Symptoms of breast disease in women. Diseases of the mammary glands Infectious diseases of the breast

A woman's mammary glands are intended for breastfeeding. This is a paired organ that is present in all mammals, regardless of gender. The main difference between the female mammary gland and the male mammary gland is its development. With age, in mature girls, the breasts acquire a voluminous shape due to the growth of glandular tissues, connective and fatty tissues.

Breast diseases in women are a fairly common occurrence. Despite the fact that they have different personalities, approximately 33% of all representatives are forced to face one of the forms of the disease. The reason is the sensitivity of the chest to the smallest hormonal changes, which very often occur in modern women. Also, problems with the reproductive system, in particular with the ovaries, bruise or inflammation can affect tumor formation.

Symptoms and signs

Each disease has certain symptoms, but there are breast disease symptoms that occur in almost all cases:

  • This is soreness in the chest area, which can be simply aching or even sharp.
  • Swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Palpation of foreign formations under the skin.
  • Suppuration or other discharge through the nipples.


In addition to the fact that women of childbearing age are required to visit a mammologist every three years, they must conduct self-diagnosis monthly. To do this, at the beginning of each menstrual cycle (on the seventh - tenth day) you need to expose your upper body, stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine your breasts.

Thus, it is possible to detect deformation of the mammary gland, tightness of the skin, swelling or redness, as well as spots, crusts or discharge on the nipples. Next, you need to take a lying position and palpate each breast separately for the presence of lumps in their tissues or axillary areas. If nothing is found, then you can move on with your life, but if even the slightest hardening suddenly appears, you should immediately go to the clinic, where the doctor will further examine you, prescribe a fluorography, ultrasound biopsy, mammography or blood test, if necessary.

Every experienced doctor can cure breast diseases in women without surgery, but provided that they are identified in a timely manner and are subject to conservative treatment.

Increasingly, we are faced with cases where ladies put off visiting a mammologist. Some because they did not feel symptoms, while others simply could not find the time. It is worth noting that such a terrible disease as breast cancer is initially completely asymptomatic, but manages to grow to a dangerous stage. In these cases, the organ tissue has to be completely removed, but this may not be the end of it.

Description of diseases

All diseases of the female breast are divided into tumor and inflammatory.

Diseases of the mammary glands and their description:

It is considered a very common inflammation mastitis(acute or chronic). This is a disease in which suppuration forms inside the gland. May occur in nursing mothers due to stagnation of milk. Infections that enter through cracks in the nipples can also contribute to its development. If mastitis is detected immediately, the development of an abscess can be avoided and the situation can be corrected conservatively. Otherwise, surgery cannot be avoided.

No less rare is a type of disease such as mastopathy. This is a benign inflammatory process in the mammary glands, characterized by the growth of their connective tissue. Scientists come to the conclusion that mastopathy is a harbinger of breast cancer (in some
cases). The reason for its occurrence can be hormonal disorders, inflammatory or infectious diseases of the genital organs, abortion, stress and refusal of breastfeeding.

For various reasons, women develop cysts, the mammary glands are one of their favorite places. They can be found in ducts, where they, filled with liquid contents, can be either single or multiple. There is a version that the provoking factor for their appearance is hormonal imbalances, especially caused by improper use of contraceptive drugs. The cyst may
develop due to the psycho-emotional impact on the nervous system (intellectual overload, acute perception of problems, stress and anxiety). You can feel the symptoms by pulling and burning feelings in the chest, by its deformation and color change. All may be accompanied by fever.

All these diseases of the mammary gland in women do not cause as much horror and fear as hers. Cancer. Its danger lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself for a long time, or resembles mastopathy, which confuses both the doctor and the patient.

Fortunately, modern medical centers have equipment that can detect cancer cells at an early stage. Therefore, never forget to be examined in a timely manner and choose real professionals for this.

Interview with the head of the department of breast pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov”, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Gailisha, after viewing which you will learn the symptoms of a developing disease, methods of diagnosis and treatment:


The best prevention is considered to be maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It includes a varied, balanced and vitamin-rich diet, active rest, good healthy sleep, and a reasonable alternation of stress and rest. It is also very important to learn to avoid stressful situations, to look at things more simply and not worry about everything, to control your emotions and feelings. Any factors that weaken the immune system and open the door to disease should be avoided whenever possible.

Alcoholism and smoking affect the formation of tumors and other problems throughout the body. Underwear should not restrict movement or be tight. It is better to give preference to non-synthetic products.

On the front surface of the chest in women is the mammary gland, one of the main organs of the female body. It is involved in many processes and is controlled by the hormonal system and the brain. Nature has laid down the only way of survival in the mammary glands; in ancient times, only thanks to breast milk could a child survive.

The appearance of the mammary gland is formed in the prenatal period, so until puberty there is practically no difference between female and male breasts.


Women's mammary glands have different appearances. In shape, these are 2 symmetrical protuberances located approximately in the middle of the rib bones. In the center of the gland is the areola, and in the center of it is the nipple.

According to their shape, the mammary glands are divided into:

  • pear-shaped - the base is much lower than the top point;
  • disc-shaped - round base;
  • mastoid – low base, nipples pointing down;
  • hemispherical - height and center at the same level.


Breasts develop differently for every woman. It depends on the functioning of the hormonal system and heredity. Breast asymmetry is common, but this option is not a deviation.

On average, the breasts of a non-breastfeeding woman weigh about 200 g, but during breastfeeding, iron can reach 900 g. At the end of the feeding period, the breasts regain their previous weight, but their shape will no longer be the same. It is commonly believed that the amount of breast milk produced depends on the initial breast size, but this is not true. The size of the mammary glands is also affected by the functioning of the hormonal system.


The nipple is located in the center of the areola, and can be conical or flat-cylindrical in shape. The color of the areola depends on the woman's skin tone and whether she is breastfeeding. Typically, during breastfeeding, the areola turns dark brown due to excess pigmentation.

Under the areola are located its glands, as well as sebaceous and sweat glands. The nipples have very thin and sensitive skin that reacts not only to direct impact, but also to temperature changes. The nipple may be small, convex or inverted, which is not a pathology.

Internal structure of the mammary glands

The anatomy of the mammary gland is the same in all females. Its internal components are aimed at producing breast milk.

Glandular and adipose tissue

The mammary glands in women consist of about 20 cones, similar to a bunch of grapes. Inside the cavity of the mammary gland are the alveoli, which produce breast milk. Using manual examination, you can determine the amount of adipose tissue by touch.

Adipose tissue protects the mammary glands from external factors; in addition, it helps maintain the required temperature for the production of breast milk.

Glandular tissue is completely dependent on the functioning of a woman’s hormonal system, so the size and appearance of the breasts constantly changes during the menstrual cycle. It is due to the fact that nulliparous women have more glandular tissue that their breasts are firm.

Connective tissue

Connective tissues pass between the lobes and lobes of the mammary gland. They wrap around the glandular tissue, supporting it.


The ducts pass from above the lobes and end in the milk pores at the nipple. In front of the openings of the ducts, small capsules are formed in which breast milk accumulates. The diameter of the ducts is 1.8-2.3 mm, but they often grow together.

Blood supply

The mammary glands are surrounded by an extensive network of veins and arteries. This is clearly visible on the chest of a nursing woman. The main large arteries: lateral, internal, medial.

Nerves, lymph nodes

The nerve endings in the mammary gland are located mainly in the space between the ribs and above the collarbone; they directly communicate with the nervous system. The plexuses of nerves are most concentrated in the area of ​​the areola and nipple, which is why this area is the most sensitive.

The lymphatic system of the breast is a complex structure. Lymph nodes are concentrated mostly in the armpit and on the sides of the mammary glands.


The mammary gland is surrounded by muscles that make up the sternum. They are protected by the serratus anterior muscle, next to which is the biceps brachii muscle, and also next to them is a small part of the dorsal muscle. These muscles protect and support the mammary gland on the top and sides. There are no muscles directly in the cavity of the mammary gland.

Functions of the breast

The main and only function of the mammary glands is to produce milk to feed the baby. The process of producing milk is called lactation. Breast milk is a unique natural product, which contains all the micro and macroelements necessary for a newborn and is 80% water.

Location of the mammary glands

The mammary glands in women are located symmetrically, on the front of the chest, between the 3rd and 7th ribs. The chest cavity is supported by the pectoral muscles.

With some developmental anomalies, the mammary glands may be asymmetrical, but often their functionality is not impaired.

Changes in the mammary glands in women

Throughout a woman's life, changes occur that are directly related to hormonal function. This cannot but affect the condition of the mammary glands.

During puberty

At the age of 10, the girl’s body begins to transform. Until this time, the mammary glands were not developed; only the areola and nipple were visible. But with the onset of puberty, the girl’s hormonal system begins to actively produce the hormone estrogen, which triggers the process of formation of the mammary glands, and at the same time the first menstruation occurs.

At the beginning of puberty, you may notice swelling of the areola around the nipple and thickening of the Montgomery tubercles. It is from the center that the breast grows. The areola gradually becomes darker in color, and the nipple becomes larger.

Later, the breasts take their shape and settle at a certain volume, which depends on hereditary factors and the girl’s physique.

It is important to choose the right underwear so that your breasts are not overtightened. The mammary glands are fully formed by the age of 14-15 and will begin to change only with the onset of pregnancy.

At different periods of the menstrual cycle

The mammary glands change in each phase of the menstrual cycle. At the beginning, every woman experiences discomfort. This is due to the functioning of the hormonal system. A few days before the critical days, as a rule, the breasts swell and become sensitive due to the proliferation of glandular tissue, and by the end of the cycle the breasts return to their previous shape and condition.

Before ovulation (days 13-14 of the cycle), increased production of estrogen occurs, so discomfort begins during this period. The reason for breast transformations during the cycle is the work of estrogen and progesterone. In the second phase of the cycle, blood flow in the chest increases, and high soreness of the mammary glands is observed.

The following pain sensations may occur:

  • heaviness and feeling of fullness in the chest;
  • tingling;
  • pain is concentrated in the nipples;
  • appears simultaneously with nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Unpleasant sensations during the period are normal, but if the pain cannot be tolerated without painkillers, you need to consult a gynecologist.

During pregnancy

The mammary glands also change during pregnancy, but the nature of these changes is somewhat different. Transformations begin from conception.

There is an increase in adipose tissue, engorgement of the nipples, and the mammary glands become very sensitive to the slightest impact (even when in contact with clothing, pain occurs). By the middle of the first trimester, the breasts increase by 1 size, and by the end of the 9th month, each mammary gland can become heavier by an average of 500 g.

Often, discomfort in the chest at the beginning of pregnancy is similar to what a woman feels at the beginning of menstruation. Therefore, she does not immediately find out about the pregnancy. Also, due to the increase in blood flow, the venous network becomes noticeable. Due to the increased level of estrogen, the areola becomes dark, and a substance is released from the pores around the nipple that prevents the skin from drying out.

By the beginning of the second trimester, yellow and greenish discharge from the nipple begins. This is colostrum, which is converted into breast milk after childbirth. Compared to milk, colostrum is very thick and sticky.

As the mammary glands enlarge, the skin stretches, itching and stretch marks (striae) appear. To prevent their appearance, you can use a moisturizer or oil.

When breastfeeding

In the first days after birth, breast milk may not appear, but the colostrum contained in the breast is a very valuable and nutritious product for the newborn. On the 3-4th day, milk comes in, the breasts become heavy, tingling and itching are felt.

After childbirth, a lot of milk is produced because the body does not yet know how much milk is required for the baby. But over time, its quantity normalizes according to the “supply and demand” scheme. In other words, the amount of milk a baby drinks is the amount that will be produced later.

Breasts after childbirth become heavy not only because of milk production, but also because the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid is increased.

Nipples after childbirth may not be ready for constant exposure. If the nipple is not grasped correctly, it may bleed and calluses may form. To prepare them for feeding, it is enough to take a contrast shower, and rubbing the nipples with a towel during pregnancy is dangerous for premature birth.

When feeding a child, owners of inverted nipples are concerned whether the child will be able to latch onto the breast correctly. In this case, experts say that the newborn will take any breast.

Age-related changes

With age, namely with the onset of menopause, a woman’s hormonal system undergoes restructuring. This is also reflected in the mammary glands. Several years before menopause, many women experience swelling and tenderness in their breasts. This is due to the fact that glandular tissue is completely replaced by adipose tissue, since childbearing age is behind us.

During this period, the breasts lose their shape, fall off and become soft. This is the result not only of hormonal changes, but also of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is important to note that with age, the risk of breast disease, including cancer, increases significantly, so it is worth visiting a mammologist regularly.

Artificial change in size and shape

Modernity is such that every woman can adjust the shape and size of her breasts, regardless of age. The most durable and effective way is plastic surgery.

Most often, plastic surgery helps women who naturally have small breasts, but it is possible to reduce the size. Large breasts bring discomfort - it is difficult to engage in active sports, your posture deteriorates and stooping appears, and it is more difficult to choose underwear and clothes.

As a rule, women whose breasts have lost their shape after breastfeeding or as a result of losing weight resort to plastic surgery. Implants are inserted into such breasts, the sizes of which are quite varied.

Mastopexy is an operation to correct the shape of the breast. If a woman wants to reduce large breasts, this is done by removing excess skin and part of the fatty tissue.

In addition to surgical intervention, modern cosmetology offers the use of special disposable tapes for breast lift, which, of course, have a short-term effect. All kinds of corsets and silicone bras are also popular.

Perhaps the most commonly used method of artificial breast enlargement is the push-up bra. At the bottom of the cup there is a durable foam cushion that lifts the breasts.

Breast development abnormalities

Anomalies in the development of mammary glands are not a common occurrence and some developmental defects cannot be changed:

  • amastia – absence of breasts;
  • monomastia - one breast;
  • polymastia – excess glands, dangerous for malignant formations;
  • micromastia – underdeveloped mammary glands (due to disruptions in the endocrine system);
  • macromastia – excessive enlargement of the mammary glands. In teenage girls, in this case, it is necessary to adjust the endocrine system. In boys, this is due to disruption of the gonads;
  • mastoptosis - sagging breasts.

Types of female breast diseases

All diseases of the mammary glands can be divided into 2 groups: tumor (mastitis) and inflammatory:

  • mastitis– appears due to the penetration of bacteria into the mammary glands through the nipple. Lactation mastitis is accompanied by stagnation and the appearance of lumps. In this case, the woman experiences high fever and breast tenderness;
  • mastopathy– occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, namely increased prolactin. The most dangerous is diffuse mastopathy, which can cause breast cancer;
  • fibroadenoma– this is a spherical seal between the ducts;
  • cyst– a seal that contains liquid inside, but most often does not pose a danger;
  • intraductal papilloma– growths on the ducts, as well as outside, around the nipple;
  • lipoma– compaction that appears as a result of the proliferation of fatty and connective tissues;
  • breast cancer– can be treated extremely rarely by removal. The last stages lead to death in 90% of cases.

Breast hormones

Any changes in the mammary glands occur due to the work of hormones that are controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Under the influence of estrogens, division of breast tissue cells occurs in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. This is necessary so that the breasts are ready for a possible pregnancy. Also, the hormone progesterone directly affects the secretion of breast milk and lactation itself.

Another important hormone is oxytocin. Thanks to its work, milk is removed from the alveoli and ducts. Somatotropic hormone allows the mammary glands to grow, both during puberty and during pregnancy. Towards the end of the cycle, the level of all hormones decreases, and menstruation occurs.

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to check your hormone levels, regardless of whether you have health problems or not.

Breast care

Women's mammary glands can lose their attractive appearance not only due to age or as a result of feeding, but also due to improper care. It is correct to take care of your breasts from the moment they are fully formed.

The most common causes of unkempt breasts:

It is important to constantly keep your breast skin toned. This is facilitated by a contrast shower and rubbing with ice cubes. You can add essential oils and herbs to them. After water procedures, the breasts should be wiped with light blotting movements; hard towels irritate the delicate skin of the mammary glands. You can make breast masks; the most effective ones include eggs, honey and rolled oats.

Particular attention should be paid to large breasts, as they are most susceptible to deformation and sagging. Those with breast sizes larger than 3 should wear a bra at all times; at night, you can choose comfortable underwear without wires.

The skin of such mammary glands requires intensive hydration. In addition to cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to exercise. Physical exercises focusing on the pectoral muscles will help keep the mammary glands toned longer.

Nutrition plays an important role in the condition of the skin; it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of healthy fats and fiber.

Mammologists advise regularly performing self-massage of the breast to firm the skin and prevent loss of shape. In this case, it is better not to use cosmetics and perform it with clean hands, bypassing the nipple. The massage is performed with light, smooth movements.

Another important aspect of caring for the condition of the mammary glands is properly selected underwear. In summer, it is better for women to prevent direct sunlight from hitting their breasts and be sure to use sunscreen.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about breast anatomy

Structure of the mammary glands:

Breast diseases - one of the most serious problems of a modern woman, something that almost every third inhabitant of the planet faces. Even minor changes can lead to the development of oncological processes. You should not take risks by independently assessing the degree of their harmlessness.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands




Treatment of breast diseases

Treatment of mastopathy

Treatment of breast cysts and other types of mastopathy should be comprehensive and comprehensive.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy will involve the use of both hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma, at the discretion of the doctor, can be surgical. This may be enucleation of the cyst (i.e., enucleation) or sectoral resection of the mammary gland.

  • constantly examine your breasts to see if there are nodules or lumps in them;
  • even if you have no complaints about your health, regularly visit a gynecologist-mammologist;
  • If you are over the age of 35, undergo an annual breast ultrasound and mammography.

Women whose doctors have discovered mastopathy need to give up bad habits that provoke the disease (drinking alcohol, smoking), harmonize their intimate life, and talk to a doctor about it.

During the treatment of breast diseases, solariums, excessive sun exposure, and hypothermia should be avoided.

Preserving women's health is one of the main tasks of our doctors. We know how to take care of you!

Breast diseases (breast cancer) are divided into benign and malignant, inflammatory, functional, traumatic, etc. All of them are studied by mammology - a branch of medicine, the subject of which is everything related to the mammary gland.

Breast diseases are divided into benign and malignant, inflammatory, functional, traumatic, etc.

It is closely related:

  • with gynecology, since the breast is considered part of the reproductive system;
  • endocrinology, since many breast diseases are hormone dependent;
  • with oncology and surgery on treatment methods.

Pathology of the mammary glands can occur at any age, but the most dangerous in terms of malignancy is the age over 40. In Russia, the incidence of breast cancer (breast cancer) has increased 1.5 times over the past 10 years. Every year, 50 thousand women are diagnosed with this disease.

The female mammary glands are paired organs that perform an exocrine function - lactation, which provides the infant with the milk he needs. Therefore, these glands are also called mammary glands. Normally, there is great variability in size and shape. The breasts are always somewhat asymmetrical, the shape and degree of protrusion of the nipples also fluctuate widely. They can be flat or retracted. Their configurations create problems only when feeding the baby due to difficulty latching onto the nipple. To correct this, there is mammoplasty or special onlays.

In addition, the size, shape, and elasticity of the breasts constantly undergo changes throughout life: during gestation, during breastfeeding, menopause, etc. Their external calm is actually very unstable, because they are sensitive to any physiological and pathological changes in the body, because they depend on hormones. Their ailments are mostly provoked by fluctuations in these substances. In other words, the mammary glands are the target organs that are the first to take on all the shocks and disruptions in the hormonal system.

Pathology of the mammary glands can occur at any age, but the most dangerous in terms of malignancy is age over 40

For example, during pregnancy, glandular tissue grows in the mammary glands, the breasts become enlarged and thickened, and the nipples and areolas become pigmented. Toward childbirth, the breasts begin to produce milk. Changes occur in it every month during different phases of the menstrual cycle (MC). These sensations last for 1-3 days, then go away on their own. Such cyclical changes are physiological.

Diseases of the female breast, if they are non-inflammatory in nature, are almost all hormone-dependent. And with endocrine disorders, benign tumors develop in the glands: mastopathy, fibroma, cyst, gynecomastia, adenosis, etc. Their connection with abortion, inflammation of the genitourinary system, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, etc. is clearly visible. But the main danger, of course, is oncology mammary glands. They are predisposed to by the above reasons, late pregnancy (after 35 years), lack of breastfeeding, heredity, ecology, stress, etc.

Breast diseases (video)

Causes of pathologies

In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, life in megacities is sheer stress with constant haste, psychological stress, lack of sleep, physical inactivity, and poor ecology. All this creates a background for the occurrence of diseases. Among the risk factors, these reasons come first. Besides this:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital area with insufficient treatment (salpingo-oophoritis, adnexitis);
  • abortions, late pregnancy or its absence, with 3 previous abortions, the risk of mastopathy increases by 3-4 times;
  • late birth;
  • early sexual life;
  • late menopause;
  • early or delayed sexual development;
  • irregular sexual activity;
  • various endocrinopathies: diabetes mellitus, obesity, myxedema, pituitary tumors, pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • regular and uncontrolled use of OK.

Breast diseases are interrelated with pathologies of the hepatobiliary system and gastrointestinal tract, although at first glance, there is no connection between them. But this is not so, because the following conditions are noted:

  • the synthesis of steroid hormones is disrupted;
  • dysfunction of the absorption of enzymes for the synthesis of hormones occurs;
  • an inflamed liver cannot fully detoxify, estrogens are not completely eliminated from the body, their quantity increases, which causes increased growth of epithelial cells.

In these cases, the initial symptoms begin in the gastrointestinal tract, and not in the chest. Additional provoking reasons:

  • passion for solarium, topless sunbathing;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • occupational hazards at work.

In the development of breast cancer, a large role is played by heredity, improper use of hormones, and menopause. Provoking factors include:

  • menopausal women;
  • late menopause;
  • late first birth;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • early menarche;
  • MC violations.

Classification of breast diseases

All breast diseases are classified according to symptoms and morphology. They make up 8 large groups:

Breast adenoma is hormone-dependent, develops from glandular epithelium, and is benign. It does not occur after 40 years; it is diagnosed in young people. It is a spherical elastic formation located shallow under the skin. It can be single or multiple, occurring in one or two breasts at once. For diagnosis, ultrasound, MRI, and biopsy are performed. Treatment is only surgical.

Breast abscess in women is often a complication of mastitis. It goes through all the stages of normal suppuration until it is completely opened and subsequent scarring. If left untreated, it can develop into sepsis. The infection can penetrate from other skin lesions. Treatment is surgical.

Intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland - develops in the ducts, benign, similar to skin formations. The most characteristic symptom is nipple discharge. They can be abundant or scanty - only 2-3 drops per day. The color can be of different colors, even bloody. Pain and discomfort in the mammary glands are noted. Not always, but small compactions behind the areola may be observed. Mammography, ultrasound, and ductography are used for diagnosis. Surgical treatment - sectoral excision.

Galactorrhea is the secretion of milk outside the breastfeeding period. Often a residual condition after the end of lactation or abortion. It can last for several months, rarely for years, and goes away on its own, but medical supervision is necessary. Sometimes medications are prescribed to lower prolactin levels.

Mastopathy is a hormone-dependent dysplasia, characterized by the proliferation of connective and glandular tissues in different proportions. There are diffuse and nodular mastopathy. In focal cases, single compactions (nodes) form in the gland; they are elastic, have clear outlines, round, and are mobile. With diffuse, there are small multiple growths. They manifest themselves as chest pain in the second half of the MC. There may be discharge from the breasts and swelling of the latter before menstruation. Diagnostics - ultrasound, mammography. Treatment for diffuse is conservative, for nodular is surgical.

Lipoma is a benign formation of adipose tissue. It is spherical, soft and elastic in consistency. The sizes are usually small and no treatment is required.

Fat necrosis of the mammary gland is a consequence of damage to the breast. With it, aseptic necrosis of individual areas of fatty tissue occurs and their replacement with scar tissue. Treatment is surgical.

Breast cyst - when the excretory ducts are blocked, secretions accumulate inside the duct and a cyst forms in the lobule. There are single and multiple. Symptoms do not appear for a long time, then burning and soreness in the chest occurs before menstruation.

Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the segments of the gland - occurs in the first days of lactation, when the child is not yet able to suck out all the milk. Accompanied by chest pain, redness of the skin, and tightening of tissues. If left untreated, it can lead to mastitis. With lactostasis, you need to try to “feed” the breast with the baby, he is the main assistant.

Mastitis - can develop as a result of lactostasis or hypothermia, when infection penetrates through cracks in the nipple. Its symptoms are similar to the development of a regular abscess. Treatment is conservative, antibacterial.

Cyclic mastodynia is discomfort in the gland before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle. Their reason is a violation of the water-salt balance.

Breast cancer stages - signs and symptoms (video)

Oncological diseases

Breast cancer - in this case, the shape of the organ changes, a retracted nipple appears, a change in skin color, its wrinkling, bloody discharge from the ducts, lumps and nodules in the breast are palpable. Regional lymph nodes enlarge. Surgical treatment is combined with radiation and chemotherapy. The prognosis depends on the stage.

Paget's cancer occurs in women and men and causes eczema-like lesions of the nipple and areola. The skin over them becomes inflamed, becomes crimson in color, and weeping ulcers form, which periodically crust over. A mastectomy is performed. After surgery, the possibility of relapse remains high, so medical supervision and postoperative treatment are mandatory - this includes radiation and chemotherapy, hormones.

Breast sarcoma is also a malignant lesion of the mammary gland, but here there is damage to the connective tissue, whereas with breast cancer it is to the epithelial tissue. The course of sarcoma is rapid and aggressive. Upon palpation, a lumpy tumor of dense consistency is determined. The skin over it is thinned, reddened, and the subcutaneous veins are visible. Mastectomy for this type of pathology is extended, i.e. with complete removal of the axillary and subclavian lymph nodes. Subsequently, radiation and chemotherapy are necessary.

Infections and injuries

Syphilis of the mammary glands can occur at any stage of the process. Symptoms depend on the period of illness. Syphilides may form on the skin of the chest, specific lymphadenitis, parallel damage to internal organs, and a violation of the general condition are noted. For diagnosis, serological tests are performed. Treatment is only antibacterial according to the regimen.

Cracked nipples - most often occur due to improper attachment to the breast and weaning from it, and insufficient hygiene after feeding. Very painful cracks are found on the nipples, the discomfort intensifies when feeding the child. Through cracks, breast infection can occur, followed by the development of mastitis. Treatment - with means that promote healing: vitamin A, E, sea buckthorn oil, Dexpanthenol.

Tuberculosis of the mammary glands - the affected organ becomes denser and hypertrophied. The skin is reddened, there is fluctuation, and there is an increase in axillary lymph nodes. Abscesses, ulcers that break out, and fistulas may form. The treatment is specific.

Traumatic injuries to the mammary glands - the causes can be different (impacts, bruises, pinching, wearing tight underwear). This can lead to prolonged pain, hematomas, and inflammatory reactions. If symptoms do not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the mammary glands in women cannot be ignored or tolerated. This often leads to complications and severe consequences of simple ailments.

Urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary if:

  • unplanned discharge from the nipple appeared;
  • chest distension and pain are observed regardless of MC;
  • there was a rash and redness of the chest;
  • ulcers and a “lemon peel” appeared on the skin;
  • nodules and lumps in the chest are noted;
  • the contours of the breast have changed, pronounced asymmetry has appeared;
  • there is swelling of the breasts and inverted nipples;
  • I am worried about pain in the armpit area.

Diagnostic measures

Mammography is the most accurate and informative. This method is especially valuable for large breasts and deep tumors. Preventive mammography is carried out at 38 years of age and older, diagnostic - after 16 years.

Ultrasound is a popular safe method. Breast treatment is also carried out under his supervision. Ductography is an X-ray of the chest with the introduction of a contrast agent into the duct with pictures in different projections. The method detects intraductal formations very well. It is clarifying and prescribed for discharge from the nipple and its deformations.

Needle biopsy - a piece of tissue is taken through a special injection, which is then examined under a microscope. In this way, the presence of atypical cells is determined.

CT and MRI are also used for diagnosis - they scan the gland and clarify any pathologies.

Principles of treatment

Diseases of the female breast require 2 types of treatment: conservative and radical. The first depends on the diagnosis, most of them include hormonal and antibacterial therapy, immunomodulators, physiotherapy, etc. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who adjusts it if necessary.

Surgical intervention can be organ-preserving or radical: a sectoral resection can be performed or the mammary gland can be completely removed. After surgery, the doctor is able to prescribe radiation or chemotherapy to prevent relapses and stabilize the results of the operation. Minimally invasive methods are used - cryotherapy, laser removal, radio wave excision of the tumor, etc.

Prevention requires adherence to 3 main health principles: regular observation by a mammologist, ultrasound and self-examination. A woman should definitely examine her breasts monthly on days 6-12 of MC. After 35 years, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan annually, and after 40 years, a mammogram is required once every 2 years.

Women's health is the most important aspect of modern society. But, alas, taking care of health today has become a purely personal matter. Therefore, our goal is to warn about the danger and suggest the best ways to solve some women's health problems.

There are diseases whose risk is negligible, but there are dangers that await every woman throughout almost her entire life. We're talking about breast diseases.

The statistics for breast diseases are as follows:

Every second woman in Russia runs the risk of encountering breast diseases during her lifetime: a benign tumor or fibrocystic mastopathy. Every tenth person has breast cancer. Moreover, among the causes of female mortality in Russia, breast cancer ranks second! Mastopathy is diagnosed in more than 50% of women of childbearing age! Unfortunately, these diseases are detected already in advanced stages, which means the prognosis, in most cases, is unfavorable.


There are many reasons for this. Irresponsible attitude towards one's health - “this will not affect me.” Fear of the doctor and the diagnosis - “it’s better not to go to the doctor, otherwise they’ll find something else.” Low awareness of the causes of diseases and their first signs.

The result is a complete lack of preventive measures and late diagnosis.

Meanwhile, sufficient prevention is the most reliable and low-cost way to protect yourself from dangerous and fatal diseases. So, in order:

What is dangerous for women's breasts?

  • Any inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system;
  • Infectious diseases sexually transmitted;
  • Abortion;
  • Late first pregnancy;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives before the first pregnancy;
  • Smoking, alcohol, radiation, harmful chemical factors;
  • Unreasonable use of pharmaceuticals;
  • Excess ultraviolet radiation (which activates free radical reactions and tumor processes);
  • Hypothermia of the mammary glands and pelvic organs;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Types of breast diseases:


Mastopathy(fibrocystic disease) is a benign disease of the mammary glands caused by hormonal imbalance, manifested in the form of pathological proliferation of its tissues.

There are two forms of mastopathy: nodular and diffuse, one- or two-sided.

Often mastopathy is called fibroadenomatosis. This condition should be distinguished from a benign breast tumor - fibroadenoma. :

  • swelling and pain in the mammary glands before menstruation;
  • slight enlargement of the gland;
  • soreness of the mammary glands when pressed;
  • the presence of small nodules on palpation;
  • discharge from the nipples is possible (most often gray-green in color). Mastopathy is a benign disease, but without appropriate treatment and observation by a mammologist, it can lead to breast cancer!


Fibroadenoma- benign tumor of the mammary gland of glandular origin.

The disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age (from 16 to 40 years), is characterized by rapid growth, especially during puberty or after abortion.

It is believed that fibroadenomas are formed at an increased concentration of estrogens, and when the level of estrogens is normalized, they behave in the same way as ordinary lobules of the mammary gland, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In almost half of the cases, especially in young women, independent reverse development occurs, the so-called “resorption,” including multiple formations. This can last for 5 years, and the treatment strategy in this case is observation.

The most characteristic symptoms:

  • the presence of a dense, painless tumor in the mammary gland up to 3 cm in size;
  • sometimes multiple formations occur.

Fibroadenoma does not transform into cancer, but in some cases surgical removal of the tumor is recommended.

Intraductal papilloma

Intraductal papilloma(cystadenopapilloma) is a benign epithelial tumor of the mammary gland. The disease usually develops against the background of nodular or diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy; papillomas form in cystically altered, dilated ducts.

Most often appears during the period before menopause. The average age of onset of cystadenopapilloma in women is 48 years, and this pathology does not occur before 20 and after 50 years.

  • painful node in the mammary gland;
  • bloody or greenish-brown discharge from the nipple.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer- a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland.

The most characteristic symptoms:

  • dense, immobile lump in the mammary gland;
  • absence of pronounced pain syndrome;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • changes in the skin (recession, flattening, retraction of the skin, the presence of “lemon peel”);
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Breast cancer most often occurs in women aged 40-50 years and after 60 years. The risk of development is higher in women with inflammatory and hyperplastic diseases of the ovaries and uterus, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland and liver.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Self-examination regularly, monthly, on the 7-10th day after menstruation;

Professional examination by a mammologist - once a year; Immediately consult a doctor if you experience discomfort in the chest, discharge from the nipples, or pain.

Treatment and preventive measures

The research and production company "Biolit" together with scientists from the Department of Pharmacology of Siberian State Medical University have developed a set of products for the prevention and complex therapy of mastopathy - "MAMAVIT complex".
"MAMAVIT complex" is a non-hormonal product of natural origin with proven effectiveness and persistent long-term effect in the complex treatment of mastopathy.

  • Toxidont-may (burdock root extract);
  • Burdock seeds;
  • Mamavit gel for external use;
  • Venorm (granules)

Toxidont-may (burdock root extract) and Burdock seeds are highly effective products for oral use.

Toxidont-may, even with a single oral dose, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, anti-edematous effect, normalizes metabolic processes, and removes various toxins and waste from the body. BURDOCK SEEDS, in addition, contain the glycosides arctinin and arctigenin, which have an effect aimed at reducing the activity of hormone-dependent proliferation processes.

  • proliferative diseases of the female reproductive system (mastopathy, endometriosis);
  • in rehabilitation programs for cancer patients;
  • disorders of fat, carbohydrate, water-salt metabolism;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases (furunculosis, eczema, allergic dermatoses);
  • purulent wounds, burns of varying degrees;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever, as an antipyretic.

In addition, Toxidont-may and Burdock Seeds are excellent general health products for the whole family at any time of the year! They promote rapid elimination of toxins, improve immunity, improve metabolism, and prevent tumors.

Mamavit - gel for external use. Mamavit contains the substance asparagine, which was first isolated in the world by Biolit scientists in pure crystalline form from the juice of burdock roots. Asparagine has a powerful antitumor and absorbable effect. The anti-inflammatory, antitumor and absorbable effects of burdock root extract in Mamavit gel are enhanced by combination with essential oils of lemon, spruce and tea tree. When using Mamavit gel, lymphatic drainage, blood microcirculation and the functioning of the sebaceous glands are normalized, skin tone and elasticity are increased. On hot days, the active components of the gel will help prevent the harmful effects of the sun.

Regular use of Mamavit gel will allow You can maintain a beautiful breast shape and youthful skin in the décolleté area. It can be used by women after pregnancy and breastfeeding to restore skin tone and mammary glands.

  • mastopathy;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • breast cysts.

Also, regular use of Mamavit gel prevents the aging process of the skin, helps maintain breast shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The effectiveness of the use of Toxidont-May and Mamavit gel in the complex therapy of nodular mastopathy has been proven in clinical trials conducted at the regional oncology clinic in Tomsk. It was found that the greatest effect is exerted by the combined use of Toxidont-Mai burdock root extract internally and Mamavit gel externally on the mammary gland area in combination with basic therapy.

An obligatory component of the powerful treatment and prophylactic complex “mamavit complex” is venorm.

Venorm (in granules) based on extracts of birch and raspberry leaves, mantle grass, Kuril tea shoots; chokeberry fruit juice, seaweed powder - kelp; routine.

Venorm has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening, anti-atherosclerotic, and hypotensive effect. Reduces blood viscosity, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood circulation in the vessels of the lower extremities. It is a source of bioavailable organic iodine.

  • varicose veins, including hemorrhoids;
  • microcirculation disorders due to retinopathy, prostatitis, etc.;
  • degree of hypertension;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • conditions accompanied by increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • lack of iodine in the population living in iodine-deficient regions;
  • vegetative neurosis;
  • primary dysmenorrhea.
  • In complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in women

  • In complex therapy of mastopathy



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs