Download the latest version here. Vtope

is a very fast and secure messenger that operates using the MTProto protocol. This is a free widget that was recently presented to the communications market by the former CEO and developer of a popular social network. At first glance, it is very similar to other similar applications, for example, WhatsApp or Line. But they have significant differences in functionality, so Durov’s brainchild cannot be called just another clone of some program.

Features of Telegram

They love the utility, first of all, for its security. After all, more than once the creator company has announced that it is ready to give a prize to the hacker who can decode the encrypted correspondence of the Durov brothers. So far, not a single computer genius has been able to do this, and this indicates a high level of data and information protection. In addition, the widget also has functions that are standard for all social networks: sending files and text SMS. In this case, the attached file should not be larger than 1 GB, otherwise the sending will not take place.

Functionality includes:

  • changing background wallpaper;
  • creating group dialogues;
  • sending attached files;
  • security of communication;
  • automatic message deletion;
  • the ability to remove and add interlocutors to the chat.

Telegram groups deserve special attention.

How to create a group in Telegram

Like other communication applications, this utility is designed for exchanging text messages between users. This function is equated to standard SMS communication between phones, only here there are many more possibilities. In addition, it is possible to create group chats in which a lot of interlocutors can be added. The most famous telegram groups include 100 or more people.

In the telegram application, many users prefer to communicate not only in personal chats and dialogues, but also in groups. After all, here all information and correspondence is protected from unauthorized persons. In this case, several people can conduct a dialogue at once. If you also want to communicate with friends in this way and discuss all the most important topics in one dialog box, then you need to understand how to create a group in a telegram, how to set it up, how to invite new members there, and much more. etc. We will talk about all this below.

You probably know that groups on social networks are special communities where different people communicate with each other on certain topics, exchange various information, participate in surveys, and much more. etc. In the Telegram messenger everything is absolutely the same. Groups here are created for large general chat, sharing and viewing content. Therefore, all users have the opportunity to:

  1. Chat.
  2. Delete messages.
  3. Create posts, send pictures, videos, photos, etc. to the chat.

How many participants can be in the group at the same time? No more than 200 people. That’s why there are also supergroups on telegram. They represent an extended dialogue in which even several thousand people (but not more than 10,000) communicate easily. In addition, supergroups have much more functions. For example, here you can turn off the sound alert that alerts you to a new message. Also in this community, a correspondence history is available for each user. That is, having joined a supergroup, a new member can easily read what they were talking about “before him”.

Moreover, all groups in telegram are:

  • closed;
  • open.

How are they different from each other? It's simple. To become a member of a closed group, you will need an invitation from one of the participants or confirmation of the application to join from the moderator. You can join the open group freely. The main thing is to find this virtual community and join it. How to do this? We'll talk about this below.

For reference! The telegram messenger is rapidly progressing and becoming more and more popular. Why? The fact is that its creators are constantly expanding the functionality of the service. For example, not long ago an option appeared that allows you to make calls through this application.

How to find a group and join it?

Finding the group you are interested in on telegram is easy. Difficulties can only arise if you have just started using the application. Therefore, to make life easier for novice users, we will talk about all this in detail:

However, what if you need to join a private group? There are only two ways to join a private conversation:

  • By following a special invitation link.
  • If the group administrator himself adds you after applying to join.

Moreover, they often join chats precisely through invitation links that are found on third-party resources, websites or social networks.

How do you understand that you have been accepted into a closed group? A special notification will come. A conversation window will also open and you will be able to write messages here.

For reference! Don't forget that every telegram community has rules of communication. Usually they are given in the description or appear in the chat after the introduction. If you do not comply with them, the group administrator may exclude you from it and block your access. And in some cases even without the right of restoration.

How to leave the group?

Have you entered a chat, but suddenly realized that communicating here is not interesting? Then you can leave the group. This is done in literally a couple of seconds.

  1. Click on the community avatar. You will see a profile with a variety of information.
  2. Scroll down. Click on the “Leave...” button.
  3. Confirm your actions in the pop-up window.

That's it, you managed to leave the group. If you want to return to it, you will have to do all the steps mentioned above again (in the previous section).

Is it possible to create a new group on telegram yourself?

Certainly. Moreover, the procedure itself is not at all complicated. Let's look at it using the example of the mobile version of the messenger (ios or android):

  1. To get started, register in the application. If you already have a telegram account, then just log into it.
  2. Next, call up the menu. To do this, click on the icon of three horizontal stripes at the top.
  3. Select "Create Group". If the messenger interface is in English, then “New group”.
  4. A menu for adding participants will open. You can immediately invite anyone from your contact list to the group you create. The main thing is to choose more than one person. Then click on the checkmark at the top.
  5. Enter the name of the group. It all depends on your imagination. At the end, click the check mark again.

That's it - you've created a group. Now you can communicate with colleagues, friends or relatives. After all, the format of such a virtual community is ideal for this. You can also add various bots for the group. They will send you notifications, monitor downloaded content, and even automatically ban users of obscene language.

How to create a supergroup in telegram? Again, nothing complicated. Just create a regular group, then go to the section that contains information about the community. There, click on the icon in the form of 3 dots (located in the upper right) and select “Make as a supergroup”. True, for everything to work out, the number of participants must be more than 1000 people.

For reference! If you want to launch and maintain a blog on telegram or promote your online business, then it is better to choose not a group, but a channel for this! This will make it easier for you to manage your content. After all, in the channel format, other users who have subscribed to it can only view your posts. They will not be able to leave their comments. This way you will protect your public page from spam and competitors.

How to add new members to a group?

Have you created a group and want to invite your friends here? But don't know how to do it? Well, all you need to do is generate an invitation link. By following it, a person will be able to join this group. The main thing is to create an invitation. After all, only the administrator has rights to do this.

Moreover, if in the same “VKontakte” you can easily find out the group id, copy it and send it as an invitation link, then in telegram there is no such option by default. Therefore, everything is done differently:

  1. Go to the chat settings menu. That is, open the dialog box and click on the group name at the top. Next, click on the “Add participant” button.
  2. At the very top it will say “Invite to group via link.” Tap here.
  3. A link will appear on the screen. You can copy it and send it to a friend, acquaintance, or any other person you want to see in the group. If you want, simply place a link on a third-party resource so that whoever sees it can join the community.

This year the social network VKontakte turns eleven years old. During its existence, the resource managed to win the title of the most visited site on the Runet. More and more people want to download VKontakte for free on their desktop in order to constantly have access to their favorite social network. And in order for its use to be a joy, you need votes, hearts, friends and subscribers. The VTope promotion service can easily handle this task.

It’s worth downloading VKontakte to your desktop anyway!

The emergence of VKontakte marked a real revolution in the virtual space of post-Soviet countries. The site, which was originally conceived as a means for exchanging messages and photos, gradually acquired a huge number of additional functions.
Now VKontakte boasts a multi-million target audience, which many entrepreneurs dream of winning. If you also harbor ambitious plans, then the VTope service was developed especially for you. Register on the site, and don’t forget to download the free VTope-bot program for boosting VKontakte, or rather, to earn the currency for which the cheating takes place.

Free programs for boosting VKontakte cannot compete with VTope

How is VTope-bot different from other programs? Firstly, safety. Installing new software will not turn your computer into a virus repository. Moreover, you do not risk being blocked. The operating principle of VTope is identical to the user's behavioral model. Secondly, efficiency. With VTope you are guaranteed to get the maximum result by spending a minimum amount of time.

free program for boosting VKontakte, free download the VKontakte promotion program,

VTope– a popular program designed to increase likes.

  • Twitter. The user can gain followers, retweets and additions to favorites;
  • Instagram. Users can get live subscribers, dykes and comments;
  • VKontakte. The VTope program provides a huge amount of resources for promoting a VK account. You can increase likes, reposts, watch videos and photos, promote groups and events, add friends and subscribers;
  • YouTube. You can increase views and subscribers. It is worth noting that the VTope program is one of the first and most powerful programs with which you can increase likes and dislikes;
  • The program allows you to increase likes and subscribers. The developers promised that in the very near future there will be a function for raising questions from live users.

What is the VTope program:

  • Cheating likes. This is the most effective way to popularize a page on a social network, because if a user likes it, he marks the post as liked, which means he confirms that content on the wall is of high quality.
    In just a couple of hours, a user's page can receive up to 10,000 likes. It is worth noting that likes are placed from real pages by navigating to the desired post through the program, which has a positive effect on the page’s statistics.
  • Cheat subscribers. Hundreds of thousands of real people are ready to join groups, public pages, meetings, or simply subscribe to the page you need.
    This allows you to quickly recruit people, who will be the first viewers of the content published on the promoted page.
  • Cheating votes in polls. In cases where the user needs win the polls quickly, he can also use the services of this program. It is worth noting that living people always vote, so special verification programs cannot detect vote cheating.
  • You don't have to sit at the computer all the time.Many programs involve sitting at the computer for a long time, but not VTope.
    The user must simply add his task to the list and can go about his business. The program itself will complete everything as quickly as possible, without requiring any effort from the user.
  • For cheating you can place as many as 6 orders at the same time, this will only take the user a few minutes (in other programs that require manual bookmarking, this process can take several hours). The number of likes, subscribers and votes is unlimited.
  • The program is easy to use. To use it, you don’t need to read long instructions; just take 10 minutes to familiarize yourself with the program and everything will become clear.
  • The program is free. The program does not require any monetary investment, everything happens through exchange.
    You like the user, and he likes you. All this happens automatically, without effort on the part of users.
  • The program provides complete protection of user data.

Getting started

The next window asks if you want to create a shortcut on your desktop. It all depends on the user’s desire; this item is not mandatory.

If the user wants to have a shortcut on the desktop, then he should check the box and click “Next”; if he doesn’t want to, then just click “Next”.

So the main task here is to make your account or group attractive from the advertiser’s point of view. Alas, even a large amount of original and interesting content will not give you a guarantee that you will get the required number of subscribers (unless, of course, you are a TV star). So there is a simpler option - install a program that will help you in this difficult task.

VTope is one such program. It works with most popular social networks, allowing you to increase likes, comments, reposts, subscribers and other indicators necessary for the popularity of your account.

With the help of VTope, you can quite easily and without unnecessary stress promote your page on YouTube, VKontakte,, Odnoklassniki, Telegram, Twitter. All you need is to download the program and register in it.

In VTOP everything is built on the principle of mutual assistance. You complete tasks of other users and receive points. They are used to pay for your own tasks. Well, or buy points for real money - it will be more expensive, but faster. And then you just have to enjoy how the number of subscribers grows; you don’t have time to fight off the “likes”. Well, in the future, there will be a queue of advertisers.


VTope works with most popular social networks. In each, he identifies the main indicators of popularity and works with them.

  • On VKontakte we are talking about increasing likes and reposts, increasing the number of subscribers, views of materials posted on the page, as well as increasing the number of voters in polls.
  • When working with a YouTube channel, the application will delight you with increased likes and dislikes (apparently, so that it is not at all suspicious), an increase in subscribers and views of your videos.
  • On there are fewer important actions, so there we are only talking about getting likes and subscribers.
  • Your Twitter account will surprise you with the number of new subscribers and readers, likes and retweets.
  • If the promoted account is posted on Odnoklassniki, the number of “classes” and “chains” will increase, many people will start knocking on your door with offers of friendship, and notes from your page will be reposted with enviable regularity - just have time to update.
  • You can promote your Telegram account by increasing subscribers and views.
  • VTope pleases with its intuitive controls and simple but quite nice interface. And also a huge number of users, thanks to whom your page will soon find a second life.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Easy to control.
  • Working with many social networks.
  • Investment of real funds is not necessary.
  • If the application works for many hours in a row, there is a risk of being banned by the admins of the social network.
  • Deception is possible (not all subscribers will stay with you forever; many will merge as soon as they confirm the completion of the task).



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