constant inflammation causes significant harm to the body.

Such an operation is also justified for chronic diseases that cannot be treated. conservative methods. If tonsil tissue grows, it can interfere with the passage of food or swallowing.

If the tonsils are not prone to the formation of purulent plugs, do not regularly become inflamed with the slightest cold and do not cause inconvenience or discomfort, there is no need to remove them.

In this case, these formations successfully cope with their main function - protecting the body.

How does the removal procedure work?

Previously, the only method of removing tonsils was surgery. It caused serious suffering to the patient, especially if they were children. In addition, the tonsils were completely removed, which is now considered unjustified in most cases, because after all, these formations protect against the penetration of viruses, fungi and bacteria into the human body.

Nowadays, this method is reserved for special situations when other methods cannot be used. It was replaced by other types surgical interventions– laser evaporation and cryodestruction.

The laser helps to selectively, quickly and almost painlessly remove the affected areas of the tonsil, without affecting healthy and non-inflamed parts. Thus, only the infected tissue is completely removed, and the organ itself retains its functionality and continues its protective function.

Currently laser removal tonsils is considered the safest and most gentle method of surgery.

The second most popular method is cryodestruction, that is, destruction inflamed tonsils liquid nitrogen. Short-term exposure to ultra-low temperatures quickly kills diseased cells, which die with virtually no formation of rough scar tissue. This technique is usually well tolerated and serves as an alternative to classical surgery.


Surgical intervention in the case of classical surgery may be complicated or associated with infection. This is very dangerous condition, fortunately, is becoming increasingly rare these days. Improving surgical technology helps to avoid risky conditions, and the use of latest generation will reduce the risk of wound infection.

Lack of treatment is more dangerous. This often happens during a sluggish process, when all the symptoms are not clearly expressed. In this case, people often suffer from the disease, as they say, on their feet. Without treatment, tonsillitis easily becomes chronic. In this case, the infection “lurks” in the body, making “forays” from there when the slightest decrease level of immunity. This condition is explained by the structure of the tonsils - their loose textured surface makes it possible for the source of infection to persist.

The danger of this condition is due to the fact that a hidden threat is constantly present in the body itself.

It’s enough to catch a cold, get your feet wet, stand under a fan or air conditioner, eat something not very fresh - and your body is no longer healthy.The same thing happens if the course is not completed completely. Treatment cannot be completed ahead of schedule as soon as it gets easier. In fact, the disease has not yet been completely defeated; medication must be continued for as long as prescribed by the doctor.

There is still a danger of complications after tonsillitis. The kidneys are especially often affected, because they are responsible for cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and removing waste products. If there is a powerful source of infection, which is the inflamed tonsils, infection of any part of the body or organ is possible. The infection easily finds a weak spot and penetrates deeply into it, causing serious problems with health. It can move through the bloodstream to the heart or kidneys, and this threatens the development of deadly diseases.Many people want to know why a person needs tonsils. Briefly, we can say that this is a protective organ that, in some situations, can itself become a cause.

I am tormented by endless sore throats... My throat constantly hurts and it hurts to swallow. And the tonsils, or rather their inflammation, are to blame. What to do, can remove tonsils and get rid of constant temperature and endless sick days? Should I delete or not? It’s so simple, but then you won’t have sore throats or sore throat problems. Is this so?

What are tonsils and why are they needed?

Tonsils are connective lymphoid tissue, which is entirely permeated with lymphocytes and cells, which are the main and important part of the body’s immune system (macrophages). There are six tonsils in our body: pharyngeal, palatine, lingual and tubal.

The palatine tonsils also have a hematopoietic function; in the accumulations of lymphoid tissue, lymphocytes (white blood cells) are formed, which are main basis immunity. The most important part of our immune system is the tonsils, the removal of which is not entirely in a good way affects the body as a whole.

Experts say that tonsils (or adenoids) are so important to the body that even a half-dead and collapsed tonsil produces more immunoglobulin than the rest of the immune system.

Due to the porous structure of the tonsils, all pathogenic microbes, when trying to enter the body, are surrounded by cells of the immune system and destroyed. Adenoids – serious barrier on the path of infections, and if the body itself cannot cope with the disease, then inflammation of the tonsils begins.

When is surgery needed?

In the recent Soviet past, removal of adenoids was a completely ordinary operation. And in America, almost all children under six years of age had their adenoids (or tonsils) removed. Nowadays, adenoid removal is performed much less frequently, because there are a number of problems associated with such an operation. unpleasant consequences for the body.

  • If a person gets tonsillitis (acute inflammation of the tonsils) more than four times a year, and the disease occurs with high fever and general weakness of the body.
  • The occurrence of chronic tonsillitis against the background of constant tonsillitis ( irreversible changes in the functioning of the tonsils and their constant inflammation.)
  • Development against the background of this disease purulent abscesses(ulcers) affecting the larynx area.
  • When there is an unconscious closure of the airways by large tonsils (snoring during sleep, which causes short-term cessation of breathing).
  • A sharp weakening of the immune system.

Chronic tonsillitis, which is one of the main reasons for surgery to remove tonsils, is pathological condition body. The natural functions of the tonsils to protect against infections are lost during such a disease, and the tonsils themselves become the focus of inflammatory processes.

Progressive chronic tonsillitis can provoke diseases of the heart, joints and disrupt all the body's defenses. It can also cause rheumatism and serious illnesses kidney

But early tonsillitis can be easily treated with conservative methods (washing, lubrication, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.). If treatment for chronic tonsillitis fails, the inflammatory process goes too far and the damaged tonsils no longer contain healthy lymphoid tissue.

How is tonsils removed?

Nowadays, tonsil removal is performed using gentle methods and using modern equipment.

1. Partial removal adenoids.

Inflamed lesions are affected by ultra-low temperatures (freezing with liquid nitrogen) or ultra-high temperatures (cauterization using an infrared or carbon laser) temperatures. After the damaged tonsil or part thereof dies, it is directly removed.

This operation is absolutely painless. But the tonsils are only partially removed, so in the postoperative period the patient suffers for some time from a sore throat and slight increase temperature.

Electrocoagulation. Damaged and destroyed tonsils are exposed to high-frequency electric current. The operation is painless and bloodless. But the use of electric current can adversely affect the healthy tissue surrounding the damaged tonsil. There may be some complications after surgery.

Ultrasonic excision. Tissue cutting to remove tonsils is performed using high-frequency sound vibrations, this operation is good because neither the blood vessels nor nearby tissues are damaged.

2. Complete removal of adenoids (tonsils).

Mechanical removal tonsils in adults. Using surgical scissors and a wire loop. This operation is performed under general anesthesia and is accompanied by slight bleeding.

Immediately after surgery, the patient is placed on his right side, with an ice pack placed on his neck (cold helps to narrow the blood vessels and prevents bleeding from occurring). Over the next few days, the patient takes a course of antibiotics to prevent a possible infection.

On the first postoperative day, you are allowed to drink a few sips of water, next days you will have to limit yourself to pureed and liquid food in cold form. Five days later, the wound surface heals after the tonsils are removed.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • Presence of blood diseases (deterioration of coagulation).
  • Heart problems (angina and tachycardia).
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Severe forms of hypertension.
  • Active form of tuberculosis.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy in the third trimester (after six months).

Cardiologists and gynecologists (in cases with women) are categorically against surgery to remove tonsils. The body is greatly weakened by the loss of tonsils.

Consequences and complications of such an operation^

After a tonsillectomy (any operation, even the most gentle), complications may begin.

  • The body is now less protected from pathogenic microorganisms After removal of the tonsils, the immune system is greatly weakened.
  • The tissues of the pharynx and larynx experience severe stress, which manifests itself as a sharp, constant pain in the throat.
  • Possibility of dangerous bleeding.
  • Spread of infection to the neck lymph nodes(lymphadenitis). This complication subsides a week after tonsil surgery to remove them.

Should I delete or not?

This issue should be resolved by a qualified and experienced doctor. The decision to undergo surgery is made only as a last resort when other types of treatment do not help. In this case, the harm and danger of chronic tonsillitis outweighs the complications after surgery.

Removing your adenoids is a last resort. If a person suffering from chronic tonsillitis begins to have problems with internal organs, then without a doubt, surgery to remove the tonsils is necessary. Tonsillectomy is performed only when the tonsils begin to work against their own body.

In any case, in modern pharmacology there are strong antibiotics. We have at our disposal numerous folk remedies and homeopathy. Our health and well-being of the body largely depends on its integrity.

To remove tonsils or not? First of all, try to treat them and not let things take their course. Temper your own body, take it in the off-season vitamin complexes. Any operation is a serious change in the body and it is better to do without surgical measures. By the way, removing tonsils in adults is much more difficult than in children. An adult body is rarely completely healthy.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs