Postpartum cervical deformity. Scar deformity and pregnancy

Cervical deformity is a change in the cervical and vaginal canal. This pathology is dangerous high risk development malignant diseases genitals. Let's look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of cervical deformity.


The main cause of cicatricial deformation of the cervix is ​​difficult childbirth, which was accompanied by large ruptures and damage to the organ tissue. Moreover, such a pathology occurs both after spontaneous childbirth and after childbirth with auxiliary manipulations, for example, in the case of the application of medical forceps or fetal extraction.

Sometimes surgical interventions in the pelvic area, incorrectly applied sutures and surgical abortions through curettage lead to the development of cicatricial deformity.

Very rare, but does occur congenital deformity cervix. In this case, it is associated with physiological hormonal imbalances.

How does it manifest?

After cervical tissue ruptures, scarring occurs, which causes disruption of blood microcirculation processes, as well as distribution nerve cells. In addition, they are developing trophic changes structures of the cervical canal. All this contributes to the deformation of the uterus, which manifests itself in the inversion of its mucous tissue into the vaginal area, as a rule, with the formation of cervicovaginal fistulas.

IN lower area the cervix is ​​located cervical canal, the walls of which consist of columnar epithelial cells that produce mucous secretions. The mucous membrane of the cervical canal has an alkaline environment. With the development of cervical deformation, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal sags into the vaginal canal, which has an acidic environment. In this case, changes in the nature of mucous secretions occur, an inflammatory process begins in the cervix, and infectious diseases develop.

Symptoms and complications

Quite often, cicatricial deformation of the cervix does not manifest itself for a long time. But sometimes symptoms of the disease are present. Signs of pathology include the following manifestations and conditions:

  • white, stretchy vaginal discharge;
  • strong aching pain in the pelvis and lumbar region;
  • cyclicity failures menstrual cycle;
  • heavier menstrual flow;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Complications of cicatricial deformity of the cervix include: endometritis, cervicitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion, keratinization of cervical canal tissue, atrophy and abnormal development epithelium, oncological diseases. This pathology is often an obstacle to conceiving and bearing a child.


Primary diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist when examining the patient on a chair using special mirrors. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor takes smears for cytology, prescribes PCR diagnostics and bacteriological tests. Informative method Colposcopy confirms or rejects the diagnosis. During the procedure, the specialist examines changes in the surface and appearance of the folds of the part of the cervical canal that is inverted into the vagina. Also, the gynecologist determines complications of the deformity and performs a biopsy of pathological tissues for further histological examination.

In case of congenital deformation, the patient is prescribed a series of hormonal tests blood.


The method of treating cervical deformity is selected depending on the general clinical picture, patient’s age, presence of complications. Its goal is to excise the pathological area, restore the anatomically correct position of the cervix and normal microflora vaginal canal, as well as restoration reproductive function.

The main method of treating cervical deformity is called surgery. It comes in two types: surgical and using destructive methods.

Surgery can be performed by excision or conization of the cervix. If the pathology is quite severe, the patient is prescribed reconstructive plastic surgery. Modern surgical methods include laser, ultrasound, electrical and radio wave methods operating.

Destructive ways are used when mild degree diseases. They are aimed at destroying pathologically affected tissues. The most well-known destructive methods of treating deformity are cryodestruction, laser vaporization and diathermocoagulation.

Cervical deformity is quite dangerous diseases. Therefore, at the first discomfort, a woman should consult a doctor. Also, do not neglect regular preventive examinations from a gynecologist, which will allow timely diagnosis of pathology.

At gynecological examination in 5% of cases, problems with organs are detected. Scar deformity cervix after childbirth is considered dangerous pathology, covering the cervical and vaginal canal. Due to changes in the structure and length of the cervix, the genital organs are displaced. The problem cannot be ignored, since lack of treatment leads to the development of a malignant disease.

Large babies over 3.5 kg, when born, go through birth canal. If the muscles are weak, a woman will experience injuries and tears. The cervix does not recover completely, scars appear. The fabric becomes rough and inelastic. Dilatation of the cervix after childbirth does not always indicate pathology. Women who give birth not for the first time are left with a small pharynx.

How the cervix changes after childbirth:

  1. a red organ in the form of a ball 135 mm long;
  2. oval shape, yellow discharge, length 110 mm;
  3. pear-shaped normal color With regular size 9 mm.

After a month and a half, the cervix will not be conical, as before pregnancy, but cylindrical. This does not affect your health. The shape is determined by the gynecologist during the examination. Happens practically full recovery, if there are no health problems. The weight of the organ is about 50 g. The uterine fundus after childbirth is 12–15 cm above the womb.

Can the cervix close after dilation? Yes. When the firstborn appears, the closure will be complete if the ruptures are sutured correctly. When repeating the process, one finger is allowed to pass during examination by a gynecologist.

A woman will not be able to independently determine whether the cervix is ​​deformed after childbirth or not. The pathology affects subsequent pregnancies. Miscarriages occur more often, bleeding occurs, and amniotic fluid leaks before the process begins.

Among the factors contributing to ruptures are changes in the inflammatory and dystrophic nature. The type of disease is determined taking into account the outer diameter of the open pharynx, how many scars there are, and whether their size has increased. What happens to the surrounding tissues, the condition of the exocervix.

During childbirth, the cervix becomes smooth, the edges become thin and stretch. From outside to inner fabric are torn. They are limited to the vaginal area and do not reach the fornix. Sometimes the peritoneum is involved. Cicatricial deformation of the cervix occurs due to improperly sutured or untreated ruptures. The organ turns towards the vagina. Leads to inflammatory processes, hardening of the endometrium, and erosion.

There are four levels of change:

  • I degree. The gynecologist inserts the tip or the entire finger through a cone-shaped hole. The depth of the ruptures is no more than 2 cm. Signs of cervical ectropion are detected after childbirth in lower section cervical canal;
  • II degree. The exposed part is not identified. The front and back sides are important. Old tears extend to the vaults. The endocervix is ​​completely everted;
  • III degree. The uterus has stretched after childbirth, cracks extend to the vagina. It is impossible to determine the external os. Hypertrophy of one lip of the neck is revealed. The inflammatory process and epithelial dysplasia are diagnosed;
  • IV degree. There are old tears and cracks that reach the vaginal vault. Inversion of the uterus after childbirth is associated with insufficiency of the pelvic muscles.

Ectopia occurs as a result of tissue being cut during childbirth. The mucous membrane of the cervical canal extends to the lower part of the organ. Ectropion is a more complex form of the disease in which the mucous membrane turns towards the vagina. Difficult to diagnose due to late detection of foreign tissue from the outside. Scar deformation occurs during suturing after childbirth. The cervix feels unnatural to the touch, with an altered structure and necrosis of parts of the tissue.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In the first stage of the disease, the amount of cervical discharge increases. If the scar deformity is more pronounced, aching and nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. The color of the leucorrhoea changes: it becomes cloudy, white or yellow. The cycle is not disrupted, but increases by 1–2 days. Sometimes there are discomfort during sexual intercourse.

A gynecologist can determine changes in the cervix after childbirth. The woman is sent to additional diagnostics. They perform a biopsy, colposcopy, and take a smear for cytology. PCR tests are required to detect infectious diseases. Primary deformation is difficult to detect. If in doubt, take blood tests for hormones.

A loose cervix is ​​a condition in which the density and elasticity of tissues decreases. Due to the decrease in tone, the pharynx opens. Occurs with muscle weakness, weakened immunity, cervical insufficiency. The pathology provokes miscarriages and premature births.

Due to injury, the muscles are stretched and do not always return to their previous position. When exposed to stress, they relax so much that after childbirth, the intestine sticks out of the uterus. On initial stage prolapse is removed by physical activity and therapeutic exercises.

Tests after a month will help identify the disease early stage. Colposcopy allows you to determine changes in the cervical epithelium. If a pathology is suspected, a biopsy is performed and smears are taken using special solutions.


The deformity develops after childbirth and may be congenital pathology. More common in women reproductive age due to scars, adhesions. The reason is the use obstetric forceps at operative childbirth, manual assistance with breech fetus

An inverted cervix is ​​detected after a difficult birth, if the baby’s head circumference is greater when occipital presentation. Pathology occurs during a rapid process, when the uterus does not have time to expand sufficiently, with protracted labor, premature effusion amniotic fluid.

Deformation is observed during injuries and ruptures, surgery, chronic inflammation cervix, which leads to tissue scarring and deformation. Self-absorbable material is used to close internal tears. In the absence of secondary infection, they heal quickly.

When a problem is identified, the funnel-shaped shape of the circular canal of the cervix is ​​determined. The anatomical arrangement of muscle fibers is disrupted, and the organ cannot contract. A narrowing is noted if the cervical dimensions are less than 5 mm. A woman experiences oligomenorrhea in the form of menstrual irregularities. Extreme degree– its obstruction with a mechanical barrier affecting further deformation.

Cervical elongation means that the organ is larger than 45 mm. Accompanies changes in the thickness of the walls of the uterus and pharynx. Shortening – the value does not exceed 25 mm. Occurs as a result of a large baby passing through the birth canal and incorrectly applied sutures. The normal is disrupted physiological structure cervix, tissue regeneration and scarring develop, which contributes to further deformation.

Consequences and complications

The cervical canal partially loses its function, as the scar becomes part of the tissue. The protection of the shell is reduced, as the quality of the mucus is impaired. arise negative consequences deformation of the cervix after childbirth in the form of eversion of the canal into the vagina.

Ectropion occurs due to tearing of the cervix muscles. When visiting a gynecologist, cervicitis after childbirth, endometritis, ectopia, and tissue atrophy are detected. The longitudinal ones, which are located near the lips, remain intact. They are actively shrinking. The external pharynx is deformed, everted and sags in the vagina.

Tissues are exposed to the environment, erosion develops, glands atrophy, mucus is not produced as usual. Anatomical and physiological changes, a woman is more prone to the development of inflammatory processes.

An inflamed cervix after childbirth can occur due to trauma to the genital organs, if more than 6 hours pass between dilation and the appearance of the baby. After the process is completed, placental tissue remains on the walls of the uterus. If they are not detected in time, inflammation begins.

When a woman’s cervix comes out after childbirth, the tone of the muscles of the perineum decreases, they feel foreign body, discomfort when moving. Intestinal prolapse occurs and bladder. Are being squeezed blood vessels, tissue nutrition is disrupted.

Effect on pregnancy and childbirth. A healthy cervix is ​​indicated by a mucous plug located in the spindle-shaped canal. This protective barrier in the cervix. The appearance of scars indicates tissue keratinization, degeneration epithelial cells. The risk of developing cancer increases, and curvature of the cervix occurs.

All changes pose a threat to the reproductive function of the body. A woman cannot give birth on her own; surgical delivery is used. When localized in the cervical canal area, conception occurs if there are no symptoms. The effect is on the course of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage and infection of the fetus through the vagina increases. A woman needs to behave less active life, maintain sexual rest. With scarring possible independent childbirth, if the harness opened on its own.


The treatment strategy for cervical inversion involves a complete examination and determination of the severity of the disease. The gynecologist notes the cause of the development of the disease and how much tissue is affected. The age of the patient, the presence of inflammation and infectious diseases are important. Therapy includes medicines and carrying out the operation.

For minor changes, if tissue damage is shallow, choose laser plastic surgery, cryodestruction or diathermocoagulation. In case of severe deformation and suspicion of a neoplasm, excision of the neck is performed.

Treatment of uterine elevator discrepancy with a therapeutic method is effective only in the initial stage. The neglected condition is restored surgically. Advanced Techniques allow for treatment and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Due to the gentle regimen, they are indicated for elderly patients. All manipulations are carried out through the vagina.

Perineolevatoplasty. High-quality surgery if the disease is detected at an early stage. The muscles can still contract on their own. The method is aimed at treating rectocele, cystocele, and deformity.

Colporrhaphy. Carry out for the purpose of stitching the vaginal walls. Strengthen and eliminate rough, painful scars.

Lefort-Neugebauer operation. It is carried out only in the absence of intimate relationships.

All methods are designed to restore the natural state of the cervix and vaginal microflora. The treatment is long, but in 90% of cases it completely eliminates the problems. A woman will be able to become pregnant and carry a child. The deformity is treatable. The barrier functions of the cervical mucosa are restored, and neoplasms are prevented.

Traditional treatment loose uterus brings results if you use tinctures and herbal decoctions regularly. Prepare syrup with plantain, add honey and fragrant celery seeds. Make a tincture with dill seeds. They drink for three weeks, rest for two. Course 3 months. The infusion with lemon balm is brewed in a thermos and taken 50 g one hour before meals.

Prognosis and prevention

Visit a gynecologist regularly once every six months. Following the recommendations will allow healing to occur quickly and effectively. They plan to get pregnant in 4–5 months successful treatment. No one can guarantee that damage to the uterus can be avoided. Much depends on the obstetricians who will be with the woman in labor during the birth of the baby.

Reconstructive plastic surgery restores the shape and function of the cervix in 95% of cases of deformity. When applying purse-string sutures, positive dynamics are noted in 80% of the procedures performed. For preventive purposes, invasive treatment is prescribed. If there are traumatic ruptures, suturing is carried out with constant monitoring by a gynecologist.

When choosing conservative treatment do not refuse massage. It affects blood flow. Execute physical exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum. Preventive measures include adequate sexual activity. Apply modern methods contraception to avoid abortion. Minimize the risk of STDs by choosing permanent partner, refuse casual relationships.

They register for pregnancy in a timely manner, prepare in advance for childbirth and competent management of the process. They attend courses where they talk about breathing correctly, body position. Control endocrine and hormonal disorders.

You can avoid cervical deformation if you take care of your health in advance. Issues are resolved at an appointment with a gynecologist. When identifying unclear symptoms undergo tests to confirm or rule out the development of the disease.


There are many diseases and problems of the female genital area, and they all require proper treatment in order to preserve a woman’s ability to have children and provide normal functioning body. Some pathologies are widespread, and there are others that are rare, but can end in disaster. One of them is cervical deformation.

What is the disease?

Uterine deformation is a change in the normal position of the cervix and part of the vagina. There are many reasons for the formation of pathology, but it should be noted that the disease is diagnosed relatively rarely. Deformations include:

  • Circular canal of the cervix.
  • Narrowing of the lumen.
  • Impaired cervical patency.
  • Reducing length.
  • Scar changes.

Pathology may not always manifest its symptoms and correcting this deviation from the norm is problematic until the woman visits a gynecologist.


A deformed cervix can be a congenital pathology or develops as a result of certain conditions. If we're talking about O hereditary form, then, as a rule, abnormalities in the development of other genital organs, for example, the uterus or vagina, are simultaneously diagnosed.

But most often, deformation of the neck occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • Formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs.
  • Deformation after gross intervention, for example, abortion.
  • Scar formation as a result of gynecological procedures.
  • Cervical ruptures in progress labor activity.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, it is either correctable or not.

Symptoms of pathology

The disease differs in that certain point may proceed without obvious signs. It is discovered only when a woman has problems conceiving or carrying a baby or during her next examination by a doctor.

But still, some features of the course of the disease can be noted:

  • With a circular canal of the cervix, no changes are observed. But the problem appears during labor, when the muscle fibers of the cervix contract incorrectly, which prevents it from opening.
  • If the cervix is ​​narrowed, this may result in menstrual irregularities. It becomes more scarce due to the existing obstruction to the normal outflow of blood.
  • If the cervix is ​​obstructed, menstruation is delayed and blood accumulates in the uterus. A woman experiences abdominal pain and tension in the abdominal wall.
  • An elongated neck can affect sexual intercourse, or rather the woman’s sensations during it. Decreasing sexual desire, and the orgasm is dulled due to insufficient quantity receptors.
  • A shortened cervix can make itself felt during pregnancy. Increased risk of miscarriage premature birth.
  • Cicatricial deformation of the cervix may manifest itself as pain during intimacy. Over time, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs may develop.

Considering that the pathology is often asymptomatic, for timely diagnosis and treatment it is important to undergo regular examination by a doctor.

Types of disease

There are two types of pathology:

Even though pathological changes may not manifest themselves at all or give minor symptoms, but a woman should see a doctor at the slightest suspicion of deviations from the norm.

If cicatricial deformity is detected, then effective treatment can restore the natural state of the cervix.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a woman begins to feel unpleasant symptoms, then she should not self-diagnose or self-medicate. You need to rush to see a gynecologist. Staging accurate diagnosis carried out on the basis of:

  • Conversations with the patient. The doctor will ask the woman about the signs and suspicious symptoms, ask how long ago she began to experience them, and what preceded it.
  • This is followed by an inspection. In mirrors, a strong defect can be seen immediately, especially if it is a scar deformity.
  • To clarify the diagnosis, the gynecologist will take a smear for cytological examination.
  • Bacteriological tests will be required.
  • Colposcopy is prescribed to examine the surface of the cervical canal and identify complications.
  • A biopsy is required.
  • Cervicometry is used - this ultrasound examination uterus, which allows you to immediately recognize scar changes, visualize heterogeneous structure cervix.
  • Urine and blood tests, as a rule, are not prescribed, since there are no changes in such pathologies.
  • If a woman is diagnosed with a congenital deformity, then she needs to be tested for hormone levels.

Is it possible to give birth with a deformed cervix?

Of course, no one can forbid a woman from giving birth, but we must keep in mind that this pathology may complicate the process of bearing a baby and childbirth. The following facts can be noted:

  • If a narrowing of the canal is diagnosed, this can lead to disruption of labor; the uterus dilates poorly, which may be an indication for a cesarean section.
  • A shortened cervix does not prevent fertilization, but, as a rule, it is quite difficult for a woman to bear a baby, and premature birth is often observed.
  • An elongated cervix may interfere with the proper attachment of the placenta. And during the birth of a baby, it cannot fully open, which makes it difficult for the child to pass through the mother’s birth canal. There is a danger of developing oxygen deficiency.

All these risks can be eliminated if you undergo full examination and identify existing pathologies.


Treatment tactics, if cervical curvature is diagnosed, are selected for each patient purely individually. The method of therapy will depend on several factors:

  • The severity of the pathology and its varieties.
  • Does the woman plan to have children in the future?
  • Age.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate scar changes and return the cervix to its natural position. The main methods of therapy can be named:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Destructive methods.
  3. Surgical intervention.

Regarding drug therapy, then it is advisable only if the deformation of the cervix is ​​provoked hormonal disorders or inflammatory pathologies. The choice of drugs will depend on the causative agent of the infection or the degree of hormone deficiency.

Destructive methods include:

  • Cryodestruction is the removal of affected tissue after freezing with liquid nitrogen.
  • Diathermocoagulation. The deformed areas are exposed to high frequency currents.
  • Laser plastic surgery.

These methods will help cope with pathology if the changes are minor. Otherwise, use operational methods:

  1. Excision method. Scar tissue is removed, but the method of operation is selected individually. Can be used: laser, radio waves.
  2. If the cervical canal is narrowed or there is obstruction, then bougienage is performed using a special instrument. It should be noted that most often the procedure needs to be carried out several times.
  3. In the presence of large curvatures or scar lesions, surgery is performed followed by cervical plastic surgery.

After surgical reconstruction, the birth of a baby naturally impossible.

Recovery after surgical intervention takes about 10 days, but taking into account the complexity it can reach 3 months.

Complications and consequences

The disease is treatable, although it will require a lot of time and effort. In the absence effective treatment pathology is fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • Development of cervicitis, endometritis, which increases the risk of erosion.
  • The risk of keratinization of the tissues of the cervical canal increases.
  • Impaired epithelial formation.
  • Tissue death and development of malignant tumors.
  • Severe inflammatory processes.
  • With the scar form of the disease, the ability to conceive is reduced.
  • The risk of premature birth and miscarriages increases.

The consequences are not pleasant, but a timely diagnosis will allow you to choose effective therapy and get rid of pathology.

It is impossible to play it safe to avoid damage to the cervix and its deformation. But only careful attention to your health significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease. Correct treatment tactics will prevent the development of serious complications.

The uterus is a hollow female reproductive organ that resembles a pear. The bending of her neck leads to problems with conception and gestation. Therefore, if a woman cannot become pregnant during regular sexual activity for a long time, she should consult a doctor.

Description of the pathology

In its normal state, the uterus is located deep in the pelvis and is located parallel to the vagina. The organ is tightly held by connective tissue. This position was not chosen by nature by chance, since it allows sperm to move unhindered to the egg. If the body of the uterus deviates from its cervix, a pathology occurs called inflection or bending.

Most women learn about the pathology only when they seek help if they are unable to get pregnant. The problem is that a diagnosis can only be made through a thorough examination.

The bend of the cervix most often does not make itself felt. IN in rare cases observed painful menstruation. But this symptom may indicate the presence of other gynecological pathologies. The bend can be congenital or acquired. The risk group includes women who have had infectious diseases genitourinary system or surgical interventions.

Classification: posterior bending, curvature to the left, right and other forms

Depending on the location of the uterus relative to the cervix, several types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Anteflexion. Specialists most often have to deal with this kind of pathology. In this case, the uterus itself is located closer to the center of the pelvis, its bottom is directed upward and anteriorly. The neck is facing downwards and anteriorly. Thus, an obtuse angle is formed between the body of the organ and its neck. This form is the least dangerous.

    With anteflexion there is big chance become pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

  2. Anteversion. This is a forward deviation of the uterus relative to the vagina. This also changes the position of the cervix.
  3. Leteroflexion. Deviation of the organ from the axis to the left or right (towards one of the ovaries).
  4. Retroflexion. Strong posterior tilt of the uterine body. This pathology is the most serious. Many women with retroflexion fail to conceive a baby.

The position of the uterus in the pelvis may also depend on the condition of the connective tissue. Specialists have to deal with situations where the reproductive organ twists around its axis. Depending on the mobility of the uterus, there are the following types pathologies:

  • motionless;
  • limited mobility;
  • movable.

Causes: why can a bent cervix occur?

In most cases, doctors deal with congenital pathology. Some representatives of the fairer sex with this diagnosis do not even require treatment. It is worth paying more attention to the problem if it is acquired. The following reasons can lead to the occurrence of a bent cervix:

  1. Adhesive disease. If there were infectious diseases reproductive organs women or had to undergo surgery, inflammation may develop in the area connective tissue. In some cases, this leads to a change in the shape or position of the uterus in the pelvis.
  2. Underdevelopment ligamentous apparatus. Most often, young girls (under 17–18 years old) have to deal with pathological retroflexion.
  3. Atrophy of the muscular system. Ligaments often weaken due to age-related changes. For this reason, cervical flexion can develop in women who have already entered menopause.
  4. Pathological changes in other organs. When the anatomical dimensions of the intestines or bladder change, the position of the uterus also changes. Such conditions can be observed in the presence of tumors (fibroids, myomas) in the pelvis.

The risk group includes women who have had an abortion in early age. Less commonly, the disease develops after childbirth, when hidden pathologies begin to appear.

Pathology can only be identified by a gynecologist

Women of reproductive age who are still planning to have a child should be careful about their health.

Severe physical activity, as well as inflammation of the reproductive organs due to unprotected sex life.

Signs of such an anomaly

Symptoms appear if the pathology is pronounced. These signs include:

  • painful menstruation;
  • constipation or pain during bowel movements;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse;

Every woman should pay attention to the nature and amount of vaginal discharge. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if their volume increases sharply. Intermenstrual spotting can signal a fixed (immobile) bend of the uterus.

A mobile bend can develop after childbirth or rapid weight loss. Pathology will be indicated by constipation, pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.


If the pathology is pronounced, it can be detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. At the same time great value has differential diagnosis, allowing to exclude other diseases of the reproductive system. Can be used the following techniques research:

  1. Ultrasound. Thanks to a special vaginal sensor, the specialist is able to accurately determine the position of the uterine body relative to the cervix.
  2. Patient interview. The doctor should take into account complaints such as painful menstruation, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and a large amount of discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Palpation. The presence of pathology can be signaled by the immobility of the uterus due to the development adhesive disease.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the disease in accordance with its form and cause.


Treatment of pathology must be comprehensive. All appointments are made exclusively by a doctor. Self-therapy can lead to serious complications.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment for a deviated cervix may include the following groups drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are prescribed if the bend of the neck is the result of inflammatory process ovaries or uterine body. In gynecology, drugs such as:
    • Hexicon;
    • Betadine;
    • Flagyl.
  2. Antibacterial agents. Drugs from this group are used if the infection that provoked the development of the pathology is of a bacterial nature. The most commonly prescribed medications are from the cephalosporin group, such as:
    • Cefepime;
    • Cefuroxime.
  3. Absorbable drugs. Such medications are necessary when adhesions develop. Tools that can be used include:
    • Chymotrypsin;
  4. Hormonal. These drugs are prescribed to women with congenital bending of the cervix. Drugs Novinet and Mercilon contribute to the formation of the necessary hormonal levels for conception.
  5. Vitamins. Helps increase local immunity. It is recommended to take vitamins B, PP, C.
  6. Antispasmodics. Filming pain syndrome when the uterus is bent. The following drugs are used:
    • No-shpa;
    • Spasmalgon.

Drugs for the treatment of uterine flexion - gallery

Terzhinan is prescribed if the bend of the neck is the result of an inflammatory process
Cefazolin is necessary for bacterial nature diseases Longidaza promotes the resorption of adhesions
Novinet is necessary to normalize hormonal levels
No-spa relieves pain


Along with medications, a specialist may prescribe therapeutic exercises, which will completely eliminate the consequences of the pathology. Kegel exercises can achieve good results. The technique includes the following techniques:

  • alternate muscle contractions pelvic floor. It is worth performing 10 repetitions several times a day;
  • tension in the pelvic floor muscles. After contracting the muscle, you need to hold it in this state for 10 seconds;
  • exercise "Waves". It is necessary to alternately strain three muscle groups - around anus, vagina and urethra.

Kegel exercises can be done at any time of the day. At the same time, outsiders will not even be able to understand that at the moment gymnastics is performed. Greater results can be achieved if you do the exercises in different positions (lying, sitting, standing on all fours).

Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to eliminate the bend of the cervix


At serious pathologies Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, such as UHF and mud therapy, can also be used. Good results gives gynecological massage. A specialist can perform the procedure for adhesive disease, ovarian dysfunction, and muscle atrophy.

Optimal results can be achieved by combining several physiotherapeutic techniques. The course of treatment can be quite long - from several weeks to six months.

At adhesive process Electrophoresis is effective. During the treatment process, adhesions are not completely eliminated, but are significantly softened. Thanks to this, the uterus can take correct position in the pelvis. In addition, electrophoresis relieves pain and improves the functions of the intestines, which are also tightened by adhesions.

Surgical intervention

If there are pronounced symptoms of bending, a rapid deterioration in the woman’s well-being, the doctor may prescribe laparoscopy. Through simple surgical intervention, it is possible to eliminate adhesions, if present, and restore the uterus to its normal position. However, surgical intervention does not get rid of the cause of the pathology. Therefore, specialists resort to this technique only in extreme cases. It often happens that after surgery the organ returns to a pathological state.

Traditional methods

The inflammatory process in the uterus, which can cause bending, can be eliminated with the help of traditional methods. A popular recipe is based on the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. marshmallow leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. melilot officinalis.

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The cooled mixture is used for douching twice a day.

An infusion of acacia flowers is also considered a good anti-inflammatory agent:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers are poured with 60 ml of alcohol;
  • the product is infused for a week;

The infusion can be taken orally, a teaspoon at a time, as a painkiller, or diluted boiled water in a 1:1 ratio to perform douching for inflammatory processes.

Important! Folk remedies can replace many pharmaceutical drugs. But they must be used strictly after consulting a doctor.

Prognosis and possible complications

If the pathology is congenital and cannot be completely eliminated, the gynecologist will be able to recommend positions for sexual intercourse that increase the likelihood of conception.

A tilted cervix is ​​not an obstacle to a healthy pregnancy

Neglect of one’s own health, inattention to pronounced symptoms, and late treatment will lead to aggravation of the problem, even leading to a diagnosis of infertility. In addition, complications may occur during pregnancy. Deflection of the uterus is often the cause of childbirth early or delay in fetal development.

Prevention methods

If the pathology is hereditary, it is almost impossible to stop its development. To avoid acquired inflection, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • avoid abortion;
  • promptly treat genitourinary tract infections;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • be careful when choosing a sexual partner (avoid indiscriminate contact).

If you had to undergo surgery for abdominal cavity, it is worth consulting a surgeon about the need for resorption therapy.

About the bend of the cervix - video

If the diagnosis of cervical flexion was made in a timely manner, in most cases conservative treatment is sufficient. After complete therapy, many women get rid of unpleasant symptoms, pregnancy occurs without problems.

Childbirth is an important and, at the same time, complex process that is fraught with a lot of unpredictability. Passing through the birth canal, the baby's head can either barely touch them or cause various complications, the consequences of which mommy will be treating for a very long time.

Cervical deformation is one of the many problems caused by this process. Today we will look at what it is, the reasons for its appearance and methods that allow us to cope with the disease.

Deformation of the uterus, or more precisely, its cervix, is a violation of the structure of the lower segment, which also includes the vaginal and cervical canals. The first can be examined with the help of mirrors at a doctor’s appointment, and the second is hidden and begins to fully function at the moment the baby moves forward - the channel is maximally expanded in order to let it through. Such distortions of the structure do not occur easily in the structure of the organ, but have certain symptoms, that is, they are clinically significant.

We’ll look at the reasons that led to this and the varieties a little later, but now it’s worth deciding on another question. When reading about the deformation of the uterine cavity, you need to know that anatomically it consists of:

  • bodies;
  • cervix.

And each item on the list can have various diseases or genetic abnormalities. In the first option, women in labor are characterized by diseases such as lochiometra (impaired blood flow through the cervical canal) and endometritis ( infectious inflammation inner layer).

In the second there is a whole series pathologies of the uterine body, which include:

  1. Saddleback uterus is a developmental disorder that does not affect the ability to bear or conceive children. Has a concave top.
  2. Bicornuate - in this position, in the cavity of the uterine body there is a septum that divides it into two separate cavities. For this reason, the problem of conceiving a child arises, but you should not be upset, because there are certain positions for intimacy that will help solve the problem. If the doctor's advice fails to cope with this, then a small operation will easily eliminate this problem.
  3. Unicornuate, when the body is connected to only one ovary. A rare pathology, with a low chance of conception and a high chance of miscarriage or, if you manage to get pregnant, premature birth.
  4. Two uteruses is a very rare option when they all do not have any connection with each other. Often this situation does not cause any symptoms and pregnancy occurs as in normal situations. By the way, since ovulation occurs in each ovary, each of them can become pregnant, and in even rarer cases, two at once. Sometimes complications arise in the form of increased chances to premature labor.
  5. Additional septa are a deformation of the uterus, which can create either a picture of a bicornuate uterus or a partial divided cavity.

Another variant of the anomaly is called Rokityansky-Kustner syndrome and occurs 1 time in 4500-5000 girls. It represents complete aplasia, that is, the absence of the uterus and vagina. At the same time, the external genitalia and ovaries are fully developed, there are no changes in the DNA and hormonal background remains the same as for ordinary women. Naturally, a girl in such a situation is not able to bear or conceive a child, but treatment still exists: a neovagina is surgically created, which is an artificial tube that imitates a vagina.


If the cervix is ​​deformed after childbirth, the consequences may be different. Most often they lead to changes in organ tissue in various variations. This situation disrupts the functioning of the organ, because it now partially does not perform its functions. In places of injury and rupture, the tissue is replaced by another, which belongs to a different type of fiber. It can also be congenital. Regardless of the reason for the change in the uterus, the consequences may be as follows:

Anomaly in the circular channel

Expressed funnel-shaped deformation shape due to the muscle fibers inside the canal running in the wrong direction. This phenomenon can occur during difficult childbirth, when there was complete or partial rupture cervix, and subsequently - its suturing and healing. At each of these stages, complications and changes in the course of the fibers could occur. This causes the cervix to not contract as it should.

If the woman is not pregnant and healthy, then special problems this will not help, but for vaginal diseases infectious nature There is no barrier inside as such, which is why the uterus loses its sterility and pathogenic microflora begins to develop. If a woman is pregnant, then isthmic-cervical insufficiency occurs, which threatens premature birth.


If the channel is less than five millimeters in size, this leads to conditions such as oligomenorrhea, that is, a decrease in the volume and amount of discharge during menstruation. It also lengthens the duration of your period. For women in labor, this news is not the most joyful, because this is one of the indications for a cesarean section if the doctor wants to avoid ruptures of the lower segment and the death of the child. Sometimes the narrowing is so great that it leads to obstruction due to some mechanical obstruction.

Short or long

If the length is more than 45 or less than 35 millimeters. This leads to insufficient strength closure, which provokes early rupture or leakage of amniotic fluid and subsequent birth.

Scar changes

They are the most common cause of the development of all of the above pathologies. Their main reason is birth injuries and ruptures, which, when healing, leave behind a scar - insolvent tissue of a changed type, which no longer performs the functions inherent in this organ.


The above conditions usually occur without any symptoms and are most often discovered during an examination by a gynecologist during a routine visit or in the presence of other diseases. But sometimes these pathologies still have certain symptoms, which may not be particularly pronounced. These include:

  1. pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the lumbar region;
  2. pain with a large number mucus that stretches, sometimes purulent discharge;
  3. pain during sex;
  4. menstrual irregularities;
  5. Oligomenorrhea - increased volume of menstrual flow.

Of course, such symptoms can also be observed in other diseases, but if they occur, it is still better to consult a doctor. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences.

For a woman who already has a child, there are factors that may indicate the possibility of developing pathology of any part of the uterus. Factors include:

  • large fruit, weighing more than 4.5 kilograms;
  • his breech presentation;
  • previous chronic diseases genitals;
  • quick birth;
  • improper management of labor.

To diagnose diseases, speculum examination with colposcopy, cytological examination, and culture are used. vaginal discharge and ultrasound examination. Such measures are often sufficient to make a diagnosis.


To cure pathology, two methods are used: destructive and surgical plastic surgery. The first method is indicated to be used if the changes exist in a small area or when they are mild. This method is based on destruction, that is, tissue destruction, using three ways: diathermocoagulator, cryogenic destruction and laser. There are more modern methods, for example, radio wave and ultrasonic.

If the changes are deep or are located over a large area, then it is cut out. A woman recovers after such an intervention in about ninety days. Restrictions during this period include sexual abstinence and lack of physical activity.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs