Strong maternal prayers for the health of children, for healing during their illness: text. Which Saint should the mother pray to when the child has a fever, from fear, the evil eye, stuttering, so that he sleeps well, begins to speak, before surgery? Temperature conspiracy

Many colds and viral diseases are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Thus, the body tries to cope with the infection, while at the same time immunity is developed. That is, a high temperature indicates that the immune system has detected the virus and is fighting it; cells of foreign organisms die at temperatures above 38 degrees. This means that an increase in temperature is a completely natural and physiological phenomenon that brings certain benefits.

However, too high a body temperature can be dangerous, especially for young children. With prolonged elevation, internal organs begin to suffer, and the immune system is depleted. It is for this reason that it needs to be controlled and brought down in time with the help of antipyretic drugs or traditional medicine. But there are cases when the temperature in children does not go down even with medications. In such a situation, it is advisable to use a spell for fever; the mother, family members and any “knowledgeable” person can read it to the child at home.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy against temperature

To speed up the recovery of children, you can use a spell from the Siberian healer N. Stepanova. It will help relieve chills and any fever.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

King Herod had 12 children, 12 daughters,

And in total there were 12 sisters between them.

They are all shaggy, hairy, beltless.

They walked, stumbled, and quarreled among themselves.

They fought every three steps

And we met Saint Paul.

Saint Paul invited them and asked:

-Whose daughters are you?

They answer:

– We are Herod’s daughters, we make sure that

So that all people get sick,

To beat people, beat them

And the illness did not relieve me.

And Saint Paul says to them:

- I don’t tell you to shake God’s servant (him), break him,

I command you to let God’s servant (name) go.

If you disobey me,

Then I will gather a column of fire at you.

I will be you, Herod's children,

Fire - burn with heat,

They will flog you with willow twigs until the end of the century.

My word is strong.

My business is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen (three times)."

Plot on water temperature for a child

It is necessary to prepare a glass of tea for your baby, sweetening it with honey or jam. Looking at the liquid, read the old conspiracy against temperature:

“Shaking Satan, shake gold, dark, red-haired, white-haired, step back and shake off the servant(s) of God. If you don’t retreat and don’t pump out, then they will take you, shaking Satan, Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable commander of the heavenly powers, by the arms. And they will lead you, shaking Satan, to the river of fire, and they will cast you, shaking Satan, into the river of fire until the end of the age. Amen. Forever Amen. And forever and ever, Amen."

After reading, let the baby drink in three small sips, crossing himself each time. The ritual can be repeated many times until complete recovery. As a rule, after one or two times there is a lasting improvement and the disease recedes.

Ritual for fever

When a child has a very high temperature that is difficult to control, charmed water is prepared for him to drink. It must be from a natural source - a well, tap water or bottles are not suitable. Looking at the water, they read a special spell:

“In an open field, in a wide expanse,

The stone is flammable,

And on this stone a big woman is sitting.

In her white hands there is trouble, a hot frying pan.

The white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She's not hot, she's not cold, and she's not getting chills.

So that the servant of the Lord (name)

There were no chills or fever,

So that he gets well soon and gets up.

Which word will I speak?

Which word I won’t finish

The Lord God will prompt you and order the illness to go away.

In the name of the Son, Father and Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


The charmed water is given to a child suffering from fever to drink.

Pillow spell

The ritual will help the child cope with the disease and get rid of high fever. To do this you will need:

  • New white pillowcase;
  • Wax church candle;
  • The patient's pillow on which he sleeps.

You need to hold a candle in your right hand and a pillowcase in your left. With the right lit candle, cross the pillowcase three times, reading the ancient plot behind each one:

“Zarya is a morning lightning, a beautiful maiden,
Deliver God's servant (name) from manukha,
From the fever, from the fever, from the jaundice,
From Maria Herodovna and from all 12 shaking girls.

After reading, place the pillowcase on the patient’s pillow and place it under his head. You need to sleep on it for three more days, and then you can take it off.

Important! The ritual can only be performed by a healthy person.

Ritual with stone

Many diseases are treated by transferring them to stones. To do this, you need to make a pyramid of stones near the road. They are taken in quantities equal to the age of the sick person. For children under 12 months, how many months is the baby.

You can take stones of different types and sizes, collected from any available place. A pyramid or a figure resembling a pyramid is built by a person suffering from an illness. First-degree relatives can do this for the child. Having placed it, they walk around it counterclockwise three times, behind each circle with the words:

“The illness is not in you, the illness is not on you. The disease has disappeared into the stones. Whoever kicks them will take the disease upon himself. Amen".

The ritual is performed in the morning, preferably early, before 7 am, while people are not walking along the intersection. Until now, the sick person must keep a strict fast and not even drink water. While assembling the stones and performing the ritual, you cannot talk to anyone until the job is done. You need to build a pyramid of stones in a place where a person suffering from illness does not walk. Go there and back by different roads. The ritual is not performed on the waxing moon, on sick days, on Sundays, or on church holidays. There is no need to hold it on the seventeenth and twenty-fifth.

Charming an infusion of pine needles

Coniferous infusions are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. Pediatricians often advise bathing babies with weakened immune systems or for preventive purposes in decoctions of pine needles.

For evening bathing, you need to prepare an infusion: put 250 g of pine needles in a gauze bag and pour 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water, at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Leave for about an hour. Then pour it into the bath, and while the water is filling, read the plot:

“Water is water, the queen of the earth,

Everyone loves you, everyone honors you,

They won't live long without you.

The Lord God gave you to people and punished you:

To wash people away from dirt.

Wash, rinse, free from illness.

And you, Mother Mother of God, bless,

Help the servant of God (name).

For ease, for health, for the mercy of God.

How this water rips off the ridges,

So wash, rinse off the servant of God

All the illnesses, all the pain.

In the name of the Son, Father and Holy Spirit.

From now on and forever and ever. Amen!".

Cross the bathtub with water three times and bathe the child in it before bed.

Fever spell

At night, fill a clay or porcelain jug with spring water, and place a silver object at the bottom. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, light a church candle, place a jug of water in front of it and, peering into it, read the words of the conspiracy:

"Three days fever, four days fever,

Get away from the body of God's servant (name).

Go without turning back or turning back

Neither to a small child, nor old, nor young.

Leave this body, stop torturing the servant of God (name of the sick person),

Break the body, pull the veins, and drink the blood.

Go away, you sick thing!

My word is strong and true,

It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.

From now on and forever and ever.”

Take scissors and dip them in the charmed water. Cut off the disease three times (symbolically) over the forehead of the sick person with the words:

“I cut off fever - fever - shaking, throw it away, get rid of illness.”

After this, the scissors need to be heated over the flame of a church wax candle. And cross the patient three times with the same candle. Then read the Lord’s Prayer and ask God for help in healing the child.

Safe spell for a child

After recovery, a protective amulet is placed on the child so that the illness does not return. To do this, you need to take spring water into a jug in the morning and read the spell three times while looking at it:

“Grandmother Solomonyushka of Christ was floating,

and she left us a parka too.

God bless!

Handles, grow, get fat, become vigorous;

legs, walk, carry your body;

tongue, speak, feed your head.

Grandmother Solomonyushka soared and ruled,

I asked God for mercy.

Don't be a sedun, be a walker

Banyushki - boys, listen,

steam, a bathhouse, and a free activity.”

Then the water needs to be heated to a warm state and splashed three times on the undressed baby before bathing.

My son was born very weak. It so happened that I gave birth to him very late - I was 35 years old. Perhaps this played a role. The boy is very smart and capable, but he has serious health problems. In winter he gets colds several times. It would seem that everyone is sick. What's wrong with that? Nonsense! But my son’s cold is very severe. The throat closes to the point of suffocation. But the worst thing is the high temperature. It goes beyond 40, and after that the child begins to have convulsions. Tablets do not always help, and more often than not they do not help. You have to call an ambulance, which sometimes takes more than an hour to arrive. And I'm going crazy all this time!

So one day I was rushing around the entrance, looking for an ambulance (our windows do not face the courtyard, but the street). My son was lying with a high fever, but the doctors still weren’t coming. And at the entrance I ran into a neighbor who asked why I was running around the entrance so late. She herself was returning from work, from the second shift. I wanted to brush it off, but I couldn’t restrain myself and burst into tears. Then the neighbor came with me and taught me what to do. When the ambulance arrived, the child’s temperature began to subside, they also shouted at me for bothering me in vain.

Now, when I see that a child is starting to get sick, I speak water and give him something to drink. Believe it or not, since I started doing this, my son’s temperature has never risen above 38 degrees. But before, the temperature consistently exceeded 40!

So, if your child has the flu or just has a fever, take water and say over it 3 times:

“Shaking Satan, shake the gold, the dark, the red-haired, the white-haired, step back and get away from the servant of God. If you do not retreat and pump out, then Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable commander of the heavenly powers, will take you, shaking Satan, by the arms and lead you, shaking Satan, to the fiery river and throw you, shaking Satan, into the river of fire and they will cast you, shaking Satan, into the river of fire until the end of the age; Amen, forever amen and forever and ever amen."

These words help me and my son a lot. God willing, we will completely get rid of all our diseases. I wish health to all readers and their children!

Few people know, but elevated temperature is not a separate disease at all, but only a companion to most ailments, because an increase in body temperature is mainly due to the fact that the body begins to fight the virus that has infected it. Despite this, it is necessary and, of course, possible to fight the temperature, and even without unnecessary hassle with medications and expensive drugs - just use a spell for temperature. Our conspiracy will help bring down the temperature if pills and tablets, which have already completely spoiled the intestinal microflora, are ineffective.
Important for the temperature plot: Read this plot early in the fresh morning, shortly before the sun rises and preferably before you have time to wash your face. Do not think about any extraneous things when performing the ritual, and it will definitely work.
Record the text for pronouncing the spell on any handy piece of clean white paper - this way you won’t lose it.
Temperature conspiracy - how to read correctly:
, Degree, degree, you should not be in my body, you should not stand against my flesh! From now on, you won’t bleed red and ruin my health! Go into the dark forest, to its northern end, but stay there and don’t try to come back! Go away, go away, go away! May everything come true in my opinion! Amen."

Conspiracy against high temperature.
Sometimes a person develops a high fever. And even medications cannot help quickly. In cases where the fever does not subside, read one plot.
The conspiracy is carried out on water. After you read the magical text, let the patient drink this water and the fever will go away.
“I see an open field, and in the middle of it there is a huge hot stone. An old woman is sitting on this stone. A frying pan is boiling in her hands, burning bubbles are jumping, but they don’t burn her hands. The patient (name) will have no fever and no pain. So that the temperature does not rise, so that the wind will pick up my words and carry everything to heaven. The Lord God sees everything, hears everything, will help remove the disease and protect it from illness. and the Holy Spirit Amen."

If you have a high temperature and nothing helps, a conspiracy will help.
,There is a flammable stone in the open field. A sick woman was sitting on this stone. She held a hot frying pan in her white hands. And her hands didn’t burn and she didn’t get chills. Likewise, God’s servant…(name) had no burning hands and no chills. Amen. "

If the illness is accompanied by a severe fever, then help yourself with a spell against. Take a white towel and pour water into a bowl. It’s good if one of your relatives brings you water from a spring or river, or if you yourself keep a supply of such water at home - living water preserves natural power, and helps many times better than tap water. You can drop some holy water from the temple into ordinary water.
As soon as you pour the water, cross it and read the plot for fever:
I will lie down and stand up crossing myself. I will leave the hut by the doors. From the yard - through the gate to the west. Under the western side stand four evangelists. The first is Mark, the second is Luke, the third is Ivan Pyatechy, the fourth is Judas. I will go up to them and say: “All of you four evangelists, come to the servant of God (name). Take away, tear away from the servant of God (name) the feverish fever, the feverish fever, the coma, the paw, the shaking, the aching, the sorrowful. I shake and shake, I shake and shake, I shake and grieve. Take her and take her, and carry her, and throw her into the fire and flame, into a brick oven, into a sulfur stone."
Soak a towel in this water and wipe your entire body with it three times.

A conspiracy to bring down the temperature.
Take undrinkable water in a glass or glass or mug. But first, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, the prayer to the Mother of God, and to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, say the spell three times. Wash and give drink to the sick person. You should drink in small sips, like drinking boiling water. the fever will subside.
I have tested this conspiracy more than once. I will only say that the effect of the conspiracy is short-term, it lasts for several hours, then everything repeats.
The plot is also good in combination with medications.
A stone snake crawls, its eyes are fiery, it bites the slave (name of the rivers) body so that the body does not ache, burn, or hurt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
When you use charmed water. You must remember that when drinking water from a mug or glass, you need to hold it only by the handle, and if from a glass, then hold it by the bottom, so that the water does not flow through your thumb. Also, when you give a person the spoken water, tell him to take it straight home without going anywhere on the way; the more rapids he goes through, the weaker it will be. Let him not show the water to anyone, but let him carry it home in an opaque bag or bag. Let him pour the water from washing into the yard downwind and only upwind from himself

Amulet for treating a sick person.
When starting to treat a sick person, have with you a braid woven from three thick white ropes.
When you braid it, say:
“Just as this braid is strong, whole and united, it will not allow either the sixth or the fifth into its union, so I will not take either the thirteenth or the ninth.”
After complex treatment, this braid should be buried in the black earth without unraveling or thrown into the middle of a fast river.

Faith and health to you.
information taken from various Internet sources

Complete collection and description: prayer about temperatures for the spiritual life of a believer.

This prayer can relieve any pain in minutes.

This prayer can reduce

temperature, relieve any pain.

"God! Dear God!

Hallowed be Thy Name in Heaven and on Earth.

From the edge to the edge of the Universe!

God! Strengthen your strength in confronting the forces of darkness,

so as not only to resist it, but also to cleanse

from this garbage. Teach to separate good from evil and

be at peace

and strength of spirit in order to create worthily between

people Your will.

Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - like loved ones,

and unknown to me.

May they see Your true glory and be filled with

love in your heart.

And they overcome dark obstacles while moving along

And let them stretch out their hands to each other and give

immense warmth of the soul.

God! May Your will be done! And will remain for

one people on earth,

loving his mother - nature, reunited

with you love

his own and following the path of true spiritual

development, relying on Your last testament.”

In the morning: “O Lord, bless the deeds of the day

future, and may its difficulties be met

as befits those who walk under Your light"

In the evening: “Replenish, Lord, lost strength

for the good, in order to prepare for the meeting of the future day.

After internal confession, when illness and

troubles will subside, try not to repeat the previous ones

mistakes - otherwise misfortunes will return in double volume.

I.G. Podolskaya, Ryazan

Part 22 – Prayer (quick relief of pain, fever)

Prayer about temperatures

When a high temperature is detected, immediate action is needed. The body fights infection, virus, but greatly harms itself by raising the temperature. If this condition lasts for a long time, it can greatly harm a person. It is especially important to relieve fever if a child is sick. Doctors prescribe pills, potions and other medications. Don't rush to take them right away. There is a proven conspiracy against temperature that anyone can read. Words have special power. Say them and everything will return to normal. This method is known to many, but they do not talk about it. Take note of this way of fighting the disease.

Conspiracy is one of the effective means.

A conspiracy or magical ritual.

Why is temperature dangerous?

Our body itself knows how to fight the disease. He doesn't need pills or artificial treatments. As soon as a threat appears, the temperature rises. Many viruses cannot exist in an environment where the temperature is above 38 degrees. Slowly they are dying. If the virus is strong and does not give up immediately, then such “hot” conditions have to be maintained for a long time. This is also dangerous for us. The brain, heart, liver, kidneys suffer.

There are many good traditional medicines. There are herbal teas and cold towel wraps. They work, but not quickly. A conspiracy will help you. It works quickly and has no side effects like pills.

Help your child

A high temperature in a child is very dangerous. His defense system is still being formed. You can't let illness harm your baby. For small children there are also a variety of medicines, suppositories, tablets. It is better to avoid their use - even your doctor will tell you that. Try to cure it using the folk method, saying a simple spell. It helps very well if the child is often sick with the same symptoms. The negative energy of the disease has found a loophole and is now haunting the person. The conspiracy will protect him from this and remove the negative program. The baby will be healthy, and you will forget about illnesses.

The most effective conspiracies for fever

There are many conspiracies. Try them, they don't let you down. Our great-grandmothers used these whispering words to quickly help children and adults. They knew a lot about healing magic, because with the touch of a hand they could relieve pain in the ears, heal the throat or stomach.

Pillow spell

This spell can only be pronounced by a healthy person. You need to speak to the pillow on which the patient is lying. You will need a new white pillowcase.

Take a pillowcase in your left hand and a church candle in your right hand. Cross the pillowcase with the candle three times. Say:

"Zarya-Zaryanitsa, red maiden,

Deliver God's servant (name) from manukha,

From the fever, from the fever, from the jaundice,

From Maria Herodovna and from all twelve shaking girls.

Now put the pillowcase on the pillow and place it under the patient’s head.

Now the person will feel better in the morning. The fever will subside and the headache will go away. You need to sleep on this pillow for another 3 days. During this time, the disease should completely leave the body. Be sure to make this spell on your child’s pillow if he has a high fever. It works very quickly. The person will have very pleasant dreams about flying, lightness, and coolness.

Water spell

Warm up a glass of water. You can add honey or some jam to it. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced above the glass:

“Shaking Satan, shake the gold, the dark, the red-haired, the white-haired, step back and get away from the servant of God. If you do not retreat and pump out, then Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable commander of the heavenly powers, will take you, shaking Satan, by the arms and lead you, shaking Satan, to the fiery river and throw you, shaking Satan, into the river of fire and they will cast you, shaking Satan, into the river of fire until the end of the age; Amen, forever amen and forever and ever amen.”

This is a very good way for home family practice

A sick person should drink it in small sips and cross himself three times. Suitable only for baptized people! Repeat this spell the next day if the temperature has not yet subsided. Usually only two repetitions are enough for maximum healing effect. Please note that the disease will not return.

Healing magic knows how to heal any disease. To do this you need to have real power, to practice healing. Not everyone will succeed. You can use their simple tips. In some cases, spells and amulets are best used in conjunction with traditional medicines. In case of real danger to life, when doctors insist on hospitalizing a person, do not neglect this advice. Even a common cold can lead to dire consequences.

Amulet from all diseases

Not only conspiracies, but also effective amulets will help protect yourself and your family from illness. They have been known since ancient times, there is no doubt about their power. Try wearing them every day. Health can be spoken about.

It has been known since ancient times that this stone takes away illnesses and high temperatures. You can buy round aquamarine. Roll it gently over the patient's forehead. You can hang it over the bed of a sick child. He very quickly takes on all the negativity and the severity of the disease. Be sure to rinse it with running water afterwards.

Fern Flower

This is not a real flower, but a talisman. Slavic traditional magic created an amazing item. This amulet helps against all diseases, including fever. Relieves you from high temperatures quickly. The patient needs to put it around his neck and send him to bed. When he wakes up, there will be no trace of the disease.

Conspiracy at high temperature

If a person has a fever and the temperature does not subside, speak water and give it to the patient. The fever will go away as if by hand.

In an open field, in a wide expanse,

The stone is flammable,

And on this stone a big woman is sitting.

In her white hands there is trouble, a hot frying pan.

The white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She's not hot, she's not cold, and she's not getting chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chills or fever,

So that she gets well soon and gets up.

Which word will I speak?

Which word I won’t finish

The Lord God will tell you and order the illness to go away.

Temperature conspiracy

High temperature is a constant companion to any infectious disease or inflammatory process in the body. It causes suffering to the patient and makes it impossible to perform any serious actions. Of course, you can use traditional tablets, but we offer you a traditional method of treatment - a spell for fever.

What is the danger of temperature

The human body has a huge reserve of strength; it is able to eliminate the disease on its own. In fact, we can live without modern medications and artificial treatments.

When we get sick (which means there is a threat to life), our body temperature begins to increase. Thus, our body tries to eliminate the disease, because most viruses die at temperatures above thirty-eight degrees.

And if we manage to catch a strong enough virus, then the body is forced to maintain such conditions for a long period of time. This, in turn, also poses a certain danger to our internal organs(brain, heart, liver and kidneys).

It is important that the temperature does not remain for too long. Therefore, you have to “knock it down.” To do this, you can use various effective traditional medicine: herbal teas, body wraps performed using soaked towels. All these methods have their effect, but not very quickly.

In addition, use a spell for high fever, which acts quickly enough and does not cause any side effects, unlike traditional medications.

Conspiracies for temperature

There are known effective ancient conspiracies, used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, that will help you bring down a high temperature. Below we will give examples of them with a description of their implementation.

Temperature conspiracy

Read on yourself or another person five to seven times.

Fever spell

It will help to quickly relieve high fever and improve the general condition of the patient. You will need to say the following magic words:

Fever spell

If the patient is suffering from a strong fever, the temperature does not want to drop, you should speak water and let the patient drink it. After this, the fever will disappear on its own. Water is spoken with these words:

A spell that will eliminate temperature and fever

The time for it is early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen. A yellow church candle is lit and a curse is pronounced on the water in which the silver item has been lying all night:

The person who performs this magical action must look carefully at the surface of the water, his hands must lie on his knees so that his palms look at the floor. The right palm is placed on the left.

Plot on water temperature for a child

Water for this ritual is prepared in advance in the evening. Dip a silver spoon into a glass of water and leave it until the morning. You can use any other silver items instead of a spoon (the more silver they have, the better).

In the morning, when the sun begins to rise, take the silver item out of the water and light a candle. Place a glass with water in front of the candle and say the following text seven times:

After pronouncing this hex, it is necessary to give the baby a drink of the said water, and also wash him with it. Very soon the temperature will decrease.

You should not use up all the water at once, you need to leave it for a couple more times, and if the temperature rises again, let the child drink it again and wipe him with it.

With the help of folk magic you can get rid of many different pathologies. But for folk remedies to work, you must have real magical power and purposefully engage in healing. Not every person can boast of such abilities.

Amulets against any diseases

You can save yourself or your family members from various diseases not only with spells, but also with effective amulets. Our ancestors have been using amulets since hoary antiquity; now there is no doubt about their effectiveness.

Magic amulets should be carried with you at all times; they can also be charmed if desired.

What amulets are used most often:

  • Aquamarine. Our ancestors knew that aquamarines absorb any negativity, which includes high temperature. It is better for this purpose to use a round aquamarine, which is carefully drawn across the patient’s forehead.

You can also hang an aquamarine over the bed of a sick person. The stone will absorb the negative energy of the disease. After this, be sure to clean it in running water.

  • Fern. The fern flower also acts as an effective amulet. It will help get rid of any pathologies, which include fever. In this case, the healing effect manifests itself quite quickly.

Simply place a fern flower around the patient's neck and put him to sleep. In a dream, the disease will completely go away.

An obvious advantage of temperature conspiracies is that, like all healing conspiracies, they have no setbacks or side effects. You can do them many times and your well-being will only improve. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules for reading them and do not break them.

After watching the next video, you will know what folk remedies you can use to bring down your temperature

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Prayers for fever

With these prayers you can turn to the saints with a request to deliver a child or yourself from heat and temperature.

Prayer to the Lord God for fever

Master Lord our God, born of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, both as a baby in a manger and as a child who was accepted:

Bless this baby (name) yourself, protect him and keep him from all poison, from all cruelty, from every adverse storm, from evil spirits,

day and night and grant the baby (name) health and well-being of soul and body, and protect with bright and shining Angels from any attack of invisible spirits.

Lord, protect this baby (name) from illness and weakness, from jealousy and envy, and from the eyes of the gazer, and have mercy on him, and bless him, grow him, sanctify him, make him wise, chaste, and kind.

Just as You, O All-Good Lord, brought him and showed him the sensual light, so you were worthy of the intellectual light, during which you determined for him,

He will be numbered with Your holy flock by Your Only Begotten Son and will worship and glorify Your All-Holy and Magnificent name in this life:

in the house and on the way, and in the earthly temple;

and in the heavenly fatherland make him worthy to glorify You, our All-Gifted God:

Father and Son and Holy Spirit now and forever.

First prayer to Matrona of Moscow for fever

I beg you, I conjure you with my mother’s heart, go to the throne of the Lord, ask God to give health to the servant of God (name).

I beg you, holy mother Matrona, do not be angry with me, but be my intercessor.

Ask the Lord to grant my child (name) good health.

Deliver him from physical and spiritual ailments.

Take away every disease from his body.

Forgive me for my sins, voluntary and involuntary.

Pray for the health of my child (name).

Only you, Holy Matrona, are my great intercessor and adviser.

Second prayer to Matrona of Moscow for healing from fever

Oh, Saint Matrona.

I appeal to you with a sincere request.

Give strength and health to my child (name), who is dying from terrible damage.

I ask not for myself, but for an innocent child.

Take away the turmoil in your soul, take away suffering, deliver from bodily illness.

Pray for him before the Lord God and ask him to forgive me for my maternal sins.

This prayer can reduce your temperature and relieve any pain in a matter of minutes.

Prayer must be done in solitude, with a lit candle, on your knees.

This prayer can reduce your temperature and relieve any pain in a matter of minutes.

"God! Dear God!

Hallowed be Thy Name in Heaven and on Earth. From one end to the other of the Universe! Lord! Strengthen your strength in confronting the forces of darkness,

so as not only to resist him, but also to cleanse mother earth

from this garbage. Teach us to separate good from evil and to remain in peace and firmness of spirit, in order to worthily do Your will among people.

Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both close and unknown to me. May they see Your true glory and be filled with love in their hearts.

And they overcome dark obstacles on the way to the Light.

And let them stretch out their hands to each other and give the immense warmth of their souls.

God! May Your will be done! And there will be one people on earth,

The cold is a disease that each of us has encountered. People try to cope with unpleasant symptoms using various means, ranging from the use of traditional medicine recipes to medications. Unfortunately, often treatment with pharmaceutical drugs does not leave its mark on the entire body and, trying to get rid of the symptoms of a severe cold, in the future you have to deal with the negative consequences of using drugs.

Not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to poison your body with chemicals if you turn to the use of magic. A simple spell for a cold will help lower the temperature, reduce cough and runny nose, give strength, and remove painful sensations in the throat without drug treatment.

A child’s cold ritual will be a lifesaver for loving mothers who care about the health of their children. Such spells are effective and very powerful. With their help, you can save not only children, but also adults from ARVI and influenza.

Seasonal colds, an endless race to pharmacies and hospitals in search of salvation from the flu and acute respiratory infections, exhausts a person so much that he is forced to drink handfuls of pills, and this is not always useful for a sick body, because it is already attacked by a horde of viruses or microbes, and then chemistry is added in addition. How to relieve the flu or cold by resorting to magical treatment? Most likely, such conspiracies should be read before you notice that you have caught a cold, then the effect will be much stronger. Also note that such conspiracies are used as a generally strengthening effect, and let the forces of magic protect against any misfortune that a person does not need.

Whisper on raspberry decoction

We all know that raspberry jam is useful for colds and more. But not only ripe berries bring health, but also raspberry branches can be brewed and infused with boiling water, and then the resulting decoction can be used to promote good health against colds and flu. Making a decoction is very simple, the main thing is to find a garden where raspberries grow, you need to cut off a 40 centimeter branch, finely chop it into an enamel container, add 500 ml of water. and boil for 3 minutes. Then let it stand for 2 hours and the broth is ready. You need to divide it into two times - morning and evening. Every time before you drink, put it to your lips and whisper charming words at it 7 times: “I invite the forces of nature, I drive out all diseases to myself, I don’t let (name) come to me, as I drink this medicinal decoction, I wash myself with health, I get rid of ailments. Amen!" Then drink it in one gulp.

Treating colds in children

If you want your children to be healthy and not catch the flu, then in the morning read the spell for their breakfast, you can whisper it on a piece of bread that they will eat, or whisper it for tea. And make sure that they eat the enchanted food completely.

“Tsyla batsyla didn’t go into the house, didn’t follow the children (names of your children), didn’t go up to the porch, where she sat down and got off, where she stuck there and came unglued, my words are strong and strong, all illnesses are translated into health. Amen. Amen. Amen!" During the flu period, the plot can be read even every day until the epidemic passes, but once a month is enough.

Spell for colds and flu

To carry out the ceremony, you will need to pour boiling water over dried blackcurrant or raspberry leaves. Take 100 grams of leaves per liter of water. As soon as you pour the liquid into the ingredients, say the following words: “Neither in the North is there such wondrous tender beauty, nor in the South is there such a magical depth of the sea, nor in the West are there such extraordinary heights, but on the eastern side all unprecedented living creatures have gathered, mountains stretch high, flooded seas with deep oceans. There in the palace sits a queen of unprecedented beauty, all living things obey her and are carefully guarded. She has a magical tree in her heavenly garden, fruit grows on it, and bees take care of it. Just as the bees collect honey, so they will bring health to the servant of God (name of the patient). So be it. The word is spoken, the lock hangs on it, and the key lies deep in the ocean.”

Leave the decoction for about an hour. Give the patient a drink four times a day in equal parts. Please note that the infusion must be consumed hot and with a teaspoon of honey. If you give the decoction to an adult to drink, then you should not initiate him into the magical details of the origin of the drink. People who are biased towards rituals can, with their mistrust, nullify the effect of the conspiracy or completely refuse to use the infusion.

Strong spell for colds

If a cold is accompanied not only by weakness and chills, but also by a severe runny nose and cough, then a ritual for any liquid that the patient drinks will help to cope with this painful condition.

To carry out the ritual, take a cup of tea, water or decoction in your left hand and say a spell in such a way that your breath makes the surface of the liquid fluctuate a little: “May St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and Prophet Peter, St. Elijah and St. Catherine help , King David and wise Solomon. May the Lord our Almighty God direct them to help the servant of God (name of the patient), so that his illness passes and goes into oblivion. I pray to you with this conspiracy and act on your orders. Amen".

Perform this ritual at least three times a day.

Water spell for colds

When performing the ritual, take clean water and sea salt. For a glass of liquid, three spoons of white gold. Throwing salt into the glass, stir it clockwise and say the spell: “Pure water, I pray you, wash away his illness from the servant of God (name), take it to the deepest depths of the seas and oceans and lock up the stormy illness in the underworld so that it is a slave I forgot God’s (name) forever.”

Wash the patient three times with enchanted water, saying: “I wash you with clean water, I return health to your body.”

Conspiracy for a runny nose

Take the patient’s clean handkerchief and cast a spell on it: “From the nose of God’s servant (name), as soon as he takes this handkerchief, nothing flows or hurts anymore. My word is strong. So be it. Amen."

Cough spell

Make a yeast dough and, while kneading it, say the following words three times: “The swamp is full of all kinds of living creatures, on the deep bottom of the ocean - sea reptiles, in the thicket of the dense forest - unprecedented animals, as soon as I mix the dough completely, the cough of God’s servant (name) will go to these places and will not return. So be it. Amen."

Make pancakes, pies or pie from the dough. All household members and guests can eat the finished baked goods, but it will only help the person for whom the ritual was performed. You shouldn’t let your family know all the details of your cooking, otherwise the magic won’t work and you risk finishing the charmed shortcakes yourself.

You should definitely not neglect to call a doctor if your symptoms intensify and your condition worsens. But conspiracies also should not be ignored; they can speed up the healing process.

Water and salt for an effective spell

For the spell, you need ordinary table salt (three pinches) and slightly heated, but not boiled, water from the well. Salt and water perfectly retain the information that was spoken over them, so when they hit the “healed” person, they immediately begin to influence.

So, put salt in warm water and mix well, saying:

“Water, water, wash away the aches, hoarseness and fever from me. Take all misfortunes into the abyss of your waters and place them in eternal chains in the pools, so that they never return to me. And the eternal ones were not remembered!

After the words have been spoken, a few drops of the water-salt mixture must be applied to the patient with the middle finger in the following sequence: forehead, chest, right shoulder, left shoulder.

“All the aches and pains come out of the wild head, the curly lock of hair, from the joint and bones, from the zealous heart and the obstinate heart!”

Conspiracy using a bell

If the plot is read directly by the person who is overcome by the disease, then he needs to stand on the threshold, taking the bell in his left hand.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, remove disease from my blood. The words are strong, may the illness not return to me.”

After saying this, you need to ring the bell, thus scaring away the unclean from your home. If a spell is cast over a sick person, then the bell must be used to ring the room in which the patient is located. Every corner, all the walls, thus “ring.” There will also be no particular difficulties with the text and it is compiled by the person who performs the ritual.

First you need to say that you are calling, driving away the disease and evil spirits from the patient, so that the illness leaves the house far, far away. In the process of describing, substitute those symptoms that are inherent in the “patient” and talk about how they leave the threshold of your house.

Spell to heal the sick

For the spell you will need a green candle and eucalyptus ether. Green color visualizes health and vitality, which is why this color solution is used in healing from illnesses.

Place the candle in a candle holder and anoint it with eucalyptus essential oil. Sit in front of a candle and light it. Imagine the image of a sick person and mentally wish him a speedy recovery. Cast the spell:

“I send you peace and goodness,
Love and healing to boot!”

After this, imagine how a golden clot of energy grows above your head from the words of the conspiracy and your magical power. Mentally send it to the sick person you visualized. Envelop the person with the resulting healing energy. You can repeat the ritual until the entire candle burns out.

Flu spell for decoction

In order to relieve a patient from the flu and its unpleasant symptoms, it is worth giving the patient tea from a decoction of black currant and raspberry branches. Prepare this tea, let it brew, and get all the beneficial properties. To reinforce this, make a conspiracy over him. The text is quite simple, but the point is to read it not verbatim, but sincerely and with all your heart. The caster can adjust any spell depending on the specifics of his situation.

“There is a distant island in the sea-ocean.
A tall and branchy oak tree grows on it,
And the queen bee lives on it.
She flies every day, saves her food,
Primed preserves and heals the sick.
May she bring health to (name)
Yes, illness and fatigue will take away their bones, joints, and muscles.
The power of the word is limitless, as it is said, so it will be!”

On the day of a person who is overcome by illness, it is necessary to give the charmed decoction to drink: four glasses.

This spell is effective if you are already sick. If you feel fine, but the flu is rampant around you, you should protect yourself from the disease and such prevention by conspiracy will not be superfluous. During an epidemic, be sure to drink a large amount of liquid: it can be ordinary clean water (slightly warmed), tea or herbal decoction, but in any case its amount should be at least two and a half liters per day.

The liquid will remove all “garbage” from the body, thereby protecting against acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and acute respiratory infections. By reading the following spell, you will protect yourself from possible illness, that is, instead of injections or pills, you should say a few lines that will protect your health.

For the plot you will need two mirrors. Sit near the window at a table, so that you can place one mirror in front of you and one behind you. After you have seen the back of your head, read with confidence:

“As my eyes have never seen the back of my head,
And the back of the nose and lips, and let any illness not see me.
May illness not come from animals or birds,
It will neither fly in the wind nor run across the ground.
Lord God, save me, save me from illness.
Forever and ever. So be it!”

Conspiracy to the Virgin Mary

If there is an icon of the Mother of God in your house, consider that you are protected from most problems and can ask for help from the intercessor with any question. So, if you feel any health problems, you should immediately seek her help. Getting up early in the morning, go to the washbasin, look in the mirror and read out loud, filled with faith in what is happening:

“In a dense green forest, the Mother of God wearing a golden crown sits on an oak throne. She sits, controls, protects me from colds. So it was and so it will be. The word is strong. It doesn't get any stronger! So be it!”

Conspiracy against high temperature

Colds that manifest themselves with an increase in temperature can be cured with the help of appropriate spells. One of them is quite simple:

“Dawn, savior, red maiden! It is in your power to save (name) from the twelve sisters of the shaking sisters: the jaundice, the flying, the chilly and the shaking. My faith is endless! So be it!”

Intermediate conspiracies

To consolidate the effect of other conspiracies, you can also use intermediate ones - reinforcing ones. So, during the day, taking a pose on your left side, say out loud:

“Lying on my left side, I overcame half the illness.”

“So I lay down on my right side, I overcame the whole illness.”

“Now the night is coming to an end, I’m not bringing back the disease.”

When you wake up in the morning, gather all your strength (it’s important to show that you feel good, even if you’re weak) and say, lying on your stomach:

“The day is over, the disease has not returned to me!”

If you miss the night treatment, it’s not a problem; during illness, healthy sleep is much more important than slurred words when you’re sleepy.

Cough spell for colds

Often a cold is accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough and the fight against it turns into a real torment. The magical effect does not remain aside in this case either; perform a specific ritual for which you will need to knead yeast dough. As you knead, say the words:

“In a swamp, a toad sits on a hummock and teaches his daughter:
While you are croaking, (name) is constantly coughing.
How can I take the tree frog, the sauerkraut and mix the cough
Yes, I relieve (name) of cough!”

After this, you can bake pancakes and pies from the dough and distribute them to all family members: everyone will eat, and the patient’s cough will go away.

For any symptoms of a cold

Before pronouncing the spell, be sure to blow your nose thoroughly, apply drops to your nose, clear your throat, and do everything so that for a few minutes you do not feel an ounce of discomfort. Just now say the words (very quietly, in a whisper):

“It doesn’t hurt or itch, it doesn’t burn or itch. Let it be like this forever and ever!”



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