The herb boron uterus and its medicinal properties. In the field of urinary system diseases

The medicinal properties of boron uterus are especially well known to women, because this herb is actively used to treat infertility and many other gynecological diseases associated with hormonal imbalances in the body.

Even gynecologists give positive reviews about the results of treatment with boron uterus. Why is this plant so useful, and how to use it correctly?

Composition and nutrients

The benefit of boron uterus lies in its rich chemical composition. It contains phytohormones necessary to restore hormonal balance in the body, as well as many useful elements that determine its numerous healing properties.

Beneficial substances contained in boron uterus and their properties:

Substance name Properties
Hydroquinone It has an antiseptic effect and normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system.
Coumarin Has an astringent effect.
Arbutin Stops inflammatory processes.
Vitamin C Increases immunity, is necessary for the absorption of certain nutrients and the production of hormones, strengthens blood vessels.
Saponins They remove phlegm, have a tonic effect, and normalize the condition of the mucous membranes.
Tartaric acid Stimulates metabolism, has a mild laxative and diuretic effect.
Citric acid Promotes the removal of toxins, improves metabolism, and has anti-tumor properties.
Resins Accelerate tissue regeneration and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Zinc Takes part in metabolism, strengthens the immune system, is necessary for the absorption of nutrients, and regulates hormonal balance.
Magnesium Necessary for metabolic processes, removal of toxins and absorption of certain vitamins. Accelerates tissue regeneration.
Manganese Stimulates the pancreas, hematopoiesis and metabolism.
Bitterness They normalize blood sugar levels, stimulate metabolism, and prevent fermentation processes in the intestines.
Phytohormones They strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, prevent the development of tumors, accelerate regenerative processes, and lower blood pressure.
Flavonoids They have an anti-inflammatory and mild laxative effect.
Titanium Increases immunity, improves brain function, stimulates the formation of hemoglobin.

9 healing properties of boron uterus for women

  1. Increases the likelihood of conception

    The boron uterus contains many substances that help normalize hormonal balance and stimulate the functions of the genital organs. This helps in the fight against infertility caused by disorders in the endocrine system.

  2. Strengthens immunity

  3. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    Phytohormones stimulate the circulatory system and relieve excess stress from it by lowering pressure, manganese accelerates hematopoietic processes, and titanium improves the production of hemoglobin, which ensures a good flow of oxygen to the tissues.

  4. Normalizes metabolism

    Most of the substances contained in boron uterus help improve hormonal levels and digestive function. They are involved in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates and regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

  5. Accelerates tissue regeneration

    Phytohormones, resins, magnesium and coumarin are responsible for stimulating the healing processes, and arbutin and hydroquinone prevent damaged tissues from becoming inflamed, preventing the growth of bacteria and the development of infection. Also, these substances ensure the removal of toxins that suppress the regenerative ability of the body.

  6. Restores hormonal levels

    All substances included in the chemical composition of the boron uterus are involved in the formation of hormones and enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. They stimulate the pancreas and adrenal glands, restoring the functions of the entire endocrine system as a whole.

  7. Reduces the risk of tumor formation

    Taking boron uterus eliminates most of the causes leading to the formation of benign and cancerous tumors: accumulation of toxins, predisposition to infectious diseases, hormonal disorders and metabolic disorders. This significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence.

  8. Rejuvenates the body

    Accelerated elimination of toxins, normalization of metabolism, as well as the tonic effect of the substances contained in the boron uterus gives the body energy to fight stress and the negative effects of the external environment and stimulates the process of cell renewal, providing a rejuvenating effect.

  9. Relieves swelling

    The complex effect of hydroquinone and tartaric acid improves the functioning of the genitourinary system and creates a mild diuretic effect, preventing the accumulation of excess fluid in the body tissues. A general improvement in metabolism also helps relieve swelling.

Indications for use

Borovaya uterus has found very wide use in gynecology, where it is used to treat:

    infectious diseases;

    uterine fibroids;

    cervical erosion;

    uterine bleeding;


    obstruction of pipes;

    menstrual cycle disorders;



  • menopause.

The beneficial properties of this plant are used not only to improve the health of women, but also for diseases that affect people of both sexes. It is used for:

  • kidney diseases;




    purulent inflammation;

    diabetes mellitus;


    ulcers of the stomach and intestines;





The healing properties of boron uterus are used in many areas of medicine. This is a potent remedy, the components of which are included in traditional drugs.

Cooking recipes

Traditional medicine uses boron uterus in the form of infusions and decoctions, which can be easily prepared at home:

    To prepare an alcohol tincture, pour 50 grams of dried leaves of the boron uterus with half a liter of vodka or alcohol and leave for a month. It must be strained before use.

    To prepare the decoction, take 2 large spoons of dried and crushed raw materials and add 300 ml of water. The mixture needs to be simmered for 15 minutes over low heat, then let sit for half an hour under a closed lid and strain.

    To make an infusion, pour a glass of boiling water over a large spoonful of dried boron leaves and boil for about 5 minutes, then let it brew for a couple of hours and strain. To better preserve the beneficial properties of the plant, instead of boiling, place the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes.

How to take

Only when used correctly, the medicinal properties of boron uterus have the desired effect: compliance with the rules of administration is especially important for women, since this herb affects the menstrual cycle and can either normalize it or disrupt it.

Treatment is carried out in courses, the maximum duration of which is six months. There are general instructions for treatment with boron uterus, but the duration of administration depends on the age, gender and general condition of the human body.

As a prevention of infertility, prostatitis and other diseases, it is recommended to take boron uterus for several years in short courses (1 month).

For women, treatment with boron uterus can be carried out only after the end of menstruation, completing the dose before the start of the next one, so as not to provoke a cycle disruption. In case of pregnancy, use can be continued only if infertility is diagnosed.

How to take boron uterus:

    In the form of an alcohol tincture: dilute 30-40 drops in a glass of water, drink before meals 3 times a day.

    In the form of a decoction: one tablespoon half an hour before meals. Used for douching.

    As an infusion: 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Most often used for douching.

Products from boron uterus have an unpleasant bitter taste. For people who cannot take them in their natural form, there are syrups, tablets, extracts and herbal teas. They can be bought at the pharmacy at relatively low prices.

Red brush and hog queen

Many herbs are recommended to be used in combination to enhance their effect. To achieve the best effect, the boron uterus should be used together with a red brush. These medicinal herbs stimulate reproductive function, normalize hormonal balance and promote rejuvenation of the body. Most recipes used for menstrual irregularities, female and male infertility and diseases of the genitourinary system contain a combination of these two plants.

Limitations, contraindications and side effects

Like any potent drug, boron uterus has contraindications and side effects. It should not be used:

    pregnant and lactating women;

    in case of individual intolerance;

    children under 14 years of age;

    with gastritis;

    in case of obstruction of pipes;

    for diabetes mellitus;

    with poor blood clotting.

You cannot start treatment without the doctor's permission. Only a specialist can prescribe the appropriate dose and determine the duration of use. After starting the course, the following side effects may occur:

  • weakness;

    heaviness in the stomach;

    changes in the menstrual cycle;


    exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    uterine bleeding (if the drug is intolerant);

    liver intoxication.

All these symptoms should subside within one to two weeks. If this does not happen, treatment should be stopped. You should also not take boron uterus at the same time as other hormonal medications, as it contains substances that have a strong effect on the body’s hormonal levels.

What else is useful?

Essence of nature

No one can give a definite answer, can boron uterus be used for infertility? Contraindications to this remedy are varied. This is due to the potency of the plant's components. Very often, improper use can lead to death as a result of a severe allergic reaction that a woman develops to this plant. Borovaya uterus, like fillet, perfectly helps to overcome many women's ailments. First of all, these herbs are used as decoctions for bathing. Essential oils in combination with the active components found in the uterus can quickly and effectively cure a cold in the bladder. But if we are talking about infertility, then it is better to consult a gynecologist. Uterus boron is a fairly strong plant that has the ability to relieve inflammation in a woman’s genitourinary system. Its second name is one-sided ortilia. It has the ability to regulate hormonal levels, affecting the endocrine glands, which does not always lead to improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to take such a remedy as boron uterus with extreme caution. Contraindications to this plant are very serious.

Doctor or traditional healer?

Traditional healers are dangerous because most of them are not certified specialists who understand herbs and ailments, but ordinary charlatans. Borovaya uterus is a plant that requires proper collection and preparation. If the leaves are not dried well, rotting may occur. This will allow bacteria and fungi to multiply. As a result, if you drink a tincture in which low-quality leaves of the hogweed were used, you can simply get poisoned. If you yourself decide to take such a remedy, then purchase it at pharmacies. This will guarantee the quality of the medicine. Usually on the package with this drug in the pharmacy they write: “Uterus boron: contraindications for use.” Of course, the wisest thing to do is to consult your doctor about your situation.

The effectiveness of traditional methods

Most people simply do not know that traditional medicine is not safe either. Thus, the uterus, the contraindications of which are not known to everyone, can cause irreparable damage to women’s health. Dosage is key. You should not set your own application rate. An overdose is fraught with allergic reactions, a sharp influx of hormones into the blood, stomach upset, and poisoning. In rare cases, as a result of a sharp influx of adrenaline, trembling in the hands and convulsions occurred. Sometimes the use of boron uterus leads to infertility, which occurs as a result of failure to provide timely treatment for the disease. The plant itself cannot cure sexually transmitted diseases, so before using the hogweed, you need to know your diagnosis accurately.

Borovaya uterus: side effects and contraindications

A remedy such as hog uterus can leave you childless for the rest of your life. Therefore, we advise you to first review the list of contraindications. The boron uterus is used to treat female ailments associated with the genitourinary system. Most often these are inflammatory processes in internal organs. It is used as an alcohol tincture, in health baths and in the form of tea. However, there are some cautions about this plant. Borovaya uterus, the side effects of which are very serious, can cause inconvenience. It has the following contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to the drug.

These cases are really important and need to be taken into account. Borovaya uterus is most often used in the form of an alcohol tincture, which can also negatively affect health. The fact is that the use of such a treatment method is detrimental to health. First of all, the liver suffers, which will be forced to cope with alcohol. If this organ cannot cleanse the blood, the problem will affect the kidneys. You should not risk your health for the sake of an imaginary benefit. If the doctor really advised you to be treated with boron uterus, then it is best to take it in the form of tea. This way you can correct your hormonal levels without damaging your body.

The medicinal properties of plants are due to the presence of biologically active substances in them, which, when entering the human body, produce different effects on it. Such substances are called active principles.

Thus, the medicinal properties of the herb boron uterus are formed by each active component included in the plant, and the combined action of all active principles helps to equally successfully treat most gynecological diseases in women and male infertility.

A tincture from it can be taken to rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The herbal remedy also helps treat diseases such as urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and diabetes.

Medicinal herb boron uterus- one of the folk remedies, which since time immemorial has been used in the treatment of women from infertility and the threat of miscarriage. The plant has an official name - ortilia lopsided. And it is also known as: mother grass, boletus, hare salt, forest pear, pear, boletus, wine grass, side flower, one-sided ramishia and others.

The habitat of the boletus is coniferous, mixed forests in North America, Europe, Asia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. Large thickets of ortilia are found in Siberia.

The grass has a long root with multiple branching, and the size of the ground shoots of the plant, on the contrary, is small, from 5 to 25 cm. The leaves are up to 8 mm, oblong-ovate in shape, located at the bottom of the stem. The flowers look like white bells with a green tint, collected in a one-sided brush. In August, the plants begin to produce ripened fruits in spherical capsules. Leaves, stems, and fruits have healing properties. No grass roots are used.

Medicinal raw materials are collected during the flowering period of the pine uterus (July-August). Healers consider the full moon to be the best period, when the plant acquires, in addition to its healing properties, magical powers. Dried grass retains all its properties for 2 years.

Medicinal properties, features of the use of the herb boron uterus

Ortilia lopsided- a true natural source of estrogen, progesterone, the most important female hormones. It is known that a lack of progesterone can lead to threats of miscarriage and infertility. And phytoestrogen, which the boron uterus is rich in, effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms that occur in women during menopause, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and prevents the growth of tumor cells.

In addition, it contains:

The presence of flavonoids, organic acids (tartaric, citric), and bitterness in ortilia also enriches it with unique properties and expands the therapeutic capabilities of the herbal remedy.

In medical practice, many unique properties of the boron uterus are used in treatment and prevention:

  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area;
  • heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • endocrine system, bile ducts;
  • respiratory tract infections;

They also stimulate mental activity, preventing brain aging.

An absolute contraindication for use herbs is the tendency of the patient’s body to form blood clots, gastritis, individual intolerance to individual components from the composition of the boron uterus.

It is prohibited to prescribe and take teas, decoctions, and tinctures of this herb to women during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications also need to be taken into account when treating children.

The healing properties of the boron uterus in gynecology

In the gynecological field, the medicinal properties of Ortilia unilateral are used to eliminate disturbances in the production of hormones by the female body. As a result of such deviations, patients often develop hormonal infertility and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. In women during menopause, their general well-being can significantly deteriorate.

The action of biologically active substances of the boron uterus stops the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract not only in women, but also in men.

Thanks to its antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic, absorbent, immunomodulatory properties, the use of a herbal remedy in the form of a decoction or tincture helps with heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids. It also has a beneficial effect on blood composition, restores the patency of the fallopian tubes, and improves the overall functioning of the reproductive system.

There are several restrictive rules for the use of boron uterus in gynecology:

  1. The product should not be taken during menstruation.
  2. It is dangerous for patients with low blood clotting to drink decoctions and tinctures.
  3. The simultaneous use of herbal remedies and hormonal drugs is prohibited.
  4. The duration of treatment and dosage regimen must be agreed with the doctor.

Instructions for use of boron uterus

Since 2003, ortilia lopsided has been considered an officially approved medicinal product by the Russian Ministry of Health, which is sold in pharmacies with instructions for using the boron uterus.

For treatment, a herbal remedy is purchased at the pharmacy in a form convenient for use:

  • herb (dry), used to prepare a decoction, infusion;
  • tincture;
  • herbal tea;
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • candles;
  • dragee.

What does it treat and how to drink boron uterus

Herbal remedy used, as an auxiliary in the main therapy, and is also used in folk medicine for the preparation of medicinal mixtures.

1. Pharmacological action.

The biological activity of the substances contained in the boron uterus has a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire genitourinary system (female and male). In addition, the herb has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, hemostatic, and antispasmodic effects.

2. Indications for the use of boron uterus:

  • infertility;
  • fibroma and myoma of the uterus;
  • cervical erosion;
  • menstrual irregularities (including menopause);
  • bleeding from the uterus and many other gynecological pathologies;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • prostatitis.

As an auxiliary treatment, boron uterus is prescribed for patients with disorders of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, and mastopathy. And also in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, bronchitis, gout, radiculitis and other common diseases.

3. How to take the herb boron uterus, dosage regimen.

The dosage regimen for the drug is determined by the doctor, taking into account the age, duration and stage of the disease. Previously, the patient undergoes an examination to determine the state of hormonal levels.

Methods of using boron uterus:

Herbal decoction. Add 1.5 cups of water to two tablespoons of dry leaves and flowers. Cook for 10 minutes. After half an hour, after straining, take one tablespoon of the product 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Herbal tea. 1 sachet of ortilia is poured with boiling water (250 ml). You need to leave for 20 minutes. Drink hot 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

Syrup. The finished medicine, 1 teaspoon, should be taken half an hour before meals, three times a day. The syrup can be consumed with mineral water, tea, and milk. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

Pills. Borovaya uterus in tablets should be taken 2 pieces 3 times a day with meals.

Dragee. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day (with food). Course duration is 30 days.

4. Special instructions.

The use of herbal remedies must be coordinated with a doctor.

Instructions for using tincture of boron uterus

Ortilia one-sided tincture is sold in a dark glass bottle with a volume of 50 ml, which contains a medicinal extract of leaves and stems, ethyl alcohol - 35–37%.

Main purposes:

  • infertility;
  • fibroma and myoma of the uterus;
  • cervical erosion;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • uterine bleeding (including during menopause).

Directions for use.

To take it, you need to dilute 25-30 drops of tincture in half a liter of boiled water. They are taken before meals, 3 r. per day. The duration of therapy is 30 days.

Side effects.

The drug is well tolerated. Side effects may include an allergic reaction and dyspepsia.


Individual drug intolerance, as well as gastritis, fallopian tube obstruction, alcoholism, pregnancy/lactation.

Conditions, shelf life.

Storage temperature from 2 to 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

The use of boron uterus in gynecology

Healers recommend in the treatment of female diseases stick to the following scheme. If you need to treat a disease, then take 250 ml of boron uterus tincture per year. The duration of the preventive course to maintain health is at least 30 days.

For the treatment of chronic forms of female diseases, ortilia unilateral is used in the form of a tincture, and douching with medicinal compositions of boron uterus and chamomile (officinalis) is also very effective. And also cinquefoil, sage, red brush.

  • You can start drinking a decoction or tincture on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, in case of prolonged and heavy discharge - after a week;
  • Take the decoction or tincture for three weeks; if the menstrual cycle has begun, take a break until the discharge ends;
  • The maximum duration of the course of therapy is about six months, then a break is taken for up to two months and the treatment procedure is repeated.

Use of alcohol tincture.

Uterine fibroids. Take 21 days, twice a day, 30-40 drops. Then a break of 14 days. Repeat if necessary.

Mastopathy. Drink, diluted in water, 5-10 drops 3 times a day (before meals). Take the product for 3 weeks. Break - 1 week. Number of repetitions - up to 6 times.

Use of boron uterus decoction (water).

Endometriosis. The course of herbal treatment lasts 3 months. Take 20-25 drops orally 3 times a day before meals (a quarter of an hour). To enhance the effect, you can douche with ortilia infusion: 2 tables. spoons are poured with a glass of boiling water. The product should sit for no more than 1 hour.

Polycystic ovary syndrome. Advanced forms of the disease can lead to infertility.

Use in complex treatment of decoction, 2-3 tables. lie 4 times a day or alcohol tincture of the uterus (you need to drink 30-40 drops, diluted in a spoon of water, before meals, 4 times a day), for 21 days. This is the first stage of therapy. After 7 days the course can be repeated. This must be done until recovery.

The use of boron uterus herb for infertility

Problems with conception- a priority direction when using ortilia unilateral in the complex treatment of infertility. To do this, drink an infusion of the herb or take drops of its alcohol solution.

Boletus infusion. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and simmered for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then you need to infuse the solution (90 minutes). Take a tablespoon 5 times a day (before meals, 20 minutes).

Treatment regimen: The infusion must be drunk for 21 days. After this there is a week break. Next, they take the remedy again for about three weeks.

Tincture. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day. The treatment regimen is similar to that described above. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the tincture is combined with an infusion of wintergreen or wintergreen.

Borovaya uterus during menopause

A large number of positive reviews about the successful treatment of symptoms accompanying menopause is due to the ability of the medicinal herb to gradually normalize the hormonal levels of the female body. And as a result, most patients report positive changes in their well-being.

Treatment regimen:

  1. Ortilia infusion during menopause should be consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
  2. The alcohol tincture is diluted with water and drunk to relieve symptoms during menopause 3 times a day. For one dose - 30 drops.


A herbal remedy such as ortilia unilateral is a must-have in your home medicine cabinet. In addition to the fact that the boron uterus in gynecology helps women cope with many disorders, it is useful for treating household wounds and increasing immunity. In addition, this herb has an affordable price. A package of 25 g is purchased at a cost of 50 rubles. up to 150 rub. And the price of the finished tincture is less than 100 rubles.

If not everyone, then most of our readers know for sure about the miraculous properties of the hogweed. This herb is famous for its great power in the treatment of gynecological diseases, including infertility, and it also helps men. The composition of boron uterus, its benefits, contraindications and use in folk medicine will be discussed right now.

Hog queen (also known as ortilia lopsided, ramishia lopsided, babish plant, bokotsvetka, motherwort, boletus grass, boletus, boletus, wine grass, hare salt, pear grass, forest pear, wintergreen) is found mainly in coniferous and mixed forests of North America, Europe and Asia, as well as in the mountains of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Mongolia, China and Japan. It is a perennial winter-green plant from 5 to 25 cm in height with oblong-ovate leaves that form a rosette. As practice shows, the boletus takes root well in summer cottages, and if you follow some recommendations during cultivation, it does not lose its properties.

Borovaya uterus: composition

The above-ground part of the plant, in particular the leaves and stems with flowers, is used for medicinal purposes. The composition includes tannins, glycosides, arbutin, methylarbutin, hydroquinone, renifolin, himaphilin, flavonoids, resins, coumarins, saponins, bitterness, organic acids (tartaric and citric), vitamin C, as well as a lot of trace elements, including titanium, copper , zinc, manganese.

Medicinal properties of boron uterus

The boron uterus is most widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Products containing this plant help with:
inflammatory diseases,
fibroids of the uterus,
uterine bleeding,
menstrual irregularities,
adhesions, obstruction and inflammation of the tubes.

The boron uterus is often used as a disinfectant for:
inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder,
inflammation of the prostate gland.

The boron uterus is also effective for hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence in adults and children, and acute purulent inflammation of the ear.

Boletus has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and is often used as a diuretic.

Borovaya uterus: contraindications

Due to its high efficiency, treatment with drugs based on boron uterus is currently quite popular. However, in no case should you self-medicate or start taking potent drugs without consulting a doctor, since boletus has some contraindications. It is not recommended to take traditional medicine based on this plant in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components of Ortilia unilateral, during pregnancy (if it did not occur as a result of taking boletus) and the lactation period.

Borovaya uterus: use in folk medicine

As a rule, traditional medicine suggests taking boron uterus in the form of an alcohol tincture or a water infusion. We will now tell you how to prepare them and how to take them in each individual case.

Alcohol tincture of boron uterus

You will need:
Borovaya uterus – 50 grams,
Vodka – 0.5 liters.

Cooking method
1. Fill the grass with vodka.
2. Let it brew for a month.
3. Strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Ready!

Tincture of boron uterus for fibroids and uterine fibroids

Take 30-40 drops of tincture prepared according to the suggested recipe, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. After a two-week break, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Tincture of boron uterus for inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), obstruction and inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, adhesions

For the indicated ailments, you should take 30-40 drops of the tincture, after diluting them in water, 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is determined individually depending on the severity of the disease and can range from 3 weeks to several months. Every three weeks of treatment it is necessary to take 14-day breaks.

Tincture of boron uterus for infertility

For infertility, it is recommended to take 30-40 drops of boletus tincture, prepared according to the proposed recipe, 3 times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals. Taking tincture of boron uterus is recommended with infusion of wintergreen or wintergreen. The course of treatment is from six months. Every 3 weeks of use, it is necessary to take a week-long break; it is advisable to select the start date of use so that the break occurs during menstruation, since taking the tincture is contraindicated on these days.

Tincture of boron uterus for polycystic ovary syndrome

Take 30-40 drops of boron uterus tincture prepared in this way 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited, but after every 3 weeks of use you should take a break for 7 days.

Tincture of boron uterus for urinary incontinence

For enuresis, you should give 10-20 drops of boron uterus tincture, previously diluted with water, 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Infusion of boron uterus

You will need:

Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour hogweed grass into a thermos.
2. Pour boiling water.
3. Leave to infuse. After 5 hours, the infusion is ready!

Infusion of boron uterus for cervical erosion

Fill the syringe with warm infusion of boron uterus, prepared according to the suggested recipe. Carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Decoction of boron uterus

You will need:
Borovaya uterus - 1 tablespoon,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the hogweed grass.
2. Boil for several minutes (no longer than 5 minutes) or better yet, simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
3. Leave to infuse for two hours. After the specified time, the decoction is ready for use.

Decoction of boron uterus for mastopathy

Dilute 10 drops of boron uterus decoction, prepared according to the indicated recipe, with a tablespoon of water. Take 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which you should take a week break, and then, if necessary, you can resume taking the decoction according to the indicated scheme.

Decoction of boron uterus for toxicosis

Every day, before each meal, you need to take 30-40 drops of boron uterus decoction, prepared according to the proposed recipe, diluted with water.

Borovaya uterus with prostatitis

Finely chop the hogweed grass. Take 60 grams and pour 600 ml of vodka. Place in a dark place for half a month.

Take tincture of boron uterus for prostatitis 3 times a day, an hour before meals, 35 drops. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks.

As you can see, despite the fact that the uterus is called a woman's herb, it helps both men and children. The main thing is to choose the optimal dosage and correctly develop a dosage regimen.
Perhaps you have already experienced the miraculous properties of boron uterus from your own experience, please report it in the comments to this article.

Borovaya uterus, or Oritilia unilateral, is a medicinal herb that is popular among folk healers of many cultures, especially Russian. The plant's homeland is the humid coniferous forests of Siberia, its distribution area is in the northern hemisphere. The plant is widely used in the treatment of female infertility, it improves reproductive functions and increases the activity of the uterus.

Chemical composition

The main medicinal purpose of boron uterus is in the prevention of female gynecological diseases. Herbal infusions, preparations and teas based on the plant can be purchased at every pharmacy.

Other names for the hogweed are ortilia one-sided, wine grass, side flower, hare salt, forest pear, wintergreen and pear grass.

Useful chemical elements in composition ortilia lopsided:

  • Flavonoids - eliminate gynecological diseases;
  • Arbutin - often added to medications for the treatment of the digestive and urinary systems;
  • Resins are good natural antiseptics;
  • Saponins - have an anti-allergic effect, used in the creation of natural cleaning products;
  • Acids - ascorbic, tartaric and citric;
  • Coumarins - used to treat neuroses, colic and diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Vitamin C - accelerates the absorption of iron, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system;
  • Tannins - prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • Minerals - copper, zinc, magnesium and titanium.

Ortilia lopsided is also notable for the presence of antioxidants in its composition - elements that strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body.

Medicinal properties

Despite its popularity among the female population, in addition to gynecology, ortilia unilateral is used in the treatment of a great variety of diseases. The people even call the boron uterus “a remedy for forty diseases.”

A huge number of medicinal components gives the boron uterus the following beneficial properties:

  • Painkiller;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • General strengthening property.

Indications for use

The most significant properties of Ortilia unilateral include analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Borovaya uterus also strengthens the immune system and helps improve the reproductive ability of the female body, in particular, it increases the activity of the uterus.

Borovaya uterus helps in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases, in particular adnexitis, uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding, cervical erosion, adhesions, obstruction and inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • Ortilia unilateral is one of the best natural remedies for treating amenorrhea;
  • Borovaya uterus is used to prevent infertility in women and;
  • The herb is used as a diuretic;
  • The plant is an effective medicinal product for pyelonephritis and.

Ortilia lopsided is useful not only for women. Men use the plant to eliminate inflammation in the genitourinary system, normalize blood supply to the pelvic area, and also to strengthen the immune system.

Methods of application

In folk medicine, boron uterus is most often used in the form of alcohol tinctures, herbal decoctions, drops and cleansing tampons. Official pharmaceuticals produce capsules, balms, herbal preparations, suppositories and extracts. Choosing the right method to use the plant depends on the individual requirements.

Before using boron uterus, be sure to consult with your doctor, because a haphazard approach will not bring any benefit, and may even worsen the problem.

Alcohol tincture

Perhaps preparing an ortilia tincture with alcohol is not the fastest process, but its therapeutic effect justifies all the effort.

Recipe alcohol tinctures

  1. Prepare two tablespoons of ortilia and 50 ml of alcohol;
  2. Mix the ingredients. Place the solution in a glass container and close it tightly;
  3. The liquid should be infused for two weeks in the shade;
  4. Use the tincture three times a day, approximately 15-20 drops, preferably 10-15 minutes before meals.

You should not use alcohol tincture if you are intolerant to alcohol.


Alcohol tincture from ortilia is, of course, effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people don't drink alcohol on principle. The following recipe for a non-alcoholic infusion is suitable for them.

Recipe infusion for the treatment of female ailments:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry ortilia leaves with two cups of boiling water;
  2. Close the container tightly with a lid, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave the tea to infuse, then strain;
  3. Half a glass of infusion should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals.


Not only herbalists, but also official doctors agree with the fact that a decoction of boron uterus helps with women’s problems.

Recipe decoction for the prevention of gynecological diseases:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of boron uterus with a glass of boiling water;
  2. Keep the liquid on low heat for about ten minutes;
  3. Let the broth cool. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

You should not cook a large amount of broth at once; its beneficial properties disappear after a few days.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea from boron uterus helps women who have difficulty conceiving. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of dried tea or in regular tea bags. The duration of brewing bags varies slightly among different manufacturers, but the average figure is around half an hour. Herbal infusions are brewed more complicated, but not much more.

Recipe herbal tea infusions from the hog uterus:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of hogweed grass with a glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly;
  2. Infuse the mixture in a warm place for fifteen minutes;
  3. Take half a glass of the medicine three times a day with meals. Course duration is 1 month.

Douching solution

Douching, or vaginal douche, is the process of cleaning the vagina with special medical solutions. Women may be prescribed a course of similar procedures for excessive discharge and constant pain in the intimate area. Herbal solutions from the boron uterus are prescribed quite often. They eliminate inflammation and have a disinfecting effect.

Recipe douching solution based on boron uterus:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of boron uterus with a glass of boiling water;
  2. Infuse the decoction for about half an hour, or more. The temperature should drop and become comfortable for treating the vagina;
  3. Carry out the procedure every day, preferably in the evening and before bed. The positive effect occurs within a week.

Pharmacy drugs

Without a doubt, traditional medicine is the main field that makes excellent use of the medicinal qualities of ortilia. However, we should not forget that official medicine also does not deny the influence of this plant on the health of our body.

Most common types of pharmaceutical drugs with hog queen:

  • Herbal teas for brewing;
  • Balms;
  • Capsules and tablets.

Herbal mixtures are an official variation of various remedies of traditional healers. Altai pharmaceutical products are popular on the Russian market, for example, “Altayfit-1 Mastopathy” and “Alfit-2 Special”. Herbal infusions have a sedative effect without causing drowsiness or fatigue. They are also used for the prevention of gynecological diseases, normalization of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Capsules and tablets based on boron uterus for the most part have medicinal effects similar to those of natural herbal tinctures. The difference lies in the method and ease of use. Many people are more comfortable taking a few tablets a couple of times a day than making their own decoctions. Well-known manufacturers of ortilia preparations are Evalar, Alfit and Kurortmedservice.


The number of side effects and contraindications when taking boron uterus is small, but requires attention. Be careful, because often a careless attitude can not only have no medicinal effect, but even worsen your health.

Borovaya uterus is considered a very allergenic plant. Be careful if you already have allergies to other foods, get tested before consuming Ortilia and consult your doctor.

In number contraindications When using the boron uterus, the following are included:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Concurrent use of hormonal drugs;
  • Menstruation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding.



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