A special soft toothbrush for children. First toothbrushes, toothpastes - what is necessary for cleaning the teeth and oral cavity of a small child

Now toothbrushes for children are presented by many manufacturers. But which one will be suitable and by what criteria should you choose it?

Children's toothbrush and its differences from a regular one

There is a wide range of toothbrushes for children on sale. They are different from those intended for adults. This is primarily due to the different ages of consumers. It should clean the baby’s teeth efficiently and be easy to use. Therefore, they have different types of bristles, shape, size of the head and handle. This hygiene item is developed individually for very young children, preschoolers and schoolchildren.

The very first toothbrush for children under 1 year of age will be a special silicone fingertip with soft pimples at the end. Unlike a brush with bristles, a silicone one massages gums that are itchy during teething and gently removes. This finger guard allows the mother to control the force of her finger movements in the baby’s mouth and not injure it.

When the baby starts eating solid foods, the silicone toothbrush for children under one year old will be replaced by a traditional one. For children who do not know how to brush their teeth on their own, brushes with a large handle have been developed so that the mother’s hand can help carry out the procedure.

For children who are more independent, the brushes have a short but wide handle. This allows the baby to hold it tightly. Brushes for older children differ in length - it is proportional to the age of the child.

The next difference between this hygiene product, created specifically for children, is the material from which the bristles are made. It is not recommended to use natural materials to make a children's toothbrush. They have a porous surface on which bacteria accumulate. Natural bristles are heterogeneous, quickly break down and injure the gums. Therefore, mothers who love natural materials will still have to prefer synthetic ones.

Toothbrushes produced for children differ in the size of the bristles. If the brush is intended for a very small child, then the bristles should be short and even so as not to injure the oral mucosa. If all of them have already appeared, then the bristles will be of different lengths in order to better clean the interdental space.

Modern baby brushes can be equipped with various functions. For example, the pen may change color when the cleaning time is up. Or the brush may make a sound if it is not moved correctly. Electric models are acceptable for use and are recommended for children over 7-8 years old.

For babies wearing a dental plate or a toothbrush, special monotuft brushes have been developed, which have only one tuft of bristles. They help to reach the most difficult to reach places in the mouth.

Innovations in the field of children's dental hygiene products are. The principle of operation is the repulsion of unlike particles from each other. Teeth are charged negatively, plaque is charged positively, this explains their mutual attraction. The ionic brush has a negative charge in operation. By changing the charge of the teeth to positive, plaque is repelled from their surface and attracted to the brush.

When using it, it does not matter whether it is used or not. This makes it possible to use it in babies up to six months old; it is completely harmless and does not pose a threat to children’s health.

Alexander Grebennikov, dentist:“Despite all the contradictions, oral care should start from an early age. Baby teeth must be cared for in the same way as permanent teeth. After all, the normal development of the latter depends on the health of the former. Early loss of primary teeth can cause abnormalities in the development of the maxillofacial region. A toothbrush and toothpaste remain the most reliable means of caring for a baby’s oral cavity. Teeth brushing should be supervised by an adult, especially during the period of gaining experience in individual oral hygiene. It is worth remembering that even a minor injury to soft and hard tissues can lead to serious consequences. It is better to entrust the selection of a brush to a doctor. Only he, after a thorough examination, will be able to recommend the right one for your child.”

What to look for when choosing a toothbrush for a child?

When choosing a toothbrush for your baby, you should consider the following:

  • it must be selected in accordance with the age indicated on the package;
  • the bristles should be synthetic (suitable material is nylon or silicone);
  • the head should be small (no longer than 3 child’s teeth) and rounded;
  • the handle should be supplemented with rubber inserts so that it does not slip in your hands;
  • Comfort for the mother when teaching her baby to brush his teeth will be increased by a brush equipped with additional devices (for example, a light on the handle that will go off when the brushing time has expired);
  • It is recommended to purchase a brush with a bristle wear indicator (the bristles are colored blue; when worn, the color intensity decreases - if half the color has discolored, it’s time to change the brush);
  • if you buy an electric brush, it is advisable to purchase a set of replacement heads;
  • It is recommended to choose a brush that has a toothpaste dosage marking.

How to teach your child to brush their teeth correctly and regularly?

Healthy habits established in childhood contribute to future health. It is recommended to develop the skill of systematic oral care in a child at an early age. To make brushing your child’s teeth enjoyable and easy, you need to explain to him why it is necessary to do this.

It would be right if the baby is allowed to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste to his liking. There can be several toothbrushes, this will give the child the opportunity to brush his teeth with the one that suits his mood. You can buy a holder for them in the form of a toy. By choosing these items together with mom, the baby will feel the importance of the moment.

In order for teaching a child to brush his teeth to be effective, parents must be consistent in their actions. It is necessary to ensure the regularity and systematic implementation of this procedure. The child must understand that no circumstances should prevent him from brushing his teeth.

Our children are little wizards, and any activity that they should enjoy must be turned into a miracle. You can come up with a fairy tale story in which the main roles will go to his favorite magic toothbrush and his teeth, which must be looked after. You can call for help from the tooth fairy, who leaves little pleasant surprises under the pillow for children who take good care of their teeth. It will be useful to watch cartoons about teeth, about the need to care for them, or involve his toys in cleaning.

Kids imitate adults. Therefore, it is necessary to show how important it is to regularly care for your teeth. An older brother or sister can set such an example. At the same time, it is very necessary to praise the baby. When a child constantly sees such actions before his eyes, sooner or later he will repeat them.

If your baby stubbornly refuses to brush his teeth, you shouldn’t force him. We need to put this question aside for a while and return to it later. Excessive insistence of parents can discourage and scare the baby away from brushing his teeth.

Instilling the habit of regular oral hygiene in adults requires patience. If something doesn’t work out for the baby, you should under no circumstances scold him. You need to act persistently, but patiently.

Many older children who already know how to brush their teeth are in a hurry when doing so. So that the child can control the time during the procedure, you can buy a special small hourglass.

When caring for your baby’s oral cavity, you need to pay attention to the choice of toothpaste. In childhood, the brand and price of a child’s toothpaste does not matter much. It is important that it does not contain fluoride as it is toxic if swallowed.

Sometimes it happens that the brush was bought by the baby himself, and the toothpaste is the most delicious, and an example is regularly set, and the sequence of actions is followed, but the parents have not yet been able to achieve results. The child persistently cannot hold the brush correctly or move his hand. Therefore, brushing his teeth does not give him pleasure. In this situation, mom and dad need to be patient and remember that developing mechanical skills is a gainful endeavor and not the most important thing at this stage of the baby’s development. The main thing is that the child understands how important it is to take care of himself, becomes interested in this process, and feels proud of his skills.

Useful video about what parents need to know about children's teeth

Most children do not like to brush their teeth. Some children do this without problems, but most are still happy to take time off if possible. The reason is mainly that children are bored with brushing their teeth - it's a chore, and the younger generation doesn't like it more than adults. Even if a child brushes his teeth, he may do it poorly, formally, but an adult does not always have time to watch how the child does this “work.”

Modern technologies, as always, come to the rescue. Not long ago, the Grush toothbrush appeared, which turns brushing your teeth into a game. And in this game, the one who brushes his teeth perfectly gets the maximum reward.

main idea

Children, even very diligent and obedient ones, are unlikely to brush their teeth all the time as they should - walking along the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth, making forward movements, and spending 2 minutes on this entire procedure, as recommended by doctors. Most children treat brushing their teeth as a formality, with all that it entails. Basically, this means touching the front teeth with a toothbrush and, at best, brushing the outside of the teeth.

After this, the child puts the brush back and, with a sense of accomplishment, goes to tell mom and dad that everything is done.

How to brush your teeth correctly?

It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day: 1 - in the morning; 2 - before bed, after the last meal/liquid (except water).

  • Before brushing, be sure to wash your toothbrush.
  • A small amount of paste is applied to the brush (no more than 0.5 cm for children and no more than 1 cm for adults).
  • Position the head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line. Make short circular movements in the direction from the gum to the cutting edge. Brush each tooth thoroughly.
  • Cleaning the inner surface of each tooth from gum to tooth. The brush is placed perpendicular to the cutting edges.
  • Use the same movements to brush the outer surfaces of your teeth.
  • Use a back-and-forth or circular motion to clean the chewing surfaces of the upper and lower molars.
  • Complete the brushing by massaging the gums - with your mouth closed, use the brush in a circular motion, grabbing the teeth and gums.
  • Clean your tongue (special scrapers are made for cleaning the tongue, but you can also use a toothbrush. Start cleaning the tongue from the back and gradually move towards the front).
  • Wash the brush and place it in a glass with the bristles facing up.

If you don't brush your teeth, they will deteriorate, everyone knows this. But negative consequences can also occur in the case of improper brushing of teeth: “Due to incorrect movements of the toothbrush (up-down, left-right or circular movements), the gums are injured, soft plaque is driven into the interdental spaces and into the gum pockets, and the teeth into the cervical areas are worn down and a wedge-shaped defect is formed.”

It is clear that teaching a child to brush their teeth correctly is not so difficult, but few children will regularly perform this procedure. And it is hardly possible to constantly monitor the process of brushing a child’s teeth. And here the smart brush Grush (for children aged 3 years and older) comes to the rescue.

What is Grush?

It looks like a regular toothbrush. But it has several sensors, a gyroscope and a Bluetooth wireless module. When brushing your teeth, the sensor tracks the location of the brush, including the angle of inclination, and analyzes this information, showing the brushing process on the screen of the paired phone.

By the way, Grush is a "Gaming Toothbrush", it's simple.

Everything is designed quite simply.

In principle, this is true - Grush is a simple but very useful electronic device, linked to a cloud service.

To get started, you need to install special software, a mobile application on your phone, after which the brush and smartphone are paired (no matter how strange it may sound) automatically. Then you can choose one of several games available for use and start brushing your teeth. By the way, both iOS and Android are supported (for children and for parents). The application will be Russified by the start of sales (November this year).

All data that is transferred to the application is automatically saved in the cloud. And parents can also get access to the cloud service, who will already be able to understand how well the teeth cleaning process is taking place. If you wish, you can reward especially diligent children.

What does Grush give to a child?


The developers promise to release several games soon. These are, for example, such toys:

Grush Game II: Toothy Orchestra

Grush Game III: Brush-a-pet

There are several other games where the child will control a spaceship or ride a pony.


The app has a section that goes into detail about why brushing your teeth is so important. They also talk about the consequences of poor dental care - for example, how they will be treated if something happens.

What does Grush do for parents?

If you want to see how thoroughly your child brushes his teeth, you can install the appropriate application.

In general, with such a brush it is unlikely that a child will refuse to brush his teeth, especially since the manufacturer promises to release more and more games. But anything can happen.

Actually, parents themselves can use such a brush. And while controlling a pony may not be very interesting, the visualization of brushing teeth is great.

Children are taught oral hygiene from a very early age. Toothbrushes for young children should be selected taking into account age, individual characteristics of the oral cavity and meet safety requirements. The variety of models on the market today sometimes confuses parents. In order not to make a mistake with your purchase, it is worth studying in advance the features of the models, their advantages and disadvantages.

Not so long ago, only classic versions of brushes were presented in stores, but the development of technology also affected the hygiene sector, and electric and ultrasonic models appeared on the shelves.

Classic simple

The simplest and cheapest option. Suitable for the youngest children. They are hygienic, special and preventive. The number of cleaning tufts is from 25 to 40. For the little ones, choose models with soft bristles, for older children with a medium degree of hardness.


Such models are equipped with additional functions and are more expensive than ordinary ones. However, there are options with replaceable attachments, which allows you to save on buying a new accessory; just buy a removable attachment, and the brush is like new again.


The most modern version of a hygiene product, which has not yet become widespread. Recommended for older children.

Due to the influence of vibrations of sound waves, dental plaque is destroyed.

Options for choosing a children's toothbrush

In order not to harm your baby’s teeth, you should pay attention to the parameters of the toothbrush that correspond to a specific age.


The handle of the product must be made of non-slip material and have a protective ring to prevent injuries. Its length should correspond to the baby’s age and be comfortable. An attractive design decorated with cartoon and fairy tale characters will attract the child’s attention and make the process of brushing teeth a fun experience.

Working part

It is worth choosing a brush for your baby with a round head. Its size also corresponds to the child’s age; too large will cause discomfort for the baby, and it will not be able to clean hard-to-reach places.


The height of the bristles of a children's brush should not exceed 11 mm, this will ensure high-quality teeth cleaning. The bristles should be even, this creates equal pressure on the entire surface of the teeth. For younger children, a brush with soft bristles is suitable; for older children, you can choose one with a medium degree of hardness.

Preference should be given to hairs made of silicone; unlike natural ones, they do not injure the baby’s gums, and bacteria do not accumulate in them.

What is a children's electric brush?

Kids are very attracted to colorful brushes, which also buzz, which allows them to turn the cleaning process into an exciting game. But in order to make the right choice, it is worth studying in more detail the features of such products.

What types of electric brushes are there?

There are several types of such products for babies:

  • Classic option.
  • Sound.
  • Ultrasonic.

By cleaning method

The classic one has no additional functions; the rotating head removes plaque and dirt particles. The sound models contain not only rotation, but also vibrations, which makes it possible to most effectively eliminate microbes from the surface of tooth enamel.

Oscillation waves of ultrasonic models destroy the film created by bacteria and cope with the task most effectively.

By power source

This can be a built-in battery or a removable battery. Brushes are also available that charge from an electrical outlet or from a base (like mobile phones).

Availability of several modes

Additional functions include:

  • tongue cleaning mode;
  • gum massage;
  • sleep timer;
  • built-in melodies;
  • cleaning mode for the inner surface of the cheeks.

When can a child use an electric toothbrush?

Dentists do not recommend using the electric option for children under 3 years of age. Older children should choose a classic version without many additional functions as a first acquaintance with such an accessory.

Selection criteria by age

Manufacturers produce individual versions of products for each age category of children. To decide which one to choose, just look at the labeling.

For the little ones

For infants under 3 years old, choose silicone options that fit on the finger. These brushes not only clean the first teeth, but also massage the gums, which makes teething easier.

For children 3-12 years old

At this age, products made from soft to medium-hard bristles would be a suitable choice. The main thing is that it is comfortable for the child to hold it in his hand.

For a child 12-18 years old

For older children, buy brushes with medium bristles; they are practically no different from adult models.

Rating of popular models

Based on reviews from parents and the opinions of dentists, you can easily determine which brush is best for your baby. To do this, just read the product ratings.

The best ultrasonic electric

Almost every manufacturer produces such models, but the following brands are the most popular.

Asahi Irica AU300D

The oral hygiene product made in Japan has 3 attachments included. The operating principle is based on the combined effect of sound and ultrasonic vibrations. There is a case for storing removable attachments. Cost about 9,000 rubles

This accessory comes with a charging stand and three removable attachments. Round head, medium hard bristles. However, sometimes customers complain that after a few months the brush stops charging. The price starts from 5,000 rubles.

Emmi-dent 6 Professional Chrome

The battery life of this product is up to 10 days. Elongated head, rechargeable and stored on a stand. The downside is that the kit only comes with one attachment. The gift includes children's toothpaste with mint flavor. Cost from 10,000 rubles.

Top children's electric brushes

Below are the electric models that most often receive positive consumer reviews.

An inexpensive option that will cost the consumer about 800 rubles. Recommended for use in children from 5 years of age. When you turn on the brush, multi-colored lights light up, which makes the cleaning procedure a fun experience.

Hapica Kids

Suitable for use in children over 3 years old. Soft bristles and a rounded head ensure gentle cleaning of teeth. The set includes stickers depicting cartoon characters. The cost is quite reasonable for such models - from 1,400 rubles.

Made in the style of “Star Wars” and always delights kids. The set includes 1 nozzle. A unique gentle cleaning system allows you to remove plaque and food particles without damaging the child’s delicate enamel and gums.

Oral-B Genius 8000

This brush can be charged from a mobile device; the German manufacturer has developed a modern design, complemented by practicality and ease of use. The sealed case allows you to store the product in conditions of high humidity and not worry about it deteriorating.

Oral-B Genius 9000

The set includes 4 attachments and a more advanced battery than the previous model. Available in white, black and golden pink.

The Best Sonic Electric Toothbrushes

The Japanese brand is famous for its quality and at the same time affordable price tag. The model is suitable for cleaning teeth in children from 1 to 6 years old. Ultra-soft bristles and virtually silent operation will not cause negative emotions in your baby.

Philips HX6711/02

CS Medica CS-262

An acceptable option for little money, and the cost does not affect the quality. It is recommended as a child's first introduction to such brushes. The safety and effectiveness of the product have been clinically proven.

- a very exciting and responsible period in the life of parents, for which you need to prepare several weeks in advance. We are talking about the features of the hygienic regime and proper oral care. Some mothers believe that a child’s teeth should be brushed after the first baby tooth appears, but dentists have a different opinion. You should not approach issues of oral hygiene in infancy lightly, because not only the health of the teeth, but also the correct formation of the bite will depend on this.

The mucous membranes also need daily cleansing of bacteria and food debris, since it is the surface layer of the gums that provides local immunity and helps prevent the development of many infectious pathologies. To clean the mouth of a child under 1 year old, the same hygiene products are used as for older children, but they must be selected in accordance with age characteristics and needs.

When to start?

A very common misconception of many parents is the belief that they need to start caring for the baby’s oral cavity after the first baby teeth erupt. In fact, gums and mucous membranes need special care almost from the very birth of the baby. It is impossible to use professional hygiene products at this age due to the content of chemical elements and compounds that can negatively affect the protective functions of the epithelial layer covering soft tissues.

To remove residual milk or formula, you can wipe the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and tongue with a sterile gauze cloth moistened with boiled water. When the baby is one month old, water can be replaced with herbal infusions and decoctions. They help moisturize and soothe the baby's gums and prevent the development of inflammatory processes that often occur due to the accumulation of dairy foods in the oral cavity. Parents should know that milk sugars are an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of fungal flora and the occurrence. The main food of infants up to six months of age is breast milk or milk substitutes, so hygiene procedures are an integral part of oral health in children, starting from birth.

The following herbs can be used to prepare a decoction or infusion:

  • chamomile (considered a plant with hypoallergenic properties and is almost always well tolerated by infants);
  • calendula (a powerful antiseptic with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • sage (soothes gums and destroys pathogenic flora);
  • St. John's wort (contains many mineral salts and vitamins, has a positive effect on the condition of gum tissue).

Important! It is not recommended to use decoctions and infusions more than 1-2 times a week, since frequent use can disrupt the natural balance of microflora.

What are dental wipes for?

Dental wipes are designed to remove food debris and microbial plaque from a baby’s gums and are an alternative to a toothbrush for children under 5-8 months. Most wipes are approved for use from 4 months due to the content of sodium salts of benzoic acid. They are used in the food industry as a preservative and are officially considered a food additive.

You can also find other components in the composition, the use of which is contraindicated before four months of age. These include:

  • lemon acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • xylitol (a type of sugar found in many grains, berries and fruits).

“Toothpicks” - napkins soaked in xylitol

Glycerin is used as a softening base, and the impregnation formula may contain plant extracts, for example, green tea, chamomile or calendula extract. This composition helps to provide comprehensive care for the child’s gums and prevent infectious and inflammatory processes.

Note! The most popular brand of dental wipes for infant gum care is Spiffies. One package contains 20 hermetically sealed fruit-scented wipes, suitable for daily use from four months of age. The only disadvantage of this product is the high cost (about 500 rubles per pack).

The role of hygiene care in infancy

Dentists recommend buying a special toothbrush for cleaning the first baby teeth from the moment the first tooth appears. Some mothers do not see the need to care for baby teeth, although the health of the permanent dentition will depend on the condition of the first teeth. A tooth affected by caries is a source of constant infection, which can penetrate into the deep layers of the periodontium and periodontium. With such a clinical picture, an erupted molar may also appear with a carious cavity, which will be much more difficult to treat.

We must also not forget that healthy baby teeth ensure the correct formation of the facial skeleton and bite. Statistics show that almost 17% of depressive disorders and childhood complexes are associated with malocclusion and other oral defects. This can be avoided if you seek dental care in a timely manner and pay enough attention to preventive measures.

Choosing a brush - what you need to know?

Toothbrushes for infants are made only from soft materials that will not scratch or damage the gums. Almost 80% of products in this group are made of silicone, since this material has many advantages:

  • ease of hygienic care;
  • softness and minimal trauma;
  • absence of dangerous compounds in the composition;
  • moderate massage effect.

The downside of silicone brushes is their fragility. The consumer characteristics of such brushes deteriorate after about 1-2 months of use. This is also due to the physiological characteristics of this age, because in the period from 4-5 to 8-10 months, all babies experience intensive eruption of baby teeth. This process is very painful, accompanied by swelling of the gums and constant itching, so the child tries to chew and gnaw everything that gets into his mouth and touches the gums.

Important! You need to change your baby brush promptly. This is due not only to the hygienic aspect, but also to the possible entry of small pieces of silicone into the baby’s respiratory tract. If, upon inspection of the product, any signs of deformation and damage to the integrity of the material from which the brush is made are revealed, it should not be used - this can be dangerous to the health and life of the child.

What does a baby brush look like?

The silicone brush is a soft fingertip that fits onto the finger of an adult. Before each use of a brush, parents should wash their hands with antibacterial soap to avoid introducing infection into the child’s mouth. Using a brush placed on your finger, you need to make gentle, slow movements on all sides of the gums, not forgetting to pay attention to hard-to-reach areas where plaque most often accumulates.

The duration of the procedure in children from 4-5 months to 1 year should be slightly longer than in older children, because 2 minutes will not be enough to completely remove plaque and food debris. On average, dentists advise spending at least 4-5 minutes on hygiene measures. This will not only help remove all impurities, but also provide gum massage, improve blood circulation and help reduce the severity of pain during teething.

Features of caring for silicone brushes

It is important not only to choose the right brush, but also to know the features of caring for it. Following the recommendations of dentists will help extend the life of your teeth and improve the quality of hygiene procedures. After each use, the product must be washed with warm water and baby or antibacterial soap. You can also use natural laundry soap for this purpose, but after the procedure it must be rinsed thoroughly. If this is not done, a characteristic odor will remain on the product and the child will refuse to brush his teeth.

It is best to store the brush in a special case, but you do not need to put it away immediately after use. After washing, it is better to put it in a clean towel or napkin and leave for 30-40 minutes. This is necessary for the product to dry completely. Regular drying with a towel is not enough for this, because moisture accumulates between the tubercles located on the surface of the brush, and it is quite difficult to dry these places.

Important! Children's personal hygiene products should not be stored together with products intended for adults. Silicone brushes must be stored in a case. Products with bristles should be placed in a glass with the bristles facing up.

Do baby brushes need to be sterilized?

Recently, devices for sterilizing children's toothbrushes have appeared on the market, which provide antibacterial treatment using steam. Experts consider the use of sterilizers inappropriate for several reasons.

  1. The service life of a children's toothbrush is about 2-3 months. After this, it must be replaced, since such a brush loses its hygienic and consumer properties.
  2. All modern products are made from synthetic materials in which the growth of pathogenic flora is practically impossible. To ensure hygienic treatment and remove bacteria from the surface of the product, it is enough to wash it with warm water and soap.
  3. Steam treatment can lead to deterioration of the silicone properties and faster deformation of the product.

note! Under no circumstances should children’s toothbrushes be boiled or doused with boiling water. Modern synthetic materials are not designed for this.

Manufacturers and prices

The table below lists the most popular manufacturers of toothbrushes for babies, as well as approximate prices for their products.

Table. Popular children's toothbrushes and their average market prices.

Manufactureraverage cost

190 rubles

210 rubles

Usually comes with “0+” toothpaste. The cost of the set is 210 rubles

100 rubles

210 rubles (storage case included)

Dentists consider early oral care to be the key to healthy teeth, proper bite and excellent prevention of caries. It has been proven that in children whose parents did not provide sufficient hygienic care in infancy, the first signs of the carious process are detected at the age of 2-3 years. In order not to expose your child to additional risk, it is better to follow the advice of specialists and take responsibility for the condition of the child’s oral cavity.

Video - Review of the first children's toothbrushes

Preventative measures to prevent dental problems in adulthood should begin at an early age. It is during this period that the preconditions for most problems appear. A toothbrush plays a special role in oral hygiene.

Many parents have the opinion that they should brush their baby’s teeth only after they have erupted. Some experts are of the opinion that breastfeeding is enough to keep a baby’s mouth clean. Others are convinced that it is necessary to carefully take care of compliance with all measures from the first days of life.

All dentists agree that from the age of 6 months, when they begin, full-fledged care is necessary. For this purpose, special wipes are used that help remove plaque from the baby’s gums.

You need to take care of the first tooth that has erupted.

A silicone toothbrush intended for children is only necessary after 6 months. It can be easily put on your finger and allows you to carry out a delicate gum massage along with hygienic cleaning. This procedure is useful during this period of the baby’s life, when the first teeth begin to appear.

Such devices are as convenient as possible and can be used until the moment when the baby learns to follow the rules of hygiene on his own.

What to do if your baby doesn’t want to brush his teeth?

What exactly should a baby's first toothbrush be? You should buy such a hygiene item no earlier than when the child turns one year old. Children are often reluctant to take care of their oral hygiene.

To prevent toothbrushing for children from causing negative associations, do not force it. Teach your baby hygiene through play. Another trick is to buy a toothpaste that tastes good. Children use products with bright designs with great interest.

Criteria for choosing children's toothbrushes

The brush for the first teeth should be suitable requirements:

  1. It should be thick enough so that the baby can easily grasp it, since at this age the joints of the hands are still poorly developed.
  2. It is desirable that it be rubberized or curvy. This will help prevent slipping.
  3. Its bristles should be fairly polished and rounded. The optimal number of bundles is 20. This will help avoid aggressive effects on the baby’s gums.
  4. The head should not be too big. It will be enough if its size is 2 cm.
  5. Children need soft bristles, otherwise they can damage their gums.

Choose a brush with artificial bristles.

It is important! The principle “everything natural is better than artificial” is not appropriate in this case. Natural fibers are an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms. Experts strongly recommend purchasing artificial bristle brushes for children.



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