Bald spots on a cat's beard. The cat has black spots on his chin - how to treat? Causes of lumps on the chin of a pet

Many owners do not pay much attention to the appearance of a sore on a cat’s chin. In fact, blackheads that look like dirty fur are a skin disease. Just like people, animals have problems in their bodies that gradually come out.

Causes of sores on the chin

Sores on a cat’s chin are a skin disease associated with inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the manifestation of which occurs for some reason.

  • stressful situations;
  • poor feeding conditions;
  • weak immunity;
  • skin disease;
  • improper care of the animal;
  • metabolic disorder.

It is still unclear exactly what causes unsightly sores in cats. The disease can occur in adult cats and kittens, in males and females. A malfunction in the body for various reasons leads to poor skin regeneration, which leads to the appearance of a sore on the cat’s chin in the form of acne.

Symptoms of sores on the chin

A single manifestation of acne in a place such as the chin does not always need to be treated. Often the disease goes away on its own in cats and cats, almost asymptomatically and does not bother the animal. But it may happen again. If it occurs frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.


  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • the appearance of black dots similar to dirt on the animal’s fur, the number of which gradually increases;
  • swollen lower jaw;
  • the appearance of ulcers that cause itching and irritation in cats;
  • at the last stage of the disease, blood sores appear on the combed chin, and hair falls out.

Treatment of sores on the chin

The first thing you need to do if any symptoms appear is to consult a specialist. In addition to examining the affected area, the doctor will prescribe tests to rule out possible other diseases associated with sores on the chin. If the diagnosis is confirmed, comprehensive treatment is prescribed:

  • tar soap and shampoo;
  • medicated shampoos;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents;
  • Percutan;
  • boosting immunity with vitamins;
  • Avoid fatty foods and plastic utensils.

In order for the sores to disappear, the disease can also be overcome in the initial stages using folk remedies, after consulting with a veterinarian.

At the site where sores accumulate, the hair is first cut and dried blood is removed. Herbal decoctions help soothe itching. Lotions of calendula and chamomile in combination with furatsilin. Apply a gauze bandage of a decoction of celandine or yarrow. You can wipe the affected area with a fresh piece of pumpkin.

In combination with medications, it is necessary to normalize the cat’s nutrition. Avoid fluffy and fatty foods in the form of pates, and ensure that the chin is clean and dry after eating.

Prevention of sores on the chin

To prevent the occurrence of such a skin disease, you need to follow simple rules:

  • the dishes must be glass or metal;
  • always clean water;
  • after eating, keep the lower jaw clean;
  • provide the cat with proper care and balanced nutrition;
  • vitamins.


Sores on the chin in cats are a fairly common occurrence that needs to be treated, or better yet, to prevent this disease from occurring. This doesn't require anything complicated. Taking good care of your pet and providing appropriate nutrition. The health of the animal depends entirely on this. In cases of primary occurrence of sores on the chin, it is necessary to cure, and then monitor the cleanliness of his muzzle and the feeding area.

Acne is a fairly common disease not only among people, but also among many representatives of the animal world. The main reason for the appearance of small pimples is inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The development of inflammatory processes leads to deformation of hair follicles and blockage of sebaceous ducts. It is this factor that leads to the appearance of blackheads and pimples. Let's find out what acne is in cats and how to deal with this problem.

Acne is the appearance of pimples or blackheads on the skin

The structure of the skin of the cat family is very similar to the structure of human skin. These similarities suggest that many cats experience the same dermatological conditions as humans. The most common skin disease is acne.

The location of the rash blisters on the surface of the skin depends on the location of the sebaceous glands. Most often, symptoms characteristic of acne are observed in cats in the area of ​​the ears, abdomen and ribs. The appearance of a small cluster of pimples in the chin area is the most common phenomenon. e. This problem does not pose a risk to the health of the pet. In most cases, such symptoms are only temporary and do not in any way affect the functioning of internal organs.

Among the negative consequences of acne, one should highlight the loss of aesthetic appeal due to disturbances in the process of sebaceous secretion production. The main danger of this problem is the high risk of developing dermatitis. With this disease, small ulcers form on the surface of the skin. If the cat begins to scratch the lesions, the situation may be complicated by the addition of a secondary infection.

External manifestation of the disease

The appearance of the rash and the nature of the lesion depend on the form and location of the inflammation. The rash blisters may have a reddish base and a white top. At certain stages of the development of the disease, purulent exudate may form inside the blisters.

It is not recommended to try to squeeze out such rashes. You must wait until the acne clears up on its own. In order to speed up this process, you can use special ointments with a drying effect.

Acne occurs due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the skin

Importance of diagnosis

Under no circumstances should you conduct a diagnostic examination of your pet yourself. It is best to entrust this matter to veterinarians. The clinical picture characteristic of acne is similar to diseases such as dermatomycosis, scabies mites and allergic reactions.

If carefully examined, pimples on the chin may turn out to be dirt or insect bites. To determine the causes of acne, it is necessary to scrape the lesions. Microscopic examination of the material allows you to accurately determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

What you can do at home

There are a number of specific rules for self-treatment of skin diseases in pets. When the first symptoms of acne appear, you should pay increased attention to your pet. In order to reduce the severity of itching, it is necessary to use special shampoos while bathing. In order to dry the rash blisters, you can use tar soap or a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.

In order to facilitate the application of medications to areas of inflammation, you need to carefully shave the hair on the affected areas of the body. In the presence of keratinized tissue, special keratolytic compounds are used. Salicylic acid can be used for this purpose. In combination with this medication, experts recommend using various local drugs, the action of which is aimed at regenerating damaged tissues and normalizing intercellular metabolism.

When talking about how to treat cat chin acne at home, it is important to mention that human scrubs and lotions should not be used to treat blackheads. It is also prohibited to treat acne in pets with antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics are used only in cases of severe forms of the disease, when the rash spreads throughout the pet's body. Only a specialist should prescribe medications, draw up a dosage regimen and establish a diagnosis. Self-use of potent medications can cause various complications during the course of the disease.

Even taking into account that the diagnosis made independently will be correct, the use of many medications can negatively affect the animal’s well-being. In addition, in the absence of the necessary knowledge, it is very difficult to choose the right dosage.

Causes of acne

The main cause of acne is inflammation of the hair follicles as a result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. However, the cause of such violations has not yet been identified. Experts from the field of veterinary medicine say that there are more than two dozen different reasons for the development of such a pathology. Let's take a look at the most common causes of acne in cats:

  1. Physiological predisposition. According to statistics, certain cat breeds are more susceptible to acne. Hairless cat breeds suffer from acne much more often than other members of the cat family.
  2. Incorrect care. Frequent bathing, little attention to hygiene, and the use of hygiene products not intended for cats are often the causes of acne.
  3. Incorrectly formulated diet. A lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements causes not only the appearance of acne on the surface of the skin of pets, but also other more complex diseases.

All cats are susceptible to pimples, regardless of the breed, age or gender of the animal.

The appearance of acne can be caused by dermatitis, hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, as well as pathologies associated with the rate of intercellular nutrient metabolism. Acne can be a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. In addition, problems with the functionality of the sebaceous glands can be caused by prolonged stress due to moving, climate change and other various factors.

Important! Acne on the surface of a cat's skin can be caused by congenital abnormalities in the structure of the sebaceous glands; this symptom is often observed in the presence of injuries that violate the integrity of the skin, as well as against the background of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Clinical symptoms

Acne in cats is characterized by symptoms such as the appearance of blackheads and red blisters, a rash on the chin, ears, tail and back. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, symptoms such as redness, swelling and swelling of the affected areas are observed. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of boils and medium-sized pustules. The formation of rashes can be accompanied by itching and pain, causing severe discomfort in the pet.

Failure to take timely measures can lead to hair loss. Due to the severity of the itching, the pet may be irritated and show aggression. However, there is no significant change in the cats' behavior. The disease in question does not affect those processes that play an important role in the life of domestic animals.

Is acne a threat to humans?

When acne appears in pets, many owners are interested in the question, is this disease contagious to humans? Acne on the body of cats does not pose a threat to human health. This fact is based on the fact that disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands are not caused by viruses and bacteria. That is why such pathological processes do not pose any threat even to people with a low level of immunity.

Important! Cat acne does not pose a threat to young children, representatives of the older age group, pregnant women and women during lactation.

Regular acne can lead to a serious infection

Drug treatment

Let's look at how to treat acne in cats on the chin and other parts of the body. One of the most common remedies for acne is chlorhexidine solution. However, the use of this remedy may not bring the desired result if the root cause of the disturbances in the sebaceous glands is not eliminated. In most cases, such disorders are caused by pathological processes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or changes in hormonal levels. Often, pimples on the chin are a kind of indicator that the cat is eating from dirty dishes.

Iodine can be used in combination with chlorhexidine. Thanks to its drying effect, iodine accelerates the spontaneous opening of acne. Before using iodine, the affected tissues should be thoroughly treated with chlorhexidine. To treat acne in pets, only a weakly concentrated iodine solution is used.

Along with the above medications, you can use hydrogen peroxide and calendula tincture. The use of these medications will reduce the severity of symptoms characteristic of acne. But in order to achieve a guaranteed and lasting effect, it is very important to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the four-legged pet’s body. In case of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. In this case, it is recommended to use an integrated approach to treatment, which will achieve the desired result in a short period of time.

To reduce the severity of inflammation, tetracycline or salicylic ointment should be used. It is enough to treat the affected areas of the body with these medications once a day. When using products for external application, care should be taken to ensure that the cat does not have the opportunity to wash the composition off the skin. In rare cases, for acne, systemic antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Among the variety of similar drugs used in the treatment of pets, Enrofloxacin and Amoxicillin should be highlighted due to their effective effects. Along with them, syntomycin and tetracycline ointments are used to treat affected areas of the body. The dosage and regimen are prescribed based on the individual characteristics of the animal.

One of the symptoms of acne is itching in the chin area.


A properly formulated diet can not only strengthen the cat’s immune system, but also prevent the appearance of acne. Daily food should contain a large amount of vitamins and micronutrients. The diet of cats should contain foods rich in tocopherol, ascorbic acid and vitamin A. The listed elements help protect pets from various infectious and dermatological diseases.

In order to normalize metabolism and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to feed cats porridge. Slow carbohydrates contained in cereals speed up metabolism and improve local immunity . It is not recommended to feed animals fatty foods, canned food and sausage. These products negatively affect the condition of the liver and the production of subcutaneous fat.

Preventive measures

An advanced form of the disease can lead to serious complications. Based on this, it is very important to start treatment of the disease in a timely manner. In order to reduce the risk of acne formation, preventive measures should be taken carefully.

In order to prevent recurrence of acne, you should wash the dishes from which the animal eats as often as possible. The water in the bowl should be changed at least twice during the day. After your pet eats, you need to wipe the chin with a napkin soaked in warm water. In order to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you should remove all fatty foods from your diet. In order to strengthen your pet's immune system, you should feed it healthy food rich in vitamins.

Does your purr have unsightly black dots on the skin of her chin that look like either dandruff or sand, which you can’t get rid of? Or maybe these rashes have already turned into pustules? Chances are you're dealing with a fairly common pet problem: acne. What this disease is, how to treat acne in cats, we will discuss today.

What is acne?

The described pathology in the animal looks like acne or on the nipples, in the area of ​​​​the ears and tail, and sometimes on the mucous membranes, in the lip area.

The causes of this disease have not yet been properly studied. True, there is an opinion among veterinarians that acne in a cat can be triggered by stress, insufficient care, filler, or provoked by contact dermatitis and other skin diseases in which there is excess oil production and hair follicles do not function properly.

An important role in maintaining the pathological condition is played by constant humidity on the affected area of ​​the skin and infrequent washing by the owners of the animal’s bowl, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria on it.

How does acne appear in cats?

Most often, this pathology appears on the cat’s lips and chin. It looks like a large accumulation of black dots (comedones) in one place, similar to poppy seeds. Often they do not bother the animal for a long time, but over time they can turn into small purulent inflammations, which, after opening, form crusts.

In the event of additional infection of the affected area or as a result of a general weakening of the body of a sick animal, the cat may experience itching at the site where acne appears, hair falls out, and the affected area becomes swollen.

If you scratch the itchy area vigorously, there is a risk of secondary bacterial infection.

Which cats are at risk?

The disease under discussion can appear in a representative of any breed, gender and age. True, some of them experience acne only once in their life, and for some it is a constant problem that requires attention and care from the owners.

By the way, it has been noticed that acne occurs much less frequently in sterilized individuals than in their counterparts ready for reproduction.

For Persian cats, this pathology can be especially serious, as it has a negative impact on their skin folds.

How is acne diagnosed?

To accurately determine the causes of acne in a cat in each individual case, you need to consult a veterinarian. He will do a skin scraping, which will demonstrate the presence of either yeast, demodicosis, or nematodes. A scraping can also confirm the allergic nature of the pathology or indicate the presence of an eosinophilic granuloma.

All this will help you choose the right treatment that will save your pet from recurrence of the disease.

How to treat acne in cats with non-medicinal methods?

Many owners who are faced with the problem described are advised to treat the affected areas with a two-phase makeup remover (note, we are not talking about inflamed rashes). It has disinfecting properties and removes excess oil, which causes acne.

If this pathology is of an allergic nature, sometimes it is enough to change the cat’s food or litter, or replace the plastic bowl with a glass or earthenware one, since many animals are allergic to plastic. But you can determine the sufficiency of such measures in each case only after consulting with a veterinarian.

By the way, remember that you cannot squeeze out a cat’s acne on your own!

with the help of drugs

Cat acne on the chin is well treated with ointments and sprays that contain chlorhexidine, or by itself (it is sold in regular pharmacies). These preparations are used to thoroughly wipe the affected area, ridding it of all blackheads, then wipe it dry and cauterize it with iodine or the antimicrobial agent “Fukortsin” once a day or once every 3 days, respectively.

Instead of veterinary ointment, you can use the product “Synthomycin Liniment”, alternating it with “Flucinar” ointment, which relieves itching well and helps with inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.

Getting rid of a secondary infection requires the use of antibiotics. But only a veterinarian will prescribe them for you, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable!

Acne treatment regimen

Veterinarians have drawn up a rough diagram of how it is carried out in cats. It looks like this:

For prevention, you can wipe all suspicious areas with hydrogen peroxide.

What to do if the defeat turns out to be serious?

As a rule, treatment according to the above scheme or only a solution of chlorhexidine and iodine is enough to get positive results and the same appearance of a fluffy face within a week.

But if a cat scratches heavily on its chin, the acne may become infected, and this will have serious consequences.

A veterinarian will help you deal with such problems. Do not try to treat your pet yourself - it is dangerous!

Cat lovers try to care for their pets and provide all possible assistance if the animal gets sick. If it happens that you notice black around the mouth, then you should assume that it is.

It can also occur due to disturbances in the body's metabolic processes. Often a black chin is associated with the sebaceous glands.

Such a sore on the chin or lips does not cause any inconvenience for the animal itself. The problem may go away on its own. But it may also happen that the processes move to another stage and spread over a large area of ​​skin.

What is it

It is important to understand that the animal’s skin is covered with sebaceous glands. If the skin is exposed to any unfavorable factors, the pores may become clogged. This is a rather lengthy process that can take place over several years..

Plugs are subcutaneous fat, and during the oxidation process they turn black. If the sebaceous gland produces too much, acne results. If you do not resort to treatment, an inflammatory process may begin. In this case, the pet may experience discomfort.

The grains on the beard may appear immediately or gradually. Crusts may also form on the face or nose. Most often, rashes are observed on the lower lip, around the ears, and on the chin. If we talk about advanced cases, the rash can be present on both the thighs and the abdomen.

ATTENTION! Regardless of age and breed, every animal can face this problem. The disease develops quite slowly, and the animal experiences discomfort only in the later stages.

This rash appears for various reasons, it may even be heredity. Genetic predisposition can become an individual characteristic of a pet. If your cat shows these signs, this may indicate that you are not providing her with enough care.

Some animals produce particularly high amounts of earwax, which can result in the formation of these plugs. Cleaning your ears regularly can prevent problems from occurring. But remember that frequent procedures can also have a negative impact on the animal’s condition. The animal has a special protective layer on its skin that should not be washed off.


If you see black spots on a kitten, then you should think about it. The first signs of the disease will be as follows:

  • Redness of the skin appears on the lip and chin.
  • Black spots or comedones appear under the fur, they can even be on the tongue,
  • Then inflammation and swelling of the lower jaw appears.
  • In the advanced stage, growths and scabs form.
  • At the last stage, the spots become painful and cause itching.
  • Baldness of the area.

Reasons for appearance

The reasons for this problem can be completely different. In particular, the following factors are encountered:

  1. A previous illness, moving to another place of residence, a stressful state.
  2. Immunity problems. It often happens that black spots appear in kittens or in adult cats that have problems with the immune system.
  3. Incorrect structure of hair follicles.
  4. Improper care of your pet can also be a cause.
  5. Animals with long hair often face this problem because it is more difficult for them to groom themselves.
  6. Violation of detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis, problems with metabolism.

Regardless of the breed, the animal may develop such problems. It also happens that acne appears and then simply goes away on its own. But if the animal previously had problems with skin regeneration, then blackheads may appear again and in a more complex form.

Treatment options

It is worth noting that this disease is extremely rare in street cats. Experts are of the opinion that the appearance of a pet depends entirely on the quality of care.

ATTENTION! Black dots form if the sebaceous glands do not work properly or the metabolic process is disrupted. You can be sure that the disease is not transmitted to humans or other animals. In principle, it does not cause any harm in an unused state.

If you want to play it safe, you should visit a veterinarian. After the specialist examines the pet, he will prescribe the necessary tests and skin scrapings. And. This is the only way to establish an accurate diagnosis. The following skin diseases may occur with similar symptoms:

  • demodicosis;
  • allergy;
  • fungal diseases of cats;
  • leprosy;
  • presence of fleas;
  • tumors.

After identifying the problem, the specialist must prescribe the necessary treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease, different medications and methods of combating acne and other diseases may be prescribed. Antiseptics may also be prescribed; it happens that the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

When treating the affected areas, you need to remove all existing contaminants, blood, if any. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Usually the product is applied to a cotton swab, and then the wound is treated with it. If necessary, you can trim the hair on the chin. Usually the treatment complex includes:

  • tar soap and tar shampoo,
  • medicated shampoos,
  • antiseptics,
  • pertukan,
  • vitamin complexes.


IMPORTANT! Experts are of the opinion that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. This also applies to the appearance of blackheads. By using simple animal care measures, you can avoid this common problem.

This way you can protect your pet from an unpleasant appearance and possible inflammatory process. In particular, it can be said that You don't need anything special to keep it clean. The main thing is to follow simple rules that any owner can do. It is worth listing the main requirements:

  1. The food in the bowl and water should be changed daily. Even if it happened that the cat did not have time to eat the food, it is better to replace it. You shouldn't skimp on your pet's health. Be attentive to it, it is better to pour less food.
  2. Be careful when choosing dishes, the optimal solution would be metal and glass bowls. It is better not to choose plastic cutlery. You should not use a plastic bowl at all; the fact is that microcracks always form in plastic. Naturally, microorganisms live in them, which are the cause of various diseases.
  3. If you are caring for a long-haired pet, you should be more careful. keep the hair on the chin clean. The optimal solution in this case would be to use balanced cat food.

Unconventional methods

Many ailments can be combated using traditional medicine methods. And acne is no exception, so you can choose the appropriate decoctions and lotions. For them, the ideal solution would be natural ingredients, which in some cases will be more effective.

But it’s worth saying right away that advanced forms should not be treated at home without the involvement of specialists. Inflammation can affect the general condition of the animal's body. But the initial stage of the disease can be eliminated using the following recipes:

  1. Decoction of calendula and chamomile. Herbs can be poured with boiling water. It is also recommended to add furatsilin to the mixture. You should wash blackheads twice a day.
  2. Can be used for treatment pumpkin, for this, a small piece of the vegetable is cut off. They need to wipe the problem area for 5 minutes. It is enough to carry out the procedure 3 times a day.
  3. Celandine lotions You can do this by pouring boiling water over the herb and letting it sit for half an hour. Cotton wool soaked in the decoction should be applied for 2 minutes 3 times a day.
  4. Aloe decoction It’s easy to do, just pour boiling water over the aloe. The problem area is washed with a decoction three times a day.

Please note that it is quite rare that you can get rid of the problem at home. It often happens that the problem worsens with the appearance of bloody and purulent crusts. If this is your case, it would be best to contact your veterinarian. P For secondary infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Black cats can be treated and must be done to keep your pet happy and healthy. As soon as the first signs of a problem appear, it is worth taking action.

It is best to consult a specialist and not delay treatment. The veterinarian will be able to assess the situation, find out the cause, and prescribe appropriate treatment.. Your task will be to rid your cat of such a sore in the fur and prevent it from reoccurring.



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