How many eggs can you eat per week? Latest scientific data. What are the standards for eating chicken and quail eggs?

Eggs are present in every person’s diet; many cannot even imagine breakfast without scrambled or boiled eggs. This product provides the body with many essential vitamins and also contains easily digestible protein, which can be a good substitute for meat. Don’t forget about amino acids, which are also very abundant in eggs. It would seem that from all of the above, a very simple conclusion follows that there is no need to be afraid of eggs and you can eat as many of them as you like. Unfortunately, eggs, although healthy, also contain cholesterol. The cholesterol present in eggs is safe for those who do not have metabolic disorders. If they are present, then the good cholesterol received by the body from eggs degenerates into bad cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. In order to figure out how many eggs you should eat per week, you need to familiarize yourself with their beneficial and harmful effects on the human body.

What are the benefits and harms of eggs?

Since many substances necessary for health are present in eggs, it is impossible to refuse them completely, without medical indications.

  • Complete protein - a substance that eggs can provide (not to be confused with protein - an integral part of the egg), can supply the body with all the necessary amino acids and will not cause weight gain. However, if you significantly abuse this product, you can get a protein overdose, which will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. People suffering from liver and kidney diseases should be especially careful when consuming eggs, since in this case even a slight excess of protein can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Leucine is one of the most important amino acids for the human body. With a deficiency of leucine, muscle structures are disrupted, since their construction requires protein, which, in the absence of this amino acid, ceases to be fully broken down. As a result, the muscles do not receive the necessary substances. An overdose of leucine does not lead to negative effects on the body.
  • Minerals and vitamins. Without them, the normal construction of all body tissues is impossible and the proper functioning of organs and systems is disrupted.
  • Cholesterol is a substance that enters the body in two forms: good and bad. Bad cholesterol provokes the development of atherosclerosis and cancer, while good cholesterol improves the functioning of the brain and blood vessels. The cholesterol contained in eggs is interesting because it can change from a good form to a bad form if a person has a metabolic disorder. Taking this into account, it should be remembered that when eating eggs in large quantities, the liver is overloaded with protein, which disrupts metabolism and the body begins to become saturated with bad cholesterol.

Speaking about the properties of eggs, one should not ignore the fact that they are very well digestible. About 98% of the incoming egg volume is completely processed by the body.

What diseases can eggs protect against if consumed correctly?

If eggs are eaten in reasonable quantities, without overloading your body with them, they can have a pronounced preventive effect against the following diseases:

  • Heart disease. Vitamin E, which is very abundant in the yolk, supports this muscle and increases the elasticity of its fibers, which is important for proper functioning.
  • Oncological diseases. Lutein in combination with vitamin E produces a powerful antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Insufficient bone strength. Vitamin D, combined with calcium in eggs, can significantly strengthen skeletal bones and teeth, preventing their fractures and complete destruction.
  • Vision diseases. Substances in egg yolk nourish the optic nerve and prevent age-related decline in visual acuity.

If a person eats too many eggs, instead of being beneficial, they begin to cause serious harm and can cause many serious diseases.

How many eggs can you eat per day?

All eggs consist, in fact, of two parts - the white and the yolk, which contain different substances and therefore can be consumed in different quantities. In order to get the maximum benefit from the product, it is important to know how many yolks and whites there are. A person can consume 1 yolk and 3 whites per day without any harm to health. This volume of eggs is equally intended for children and adults. If this dosage is exceeded, negative consequences for the body may develop. If eggs are not consumed daily, you can eat several of them a day, but not exceeding the total weekly norm.

Why are eggs dangerous for men?

It is also worth mentioning the dangers of overeating eggs for men. For them, exceeding the norm of eggs is extremely undesirable, as it can cause the development of prostate cancer. This is due to the fact that cholesterol coming from eggs in the male body, at a large dosage, primarily attacks the prostate gland. As a result, blood circulation in the gland is impaired and stagnation develops, which provokes the disease. Ideally, representatives of the stronger sex should limit the number of eggs consumed per week to 5 pieces. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your health.

Eggs are essential for human health and, if consumed wisely, will protect you from many diseases.

Ministries of health of countries that care about a healthy gene pool and the younger generation include, first of all, bird eggs in their compulsory food products. During the Soviet era, academicians of medical science recommended serving children, athletes, and people weakened by illness with wonderfully tasty and uniquely healthy dishes for breakfast: the Gogol Mogol cocktail (raw beaten egg with milk or cream), or baked omelettes from the same ingredients.

An important condition: you cannot eat a lot of eggs in a short period of time, since excess cholesterol (albeit healthy) will appear in the body, and an allergy may occur.

So how many pieces, and from which birds can children, adults who do not engage in physical labor, and also athletes consume without harm to their health for a high mental state and excellent physical shape? What is the science-based daily intake of eggs recommended by nutritionists?

Egg - as a guarantor of healthy, nutritious nutrition

The popularity of the products is due to their maximum content of easily digestible (97%) complete animal protein (protein), necessary for the construction of new body cells, as well as providing clean energy. In addition, the egg of any bird (quail, chicken, turkey) has many healing properties, since it contains uniquely useful natural elements that are practically not found (in high concentration due to the low weight of the egg) in other everyday food products. Let's list all its biologically valuable substances:

  • essential amino acids – the building blocks of cells;
  • vitamins A, B, D, E, K – immune system and metabolism;
  • choline and lecithin, substances that stimulate the development and functioning of the nervous system and brain;
  • xanthine and lutein contained in egg yolk help restore liver cells and are also necessary for good vision;
  • poly- and monosaturated fatty acids, responsible for hormonal development;
  • (useful) protects blood vessels from the formation of microcracks, the layering of sclerotic plaques, and is also indispensable in the construction of brain cells and liver tissue; Without cholesterol, normal synthesis of testosterone, which is responsible for male potency, is impossible;
  • mineral elements - calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, others. They are necessary for all biochemical processes of the body: hematopoiesis, hormone synthesis, nutrition and respiration of cells.

The myths that you should not eat eggs every day due to the high content of bad cholesterol have been dispelled by scientists from Huazhong University (2013). Doctors have indicated that pure cholesterol from eggs does not affect the development of cardiovascular pathologies (atherosclerosis); on the contrary, it displaces bad cholesterol from the body, which is formed due to eating excessively fatty foods, sausages, and fast foods.

How many eggs can you eat a day and which eggs are healthier?

For an ordinary healthy person, the norm of consumption can be said: “Eat as much as you want.” The body itself will intuitively ask for or reject the desire according to need.

For people who have suffered from any disease, as well as those who are frail due to old age, a nutritionist will tell you the right number of eggs to eat per day.

How much can babies eat in a week, and at what age to start complementary feeding - the individual number of proteins and yolks in grams is allowed by the pediatrician.

  1. Chicken eggs - adults from 1 to 3 daily, children under 2 years old 2 - 3 yolks per week, over 4 - 6 years old - 3 - 5 eggs per week.

Athletes allow themselves to consume 10 or more (up to 20!) eggs per day in order to pump up and acquire heroic strength. It helps some, there is no arguing about tastes.

At the same time, the consumption of raw and soft-boiled eggs from chickens living in public industrial farms and in areas with the spread of salmonellosis is not allowed.

  1. Quail eggs (weighs approximately 12 grams) – for children under 3 years of age up to 2 pieces. per day, up to 10 years old - 3, then 4 per day.

Male bodybuilders (jocks) can eat 20 quail eggs per day, females - 14. They are considered the most valuable for dietary nutrition, since the content of vitamins, proteins, and other bioactive substances in them is 2 - 5 higher than the amount of components in the eggs of other birds.

Salmonellosis is practically undetectable, since they are rich in lysozyme, which destroys pathogenic flora.

  1. Ostrich egg - in terms of weight (0.450 kg to 1.8 kg) and volume, one piece of ostrich egg can hold from 25 to 38 chicken eggs.

You need to cook it for 1 hour 15 minutes. up to one and a half hours. Accurately calculate the number of people at the table having breakfast so as not to throw away an unclaimed dish. The fact is that boiled, peeled eggs should be eaten immediately after cooking; after they sit, an unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide appears.

Polish restaurants offer branded 1-piece scrambled eggs. for 8 - 9 people.

  1. Duck eggs - only poultry products can be used for cooking; wild flying eggs can be contagious. Therefore, before eating a duck or egg shot in the swamp, you need to have it checked at the veterinary clinic. And it doesn’t matter that birds don’t get sick in your area, you don’t know where it came from or how far it flew.

1 piece weighs 2 times more than chicken, but contains much more fat, so it is not recommended to eat more than 1 piece. in 2 days for people with excessive obesity, liver and stomach diseases.

  1. You can hardly find turkey eggs on the counter, since producers try to raise birds; it is much more profitable. But, if you have your own turkeys on the farm, you need to know that their eggs are the healthiest (except quail eggs).

The piece weighs about 75 grams, so the consumption rate is half that of chicken.

The main danger of bird eggs for humans is not that too much eaten will negatively affect health, but in unexpected poisoning by salmonella, which infects many chickens and ducks. Farmers' products from chickens, ducks, and turkeys must first be washed with soap, boiled for 15 minutes, and only then eaten. People prone to allergies should include eggs in their diet with extreme caution. For most people, boiled, soft-boiled, raw eggs are the ideal protein diet food.

Kryazhevskikh Olga

Eggs are a source of the best protein with a full set of amino acids, which is not expensive, this product is easy to find in any store, can be prepared quickly and without special culinary skills for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Many books and websites dedicated to fitness and healthy lifestyles discuss the acceptable daily intake of eggs per day. This is because of a study that was conducted on rabbits and showed the negative impact of this product on health, more precisely the cholesterol contained in the yolk. But rabbits are completely herbivores and their digestive system is not like ours. Therefore, the question remains open: how many eggs can you eat per day and is it harmful to consume a large amount of this product?

For me personally, it all started at university, when I was strapped for cash and, as a result, was forced to go on a diet of eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. How much exactly? I won’t lie, I ate 144 pieces every two weeks. And there was even a time when I seriously thought about getting a chicken so that it would lay eggs for me and I could eat eggs several times a week.

And the most common remark that I heard then (well, besides “Terrible!” and “Are you completely out of your mind?”) was “Isn’t this dangerous for your health?” - from people who wondered how often you can eat eggs.

By all accounts, the egg diet did not harm me. (Read: my cholesterol was normal.)
And yet, my mistrust of eggs as a “health food” led me to the opinion: eat eggs every day, but look at everything from a health point of view. The result was the Great Egg Experiment, which I conducted to find out whether eating eggs was good for men. What I found out may be useful if you are figuring out for yourself “How many eggs can an athlete or just adults eat per day?” Looking back, I decided to summarize what I learned and add a few fresh thoughts to it.

What is the Great Egg Experiment?

I started the egg experiment with one simple goal: to find out if it is a healthy food and what will happen if you eat eggs every day.

Although the parameters of my experiment were far from the strict standards of any work that might be published in scientific journals, I followed my own method (as best I could afford) to study the effect of constant egg consumption on my diet.

Along the way, I tried to track a variety of metrics, some of which were quite subjective, such as "How am I feeling today?" so that all this looks consistent and helps answer the question of how many eggs you can eat per day:

Every day during the entire experiment I ate 3 eggs (meaning the whole egg, including the yolk.
Throughout the entire period, I maintained the same calorie intake and macronutrient composition. This was the same diet that I had a month before the experiment, so that I could set some starting point. Over the previous month, my weight did not change, since the goal was to eat a diet to maintain it.
During the experiment, I did the same type of training as the month before, without deviating from the plan, to determine exactly how many eggs I could eat per day.

And while the general rhythm of life was great (I wasn't tired and I felt good), I wanted to get a more detailed picture, answers to the questions people always ask: how many eggs can you eat a week and do eggs affect cholesterol levels and do they lead to completeness?

Starting point

When I went to the doctor for a preliminary blood test, my initial values ​​were as follows:

  • Weight: 175
  • Total cholesterol: 132
  • HDL (good): 56
  • LDL (bad): 66
  • Triglycerides: 30

Body Fat: 13% (This was a bit of a red flag. I prefer to keep it around 10% throughout the year.)

Final point

  • Weight: 175
  • Total cholesterol: 133
  • HDL (good): 59
  • LDL (bad): 64
  • Triglycerides: 30
  • Fat percentage: 12%

How do eggs affect cholesterol?

Before deciphering these numbers, let's agree that we will not forget that a number of factors can influence the results. It is inappropriate to simply look at the end result and decide: “If I eat three eggs a day, I will have the same results,” meaning I can definitely eat three eggs a day.

The main thing to consider first is that I started the experiment when I was healthy. This would no doubt influence any research I might want to do on myself.

With that said, my good cholesterol (HDL) has gone up, my bad cholesterol (LDL) has gone down, my weight has stayed the same, and my fat percentage has gone down a bit. Some people may look and think, “But your total cholesterol has gone up,” so isn’t that why you can’t eat eggs?

Perhaps if I had high cholesterol, this would be a problem. But anything below 200 ml/dl is considered normal. And, again, the changes were for the better - more good, less bad. All this happened in less than 3 months of work and answered my question, is it possible to eat a lot of eggs every day.

So why do so many people associate eggs with cholesterol? In fact, this is nothing more than a misunderstanding, because eggs do not raise cholesterol in the way you think they can be eaten. There are tons of studies out there about the benefits of eating eggs for your cholesterol levels, which makes it hard to believe that a) eggs raise cholesterol (unless there are specific genetic factors that your doctor can identify) or b) that they cause problems. with heart. So an adult can and should eat them!

Should you eat the yolk?

And yes, and... yes. In case I didn't emphasize this enough, I'll repeat: I ate three whole eggs a day. Not just squirrels. The reason is simple: the yolk is the best part of the egg. Both in taste and nutrition.

The yolk is the concentration of all fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) as well as an abundance of zinc, calcium, folic acid and lecithin, which is responsible for strong memory. And we must not forget about vitamin B12, which helps break down fat.

Although protein contains protein, it only contains a little more than 50 percent of the total volume. The yolk is part of what makes up the highest biological value of an egg, which is determined by how well the food meets your protein needs.

If you are interested in the healthiest way to consume eggs, it is best to eat them with the yolk. (Exception: let's say you're on a "diet" and counting macronutrients or trying to minimize fat, then it's not a problem to eat only proteins and thereby limit calories. Sometimes I do this myself, but the reason for avoiding the yolk in this case is not related to health; it's simply a way to eat fewer calories or reduce your daily fat intake.)

So... eggs are a healthy food?

Now let’s summarize and finally find out whether it is possible to eat a lot of eggs every day and how harmful or safe it is for health.

Eggs did not have any harmful effect on my health. And as noted in the notes during the program, I experienced gains in strength and learned about the many health benefits of eggs, which led me to the conclusion that they are one of the healthiest foods in the world.

However: if you are allergic or sensitive to eggs, please do not eat them. Read this line again and remember that individual characteristics should always be taken into account above all.

Without a doubt, I would like to see more research done on this topic. We can never stop learning and making sure that everything we put into our body is good for us.

This non-exotic delicacy fully satisfies the appetite and has excellent taste. A person can eat not only chicken eggs, but also quail, goose, and duck eggs. We will figure out what is the optimal amount of them that can be included in the diet of an adult.

Many people see the food product in question as a potential threat to their health and even life. Moms are afraid that their children will suffer from an intestinal infection caused by salmonella; healthy eating advocates calculate how much cholesterol is in one serving of omelet. In fact, no one gives a substantiated answer as to why scrambled eggs cannot be eaten in the desired quantity. People in our country are not used to looking for arguments for their beliefs; everyone relies on the “competent opinion of the crowd.”

TOP 4 reasons why you should not eat eggs often:

1. Difficult to digest and assimilate

In this sense, this product is much healthier than meat, since it is processed by the intestines in 1-3 hours. The duration of this process depends on the degree of readiness of the protein - its heat treatment complicates its absorption.

2. Salmonella infection

This is possible if the storage conditions were violated, for example, they were left outside the refrigerator for more than a week. The likelihood of contamination of this product is considered increased if an outbreak of salmonellosis has been recorded in the area. You can protect your health by increasing the duration of heat treatment of food, for example, cooking for 15 minutes, avoiding fried eggs.


According to statistics, only 1 in 7,000 units is actually contaminated with salmonella.

3. Allergenicity

People with hypersensitive bodies should not consume the product in question if it is a food irritant.

4. Cholesterol

One yolk contains a little more than 60% of the daily allowable dose of this substance consumed by an adult. Moreover, cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, a participant in the synthesis of estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. Death from a heart attack is provoked not by excessive consumption of yolk or white, but by a combination of several significant factors: bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, regular abuse of fatty foods.

interesting fact

If the body does not have enough cholesterol coming from outside, the liver synthesizes it on its own.

Usage standards based on science

How often the delicacy in question can be eaten by older people and children is an interesting question not only for ordinary people, but also for science. Zealous debate, unfounded beliefs and dubious propaganda on this topic forced scientists to investigate whether chicken yolk is as harmful as supporters of a healthy lifestyle claim. In general, their answer sounds something like this: “You can eat the studied product in the desired quantity, if there are no contraindications for this, justified by the doctor.”

The tests carried out made it possible to find out:

  1. It is permissible to eat 1-3 eggs per day - this does not in any way affect plasma glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, or the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  2. Eating them in moderation (up to 25 pieces per week) does not lead to global changes in the body that create a potential threat to health.

It is important to note that most studies involved predominantly people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, who have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies.

Competent nutritionists are convinced that 1 yolk and a white per day are essential components of a balanced diet. Consuming them once a week, swallowing convulsively with the thought: “Is it possible?” is wrong. It doesn't really matter how many pieces you eat per day, because they:

  • beneficial for the body;
  • will be digested and absorbed faster than red meat;
  • will saturate the body with proteins no worse than fermented milk products, which is especially important for lactose intolerance and allergies to cow's milk.

interesting fact

Japan is a country whose population is the leader in egg consumption. Along with this, it has one of the lowest percentages of mortality from cardiovascular diseases and one of the highest percentages of centenarians.

Daily and weekly egg consumption rates

Age, health and weight, intensity and regularity of physical activity are key factors in this matter. The type of product chosen also differs: chicken, quail, duck or goose. Have you ever tried it and are not sure if you can eat waterfowl eggs? They need to be eaten because they are superior to chicken in their nutritional value and enrich the taste of salads and baked goods. But quail have the advantage of being hypoallergenic, but their thin shell is not a barrier to most harmful microorganisms.

The habitat of the bird is also important. Factory-produced chickens eat exclusively prepared feeds that do not differ in nutritional value. But the body of poultry is enriched with oxygen every day, and in the warm season it receives a lot of natural, mainly plant food. This cannot but affect the size and richness of the useful components of the eggs they produce.

Prepare breakfast:

  • For a baby aged 6-12 months with the addition of ½ yolk 2-3 times a week;
  • For an older child, boil eggs or prepare an omelet every 4 days from 3 eggs;
  • A bodybuilder is allowed to eat the number of pieces that was agreed upon with the trainer in order to maintain the required proportion between consumed proteins, carbohydrates and fats. How much can a bodybuilder eat with benefits for muscles, without harm to blood vessels? Approximately - 5 pieces, but not daily.
    Please note that the protein content in the yolk and white is actually equivalent, so there is no need to separate them.
  • A healthy individual can eat up to 20 eggs a week with pleasure and without consequences, if we are talking about chicken eggs. Quails weigh several times less, so their number can be increased.

Limited use

If you are the owner of an enviable figure, then you should worry about your health. Is it possible to eat the product in question on a diet? It’s even necessary - after all, it is extremely nutritious, which is important when limiting your diet. How many pieces can you consume per week? This already depends on the diet you choose.

Being a follower of a certain eating style, e.g. vegetarian, raw foodist, answer to the question: “How many boiled eggs can you eat per week?” you won't always get it. Each individual direction in nutrition has its own “charter”, what is allowed and what is not. There are vegetarians who refuse the food under discussion, and there are those who eat them. Raw foodists can eat them at the initial stage of changing their diet.

Diagnosis chronic, infectious diseases does not allow self-formation of the menu. The patient should always consult with a physician and obtain recommendations regarding dietary restrictions and supplements. The doctor will explain whether it is possible to cook your favorite omelet with a certain diagnosis. Are his recommendations not supported by clear rationales? Look for another specialist.

It is unacceptable to use the product in question if you are allergic to it. In children, it often goes away by the age of 5-7 years. Is it possible to eat yolks alone, since it is the white that is allergenic? It is undesirable, but each organism will react individually to such tactics.

When diagnosing cholelithiasis the diet changes dramatically. Since the delicacy in question stimulates the outflow of bile, it becomes the primary provocateur of painful colic. Discuss how many eggs you can eat per week with your doctor, assessing your well-being after eating them.

Useful properties

Considering the uniqueness of this food product and its usefulness for humans, I would like to say: “Eat as much as you want.” It has a rich composition, has a beneficial effect on the liver, increases the synthesis of antioxidants, reduces triglyceride levels, and stimulates intestinal motility. Knowing how many pieces per day you are allowed to eat, you can get the maximum benefit from them.

Nutritionists allow limited consumption of protein and yolk. For allergies and certain diseases, the therapist may prescribe shell powder. Every component in this product is rich in value.


Each person must independently or with the help of a nutritionist determine how many eggs he or she can eat per day. It depends on his age, physical health and activity. Absolute refusal of the product in question is justified only by the presence of contraindications, for example, allergies or cholelithiasis.

From early childhood, many of us were taught not to eat a lot of eggs, citing the high cholesterol content, which is so harmful to the body. Are eggs so harmful and how many eggs can you eat per day, per week really? We are talking about this with the editors of the website www..

Are eggs harmful?

For the first time, people started talking about the dangers of chicken eggs in the 70s of the last century, when American scientists conducted research and discovered a large amount of cholesterol in the yolk.

A lot of time has passed since this, and despite the fact that this opinion has been repeatedly refuted by specialists from various countries, today many doctors recommend that their patients limit eggs in their diet.

Experts who are of the opinion that eggs are harmful recommend consuming no more than 2 chicken eggs per day. British scientists consider this recommendation to be completely incorrect and unfounded. In their opinion, the cholesterol contained in eggs is dominated by unsaturated fats, which are an important source of micronutrients and high-quality protein. Saturated fats, which are much more harmful, are found in small quantities in eggs. Thus, it turned out that the cholesterol contained in eggs is harmless. Based on this, British specialists do not limit their patients from eating chicken eggs.

Eggs may be harmful to people with allergies. Most often this disease manifests itself in children. By the age of 5-7 years, the egg allergy goes away, but not for everyone. The dislike of some children for this product is understandable. The fact is that until the age of 7-8, the human body does not have the ability to neutralize harmful substances that come with eggs.

About the benefits of eggs

The benefits of chicken eggs have been talked about for a long time. Today everyone knows that this unique product is a real storehouse of nutrients. Therefore, eggs are an almost indispensable product in the diet of each of us.

Vitamin E is known to have an antitumor effect and strengthens the heart and blood vessels. When optimally combined, vitamin D and phosphorus have a positive effect on bones and teeth. Egg yolk also contains large amounts of the most powerful antioxidant - lutein. Regular consumption of eggs is an excellent preventive measure for vision problems, for example, cataracts. There is no need to even doubt the benefits that eggs provide to pregnant women. After all, they contain choline and lecithin, which are so necessary for the proper development of the fetal brain.

Possessing amino acids and nutrients in optimal quantities that are important for the functioning of the human body, eggs, no matter how strange it may seem, are a low-calorie product.

It is impossible not to mention the role eggs play in cosmetology. For many years, eggs have been used in the fight against wrinkles and dandruff. A storehouse of nutrients has properties that prevent hair loss, protect it, and also nourish the skin. In modern cosmetology, not a single truly effective mask for hair and face can do without this unique product.

How many eggs can you have per week?

We talked about the benefits and harms of chicken eggs and found out that eggs are an essential product in every person’s diet. But another question arises: how many eggs can you eat a day?

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, a person needs to consume about 300 eggs per year, or a little more than half a day. But in reality, each person has his own norm: some can eat 1 egg a day and no more, some more, some less. It all depends on the person and his health.

Thus, people who have excess cholesterol in their blood can eat very few eggs, to be more precise, no more than 3 per week. People with normal cholesterol levels can eat almost 1 egg per day, that is, 5-6 per week. Naturally, if you suffer from allergies, you will have to abstain and not include eggs in your diet. At the same time, doctors, based on 25 years of research, do not advise getting too carried away with them and recommend eating 1 egg every other day. Although nothing prevents healthy people from eating 5-6 eggs a week.

Natural chicken product should be present not only in the diet of an adult, but also of a child. Egg white tones and strengthens children's muscles, and the provitamin A it contains protects the child's body from the effects of free radicals and fights viruses and bacteria. If your child does not have allergies, then the number of eggs per day is determined by age:

From 2-3 years – 3 yolks per week;
From 4 years to 6 years – 3 eggs per week;

When planning your diet, do not forget that eggs are already contained in mayonnaise, baked goods and some other food products.

Now, you know how many eggs to eat per day, and taking into account age norms, you can calmly not only enjoy their excellent taste, but also replenish your body with the necessary nutrients.



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