The child scratches his arms and legs for reasons. Itching in a child - what signals does the body communicate about all sorts of troubles? Diseases of the genitourinary system

Exercises for clarity of speech are supported individually for each person and can be:

  • static – holding articulatory poses for fifteen seconds;
  • dynamic - repeating rhythmic movements six times to develop the speech apparatus;
  • strengthening exercises for training individual sounds.

These exercises are intended to eliminate various speech defects, improving diction, eliminating stuttering, developing speech technique.

The effectiveness of classes will be noticeable only if regular implementation of a comprehensive program. Some cases require classes with a speech therapist, but mostly parents can cope with this kind of task themselves.

Speech defects:

  • aphonia or dysphonia– phonation disturbance, pathological changes in the vocal apparatus;
  • tachylalia– fast pace of speech;
  • bradyllalia– slow pace of speech;
  • stuttering– disturbance of the rhythm, smoothness and tempo of speech, due to muscle spasms of the speech apparatus;
  • dyslalia– phonetic defects;
  • rhinolalia– defect in sound pronunciation and voice timbre;
  • dysarthria– impaired pronunciation due to malfunction of the nerve endings connecting the central nervous system with the speech apparatus;
  • alalia– underdevelopment or complete absence of speech in a child, associated with damage to the speech areas of the brain;
  • aphasia– partial or complete loss of speech that occurs after local damage to brain cells.

It is quite difficult to determine these types of speech defects on your own, so if you have the slightest suspicion that one of them is occurring, you should consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate treatment.

Three times a day for four minutes you need to repeat a certain set of exercises. The main thing is correct execution and the desire to learn, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for a positive result.

If all norms and rules are observed, the effect of the exercises occurs within a month. Classes with a speech therapist give results much faster.

Thus, it follows the slightest If you suspect the presence of defects, contact a speech therapist, because advanced problems are very difficult to eliminate.

Speech technique

Speech technique exercises help a child find his voice, but this requires daily effort and effort.

  1. Breathing exercise. Take a comfortable position, inhale through your nose, filling your stomach and chest with air. We also exhale through the nose, repeating the movements 5 – 7 times.
  2. Breath holding exercise. Breathing is performed according to the technique of the first exercise. Only with a three second delay.
  3. Moo. We take in full lungs of air and exhale we pronounce any children's rhyme, sing vowel sounds, sharply release air with the sound “HAAAA” or pronounce tongue twisters.

In any case, this technique gives results, honing your speech technique over time.

Improving diction

Speech diction is a very important factor, so it should be developed from early childhood.

A five-minute exercise consisting of ten exercises can transform a mooing into articulate speech in a short time, almost effortlessly.

Some tips for doing the exercise:

  • lower the lower jaw down and move it left and right, forward and backward. Movements should be careful and smooth;
  • We take the starting position, put our hands on our chest. We lean forward, pronouncing drawn-out and prolonged vowel sounds as we exhale. The voice should be of low timbre, this factor is very important;
  • smile with your mouth open and move your tongue from one corner of your mouth to the other. The jaw and lips should be motionless, and the tongue should not touch the lips;
  • we smile with our mouth open and lick our lips with our tongue, watch for the smoothness of movements and the immobility of the jaw;
  • with closed lips, lick the inside of the teeth. First the upper jaw, then the lower jaw. We do the exercise slowly, counting the teeth in order. We also monitor the immobility of the lips and jaw;
  • With our mouth open, we try to reach the nose and beard with our tongue, one by one. We make sure that the tongue does not narrow and does not touch the lips and teeth;
  • With the mouth open, we reach with the tongue the alveoli located behind the lower teeth and the tubercles of the palate. We monitor the immobility of the jaw and lips.

By doing exercises, a child will improve his diction, and with it he will work out the timbre of his voice, thanks to which in the future he will be able to influence people with the help of his voice, which is due to the increased susceptibility of certain vocal frequencies.

Correcting speech defects

Often, as a result of lisp and incorrect pronunciation of words by adults, the child develops speech defects.

The most susceptible age for the development of such phenomena is children from two to five years old, since during this period children begin to learn to translate their thoughts into words.

Exercises to correct the pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, as well as “r” and “l”:

  • tube– close our lips, then stretch them out in the form of a tube as far as possible;
  • Cup– open your mouth wide and try to give your tongue the shape of a cup, sticking it far forward;
  • Drum– open your mouth and try to hit the roof of your mouth with your tongue behind your upper teeth, pronouncing the sound “d”;
  • Brush– open your mouth and run your tongue over your teeth from above and below;
  • Jam– we smile with our mouth open, licking our upper lip with our outstretched tongue.

The main thing is to correctly establish the type of defect and correctly and timely perform the prescribed exercises, then the result will not take long to arrive. Even very severe cases undergo visible changes after sessions for half a year.

Eliminating stuttering

Stuttering is a speech defect that is not so easy to work with.

That is why before classes you should do exercises to develop speech breathing and try to create a playful atmosphere in which the child will be relaxed.

Don’t rush to get results, the main thing is don’t stop studying, and as a thank you for your efforts, your baby will say goodbye to this illness and develop his speech.

  • Fun carousels– walk with your child in a circle and say at each step the words: “We are riding on a merry carousel opa-opa - pa-pa, tati-tati-ta-ta”;
  • Happy chickens– jump on your left and right legs in turn and repeat: “Clap - clap, top, top!” Uf-uff, af-af! Tap-tap, tap-tap! Tap-tap, chick-tap!”;
  • Conductor– make rhythmic movements with your hands and chant words and syllables together with your baby.

It should be noted that the principle of working with children and adults is the same, the only difference is that game forms are developed for children, but this is not required for adults.

Speech development exercises: video

Watch a short video about the exercise: articulatory gymnastics - Jam

Competent and clear, intelligible and understandable speech of a preschooler is the dream of any parent, but situations often arise when problems in pronouncing sounds are so obvious that it is impossible to do without the intervention of professionals. Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 years, conducted at home, become important. Various exercises performed by children under the strict guidance of loving parents often turn out to be more effective and useful than regular meetings with a speech pathologist.

Speech development of children 5-6 years old

5-6 years is a crucial period in a child’s life, since it begins. And if a year ago it was possible to blame all the problems on a young age, now you have to face the truth - if a child does not pronounce most of the sounds correctly, gets confused, cannot construct a coherent sentence, then a serious problem is obvious and you cannot put off a visit to a professional any longer .

Children at this age should already speak coherently, have developed phonemic awareness, and be able to formulate narrative, interrogative and incentive sentences. A normal rate of speech is formed by the age of five; slow or, on the contrary, very fast and unclear speech at this age is extremely undesirable.

Also among the speech norms is the following.

  • Correct pronunciation of all sounds - each of them must sound clearly both as part of a syllable and word, and in the whole sentence.
  • Ability to convey exclamatory and interrogative intonation.
  • The vocabulary is becoming more and more rich; parents will no longer be able to list all the words that their child knows; there are about 3 thousand of them. Also at this age, many children actively come up with new words, funny and unusual, which will be forgotten over time. Involuntary memory is actively developing, so kids can easily remember expressions they just heard.
  • Speech begins to contain phrases that are complex in construction, sentences become more and more detailed, and the child is able to talk in detail about the event he witnessed.
  • By the age of 5-6 years, the traditionally “difficult” phonemes [p] and [l] should already be clearly heard in the speech of children, but if this does not happen, then there is a problem and the help of a speech therapist is required.

You can understand that the speech development of a five-year-old child corresponds to his age by his ability to come up with a coherent story based on a picture, the presence in his speech of various parts of speech, abstract and generalizing words. Errors such as the incorrect use of plural forms (“apples” instead of “apples”) only indicate that the preschooler does not yet have enough knowledge to correctly construct a phrase, and they have nothing to do with speech problems.

Each child is an individual, so his “results” are best assessed not in comparison with other children, but by comparing his own results of different periods.

Possible speech defects

There are situations when children, without any problems, are simply too lazy to say words out loud, confident that they will be understood anyway. Parents should pay special attention to the child if he speaks little, confuses syllables and words, does not understand the meaning of what was said - most often this is due to various speech defects that will have to be corrected in speech therapy classes.

There are several types of speech impairment possible:

  • stuttering;
  • dyslalia – children with normal hearing and speech apparatus confuse the consonant phonemes [r] and [l], [w] and [z].
  • nasality - pronouncing words “in the nose”, which makes understanding the child very problematic;
  • the child does not understand the parents’ speech and does not speak himself;
  • pronounces sounds incorrectly – difficulties with articulation.

In case of any of them, you should start speech therapy classes - with a professional defectologist and at home, otherwise the child will be left with delayed speech development and may not be accepted into a comprehensive school, or may be asked to attend a specialized institution. But the situation can be corrected through speech therapy.

In what cases should you visit a specialist?

There are several signs that indicate your child's speech needs professional help:

  • very poor vocabulary;
  • inability to correctly pronounce a large number of sounds;
  • incorrect choice of word, lack of correlation between the word and the object to which it refers;
  • constant omission of some syllables in words;
  • slow or, on the contrary, very fast speech, pronouncing most words in syllables;
  • slurred speech, stuttering;
  • constant hesitations and pauses.

In these cases, it is necessary to show the child to a speech therapist, possibly a neurologist, as quickly as possible, this will help identify the causes of the disorders and eliminate them.

Role of parents

You should not assume that classes with a speech therapist alone will help the child completely solve the problem - parents must take a direct part in this. The child spends most of his time at home, so training should be carried out there.

Speech therapists advise parents to adhere to the following rules.

  • Do not scold the baby for mistakes he has made in pronouncing sounds, but correct them.
  • Encourage the child for his efforts and success, listen carefully to what he says about classes with a speech therapist, and show sincere interest.
  • Ensure that the speech of family members is literate and correct.
  • Before showing this or that exercise to a preschooler, you should practice in front of the mirror, check that everything is working out clearly and correctly.
  • Ensure that children complete the speech therapist’s homework.
  • Strives to ensure that every task is completed to the end, correctly, and diligently.
  • Conduct classes daily - they can be small, but mandatory, they should become a good habit.

Specialist speech pathologists advise creating an atmosphere of correct speech for the child: reading him poems, fairy tales, singing songs more often, discussing any natural phenomena with the child, but it is better to minimize watching TV.

Building a Home Lesson

Speech therapy exercises and speech gymnastics should be performed at home; this will help consolidate the skills and abilities acquired from the defectologist and make speech clearer and more understandable. It is best to conduct them in a playful way so as not to tire the baby - this will help him not to lose interest, not get tired, and enjoy a useful pastime.

The first stage of any lesson (unless the speech therapist suggests otherwise) is articulatory gymnastics, which will prepare the speech apparatus for further work and help stretch the tongue and ligaments. While doing the exercises, kids simultaneously train those muscles that are actively involved in the process of pronouncing sounds.

All exercises are done while sitting, preferably in front of a mirror, so that the baby can control himself. Each is repeated several times, depending on the child’s individual preparation.

Parents can perform a large number of exercises with children 5-6 years old, helping them cope with speech problems.

  • Pronounce pure phrases that contain both the problematic sound and sounds similar to it. For example, when setting the sound [s], you can use the following: “My sister and I brought sausage to the owl in the forest.” There are many words in this pure phrase with this sound.
  • Pronouncing rhymes with problematic sounds.

To improve the pronunciation of the sound [r], the following poem is suitable:

Ra-ra-ra - the kids are frolicking!

Ro-ro-ro - we're giving away good things!

Ru-ru-ru - we draw a kangaroo!

Ry-ry-ry - the dog crawled out of the hole!

In speech therapy encyclopedias you can get acquainted with a large number of different rhymes for setting each sound and choose those that are suitable for a particular child. This is the general structure of the lesson.

Articulation gymnastics is the best warm-up

You should invite your child to perform exercises aimed at training various muscle groups. Their description is presented in the table.

Muscles Task options
LipsSmile so that your teeth are not visible, hold this position for 5 to 30 seconds. “Proboscis.” Fold your lips into a tube and fix the position. “Fence.” Smile in such a way that the upper and lower teeth are open, fix the position.
Language"Spatula". Without protruding the tongue, the child places it on the lower lip and holds it in this position for 5 seconds. “Swing”. Move your tongue up and down, keeping your mouth open. “Let’s brush your teeth.” Use the tip of your tongue to “walk” along the back side of the upper teeth, then along the lower teeth. “Snake”. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and try to fold it into a tube. Repeat at least 5 times.
Hypoglossal ligament"Horse". Click your tongue, imitating the clatter of hooves. Then complicate the exercise - click quickly or slowly, loudly or quietly. “Mushroom”. Press your tongue tightly against the roof of your mouth, hold it in this position for a few seconds, and relax.
Cheeks"Balls." Inflate both cheeks, then carefully slap them, releasing the air, to “pop” the ball. “Hamster.” Puff up both cheeks like a hamster. Then inflate one by one. “Hungry Hamster.” Pull your cheeks in, hold the position for a few seconds, and relax.

You shouldn’t include all the exercises in your workout; you need to choose 2-3 of them and work them out properly, but at the same time carefully ensure that all muscle groups are involved during the week. The easiest way is to create a lesson plan for seven days, in which you describe on which day which exercise will be performed.

Each exercise from the complex, which suggests fixing a certain position, is first performed for 5 seconds, gradually increasing the duration to 30. The parent can count out loud, this will help the child remember the numbers.

Variety of forms and games

To prevent a preschooler from getting bored of repeating the same thing several times, you should think through an unusual game scenario and give him different tasks:

  • not just pronounce words, but make rhythmic movements with your feet or hands in time with them;
  • “teach” the toy a simple phrase or rhyme, show how to pronounce the text correctly;
  • pronounce the text, imagining yourself as a fox or a bunny, make appropriate facial expressions and gestures.

You can make a speech therapy session even more exciting if you dress the baby in the costume of the animal being depicted.

Rhymes and sayings can not only be pronounced, but also sung, coming up with a suitable motive for them.

You can stimulate the development of fine motor skills, which are directly related to the speech center, by performing finger gymnastics - putting special dolls on your fingers, creating dramatizations, while simultaneously pronouncing poems and phrases with the sound being practiced. For example, when working on the phoneme [p], you can offer a preschooler a pig finger puppet and ask him to grunt.

To prevent your child from getting tired, every 5-10 minutes of class you should take a break and do breathing exercises. For example, “Dandelion” - take a deep breath through your nose, as if inhaling the aroma of flowers, and then exhale through your mouth, as if blowing on a fluffy dandelion.

Cognitive activities

Games for speech development should also be educational in nature. But parents are required to be creative and prepare.

There are several options for such games.

  • Select in advance several cards with illustrations that show words with problematic sounds (these can be animals, birds, vegetables, household items), and ask the child to name them, give a brief description, and add to his story. This will help improve your pronunciation and gain new information.
  • “Take a guess.” The adult hides some object, the name of which contains the sound being practiced (for example, if it is the phoneme [r], then you can hide a toy giraffe), after which he begins to tell the baby a number of characteristics: this is an animal, with a long neck, spotted skin. The child’s task is to guess the animal and try to pronounce its name.
  • Working with pictures. The parent selects an illustration and thinks of an object on it that has a problematic sound in its name, after which he begins to describe it. The child’s task is to understand what it is about, show it in the picture and say the name.

With the help of such exercises, preschoolers not only additionally practice pronouncing individual sounds, but also learn new information about the world around them.

The importance of speech therapy lessons and their continuation at home should not be underestimated, since 5-6 years is the time when a child can still solve most of his speech problems and start studying at school along with other children. If time is lost, then there is a risk that he will have a lot of difficulties in the future, including various complexes and self-doubt.

If your child needs help speaking beautifully and clearly, consult with our speech therapist.

In speech therapy classes, children become familiar with various objects, their signs and actions. The development of the sound side of speech is closely related to a child’s learning to read and write, the ability to recognize the place of sound in a word, to identify hissing, whistling sounds, vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

During the classes, vocabulary is refined and enriched, children learn to construct correct sentences and express their thoughts coherently and consistently. Various teaching aids (texts, stories, fairy tales, poems) and various visual materials (pictures, toys, objects) are used. In addition, tasks containing vocabulary, question-and-answer work, work on sentences and coherent speech, tasks to develop speech understanding and work on the accumulation of vocabulary are included.

The speech therapist works on the formation of the grammatical structure of the child’s speech, the forms of singular and plural numbers. At each lesson, speech therapy gymnastics is carried out, this develops the mobility of the speech organs, finger games are also included, work is carried out on the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All these skills are necessary for a child to replenish his vocabulary and further teach him to read. Speech therapy classes will help the child speak easily, without speech hesitations, correctly arrange words in a sentence, and increase his vocabulary.

This will contribute to the child’s desire to communicate in society and learn new things. Also in our club, your baby can undergo a psychological and speech therapy examination, which will help you understand what level of development your baby is at and select an individual training program. After all, correct speech is the key to your child’s success!

Classes with a speech therapist for children 5 years old are extremely relevant. This is the age when there is very little left before school. Obviously, every first grader must pronounce sounds correctly, use words and their forms correctly, and correctly construct sentences and short stories. Therefore, it is worth using the time remaining before school as efficiently as possible.

Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 years are included in the program of all groups of our center without exception. This means that all children, during group classes, together with an experienced speech therapist, work on developing correct pronunciation, expanding their vocabulary, and developing the richness of spoken language. This is an effective technique because working in a team has a stimulating effect.

Classes with a speech therapist for children 5 years old - when do you need to pay individual attention?

If we are talking about classes with children who do not have signs of vocabulary deficit or any defects in sound pronunciation, group work is sufficient. If a child pronounces sounds incorrectly or shows signs of insufficient speech development or age-related delays, preference should be given to individual work.

Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 years in our club can be held in this form if necessary. An attentive, caring teacher will offer the most suitable type of speech therapy massage in a particular case, draw up an exercise plan for the development of articulatory muscles and, of course, will be able to instill in the child the motivation to improve his speech.

The premises of our clubs are equipped with bactericidal devices, and are also regularly wet cleaned, treated with a steam cleaner, disinfected and ventilated, and children with signs of illness are not allowed to attend classes, so you do not have to be afraid that your child will become infected with colds from other children.

Speech therapy classes for children 5-6 years old - what methods are used?

Articulatory gymnastics are special exercises that help develop sufficient strength and at the same time elasticity of all elements of the speech apparatus. For example, they develop the mobility of the frenulum of the tongue, which contributes to better pronunciation of the sounds “r”, “l” and others. Speech therapy massage is a method of manual manipulation. During a session with a speech therapist for children 5 years old, the specialist massages certain areas, relieving tension in them. Exercises aimed at introducing new words and acquiring the skill of expressing thoughts. For example, it is possible to work in the form of composing a story based on a series of interesting images. The ability to present such a narrative is very useful for a future first-grader.

Speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 years are held in a fun, often playful way. Our students, approaching school age, are fully prepared for first grade. They demonstrate a wide range of knowledge, which they can present colorfully, and a stable motivation for cognitive activity. This can be achieved, in particular, thanks to classes with a speech therapist for children 5 years old.



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