The best holiday in winter. Beach holiday in winter

Travel companies, taking advantage of the long winter holidays, offer tourists from Russia a wide selection of holiday destinations. Well, who, please tell me, wants to celebrate the New Year and other related holidays in a harsh winter society? Of course, everyone takes the slightest opportunity to soak up the rays of the resort sun in the middle of the winter months. But how not to make a mistake and choose the best place for a winter holiday? Let's try to figure it out.

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Those who go to the United Arab Emirates to update their wardrobe during the winter holidays and buy great souvenirs for their family and friends. In between sunbathing and sightseeing, everyone strives to visit as many boutiques and shops as possible.

The advantages of such a holiday:

  • beautiful weather
  • first class hotel service
  • unique architecture and attractions
  • wide choice of entertainment

But there are also some nuances. For example, no one will allow you to show off in revealing outfits (there are strict Muslim prohibitions), and a vacation will cost almost twice as much as a vacation in Egypt ($700).

Indian resorts are also worth considering. Russian tourists are attracted by the amazing climate and unique flavor of Goa. Of course, getting to the resort takes much longer than getting to the Red Sea coast, and a week-long tour will cost no less than $700, but new impressions and emotions will cover all these costs. You will be able to see a magnificent sunset, during which the sky is painted with bright colors, experience the delights of Ayurveda, and also get a wonderful tan in a few days.

Unlike other resorts, the sea here warms up to 27 degrees even in the winter months, which will undoubtedly appeal to all swimming enthusiasts. And for guests who cannot imagine their vacation without parties, the part of the resort that is located to the north and where life does not stop even at night is suitable.


Traveling to Thailand will cost more. The standard cost of a one-week trip is $800. But this is taking into account a rather modest living. If you are used to traveling in comfort, the Thais will ask you to pay extra for additional services.

The local resorts are famous for their gentle emerald-colored sea and excellent climate. If you want to spend a vacation on the seaside, you should stay at the resort of Pattaya, which is famous for its combination of active and passive recreation. During excursion programs you will be able to visit the most famous sights of the country, and in between trips you will be able to get the desired tan.

For those tourists who prefer a leisurely time and prefer first-class service in hotels, Phuket and Samui will appeal. Here, in addition to pristine beaches and friendly hotel staff, you will find first-class local cuisine and magnificent natural scenery.

But for lovers of real extreme sports, a holiday in Kenya will be to their taste. If you think that people come to this part of the African continent for a tan, you are very mistaken. People come here in search of another dose of adrenaline and new adventures. In addition to relaxing on the coast, tourists are offered unique excursions through the wild spaces of Africa; they will get to know exotic animals and the unique culture of the local population.

Of course, for such a vacation you will have to pay a “round” sum, which starts from 1.5 thousand dollars. But what is this compared to the vivid impressions and getting to know an amazing country!

Canaries, Maldives and Seychelles

There is hardly anyone who has never heard of these exotic names. Vacations in these distant lands have always been the cherished goal of many Russians.

The Canaries are very warm throughout the winter, which makes for a wonderful time on the beach. In addition, tourists are offered a wide selection of excursion programs and entertainment. You can appreciate all the delights of such a vacation for only 1.5-2 thousand dollars.

But a vacation in the Maldives in the winter months can be compared to a real paradise! Just imagine, the air warms up to 35 degrees even in January, and the sea can only be compared to fresh milk. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of money for such a vacation.

Seychelles is also on the list of the best resorts in winter. Warm sea, bright sun and snow-white beaches - it all looks like in the picture. And the pristine nature will definitely add a special flavor to your vacation.

If you are not afraid of long flights, feel free to go to Mexico! Here you can have a good rest regardless of the season. Many tourists prefer these places to other resorts because of the unique opportunity to plunge into the world of eternal carnivals and holidays. And the excursion program with a mandatory visit to some of the most ancient works of human architecture will not leave anyone indifferent.

Tatiana Solomatina

Where to relax by the sea in winter on a budget and with high quality?

Hi all! Today I want to consider the issue of winter holidays by the sea. There is snow and frost outside, but I really want heat and sun. Is this a familiar story? I think so.

Let us, together with you, at least dream and analyze where to go to the sea in winter, if only we had money, we were given an extraordinary leave at work, a miracle happened on our heads……..

Interesting? Then let's go.

Let wealthy travelers forgive me, I will deliberately not talk about expensive resorts - Bali, Mexico, Maldives, Cuba, because many people have a hard time with money now, and most tourists choose a cheap vacation.

In this article we will analyze the most “budget” and most popular winter holiday options among Russians, such as Goa, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Let's estimate how much money you need to travel there, what you can save on, and what you need to know when choosing a resort.

You probably noticed that I put the word “budget” in quotation marks. This is no accident. The fact is that all the countries that are warm in winter are far from us and it won’t be possible to have a very cheap vacation. The lion's share of finances is taken up by paying for a long flight and nothing can be done about it.

Or almost impossible, because there are small loopholes that make the trip cheaper. Independent travelers, as a rule, hunt for airline promotions, while organized travelers buy last-minute tours. But these options have a number of conditions that place vacationers within strict limits (travel dates, dates, sometimes even location), so they are not suitable for everyone.

Let's look at things realistically and look at these resorts from the perspective of a week-long holiday at sea for two adults in winter on a package tour. I’ll say right away that I won’t take the red days of the calendar into account, the prices there are prohibitive. So, where to go to the seaside in winter cheaply? We count.

Holidays in Goa

The closure of a destination like Egypt was a big blow for those who love to lie on the beach in winter. However, tourism operators were not at a loss and quickly launched regular charter flights to southwestern India - the state of Goa. The choice for this place was not accidental; the tourism sector here is just developing, the service is far from perfect, and accordingly, vacation prices are still moderate, which, combined with the cost of a long and expensive flight, makes it possible to offer relatively budget tours. And such tours are now in great demand.

If you do not take into account the expensive hotels in Goa and proceed from acceptable conditions of accommodation in 2-3 stars with breakfast, then a week-long tour with a flight for two at the end of January will cost an average of 70,000 rubles in the northern part of the state and 90,000 rubles in the south . Taking into account a budget holiday, it will be enough to take $300 with you. This money will be enough for normal food and minor needs.

I consider one of the disadvantages to be the high price of visas: 1,850/5,800 (embassy/intermediaries). Moreover, a lot of documents are required, the application form is very sophisticated. But I think that those who dream of going to the seaside cheaply in winter will not be stopped by difficulties.

For this money you will get a winter holiday on the sunny shore of the clean, warm Arabian Sea, where there are wide sandy beaches and a large number of inexpensive coastal cafes (shakes), where you can eat deliciously not only local cuisine, but also order the food we are used to.

When I returned home I was sure that I would never set foot in Goa again. However, almost a year has passed, and I am again looking towards this resort. After all, there is a really gorgeous sea and magnificent beaches. But you can adapt to everything else, because he who is forewarned is forearmed, isn’t it?

For more information about Goa, read the article. Perhaps this will help you make the right decision. You can read about my adventures in this place in the section, where, as always, I talk not only about vacations, but also give tourist information. The review is divided into three parts, you will find the first.

Holidays in Thailand

It's good to go to the seaside in Thailand in winter. This is one of the most common and favorite places, and not only for winter recreation. Many of our fellow citizens prefer to spend the whole winter there, and I have friends who moved there permanently.

So why is this place popular and what attracts people here? It's very simple.

A well-developed state with a stable economy. It is warm and comfortable here all year round. Until 2015, the local currency, the baht, was almost equal to the ruble, and prices for accommodation, food and leisure corresponded to Russian prices. Accordingly, people who have even a small stable income in Russia that does not require constant presence could afford to leave here for a long time without compromising their standard of living.

Currently the situation has changed. After the ruble depreciated significantly, nothing happened to the Thai currency, so the previous balance of power - one to one - was disrupted, everything became almost twice as expensive for us. This, of course, affected the cost of tours to this country.

Now, to go to the sea at the end of January together in a 3* hotel with breakfast for a week in Pattaya you need to pay 90,000 rubles, in Phuket - 110,000 rubles. Holidays on the islands will cost much more. Also, at least $500 will be spent on food and rare entertainment. Moreover, you won’t be able to be particularly luxurious; these funds will be enough for a couple of excursions, one show, and inexpensive souvenirs.

Russians do not need a visa to visit the country for up to 30 days, which is certainly a big plus for us.

Thailand is an excellent choice for a beach holiday, based on price-quality criteria. You can still have an inexpensive vacation here, but for this it is advisable to come on your own, track profitable air tickets in advance, look for accommodation on the spot, cook your own food or eat in non-tourist places. Read how to organize an independent trip.

I still have to write a number of articles about Thailand, so subscribe to the newsletter and you will be the first to receive new publications.

I would like to draw your attention to one more point. Unfortunately, at many resorts on the island there are always big waves, which makes a beach holiday difficult for families with children and for adults who do not know how to swim. Therefore, I advise you to carefully choose a place on the island. I wrote detailed information on this issue. You can learn about other nuances of holidays in this country from the story about my trip, where I wrote about many attractions and outlined the costs in detail.

Holidays in Vietnam

A 3* tour for two with breakfast for the same period will cost more, Phan Thiet beaches - 110,000 rubles, Ho Chi Minh City + Phu Quoc - 160,000 rubles. As you can see, the cost is not small, which makes me look for all sorts of loopholes in the form of last-minute tours and cheap tickets, but so far without success.

One of the advantages of visiting this country is visa-free entry for Russians for up to 15 days (Phu Quoc - 1 month).

I can’t tell you the amount of funds you need to take with you; I have no personal experience of visiting the country. But according to friends, food prices are not much different from visiting Thailand.

Perhaps you have some interesting ideas on the topic “How to have a cheap vacation in Vietnam?” Share in the comments, I really want to get there.


In my opinion, in terms of geographical location, all these countries are excellent for those who want to bask in the sun by the warm sea in winter. Ideally, it is interesting to visit each of them, form your own opinion, and then build on your own tastes and preferences.

I prefer Thailand. But this does not mean that I will not go to other places. This is just my opinion and you have the right to disagree. Everything I wrote here is based solely on my personal experience.

However, situations are different, so carefully study information about the country and recent traveler reviews before settling on any destination. Then there will be less disappointment and regret about a ruined vacation and wasted money.

And I’ll say goodbye for a moment, if the article was interesting and useful to you, share it on social networks, perhaps it will help one of your friends when choosing a vacation. Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates, I promise that I won’t flood your mail with all sorts of rubbish, only the latest publications and my news.

Tatiana Solomatina

In frosty and gloomy weather, you really want to get to where summer is in full swing. To throw off piles of warm clothes, soak up the gentle sun, swim and scuba dive in winter - isn’t this what each of us dreams of? And making such a desire come true is not so difficult. Find out where the sea is hot in January and hit the road!


In winter, Egypt is not too hot, but relative to Moscow, it is the closest country, in a good hotel with pretty good service. The Red Sea is famous for its rich underwater world, so in January you can go diving at Egyptian resorts. But at the same time, beach holidays and excursions to the majestic pyramids have not been cancelled.


You can relax at sea in January in Israel or Jordan. The temperature of the Red Sea at this time reaches a maximum of 20 C. If this is not enough for you, then go to the Dead Sea. In the middle of winter it can warm up to a maximum of 23 C o.


Despite the fact that January in the Emirates is considered the coldest month, daytime temperatures reach 25 C o. This country has all the conditions for active recreation: fishing, surfing, safaris, water parks, etc.


From November to February in Thai resorts it is 28-32 C o. Local residents, of course, consider this season to be very cold and not entirely suitable for relaxation, but many Russian residents perceive this weather as quite favorable for a beach holiday.

India and Sri Lanka

Where is it hot at sea in January? India, in particular the state of Goa, promises tourists warm and sunny weather in winter. The water temperature here at this time is very comfortable for swimming - up to 25 C o. This region is most often chosen by middle-class tourists who love the exotic. Resorts in Goa offer elephant rides and visits to ancient monuments. The beaches in the region are quite clean, and many hotels offer quite decent service. For avid party-goers, we recommend heading to the northern part of the state. Most of the hotels here are economical, and parties are held from dusk to dawn.

While blizzards and frosts are raging in Russia, Sri Lanka is quite hot in January. The south and west of the country lie in the equatorial climate zone; this position provides the region with year-round high temperatures. The east and north are characterized by a subequatorial climate; there is less rainfall here, but the winters are cooler. The island's climate is also greatly influenced by the monsoons. But in general, a holiday on the island of Ceylon in January will be very comfortable. For example, in Trincomalee during the day the air warms up to 27 C o, and at night drops to 24 C o. Therefore, tourists will not need warm clothes.


An honorable place in the list of “Hot countries in January” can be safely given to the charming Maldives. The high temperatures on the islands are explained by the country's proximity to the equator. At the height of the winter season, only a few rainy days can ruin your vacation here. At noon, the thermometer can reach 30-32 C o. Such climatic conditions, coupled with almost complete calm, will provide tourists with an excellent holiday. In the evening the air can cool down to +25 C o. And the water warms up to +28C, so even small children can swim in the sea for hours.


If you are looking for a resort where the sea is hot in January, we recommend visiting Mauritius. Unlike countries that are at our latitude, on this picturesque island January is the middle of summer. The weather during this period is simply ideal for relaxing on the beaches. During the day you can sunbathe and swim to your heart's content, and in the evening you can stroll around the island or go to one of the local restaurants or bars. Note that in January Mauritius receives a large amount of precipitation, but this is not an obstacle for tourists, the showers pass very quickly and evaporate instantly.

It should also be taken into account that on the ocean coast the temperature is approximately 5 C higher than in the central mountainous region. However, it is in the center that most of the tourist attractions are concentrated.

The weather on the island of Mauritius, of course, differs depending on the time of day. During the day you can experience heat up to 35 C, and in the evening the air can cool to 22 C o. The water warms up to 27 degrees, and air humidity in winter is 81%. Mauritius is located in the tropical zone, so there are no sudden temperature changes on the island.


Another place where the sea is hot in January is the Bahamas. The cleanest beaches, endless picturesque evergreen vegetation, the highest level of service - all these are characteristic features of the resorts of the Bahamas, which distinguish them from other popular places on our planet. Holidays here are wonderful at any time of the year. In January, the air temperature is set at 23-24 degrees. During this period, the weather on the islands is mild and calm; there is practically no precipitation in winter. Such favorable conditions attract hundreds of tourists to the Bahamas. But in summer the sea can be very stormy.


If you want to hide from the cold, then go under the sultry sun of Cuba. Liberty Island has a tropical trade wind climate. Between October and April, the archipelago experiences clear and dry weather. Most tourists prefer to visit Cuba during this period. Beach holidays at the country's resorts promise to be entertaining. The coast of the archipelago is dotted with luxurious snow-white beaches. Fans of outdoor activities can go scuba diving and see the coral reefs.


Brazil is a place where you can safely go to the sea in January. The second month of winter in the country of jungle, football and carnival is the real height of summer. At this time, the highest temperatures are observed here - the air, as a rule, warms up to 27-30 C o, water - to 28-30 C o. This month also sees high humidity, as it rains quite often in January.

In addition, tourists have another reason to visit Brazil in the middle of winter - on January 20 in Rio de Janeiro and January 25 in Sao Paulo the founding days of these cities are held. The celebration is accompanied by theatrical shows, folk festivals and large-scale night fireworks. And if you wait until the beginning of February, you can get to the grand carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

South Africa

Closing our list of “The hottest countries in January,” let’s remember the Republic of South Africa. It definitely won’t be cold here at this time; rather, on the contrary. On the coast in winter, the air temperature is 25-27 C, and the water temperature is 20-22 degrees. In addition, tourists can choose both the Indian and Atlantic Oceans for their holidays.

Whichever country you choose for your winter holiday, you will definitely be satisfied. After all, coming from the cold and blizzard to the warm sea is simply an unearthly pleasure. Our citizens still have a stereotype from Soviet times that vacations should be planned only in the summer. But if you decide to go to an exotic resort in the middle of the harsh Russian winter, then you will receive a lot of undeniable advantages: the absence of a huge flow of tourists, low prices for hotel apartments and other services, as well as a charge of positive emotions, which will definitely be enough until the onset of warm days in our latitudes

In winter, you really want to go to the sea to swim in the warm sea, relax and sunbathe. Returning to your homeland after such a trip, you will find a lot of positive emotions and memories that will warm your soul until the cold weather ends.

There are several ways in which you can go to the sea:

  1. Go to a travel agency and buy the one you like;
  2. Go on an independent journey.

When contacting a travel agency, an experienced manager will tell you a lot of directions, tell you all the visa formalities and nuances of a particular country.

Package tours to distant countries are quite expensive, but this is the best option in cases when you plan to fly on vacation for one or two weeks or do not want to spend a lot of time organizing an independent trip.

I recommend contacting a trusted and inexpensive tour operator Independent travel- a more affordable thing, but it is not very suitable for novice tourists and those who want to fly to another country abroad for the first time.

When arriving in a foreign country, you will need to take care of your own transfer, visa formalities, food and housing. You should also definitely take out medical insurance, because you don’t know what can happen in another country, and before you go, you should definitely take all the necessary medications with you.

Cheap flights to Thailand

Independent travel to the sea (beach) in winter

In addition to freelancers, families with children also like to move to the seaside for the winter.

There are several countries that independent tourists often choose for wintering:

  • Thailand;
  • Indonesia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Philippines;
  • India
  • Sri Lanka;

As you can see, all these countries belong to the Asian direction.

You can view the full list of countries ideal for each wintering month

The advantage is the absence of a visa regime and simplified requirements for visa extensions.

Thailand and Indonesia lead the list. IN Thailand Most often they consider Pattaya and the island of Phuket, and in Indonesia, vacationers love Bali.

Malaysia and Philippines less popular destination.

Malaysia is different in that it is not possible to extend a visa on the spot; in any case, you will have to leave the country for at least one day. Philippines is a dynamically developing country that combines high-quality beach holidays and cultural heritage.

India, Goa in particular is a favorite winter holiday destination. However, it should be taken into account that hygiene in the country is not at the highest level, but the prices are pleasantly pleasing.

The Goa e-Visa is issued for 30 days, so you should check the visa formalities in advance.

Sri Lanka is a popular tourist destination, but it is relatively new for those who like to winter in warm countries. Coming to Ceylon, you will find amazing wildlife, colorful nature and a rich heritage.

The country has a lot of monuments and reserves where tourists have the opportunity to ride elephants, see monkeys, whales and other exotic animals.

If necessary, you can easily extend your visa without leaving the island. is also a new winter destination.

There are several beach resorts and many interesting places in the capital, Phnom Penh. The visa, just like in Sri Lanka, can be easily extended.

All Asian countries offer fairly low prices for food and accommodation. Even Bali, which is known for expensive hotels, can offer a more budget-friendly type of holiday.

The most expensive thing about vacationing in Asian countries is the expensive flight; everything else is inexpensive.

Before traveling on your own, be sure to take with you a list of necessary things:

  • first aid kit;
  • health insurance;
  • guide;
  • documents.

In cases where you go on vacation with children, you should definitely take the child’s birth certificate.

Where is the best snorkeling and diving?

When planning your beach holiday in winter, you should understand what exactly interests you. If you like diving and snorkeling, then you should go to those countries where there are coral reefs and a rich underwater world.

These directions will be:

  • Egypt— good coral reefs can be seen in Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh and Marsa Alam.
  • Dominican Republic— tourists will have the opportunity to go to uninhabited islands, and in the Caribbean Sea you can dive and admire the rich underwater world, local flora and fauna.
  • Belize— Coral reef in Belize considered one of the best in the world, second only to the Great Reef in Australia in beauty.
  • Maldives They also provide opportunities for quality diving, but you won’t find much more entertainment in the country. Zanzibar is an island belonging to Tanzania.
  • Philippines— I recommend the province of Palawan for exploring the extraordinary underwater world. In addition to diving, there is an excursion program and colorful nature.
  • Zanzibar.

Inexpensive housing in any country

When going on a trip, all tourists want to save their finances as much as possible. How to do this?

Method 1 – online booking

There are many websites on the Internet where you can book your favorite apartment, hotel or guesthouse. The advantage will be a fairly low cost, but be prepared for small spaces and used contents of the rented premises.

Of course, you can choose something in between, commensurate with good quality and not too high a price. I recommend paying attention to guest reviews. It is desirable that the rating of the hotel/house be at least 7.5 - 8.

Popular and trusted sites for booking accommodation in Asia:


Method 2 – accommodation in hostels

The Dominican Republic is the most popular destination in the Caribbean. Wide white beaches, turquoise bays, tropical greenery and a rich underwater world attract tourists from all over the world.

Most hotels operate according to the all-inclusive concept and have large areas, water parks and casinos.

The main disadvantage of the Dominican Republic is its rather poor excursion program and the lack of a large number of attractions. In winter, which is the top time for this destination, charters fly here from Moscow.


One of the classic winter destinations is Thailand, which is just the beginning of the season at this time of year.

Siam can offer vacationers good service, a rich excursion program and a huge selection of resorts, some of which are located on the mainland and some on the islands.

Pattaya is famous for its vibrant nightlife, but the islands of Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Phi Phi can offer a more relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle.

Canary Islands

The Canaries are islands of eternal spring; the water and air temperatures here are comfortable throughout the year; in winter, the air temperature rarely drops below 18 degrees. And in summer it stays at around 25 degrees.

A special feature of the archipelago is the presence of black beaches which are covered with dark volcanic sand. No matter. Whichever island you choose, you will find quality surfing, diving, and colorful nature.

The island of Tenerife is famous for its volcano, on the slopes of which delicious grapes are grown. According to legend, Robinson Crusoe himself dreamed of seeing the cap of this volcano.

Also, this particular island is considered the most popular among Russian-speaking tourists. Another legend says that it was on the Canary Islands that Atlantis, which sank under water, was located.

The island of Gran Canaria is famous for its long beaches of golden sand.


Egypt is called the “cradle of civilizations”, because the country has preserved a lot of attractions, which, combined with the clear waters of the Red Sea, have turned the country into one of the most popular winter destinations.

Holidays in Egypt can be divided into two parts:

  • Hurghada;
  • Sharm el-Sheikh.

Fans of excursions and sightseeing should go to Hurghada. All tourists vacationing in the region have the opportunity to visit Luxor, Aswan, Edfu and other interesting places. The beaches here are mostly sandy, the coral reef is quite simple.

The exception is the Marsa Alam resort, located two hours south of Hurghada airport; the local coral reef is considered one of the best in the country.

The lack of excursions is compensated by a variety of entertainment, both at the resort and in the hotels.

Comparison of the best places for a beach holiday

Where to go to the sea in winter? The question is complex, but it can be solved quite easily, the main thing is to decide on the purpose of the trip.

Active recreation. For lovers of active recreation, Asian countries are suitable; here beach holidays are perfectly combined with excursion opportunities. For example, while vacationing in Thailand, you can go to Cambodia or Laos for one day.

Beach holiday. More exotic and expensive destinations are suitable for a beach holiday: Dominican Republic, Maldives, Seychelles. The islands do not have many attractions, but they do have quality beaches and a high level of service.

The best places to relax with children

Holidays with children in winter are an additional opportunity to improve your child’s health and give him a lot of positive emotions. In winter, it is better to refrain from traveling to Egypt or Israel with children, because... there can be strong winds and quite cold seas.

Hotel complexes in the Dominican Republic can offer a lot of entertainment for the little ones., where there will be a high-quality animation team, warm sea, air and good food.

Among Asian countries, you should pay attention to Thailand, China and Sri Lanka, which also provide a lot of opportunities for holidays with children.

Budget travel for the winter - a storm of emotions

Going to the sea in winter, you will in any case receive a lot of positive emotions, because it is so nice to soak up the warm rays of the sun and swim in the sea or ocean at a time when it is cold and snowy in the vastness of the Motherland.

I have taken below options for countries where you can relax in the winter at sea with a budget of up to 50,000 rubles for two.

Goa (India)

An excellent option for a winter holiday is the island of Goa in India. It is best to buy a tour there. It will be cheaper.

The price of a tour (air tickets + accommodation + transfer from the airport and back + insurance) to Goa in December is from 18,000 rubles per person for 7 nights, including breakfast.

I found low prices for a tour to India here


Egypt is considered one of the cheapest winter destinations, but you should remember that in January and February there are strong winds, which can create an uncomfortable feeling for your holiday.


Another inexpensive route is Cyprus, which, like the Canary Islands, is called the island of eternal spring. The air temperature here in winter is usually 15 degrees Celsius; it rarely drops below 10 degrees.

In most cases, people come to Cyprus in winter for the purpose of relaxing from the bustle of the city and work routine; there is fairly clean air and a lot of attractions.

Not everyone will be able to go shopping in Cyprus in winter, because... The water temperature can be cool, but it is different every year.

Here are the most popular destinations for winter holidays at sea. Most often, you don’t need a lot of money for an independent holiday in the warmth of winter. The most important thing is desire.

Winter holidays - where to go on vacation in January, February or early March to be warm and cheap? The choice is not easy. Holidays in warm countries are quite expensive. We decided to tell you 10 places to stay in winter if you want to bask in the sun, but cannot afford too expensive tours.


1. Madeira. This Portuguese island is beautiful at any time of the year. Madeira is located near the African coast, so it is warm all year round. It is also called the island of spring - temperatures there do not drop below +20 degrees Celsius, but there is also no unbearable heat there either. (Photo: MR@tter/
2. Cambodia is one of the cheapest countries for an exotic holiday. And winter is the best season to travel to Southeast Asia. The only downside to traveling to Cambodia is the high price of airfare, but if you buy it now, other expenses in this country will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: Stefano Gambassi/
3. Cyprus. The warm and calm winter on this island should interest lovers of ancient attractions, and the prices of tourist packages to Cyprus during the cold season should attract all those for whom their low price is an important factor; moreover, it is now possible to buy last-minute tours on credit. It’s too cold there for sunbathing and swimming in winter, but just right for hiking and excursions in the pleasant warmth. (Photo: S Argyro/
4. Islands of Thailand. Turquoise sea, heavenly beaches, idyllic views and sunny weather. What could be better when it's terribly cold and cloudy in your home country? In Thailand, especially in the south of the country, the best weather in winter is sunny and warm, but not hot. (Photo: Mike Behnken/
5. Tenerife. In winter you can spend a holiday in the Canary Islands for half the price of a summer holiday, so why not go to Tenerife in February instead of July? Tenerife is the most diverse island in the Canary Islands and for this reason it is called a miniature continent (Photo: @morenox/
6. Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands, not as popular among tourists as its neighbors, despite the fact that it is in no way inferior to them in beauty. Hierro, first of all, is wild nature and beautiful landscapes. The island, green and mountainous, is great for hiking. Thanks to its unique nature, Hierro Island is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. (Photo: David Hernández Gómez/
7. Goa. Colorful and fascinating India is full of contrasts. Winter is a good time to visit India, except in the mountainous areas where there is snow and cold. If you want to relax and bask in the sun, go to Goa, an island that attracts millions of tourists with its sandy beaches, emerald waters, sun and atmosphere of relaxation and freedom. (Photo: Gerald Zinnecker/
8. Israel. Winter is a time of good prices in Israel. This country cannot be called cheap. However, if you go there outside the holiday season and when no major religious holidays are celebrated, you can count on lower prices. In winter, Israel is warm, but not hot, and the weather is good for walking and sightseeing. The Dead Sea is warmer and you can swim there in winter, just like in the Red Sea in Eilat, although the water here is certainly cooler. (Photo: Ran/
9. Morocco. Summer in Morocco means crowds of people, ubiquitous dust and unbearable heat. Winter in Morocco, although the weather is not conducive to swimming in the ocean - it is too cold, however, it is the best time for walks, excursions and just a pleasant pastime on the coast. (Photo: T Baran/
10. Croatia. In winter, the weather in this country is more spring than winter. In December, January and February, the air temperature remains above 10 degrees Celsius during the day. At this time of year, the water temperature in the Adriatic Sea is approximately at the same level. It’s worth visiting Croatia in winter not for a beach holiday, but for active tourism. (Photo: Michal Sleczek/



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