Rottweiler: description and characteristics of the breed and photo of the dog. How long does a Rottweiler live: average standards, features and reviews

If you were wondering how long Rottweilers live and what is needed to make them live a long and happy life, this article is just for you.


Rottweilers are not considered long-lived, like other dogs. large breeds. The lifespan of Rottweilers depends on several factors. The pet must have good health, since its longevity directly depends on genetics. If there were dogs in the family with diseases that can be transmitted by heredity, then the Rottweiler will be at risk and will not live more than seven years.

Good and proper care will allow you to enjoy the company of your beloved dog for many years. They are lazy and sedentary in nature, so you should provide him with frequent and intense walks with games. This will not only increase the Rottweiler’s appetite, but also strengthen the immune system.

It is forbidden to feed Rottweilers everything that comes to mind: no sweets, fatty or salty foods, do not feed the dog table scraps. Try to feed your dog a balanced diet healthy food- this will significantly increase the life expectancy of the Rottweiler. Rottweilers are large, massive dogs, as this breed created for protection. All guard dogs are strong and powerful, which allows them to fight enemies. IN lately Rottweilers are used as fighting dogs and this does not have a positive effect on the dog’s psyche.

Lifespan of Rottweilers

How many years Rottweilers live directly depends on how the owner takes care of the dog; on average, their life is from 10 to 12 years. If you follow all the recommendations, a balanced diet, and moderate physical activity, you can increase the lifespan of a Rottweiler by 14-15 years. Some dogs of this breed reach the age of 17.

Love your dog, take care of it - and then your friend will live a long and happy life.

The Rottweiler is one of the most ancient and respected breeds. Got its name from German city Rottweil. It is believed that it was there that the breed was bred, which began to accompany cattle drivers. For this purpose, Molossian dogs brought by Roman legionnaires were crossed with German shepherds.

Description of the breed

The dogs have a strong, muscular body with a strong, broad head. The muzzle is short. The eyes are dark almond-shaped. The ears are triangular, medium-sized, drooping. Strong neck medium length. The chest is wide and muscular. The tail is docked. The coat is coarse, short and shiny.

Rottweilers are intelligent strong character, courage and resilience. They have extraordinary courage. They protect the owner and territory to the end. If a dog is socialized from puppyhood, it will get along with other pets. Among other dogs strives to occupy dominant position. Distrustful of strangers. Can be aggressive. Needs training.

By nature, Rottweilers are sanguine. They love noisy games. But, even alone, they will not dig holes in the area, chew slippers or the corner of the owner’s favorite chair. Their extraordinary intelligence makes them easy to train. Recently, they have been used as guides for blind people.

Males weight 50 kg, height at withers 61-68 cm. Females weigh 42 kg, height 56-63 cm.

Average life expectancy is 8-10 years. With excellent care up to 14. Very in rare cases- until 17.


When buying a Rottweiler, pay attention to the number of puppies in the litter. There should not be more than six. Otherwise, you may end up with an underfed, disease-prone pet.

It is better to take a puppy from a bitch not younger than two and not older than eight years old, who gave birth the previous time more than one year ago. Frequent childbirth, short breaks between matings undermine the health and immunity of both mother and offspring. A one-month-old Rottweiler must weigh at least three kilograms.

Pay attention to the condition of the enclosure and the mother. Heredity is a significant factor influencing the health and life expectancy of a dog. You can find out information about the puppy’s parents and their health from the breeder.

The presence of a pedigree indicates that the pet's closest relatives passed medical examination. To some extent, this is a guarantee of health and completeness.

Its duration depends on the dog’s lifestyle. A large muscular body mass affects the functioning of the heart. To avoid obesity, Rottweilers need regular training and exercise. The walk should last at least one hour. Their absence, coupled with plenty of food, lead to a significant reduction in lifespan.

The dog's development must be supervised veterinarian. The most common occurrences in dogs of this breed are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
To exclude particularly dangerous infectious diseases(distemper, parvovirus enteritis, rabies, viral hepatitis etc.), vaccination is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar.


Super premium brands are chosen for feeding Rottweilers. Noticed on natural feeding Rottweilers live longer.

If the dog is fed natural food, the diet must include: meat, liver, vegetables, vitamin supplements. It is forbidden to give sweet, salty, fatty foods, smoked foods and spices.

Approximately 50% of the daily portion consists of proteins (meat, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, eggs), 20% - vegetables, 30% - porridge. The meat is served raw or lightly cooked. Large quantity vegetables can cause digestive problems.

An adult dog living in an apartment is given daily:

  • 700 g meat;
  • 2 kg of porridge;
  • 300 g vegetables.

Once a week, porridge is replaced with cottage cheese and kefir. Once every 7 days the pet is given 800 g raw fish. They refuse poultry meat. When fed with poultry, the quality of Rottweiler fur deteriorates.

Fruits are given to enrich the diet with vitamins. However, Rottweilers eat them without enthusiasm. Periodically give multivitamin complexes. This strengthens the immune system and improves health.

A similar menu is prepared for dogs living in enclosures in the summer. in winter daily norm doubled.

The Rottweiler is fed 2 times a day.


Simple procedures are performed regularly. This allows you to keep the animal healthy, which significantly increases life expectancy.

Ears are cleaned with early age pet. Do this once a week with a dry cotton swab or a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. In the summer, ears are examined every day.

To remove tartar, large cartilage is given beef bone. Teeth are brushed at least once a week with a special toothpaste and brush. If this is not done, gum inflammation may occur.

The Rottweiler's eyes are examined regularly. Wipe with a dry cotton swab or moistened weak solution furacillin, potassium permanganate, tea, chamomile decoction. If noticed copious discharge, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Nails are trimmed once every 2-4 weeks. They do this carefully. Rottweilers are dark in color. If you are careless, you can trim too much and snag living tissue. If in doubt, it is better to contact a specialist.

The wool is regularly brushed with a stiff brush. Especially during molting. Its shine depends on proper nutrition.

Large dog breeds do not require frequent bathing. This can be done no more than once a month.

Large courtyard of a private house - best place for the dog to stay. The thick undercoat allows it to be kept outside in frosts down to -20 degrees. The main conditions are no chains, a high fence and a strong gate.

For ease of maintenance, an enclosure is built. In it the Rottweiler can retire and relax. There it is closed when guests arrive.

In an apartment, the dog spends less time in the sun. This leads to vitamin D deficiency. It is advisable to periodically give your pet multivitamin complexes purchased from pet pharmacies.

Living in an apartment or in the yard of a house does not affect the life expectancy of a Rottweiler. Only from regular care, balanced nutrition, long walks combined with exercise, it depends how long and how the pet will live. Communication with the owner and timely visits to the veterinarian increase the lifespan.

How long Rottweilers live depends not only on the conditions of their keeping, but also on their genetic predisposition. Proper care of a dog of this breed will allow you to enjoy the company of your pet for many years. However, it is worth noting that such an animal is not suitable for everyone, since an adult dog can weigh about fifty kilograms, or even more. In this article we will look at the basic norms related to dogs of this breed.

Of course, how many years Rottweilers live depends primarily on how the owner cares for the animal. Middle age Dogs of this breed are eight to ten years old. In general, Rottweilers, like other large breeds of dogs, are not considered to be long-lived. But if the owner follows certain rules, Rottweilers will live much longer. more years.

The lifespan of dogs of this breed depends on the presence of the following factors:

  • good pedigree – heredity affects the health of the animal;
  • proportionate physical activity;
  • daily active walks in the fresh air;
  • properly balanced diet;
  • timely rest;
  • constant communication with the owner - the Rottweiler cannot be alone for a long time.

If the owner properly maintains the dog, loves and respects it, then the Rottweiler will be able to become his true friend and a devoted guard, living a long and happy life.

Now let’s look at the Rottweiler parameters that are included in the breed standard.

Basic norms

General appearance and main proportions

According to the standard, Rottweilers have a medium or slightly large build. But at the same time, they should not look too heavy or, on the contrary, light. The dog's limbs should not be long, otherwise it will move awkwardly. An impressive appearance indicates that the animal has qualities such as durability, natural strength, ingenuity and dexterity.

Ideally, the Rottweiler's height should be about fifteen percent of its body length (from the chest to the ischial tuberosities).


Rottweilers are quite peaceful animals with a balanced psyche. Dogs of this breed are good with children and form strong and long-lasting bonds with their owners. Protecting the family until the last breath is the main task of their life, which Rottweilers successfully cope with.

Accustomed to the basics of discipline and having a strong will, Rottweilers, with proper training, can become easily controlled animals. However, only an experienced dog breeder with leadership qualities. After all, dogs of this breed are quite stubborn and independent.


Dogs of this breed prefer to trot. Moreover, while running, the line of the Rottweiler’s back remains flat and relatively calm. The animal moves confidently, pushing strongly off the ground with its paws. The harmonious movements of the dog should not be hampered by anything, especially with maximum swings of the limbs.


Rottweiler has a small head oval shape. Moreover, between the ears it noticeably expands, forming a small bulge. The bump on the back of the head is slightly pronounced, while the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (stop) is very noticeable. The muzzle is proportional to the skull - not too long or short.

The voluminous nose has large, clearly visible nostrils. The nose color is always black.

Black pigmented jowls that fit tightly together should have closed corners. According to the standard, it is better if the gum shade is as dark as possible.

The jaws are quite wide in shape, with noticeably developed muscles, with a full set of teeth (forty-two pieces) and a scissor bite.

The cheek area is clearly defined.

Medium-sized eyes with tight-fitting eyelids have an oval (almond-shaped) shape. Eye color is dark brown.

The triangular ears are set quite high and are relatively far apart. The edges of the drooping ears touch the cheekbones, making the part of the skull between them visually wider.

The slightly elongated neck is well developed physically. The nape line is slightly curved. Subcutaneous fat or skin folds are missing.


The body of a Rottweiler consists of:

  • straight line of a strong back;
  • short lower back;
  • volumetric croup slightly round shape, barely noticeably beveled;
  • volumetric chest, which is approximately half the height of the dog;
  • belly pulled closer to the groin;
  • natural or (up to two vertebrae) tail.

Males must have two fully developed testes, located entirely in the scrotum.


The dog's straight, relatively far apart forelimbs are well developed physically. The angle of the horizontal and the blade should be forty-five degrees. The shoulders fit very tightly to the dog's body. Rounded paws have tightly standing bent fingers with strong, always black claws.

The straight, widely spaced hind limbs of the dog have an obtuse angle of the hock joints and the same angle between:

  • pelvic region and long, physically developed thighs;
  • thighs and wide, muscular calves.

Paws hind limbs should be slightly longer than the length of the forelimbs.

Outer covers

The skin fits tightly around the dog's body without forming folds. However, when a Rottweiler is in a state of interest or alertness, the skin on its forehead may form a few slight wrinkles.

Shorthaired Rottweilers have coat, consisting of:

  • thick guard hairs, tightly adjacent to each other, hard to the touch;
  • undercoat, the length of which should not exceed the length of the guard hair.

In the area of ​​the Rottweiler's hind legs, the hairs are slightly longer than on the body.


When you weigh a puppy of this breed for the first time, you may be surprised at how small it is. The weight of a newly born baby is about 350-500 grams.

You can compare your puppy's weight with standard parameters using the following list:

  • newborn puppy: female – 350-450 g, male – 400-500 g;
  • 1 month: female – 2-3 kg, male – 3-4 kg;
  • 2 months: female – 5-7 kg, male – 8-10 kg;
  • 3 months: female – 12-14 kg, male – 15-17 kg;
  • 4 months: female – 15-17 kg, male – 21-23 kg;
  • 5 months: female – 22-24 kg, male – 29-31 kg;
  • 6 months: female – 28-30 kg, male – 33-35 kg;
  • 7 months: female – 32-34 kg, male – 38-40 kg;
  • 8 months: female – 44-46 kg, male – 34-36 kg;
  • 9 months: female – 34-36 kg, male – 48-50 kg;
  • 10 months: female – 36-38 kg, male – 48-50 kg;
  • 11 months: female – 42 kg, male – 50 kg.

Don't worry if your baby's weight doesn't match standard norms, because these are approximate data. The main thing is that the puppy is healthy and active.

Deviations from the standard


Any, even small, deviations from the standard can be counted as flaws. Each deviation is considered by the judges individually.

The following parameters are considered defects:

  • poorly developed muscles of the dog’s trunk;
  • non-standard physique: light or vice versa - too heavy;
  • elongated or shortened muzzle;
  • narrow or lightweight skull;
  • poorly defined stop;
  • saggy jowls;
  • shaved without black pigmentation;
  • narrow jaws;
  • low set ears;
  • erect position of the ears;
  • eyes are not almond shaped;
  • elongated or shortened neck;
  • folds on the neck;
  • narrow, long or vice versa – short body;
  • uneven back line;
  • strongly sloping croup;
  • barrel-shaped chest;
  • tail set low or too high;
  • undeveloped muscles of the limbs;
  • soft wool;
  • too much large spots fell.

Disqualifying faults

The defects that can permanently end a Rottweiler's exhibition career include the following deviations from standard parameters:

  • a male behaves like a female and vice versa;
  • cowardice;
  • uncontrolled aggressiveness;
  • shyness;
  • unbalanced psyche;
  • not brown eye color;
  • eye diseases, such as cataracts or strabismus;
  • not a scissor bite;
  • incomplete set of teeth;
  • coat is too long;
  • curly hair or with a slight wave;
  • non-standard color;
  • white tan spots.

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The Rottweiler breed has long been famous for its extraordinary endurance and courage. Dogs are distinguished by amazing devotion to their owners; they gladly accompany them everywhere, protecting them from danger.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security Guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Germany
Lifespan 10-12 years
Price6-55 tr.
Male height61-70 cm.
Bitch height56-65 cm.
Male weight50 kg.
Bitch weight45 kg.

Rottweiler origin story

There are legends that the ancestors of Rottweilers descend from ancient Roman dogs that guarded large cattle two decades ago. Modern name The breed came from the German town of Rothwil, famous for its regular livestock fairs. From all over the world, farmers brought numerous herds there for sale, and used these smart and very smart dogs as guards. They kept order in the herd, accompanied animals that lagged behind, and pacified particularly aggressive individuals. Owners often attached proceeds from the sale of livestock to the dogs' collars. This method perfectly protected the money earned from theft or loss.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, these brave dogs were especially popular with butchers, helping them transport carts of meat. Later, thanks to their exceptional qualities, representatives of the Rottweiler breed entered the police service, and by the middle of the 20th century they became widely known outside Germany.

Appearance of a Rottweiler

Rottweilers have a fairly massive build and strong muscles. The breed is characterized by strong limbs, a wide head, a rounded forehead, dark almond-shaped eyes, triangular ears pressed tightly to the head. The tail is usually docked short.

Standard sizes and weights are as follows:

  • Male: height 61–70 cm, weight 50 kg.
  • Female: height 56–65 cm, weight 45 kg.

The dogs have short, coarse hair and a dense but thin undercoat, thanks to which the animals tolerate frost well.

Black coat color is dominant: there are bright red tan markings on the face, eyebrows, neck, chest and limbs.

Rottweiler character

By their nature, Rottweilers are quite calm and balanced. But at the same time, they have a strong and independent character. They do not tolerate rudeness at all, but strictness in upbringing will not hurt. They are obedient, smart, but have a certain amount of cunning. If suddenly a pet refuses to do something and looks with an uncomprehending gaze, it means that it is testing its owner’s strength. In such a situation, you cannot succumb to provocation; you must ensure that the command is carried out.

The Rottweiler dog is very friendly towards its family members and can easily communicate with other animals. But as soon as it feels threatened, the dog immediately becomes aggressive and is ready to defend itself. Animals get along well with children, however, you should not leave babies with them - due to their large size, the pet can accidentally harm them.

They adapt very well to the rhythm of their owner’s life, sometimes adopting some of his habits.

Rottweiler training

Despite the fact that representatives of the breed, due to their highly developed intelligence, understand and remember all commands the first time, training must begin from the first months of the puppy’s life. If you overcome their natural cunning, the education process will go much faster. Given their wary attitude towards strangers, Rottweilers need early socialization to avoid problems during walks. The dog recognizes only one owner, so it is important to immediately show the puppy who is the leader in the house.

Depending on the goal, training can be aimed at developing hunting or security skills. However, being professional watchmen by nature, they in any case will not allow a stranger to pass by unnoticed.

Indoors, pets quickly remember the location of the toilet; They clearly understand that they cannot pick up food from the floor or take it from the hands of strangers. It is also necessary to immediately teach the puppy to sleep only in his own place, otherwise it will be difficult to kick him out of the owner’s bed. Dogs quickly learn that it is forbidden to bite their owner or jump on him during play.

Rottweiler training

From an early age, animals must be accustomed to a muzzle.

How to choose a puppy

Before adopting a Rottweiler puppy, breeders recommend visiting several kennels and first finding a suitable litter. Having decided on the gender, you should focus on a medium-sized dog, the most active and inquisitive in the litter.

At the age of 1–3 months, it is already possible to determine the advantages and disadvantages of Rottweiler puppies. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a pet during this period, so that from the very beginning it is brought up in the atmosphere of the family with which it will spend its life. Moreover, this is the most optimal age for puppy adaptation.

When choosing, first of all, you should pay attention to the baby’s health: availability umbilical hernia, watery eyes, skin irritation or dandruff are unacceptable. The dewclaws are docked. For male dogs, descended testicles are required. Vaccinations should be checked.

If a dog is purchased for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then, in addition to the pedigree, you need to study the pet’s exterior to ensure it meets breed standards.

Rottweilers feel great both in country houses and in city apartments. They are quite unpretentious and require little care special problems. Dogs shed very little, however, they need to be brushed several times a month (preferably outside) to avoid hair getting on carpets and furniture in the house. Frequent bathing is not recommended. After a walk in bad weather, it is enough to wash your paws and brush the coat with a damp towel.

The animal should be immediately accustomed to cleaning its ears. Periodically you need to wipe your eyes with a clean napkin.

Representatives of the Rottweiler breed are prone to obesity, so the diet must be strictly balanced. The choice of diet is up to the owner. Natural nutrition will accelerate the development of the pet and its mobility, the food contains a set essential vitamins and help you stay in great shape. But you can't mix them.

If the dog eats dry food, it must be soaked.

Natural food should include:

  • Offal and meat.
  • Fish after 2-5 months.
  • Milk only up to three months.
  • Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.


  • Pork.
  • Pearl barley.
  • Peas and beans.
  • Tubular bones.
  • Sweets.

It is not recommended to let your dog off the leash while walking; the Rottweiler breed is very unfriendly to to strangers and dogs. To maintain physical fitness, animals need exercise: active games, long-distance running, overcoming obstacles.

Health and illness

In general, Rottweilers have good health. But there are some characteristic diseases, inherent in this particular breed:

  • Dysplasia hip joints. Most often found in large dogs. The cause may be heredity, infections, excessive stress or accelerated growth puppy.
  • Obesity. You should not overfeed your pet, as this can give rise to the development of diabetes, various heart diseases and cause breathing problems.
  • Epilepsy. It is incurable and can be inherited.
  • Encephalitis. Most often transmitted by tick bites. A thorough inspection is recommended after walking through forested areas.

The average lifespan of Rottweilers is 10–12 years. When enough good care can live 14–15 years.

Rottweiler photo

Proper upbringing and care will allow you to grow a cheerful and inquisitive puppy into a reliable bodyguard and the most devoted friend.

Large, strong, reliable security guard and a muscular handsome man - all this and even more can be said about the Rottweiler breed. Many are afraid of them and consider them dangerous and evil. Apparently the appearance and large sizes cause such sometimes unreasonable emotions.

A Rottweiler dog can become a kind and loyal pet. Let's consider the origin, characteristics and other features of the breed.

The history of the origin of the breed is not mentioned in any written sources. Presumably, relatives of the modern German breed ended up in Germany along with the conquering Romans.

Among the Romans, dogs mainly guarded and drove livestock, and also took a direct part in hostilities. Warriors of those times preferred to drive their herds with them so that they would not have to carry around food supplies. In this good helpers They were served precisely by the powerful ancestors of modern Rottweilers.

In the process of conquering the lands, the dogs ended up in the city of Rottweil, where they guarded the city and performed their usual function - looking after the livestock. Over time, the Romans were expelled, but the four-legged guards remained with the local residents, becoming an integral part of the city.

The butchers loved their dogs very much and even trusted them to guard their wallets with the proceeds from the sale of meat. The four-legged guards had such a menacing appearance that no stranger even dared to approach them.

At some point, the need for cattle dogs disappeared and the number of Rottweilers began to decline sharply, and this could have been the end of the history of the breed. The dogs were also popular outside of Rottweil.

Once upon a time in Hamburg there was interesting case, when drunken sailors rampaged through the city, breaking windows and starting fights. A German policeman took his favorite dog, which quickly dispersed the hooligans.

Thus, the “butcher’s dog” began to serve in the local police. Thanks to its hard work and outstanding qualities, the breed became very popular and eventually received a second chance. After some time, German guards Other countries began to become interested. They had no equal in catching criminals and protecting secret facilities. The dogs were highly valued by the police in the US and UK.


The characteristics of the breed are quite impressive. Appearance The Rottweiler gives the impression of a powerful, calm and fearless dog, without a drop of nervousness and fussiness. But at the same time, the animal is easy to train and is able to get along well with children.

Rottweilers have:

  • wide, slightly elongated head;
  • expressive almond-shaped brown eyes;
  • wide-spaced, slightly drooping, small ears;
  • short docked tail;
  • strong jaw and good straight teeth;
  • pronounced cheekbones;
  • wide nose, the earlobe is always black;
  • thick short black hair;
  • scorch marks in some places, having brown tint on: eyebrows, cheeks, chest, neck and paws (sometimes puppies have white spotting, but if the color does not change after molting, this is considered a defect and means a ban on participation in exhibitions);
  • muscular physique with confident movements, firm and long steps.

The breed standard allows for some variation in size due to the historical characteristics of the Rottweiler. Typically, the height of a Rottweiler is no more than 70 cm and a German dog weighs 40-50 kg. But when assessing a dog, the breed standard is not as important as the proportion of body length in relation to height at the withers; it should not exceed 15%.

Sometimes there are representatives of the breed that are much smaller in size, very different from the usual Rottweiler standards. But in fact, this is a serious deviation that entails certain complications.

Some unscrupulous breeders specifically breed such a mini Rottweiler and do not warn about these consequences. Small dogs have poor health, prone to various diseases, adapt poorly and have pronounced aggression. The lifespan of a mini Rottweiler is usually short.

In addition to the above, there is also the American Rottweiler. It is believed that this is not another variety, but separate breed. These dogs are usually taller and more aggressive than their German counterparts.

American breeders used German representatives of the breed to breed this breed. low quality, tall and the most aggressive. In their minds, the Rottweiler should have looked more impressive. Other countries also "worked" on changes to the breed.

Dog character

The Rottweiler is very attentive, has a serious character and a strong will. Based on the fact that the ancestors of today's Rottweilers were hard workers and could do hard work, the dog still needs good physical exercise. This is very important in order to grow full-fledged dog with a strong character.

Despite his guard habits, character description, strength and power, the Rottweiler needs to communicate with a person, knows how to understand his mood and adapt to the rhythm of his owner’s life. Typically, the Rottweiler establishes close contact with only one family member, but is also friendly towards others. The four-legged guard is always ready to help and is able to protect his family until his last breath.

At one time, dogs became especially popular after the release of films where they were shown as vicious and ruthless. Many wanted to become the owner of such a serious and fearless fighter, capable of reliably protecting. But you should realistically assess your capabilities and the strength of your pet.

All those shortcomings that are attributed to dogs are the fault of the owners who did not pay enough attention to training the dog and that is why such an erroneous opinion is sometimes formed about the breed.

Despite some qualities in the description of the breed, the Rottweiler is a very smart, friendly and calm dog. He can be very lazy and would love to lie on the rug.

There are interesting facts in the character of the Rottweiler:

  • Dogs have a very developed sense of self-esteem, they will not tolerate humiliation, and even an overly devoted dog can let you know that he did not like something in the owner’s behavior;
  • the rottweiler is not very noisy, rarely barks, and in case of danger it will rather growl;
  • if you provoke a Rottweiler into aggression, you must remember that its bite is considered one of the strongest;
  • The breed needs systematic training; this is necessary to control a dog that loves to dominate so much.

Raising a Rottweiler

I would like to note that the Rottweiler dog breed is unlikely to be suitable for beginners, since training is extremely important for them. Considering the characteristics of the breed, the dog’s upbringing and adaptation should be done from an early age.

If you can’t teach yourself, it’s a good idea to turn to a professional. He will suggest methods for properly training the animal. It is also possible group training, where the dog can learn restraint from his fellow dogs.

It is not recommended to physically punish your puppy. Be patient, and the little Rottweiler will show decent results. The owner of such a dog must understand all the responsibility and remember that aggression is a natural trait even for humans. But the Rottweiler must be able to clearly distinguish dangerous situation when it is necessary to defend on command and not react to any sudden movements from the outside.

You can weigh the pros and cons of the breed for a long time, but it is worth remembering that a Rottweiler can become dangerous only through the fault of its owner. Dogs are highly intelligent and have the ability to learn quickly, so if you invest your energy in training, you will be able to raise a soft and good pet, who adores you and your children and will definitely protect you in case of danger.

We can briefly note the important rules:

  • Be sure to train the Rottweiler and socialize it from an early age;
  • teach the dog to distinguish between a risky situation when it is worth protecting and not to show aggression without a reason;
  • actively engage in parenting, as a result of which you will be able to find an amazing, loyal friend.

Features of care and health

Rottweilers do not require particularly careful grooming. They shed quickly, combing is not difficult and there is no need for grooming. frequent bathing. Despite the fact that the breed does not have long hair, they can live in the yard. But you should definitely take care of insulating the booth so that your pet does not freeze in the open air. Four-legged animals can easily live in an apartment, provided they have regular walks and physical activity.

Once upon a time, Rottweilers were “long-livers,” but as a result of chaotic breeding, how long Rottweilers live now is not particularly encouraging. Their lifespan is usually 8-12 years. Often the age of a Rottweiler can reach 15 years or even more.

In addition to losing several years of life, modern representatives of the breed have also acquired a tendency to various diseases:

  • dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints;
  • sprain or tear knee ligaments(for prevention, ligaments are strengthened from an early age with the help of training);
  • eye problems: retinal atrophy or dysplasia, cataracts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • obesity.

It is also worth noting the tendency to hereditary diseases nervous system: encephalitis and epilepsy. Unfortunately, such diseases cannot be treated, but in order for the dog to live long life– Seizures need to be controlled with medications.

How many years Rottweilers live depends mainly on the attentiveness of the owner and compliance with certain rules.



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