How old is my grandmother's husband? In just a few years, Nadezhda Babkina’s young husband turned into her exact copy! Height, weight, age

Evgeny Gor (Gorshechkov) today is known not only as Nadezhda Babkina’s life partner, but also as a talented vocalist, participant in various festivals and competitions, television programs and holiday concerts in Russia. Rumors about his affair with Nadezhda have been circulating for more than ten years. But not many people know what kind of person Evgeniy really is...

Gor Evgeniy. Biography

Zhenya was born in Izhevsk on the last day of March 1980. The guy went to a regular school. After graduation, he entered the Faculty of Philology, specializing in translator. After graduating from university, he received a diploma as a translator, English teacher, and philologist. But Evgeniy was always drawn to creativity, so in parallel with his studies at the university, he studied in a vocal studio and received a diploma in 2002.

Evgeny Gor is a laureate of the international competition “Golden Hit”, which took place in 2003 in Belarus. At this event, Zhenya received the “Best Vocal” award and the Audience Award. Evgeny Gor received the first prize in the Slavic Bazaar competition, which was held in Vitebsk, in 2004. Here Gore emphasized original works, despite the fact that he had in his arsenal more than fifty works of various genres. The vocalist won the third prize at the First All-Russian Variety Competition. Now the artist continues to participate in various events, delighting the listener with his interesting songs, he also creates new music.

Meeting Babkina

When Evgeniy took part in one of the competitions, he met Nadezhda Babkina. He was then twenty-three years old, and she was fifty-three. After this meeting, the young man began working in her team, since the experienced singer decided to help the guy become famous. But the press notes that the artists were then connected not only by creativity, although each of them did not like to talk about their personal lives. What is known is that after this meeting, Nadezhda became more cheerful, rejuvenated, and active.

Despite how old Evgeniy Gor is, Nadezhda Babkina appears in a social gathering with him. They hang out together not only in high society, but also at fitness classes and nightclubs.

Personal life

Until Evgeniy Gore proposed to Babkina. The singer herself noted that they have friendly relations. But she tries to spend all her free time with the young guy.

And more recently it became known that the couple are involved in a romantic relationship. They are not embarrassed by thirty-year-old Babkina, who even officially introduced Gore to high society; she declares to her friends that he is her favorite person. Babkina believes that Evgeny was sent to her by God. A few months before they met, she talked with an elder who prophesied a fateful meeting for her. She fell in love with Horus immediately, and over time the guy reciprocated her feelings.

For the sake of her love, Nadezhda lost extra pounds, began visiting beauty salons and changed her wardrobe. She herself asked to call her “Nadya,” and Evgeny did not object.

Now the couple can be found on the set of various programs and shows. Together they attend parties, nightclubs and so on.


Evgeny Gor is today a professional vocalist. He recently began working on his debut album, which will include songs known to everyone, as well as new works, the author of which will be the artist himself. Before the album's release, he flies to America for six months.

In addition to vocals, Zhenya is involved in the real estate business.

Evgeniy Gore always says that he will never have a wedding with Babkina, since he is a freedom-loving person. He doesn't like to be discriminated against. Moreover, the couple also does not plan to have children. Gore claims that work always comes first, and love fades over time... It is not known how Nadezhda perceived such statements, but I want to believe that everything will work out for the couple!

Russian composer-performer, singer.

Evgeny Gor. Biography and creative path

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Gorshechkov, better known by his pseudonym Evgeny Gor, was born in the Udmurt Izhevsk on March 31, 1980 in the family Natalia Viktorovna Gorshechkova, one of the assistants to the Russian president. As Evgeniy later admitted more than once, his upbringing was carried out by his grandmother. Lyudmila Valerievna and grandfather Ivan Petrovich, allowing the grandson to do what he liked.

After school, he graduated from Udmurt State University, studying at the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology and receiving qualifications as a translator, English teacher and philologist. At the same time, he was seriously involved in singing, including studying at a pop vocal studio, from which he graduated in 2002, and also took relevant lessons in Los Angeles, where he lived for about two years.

In 2003, Evgeniy and his group “ After 11" performed at the First All-Russian Competition of Young Performers in Saratov, where Nadezhda Babkina, the permanent director of the ensemble, was then a member of the jury " Russian song" Soon after this, Gore, having met and got to know the famous artist better, began his collaboration with both the singer herself and her team. The Babkina-Gor creative union quickly grew into a family one.

The main musical brainchild of Gore, the author of music and lyrics for his songs, was the group Unite It composed of Evgeniy himself (vocals), Maxima Dorbeko(guitar), Ilya Ermakov(drums), Evgenia Chistova(bass guitar), performing English-language pop rock. In 2012, the team made it to the finals of the national selection to participate in the international Eurovision Song Contest, but in the end Russia was represented there by the Buranovskie Babushki with the song Party for Everybody.

In addition to his musical career, Evgeny Gor is also busy with entrepreneurship. So, he has a business in real estate and the production of scented candles, in addition, the singer plays in the stock market.

Evgeny Gor: It all started as a hobby - for the soul. But friends and acquaintances began to order sets of scented candles for good money. Then it was time to think about production.

Evgeny Gor. Personal life

Novel Evgenia Gora and People's Artist Nadezhda Babkina began in 2003, after the then 23-year-old singer performed at the All-Russian competition of pop singers in Saratov. Subsequently, Babkina herself admitted that “chemistry” immediately arose between them, as they say, love at first sight.

Evgeniy captivated Nadezhda, who is 30 years older than him, with his voice and masculine attractiveness. The creative couple's romance developed rapidly. However, they never got married. After about ten years of civil marriage, rumors appeared that the head of the Russian Song ensemble and her young husband had separated.

But at the beginning of 2014, the singer refuted these speculations by posting joint photos with Gore. At the end of November 2016, the couple appeared together in the program “While Everyone is Home,” in which the 66-year-old singer introduced her entire large family. On the right side of Babkina sat her son Daniil with his wife and children, and on the left was Evgeniy Gore. Nadezhda called him her beloved person, with whom she has been together for 13 years.

Over time, thanks to living together, husband and wife begin to slowly acquire common features. Both in appearance and in character and behavior. Each spouse begins to instinctively copy the facial expressions and gestures of their lover. This has even been proven by many scientific studies. Moreover, those spouses who live happily in marriage become similar.

This feature was also noticed by fans of the Russian singer Nadezhda Babkina. In mid-December, the People's Artist of Russia published photographs with her common-law husband Evgeniy Gor on a social network.

Many Internet users noticed that Nadezhda and Evgeniy look alike, like brother and sister. Moreover, like twins. “It’s such a similarity, it’s amazing, they’re very similar, they’re really two halves...” “Very similar. This means you will always be together.” Such comments are left by friendly subscribers on the singer’s Instagram.

Indeed, if you look closely, you can see certain details of external similarity. And this despite the fact that the folk singer is thirty years older than her common-law husband. Now Babkina is 67 years old, and her chosen one is 37. They have been together for fourteen years. But lovers do not feel this difference.

Thanks to Evgeniy’s love, Nadezhda feels several decades younger. Judging by the way the singer’s eyes glow, Babkina and Gore actually live in perfect harmony. Perhaps the secret to a strong marriage is that the couple spends only three days a week together. Apparently, they only have time to miss each other. And they simply don’t have time for quarrels and conflicts.

It seems that Fedotov’s famous painting “Unequal Marriage” has recently lost its relevance. Nowadays, few people are surprised by wives who, if not fit to be mothers to their spouses, are at least much older than them. Show business is also full of clear examples. For example, after singer Madonna’s passionate affairs with young dancers, a joke for women even appeared on the Internet: “Wait, your husband has not been born yet.” The situation with unequal marriages was commented on specifically for by the host of the “Let's Get Married” program, matchmaker Roza Syabitova.

The situation these days is such that society treats men who choose young girls as companions condescendingly, but women older than their companions are still in the zone of close attention and prejudiced attitude of the people around them, Roza Syabitova explained to - Nevertheless, such marriages exist, and among them there are happy ones. Mostly successful and strong women choose young life partners. As a rule, these are women who have a highly developed maternal instinct. Accordingly, their men had a greater attachment to their mother in childhood, if we delve deeper into psychology. Personally, I believe that everything should be in its place and I do not welcome marriages where the woman is much older than the man. A young body is a young body. Of course, thanks to the mass of cosmetics, it is much easier for women living in our century to find young lovers and even husbands. But the wrinkles will still be visible, and even if the face is tense, it always catches the eye.

In my opinion, most often such marriages take place in the creative environment or in show business, in theater circles and cinema, where people live in a slightly different world. They are obsessed with other views, ideas, goals, and in such a union a woman can serve as a muse, or a man can be a muse. These are those marriages where the boundaries are blurred and the understanding of the universe is different.

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor. The age difference is 30 years.

The famous singer Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor met at a competition for young performers. At that time, Evgeniy was only 23 years old. Despite numerous rumors ill-wishers about separation, Nadezhda and her young common-law husband are still together.

Larisa Kopenkina and Prokhor Chaliapin. The age difference is 29 years.

Larisa and Prokhor met while on vacation in Jamaica. Few people believed in the sincerity of this couple’s feelings, but at the end of 2013 the lovers got married and now dream of children.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. The age difference is 27 years.

Alla and Maxim were introduced during the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk in the summer of 2001 by the then-legal husband of the prima donna, Philip Kirkorov. Four years later, Pugacheva decided to divorce her famous husband. In 2011, Alla and Maxim got married, and in September 2013, the couple had twins.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov. The age difference is 16 years.

Leroux and Igor were introduced to each other by their mutual friend, rapper T-killah. Six months later, the hockey player proposed to Kudryavtseva with a luxurious ring.

Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn. The age difference is 12 years.

The feelings between the singer and the bass player, which broke out about 16 years ago, preserve the marriage of this couple to this day. The Valley has no complexes about the age difference.

Lolita Milyavskaya and Dmitry Ivanov. The age difference is 11 years.

Lolita met her fifth husband, tennis player Dmitry, on the set of her own video. In March 2010, the couple got married according to Kabbalistic rites.

Jasmine and Ilan Shor. The age difference is 10 years.

The couple met after Jasmine performed in front of children from orphanages in Ilan’s hometown, Chisinau. The singer and the businessman began such a vibrant romance that a year later the lovers had a lavish wedding.

Victoria Lopyreva and Fedor Smolov. The age difference is 7 years.

The young people met at the birthday party of Yuri Zhirkov and Arseny Logashov. Vika is friends with Zhirkov’s wife, and Fedor became Yuri’s teammate last summer. The lovers got married in the Maldives in December 2013 among their loved ones.

Evgeny Gor - real name Gorshechkov, actor and singer. Born in Izhevsk March 31, 1982.

Evgeniy was born into the family of an assistant to the Russian president Natalia Gorshechkova. Natalya could not raise her son, her busy schedule did not allow her to do so. Therefore, Natalia’s parents were involved in raising the boy. Grandmother Lyudmila Valerievna and grandfather Ivan Petrovich Gorshechkov loved Evgeniy and supported all his endeavors.

After graduating from school in 1996, Gorshechkov entered the Udmurt State Institute to the Department of Foreign Languages. After receiving a diploma as a teacher and philologist in English and German, he began recording his own songs. In parallel with the university, Evgeniy completed pop vocal courses. To improve his skills, he went to Los Angeles, where he lived for about three years.

In 2004, Evgeniy created the first group “After 11” with her he was able to get into the competition of young singers, where Nadezhda Babkina, the talented founder of the famous collaboration, sat on the jury “Russian song”.

Nadezhda Babkina greatly admired the young man’s talent and together they performed on the national stage more than once. After several years of collaboration on stage, their relationship blossomed into marriage.

In 2010, the group ceased to exist. Evgeny changed his role and direction in music and created UNITE IT. Evgeniy was responsible for the vocal component of the group, guitar was Maxim Dorbeko, the unsurpassed Ilya Ermakov was on drums, and the graceful Evgenia Chistova was bass guitar. This friendly trio plays pop-rock in English.

In 2012, the group made it to the semi-finals of the qualifying round to represent the international Eurovision Song Contest, but in the end the selection committee chose to send “Buranovsky grandmothers” who took second place.

Evgeniy’s musical career does not put an end to the performer’s other talents. Gore is the owner of a large company that sells real estate. In 2014, he opened his own production of handmade candles. Gore makes candles for fun.

Evgeny Gor and Nadezhda Babkina find in a civil marriage since 2003. They have no children together. Despite the large age difference, they have been faithful to each other for 15 years. The press started a lot of rumors about Gore's unconventional orientation, and about the breakdown of his marriage with Nadezhda.

In 2016, Nadezhda denied rumors of separation by posting joint photos online with her family.

Evgeniy and Nadezhda often began to appear on television together. They took part in the “Let Them Talk” program several times as experts. And in the new episode “While Everyone is Home,” Nadezhda showed their common life.

In 2012 Gore gave an exclusive interview one little-known newspaper in which he shared his personal life.

According to the young artist, Nadezhda Babkina attracts him, first of all, as a woman. Despite the 30-year difference, Gore assures that Nadezhda looks no older than 45. The screen ages her very much, so the young husband prefers to admire his wife with his own eyes.

Working together with Nadezhda inspires Evgeniy. It feeds on energy and drive from Nadezhda. Despite his despotism, he never offended his wife.

The couple often spend their free time in beauty salons and on vacation abroad. Nadezhda loves to spoil her young husband with expensive gifts. For his thirtieth birthday, she gave him a three-carat diamond earring. Gore, like a true man, proposed to Nadezhda by putting an obscenely expensive ring on his finger, but the official wedding never happened.

Evgeniy categorically against stamps in the passport. He considers himself a free person and if he feels that he is being pressured he simply leaves. Nadezhda supports Evgeniy, because her happiness lies not in having a stamp, but in the strong shoulder of Horus.

Gore recently went to Los Angeles for several months. In one of the interviews, Nadezhda was asked if she was afraid to let her husband go so far. To which she replied that, of course, she was not afraid, because they would be able to see each other. Despite her reluctance to separate for such a short period of time, she understands that her husband is going to earn money, not have fun.

Gore often posts photos together with Nadezhda, which indicates their wonderful relationship. He assures that in 15 years he has never doubted the choice of his chosen one. Nadezhda is a very caring and good housewife.

She does not order scenes of jealousy, and Horus, in turn, gives Nadezhda not only material gifts, but also dedicates songs to her. In 2013, Gore at one of the concerts publicly confessed his love to Nadezhda.

Evgeniy has a huge number of awards in the musical field. He has repeatedly become a laureate of the “Golden Hit” and “Slavic Bazaar” competitions.



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