Spider veins all over the body. Vascular formations - “stars” - what are they? Why do spider veins appear on the face?

Spider veins are nothing more than dilated blood vessels. They can appear anywhere on a person's body: on the face, legs, back or stomach. Most often, the localization of spider veins indicates the presence of more serious diseases in the body.

Causes of spider veins

Almost 90% of adults have such dilated vessels. In addition to various diseases accompanied by the appearance of dilated blood vessels, changes in hormonal levels can also trigger their appearance. Spider veins appear especially often in women after childbirth. In addition to localization on the legs or face, spider veins on the abdomen are not uncommon. And if such stars located on the lower extremities are directly related to varicose veins, then their presence on the abdomen most often signals more serious problems, for example, cirrhosis of the liver or cancer.

Why do dilated capillaries appear on the stomach? This is due to the proliferation of liver tissue, which begins to compress the portal vein. In turn, the pressure in the veins of the esophagus and the vessels of the abdominal cavity increases. This causes stars to appear not only on the stomach, but also on the shoulders, back or arms. Their appearance should be a serious reason for a person to immediately consult a doctor, because, as a rule, such a symptom appears a couple of years before the appearance of acute symptoms of cirrhosis or other liver damage. At the first signs of spider veins, it is necessary to check the liver. This is necessary even if no other symptoms bother the person. It is important to know that when liver function returns to normal, then spider veins on the abdomen disappear on their own. If the reason for their appearance is not related to chronic liver diseases, then the degree of vascular damage may increase, so care must be taken to remove them.

How are spider veins classified?

Doctors most often use the Redish-Pelzer classification, according to which all spider veins can be divided into 4 types:

. Simple - they are also called linear or sinus. Such stars appear on the face, the cheeks and nose are especially susceptible to them;

Tree-like - can be red or blue. The appearance of tree-like telangiectasias most often occurs on the legs;

Arachnids - in the center of such an asterisk there is an arteriole, from which the smallest capillaries extend. Such anomalies often appear on the abdomen;

Spotted - these telangiectasias are common in a disease such as collagenosis.

In addition to a visual examination, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods to rule out more serious vascular lesions.

How to remove spider veins

The technique for removing spider veins depends on their age. If the patient discovered dilated blood vessels in time and consulted a doctor, and their age does not exceed several weeks, then a removal method such as ozone therapy will be effective. Ozone is introduced into the damaged vessel, which, acting from the inside, not only discolors it, but also promotes cell rejuvenation.

Spider veins on the abdomen and on other parts of the body are effectively eliminated with laser. This method is safe and painless: the capillary is pierced with a needle, a light guide is inserted that sends pulses, which leads to sintering of the capillary, and subsequently to the healing of the damaged area. In this way, spider veins can be eliminated not only in adults, but also in children.

Another technique for removing a defect is electrocoagulation. Its action is based on high frequency electric current. An ultra-thin needle is inserted into the vessel, through which a current is applied; under its influence, the vessel sinteres and subsequently disappears. Do not delay visiting a specialist if you find spider veins on your body. Remember that their appearance may indicate serious problems in the body. Our clinic has modern diagnostic equipment, and you can undergo examination of any complexity and receive effective treatment.


Vascular patterns appear on the skin surface of the fair sex and men. They make unpleasant aesthetic changes to the appearance and cause discomfort.

The problem affects 90% of the world's population. It is incorrect to classify such a pathology as cosmetic - a venous network on the chest indicates a disruption in the functioning of the vascular system in the body.

Nature of the disease and causes of its appearance

Spider veins on the chest are the result of dilated capillaries that are burgundy or purple in color. The localization of the web on the human body occurs in a chaotic manner, but common places are the face, chest area, arms and legs. The thin capillary web can be of different shapes. In medical practice, the pathology is referred to as rosacea.

Spider veins form due to weakening and expansion of the vascular walls. Poor functioning of the venous valves provokes stagnation of blood flow, which increases pressure on small vessels. Regardless of the place where the “pattern” appears, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the factor that determines its appearance, and then begin to choose a treatment method.

Excessive physical activity in the form of sports can provoke capillary meshwork

It is quite difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for the development of the grid. Its mechanism is a malfunction of the vascular system, accompanied by congestive pathologies. Although in some cases rosacea becomes only a cosmetic defect and affects an absolutely healthy person.

The following can cause the formation of a capillary network:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • vascular diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by pregnancy or taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • prolonged occupation of a vertical position;
  • obesity;
  • frequent changes in temperature conditions;
  • long exposure to the open sun;
  • deep skin peeling, cupping massage.

The formation of a vascular network on the lower extremities can act as a confirmation of varicose veins. The sign becomes especially important for identifying the initial stage of the disease and preventing its development.

If stars appear in the chest area, you should not delay visiting a doctor because of the many reasons for the formation of such a pathology. In addition, capillary networks in the upper part of the body may indicate the onset of an oncological process in the mammary glands.

Associated symptoms

The venous network does not pose a threat to human life, but it does not change its appearance in the best way. When pressing on the walls of blood vessels, pain occurs in the damaged areas, redness and itching. The appearance of external symptoms of the mesh is preceded by pain and fatigue in the legs in the late afternoon. Patients often experience leg cramps at night. Further on, a convex mesh of reddish or bluish color is formed, rising above the skin surface. If you press it with the phalanx of your finger, it turns pale, but quickly restores its color.

Diagnosis of the disease

Determining treatment options for a venous network involves conducting an examination to identify the stage, level and volume of vascular pathology. Doppler ultrasound (USDG) is used as the main examination method, but other methods can be used according to indications. In addition to the phlebologist, the examination is carried out by a vascular surgeon, endocrinologist, gynecologist and cardiologist. If necessary, it is possible to prescribe auxiliary examinations to identify pathologies in the functioning of certain organs.

Features of the vascular network on the chest

Most often, stars in the chest area occur in pregnant women. Similar modifications are associated with most conditions, and the formation of the fetus brings changes to the mammary glands. The expectant mother's breasts increase significantly in volume, and the blood supply system at this time begins intensive work in this area. The processes contribute to the appearance of a vascular network.

The mechanism of change occurs against the background of hormonal changes - after conception, a lot of estrogen and progesterone appear in the blood fluid, which directly support the progress of pregnancy. The restructuring of the body is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest area; they disappear after the first trimester of bearing a child.

It is important to choose underwear wisely

You can eliminate the feeling of chest discomfort during pregnancy by following these rules:

  • Choosing the right underwear is an important nuance for such a crucial period. A comfortable bra ensures the healthy condition of the mammary glands;
  • if pain intensifies or you feel lumps in the chest, you should consult a doctor for proper treatment of the disease;
  • During pregnancy, you need to carefully select food products and avoid eating foods that provoke changes in the well-being of the expectant mother.

The use of cosmetic products for stretch marks is permissible only after consultation with the doctor.

The skin surface becomes so dense that barriers to normal blood flow arise. An increase in pressure helps to normalize blood flow, which provokes stretching of the vascular walls and the formation of rosacea. Similar changes are also observed in liver pathologies: hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer. Disruption of the pancreas and thyroid glands can also be accompanied by skin changes that appear on the walls of blood vessels. In such cases, the disease affects not only women, but also men.

Vascular network on the chest, nuances of occurrence

The venous web does not pose a danger to the body. Such changes can disappear on their own without causing discomfort to the person. However, there are situations of rapid growth of the mesh, which indicates the presence of disorders in the body. Then discovering the true etiology is quite difficult.

Rapid weight loss can cause previously hidden veins to bulge

Additional conditions that cause the development of a venous web in the thoracic region are:

  1. Powerful physical stress on the body. The appearance of mesh in men can be triggered by taking drugs to stimulate muscle growth.
  2. Rapid weight loss. A sharp reduction in body weight can cause previously hidden veins to bulge. After gaining normal weight, the formations disappear on their own.
  3. Surgical intervention. Plastic correction of organs can cause the growth of the venous network.
  4. Excess weight provokes vascular disorders, as a result of which vascular cobwebs form on the body.
  5. Pathology of the liver and adrenal glands. The appearance of a mesh under the breast indicates significant disturbances in these organs.

Similar manifestations also occur with high blood pressure - unable to withstand the load, capillaries rupture and hematomas form. If the reason for the changes is known, there is no need to panic. Otherwise, the help of a doctor is required, who will inform you about all the intricacies of the pathology and suggest the correct method of therapy.

Measures to prevent the disease

Venous mesh is formed due to various reasons. If there are no significant disorders in the body, this phenomenon can be eliminated by using cosmetic procedures and taking vitamin complexes. To protect the body from the appearance of unpleasant stars, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • maintaining a balanced diet;
  • exercise;
  • regular vitamin therapy;
  • timely visit to the doctor.

The first thing you need to do is completely give up bad habits.

Taking care of the capillaries is of great importance. Modern drugs allow you to protect them from harmful influences, restore elasticity and firmness. An exceptionally comprehensive approach will ensure care for the body and the disappearance of unpleasant manifestations forever.

At times, the vascular network that forms does not pose a threat to the body. Their appearance may confirm the presence of venous pathologies. In such situations, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the blood vessels, strengthening them. The formation of large sections where veins are clearly visible becomes a significant reason to consult a doctor.

Drug treatment

Ascorutin helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels

The early stage of development of rosacea with small foci makes it possible to overcome it with the help of medications. Most often used in therapy:

  • venotonics that strengthen vascular walls: Troxevasin, Phlebodia, Venoruton;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate hyperemia and discomfort: Lyoton, Indomethacin.

Relieves the symptoms of rosacea by strengthening the walls of blood vessels Ascorutin. It is used in the form of tablets or ointments, which are applied topically. The tablets are ground to a powder and mixed with baby cream. The resulting mixture is applied daily to the affected areas.

Spider veins on the body are a problem faced by a third of the world's population. Despite the cosmetic unattractiveness of such spots on the skin, they are not a disease in themselves. Most often, the appearance of spider veins indicates a serious change in hormonal levels, problems with blood circulation, liver or other organs. Speaking of hormones, it is worth mentioning that pregnancy most often causes the appearance of stars on the body. This and other reasons lead to the fact that of all people with this problem, 80% of patients are women.

Classifications of the disease

Spots of rosacea do not appear immediately; often, first one thin thread of purple, burgundy or blue appears on the body. Then new threads of various sizes begin to protrude around it. Gradually a large spot appears, which is called a spider vein. They can appear on the arms, skin, thighs, face and other parts of the body. At this moment, changes occur inside the body, and the vascular walls weaken. Depending on their type (veins, capillaries, arteries), different shapes and colors of formations can be observed. Spider veins on the nose and on the face in general are most often capillary, and therefore have a red color.

What do spider veins look like and their classification:

  • Spot. They look like dark dots surrounded by a network of purple capillaries.
  • Vascular cobwebs. They look like spider legs, which is why they got their name. They form around one place, over time they can increase and new ones appear.
  • Spiral. Most often they are red in color and look like writhing vessels that are not connected to each other.
  • Tree-like. They form around large veins, creating a tree-like pattern.

The location and size of the stars help doctors determine the cause of the problem. For example, an uzist only needs to find a few venous stars to pay attention to the gall bladder, so the initial stage of enlarged veins and the appearance of stars on the skin is sometimes a very useful find.

Source of the disease

Now we know what a spider vein is. But why do spider veins suddenly appear? As we have already learned, spider veins on the body are a manifestation associated with the dilation of blood vessels against the background of hormonal or other diseases. To be more precise, the following list reflects a number of ailments that are the source of the appearance of spider veins.

Spider veins can appear due to liver diseases and injuries.

  • Blood clotting disorders, hypovitaminosis, venous hypotonicity, decreased vascular tone.
  • Pregnancy, as well as a sudden hormonal surge caused by natural causes or taking special medications.
  • Liver diseases and injuries.
  • Abuse of UV rays.
  • Long-term stress on the legs, arms and back, excess weight.
  • Spinal diseases.

Considering the above, spider veins appear with cirrhosis of the liver, and manifestations are typical on the upper torso and on the palms. This liver disease is called liver palms. But rosacea can also appear for more trivial reasons, such as adolescence in a child, excess weight, frequent exposure to the sun, etc.

How to eliminate it for sure

Of all the treatment methods existing today, the most effective are those that limit blood circulation in the damaged area. The essence of this treatment is to glue the enlarged blood area. The blood in it will stop circulating, it will begin to die and over time will be removed by the body, like, for example, a hematoma. Previously, such a procedure included surgery, including severe trauma to the skin and a subsequent long period of rehabilitation.

Modern treatment methods eliminate these problems. Depending on the method chosen, slight redness or pinpoint marks may remain on the skin from the insertion of the tubes, which heal very quickly. The postoperative period has also noticeably shortened, ranging from 2-3 hours to 1 day. You can treat spider veins without interrupting work or other activities.

Have you ever wondered why no one has ever seen varicose veins in stars? The explanation is very simple - modern invasive and rapid treatment methods, the use of the Darsonval apparatus.

Most methods for removing spider veins are low-traumatic and have a minimal recovery period.

Invasive therapy

Microsclerotherapy procedure for spider veins. This method consists of the procedure of soldering blood vessels without visible damage to the skin. A drug is injected into the affected vein (through a needle), damaging the walls of the vessel. This is how it is glued or soldered. The postoperative period consists of wearing a tight bandage for 3-5 days and avoiding hypothermia. Depending on the degree of damage and the number of stars, several procedures may be required to completely get rid of the cosmetic problem. Your doctor will determine the exact amount. The process of sclerotherapy for spider veins has a number of contraindications, which include pregnancy, obesity, menopause, etc.

Laser procedure

One of the most effective ways to glue a vein is to heat it to a temperature when destructive processes in the tissue begin. A laser is suitable for these purposes. To avoid overheating and damage to nearby tissues, cryogenerator cooling is used.


Another way to get rid of stars in a short time. The idea is very similar to the previous one. Under the influence of high temperatures, thermocoagulation occurs, or the destruction of proteins and cells, which leads to soldering of the blood flow. For these purposes, a high-frequency directional emitter is used. After the thermocoagulation procedure, the patient can almost immediately continue to lead his usual lifestyle, following all the doctor’s instructions.

Cryotherapy is a shock procedure designed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to sudden changes in temperature. An affordable method of prevention, which is offered by both private clinics and some city hospitals.

Cold therapy is an at-home alternative to cryotherapy. For cold therapy, you will need ice or several bandages, some should be in cold water, others in warm water. Bandages are applied alternately.

Remember! The type and number of procedures will be determined by your doctor. A consultation with a doctor will help determine the cause of the disease, begin basic treatment, and then, taking into account all the indications and contraindications, select the right procedure.

The procedure is carried out using high temperatures.


Darsonval is a physiotherapeutic device that affects the skin and mucous membranes with pulsed current. Darsonval and the preventive procedure based on it have been known in our country since the times of the USSR, when this device was widely used in treatment rooms. Today you can buy a Darsonval device for personal use and prevent venous swelling. Darsonvalization has received numerous positive reviews online, so it’s worth taking a closer look at this treatment method. You can find darsonval in private or free clinics and sign up for preventive procedures.

Conservative therapy

These methods cannot guarantee a serious result or a complete cure; they are an alternative for those who do not want to subject the body to procedures for vascular adhesions. This is also suitable if spider veins appeared during pregnancy or if we are talking about spider veins in children. This includes the following treatment methods:

  • Ointments (for example, Thrombocide gel). Local treatment can achieve visible results by reducing the size of veins.
  • Medications. Vascular strengthening medications and tablets that improve blood circulation complement and consolidate the effect of ointments.

Traditional methods

Is it possible to treat spider veins at home? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Here you need to understand that asterisks signal the presence of pathologies not only with veins or capillaries, but also with more serious diseases. By fighting its cosmetic manifestations, you are not ridding your body of the cause of swollen veins. We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting treatment with folk remedies.

Iodine mesh. The method is suitable for treating stars on the legs; if you are obese, then the iodine method will not help you, because the formation of swollen veins is caused by stretching of the skin. The mesh itself should be small.

At home, spider veins can be cured using green tomatoes.

Green tomatoes. Vegetables are cut into rings, placed on problem areas and, depending on the thickness of the skin, remain on the body for 1 to 5-6 hours.

Garlic. Two cloves of garlic are cut into thin slices and placed in a glass of water for 10-12 hours. Drink 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. The course of such treatment is 2 weeks.


Now you won’t have a question: what are spider veins and how to get rid of them? Spider veins on the abdomen and other parts of the body are primarily the body’s signal for the presence of an illness (for example, liver disease). The prognosis for treatment is positive. Often conservative methods are enough to get rid of swollen veins. Varicose veins disappear very quickly in women after pregnancy, when hormonal levels improve, the source of the problem disappears. For all other cases, there are invasive methods with a 100% guarantee of getting rid of spider veins, as in the photo.

Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are small convoluted vessels that appear through the skin, resembling a cobweb. They can be red, blue, purple. This kind of mesh on the body is a common phenomenon, which is often considered a purely cosmetic problem. Actually this is not true. Red or purple stars are dilated small intradermal vessels. Their appearance indicates that a person’s capillaries are stretching and losing their elasticity. Changes in the smallest vessels are an alarming sign. This suggests that there is a tendency to varicose veins, even if large veins are still normal. Often this is a sign of the early stage of varicose veins.

They are approximately twice as common in women, which is associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy and the onset of menopause.

Spider veins are not only a cosmetic problem, they are sometimes accompanied by pain and swelling at the site of their location, so they need to be treated.


They can be venous, arterial, capillary. They are divided into point, tree-like, arachnid, and linear. Spider veins can appear on different parts of the body, but are more common on the legs and face, less often on the arms, back, and neck.

Telangiectasias of two types are usually found on the legs: tree-like and linear. The first are located on the outside of the thighs, the second - on the inner surface.

Arterial stars are usually red. They diverge from the arteriole that feeds them in different directions and have the appearance of a spider.

The vascular web on the face is called rosacea. Most often appears on the nose and cheeks and appears as reddish or purple stars of a linear or tree-like type.


The main symptom is external manifestations, that is, the stars themselves of different locations.

Most often, telangiectasias are not accompanied by pain, but in some cases there may be complaints of pain, itching, discoloration of the skin and swelling in the area of ​​the affected vessels.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons why spider veins appear on the body and legs. The main ones:

  • Hereditary predisposition. The likelihood of purple mesh appearing is high if close relatives have it.
  • Hormonal changes leading to stretching of the vascular wall (during pregnancy, menopause, uterine fibroids, hormonal contraception).
  • Violation of venous outflow, dysfunction of the valve apparatus. As a result, the pressure in the vessels increases, they swell and begin to appear through the skin, and their walls weaken. If this happens with small vessels, asterisks appear; if with large ones, varicose veins and nodes appear.
  • Blood clotting disorder. For example, with liver diseases, the formation of coagulation factors is disrupted, and therefore bruises and stars may appear on the body.
  • Increased permeability of vascular walls.

The following factors can accelerate the appearance of spider veins:

  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Surgical operations.
  • Passion for solariums, sunbathing, baths, steam rooms, taking hot baths, including foot baths.
  • Passion for cosmetic procedures (deep peeling of the face and body).
  • Frostbite.
  • Injuries of the lower extremities.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • Prolonged standing or sitting.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Obesity.
  • Elderly age.
  • Dancing or high-intensity sports. This usually occurs with weak blood vessels. Under heavy loads, blood flow increases, the vessels cannot withstand the pressure, stretch and can even be injured.

In addition, telangiectasias are a symptom of some congenital diseases:

  • Maffucci syndrome (deformation of bones and cartilage);
  • Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (vein malformations);
  • Randu-Weber-Osler syndrome (hereditary bleeding);
  • glaucoma;
  • Louis-Bar syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia - a systemic disease in which many organs and systems are affected);
  • meningeal angiomas.

Men and women have stars for different reasons. In men, they are most often associated with chronic venous insufficiency, in women - with the use of hormonal contraceptives, hormonal changes and various disorders caused by pregnancy, abortion, endocrine and gynecological diseases. Usually, vascular cobwebs that appear during pregnancy disappear within a month and a half after birth.


Often people do not pay attention to spider veins on their legs or are only concerned with getting rid of a cosmetic defect. Even doctors sometimes do not pay due attention to the capillary mesh, considering it a harmless phenomenon. But if this is a signal about, then it cannot be ignored. You need to try to do everything to prevent the progression of the disease, and this means not only removing the stars, but also changing your lifestyle and drug treatment. If spider veins appear and are prone to formation, you must:

  1. Reduce excess weight.
  2. Try to walk more often.
  3. Whenever possible, raise your legs above heart level.
  4. Do not sit cross-legged, cross-legged, or cross-legged.
  5. If you have to sit for a long time, wear compression tights or stockings.
  6. Rinse your feet with cool water daily.
  7. Engage in physical exercise and sports with moderate loads, excluding long-distance running, jumping, squats, and lunges. Exercises that load the calf muscles are especially useful. This prevents blood from stagnating in the veins of the legs.

Daily rinsing of the feet with cool water is a mandatory procedure for telangiectasias.

Conservative therapy

For purple stars, which often indicate the beginning of varicose veins, tablets are prescribed for oral administration and external agents - ointments, gels. These are venotonics and blood thinning drugs.

Phlebodia is one of the most frequently prescribed venotonics. The main active ingredient is diosmin. This tool has many advantages:

  • prevents the appearance of new stars, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents their expansion;
  • acts on blood vessels both externally and internally, unlike ointments;
  • has few contraindications and side effects, it can be taken by pregnant women;
  • for varicose veins you need to take only one tablet a day.

It is recommended to apply gels or ointments to the affected areas daily, which improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels. These are Lyoton gel, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, heparin ointment and others. With regular use of external agents and taking tablets, the stars disappear. If treatment is stopped, telangiectasias return. .

Treatment for spider veins involves taking medications. Troxevasin is one of the effective drugs, which is available in capsules and gel form.


Today it is the most common method of treating telangiectasias. It consists of injecting a sclerosing substance into the affected vessel so that the venous walls stick together. The stars disappear after 1-2 months.

Laser method

To treat spider veins on the face, a relatively new method is most often used - laser photocoagulation. The essence of the procedure is the impact of a laser (usually green and yellow spectrum) on a vessel, which becomes invisible due to the adhesion of the walls. The method has many advantages:

  • the skin is not injured;
  • stars are not returned;
  • no marks are left on the skin.

Applies only if the size of the sprockets is no more than 2 mm. The number of procedures is determined by the number of stars and their sizes.

Today, hardware methods for removing spider veins on the body are considered the most effective.

Treatment of spider veins on the legs and face with folk remedies


An infusion is prepared for the treatment of telangiectasias. The leaves of the plant are washed, dried and crushed. Apply half a half-liter jar, fill it with boiling water and put it in a dark place for several days. After straining, the infusion is ready to treat spider veins on the body. Every day you need to wipe your feet, moving from the ankle to the calf.


Cut a ripe tomato into circles, apply them to the sore spots and bandage them. Keep the compress for 4 hours, then change the bandage. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream. The course of treatment is ten days.

An infusion of parsley in water and milk is used to remove purple mesh on the body


To prepare the infusion you will need a tablespoon of chopped herbs, a glass of milk and half a glass of boiling water. First you need to pour boiling water over the parsley and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Then strain and add milk. Soak gauze folded in several layers into the infusion and apply to sore spots for 20 minutes. Do the procedure daily. Used to treat rosacea and spider veins on the legs.

Herbal collection

This remedy is used to treat stars on the face. Helps increase the elasticity and tone of vascular walls.

To prepare, you will need three tablespoons of chamomile, plantain, sage, birch leaves, hops, and Spanish moss. Mix all ingredients. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for 30 minutes. Wipe your face twice a day.


If spider veins appear on the legs and face, you should contact a vascular surgeon or phlebologist. The doctor will conduct an examination to find out why the purple mesh appeared. Ultrasound diagnostics are usually performed, and the heart, liver, ovaries, and uterus can also be additionally examined. You need to take care not only of how to remove stars and prevent the appearance of new ones, but also find out whether they are a symptom of other diseases. Spider veins on the legs are harbingers and companions of varicose veins, so it is important not to waste time and start doing prevention.


Higher education:


Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Level of education – Specialist

Additional education:


State educational institution "Institute for Advanced Medical Studies" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia

The appearance of any changes on the skin can be considered symptoms of the onset of a pathological process in the body, and spider veins on the body, although often perceived as a cosmetic defect, should be considered an unfavorable symptom of a certain organic pathology. Most often, this manifestation becomes the initial stage of varicose veins, which manifests itself in disturbances in the circulatory process. However, there are several other conditions that are characterized by the appearance of spider veins on the surface of the skin.

Most often, such pronounced and noticeable capillaries and small blood vessels even upon external examination are located on the surface of the skin of the face, however, a web of red, blue or purple vessels can also be observed on other parts of the body. In some cases, this manifestation is due to the special thinness of the skin, but more often it is considered a pathological symptom of a general negative change in the condition of the veins and blood vessels. Stars on the body may be accompanied by a certain pain, sometimes there is no pain, but almost always such a defect becomes noticeable and attracts attention.


Today there is a certain classification of such a manifestation as stars from blood vessels on the surface of the skin. It allows you to classify the identified defect as a specific type and use a proven treatment regimen to more quickly obtain a positive result.

The classification of this condition is as follows:

  1. Spider-like capillary stars that look like a spider with a different number of branches - “legs”.
  2. Tree-like form of spider veins. In this variant, this skin defect has a thicker “trunk”, from which thinner “branches” of altered vessels and capillaries extend in different directions.
  3. When identifying linear stars, each vessel or capillary is located parallel to each other and has almost straight lines.

Also, this manifestation of a change in the state of blood vessels can be classified according to the type of capillaries involved in the pathology. Arterial, venous, capillary changes in the shape of an asterisk can be located in a variety of places: spider veins on the arms, on the lower extremities, asterisks on the abdomen, on the back and neck indicate pathological changes in the circulatory system, which manifests itself in such noticeable manifestations.

When such spider veins are located on the skin of the face, rosacea is usually diagnosed, which can be cured and quickly eliminate the most characteristic manifestations of the disease. Preparations for internal use, creams and ointments for affected facial skin make it possible to create a comprehensive treatment regimen that minimizes the cosmetic manifestations of this defect.


Manifestations of this skin pathology are exclusively external: a mesh in the form of small vessels and capillaries of various colors, intensity and localization. Symptoms may be accompanied by itching, redness and burning of the skin, but such symptoms are quite rare.

Reasons for appearance

The initial manifestations of spider veins on the surface of the skin may be invisible, but as the pathological process worsens, the symptoms become more obvious and characteristic. The reasons that can cause the appearance of spider veins on the body are varied, but the most common cause of this condition should be considered vein diseases - thrombophlebitis and their varicose veins.

Also, the reasons for the appearance of this pathology on the skin of the body include:

  • hereditary predisposition. This factor plays the largest role in the formation of such stars, which spoil the appearance of the skin. It is the genetic tendency to weakness of blood vessels and thinning of their walls that is most common in comparison with others;
  • hormonal disorders that may be caused by age-related changes during adolescence, pregnancy and childbirth, malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • abnormalities of the walls of blood vessels, which can be either congenital or acquired: their thinness, decreased elasticity and increased permeability;
  • disturbances in the processes of venous outflow;
  • decreased blood clotting.

The listed causes of spider veins can also be provoked by such factors as the presence of bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, which also leads to a significant deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and capillaries.

With dysfunction of the heart valve, which entails an increase in blood pressure in the vessels and veins, there is also an excessive filling of them with blood, which increases tension and increases the degree of permeability of the walls. The capillaries swell and appear through the skin in the form of a thin mesh of red, bluish or purple hue. When spider veins appear located on the body, the reasons can be both organic and external. However, timely identification of such a process and initiation of treatment makes it possible to quickly eliminate unpleasant manifestations and minimize the negative cosmetic effect.

Treatment methods

Sufficient attention to the condition and health of the feet allows you to begin the necessary treatment on time. The treatment method should be determined by the doctor after making a diagnosis and identifying the measures that will be most effective in a particular case.

The most effective will be to prevent the worsening of manifestations, which will eliminate the negative impact on health. Preventive measures include:

  1. Weight control, avoiding gaining extra pounds. Excess weight has a sharply negative effect on the condition of blood vessels, since they receive the greatest load of pumping blood.
  2. Regular sports activities in moderation, giving preference to the tension of the calf muscles, which does not allow the formation of stagnation in the veins in this area.
  3. If you maintain one body position for a long time (especially when sitting), you should first put on compression tights or stockings.
  4. Regular examination of the skin of the legs to identify such defects in the form of spider veins. Timely medical care will prevent further aggravation of the pathological process and preserve the health of the legs.
  5. Rinsing your feet with cool water, which accelerates the process of blood microcirculation in the veins of the legs, which is especially often the cause of varicose veins.

In advanced stages, it is necessary to take certain medications that increase the activity of blood circulation in the vessels and eliminate congestion in them. Surgical intervention is indicated already in case of significant manifestations of deterioration of the condition of the veins, which manifests itself in the appearance of venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs