Ringworm in adults. Treatment of ringworm in humans

“Ringworm” as a disease was known back in Biblical times and was called the word “leprosy.” The concept of “lichen” was formed under Hippocrates, but it includes a fairly large group of skin lesions, accompanied by the appearance of flaky, colored lesions on the skin, often round in shape. The conventionality of the definition is expressed in the fact that some diseases with various symptoms named with a unifying word, for example, herpes zoster (herpes), scaly lichen (psoriasis), ringworm, ringworm.

The appearance of lichen can be caused by a fungus or virus that has entered the body. A person with a weakened immune system who is susceptible to constant stress, are more vulnerable to the occurrence and development of the disease. Allergic reactions on medicines, ARVI, genetic predisposition can also become a factor that influences the onset of the disease. However, in many cases, the cause of the disease is not fully identified, despite global advances in medicine.

Ringworm has nothing in common with cat ringworm, since trichophyton “hunts” only on humans. If left untreated, it may remain present on the skin without causing much concern. for many years and even disappear on its own during puberty. But this is just a theory, and in practice everything may be different. No one can guarantee the absence of possible complications.

Ringworm symptoms

Ringworm in humans has different symptoms: at the site of the lesion, hair breaks and thins, it seems that they were simply cut carelessly. In these same places, the skin peels off, the scales have a whitish or grayish color. The focus of the disease is often round in shape, but can also be uneven. Depending on the size and extent of the lesion, small-focal and large-focal varieties of ringworm are distinguished.

You can see what ringworm looks like in the photo below.

It is now obvious why the disease received such a specific name. When breaking, the hair at the site of the lesion sticks out at a distance of 1 to 3 mm from the scalp, creating the feeling of a haircut like a clipper. Subsequently, the hair falls out completely, and the remaining ones can be removed without difficulty.

Ringworm initially affects areas of the scalp, spreading to the neck, face, and creeping onto the torso and limbs. Round shape changes, grows, the skin changes color from pale pink to purple, becomes deformed, becomes lumpy, and in some cases festers. With such a degree of neglect of the disease, the affected areas begin to stink.

With a weakened immune system, the disease leads to swelling lymph nodes, in some cases, to their opening, increased body temperature, headaches, and a state of general malaise.

The causative agent of the disease has several subspecies, due to which the disease has various places localization and manifestation in the body. Distinguish the following types ringworm:

  • Superficial, affecting the body and scalp;
  • Chronic ringworm;
  • Based on the nail plate;
  • Infiltrative-suppurative.

Signs of ringworm appear within 14 days from the moment of infection with the fungus, then spread to the entire scalp, body, and nails. Often the lesions are few in number and rarely reach large sizes(the most common lichen is the size of the palm of your hand).

In children lichen ringworm symptoms has the same as in adults, but occurs more often, which gives reason to think that they became infected from contact with cats or dogs. However, the infection enters a weakened body through contact with infected people, or through the use of objects of a sick person: combs, towels, hats, pillows. For infection to develop, it must be weakened, contact with the carrier must be prolonged, and the epidermis must be damaged. For example, abrasions or cuts on the child’s body are enough for the fungus to penetrate. And since ringworm is contagious, there is a surge in the epidemic in child care facilities or families.

The infection that causes lichen spreads quickly not only through the skin, but also through the lymph, so sometimes it is painful. Ringworm in a person is diagnosed by a dermatologist using a special lamp. Wood's fluorescent lamp is sensitive to the trichophyton fungus and will illuminate green light if available. However, diagnosis is not limited to illuminating the affected areas. In order to verify the presence of infection, a scraping is taken from the lesion and a microscopic examination is performed.

Chronic ringworm most often affects women who had a severe form of this disease in childhood. Decline immune defense, interruptions in work endocrine system, circulatory disorders and significantly affect the body, weakening it and leading to the resumption of activity of the fungal pathogen.

Chronic ringworm has specific symptoms that are different from other types. The damaged areas become inflamed, peel or not, are larger in size, often bluish in color, and have an irregular shape. The hair at the site of the lesion breaks and falls off, leaving black spots on the skin like after shaving with a blade. Foci of the disease are localized mainly on the thighs, buttocks, bends of the knees and elbows, and palms. The disease is accompanied by itching and, after healing, leaves scars on the skin.

The affected nail plates become cloudy, lose their natural shine, the edges of the nail break and peel. Thinning and loss of density of the legs occurs.

The chronic form of ringworm progresses in the human body long time, sometimes several decades. Its carriers are extremely dangerous for people, especially for children.

We have already looked at how ringworm is transmitted. It is necessary to limit contacts with infected person, if he is in the environment, carefully observe the rules of hygiene, use a personal towel, comb, wash your hands before eating, handle skin wounds disinfectant solution.

Ringworm on the head also has its own characteristics. It is characterized by a strong inflammatory process, the lesions become lumpy, similar in shape and color to ripe raspberries. The lesions peel off. This form of ringworm sometimes heals itself within several (usually 3) months, leaving behind an unpleasant memory in the form of scars and partial hair loss. However, you should not count on self-healing, as you can get serious complications or ringworm transforms into chronic form.

Ringworm in humans treatment

There are various different types depriving, so treatment for ringworm has its own individually selected treatment. A specialist dermatologist will conduct a diagnosis and select the type of treatment that is appropriate for this particular form of the disease, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body. Treatment must be taken seriously, do not start it or leave it to chance, hoping that the disease will pass itself.

How to cure ringworm? Modern medicine has some methods and means of healing from skin fungal infections. First of all, this is an ointment applied to the lesion and has a detrimental effect on the trichophyton fungus locally. Through the circulatory system and lymph circulation, the ointment preparation spreads throughout the body, destroying the infection present in it.

Medications are an effective remedy against ringworm.

  • Griseofulvin tablets are an antifungal antibiotic. Appointed in a comprehensive manner course treatment depriving. The course is designed to be taken three times a day for the entire time until the analysis shows the absence of fungus in the body. Typically, tablets are taken for a duration of 14 to 30 days, after which the drug is continued for another two weeks to prevent relapse, then another 14 days with three-day breaks. The dose of the drug is calculated individually, taking into account body weight (usually 15 mg per 1 kg).
  • An excellent remedy for ringworm is sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointment applied at night. In the morning, the lesions are treated with a 3% or 5% iodine solution.

In people who have been affected hairy part head, during treatment you should shave your hair bald and repeat this procedure every week until full recovery. The patient himself is isolated, and those in contact with him are periodically examined for the presence of foci of the disease.

If signs of ringworm are detected, treatment is started immediately. Going to work, school or kindergarten allowed only after cleansing skin and testing three times for the presence of fungus in the body. Of course, if the tests turn out to be negative in all three cases. Otherwise, the pills are continued to be taken and isolation is maintained until complete recovery.

Ringworm folk treatment

If you find on your skin or the skin of yours loved one changes similar to the onset of ringworm, it is necessary to urgently contact the appropriate specialist. In the initial stages, the disease is highly treatable, so before consulting a doctor, you can try folk remedies for ringworm and stop the spread of the fungus throughout the body. For treatment at home use:

  • Weak vinegar solution;
  • Garlic juice;
  • Lemon juice.

These liquids have a beneficial effect on the skin, blocking the activity of infection.

  • Another proven folk remedy for ringworm is finely chopped cabbage mixed with sour cream. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin in the form of a compress.
  • An ointment is prepared from beetroot broth with honey or apple cider vinegar with mustard. You should handle such an ointment with care, as you can overexpose it and get a burn to your already affected skin.
  • Regular soap is used to treat affected areas of the skin. They are treated with soapy water throughout the day.
  • Effective folk remedy To combat the disease, use plantain juice mixed with birch ash.
  • Skin wounds are treated with iodine or brilliant green. At the same time, try not to touch healthy areas of the skin.

Traditional medicine provides relief, but to be sure of the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take antifungal tablets and undergo recommended tests, since cleansing the skin does not guarantee the absence of the infectious agent in the body.

Prevention of ringworm

We looked at how ringworm manifests itself in humans, what it looks like, what factors accompany the disease, how one can become infected with it, and what should be done at the first signs of infection. Now let us dwell in more detail on the prevention of the disease, since it is easier to prevent a disease than to spend time and effort on healing it. Prevention consists of the following actions:

  • Maintain personal hygiene. Treat combs, towels, and nail scissors.
  • Monitor children's hygiene and teach them how to basic rules, explain why this is needed.
  • Disinfecting areas public use(toilet, bath, sink, shower)
  • Rinse the washcloth thoroughly after each use
  • After visiting the pool or water park, immediately wash your swimsuit and wash your body with soap.
  • Periodically check your pets, especially those you let outside. At the slightest suspicious symptoms, take him to the veterinarian.
  • Avoid contact with stray animals.

This article covers critical issues health related. We hope that now solving the question of how to get rid of ringworm will not be difficult for you. However, the primary goal should be disease prevention. Be healthy!

Stories from our readers

Ringworm is a fairly serious infectious disease, in which there is a high risk of infectiousness to others. The causative agent of the infection is a fungus.

These can be two types of mycosis at once, according to which the diagnosis will be accurately made, i.e. trichophytosis or microsporia. Children aged 4-13 years most often suffer from this pathology.

Many people are concerned about how ringworm is transmitted. Most often they talk about microsporia, i.e. that version of the problem that both animals and people have. It is when playing with infected animals that children most often contract the infection.

Ringworm is transmitted in different ways. The list includes:

  • Personal contact with a carrier of infection;
  • Using the belongings of a person or animal suffering from pathology;
  • Prolonged stay in the same room with a carrier of infection.

The causative agent of microsporia is quite tenacious. This means that you should be very careful about prevention.

There are some factors that increase the risk of contracting the pathology. Among them:

  • The presence of scratches and other wounds on the skin;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Presence of other skin pathologies;
  • Working with soil without protective gloves;
  • Permanent stressful state or depression.

The incubation period lasts from several days to several weeks. You should definitely visit a dermatologist who will determine what type of fungus is present. Depending on this, certain drugs will be selected.


Today, doctors distinguish 2 main types of ringworm:

  • Trichophytosis.

Each of them has its own distinctive features.


Microsporia in humans develops at different rates, depending on who the infection occurred from - an animal or a person. In the first case, the first symptoms can be observed after 4-7 days, in the second - after 4-6 weeks.

Ringworm in humans can be seen in photographs, of which there are many on the Internet. Initial stage represents the appearance of foci of peeling on the head. Dry scales are clearly visible against the background of the entire spot. But nothing itches. Then baldness will appear in this place.

Often the localization of lesions is noted in the parietal and temporal zone. A little less often, the problem is found on the back of the head. There are several options for the forms of microsporia:

  1. Infiltrative: there will be a fairly strong inflammatory component;
  2. Infiltrative-suppurative: blisters with pus will appear on the skin;
  3. Exudative: bubbles with serous fluid appear, the skin begins to get wet as they open;
  4. Seborrheic: the hair does not break off, but becomes thinner, the skin is covered with scales of a dirty yellow color.

If microsporia lasts too long without treatment, it leads to the development of allergies, which naturally worsens the situation.


Trichophytosis in humans manifests itself after 10-15 days. Small circle-shaped spots of inflammation begin to form on the scalp. Moreover, over their entire surface they are strewn with dry scales. There may also be small blisters with serous fluid, pus, etc. The hair breaks off and often appears as black spots.

The person's general condition does not deteriorate. It often goes away on its own during puberty if the infection occurred in childhood. But the fungus can also persist longer.

Symptoms of the problem

The following symptoms are typical for ringworm in humans:

  • Itching of certain areas of the skin
  • The appearance of tubercles in the ear area, in some cases in the eye area
  • Transformation of bumps into large spots
  • Appearance of crust on spots
  • Hair breaking (relevant for those types of lichen that form on the scalp)
  • Growth of spots - both in quality and quantity: they can gradually migrate throughout the body, spreading to the legs, arms and stomach

If lichen develops on the scalp, the first symptoms often go unnoticed - the hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out slightly. But after 10 days the situation worsens - spots form on the head, the skin condition returns to normal.

If we're talking about about nail lichen, it is expressed by the appearance of white spots along the edge of the plate.

If infection with such a pathology occurred in childhood and remained untreated, then the child will suffer from periodic manifestations of the disease until puberty. Moreover, self-healing occurs more often in boys than in girls. For representatives of the fair sex, the problem can drag on and become chronic.

In case of infection with this type of lichen, round lesions will begin to appear in the area of ​​​​hair growth. They are not always visible right away - after all, the skin under the hair suffers first. In these areas, over time, the hair begins to thin out, it begins to break off - it looks as if the hair was cut at a distance of 1-2 mm. Moreover, symptoms such as:

  • skin redness;
  • bubbles with exudate appear at the edges.

When depriving the species, microsporia appears on the head in place of the vesicles yellow crusts. Skin itching often develops. With lichen of the scalp, the lesions can be up to 10 cm in diameter. It is worth remembering that this option skin problems there is an advantage - it does not become inflamed.

Microsporia of smooth skin often resembles. But at the same time, such an association leads to complications - because the treatment is completely different. They differ in that ringworm appears on any part of the body, while pink ringworm does not.

In addition, ringworm lasts a long time, but pink ringworm lasts 2 months and then often disappears. Ringworm most often forms on the face and neck. In addition, its localization can be the legs and body.

You can distinguish it by:

  • clear contours of spots;
  • brightly colored ridges along the edge of the spot;
  • bubbles and knots.

In the center of the spot there will be pinkish skin that has scales on it. As the disease progresses, the lesions increase in size. Often an accompanying symptom is itching.

Chronic ringworm

Ringworm on the face, hands and other parts of the body can be chronic. Most often it develops in women against the background of problems with thyroid gland, with vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity. It can be different - both on the scalp and on the skin.

If we talk about the head, then most often it appears on the back of the head and temples. On smooth skin, it appears as spots on the elbows, palms, thighs and buttocks. The contour of the spots is fuzzy and large. They vary in color - from pink to bluish.

This type of pathology is transmitted exclusively from animals, and pathogens multiply in hair follicles. In this case, to traditional symptoms join:

  • Changes in lymph nodes - they become larger and more painful;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Allergic rashes;
  • General weakness.

The inflammatory process can last 2 months, or even more. The plaques that appear on the body are lumps and often even look like tumors. This is due to the fact that pus accumulates in the follicles and swelling of the skin appears. When the plaques are opened, purulent fluid begins to flow from them.


Diagnosis of microsporia and trichophytons is a complex event that must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Only a doctor has the right to make a diagnosis based on visual inspection and scraping.

A scraping is the removal of tissue from a lesion. It is then examined under a magnifying glass using a series of reagents. All this allows you to accurately determine the pathogen and influences the choice of treatment method and type of medicine.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of microsporia is long-term and complex method. Moreover, all its stages are extremely important; you should not ignore any of them or refuse the doctor’s suggestions.

General principles of therapy

In general, treatment for microsporia consists of: correct selection antifungal therapy. Today there is a huge number of antimycotic agents that can be either wide range action, and quite narrow - aimed at certain variants of pathogens.

Without such treatment, if you replace it only with symptomatic treatment, you will not be able to overcome lichen. Fungi are too tenacious. For each person, the dosage is calculated individually. And you can’t break it.

Regular scrapings are performed throughout the treatment. As soon as fungal spores are no longer detected in such tests, treatment can be considered successful and stopped.

Immunotherapy is also required, which will increase the body's defenses and improve the person's condition. A strong immune system will fight the infectious agent itself.

Treatment methods for superficial ringworm

Ringworm, the treatment of which can be quite complex, requires compliance with certain nuances. So, first you need to shave the hair - both on the skin and on the head. Moreover, they will have to be shaved constantly during treatment - the frequency of this action is once a week.

Local therapy will also have to be carried out. To get rid of skin damage, use the following products:

  • Iodine solution in alcohol - used for skin treatment;
  • Salicylic alcohol;
  • Tar ointment and other drying agents.

X-ray hair removal is often performed. This option is quite complicated and requires careful preparation. Doses are also calculated by doctors.

After completing the course of treatment, everything must be done necessary tests to make sure that the disease has subsided. In addition, they must be repeated after 7 days, and then after another 2-3 months. If all results are clean, success is guaranteed.

Treatment methods for chronic lichen

Treatment of microsporia in a person if she has taken chronic nature, should be even more thoughtful. For example, you will also have to use antifungal drugs prescribed by your doctor. Also on the list:

  • Vitamins;
  • Immunomodulators and stimulants;
  • Drugs that strengthen blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation.

Naturally, one cannot do without local therapy. If we are talking about treating nails, they will have to be completely removed.

At chronic course use bandages with special ointments. If a relapse occurs during treatment, treatment will have to be started again.

Treatment methods for deep ringworm

Deep ringworm is not a pleasant phenomenon. But the method of its therapy is not particularly different from the standard ones. You will also have to use the entire range of measures.

The only thing you should understand is that the course will take a long time - at least one and a half months. You will have to apply lotions to the plaques with boric acid, silver nitrate and ichthyol.

Hygiene and rules of behavior during treatment

In order not to transmit the infection to your loved ones, you must follow certain hygiene requirements in the presence of such a pathology. For example, your hair should be washed every day with special antifungal agents.

All family members should also periodically wash their hair with selenium shampoo as a preventive measure - it perfectly destroys fungi.

It is important to ensure that children do not handle objects that have been in the possession of an infected person.

To avoid scattering skin particles around the house, avoid scratching. It is better to wear protective gloves on your hands at night to avoid causing even more damage to your skin. Naturally, you cannot use the same household items with all family members.

Pathology photographs

Ringworm in the photo does not look the most attractive. This means we need to worry about prevention. similar disease. You must wash your hands thoroughly after contact with animals and treat them with antiseptic solutions.

Ringworm in humans occurs quite often due to its high contagiousness and photos of this disease often frighten unprepared people. This fungal disease can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from animals.

The main difficulty in treatment is the high survivability of the fungus - it can persist on clothing or surfaces for up to several months.

Description of the disease

Ringworm (trichophytia, dermatophytosis, dermatophytosis, dermatomycosis, microsporia) - contagious fungal infection skin and skin derivatives. Dermatomycosis occurs as a result of the activity of the fungi Microsporum canis and Trichophyton tonsurans.

When infected, the lesions can reach 10 cm in diameter. Outwardly, such lesions resemble peculiar circles that have a clear boundary and can rise above the surface of the skin. To the touch, the skin at the site of the lesion is dry, crusts are easily separated from it.

When the scalp is affected, the hair breaks off at a height of 5-7 mm. Outwardly, it looks as if the patient had a clump of hair cut off.

It is for this property that lichen received the epithet “ringworm”.

Routes of transmission and causes

The fungus is transmitted through household contact. A distinctive feature is its high survivability, and therefore infection can happen in several ways:

Even contact with the fungus on the surface of the skin does not guarantee the development of the disease. Mycosis develops only if a person has a decrease in the level of immunity and neglects hygiene standards.

There are a number of provoking factors that facilitate the development of trichophytosis:

  • softening of the surface of the dermis resulting from prolonged contact with water;
  • traumatic lesions: scratches, abrasions, wounds;
  • reduced level general immunity;
  • presence of dermatitis.

Important! The first signs may appear within several weeks of infection.

Characteristic symptoms

The initial stage of the disease is already different characteristic symptoms. It can be located both in areas with hair and on smooth skin. Depending on this, as well as on the form of the disease, the symptoms themselves differ.

TO characteristic symptoms ringworm in humans can be attributed to the following::

When vellus hair grows, a colloidal film is used - it is applied for 3 days, after which the hairs are easily removed.

For lesions on the head the use of Griseofulvin or Lamisil tablets is required. If a child has liver dysfunction, it is prohibited to give him Griseofulvin for ringworm. In parallel with the tablets, hepatoprotectors are used: Karsil, Galstena, etc.

This disease, depending on the health of the body and the type of carrier, can occur in several forms.

  • Microsporia is a disease transmitted between people, of a zoonotic and anthropophilic type.
  • Anthropophilic trichophytosis - infectious disease with a fungal pathogen that is transmitted only between people.
  • Zoonotic trichophytosis- similar to anthropophilic in nature, but is given to man from cattle, cats and other animals.

It is important to understand that ringworm is common name, which combines two different diseases(Microsporia and Trichophytosis), caused by different pathogens. Localization and clinical picture both diseases are very similar, so historically they were considered a single ailment, and only later they were separated, thanks to deep medical research.

Causes of the disease


Depending on the condition of the body, the depth of location of the fungal colony and which part of the body it has “chosen”, the clinical picture of the disease may vary, so the localization is as follows:

  • torso,
  • feet,
  • legs,
  • hands,
  • nails,
  • inguinal and armpits,
  • palms,
  • face,
  • skin under hair.

Therefore, the full name of the disease always sounds as follows: Ringworm of the trunk or Ringworm of the scalp, etc.

A person who has had infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, in addition to scars for life, acquires complete immunity to the pathogen, so relapse is impossible.

Photo of ringworm: what it looks like

An animal suffering from ringworm suffers greatly, but you need to worry not only about its health, but also about your own. If your pet has minimal prerequisites for the disease, urgently take him to the hospital, and after that, immediately go for an examination to a dermatologist with the whole family.

Content may be difficult to view

A classic example of developing microsporia in the scalp area. The photo shows a characteristic gray coating that densely covers the affected area.

The stage of formation of the main colony in trichophytosis. In the photo you can see how much larger the main hearth is than its ordinary counterparts.

A rare form of ringworm that affects the nails. This happens really rarely, this onychomycosis develops very quickly, and the course of treatment will be 6-12 months, which makes it very difficult to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and makes this form the most difficult to remove from all varieties of ringworm.


Methodology accurate diagnosis consists of two main stages and several additional ones.

Main stages:

  • Examination - the doctor visually examines the lesions, collects anamnesis and biological material (scraping, hair roots).
  • Bacterioscopic examination- is a substantive study of the remains of the pathogen and its reaction to inoculation in a nutrient medium.

Auxiliary methods:

  • Voodoo lamp - used for suspected microsporia, second name this method- luminescent diagnostics.
  • Differentiation - it is very important for doctors to distinguish ringworm from alopecia, favus, eczema or psoriasis, and in the case of deep ringworm from ostiofolliculitis and cellulitis.

Methodology for treating ringworm

The specialist doctor for ringworm is a mycologist, but it is extremely difficult to find one, especially in small towns. Therefore, it is better to just go to a dermatologist working in a skin and venereal disease clinic - such a solution will provide you quality treatment and will eliminate the need to look for a rare and expensive specialist.


This form factor differs from other external products in that it remains on the surface of the skin for a long time, due to which active substances better absorbed. The treatment regimen with ointments for ringworm is always combined with iodine. Usually the ointment suggests evening use(before going to bed), and in the morning the lesions are smeared with iodine.

  • Ciclopirox,
  • Salicylic acid,
  • Mycosporus,
  • Lamisil,
  • Sernaya,
  • Clotrimazole,
  • Sulfur-tar,
  • Bifonazole.

Before applying external products, it is advisable to take care of cleansing the skin. This can be done with potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

In cases where conventional ointments have little effect on the fungus, the doctor may prescribe hormonal external agents: Travocort or Mycozolon.

Gels and solutions

The most popular:

  • Mikogel-KMP,
  • exifin,
  • Yoddicerin,
  • Vokadin,
  • Nitrofungin.


The most popular tablets:

  • Griseofulvin,
  • Orungal,
  • Lamisil.

All drugs complex action have side effects, therefore, using them without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited.


Data cosmetics, for ringworm, are used to achieve a certain effect depending on the type of disease and its stage, as follows:

So that the immune system does not suffer from unbalanced diet, with ringworm, you need to follow general recommendations: control fats and carbohydrates, don’t forget about fiber, eat fresh products, be sure to take necessary for the body vitamins.

Of much greater interest are forbidden foods, because their use can greatly contribute to the disease:

At the same time, you can drink tea, coffee and cocoa, within reasonable limits.

Traditional medicine

What you definitely shouldn't do when you have ringworm is treating it yourself. It is almost impossible to determine the pathogen and form at home, therefore traditional medicine used as an addition to medical treatment.

Popular among the people are:

  • Apple cider vinegar - wipe the affected areas 5-7 times a day with undiluted 5% apple cider vinegar. At strong burning sensation and additional irritation, treatment is stopped.
  • Olive oil and sulfur- add slowly to hot sulfur olive oil. The resulting thick paste is applied to the areas of lichen.
  • Herbal collection- celandine, horsetail, the tripartite sequence is mixed in proportions 2:1:4, after which 2 tbsp. The resulting mixture is steamed in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour. The tincture is rubbed into the infected skin after taking a shower.
  • Cabbage compresses with sour cream- fresh clean cabbage leaf apply to the source of lichen for an hour, after which the area is smeared with sour cream and secured with a bandage.
  • Ointment made from burdock root, hop cones and calendula- the ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1 (in grams) and a strong decoction is boiled from them, after which the resulting liquid is mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:2. The ointment is applied twice a day to areas with lichen and is not washed off.

In addition to food preferences, for speedy recovery, eliminating the possibility of infecting others and preventing relapses, the patient needs:

  1. Wear daily replaced knitted underwear and the same cap.
  2. Wash clothes separately from others, boil them and iron them in high temperature conditions.
  3. Follow the doctor's recommendations when taking a shower: cover the necessary areas with cling film, use special shampoos.
  4. Try not to touch things that are difficult to clean - pillows, carpets, etc. Change your bed linen every day, and buy thick pillowcases for pillows.
  5. Carry out wet cleaning of the house daily.
  6. Separate your own hygiene products from the same products that the rest of the family uses.


Except general measures hygiene, there are specific rules of behavior when a patient infected with ringworm appears in the house:

  • daily external examination of all family members;
  • constant disinfection of places general use;
  • daily shower;
  • wash your hands tar soap, after any visit public places;
  • regular examination of pets;
  • contacting a specialist should occur no later than 24 hours after detection of suspicious symptoms.

Possible complications and consequences

Most terrible complication after ringworm, the hair may not recover, and the scars after the disease may remain for life. Especially often similar problem occurs if treatment was started late or the doctor’s recommendations were violated. There is no danger to health, but the aesthetic appearance of a person who has received such consequences leaves much to be desired.

South Korean hairdressers can fully cope with the problem of unregenerated hair and scars. plastic surgery, but this is quite an expensive pleasure.


The following have a particularly favorable effect on the possibility of infection:

  • maceration - softening of the integument during prolonged bathing;
  • violation of the mechanical integrity of the external integument in any manifestation;
  • diseases that weaken immune system;
  • stress, overwork, sleep disturbances.

Features in children

There are several features characteristic only of this group of patients:

  • at a young age, ringworm, regardless of its form and pathogen, can settle on any part of the body, the scalp is especially often affected;
  • Most often, suppurative and infiltrative forms develop in children;
  • Regardless of the type, ringworm in children causes inflammation lymphatic system;
  • Very often, ringworm in a child is accompanied by fever.

Pregnancy and lactation

The fetus cannot become infected with ringworm during gestation, but the disease brings significant discomfort to the mother in labor.

There are several features for treatment during this period:

  • it is prohibited to be treated with complex and hormonal drugs, even if these are external agents;
  • underwear should be changed twice a day to avoid vaginal infections;
  • Taking your child to bed with you is strictly prohibited;
  • When feeding, you should never let it come into contact with the affected areas of the body; cover them with a sheet or oilcloth.

It is also impossible to simply ignore the process during this period: firstly, by the time the child is born, the entire house will be infected, and secondly, the disease is fraught with a chronic form and corresponding consequences. The main thing is not to self-medicate and contact the appropriate doctor.

Video about lichen

Trichophytosis is not dandruff, but a serious illness, popularly called ringworm. This video will tell you how to differentiate these two problems and why you should definitely see a dermatologist.

Microsporia is the second type of pathogen that leads to ringworm: what you need to know and how to protect yourself. This video will help you understand the main causes of the disease; it also clearly explains the route of infection.

There is no clear answer to the question of how long ringworm is treated.

The healing period depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • type of pathogen;
  • fungal virulence;
  • state of reactivity of the body;
  • affected area.

The duration of treatment for ringworm depends on the timing of visiting a doctor, the form of the disease and proper sanitary and hygienic prevention at the source of infection.

On average, treatment takes from one to three months. A quick cure can only be achieved if early start therapy.

Trichophytosis is caused by fungi:

  1. Trichophyton violet (Trichophyton violaceum).
  2. Microsporum ferrugineum.
  3. Microsporum fluffy (Microsporum canis/lanosum).

The first two pathogens are transmitted from person to person, the second infection occurs through animals.

The fungi that cause ringworm are very resistant to high temperature And sunlight. Also some people can't handle them. disinfectants.

The peak incidence occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The first signs of ringworm appear a week after contact with a sick animal and 4 to 6 weeks after contact with a sick person.

Mostly children get sick. The disease is transmitted from a sick person through the use of his personal items (hats, combs, etc.).

Isolated lesions up to 1.5 cm in diameter appear in the hair on the head. Affected areas - spots irregular shape and with blurred boundaries. The reddened skin is slightly swollen and covered with scales.

Hair in the lesions breaks off either immediately above the skin, or at a level of 2 - 3 mm above the skin, forming characteristic “stumps”. The surviving hair appears healthy or like thin, curled threads.

When smooth skin is affected, swollen round spots with a clear border are formed. The sunken center of the lesion is pale yellow with pronounced peeling, and the raised ridge along the periphery is pink-red. Bubbles, nodules and crusts form on the roller.

The spots often merge. Itching is rare.

Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis

Infection occurs from animals, less often from a sick person. Even getting animal hair and dander on upholstered furniture, carpets, and beds is enough to cause infection. People of all ages can get this form.

Localized in the hair on the head, hairline faces in men, exposed skin areas. Initially, the disease occurs as superficial trichophytosis. Then the infiltration of foci increases. Juicy plaques and nodes with a sharply defined border are formed. Then suppurative processes occur and deep follicular abscesses form.


After the necessary diagnostic procedures(examination under Wood's lamp, laboratory test scrapings from the lesions) a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist selects therapy.

Self-treatment can lead to the disease becoming chronic!

Depending on the type of pathogen, the level of skin damage, the form of the disease and general condition The patient's treatment takes from four to six or more weeks.

Therapy is carried out at home. Persons who are difficult to isolate from healthy people, are subject to hospitalization.

Treatment is carried out both local (direct impact on the lesions) and general, i.e. the whole body.

Local treatment is carried out as follows.

If the scalp is affected, the hair is shaved once a week, after which the head is thoroughly washed with antifungal shampoo.

Used to target affected areas the following drugs:

  1. Mikospor. Available in the form of ointment, cream and solution for external use. When using this drug, fungal cells are destroyed. The course of treatment takes 4 – 6 weeks.
  2. Lamisil. The cream completely destroys fungi on the skin within two weeks, and on the scalp in 5–6 weeks.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment. Actively destroys pathogenic fungi. Appointed in case severe swelling.
  4. Salicylic ointment. In addition to destroying fungi, it removes inflammatory process.
  5. Exifin and Mycogel gels and Vocadine ointment are used for lesions of the skin of the body and nails. The course of treatment takes from one to six weeks, depending on the severity of the process.
  6. Nitrofungin. Highly effective drug both to combat ringworm and in the case of combined fungal-bacterial infection.
  7. Ciclopirox, Oxiconazole, and Ketoconazole ointments are also used.

At general treatment medications are prescribed.

In order to speed up the recovery process and prevent generalization of the disease, tablets are prescribed:

  1. Griseofulvin. Stops the proliferation of fungi.
  2. Orungal. Destroys the shell of fungi, which leads to their death.
  3. Fluconazole. Destroys mushrooms by suppressing their enzymatic activity.


The risk of infection depends on how quickly they are taken preventive measures after contact with a source of infection or detection of a disease.

When ringworm is detected, the following measures are urgently taken:

  • the source of infection is identified;
  • the patient is isolated in a separate room, which is wet cleaned every day;
  • a sick family member is given separate dishes and household items, which are processed every day boric alcohol;
  • everything is thoroughly examined contact persons;
  • thorough disinfection of the premises, clothing, bedding, soft toys, personal items, upholstered furniture;
  • If necessary, a veterinary service is involved.

It should be remembered that fungi multiply quickly in a warm, humid environment.

Therefore, personal prevention includes the following points:

  1. Avoiding prolonged skin wetting. You should always dry your body thoroughly after hygiene procedures and swimming in ponds.
  2. Wearing clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. Daily shower and change underwear.
  4. On the beach and in public baths and showers, wear special rubber shoes.
  5. Use only individual funds skin, nails and hair care.
  6. If you have pets, you must carefully monitor the condition of their fur.
  7. Prohibit children from contact with stray animals. If such contact occurs, you should not touch your body, clothes, etc. with your hands. You should wash your hands thoroughly with soap as soon as possible, and then treat them with antiseptic bactericidal hand gel Sanitelle or alcohol.



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