Working rituals for love spells using color photography. How to read a conspiracy in a photo

As you know, a photograph carries the energy of the person depicted in it. Therefore, a love spell based on a photo is considered one of the most effective magical effects. In addition, the procedure for carrying it out is so simple that anyone can use this method.

Simple rituals based on a photo of a loved one

To avoid any negative consequences you must:

    Conduct the ritual exclusively with good intentions; It is strictly forbidden to perform the ritual while intoxicated; Conduct the ritual in a separate room in absolute silence; Visit the temple first and light two candles for health, which will protect you and the object of the love spell from possible negativity, in case something happens or will affect the ceremony.

You should know that a white magic love spell that uses a photo of your loved one will not last forever. The duration of the action will depend on the sincerity of your feelings and the desire to attract the feelings of your loved one. To independently perform a love spell ritual at home, preference should be given to simple rituals.

It is important that the photograph used is of high quality and that it should not depict anyone else except the object of the love spell. Under no circumstances should you crop the photo.

Love spell with a church candle

This ritual consists of taking a lit church candle in one hand and a photograph of the chosen one in the other. Next, it is important to concentrate on the desire to bewitch him. After this, you should turn the photo with its front side over the burning flame at a safe distance.

And, moving it over him, say:

“As I, the Servant of God, (my own name) yearn for my dear friend (name of the chosen one), so let him yearn for me.”

The candle should burn out completely, and the photograph should be hidden in a secluded place.

Ritual with your wishes

Another way is to write your wishes on paper. At the same time, it is recommended to formulate your desires in great detail. After this, you need to roll the leaf and set it on fire with a red candle, holding it over the photo.

You should concentrate as much as possible on the written text and say:

“Whatever passes over the head will also enter the head. If it lights up behind my back, then the heart of the Servant of God, (name of beloved), will become inflamed with feelings for me.”

Collect the ashes and scatter them outside the window, remove the photograph from prying eyes.

Ritual “Awakening Passion”

The following ritual, which involves the use of photography, will help awaken the fire of former passion in your beloved man.

It consists of the following actions:

    On a full moon, in a dark, secluded room, you should place a photograph of your chosen one in front of you, and behind it a red candle. On a white sheet of paper, write love words in red ink:

    “My sadness, my sadness, go to my beloved (name of beloved). Sit down next to his little head, and make sure that not only in his dreams, but also in reality, he dreams of me, so that he (the name of his beloved) can only think about how to hug, caress and kiss me. And may my words be strong.”

    The sheet with the written text must be set on fire over a candle flame so that the smoke envelops the photograph. At the same time say:

    “My blood is boiling, it can’t find room for itself. As a fire burns, as a leaf burns, so let the heart of Rab (the chosen one’s name) be inflamed with feelings and passions for me Rab (his name). My will is strong. Let what has been said come true.”

Complex rituals with a photograph of a loved one

When deciding to use a powerful ritual using a photograph of a loved one, you need to understand that the ritual should be taken responsibly and seriously. Any failure in your own actions or violation of the rules can lead to unpredictable negative consequences. When making a love spell from a photo, under no circumstances should you rush. It is very important to tune in to a positive result and visualize a future happy relationship with your chosen one. This approach will enhance the actions of the ritual. It is important to remember that any strong love spell based on a photo should be carried out exclusively with good intentions.

Powerful love spell

If your chosen one has naturally strong energy, then it may not be possible to break through it in order to awaken the feelings of your loved one if you use simple rituals. In this case, you should use a more powerful love spell based on the photo. Before the ceremony, you must definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health and mentally turn to God so that he can help you. In church, buy candles and take some holy water. This ritual is recommended to be performed on a new moon. Along with the growth of the moon, the strength of the directed magical effect will also increase. At the same time, the feelings of the chosen one will also grow.

Before starting the ritual, contact your Patron Saint, who is identified by your own name, in any form with a request to help attract the feelings of your loved one to you. After this, you should light the candles and sit in silence for a while, looking at the flames. This will help you focus on the ritual, and therefore strengthen the energy message. Then you need to put a photo of your loved one in front of you and look at it for a while without stopping. After some time, you need to take one of the candles and start dripping onto the image in the heart area.

Accompany your actions with the words:

“I, the Servant of God, (own name), with my sincere and strong love, command: - Seven Saints, enter the heart of the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one). Melt cold pieces of ice in it and fill it with love for me. Awaken the passion in his soul and make it so that he cannot live without me. So that I would not become a misfortune for him, but the love of his life. Amen!"

“Your thoughts, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), will be confused and run around. You will think, my dear, only about me, the Servant of God, (proper name), and when you come to me, you will calm down. And after this nothing will come back. Love and grace to you and me. Amen!"

It is important to continue dripping wax until the entire head of the person in the picture is covered with wax.

After this, you need to continue dripping wax all over the picture, saying the following words:

“Love yearning spreads throughout the entire body of the Servant of God (name of the beloved). He can’t sleep, doesn’t eat, but only suffers. He sees in front of him only the clear eyes of the Servant of God, (her own name), his thoughts are directed only to her. Amen!"

If the wax used in the candle ritual is not enough to cover the entire photograph, then a drop should be placed on each part of the body of the person depicted in the photograph. After this, you need to sprinkle holy water on the photo.

And say the following words three times:

“Clean water, holy water, bring the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) to my house. Let it be as it is said. Amen!"

The photograph can be burned in a candle flame and the ashes scattered to the wind. But if it is not possible to do this, then you can simply hide it in an inaccessible place. The main thing is that she never catches the eye of your chosen one or strangers.

A quick ritual to cast a love spell on your husband

Quite often, a husband’s feelings begin to cool after living together for a long time. There is a strong love spell based on a photo that will awaken them again. This love spell ritual, using a photo, is carried out only on Saturdays. It is very good if you choose a day that will coincide with the new moon period. During the waning moon, this ritual is not recommended, as it may simply be useless. For the ritual, you need to prepare some spruce or pine needles. You will also need to use ten black olives in the ritual. The love spell ceremony is performed on the street at night. First, you need to pierce each olive with a spruce or pine needle. After this, you need to dig ten holes in the ground next to your own house, into which you place the olives. While digging in the holes with soil above each one, you need to say the following words:

“I put all my strength and love into my actions. I believe and know that you, my beloved and beloved, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), will always be with me. You will become a reliable support for me in life, I will live behind you like behind a stone wall. I will be a happy woman, spending every day next to you. You are my beloved and my hero. It will always be like this forever. Amen!"

This ritual begins to work very quickly. But it reaches its maximum strength on the fifth day after administration. At this time, you need to surround your beloved husband with care and attention.

To carry out this love spell ritual, in addition to a photograph of your loved one, you will need to use thirteen black candles and a new needle. These attributes should be purchased during the waxing moon, and change should not be taken when purchasing attributes. The ritual takes place at midnight in a secluded place. On the table you need to place candles in a circle, in the center of which place a photo of your chosen one face up. After this, focusing on the image of your loved one, and looking intently into the eyes of the image in the photograph, you need to pronounce the spell words. They sound like this:

“My beloved, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), your mother and father gave you life, they gave you all the best of themselves, from childhood they took care of you and took care of you, and this means that they only took care of your heart for me. I, the Servant of God, (proper name), now light black candles in the dark night, sending a love spell on you, my beloved. With my own scarlet blood I blind you, and I forever approve of our union with you. Soon your heart will be filled with love for me, and your soul will strive for me. As said, it will happen. Amen!".

While pronouncing the words, you need to pierce your finger with a needle and drop one drop of blood onto the eyes of the image of your chosen one in the photo. Then you need to insert a needle into the heart area of ​​​​the image in the image. At the same time, say the magic words:

“Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), I pierce your heart with a sharp magic needle. I love you sincerely and strongly, and I want to tie you to me. My scarlet blood will cover your eyes with a veil and forbid you to look at others. Amen!"

After this, you need to sit and wait until the candles burn out naturally. The photograph should be wrapped in a rag and taken the next day to the cemetery, where it should be left on an abandoned grave. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of a love spell using a photo is due to its magical power. This means that if you do not strictly follow all the rules of the proposed rituals, you can provoke serious negative consequences.

The most complete description in all details - how to make a love spell from a photo with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Every girl dreams of the moment when true love appears in her life. Sometimes women decide to turn to higher powers for help in order to speed up this event. They make a strong spell on a photograph of a loved one so that romantic feelings awaken in him as soon as possible.

A strong love spell can act with the same power as a love spell.

Rules for reading conspiracies from photos

The conspiracy in the photo will only work if it was done according to all the rules. It is worth studying in advance all the nuances of such rituals intended to be carried out at home in order to soon get a guaranteed result:

  • For the ritual, recent photographs of a man are suitable, in which he is depicted at his current age.
  • There should be only one guy in the photo, in whom love for the girl performing the ritual should awaken. If there is only a group photo, then it is allowed to crop it.
  • It is better to choose the period of the waxing moon for the ceremony. On these nights, the photo spell is more effective. Although there are exceptions.
  • The enchanted photograph must be kept safe for a long time.
  • A strong plot should be read by looking at a photograph of a loved one. Feelings for him must be sincere.
  • Before reading any plot, you must remove any jewelry from yourself. It is recommended to choose loose clothing or perform the ceremony completely naked. You should take a bath and wash your hair in advance. There is no need to tie them up or stake them during the ritual. A girl should have a natural appearance, but remain well-groomed and beautiful.
  • All magical rituals on a love theme are performed in complete solitude. The girl must choose a moment when no one will stop her from saying a prayer to higher powers that can help her make her chosen one fall in love with her.
  • A couple of days before the conspiracy, you should observe a light fast. But this is an optional rule. However, you should not neglect them. On the day of the ceremony, it is best to limit yourself to food and fast a little. There should be no harm to the body from this.

Each individual conspiracy requires compliance with certain rules and recommendations. Therefore, you need to read the instructions in advance before carrying out it.

Over many decades, women have been able to identify several of the most effective conspiracies for a man’s love, which have been tested by time. They are suitable for reading at home.

Spell for a man's love No. 1

An ideal plot for girls who have no experience in magical rituals. With its help, they will be able to bewitch the person they like to them for many years. The prayer should be read daily for one week, preferably before going to bed, to enhance its effect.

After all, all magical rituals are usually performed in the late evenings or at night.

Photography in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person. By influencing it, you can change the behavior of another in the desired direction.

“I call on the power of love, I kindle it with the flame of passion. You go, love, into the heart of (name of the chosen one), settle there forever. Kindle (the name of the chosen one) for me (your name) with a hot fire. Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his soul desire to unite with me. As I said, so it will be! Amen, amen, amen."

The words should be spoken several times. For some girls, it is enough to say them three times, while others will need five or six readings. It all depends on how soon she feels the power of her own words.

Afterwards, you need to put the photo under your pillow and immediately go to bed. There is no need to talk to anyone so as not to disrupt the ritual.

Another strong conspiracy for true love, which is used by many representatives of the fair half at home. You will also need a photo of the man you like. The magical ritual will have to be performed three times a day. Namely at dawn, when evening comes and during sunset. It is necessary to read the plot by looking into the eyes of the person depicted in the photograph in order to feel a connection with him.

“Just as the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) cannot be and live without his shadow, so the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) cannot without longing for me, the servant of God (his name). Walk and stammer, suffocate with melancholy. As the sun moves across the sky, so do you, along every road, come to me, the servant of God (your name). My word is strong and molding. Amen!".

A photograph spelled for love must be kept next to you. No one else should look at him anymore, so as not to prevent the magic from doing its job.

Conspiracy using two photos

For this powerful conspiracy, you need to prepare. Before reading it at home, you should get two photographs. One picture should show the girl herself, and the other should show her beloved guy. They take them in different hands, raise them in front of them and begin to whisper the following words:

“(Your name) and (the chosen one’s name) will be together forever: like 2 wings, like 2 hands, like earth and sky. The water will not spill us, the wind will not separate us. Our love is just arriving. The heavenly forces held us together, the holy angels blessed us. There is no other way! Amen!".

When the love spell has been read, you should put together two photographs that took part in the magical ritual. They should be facing each other. Now you can safely send them under your pillow. You should not take out pictures until the girl begins to notice pleasant changes in the guy towards her. After the first signs of a guy’s feelings appear, the photos must be hidden so that no one can look at them. These two photographs will become a talisman that will preserve the sincere love coming from the person you like.

Conspiracy using a white tablecloth and candles

To perform a magical ritual, which many women call very powerful, you will need a white tablecloth and three candles purchased in the church. The snow-white linen should be laid on a clean table. Candles are placed nearby. It is better to place them in candlesticks or saucers in advance. In the process of lighting them, you can begin to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Oh, Lord Almighty, I pray to you for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep hole, create a thorny fence and death’s lingering melancholy. Close there, Lord, the slave (name of the chosen one), so that he does not leave me and does not find another woman for himself. Lock it, and take the key for yourself. Help me, Lord, God’s faithful servant (your name). And until the lock is opened, the slave (name of the chosen one) will not stop loving me. Amen!".

By performing a ritual by candlelight yourself, you call upon the powerful element of fire to your aid, which can greatly increase the power of the spoken magic words.

For the spell to work, it must be said three times. After each complete reading at home, you need to blow out one church candle. When they are all extinguished, they should be connected to each other and securely fastened to the saucer. Now you need to light the candles again. A strong spell on a loved one will work if they burn out to the very end. During the process, smoke will begin to appear. After the ritual, the windows are opened so that the room can be properly ventilated. The smoke should be carried away by the wind.

Conspiracy with water

And the last strong conspiracy that will help awaken sincere feelings in your loved one. It is also suitable for use at home.

For such a ritual you need clean water, over which you will have to read a love plot. A girl who has decided to turn to higher powers should wash herself with it. Say the text clearly three times. Afterwards you will need to wash your face once again with the charmed water. You are allowed to simply take a bath with her. The prayer itself for this ritual is as follows:

“Water-water, drink the blood of the Great Mother. Earth-Earth, fill the water with your blood. Heavenly Father, hear your daughter’s request, bless the water with your strength. Let the beauty come, and whoever sees it will become mine and will no longer look at others. Let it be so!".

Girls and women who have used this ritual to attract the person they like have repeatedly noted its effectiveness. It is possible that the first results will be noticeable the very next day. For this reason, the conspiracy is called one of the most powerful in white magic. It is very convenient due to the fact that any girl can easily carry it out at home.

Love in itself is real magic, without which not a single guy or girl can live. That is why so many different conspiracies have been invented for her to help her reunite with her soulmate. But you need to understand that the intervention of magical forces in ordinary life never remains without consequences. Girls have to pay a certain price to be close to their chosen one. Therefore, you need to think in advance about whether the chosen guy is worth such serious sacrifices.

Love plot from a photograph

Photography is a unique flow of energy

A photograph of a person is a unique object that, with a certain influence, allows you to change the behavior of the person depicted in the photograph. Moreover, a photo conspiracy is a fairly simple way to improve your personal life or ward off a rival.

It is only important to carry out the ritual correctly and believe in success - then a positive result is guaranteed.

Energy connection between photo and person

The connection between photography and man

Experts have proven that there is a great energy connection between the image of a person and himself. Therefore, the spell can be cast not only on things that a person uses - a scarf, a watch, a mirror.

By influencing a photo, casting a love spell based on a photo, you can win a person’s favor, change him and, of course, your life.

How to choose the right photo for a conspiracy

Rules for selecting photos

There are several rules that should be followed when selecting a photograph for a magical ritual. So:

  1. In the photo used for the plot, the pupils of the eyes should be visible. It is the eyes that reflect that part of the soul that allows one to influence the will of a person.
  2. The photo must correspond to the real age of the person. You should not take photographs that are decades old. The maximum period is a photo taken three years ago.
  3. There should be no strangers in the photo, because then it will be impossible to predict the result - the magic may work on the wrong person.

How to pronounce a spell in a photo

Conditions for a correct conspiracy

It is very important to endow seemingly ordinary words with magical powers. Therefore, a plot should never be read carelessly and without emotion. It is important to put strength and energy into the spoken words, to read the plot emotionally.

And most importantly, you need to be confident in a positive result. That is, you need to learn the spell (you can’t read it on paper), then, looking at a photograph of a person and imagining his image to the smallest detail, you need to pronounce the spell, without any doubt about the positive result.

How to return love from a photo

Most often, a love plot based on a photo is used. It allows you to magically change a person’s feelings, will and desires. And if love is really strong, and the reason for the separation was unimportant little things and quarrels, then it’s worth trying to get your loved one back, casting a spell on the guy’s photo. By the way, some men cast a love spell based on a photo even before the start of a relationship in order to win over the girl they like.

So, what exactly is needed to read the plot? The most important thing is color photography. And the photograph should be used exactly the one that corresponds to the real age of the person. That is, a photo from school is not suitable - the effectiveness of the conspiracy will not be the same.

Now you need to start reading the plot directly. It should be recited at dawn, in the evening and at sunset, that is, three times a day. Looking into the eyes shown in the photo, you should say:

“Just as the servant of God (say the name) cannot live and be without his shadow, so the servant of God (say the name) cannot without longing for me, God’s servant (say the name). Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy. As the Sun moves across the sky, so you walk along every road to me, God’s servant (say name). My word is strong and molding. Amen".

After this, the photo should be stored. Moreover, you cannot bury it; it is best to keep the photo close to you, but hidden from prying eyes.

How to discourage your rival

Getting rid of the rival

You can read the conspiracy in the photo of your rival in order to discourage her from your loved one. To do this, you need to say the above spell over the photo, then spit on it three times, then tear up the photo, and then throw it in the toilet or trash.

The conspiracy itself is like this:

“Strength is with me, and grief is always on my side, I will be on (say the name of my rival) astride, (say the name of my rival) below me is shit. She has the crown, I have love. X.. will not enter it, (name of rival) will freeze. It's empty for her, but thick for me. There she was smeared with shit, and I was smeared with gold. Amen".

Working rituals for love spells using color photography

Today, almost all practitioners offer love spells from photographs. The methods are described as simple and effective, but this is not always the case. Letting someone else perform a love spell or love spell using a photograph is a huge mistake. Everything must be done independently.

Don't be afraid of your strength, use these words to get your loved one back. Unlike a black love spell, where powerful negative energy is involved, the white version of the spell in the photo is harmless, does not carry negativity, but it is strong. Will help for a girl or guy.

What are the types of love spells?

Black love spell

It is believed that the strongest of them is black. Indeed, such an option exists, it is very powerful, but it will not bring you either love or even friendly feelings. Where there is love, there is always light, joy, smiles. No magic can make love out of nothing. It must be inside both of you. All dark energy and its rituals bring destruction to the soul. Such a love spell will give you a short-term delusion - your beloved object will come to you, for starters, he will give flowers, gifts, and confess his feelings.

You created not love, but a connection that is now difficult to break. He will want to leave you, he will passionately desire this. But he only suffers, rushes about, gets angry and hates. Is it possible to improve your personal life later, find a boyfriend or husband, when you are always next to a gloomy, lost person who does not understand what is happening to his feelings.

White love spell

This option does not create the illusion of feelings that quickly pass. A love ritual and conspiracy will help develop existing feelings. Have you noticed that a person is not indifferent to you, but something is stopping you? There is already love in his heart, so help him develop it. These conspiracies appeal to the forces of good, who will judge whether it is possible to create a couple of two, caring people. By the way, in the same way you can return the love of a girl, husband or wife who has doubts and wants to leave the family.

How to bewitch the man of your dreams

There are many ways, but from the photo - the simplest and most effective. The most difficult thing here is to get a photo of your loved one. Today this is feasible, because your mobile phone has a camera, or you can find a suitable one on social networks. Main rule:

  • There should be only one person in the photo.
  • She should not be older than 6 months.
  • The photograph shows views of the human eye. No dark glasses.

You need to take a photograph, two red candles, a red felt-tip pen, and black peppercorns.

  • Write on the back of the photo with a felt-tip pen:

“As a thread spins and twists, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to my body. Just as a man of God prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn for me, miss me, know no peace without me. My words are strong. From now on and forever. Amen".

  • Light the candles with matches.
  • You need to put the pepper on a hot frying pan while it fry, jump, read the plot:

“As this pepper toils, so let the servant of God (name) toil for me, the servant of God (name). Until you come to me.”

  • After reading, sprinkle hot pepper on the photograph and wrap it in a white cloth.
  • Keep it until the romance begins. The effect is strong.

Strong spell on a photograph

This plot will help you return your husband to the family if he has fallen under the influence of a homewrecker. For a wife, this can be a salvation.

Take a wedding photo. If this is your husband, a joint photo is allowed. The love spell text of this ritual can also be read on a guy, but then you will need a single photo of him.

  • Buy three church candles.
  • Black envelope.
  • On the night from Saturday to Sunday, stand by the window and place a photograph in front of you.
  • Light the candles and cross yourself.
  • Read aloud three times:

“As I, the servant of God (state your name), yearn for my dear friend, (state the name of the chosen one), so let him yearn for me. What goes over your head will go into your head. As soon as it lights up behind your back, the zealous heart of the slave (the name of the object of influence) will flare up.”

  • For the third time, take candles in your hands, three at once, and drip wax onto the photo.
  • Press your fingers into the warm wax to make imprints.
  • Fold the photo into a black envelope and place it behind the house icon.

This will bring the wandering husband back to the house and firmly tie him to his wife. And your beloved will be strongly drawn to you - he won’t go anywhere, he will come into your arms, and even with a gift.

Love spell universal ritual

With the advent of photography, people began to believe that a small piece of a person’s soul was transferred to film. Well, whether this is true or not, no one knows. But conspiracies spoken over a photograph work. L your loved one can be called to you across a distance. This is a good way to get close to a person first. First we create interest. This is a challenge spell:

“The servant of God (Name) cannot live without his shadow; for me, the servant (Name) will not overcome longing. Any path comes to me. Amen".

  1. When everything works out, you started communicating, take his photo, write your name on the back.
  2. You need to bring a photo to the church during the service.
  3. Pray, cross yourself, buy a candle.
  4. At home at night, light a candle and say, looking at the photo:

“Adam and Eve sinned and had children because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen".

This is a strong ritual, so you need to be completely sure that he is the right guy. Otherwise, you will be doomed to loneliness for a whole year.

Ritual to attract a girl

If it’s not easy for a guy to get a girl’s attention, then you can try through her photo. On Wednesday night, when the Moon is growing, pour holy water over the photo and read, holding the photo in your hands:

“The evening dawn came through the dark gates and brought me to the bank of a deep and wide river. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, the faithful servant of God (the name of her beloved) is sitting on it and shedding tears. The priest walks along the river bank but does not see his own daughter. The mother walks along the shore, but does not see the dear child. As the moon-moon wanes, so let the love of the faithful servant of God (name of your beloved) for her parents decrease, and for me, the servant of God (your name), let her love increase and grow. Just as I take a girl off a stone and caress and console her, let her heart turn to me. Amen".

This is a conspiracy that works almost instantly. No, she won’t love you right away, but her interest will awaken. Don’t waste time, because conspiracies don’t last forever—you’ll also have to take the initiative. Despite the quick results, this love spell works gradually. You have the opportunity to get to know each other. It is also suitable as a ritual for returning a wife to the family.

Apple cravings for a guy's desire

A short ritual that gives birth to desire. Take an apple, cut out the name of the guy you want on it, and put your photo inside. Say the spell:

“Apple, apple, breathe passion into your dear heart, Open your soul (name of goal) to my love. As you dry in the sun, let him dry for me. Dry it, dry it, tie our destinies.”

Put the apple in a dry place, let it dry, it does not see the white light, and so does he himself - nothing will be sweet and pleasant for him without you. And for any girl this is a great opportunity. It will also work for a wife whose husband has lost interest in her in bed.

All conspiracies have been repeatedly tested. Many have already been lucky with them. Now it’s your turn to call on love, win back your wife’s affection, bring back your beloved husband, and get a strong family again. It is necessary to use a photo, because this is one of the most personal things of a person.

Strong love spells that you can read on your own in the photo


Many people are interested in how to make a love spell on their own using a photo of a loved one.. In itself, this is a very easy love ritual with the reading of the words of a magical spell that evokes strong feelings of love in a person. You can read the love plot yourself either at home or by choosing more quick black love spell using photo and perform a love ritual in the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of the person you are bewitching, his presence when you are read a love spell, not required. Know also that a love spell carried out from a photo cannot be removed; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To bewitch a person from a photo, you need any printed photograph; it carries all the energy of a person to which the magical forces of a love spell are directed. Below are several ways to do it yourself love spell from photo and greatly bewitch your loved one.

Love plot using photo for candles

This is a fairly simple, but very powerful photo spell using church candles. Buy three candles from the church and leave the change for the “common candle” donation. This love plot can be read during the day in the sun or in the evening - its effect is the same. When you come home with the candles you bought in church, put on the table a photo of your loved one on whom you plan to read the spell and placing a candle at the head of the person in the photo so that it does not fall, twist the remaining two candles together, to do this, warm them up a little. Light twisted candles with the words of the conspiracy:

I am the sun, you are the earth, we can be together, love each other. Amen.

After you have said these words, light a candle at the head of the photo from the already burning candles and begin to read the love plot in the photo:

Just as the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of God’s servant (name).

As the sun shines, so let your love for me, the servant of God (your name), burn more powerfully.

Just as the sun dries the earth, so you dry out and feel sad without me.

Just as people are drawn to the red sun, so you are drawn to me,

And you will not have life without me, just as people have no life without sun and warmth.

My word is firm and strong.

After reading the plot, extinguish the candles with your fingers and put them in a secluded place so that no one touches them. Under no circumstances throw church candles into the trash, this is a great sin. If you need to get rid of them, take them back to the church, leaving them near the icons in a box with cinders located on the floor in any church.

love spell for the waxing moon from photo

A prerequisite for carrying out this love spell using a photo is the presence of a red thread and 2 photographs. The first is someone who is bewitched and 2 photos - who wants to make a person fall in love with them after reading a love spell. Before reading the love plot, connect the photos together so that the faces look at each other and sew them at the corners so that you get a red cross on both sides, for this the needle must go a full circle. When the photos are ready for reading the plot, place them in front of you on the table and pour any water into a glass and sip it three times. Over the water you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times:

So that this servant of God (name) cannot live without the servant of God (name).

He missed me, he grieved, he always remembered me.

strong spell for love from a photograph

The most powerful conspiracy in the photo is done in a cemetery - this is a black love ritual of very fast action. Before reading it, think carefully about its consequences, because a black love spell in a cemetery with the reading of a love plot in the photo is done for life. If you are ready to make an independent love plot using a photo in a cemetery, find a grave with a similar name of the person on whom the plot is being made and, looking at the photo, read the words of the love plot:

Three sisters, young girls, were sitting on the board.

A board lies, and under this board lies melancholy.

Let melancholy enter into the slave (name), so that he loves me very much,

I walked on the heels, missed, yearned, and grieved without me, the Servant of God (name).

Having spoken the entire plot, bow to the deceased and cross yourself, go home without turning around, holding the photograph of your loved one to your chest or putting it in your bosom. Don't talk to anyone on the way home. The next morning, take the photo with you, go to church and light candles for the health of yourself and the one against whom the black conspiracy was read. It doesn’t take long to wait for the conspiracy to take effect; usually within a week the bewitched person will begin to act, showing obvious signs of attention and interest.

read a love spell from a photo at home

If you want to make a love spell from a photo yourself, memorize the text of the spell so as not to stumble and prepare the following items: a photo of your loved one, a church candle and holy water. Preparation before reading the plot is as follows: place the icon and secure it so that it does not fall while reading the plot, put a photograph next to it and, lighting a candle, begin to read the plot for love:

Heavenly angels, unearthly powers. How I call you to help, how I ask you to give me inhuman powers, unearthly spells, so that I, the servant of God (name), can tie the servant of God (name) with my bonds so that he cannot break them forever and ever, nor at night, not during the day, not on a quiet evening, not on a bright morning. And how this drink will spread throughout all the vessels, heat up all his blood, so that his passion for the servant of God (name) will spread through all the veins and vessels of the servant of God (name), so that his love for me will flare up stronger and hotter every day .

After finishing reading the words, drop a few drops of wax from the candle onto the photo with the words:

My word is strong and molding to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Put out the candle with your fingers and wash with holy water. Soon you will feel great attention to you from your loved one for whom the love plot was read.

This magical ritual of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and get married successfully, you just need to perform a simple ritual with reading a love plot to meet your loved one. Immediately after reading this plot, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ritual, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special spell on

In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for the quarrel, you need to read the plot for reconciliation while looking after him. In fact, immediately after reading, the friend will strongly want to return your friendship and will begin to feel guilty for the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is this:

This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore the friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read the plot for reconciliation in church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will make peace and will no longer quarrel over all sorts of trifles, constantly finding compromises that suit you. Light a candle for her and, bowing, read the white spell - a prayer to make peace with the one you need

If quarrels with your husband begin to occur in your family and you have the feeling that he is cheating, this powerful conspiracy against your husband will help correct this situation and restore a happy family life. Immediately after reading the plot against betrayal, the husband will love only his wife, experiencing an endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. The plot is read on bread, which the husband must eat along with any food. Before sitting down at the table, read this plot over a piece of bread. As soon as your husband eats the bread charmed against betrayal, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and most friendly

From March 7 to 12, Cheese Week is celebrated, also known as Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa week conspiracies that you need to read on your loved one so that his love for you becomes even stronger. After reading this love spell for Maslenitsa, a guy or man will fall in love with you so much that soon he will definitely propose a wedding and you will successfully marry your loved one for whom you just recently read a love spell. A love spell is read on Maslenitsa pancake with which you need to treat the person you decide to bewitch. Here are the spell words you need

On January 19, at Epiphany, it is customary to read a strong love plot for the love of the one you love. This plot has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white baptism spell was read will love his other half very much and will forever love and remain faithful to her. Many who performed this magical ritual on the night of baptism and spoke to the bright and strong love of their chosen one have already lived together in love and harmony for many years, without quarreling or cheating on each other. Light a church candle, holding it in your left hand with your right, pour a sip of holy water into a transparent glass. Without releasing the candle, take the glass in your right hand and

A love spell read on Maundy Thursday will allow you to bewitch your loved one forever. In love magic, there are many love spells that need to be read on your own, many of them act at any distance from the person being bewitched, forcing him to return to his beloved after a quarrel, but the most powerful spells are those that need to be read on major church holidays, such as the love spell in Clean Thursday, which is what the conspiracies for today will be about. The love plot for Maundy Thursday needs to be read using water, but not ordinary water from the tap, but sacred water in the church, where you need to buy 1 candle which you bring home for a magical ritual for love on the day

To chastise yourself from longing for the loved one with whom you broke up, this light white spell will help, freeing you from longing for love and strong sadness for your loved one and giving peace of mind for the person you broke up with. Three times in a row, read the words of the spell for lovesickness, sadness and sadness over food or drink that you need to sit down and drink for dinner, and then go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you will completely get rid of the feeling of love and affection for your former love, thus once and for all ridding yourself of lovesickness. Conspiracy words for melancholy and sadness that need to be read over food and drink

In order to improve relationships and make peace with a loved one after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, boyfriend or girlfriend), in the old days they read this powerful plot for reconciliation. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the person on whom the magical influence was directed is the first to realize his guilt and looks for a reason to quickly make peace. To do this, when it gets dark in the evening, you need to go outside and, moving away from the bright light, look at the sky. You need to wait for the first star to appear and, looking at it three times in a row, read a plot forcing a person to be the first to reconcile after

After a quarrel with your beloved spouse - husband or wife, a plot to reconcile spouses will help you make peace, which should be read immediately after the scandal and, despite any circumstances, the spouses will quickly make peace. Both the wife and the husband, as well as their parents who are worried about the happiness of their children, can read a conspiracy that will help persuade a person to reconcile. This is a white conspiracy prayer to St. Irene that will help reconcile spouses and maintain peace and love in the family after a strong scandal. The words of the conspiracy must be read in front of the Holy icon

To make peace, you need to read a plot for reconciliation. Reconciliation with a loved one after a strong quarrel by reading a conspiracy will force him to be the first to ask for forgiveness and make peace, becoming the initiator of peace after a quarrel and even the most violent scandal. A good way to make peace using magic is to read a peace plot after a quarrel. So, if you have had a big quarrel with someone, and there is almost no hope left for reconciliation, you can read a special plot to restore relationships after a quarrel, forcing the person to reconcile and forget about all the grievances. You need to read the plot to quickly make peace with twelve burning church candles in the morning and evening

A common love spell that a wife can make on her husband’s wedding ring. A love plot helps restore relationships in the family and return the husband from his mistress or stop his “partying”. To cast a spell on your loved one’s ring, buy a new handkerchief in the store, which you need to sprinkle with holy water before the love spell. In church, take home seven red church candles. At night, after 12 o’clock, light all 7 church candles, and pass a scarf seven times through the ring of your beloved man, reading a plot for the love of your husband

A saliva spell to attract a loved one to oneself is a very common love ritual that can very quickly, sometimes instantly, make a person feel very sad with the help of a spell. Immediately after reading the plot on your saliva, your loved one will feel a strong love connection and, yearning for loneliness, will be the first to want to see each other and talk. You can read the plot at any time of the day. Go to the front door of your apartment and, spitting on the door frame and looking at the flowing saliva, say a love spell

A daytime love spell is suitable for all girls and women who are not married and want to bewitch their beloved guy or unmarried man to themselves during the daytime. To make a love spell on your own during the day, you need to take a new (not worn) wedding ring on a sunny day, maybe not gold, but tin or copper, most importantly without a stone. Putting the ring on the ring finger of your right hand, remember the image of your beloved, thinking how much he loved you and how he will marry you. Spells will teach you how to quickly make someone you like fall in love with you during the day by doing a simple love spell on your own. Go to the window, or better yet, go outside and put your right hand under

In this article:

A portrait of a person or a photograph can not only convey an image of his appearance, but also contain his energy, as they used to say - a piece of his soul. Each photograph contains a strong spiritual connection with the person captured in it. The more detailed the photograph, the later it was taken, the stronger this energetic connection.

In general, a photograph of a person conveys his appearance as accurately as possible, and therefore photographs can be used in a wide variety of magical rituals. A spell based on a portrait or photograph can solve a variety of problems.

Love spells using photography

The most popular rituals that use a photograph of a person are various love spells. To carry out such a ritual, you will need a photograph taken a maximum of one year ago. In addition, the photo should show only the purpose of the ritual, without any extraneous persons or animals. If you only have group photos, you can crop out the part that shows the person you want, but be careful not to damage their head.

Working with a photograph is much easier than holding an image of the object in your mind

It is always worth remembering that a photograph is strongly connected with the person depicted in it, and therefore, by performing a ritual in a photo, the performer takes on great responsibility, because he will influence the life and thoughts of another person. Under no circumstances should such rituals be used to harm or take revenge; in this case, the magician may receive a strong blow from negative negative energy.

After performing a magical ritual, the used photograph must be stored for a very long time and carefully, since it is it that acts as the connecting link between the energy of the magician and the purpose of the ritual.

When to cast a love spell from a photograph

To achieve maximum effect, any love spell ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, preferably in the first or second quarter of the lunar month.

It is also worth remembering about special women's and men's days for the ritual. If the purpose of the ritual is a woman, then it should be performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; if the ritual is aimed at a man, then on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

It is also worth paying special attention to the description of each plot and strictly following all the recommendations provided.

An effective conspiracy in the photo of a guy

If you suffer from unrequited love and are already desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then this magical ritual is suitable for you. To carry it out, you will need a fresh single photograph in which the target’s face is clearly visible.

The phantom with which we work using photography reads a given program

We take a photo of the target in the right hand and a photo of ourselves in the left hand. We bring the photos closer to each other and, looking at them, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Like two hands of a man, like two wings of a bird, the servant of God (the name of the beloved) and the servant of God (her own name) will be together forever. Just as the earth and the sky are inseparable, so you and I, beloved, will not be spilled by water, nor will the wind be scattered, with every obstacle our love continues to grow. The heavenly forces bind us together, the divine angels bless us. As said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, you need to attach the pictures to your face, and then connect them together and put them under your pillow. They should remain under the pillow until the spell takes effect. To prevent the pictures from falling apart during sleep, you can wrap them in a thin white scarf.

As soon as the first positive results of this ritual appear, for example, your loved one finally turns his attention to you, the pictures need to be moved from under the pillow to any secluded place where no one except you will find them.

Love spell after sunset

After sunset, you need to sit down at the table, put a photo of the target and your photo on it, with the images facing up. Sit in silence for a few minutes, concentrating on the desired result of the ritual.

Then you need to turn your photo over and write your lover’s name on the back side. Do the same with a photo of your loved one, only write your name. Now we put the pictures together, right sides together, and tie them with a needle and red thread.

Rituals with photographs are very effective, you just need to comply with the working conditions

During this time, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the faces in the photographs. When the pictures are tightly connected, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“For all eternity I knit the servant of God (the name of my beloved) with the servant of God (my own name), I knit with strong, unbreakable bonds. Let it be so. Amen".

Then you need to put the pictures in a white envelope, seal it and seal it with candle wax, saying:

“I seal the servant of God (beloved name) with the servant of God (proper name) forever and ever, from evil intent, from evil eyes, from lapel. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The enchanted envelope with photographs must be safely hidden at home.

Lapel from photo

A special photography ceremony allows not only to establish a connection between lovers, but also to break their relationship. To do this, you can use a simple but effective magical ritual.

We take a photo of the person with whom we need to break off relations, and say something about the photo:

“There is cold in my heart, ice in my soul, I don’t love you anymore (name of goal), I don’t love you and I don’t need you. Get out of my heart, get out of my thoughts, free my soul from this day until the end of time. I forget you forever, I forget, I forget how I tear up your photograph. Let it be so".

While pronouncing the last words, you need to tear the photograph into small pieces and then scatter them in the wind.

Spell for good luck at work

Using photo spells, you can also solve a variety of business problems - improve relationships with your boss, attract the right client, and much more.
This conspiracy is carried out in the photograph of the boss. You need to put the photograph on the table, and a copper coin on top of it, and then read the words:

“From now on and for many years to come, you will trust me in everything, you will agree with me in everything. You will come to me with business, you will bring good news and gold to my wallet. From now on and for many years to come, as I said, it will always be so.”

Every girl dreams of the moment when true love appears in her life. Sometimes women decide to turn to higher powers for help in order to speed up this event. They make a strong spell on a photograph of a loved one so that romantic feelings awaken in him as soon as possible.

A strong love spell can act with the same power as a love spell.

Rules for reading conspiracies from photos

The conspiracy in the photo will only work if it was done according to all the rules. It is worth studying in advance all the nuances of such rituals intended to be carried out at home in order to soon get a guaranteed result:

  • For the ritual, recent photographs of a man are suitable, in which he is depicted at his current age.
  • There should be only one guy in the photo, in whom love for the girl performing the ritual should awaken. If there is only a group photo, then it is allowed to crop it.
  • It is better to choose the period of the waxing moon for the ceremony. On these nights, the photo spell is more effective. Although there are exceptions.
  • The enchanted photograph must be kept safe for a long time.
  • A strong plot should be read by looking at a photograph of a loved one. Feelings for him must be sincere.
  • Before reading any plot, you must remove any jewelry from yourself. It is recommended to choose loose clothing or perform the ceremony completely naked. You should take a bath and wash your hair in advance. There is no need to tie them up or stake them during the ritual. A girl should have a natural appearance, but remain well-groomed and beautiful.
  • All magical rituals on a love theme are performed in complete solitude. The girl must choose a moment when no one will stop her from saying a prayer to higher powers that can help her make her chosen one fall in love with her.
  • A couple of days before the conspiracy, you should observe a light fast. But this is an optional rule. However, you should not neglect them. On the day of the ceremony, it is best to limit yourself to food and fast a little. There should be no harm to the body from this.

Each individual conspiracy requires compliance with certain rules and recommendations. Therefore, you need to read the instructions in advance before carrying out it.

Over many decades, women have been able to identify several of the most effective conspiracies for a man’s love, which have been tested by time. They are suitable for reading at home.

Spell for a man's love No. 1

An ideal plot for girls who have no experience in magical rituals. With its help, they will be able to bewitch the person they like to them for many years. The prayer should be read daily for one week, preferably before going to bed, to enhance its effect.

After all, all magical rituals are usually performed in the late evenings or at night.

Photography in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person. By influencing it, you can change the behavior of another in the desired direction.

“I call on the power of love, I kindle it with the flame of passion. You go, love, into the heart of (name of the chosen one), settle there forever. Kindle (the name of the chosen one) for me (your name) with a hot fire. Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his soul desire to unite with me. As I said, so it will be! Amen, amen, amen."

The words should be spoken several times. For some girls, it is enough to say them three times, while others will need five or six readings. It all depends on how soon she feels the power of her own words.

Afterwards, you need to put the photo under your pillow and immediately go to bed. There is no need to talk to anyone so as not to disrupt the ritual.

Conspiracy No. 2

Another strong conspiracy for true love, which is used by many representatives of the fair half at home. You will also need a photo of the man you like. The magical ritual will have to be performed three times a day. Namely at dawn, when evening comes and during sunset. It is necessary to read the plot by looking into the eyes of the person depicted in the photograph in order to feel a connection with him.

“Just as the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) cannot be and live without his shadow, so the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) cannot without longing for me, the servant of God (his name). Walk and stammer, suffocate with melancholy. As the sun moves across the sky, so do you, along every road, come to me, the servant of God (your name). My word is strong and molding. Amen!".

A photograph spelled for love must be kept next to you. No one else should look at him anymore, so as not to prevent the magic from doing its job.

Conspiracy using two photos

For this powerful conspiracy, you need to prepare. Before reading it at home, you should get two photographs. One picture should show the girl herself, and the other should show her beloved guy. They take them in different hands, raise them in front of them and begin to whisper the following words:

“(Your name) and (the chosen one’s name) will be together forever: like 2 wings, like 2 hands, like earth and sky. The water will not spill us, the wind will not separate us. Our love is just arriving. The heavenly forces held us together, the holy angels blessed us. There is no other way! Amen!".

When the love spell has been read, you should put together two photographs that took part in the magical ritual. They should be facing each other. Now you can safely send them under your pillow. You should not take out pictures until the girl begins to notice pleasant changes in the guy towards her. After the first signs of a guy’s feelings appear, the photos must be hidden so that no one can look at them. These two photographs will become a talisman that will preserve the sincere love coming from the person you like.

Conspiracy using a white tablecloth and candles

To perform a magical ritual, which many women call very powerful, you will need a white tablecloth and three candles purchased in the church. The snow-white linen should be laid on a clean table. Candles are placed nearby. It is better to place them in candlesticks or saucers in advance. In the process of lighting them, you can begin to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Oh, Lord Almighty, I pray to you for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep hole, create a thorny fence and death’s lingering melancholy. Close there, Lord, the slave (name of the chosen one), so that he does not leave me and does not find another woman for himself. Lock it, and take the key for yourself. Help me, Lord, God’s faithful servant (your name). And until the lock is opened, the slave (name of the chosen one) will not stop loving me. Amen!".

By performing a ritual by candlelight yourself, you call upon the powerful element of fire to your aid, which can greatly increase the power of the spoken magic words.

For the spell to work, it must be said three times. After each complete reading at home, you need to blow out one church candle. When they are all extinguished, they should be connected to each other and securely fastened to the saucer. Now you need to light the candles again. A strong spell on a loved one will work if they burn out to the very end. During the process, smoke will begin to appear. After the ritual, the windows are opened so that the room can be properly ventilated. The smoke should be carried away by the wind.

Conspiracy with water

And the last strong conspiracy that will help awaken sincere feelings in your loved one. It is also suitable for use at home.

For such a ritual you need clean water, over which you will have to read a love plot. A girl who has decided to turn to higher powers should wash herself with it. Say the text clearly three times. Afterwards you will need to wash your face once again with the charmed water. You are allowed to simply take a bath with her. The prayer itself for this ritual is as follows:

“Water-water, drink the blood of the Great Mother. Earth-Earth, fill the water with your blood. Heavenly Father, hear your daughter’s request, bless the water with your strength. Let the beauty come, and whoever sees it will become mine and will no longer look at others. Let it be so!".

Girls and women who have used this ritual to attract the person they like have repeatedly noted its effectiveness. It is possible that the first results will be noticeable the very next day. For this reason, the conspiracy is called one of the most powerful in white magic. It is very convenient due to the fact that any girl can easily carry it out at home.

Love in itself is real magic, without which not a single guy or girl can live. That is why so many different conspiracies have been invented for her to help her reunite with her soulmate. But you need to understand that the intervention of magical forces in ordinary life never remains without consequences. Girls have to pay a certain price to be close to their chosen one. Therefore, you need to think in advance about whether the chosen guy is worth such serious sacrifices.

A love spell will help you attract attention and even make someone you care about for a long time fall in love with you. All that is required is an image of the one you want to bewitch. Find out how to make an effective love spell using a photo.

Simple love spell

Select a photo of the person you want to bewitch. The person must be alone in the photograph and the image must be clear and legible. It is advisable that the photograph be full-length. If there are several people in the photo, you can cut off the extra ones.

On the back of the photo, write the name, the person on whom the love spell will be performed, and your desire, for example: “to be sad,” “to be bored,” “to fall in love.”

During the ritual you must remain alone in a dark room. You will need a thick candle, which you need to move over the photo while reading the love spell:

"May heaven grant my wish
May it help me become happier.
May the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) turn to me
And there will be no end to my joy
And Rock will reward me with happiness and grace"

It is worth repeating the text of the plot three times, after which the photo is burned in a candle flame.

Love spell for a man

Choose a clear photo where the man’s face is clearly visible, preferably one where he is happy and smiling. Before reading the text of the love spell, mentally refer to the image of your lover and reveal your feelings to him, imagining that this is happening in reality.

Place the photo on the table and cover it with your hands, then say three times:

“Tie, O Fate, me and my beloved (the man’s name) with unfastened ties and strong love. Let all that is unclean depart from us, and all that is bright appear. Amen"

After this, put the photo under your pillow, where it should lie for 7 nights. Every time before going to bed, repeat the words of a love spell to yourself. On the eighth day, hide the photo in a safe place. As long as the photograph exists, the love of the bewitched will grow stronger.

A powerful love spell

This love spell must be performed at midnight, in clear weather, so that the Moon and Stars are visible. You will need a clear photograph of a person on the back of which you must write your desire in black ink, for example: “Come to me and become mine forever,” “love me deeply and never betray me.”

You need to hold a lit church candle over the photograph, silently repeating the words written on the back. This is done until the image is covered with candle wax. Then place the photo in front of you, cover it with your right palm and cast a love spell with your eyes closed:

“Come to me my destiny,
How the Sun appears in heaven every morning,
As the moon comes, every night
How the Stars light up to show the right path,
I conjure the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) to appear to me
And stay next to me forever.

When making a love spell, approach the ritual with all seriousness. Before you bewitch a person, think about whether you really want this, because any conspiracy will have consequences. Strictly follow the rules of love rituals and you will be able to achieve your plans. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.08.2015 01:00

Often a woman suddenly faces grief - her husband leaves the family. You can return your loved one using love magic. Find out, ...



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