I dreamed of an ice hole with warm water. Swimming in water in a dream - for good or not

Bathing in night dreams symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems. But you can find out exactly what it means to swim in a dream only after the entire scenario you saw is reproduced in your memory. Depending on what exactly you dreamed about, the meaning can change dramatically.

Bathing in night dreams symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems

Each of the famous dream books indicates its meaning of such dreams. The most accurate of them are the following:

  1. Miller's Interpreter. If you happen to swim in warm water, then financial well-being will soon await the sleeper. In the same case, if the water turns out to be cloudy, then the person is in danger of losing an item that he greatly values.
  2. Vanga's Dream Book. Your reputation will soon be restored, you will be able to cleanse yourself and get rid of unfounded slander.
  3. Esoteric dream book. Getting rid of responsibilities that burden the dreamer.
  4. English dream book. Clean water portends positive changes, and dirty water portends troubles and misfortunes.
  5. Women's dream book. All endeavors will be a great success.
  6. Modern interpreter. Bathing in the bathroom promises disappointment, but a calm bath promises success in business.

Swimming in a dream book (video)

Swim in a dream in clear or muddy water

Naturally, in the process of interpretation, one should take into account not only the very fact of the water procedures seen, but also the water and its quality:

  • pure - no obstacles interfere with the achievement of your goals, everything planned will soon be accomplished and will be a success;
  • muddy, dirty - the enemies will soon take active action, and many problems will arise in this regard. Spreading rumors will harm not only professional activities, but also personal life;
  • a girl in a clear lake - romantic relationships and a lot of positive emotions, fulfillment of cherished desires.

An unmarried woman had a dream about swimming in a clean pond - she will soon meet her life partner

An unmarried woman had a dream about swimming in a clean pond - she will soon meet her life partner.

Why do you dream about swimming in an ice hole?

In most dream books, such a night vision foreshadows imminent trouble, serious illness or grief. Often such night visions are dreamed of by those who in real life have recently experienced severe stress. To this day he is in a far from pleasant position. The dream indicates that he does not need to sit idle. It is recommended to take active action as quickly as possible and radically change the way of your life.

In most dream books, such a night vision foreshadows imminent trouble, serious illness or grief

If such water procedures were not accompanied by negative emotions, then such a dream could mean a meeting with an old enemy. It will not be possible to avoid it, no matter how much you want to. In this case, the long-standing conflict will be resolved.

Swimming in a dream naked or with clothes on: why do you dream about this?

Skinny dipping in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, you need to take into account your own feelings:

  • merge with the reservoir into a single whole - and in real life the dreamer is in harmony with himself, soon he will be able to get rid of all problems and bad thoughts. There will be an opportunity to realize your deepest desires;
  • to feel embarrassed - in reality a person takes the opinions of others too seriously. It is for this reason that he cannot cultivate himself;
  • disgust because the water is dirty - serious health problems will arise.

If bathing was carried out in clothes, then such a dream directly indicates that the dreamer feels unprotected, he has hidden secrets and is afraid to reveal them to his soulmate. Serious conflicts and lengthy showdowns cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to prepare properly, otherwise there is every chance of being humiliated and insulted.

Seeing people swimming in a dream

Watching a child frolic in a pond in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream promises a carefree and happy life filled with fun. If the baby is sitting on the shore, but is afraid to take a plunge, then we can safely say that in real life the dreamer is tormented by doubts, he is worried about something.

Watching one swimmer in a dream is a quick loss, but a large number of swimmers indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relationships with people

Bathing children symbolize forgiveness, cleansing from memories that oppress the dreamer. If the child is bathing in the bathtub, then it is worth spending all your free time with your family and your closest people.

Watching one swimmer in a dream is a quick loss, but a large number of swimmers indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relationships with people with whom conflicts arose not so long ago.

Swimming in a dream with a man in a pond: what does it mean?

There are several definitions of what a woman might dream of swimming in a pond with a man:

  • An unmarried girl had a chance to swim with a stranger - a fateful meeting awaits her very soon. It is worth remembering what the man looked like in his dreams; it is quite possible that he can be recognized in real life; you should not miss the chance given by fate;
  • the man is familiar - and in reality a romantic relationship with him is not excluded, but the final result of this relationship can be judged solely by taking into account additional details;
  • drowning, trying to hide or swim away altogether - a relationship with this man in reality will not be successful, many unpleasant surprises are possible on his part;
  • enjoy swimming - the relationship will be filled with positive emotions and bright feelings;
  • with her lover - hope for the further development of this relationship lies in the dreamer’s soul. You should be wary of such bold desires. There is a risk of losing inner freedom and completely surrendering to feelings;
  • the reservoir is very shallow - the woman is afraid that her relationship with this man will become known to others. Chances are high that her secret will soon be revealed;
  • with a lover - a quick quarrel with him and a serious conflict with the legal spouse.

An unmarried girl had a chance to swim with a stranger - a fateful meeting awaits her very soon

If in a dream you have to swim in a pond

The dream books say that to accurately decipher such night visions, it is necessary to take into account all the details of what was seen, and only after reproducing the entire scenario in memory, begin analysis:

  • clear pond - good luck will accompany the dreamer, mutual love and financial well-being await him;
  • swimming naked - you should think about your own behavior. It is possible that in real life a person is too frank;
  • falling into a transparent pond and joyfully swimming - a large monetary replenishment or finding love is expected;
  • swim and feel confident - regardless of the circumstances, a person is always confident in his own abilities;
  • suddenly start drowning - there is a serious danger; you should be very careful and take action to improve your health.

The dream books also say that swimming in a pond can mean that in real life a person is blatantly interfering in someone else’s life. It’s worth recalling all the recent events in your memory; perhaps you had a meeting with an old friend, or you just happened to discuss someone’s life with others.

Why do you dream about the sea (video)

Dreams in which you had to swim or watch this process from the side can be interpreted in different ways. Such a night vision can mean something good, or it can portend trouble. Only after a complete analysis of your sleep should you begin to take active action so as not to miss the chance that has appeared in life or to prevent the development of undesirable events.

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A dream about an ice hole warns of a danger that you may not notice in time.

Falling into an ice hole means losing money, swimming in it will improve your health, improve your relationship with a friend after a long disagreement.

Drinking ice water from an ice hole is a danger of catching a cold. Walking with buckets to an ice hole in the water means a profitable acquisition. Fishing in an ice hole means that you will be deceived in your expectations of happy love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Dive

A sign of a very difficult task that will require your full concentration.

If the water is clean and transparent: the dream foretells that you will cope well with your difficult tasks.

Seeing in a dream how others dive and get some useful objects from the bottom: it means that you also have a chance to succeed - you just need not to be afraid of difficulties and focus on the main thing.

Diving into muddy, dirty water: a sign that you will have to focus on solving very unpleasant and difficult problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream about an ice hole warns of a danger that you may not notice in time.

Falling into an ice hole means losing money, swimming in it will improve your health, improve your relationship with a friend after a long disagreement.

Drinking ice water from an ice hole is a danger of catching a cold. Walking with buckets to an ice hole in the water means a profitable acquisition. Fishing in an ice hole means that you will be deceived in your expectations of happy love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Baptism

Seeing a baptismal ceremony in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions in case they are underestimated by your friends.

To dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others.

To dream that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River means that you will face a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either to indulge in hard work to support others, or to follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and exceptional position.

Seeing the Holy Spirit descending on Christ is a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To significant obstacles - Falling into an ice hole - to major material damage. Fishing in an ice hole is a sign that you will find yourself in indecent society.

Ice hole - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An ice hole is a dream of a meeting with a person, enmity with whom stretches from the distant past. Do not avoid meeting based on long-standing hostility, since it may well happen that a conversation with him will put everything in its place and you will finally make peace and become...

Seeing an ice hole in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing her in a dream portends danger. Falling into it in a dream threatens disaster.

What does the dream in which there is an Ice hole mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


The meaning of the dream about the Ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an ice hole?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an ice hole?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Be careful while swimming, don't swim too far or take care of your health, you are physically weak.

I have a dream about the Ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an ice hole in a dream is a sign of great danger.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Ice hole, ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a hole in the ice of a river, pond or sea means learning about some danger that awaits you, but is not immediately noticeable. Falling into the wormwood and trying to get out means an unusual accident or material damage. Getting out on the ice means things will improve. Catch...

Why do you dream about an ice hole in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Warns of dangers that you may not notice in time. Falling into an ice hole means losing money. Swimming in it - improve your health, improve your relationship with a friend after a long disagreement. Drinking ice water from an ice hole is a danger of catching a cold. Go with buckets...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an ice hole?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Interpretation of the dream Ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Danger while swimming.

What does the dream portend: Ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Critical mental and psychological state.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an ice hole?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be in trouble.

Dream Interpretation: What does an ice hole mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Beware of drowning.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an ice hole?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Danger. Frozen - hearing the good truth about yourself.

I had a dream “Ice”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Crossing the ice is a sign that everything will be fine. Ice breaking means trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health. Walking on thin ice is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, get yourself into trouble by thoughtlessly...

Dreaming of Jordan - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the ancient rite of baptism on the Jordan River or modern baptism in January by the water, a cross-shaped ice hole - the Jordan - brings joy, renewal, and spiritual comfort.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Jordan

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the ancient rite of baptism on the Jordan River or modern baptism in January near the water of a cross-shaped ice hole - the Jordan - brings joy, renewal, and spiritual comfort.

Why do you see an Ax in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly get down to cleaning up the house. Chopping wood with an ax is a sign of warm friendly relations. Cutting down trees means...

Author of the article: website

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “ice hole”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from different points of view.

The dream of an ice hole indicates the approach of significant events. Some of them are possible and even desirable to prevent. The dream book will tell you in which areas of life you should strengthen your position. The symbol in a dream concerns the implementation of plans and the dynamics of relationships.

Interpreting why one dreams of falling into an ice hole, Miller’s dream book comes to the conclusion that the dreamer is sometimes his own enemy. If in a dream you manage to fall into a hole you have dug with your own hands, the result of the efforts made may be disastrous.

If you dreamed that a hole formed by itself, and in frightening proximity to the sleeping person, you should beware of a trick from the outside. When you go swimming and see the water freeze above your head, forming a trap, a decision made in the heat of the moment threatens to cause irreversible harm.

At the call of the heart

In dream interpreter Hasse, the interpretation of a dream, which is why you dreamed of winter swimming, personifies recovery and excellent well-being. The sorceress Medea considers the symbol a harbinger of restoration of relationships after separation or quarrel.

The Dream Book of Lovers explains in detail why you dream of swimming in winter with your loved one. The connection between you is not very strong; cooling your feelings will destroy it. If you are dating secretly, there is a high chance of discovery.

Did you dream that you made an ice hole yourself to organize swimming? In reality you will have to swim in too strong feelings and emotions.

Glacier and flame

It’s interesting to know why you dream of plunging headlong into an ice hole. If you dreamed of diving and seeing that underwater life continues in a frozen river, the Great Oracle reassures that your temperament can melt even a heart of stone.

Often, diving into a winter pond happens shortly before the end of a long-standing debilitating feud. Anyone who dares to plunge into a dream will change their opinion about a certain person for the better. And yet, the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite advises not to rush to initiate new friends into important matters.

Beware of provocations!

If in a dream you had to see a treacherous hole in the ice, the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima calls for restraint. Being guided by emotions is dangerous now. When you happen to see a hole in the ice from a safe distance, the likelihood of losing your head is low.

O. Smurova’s prediction will tell you why you dream of being covered with an ice crust and not intending to thaw. What you see in a dream speaks of fortitude: it is almost impossible to manipulate you through weakness and pity.

A freezing hole in the ice portends compliments and good news. Seeing ice quickly melting from afar happens on the eve of joyful events.

Crystal clear

From the Combined Dream Book you can find out why you dreamed of an ice hole with clean water. If you dreamed that you decided to drink from it, you should be wary of colds.

If you happen to draw buckets of clean water from an ice hole in winter, deals and large purchases will turn out to be extremely successful.

Dream books pay special attention to predictions about why you dream of accidentally falling into an ice hole.

  • The plot signals an increased risk of incidents related to water elements;
  • Physically weakened people tend to slip and fall in their sleep;
  • The symbol foreshadows material losses;
  • Falling into an ice hole happens shortly before an extremely undesirable meeting;
  • If you happen to see an acquaintance fall, in reality he will give you troubles;
  • The deeper one manages to fail, the more serious the problem must be resolved;
  • If the incident in a dream ended successfully, in reality you won’t care about difficulties.

Caught a fish!

A modern interpreter believes that it is not very successful seekers of love adventures who have to fish in the ice hole. Confidence in the safety of fishing promises a profitable business venture.

The 21st century dream book reports that fishing and freezing in a dream is a typical reflection of the state of loneliness in a crowd.

Drowned and drowning

If you happen to pull out a drowning person, the Wanderer’s dream book warns against adventures in love and business. If someone managed to get you out, value real-life friends. When you dreamed of drowning and getting out on your own, your streak of bad luck will soon end.

The Eastern dream book claims that drowning in a dream means a flurry of emotions that threatens to overwhelm and cover in reality.

Why do you dream that a dead person is found in an ice hole? If a man drowns, the sleeper will find the answer to an important question. A drowned stranger means a cooling of feelings for a specific person.


Most dream books claim that if you dreamed of winter baptism, the dreamer will have a renewal of views and spiritual growth.

A ritual involving children or the role of a godfather testifies to the purity of thoughts and novelty of ideas.

Some people associate an ice hole with fishing in the winter, others will think about swimming on Epiphany, and those who have had to fall through the ice will probably involuntarily shudder from unpleasant memories. The dream book also gives the same varied, sometimes contradictory interpretations: an ice hole can be a harbinger of both joys and sorrows.

So, many sources, if you dreamed of an ice hole, advise you to be wary. It is believed that a hole in frozen water warns of impending danger. Moreover, in reality, the threat can come from water, so it is better to postpone swimming in a river or lake for a while. If you feel that the danger is connected with something else, then it is possible that thanks to sleep you will be able to prepare for it and solve the problem with minimal losses.

According to other interpretations, a hole in the ice in a dream perhaps indicates that the ice will melt in reality - between the dreamer and a person very close to him. But, the dream book clarifies, you should expect an improvement in relations only if in a dream you looked at the wormwood from afar and did not experience any excitement.

Also, such a night vision may indicate that you will soon have to come face to face with an old enemy. However, do not rush to get upset! As a result, everything will also end well: during the meeting, it will be possible to finally resolve conflicts and see a kindred spirit in the former enemy. A hole that has managed to become covered with a crust of ice is also a good sign: you will hear pleasant words about yourself.

In any case, the dream in which you saw an ice hole speaks of the discovery of some previously unknown facts, a change in the situation or in your attitude towards the person. To interpret it as accurately as possible, you need to take into account not only the details of what you saw, but also your own situation, as well as the events that preceded the dream.

Dream details

Of course, you may have a dream where you simply saw a hole in the ice, but most likely, something also happened to you in the dream. Why dream of swimming in an ice hole, falling into it, fishing in winter, or performing some other action?

  • If you fall into an ice hole, you will face trials, and the deeper the frozen body of water, the more serious they will be. The dream especially concerns financial issues. Did you manage to get out of the icy water? This means that in reality you will be able to overcome all adversity.
  • Diving into it means making peace with a friend with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.
  • Swimming in cold water - your health can only be envied. For patients, sleep promises quick relief from illness.
  • Drinking from an ice hole, on the contrary, means that minor ailments are not excluded.
  • Going to her for water and scooping up water in buckets means making an exceptionally successful purchase.
  • Fishing - you are faced with an undertaking that involves risk, but can bring great benefits. Perhaps someone close to you will help in this matter.

We need to dwell in more detail on what it means to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany. In general, plunging into the Jordan on Epiphany day is a dream indicating that spiritual renewal and cleansing will soon await those who see it.

As if washed away by Epiphany water, hidden grievances and unpleasant memories will go away. Rebirth can also happen under external influence: according to the dream book, swimming in an ice hole predicts events in the near future that will radically change your value system.

Watching children being baptized in an ice hole, or baptizing yourself - in reality, your thoughts and judgments will be pure and bright. In addition, fresh, non-standard ideas will appear that will make it easier to solve problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

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Any person in a dream can dream of an ice hole, which he simply sees or bathes in it. Why do you dream about an ice hole in your dreams? Let's figure out what such a dream will bring with it.

If you look in the dream book, an ice hole as a symbol means the ability to recognize approaching problems. Forewarned means forearmed: when a person knows about upcoming events and, possibly, problems, it is easier to prepare for them in the future and protect himself from any losses.

If you dreamed of an ice hole, this is a sign that you should not be too frank with others, be extremely careful. Strangers can extract secrets and secrets from you against your will. In addition, a hole in the ice reflects your condition.

You may have a dream if at this time you are experiencing some kind of stress or anxiety, perhaps you are in a situation that is unpleasant for you and causes discomfort. The dream suggests that it is necessary to change something in life and get rid of burdensome feelings. Think about what you don’t like in life and what you would like to change. Take the first step, and life will appear before you in a new light.

Swimming in a dream

Bathing in any form always means cleansing and is viewed in a positive way. This means that a person is determined to get rid of negativity and internal liberation. If you look in the dream book, swimming in an ice hole means spiritual growth, transformation in your own thoughts, a new outlook on life. Such changes will affect all areas of life, bringing a positive attitude and new ideas.

Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany means cleansing from bad and harmful thoughts, cleansing the soul from accumulated negativity and an internal mood for favorable events. It is as if you are reborn with pure thoughts and soul. Baptizing children in the Epiphany frost - there will be only bright and positive thoughts in your head, and the ideas will be filled with rationality and an attitude towards a positive result.

Swimming in an ice hole in winter reflects the internal improvement of a person, his spiritual growth, learning and gaining new knowledge. New information will be necessary and useful, the main thing is to be able to apply it in a timely manner. Winter cold will improve health and heal painful wounds.

Swimming in an ice hole with ice water warns you that you should be more careful in your words and actions so as not to get into an awkward position. For some time it is better not to tell anyone about your plans, not to share your thoughts and weigh your every step.

Why dream of swimming in an ice hole? Such a dream is not always a call for caution. If at the moment there are any health problems, then swimming in a dream portends its strengthening. Sleep is especially favorable for sick people; it promises a speedy recovery. If you managed to bathe someone, then in reality you will help someone.

Actions in a dream

Here are several interpretations of actions associated with the ice hole:

  • Swimming in cold water means you have excellent health. In addition to this meaning, the dream foreshadows reconciliation with friends with whom you have been at loggerheads for a long time.
  • Drinking water or washing your face with cold water - a dream warns you to be careful in reality, you may catch a cold.
  • To collect water - you will make a large purchase or make a big profit.
  • Fishing in an ice hole - a dream suggests that you will soon establish a relationship with some person. Perhaps it will have a significant impact on your financial situation. Also, a dream can mean the start of a risky business, the result of which will be profitable and profitable.

Falling into an ice hole is a symbol of warning; you should not spend money thoughtlessly, otherwise it will lead to some financial difficulties. Falling into a hole is always a warning sign that you should be more prudent. Think carefully about your next purchases.

However, if you failed, but were able to get out of it, such a dream means that your business will go uphill and the situation will begin to change for the better. Do not be afraid of changes in financial terms, everything will turn out very well.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the Ice-hole, interpretation of the dream:

Ice hole - Danger; frozen - to hear the good truth about yourself.

Ancient Russian dream book

Why do you dream about the Ice-hole, interpretation according to the dream book:

Ice hole - Seeing in night dreams is a sign of great danger; this is an interpretation of what this dream means.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ice-hole?

Ice hole - According to the dream book, seeing an ice hole means significant obstacles, falling into it means major material damage, fishing in an ice hole is a sign that you will find yourself in indecent company.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Ice hole - Danger.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about an ice hole in a dream?

Ice hole - Trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about an ice hole according to the dream book?

Ice hole - Danger while swimming

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Dreamed of an ice hole - To see an ice hole in the ice of a river, pond or sea means to learn about some danger that awaits you, but is not immediately noticeable. Falling into the wormwood and trying to get out means an unusual accident or material damage. Getting out on the ice means things will improve. Catching fish in an ice hole is a risky but profitable business.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.



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