Daily food allowances per person. Human nutrition standards

Nutrition is one of the important points the lives of each of us. After all, not only our well-being, but also the quality of our activities, the duration of life itself, as well as improving health, restoring immunity and preventing many diseases depend on what and when we eat. In addition, human nutrition determines all the basic processes occurring in our body. Their activity and correctness depend on the rational and balanced menu. Therefore, today we will talk about healthy eating for adults and existing standards, which will help you formulate the diet you need.

Principles of proper human nutrition

It has been established that the diet of an adult is based on three basic principles - quantitative, qualitative and compliance with food consumption. The first of them, qualitative, says about the correspondence of calorie content or energy value daily menu and daily energy expenditure of a person. The calorie content of food is determined by the amount of food elements in daily menu and is calculated by multiplying the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by their calorie ratio (CFA). Note that these indicators are as follows:

  • CFA 1 g of proteins – 4.0 kcal;
  • CFA 1 g fat – 9.0 kcal;
  • CFA 1 g of carbohydrates – 4.0 kcal.

Nutrition for an adult should be prepared taking into account his professional activity. Since each of us is engaged in different physical and mental labor, which requires its own energy costs. That is why, back in 1991, standards for the basic needs of an adult were developed and approved. nutrients and calories taking into account the work performed. Deviation from these indicators, that is, insufficient calorie intake, can have a detrimental effect on health, weight loss, metabolic disorders and protective properties body. And an overestimated caloric intake leads to an increase in body weight, and in most cases to obesity, which leads to the formation of many diseases.

Second principle proper nutrition for adults it talks about a balanced diet, that is, providing the body with all necessary, essential and beneficial substances. These include amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, calcium and microelements. However, apart from listed substances, the human body must also receive dietary fiber(fiber, protopectin, lignin, hemocellulose), antioxidants (vitamin E, C, beta-carotene, selenium), oligosugars, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, as well as minerals.

The third principle of nutrition for an adult is characterized by correct observance mode. It implies the frequency of food consumption, intervals between meals, time and distribution of calorie content between meals. The most rational thing is to eat one meal at a time certain time. For an adult, three meals a day are allowed. Reducing this amount has a detrimental effect on health and often leads to many diseases. The intervals between meals themselves should not exceed 5.5 hours, and main meals should be organized at the same time.

As for the distribution of calorie intake for an adult, it would be advisable to use one of the two proposed options, namely:

  • breakfast – 25%, lunch – 35-40%, afternoon snack – 10-15%, dinner – 25%, which totals 100%;
  • 1st breakfast – 25%, 2nd breakfast – 10-15%, lunch – 35%, dinner – 25%, for a total of 100%.

An important factor is a properly composed diet for an adult, that is, a menu of basic meals. For example, breakfast must include a second hot dish - meat, fish, poultry with side dishes, cottage cheese, vegetables and cereal dishes. It is also recommended to include bread or sandwiches and hot drinks - tea, cocoa or coffee. But lunch should be the most high-calorie and consist of 4 main courses - an appetizer, the first hot dish, the second hot dish, a sweet drink or a sweet dish. For dinner, you should also have a second hot dish, but the food should leave the stomach easily and be properly digested to prevent sleep disturbance.

A little about the nutritional standards of an adult

As noted above, back in 1991, nutritional standards for adults were established. However this term is inaccurate. It is more correct to talk about physiological needs body in basic meals. For example, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is determined by gender, age, physical activity, health status and other factors, and can be 50:15:35. Based on this, for the average woman the calorie intake is 2100 kcal, and for a man 2700 kcal.

If we consider the nutrition of an adult, then its balance should be based on the following indicators:

  • 2 liters of water daily;
  • 80-100 g fat, 10% of which is fat plant origin;
  • no more than 0.1 g of vitamins;
  • no more than 20 g of salts;
  • 0.75-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of human weight;
  • 10 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of human weight.

In conclusion, we note that an institute in Switzerland has proposed an interesting classification of food products, according to which our body will receive all the substances required by standards. This list includes 7 main groups and is as follows:

In order for you to clearly control your weight, it doesn’t matter whether you are trying to lose it, gain it or maintain it, in any case you just need to know what it is. daily norm fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The table will help you figure this out in no time.

Rule number one: the key to success is the right ratio

All the body's needs useful substances Ah, micro- and macrocomponents, of course, are strictly individual. Therefore, since most of the calculations based on the criterion “daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates” are made for an ordinary, average person, after a while you yourself will understand what exactly your body requires, and you will be able to slightly adjust any program exclusively for yourself.

The most simple formula The ratio of BJU (or proteins-fats-carbohydrates) is approximately 1:1:4. But it is not suitable for everyone, since much of nutrition depends on your age, weight, lifestyle and the results you want to achieve. Therefore, if you want to learn in more detail how to most rationally use this formula in your diet, let's look at each of its components separately.


Protein is an essential component of all tissues of the human body. IN children's body they are needed for growth, and in adults - for tissue regeneration. All proteins contain various amino acids, each of which is simply necessary for humans.

Advantageous possessors unique set amino acids are nuts, sprouted grains, soy milk, white meat chicken or turkey, fish, or other fermented milk products, milk.

We select the amount of proteins based on your weight

The daily protein intake is based on one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of weight. It is desirable that 30-35% of the total amount of proteins be of animal origin, and the rest - of plant origin. Thus, if an adult weighs, for example, 70 kilograms, he should consume 105 grams of protein per day, only a third of which, i.e. 35 grams, should be of animal origin.


It is a big misconception to believe that consuming fat can only harm yourself and your figure. The main thing is that there should be moderation in everything. Fats are simply necessary for the human body, because without them many cells will not be able to function normally.

All fats that exist in nature are divided into saturated and unsaturated, this is determined by the ratio of fatty acids and glycerol in the composition.

For normal functioning, the body needs three main polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. You can find them in fish, pumpkin seeds, vegetable oils (olive, almond).

Saturated fats, selected in strictly defined quantities, saturate the body with the necessary energy. However, be careful large number Saturated fats in food contribute to increased cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

What happens if you completely eliminate fats?

It is also worth reducing to minimum quantity consumption of so-called trans fats, since their effect on the body cannot be called positive. These fats are often found in flour products, and especially in margarine.

Lack of fat can lead to a decrease in general immunity, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, intestinal problems and duodenal ulcers.

Excessive presence of fats in the diet causes increased blood cholesterol levels, obesity and memory loss.


Carbohydrates are one of the main components of our daily diet. Moreover, this is one of the the most important sources energy. That is why reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed will not lead to anything good. It is more important to learn to choose the “right” carbohydrates.

The energy that comes in per day in human body, approximately three to four fifths should be replenished through precisely complex carbohydrates, one tenth - due to simple ones, and the remaining part - when burning proteins and fats. Therefore, the daily intake of protein and carbohydrates in your diet must necessarily correspond to the amount of fat.

All carbohydrates that can appear on your plate are divided into three large groups: monosaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. All of them are simply necessary for our body, otherwise no proteins or fats will simply be able to be absorbed. The largest portion of carbohydrates entering the body are monosaccharides and disaccharides. Be careful, if excess sugar enters your body, some of it may accumulate in the muscles and liver as glycogen.

What other carbohydrates are there?

Also, according to the time or speed at which the body receives energy, carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow (or, as they are also called, simple and complex).

Should become a permanent part of your daily diet, but again, don’t overdo it, the amount of this substance directly depends on how much you drive. However, the average daily intake of carbohydrates is approximately 350-500 grams, no more.

One of the most accessible representatives of fast carbohydrates is sugar, since it contains only two molecules - glucose and fructose. Fast carbohydrates (all kinds of sweets, fruits, buns, etc.) are absorbed into the blood at an instant speed, almost immediately after we eat, but they also disappear as quickly as they appear. Therefore, it is advisable, if not completely, then at least as much as possible, to exclude from your diet foods that are oversaturated with fast carbohydrates. Remember fast carbohydrates- the main initiators of obesity. Therefore, if you want to independently calculate the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, be sure to pay attention to the latter.

Unlike the first ones, slow carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood over a much longer period of time, but this happens much more evenly, and the fat reserves of our body are not replenished.

Daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: calculation table

The most important thing in the diet is correct ratio the amount of which is determined mainly by your age and lifestyle. Remember, the whole point of diets and just proper nutrition is not to completely eliminate all sorts of harmful things from your diet, leaving only vegetables and herbs. The main and main goal is to ensure that the body receives exactly the amount of nutrients that it requires.

For children and the elderly, the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (the table below) is significantly different. This should definitely be taken into account. If you strictly follow all the tips mentioned above, you will understand that calculating the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is, in general, a simple matter. And there are a lot of benefits from it!

To make it more convenient for you to choose what is right for you, below is the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The table for men and women contains all the necessary values.

Group Weak physical loads Average physical loads Strong physical loads
Age18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59
Proteins, g90 88 82 96 93 88 110 106 100
Fats, g50 48 45 53 51 48 61 58 56
Carbohydrates, g110 105 100 117 114 108 147 141 135
Energy (kcal)1670 1550 1520 1850 1790 1700 2350 2260 2160
Group Weak physical loads Average physical loads Strong physical loads
Age18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59
Proteins, g77 75 70 81 78 75 87 84 80
Fats, g42 41 39 45 43 41 48 46 44
Carbohydrates, g90 87 82 99 95 92 116 112 106
Energy (kcal)1420 1360 1300 1560 1500 1445 1850 1800 1700


Always think through your menu wisely. For example, eating fats at the same time as carbohydrates is not recommended for the reason that when both are consumed at the same time, the body first begins to break down carbohydrates, since this requires much less time than processing fats. Thus, fats are simply stored in reserve.

It is better to limit or even eliminate the intake of carbohydrates after six or seven o'clock in the evening; in the evening the metabolism becomes a little slower, which means that carbohydrates are no longer completely processed, and insulin enters the blood in excess.

If you want, for example, to reset overweight, give up for a while simple carbohydrates, and it is best to consume fats from nuts or fish. Also limit the amount white rice and potatoes.

And in order to make it more convenient for you to control yourself at first, try to have food diary. In it you will write down everything you ate during the day. Moreover, you need to not only write it down, but also work hard, and before eating, weigh the portion and calculate how much protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories it contains. You just need to do this really honestly, because you certainly can’t deceive your body! Never forget that there is a certain daily allowance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which you simply must follow.

Physiological norms based on basic principles rational nutrition, in particular the doctrine of balanced diet. They are average values ​​that reflect the optimal needs of individual population groups for nutrients and energy. These standards serve as the basis for organizing rational nutrition in groups and therapeutic nutrition in medical and preventive and sanatorium-resort institutions and dietary canteens.

Nutritional standards for the adult population are divided depending on: a) gender; b) age; c) the nature of the work; d) climate; d) physiological state body (pregnant and lactating women).

When determining the need for basic nutrients and energy for the adult working population special meaning have differences in energy consumption associated with the nature of work. Therefore, in nutritional standards, persons aged 18 to 60 years are divided into labor intensity groups. Groups differ in the degree of energy expenditure caused by professional activities.

Labor intensity groups and main professions related to these groups
1st group - workers predominantly in mental labor
  • heads of enterprises and organizations, engineering and technical workers whose work does not require significant physical activity;
  • medical workers, except for surgeons, nurses, orderlies;
  • teachers, educators, except for sports;
  • workers of science, literature and press;
  • cultural and educational workers;
  • planning and accounting workers;
  • secretaries, clerks;
  • workers different categories, whose work is associated with significant nervous tension(control panel workers, dispatcher, etc.).
2nd group - workers engaged in light physical labor
  • engineering and technical workers whose work involves some physical effort;
  • workers involved in automated processes;
  • workers in the radio electronics and watch industries;
  • garment workers;
  • agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, nurses and orderlies;
  • department store sellers;
  • service workers:
  • communications and telegraph workers;
  • teachers, physical education and sports instructors, coaches.
3rd group - workers of average difficulty:
  • machine operators (employed in metalworking and woodworking);
  • mechanics, adjusters, adjusters;
  • surgeons;
  • chemists;
  • textile workers, shoemakers;
  • drivers various types transport;
  • workers food industry;
  • public utility and catering workers;
  • food sellers;
  • foremen of tractor and field crews;
  • railway and water workers;
  • auto and electric transport workers;
  • operators of hoisting and transport mechanisms;
  • printers.
4th group - workers of heavy physical labor:
  • construction workers;
  • the bulk of agricultural workers and machine operators;
  • surface miners;
  • oil and gas industry workers;
  • metallurgists and foundry workers, except for persons classified in group 5;
  • workers in the pulp, paper and wood processing industries;
  • slingers, riggers;
  • woodworkers, carpenters, etc.;
  • workers in the construction materials industry, except for persons classified in group 5.
5th group - workers engaged in particularly heavy physical labor:
  • miners employed directly in underground work;
  • steelworkers;
  • fellers and wood cutting workers;
  • masons, concrete workers;
  • diggers;
  • loaders whose work is not mechanized;
  • workers engaged in the production of building materials, whose work is not mechanized.

Each labor intensity group is divided into three age categories: 18-29, 30-39, 40-59 years old. This takes into account the gradual age-related decline energy expenditure, which affects the need for energy and nutrients. The gender division is due to lower body weight and less intense metabolism in women compared to men. Therefore, the need for energy and nutrients in women of all age and professional groups is on average 15% lower than in men. The exception is the need for iron, which is higher in women (from 18 to 60 years old) than in men. For women, there is no 5th group of labor intensity, which includes professions with particularly difficult physical work. The nutritional standards separately highlight the physiological needs of pregnant and lactating women.

When determining the need for nutrients and energy for the population aged 18 to 60 years, the average ideal body weight is 70 kg for men and 60 kg for women. For persons with overweight(taking into account gender, age, height, physique) the need for nutrients and energy is determined individually in accordance with the goals of healthy regulation of body weight.

The nutritional standards distinguish between groups of elderly (60-74 years old) and old (75 years old and older) people. Significant reduction metabolic processes and the limitation of physical activity characteristic of these population groups cause a decrease in their need for nutrients and energy. However, for older people who continue to work, the values ​​​​specified in the mentioned standards can be increased, taking into account the nature of the work.

The given nutritional standards give the optimal values ​​for the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the physiologically necessary ratios between them. To ensure completeness amino acid composition food, animal proteins should make up 55% of the recommended protein requirements. For pregnant women (5-9 months) and lactating women, animal proteins make up 60% of the total protein. The share of protein in the daily energy value of the diet, taken as 100%, should be: 13% for the 1st group of labor intensity, 12% for the 2nd and 3rd groups, 11% for the 4th and 5th groups .

The share of fats in the daily energy value of the diet of all population groups is on average 33%, divided by climatic zones: for the south - 27-28%, for the north - 38-40% Vegetable fats should make up 30% of the total fat. To ensure the completeness of the fatty acid composition of food, the standard requirement for linoleic acid has been established - 4-6% of the daily energy value of the diet for all groups of the population.

Nutrition standards include division into three climatic zones: central, southern and northern. The energy requirement of the population of the northern zone exceeds that of the central zone by 10-15%, the need for proteins and carbohydrates in relative terms (as a percentage of the energy value of the diet) is approximately the same. Thus, the need for fats for the population of the northern zone is increased in absolute (in grams) and relative terms. For the southern zone, compared to the central zone, the energy requirement is reduced by 5% due to a decrease in the proportion of fats replaced by carbohydrates.

Consumption standards for basic minerals are given taking into account the necessary ratios between calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and the characteristics of iron absorption ().

The nutritional standards indicate the need for thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, niacin and ascorbic acid, based on recommended energy consumption values. The standards include the need for vitamins A, D, E, B 12 and folacin (; ;).

There is an important comment to this publication (see below)

Recommendations developed by the State Research Center preventive medicine Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, with technical support of the project "System preventive measures and the health of the population of Russia" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the TACIS program.

What is healthy eating?

  • Variety of products
  • Balanced diet
  • Tasty
  • Inexpensive
  • Useful for everyone
Why is it important to eat right?

Because it makes it possible:

  • Prevent and reduce risk chronic diseases
  • Maintain health and attractive appearance
  • Stay slim and youthful
  • Be physically and spiritually active
How to eat properly?

Modern model healthy eating looks like a pyramid. Based on it, you can make balanced diet for every day.

The pyramid is based on bread, cereals and potatoes (6-11 units per day).

The next step is vegetables and fruits (5-8 units per day).

At the next level are dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese - 2-3 units per day), as well as meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts (2-3 units per day).

At the top of the pyramid are fats, oils (occasionally, 2-3 units per day), as well as alcohol and sweets (occasionally, 2-3 units per day).

Balanced diet- this is the consumption of products in the optimal ratio.

All products are divided into six main groups:

  1. Bread, cereals and pasta, rice and potatoes
  2. Vegetables and fruits
  3. Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts
  4. Dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese)
  5. Fats and oils
  6. Products whose consumption should be limited. Be careful with them!

By consuming the recommended number of servings (conventional units) of each food group, you can be sure that during the day you will fully meet the body's needs for all necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

What are nutrients and what functions do they perform in the body?

Squirrels- - “bricks” from which the body and all the substances necessary for life are built: hormones, enzymes, vitamins and other useful substances.

Fats provide the body with energy, fat-soluble vitamins and other useful substances.

Carbohydrates- the main supplier of fuel for life.

Dietary fiber- contribute good digestion and digestion of food, are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Minerals and vitamins support proper metabolism and provide normal functioning body.

Products of groups 1 and 2 are the basis of your diet. They are the most beneficial for your health and can prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

1. Bread, cereals and pasta, rice and potatoes(6-11 units per day)

A source of energy, carbohydrates, fiber (fiber), proteins, B vitamins, iron... Build your diet based on these products.

    1 unit = 1 piece of bread
    1 unit = ½ dessert plate of ready-made porridge
    1 unit = 1 dessert plate of cooked potatoes
    1 unit = 1 cup (dessert plate) of soup

2. Vegetables and fruits(5-8 units per day)

Source of fiber (fiber), vitamins and minerals. The more varied the diet in vegetables and fruits, the better balanced the diet. It is recommended to eat them several times during the day (at least 400 g/day).

    1 unit = 1 medium-sized vegetable or fruit (piece)
    1 unit = 1 dessert plate of cooked (raw) vegetables
    1 unit = 1 cup (dessert bowl) vegetable soup
    1 unit = ½ glass (cup) of fruit juice

3. Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts(2-3 units per day)

Source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Meat and meat products With high content fat should be replaced with legumes, fish, poultry or lean meats.

    1 unit = 85-90 g cooked meat
    1 unit = ½ leg or breast of a chicken
    1 unit = ¾ dessert plate of diced fish
    1 unit = ½-1 dessert plate of legumes
    1 unit = ½ egg
    1 unit = 2 tablespoons nuts

4. Dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese)(2-3 units per day)

A source of protein and calcium, which gives bone strength. Milk and dairy products low in fat and salt are recommended.

    1 unit = 1 cup (cup, 250 ml) skim milk, milk or 1% fat yogurt
    1 unit = 1 slice (30 g) cheese less than 20% fat

5. Fats and oils(2-3 units per day)

  • Consume healthy vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, corn, soybean)
  • Limit animal (saturated) fats: butter, margarines, cooking fats, as well as fats contained in foods (milk, meat, potato chips, baked goods, etc.).

How to achieve this? Necessary:

  • Eat foods low in fat ( skim milk, boiled potatoes, lean meat).
  • Steam food in microwave oven or stew, boil, bake
  • Reduce the addition of fats and oils during cooking
    1 unit = 1 table. spoon vegetable oil(regular margarine)
    1 unit = 2 table. spoons of diet margarine
    1 unit = 1 table. spoon of mayonnaise
6. Products whose consumption should be limited. Salt The total amount should not exceed 1 teaspoon (6 g) per day, taking into account the content in bread, canned food and other foods. It is recommended to use iodized salt. Alcohol (no more than 2 units per day) and sugar (including in sweets, sugary drinks, sweetened foods) They do not contain vitamins and useful minerals, are high in calories and cause obesity, diabetes mellitus, caries. Alcohol consumption should not be regular, daily!
    1 unit = 30 g (1 glass) vodka
    1 unit = 110-120 g (1 glass) red wine
    1 unit = 330 g (1 small can) beer
Example of a one-day menu


  • 1 plate rice porridge(1 unit) with low fat (0.5%) milk (½ unit)
  • 1 piece of bread (1 unit)
  • 1 piece of cheese (1 unit)
  • Tea or coffee


  • 1 dessert plate vegetable salad(1 unit) s sunflower oil(1 unit)
  • 1 dessert plate pea soup(1 unit)
  • 1 piece of lean meat (1 unit)
  • ½ dessert plate of buckwheat porridge (1 unit)
  • 2 pieces of bread (2 units)
  • 1 glass of juice (2 units)


  • 1 piece of bread (1 unit)
  • 1 dessert plate of vegetable soup (1 unit) with olive oil(1 unit) and boiled potatoes (1 unit)
  • 1 serving of fish (1 unit)


  • ½ cup low-fat kefir (½ unit)

Vladimir Ivanov

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Copyright V.A. Ivanov, 2003-2017

There is such a term as however, although often used, it is imprecise. It is more correct to talk about the physiological needs of the body for basic nutrients. In Russia they were defined in 1930; currently there are many similar norms.

In 1991 they were installed based on the physical activity coefficient (PFA), which is calculated as the ratio of energy expenditure per day to the value of the main volume.

The norms also include the ratio between carbohydrates, proteins and fats - 50:15:35. Calorie standards are determined by gender, age, physical activity, health status and other factors.

For example, for women the norm is 2100, for men - 2700. In children, these indicators are determined by the intensity of plastic processes (growth), physical activity, and from the age of 11 - gender.

A version developed by US scientists in 1989 of daily food consumption standards by caloric content + in accordance with age and gender.

Historically changed depending on living conditions. For example, 5 million years ago people ate much more than they do now; foods were high in calories and varied. His energy expenditure was about 5000 kcal, since he hunted, obtained food and constantly waged a fierce struggle for existence.

A modern person who does not play sports spends a little more than 2000 kcal, but consumes more and ends up overeating. In addition, with age, a person’s need for food and physical activity decreases.

Meanwhile, the opportunity to eat tasty and plentiful food often increases. At the same time, the quality of nutrition and balance do not improve. As a result, body weight increases, diseases appear, quality of life worsens, and its duration decreases.

Nutritional balance

The composition and quantity of products determine the amount of energy received. The energy balance in the human body can be represented as follows.

Energy input:

  • Caloric content of nutrients.
  • Composition of nutrients.
  • Micro - and macroelements.
  • Vitamins.
  • Liquid.

Energy consumption:

  • Processes of cell growth and renewal.
  • Performing mechanical work.

Energy value of food products and need for them

- Proteins are the basis of life and nutrition. Their minimum requirement for intake is 1 g per 1 kg of body weight, for a growing teenager’s body - 5 g. As a result of one meal, 20 - 30 g of protein is absorbed within three hours.

Another strict requirement for food is ecological cleanliness. However, this issue is extremely complex, for this reason constant environmental control of food products is necessary.

Based on , an adult needs the following amounts of basic nutritional components per day:

  • two liters of water;
  • eighty to one hundred grams of fat (10% of which is of vegetable origin);
  • no more than zero point one grams of vitamins;
  • no more than twenty grams of salts;
  • zero point seventy-five hundredths - one and a half grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.
  • ten grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.

Institute public health Switzerland proposed an original classification of seven food groups.

1. Eggs, meat, fish:

  • Iron.
  • Squirrels.
  • Vitamins A, PP, B2, B1, B12, B6.

2. Dairy products:

  • Squirrels high value, enriched with calcium.
  • Vitamins A, PP, R.

3. Root vegetables:

  • Vitamins C and A.
  • Carbohydrates.

4. Berries and fruits: vitamin C.

  • Vitamins C, A, K, P, folic acid.
  • Fiber.

6. Fats, including PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids).

7. Bread, grain products:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins PP, B2, B1.
  • Iron.



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