Psychological, medical and health tourism, medical tours. Aspects of tourism

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A tourist is a citizen visiting a country (or place) of temporary stay for specific purposes, without engaging in paid activities in the host country and spending at least one night in this country. According to international standards, the period of stay cannot exceed 12 months in a row, according to national standards - 6 months. Senin, B.C. Organization of international tourism / V.S. Senin. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - P.372.

Attitudes towards leisure have changed gradually from century to century. Thus, the working week has been significantly shortened. In the 50s of the XIX century. the average working week was 70 hours. It was longer even for those who were employed in agriculture. By 1920, the workweek had fallen to 50 hours. This trend can be partly explained by the declining number of people employed in agriculture.

The average working day also decreased from 12 to 8 hours per day. The number of working days has been reduced from 7 to 5. The social psychology of consumers is constantly undergoing significant changes. In the 5070s, when the economy was ready to produce more and the consumer to consume more, work was perceived as the main component of human existence, and rest as a means of recuperating for further work. Nowadays people consider the right to rest as the most significant aspect of life. Life should be enjoyable, rest is an opportunity for personal self-realization, and work is a necessary means of maintaining an appropriate standard of living.

The new consumer strives, as before, to consume more, but now to the extent that primary needs are satisfied. He is more focused on impressions, knowledge, pleasure, self-expression and to a lesser extent on material values.

A new type of consumer has emerged in the Russian market, distinguished by the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

high level of awareness;

high demands on comfort and quality of services;


ecologism of consciousness (awareness of the fragility of the environment and its inextricable unity with man);

spontaneity of decisions;


physical and mental activity on vacation;

the desire to receive a kaleidoscope of impressions from life.

The new Russian consumer of travel services, most of whom have already been abroad and have an idea of ​​​​quality service, is sophisticated, more informed, demanding, critical of the goods and services offered to him, spoiled by foreign abundance, thirsty for a variety of impressions and pleasures, active, independent changes his behavior in the tourism market.

The above-mentioned changes in the social psychology of consumption have influenced stereotypes of consumer behavior in the tourism services market. In Western countries, over the past 30 years, the rapid development of tourism, and in Russia, literally over the last decade, the most important changes have occurred in the stereotypes of tourist behavior.

1. In the motivations of tourist trips, the influence of active forms of recreation is increasing and there is a deepening of its segmentation.

The process of dividing the market into homogeneous groups of consumers,

to whom different products (services, works, ideas) and different marketing efforts (customized marketing mixes) should be addressed is called market segmentation. Golubkov, E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook / E.P. Golubkov. - M: Finpress, 2000. - P. 264.

2. In the 50-80s, travel within the country prevailed and only a few had the opportunity to go on business trips or vacations on trade union vouchers and mainly to the countries of the former socialist camp or neighboring countries. Since the beginning of the 90s, the geography of tourist travel has had a pronounced tendency towards the expansion of outbound tourism and a reduction in demand for tours within the country. Within outbound tourism, there is an increase in demand in the “long-distance travel” segment: tours to the exotic countries of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Japan, and countries of Eastern and Southern Europe.

3. An emerging trend is an increase in the number of tourist trips, including short-term ones for recreational purposes. Some tourists are beginning to prefer short but frequent trips on weekends or on holidays: New Year's, Easter, May holidays, etc. Short but frequent trips meet the requirements of the consumer of travel services, such as spontaneity in choosing a tourist center, an intense, experience-filled vacation . A short but intensive vacation differs from the main vacation by a higher level of expenses per day of stay in a tourist center, greater activity and mobility of tourists.

Changing people's lifestyles. Lifestyle is the established form of human existence in the world, which is expressed in his activities, interests and beliefs. Lifestyle represents a comprehensive portrait of a person in his actions and interactions with the environment. This is more than the fact of belonging to a certain social class or personality type. Knowing that a person belongs to a particular social class, one can draw certain conclusions about his expected behavior, but one cannot imagine him as an individual.

A person’s personality makes its own adjustments to the buyer’s choice. Personality refers to the distinctive psychological characteristics that determine an individual's individual and relatively stable responses to the environment. Personal characteristics can be used in the analysis of preferences given by consumers to certain types of goods (certain services). Yankevich, V. S., Bezrukova N. L. Marketing in the hotel industry and tourism / V.S. Yankevich. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - P. 172.

Having information about a person's personality type, one can draw conclusions about his distinctive psychological characteristics, but one cannot learn about his activities, interests and beliefs. When developing a marketing strategy for a product (service), managers strive to reveal the relationship between the product (service) and a certain way of life.

People are attracted to adventure travel, new experiences, healthy recreation, etc. They are interested in self-expression and self-satisfaction by experiencing new lifestyles and exploring new leisure activities. On vacation, they devote time to getting to know themselves. And modern society supports this individualism, the thirst for self-respect and self-expression.

Experiments with lifestyles, weekend getaways, gender equality, and women's emancipation have given tourism new consumer groups. Fashion, customs, habits, and traditions also influence the behavior of consumers of travel services and, accordingly, demand. Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism / V.A. Kvartalnov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. - P.238.

Psychographic segmentation of travel agency clients combines a whole range of consumer characteristics. In general, it is expressed by the concept of “lifestyle”. The latter is a model of a person’s life, which is determined by hobbies, actions, interests, opinions, type of relationships with other people, etc. Durovich, A.P. Marketing in tourism / A.P. Durovich. - Mn.: New knowledge, 2001. - P. 219.

Psychographics combines methods of quantitative measurement of personality traits, values, and lifestyle of a consumer. Personality refers to a person’s unique reactions to environmental stimuli that reflect his individuality. Angel, D. Consumer Behavior / D. Angel. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 2000. - P.327.

Psychographic analysis (lifestyle analysis) allows managers to understand what lifestyles the buyers of their products adhere to, and this in turn makes it possible to communicate more effectively with representatives of different segments. At the same time, you can figure out how to position a new or existing product, how best to “communicate” it to consumers who adhere to a certain lifestyle (probably more effective than using demographic indicators alone). The main idea of ​​the method is to look beyond standard variables, to present a product in accordance with the actions, hopes, fears and dreams of the target audience. Psychographic segmentation of consumers of various goods and services based on K-TGI data. Access mode.

Psychographic, or psychological-behavioral, criteria of tourist behavior: motive for the trip; psychological portrait of a tourist; seasonality, organization and form of travel (group or individual); vehicles used; accommodation facilities; remoteness of the target; duration of the trip (is of great importance for producers of tourism services, since it has been noted that tourists undertaking short tours are prepared for greater expenses and are inclined to a more intensive excursion program). These criteria also include sources of funding for the trip (social tourism, recreation for low-income groups of the population, which is subsidized by the social insurance system; incentive tours, incentive trips for company employees and their families, financed by the company); consultants and intermediaries in making decisions about travel (travel agent, tour operator). In psychological and behavioral segmentation, consumers are divided into groups based on lifestyle characteristics and goals regarding their free time, personality characteristics and behavioral characteristics, as well as stereotypes regarding the consumption of tourism products.

Depending on the motivation of a tourist trip (travel purpose), the following tourism segments are distinguished: business, sports, resort, health, adventure, entertainment, educational, educational, exotic, hobby tour.

Many of them are divided into smaller sub-segments, for example in recreational tourism these are vacation tourism and tourism for the purpose of treatment. It is often difficult to draw a clear line between individual segments based on motivation: business tourism can be combined with educational tourism, sports tourism with recreational tourism.

Attempts are being made to generalize certain needs and characteristics of consumers of travel services and to identify types of travelers, combining many homogeneous characteristics. The data of typologies created on the basis of a set of criteria are always conditional, but in the marketing of a company, when carrying out market segmentation and identifying target groups, they can be rationally used for training personnel, when choosing media for an advertising campaign, as well as when determining marketing goals.

Segments obtained by dividing the tourism market based on people's lifestyles can provide answers to questions about the behavior, interests, beliefs, perceptions, values ​​and needs of representatives of each such segment. For example, consumer groups have been identified: the self-absorbed pleasure seeker; active and purposeful personality; representative of the business community, the so-called “blue collar”; traditional homebody.

Self-absorbed pleasure seeker. A young man working in a monotonous, uninteresting job seeks satisfaction from real and imagined outdoor activities. He likes to go fishing and hunting, play basketball, and is passionate about expensive sports cars. He has a decent income, but all purchasing decisions are made spontaneously. This person does not plan life for the long term. He is a regular viewer of sports, adventure and other active programs on TV.

Active and purposeful personality. She uses all her abilities and energy to achieve promotion, has a great interest in her work, is liberal, with modern views on many aspects of life, and self-confident. Such a person is in constant search of new sensations and active activities, for example skiing, sailing on a yacht, traveling abroad. This person reads magazines to keep up to date with all the events and latest trends in modern culture. He watches sports television programs, entertainment shows and breaking news reports.

Business personality. Has more free funds at his disposal to buy a second home and expensive vacations, in contrast to an active, purposeful person. But she prefers to move short distances and is less mobile, since she has a permanent place of residence and an established family. She is a reader of business magazines, newspapers, news briefs, and special television programs about travel and nature.

"Blue Collar" Living in small towns or on the outskirts of large cities, they have strong beliefs about social values, such as a sense of patriotism, morality and the need for hard work. They consider a family vacation in tents (camping) to be an excellent vacation. They love hunting and fishing. Of all the television sports programs, they prefer bowling or football.

Traditional homebody. His main problem is his inability to keep up with the rapidly changing world. He admits that he is a follower of old traditions and expects the same from other people. He tries to get the most out of every ruble he spends. A homebody avoids anything that involves risk and will never make purchases on credit. He is a viewer of television comedies. His main source of information about the latest events in the world is news broadcasts on television.

All these segments provide a superficial description of consumers. When dividing the tourism market according to general characteristics, the segments obtained according to the lifestyle criterion represent groups of consumers with completely different needs and values. Each segment represents a main market for which a special tourism product is developed. Sociodemographic data reveals the physical and financial capabilities and limitations of each segment. Lifestyle descriptions provide insight into the needs and demands of each segment. Each segment's media usage data shows the media through which an advertising campaign can be launched to reach that segment.

The segmentation of tourism demand tends to be infinite, this is due to factors such as the increasing complexity of the structure of human needs, the growing importance of recreation and tourism in the life of society.

The complication of the structure of tourist needs determines the emergence of not only new segments in tourist demand, but also mixed forms of tourism. Kvartalnov, V.A. Tourism / V.A. Kvartalnov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. - P.244.

By classifying its clients, the travel agency is able to offer a more individualized package of products with related and additional services. A more correct choice is made about the need for customer loyalty, the possibility of error is minimized, and the profitability of the enterprise increases. Having identified a group of unprofitable clients, you can throw off the negative ballast and transfer part of the funds to retain existing profitable clients.

13 chosen

I really love to travel, discover new things, and share travel photos with others. And in this regard, I really don’t like... tourists. More precisely, I don’t like one very specific type of tourists: those who travel in packs of twenty people...

Simply because it’s impossible! You are trying to photograph the beauty of a place, and then a bus arrives with a crowd of people who are mainly worried about the opportunity to take a dozen shots on a soap box in the style of “me and that horse.” As a rule, tourists of this type have only their loved ones in all photographs from their trip. In this situation, by the way, I still feel very sorry for the guide - at best, a couple of people listen to him. But let’s put dissatisfaction aside and take a broader look and understand what other types of tourists exist?


By the way, there are also different ones. There are people who are completely exhausted from work, who simply don’t have the energy for new experiences, but want to lie down and get away from the stress. And there are those very people who all over the world cause an unambiguous negative reaction and a dismissive shrug of the shoulders in their direction. Like, what can we take from them - beachgoers... If they go on excursions, they turn into the type of tourists that I don’t like so much.

Experience seekers

A very broad subgroup. It includes:

Food tourists– for them, the main thing in a country is its taste. It is important for such people to try everything that is most authentic. By the way, most often they understand perfectly well that authentic food in Thailand does not come from street eateries.

Photo tourists– crazy people who won’t part with kilograms of photographic equipment. For them, the quality of the trip is determined by the number of successful shots.

Extreme sportsmen– surfers, snowboarders and other trekking enthusiasts. "Movement is life!" - that's their motto. After the trip, the stories will mainly be about how many kilometers they walked and how successfully they dived with scuba gear.

Shopping tourists– their trips take place strictly on sales days, they know the location of all the fashion boutiques in Paris and Milan, and are also able to list all the shopping centers that are on Orchard Road in Singapore.

Back packers– they don’t have suitcases, they have backpacks. And with these backpacks they are able to go around the whole world if they are not stopped in time. They are not chasing luxury hotels and expensive restaurants. For them, the main thing is the realization that they were in this country.

All four subgroups can be mixed in any order. I noticed that very often extreme sports enthusiasts and photo tourists are the same people.


A very special type of tourist. They come to the country and after a couple of days they decide to stay here for a couple of months, rent an apartment and just live. Sometimes they go shopping, sometimes they go to take pictures or lie on the beach. If you really like the country and your budget allows, such a tourist gets his own home and turns into a local resident.

What type of tourist do you consider yourself to be? It is clear that priorities may change depending on circumstances. But which type is closest to you most often? To me – a hybrid of a photo and food tourist with a resident.

Elena Evstratova ,


Psychological elements in tourism

Tourism psychology is also called social psychology, and its section, which studies the relationships between people during the holiday process, examines the motivations associated with tourist travel and services.

The most important factor in the work of a travel agency is understanding the wishes of the client. It is necessary to know the reason, the motive that prompted them to choose this or that tourist product, their expectations from the trip. To achieve this goal, specialists often use A. Maslow’s theory of human needs motivation.

According to A. Maslow, human needs presuppose the presence of:

  1. physiological primary needs that are of greatest importance to a person;
  2. security needs, thanks to which protection against danger or any threat is sought;
  3. relationship or social needs, which become important after the previous two points are satisfied;
  4. psychological needs - respect or self-love - relate to the status of communication with others, the desire for knowledge and success;
  5. needs of self-expression and development related to the internal state of a person, his creative potential.

Tourist motivations can be combined into several types:

  • physical motivation on vacation is aimed at reducing fatigue and tension through active physical activity;
  • cultural motivations represent the desire to obtain information about other regions, to get acquainted with culture, history, architecture;
  • social motivations imply the desire to meet new people and visit friends;
  • motivation for changing activities involves the client’s desire to get out of the routine associated with work or everyday activities;
  • motivations of status and prestige are associated with a person’s “I” and his personal development;
  • entertainment motivation is associated with the desire to have fun (dancing, sports, music, walks).

The role of psychological preparation in tourism

Note 2

The main task in tourism is to ensure the safety of clients. To solve it, physical and technical preparation of the tourist is carried out. However, when studying the statistics of emergency incidents that occurred during campaigns, it was found that the main cause of most of these events is of psychological significance.

Situations of loss of not only physical, but also psychological health during the trip are also possible. For example, worries due to the fact that the purchased tourist product does not correspond to one’s own ideas about the trip, etc. Also, the guest may fall into despondency and despair when he finds himself in a new, unfamiliar environment. When it comes to extreme tourism, the tourist’s nervous system may not be able to cope with the stress - a person may panic and break down.

All of these are important points when working with clients, which speaks to the psychological preparation of the tourist as another safety factor. Within the framework of this issue, it is necessary to highlight the need to use psychological preparation.

Some modern tourism enterprises, when purchasing certain types of tourism products, offer clients to undergo psychological testing, according to which the degree of readiness of the tourist to travel a given route is revealed or whether he should abstain from it altogether. When working on specific destinations, travel agency managers must inform about the dangers of the tour and give recommendations on physical and psychological preparation.

However, it should be noted that the modern tourism industry does not yet pay such close attention to the psychological state of the tourist, leaving this task to the guide, who can determine directly on the route which of the clients is better off abandoning the hike or trip.

The concept of psychological tourism

Definition 1

Psychological tourism is a fundamentally new direction of tourism, which has already gained its popularity, the emergence of which occurred due to the fact that the urban population is constantly in a state of stress due to the fast pace of the metropolis.

Bustle, noise, lack of opportunity for rest and constant rush have a negative impact on a person’s physical and emotional state. As a way out of this situation, tour operators have developed psychological tourism.

Psychological tourism allows you to restore the psychological state of a person who is surrounded by problems and routine tasks for a significant part of the day. Such rest is necessary for those who are committed to constant development and improvement. It is an excellent opportunity to reveal the client’s inner potential and sets him up for positive action.

Note 3

It should be noted that in addition to physical and mental stress, the human nervous system is subject to emotional exhaustion.

Negative experiences such as anger, fear or bad mood reduce performance, depriving one of strength and peace of mind. New emotions and impressions gained from the trip will help the client direct his life along a more harmonious path. If a tourist, along with relaxation, receives psychological skills at the same time, then at the end of the tour he will be able to observe positive changes in himself.

Today, a paradoxical situation has arisen: on the one hand, they introduced tourism, referring to the classical classification of types of tourism, but they reject psychological tourism (psitourism, Ψ-tourism); at the same time, in the realities of the tourism industry, this type of tourism not only exists, but is also gaining strength; on the other hand, research in the field of tourism does not fall into the epicenter of scientific interests of representatives of psychological science, which leads to obviously unsuccessful attempts to scientifically substantiate this phenomenon - Ψ-tourism, by enthusiastic specialists only in the field of tourism.

Scientific significance: For the first time, a new phenomenon that exists at the intersection of psychology and tourism, psychological tourism, has been scientifically substantiated. Practical significance: the results of the study can be implemented in the activities of companies offering a new tourism service - psychological tourism. Social significance: the organization of Ψ-tourism allows you to remove the psychological barrier that still exists among most people not associated with psychology, and manifests itself in the form of a distorted understanding of the essence of psychological counseling, fear of contacting a psychologist, fear of psychological deviations in the structure of their personality.

Psitourism is an opportunity to apply the knowledge, methods and technologies of psychological science in another field of knowledge - tourism, which, in turn, will reach a larger population and form an adequate attitude towards psychology, and therefore popularize psychology as a science.

Main goals: 1) scientifically substantiate Ψ-tourism as an innovative phenomenon in the realities of the tourism industry, 2) develop Ψ-tourism technology for its implementation in the activities of travel companies, 3) develop an educational program for psychologists to improve their skills within the framework of psychological tourism. Additional goal: to form among consumers the following image of Ψ-tourism: psitourism is, firstly, a vacation for mentally healthy people of productive age, and secondly, it is a vacation aimed not only at contemplating the beauty of the outside world, but also at harmonizing the inner world , i.e. rest that allows you to orient yourself in the space of your psychological reality.

Target Audience: people of productive age.

PREPARATORY STAGE . In January 2009, in preparation for the new tourist season, on the basis of the Time Travel company, the idea of ​​substantiating and developing psitourism was proposed. During the first stage, an article by Buryak L.G. was published. “Psychological tourism: what is it?”, which reflects the scientific understanding of this type of tourism: “Based on the classification of types, forms and types of tourism proposed by the WTO, we can determine that the term “psychological tourism” should be considered as a type of tourism distinguished by criterion - “short-term or longer rest for the purpose of physical or psychological restoration of the body.” At the same time, it is important not to confuse this type of tourism with recreational tourism: in the first case, we are talking about restoring a person’s psychological resources, i.e. about the restoration of those internal forces that the client turns to in difficult life situations, in the second - about the treatment and recovery of a person suffering from a certain disease and acting as a patient. Psychological tourism is designed to meet the needs of a mentally and physically healthy person. Therefore, specialists (consultants on experiences and perceptions) who do not have a medical education, but have a higher psychological education, can provide psychological support to clients. The concept of psychological tourism (Ψ-tourism) is based on the fundamental principles of Gestalt psychology. The goal of psychological tourism is to achieve internal integrity and harmony of the individual (better understanding and acceptance by a person of himself, greater fulfillment and meaningfulness of life, improved contacts with the outside world) through specially organized tourism activities - Ψ-tourism through psychological support of the client-tourist, expressed in helping the client -tourist to navigate the space of his psychological reality. The main objectives of Ψ-tourism: a) solving psychological problems through comprehension of internal and external existence, b) the client’s knowledge of his psychological reality, his personal resources (hidden physical and psychological capabilities of a person), c) developing a “feeling” for life (the joy of being, fullness of life, one’s “need”), d) improving the client’s social contacts, his ability to enter into and build social contacts; e) formation and development of the ability to take responsibility for oneself, one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Methods of work in Ψ-tourism: conversation (interview), contemplation, training, business games and exercises, listening (active and passive), analysis, introspection, telling a story about yourself, self-presentation, silence, etc. " MAIN STAGE. In June 2009, the first tour group of those wishing to become participants in Ψ-tourism was organized. Clients contacted the travel agency via the Internet. On the website of the travel company “Time Travel” information about psychotherapy was posted: “Know and understand yourself”, “Harmony”, “Anti-stress”. FINAL STAGE. At the end of the tourist season in November 2009, an analysis of the results obtained from the introduction of psitourism into the activities of the travel agency was carried out.

Conclusions: a) psitourism allows its participants to get rid of psychological stress, b) get rid of the distorted idea of ​​people turning to psychologists to solve their psychological problems, c) various organizations are interested in psitourism as a recreation that allows them to solve psychological problems in the internal corporate environment, d) psitourism – This is an innovative type of tourism that allows not only to relieve internal stress and restore the working capacity of an adult, but to strategically develop the tourism business.



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