Does oxolinic ointment help in the treatment of viruses and runny nose? Oksolin (nasal ointment): what it helps with and how to use it for children.

Oxolinic ointment is a local antiviral agent; the drug has no contraindications and can be used from an early age; it is safe for treating pregnant women and the elderly.

What does oxolinic ointment help with?

The main use is in the treatment and prevention of influenza.

In addition to treating a runny nose, oxolinic ointment helps with the following conditions:

rhinitis of viral etiology, sores of the nasal cavity after a runny nose, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, chickenpox;

in dermatology: lichen vulgaris, shingles and blisters, psoriasis, herpes, candilomas, warts, spinules, dermatitis caused by herpes, molluscum contagiosum;

in ophthalmology with inflammation of the eyeball, damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes with herpes, keratitis, conjunctivitis.

Important. Due to the absence of accumulation of the drug and systemic effect on the body, oxolinic ointment allows you to treat diseases that require the long-term influence of an antiviral drug without harm to health.

Before starting treatment, it is important to consult with a specialist, because with a bacterial infection there may be similar symptoms, but the ointment has no effect.

Prevention of flu and colds

Oxaline ointment helps in the early stages of acute respiratory infections, and is also effective as a preventive agent during quarantine for a viral infection.

How to use:

Using a cotton swab, apply a thin layer of ointment along the inner surface of the nose 1-2 times a day for prevention and 3-4 times if infection has already occurred;

Before applying a new portion of the drug, be sure to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution (you can dilute ½ teaspoon in a mug of water at room temperature yourself or take a ready-made isotonic solution);

If there is a high risk of infection, you can enhance protection by applying oxolinic ointment to the oral cavity. It is used more often in young children. For young children, you can lubricate the pacifier or apply it to the root of the tongue using a cotton swab.

In case of symptoms of sore throat, it is allowed to use ointment after gargling with antiseptic drugs or decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs.

Oxolinic ointment for eye inflammation

For keratoconjunctivitis caused by a viral infection (usually an adenovirus), 0.25% oxolinic ointment helps well. A course of treatment of 5-7 days consists of applying the product over the centuries up to 3 times a day.

It is important to remember that in case of eye inflammation caused by a bacterial infection, the effectiveness of oxolin is zero; the drug is prescribed only when a viral infection is specified. With a bacterial infection, purulent discharge is pronounced; with a viral infection, itching and burning of the eyes comes to the fore with minor discharge from the affected eye without any admixture of pus.

Oxolinic ointment helps with viral stomatitis

For the treatment of stomatitis of viral origin, the drug 0.25% is used. Each ulcer is carefully coated with ointment and a thin layer is applied to the entire oral cavity in order to prevent the formation of new aphthae.

Important. Before each application of the ointment, the oral cavity must be thoroughly cleaned:

Brushing your teeth during stomatitis should be gentle, without excessive mechanical impact on the affected gums.

Remove the resulting crusts using a cotton swab soaked in sterile oil. You cannot pick or pick out ulcers;

Rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage or a ready-made pharmaceutical antiseptic (furacilin, chlorhexidine).

Lubricate the oral cavity with oxolin, paying special attention to ulcers. The course of treatment depends on the course of the disease and is carried out until the oral mucosa is completely healed. Important. When applying the drug, movements should be light and wet. Rubbing the product is not allowed.

Solcoseryl is used at night.

Oxolinic ointment helps with warts

Treatment of warts with oxolinic ointment takes from 3 to 7 months. A 3% ointment solution is applied to the affected area.

Method of treatment

Rinse the skin and wart thoroughly and dry with a towel;

Apply the ointment directly to the wart and the skin around it in a thin but dense layer;

Place a sterile gauze pad on top;

Place wax paper or polyethylene on a napkin;

Bandage it well.

The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

Oxolinic ointment helps with herpes

The herpes virus affects 80% of the population. When the disease worsens, itching, burning, and pain are felt in the area of ​​the rash; blisters appear, which subsequently burst, forming ulcers.

Therapy for herpetic rash is carried out with 3% ointment. Apply directly to the affected area 3-4 times a day. For mild forms of pathology, the course does not exceed 2 weeks. In case of a complicated course of the disease, oxolinic ointment is applied until the wounds are completely healed. If necessary, oral antiviral drugs are added.

Does oxolinic ointment help with chickenpox and lichen?

Treatment of chickenpox with oxolinic ointment is not welcomed by every pediatrician.

To treat chickenpox, 3% ointment should be used to treat skin rashes; if blisters and ulcers are localized on the mucous membrane, 0.25% ointment should be used.

Apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day to each element. The course of therapy is up to a week.

Oxolinic ointment prevents the spread of infection throughout the body and accelerates the healing of inflammatory elements.

When a diagnosis is made: herpes zoster or lichen simplex, the instructions for use correspond to the described actions for chickenpox.

Molluscum contagiosum and oxolin

Damage to the skin by the smallpox virus - molluscum contagiosum - is treated with oxolinic ointment. For treatment, 3% or 0.25% of the drug is used, depending on the location of the damaging element. If the mucous membrane is damaged, a less concentrated drug is used. The course of application is from 2 - 6 weeks to six months.

Contraindications for use

Treatment of pregnant and nursing mothers is possible only after consultation with a doctor; studies of the effect of oxolinic ointment during lactation have not been conducted.

In case of an allergic reaction to the components of the ointment, treatment with the drug is not permissible.

In addition, the development of adverse reactions may prohibit treatment with the drug:

Feeling of burning and irritation when applying the product;

Profuse nasal discharge (rhinorrhea) after applying the ointment;

Skin irritation - contact dermatitis.

If minor reactions to treatment develop, the question of further use should be considered by a doctor; in case of serious complications, the drug should be discontinued.


Preparations for external use:

Acyclovir gel and ointment form;




For a systemic effect on the virus, tablets and capsules are used:





Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral drug. Area of ​​use: treatment, prevention of all kinds of viral pathologies. The name of the drug according to the INN and RLS is Dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene. The medicine is prepared in the form of an ointment. On at the moment You can find two types of the drug on sale: for nasal and external use. In the first case, the concentration of the active substance is 0.25%, in the second - 3%.

The differences between the two types of antiviral oxolinic ointment lie in the content of the active substance and the area of ​​the human body where the medicine can be used.

The nasal preparation is suitable for application to the nose, eyes, mouth, vagina and other mucous membranes. Speaking about whether it is possible to smear it in the mouth, it should be noted that oxolinic ointment is often used for all kinds of dental diseases and viral infections of the gums.

Be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, condylomas, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted own investigation and found a way out of this situation. IN this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on link.

Oxolinic ointment for children

Pediatricians prescribe the use of oxolinic ointment for children, infants and newborns. This is a safe and effective antiviral drug that actively affects pathogenic microorganisms, kills viral particles, preventing them from further multiplying. It is difficult to say at what age this drug can be used, because it all depends on the type of pathology, stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and the doctor’s opinion.

If oxolinic ointment was prescribed to treat a child, then you should choose a type of medicine containing 0.25% oxolinic acid. If you bought oxolinic ointment 3%, then it is prohibited to use it for the treatment or prevention of viral diseases in children. The percentage of the active substance of the drug must be indicated on the packaging, so it is quite difficult to confuse medications.

3% ointment can be used exclusively for treating the external skin in the event of viral and infectious manifestations appearing on them. Applying such a drug to the mucous membrane (in children or adults) is strictly prohibited, because in this case there is a high probability of a severe allergic reaction and structural damage to tissues.

Most often, oxolinic ointment is used during periods of exacerbation of all kinds of colds, during an epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis and influenza. If the drug is intended to be applied to the mucous membrane, then you should purchase a medicine containing an active substance of 0.25%.

The method of using oxolinic ointment in the case of children is extremely simple - it should be placed in the child’s nasal passages (after cleaning them), trying to distribute the medicine in a small layer over the internal surfaces (the nasal septum must be treated especially carefully). If the medicine is used for prevention, then a single application is enough. When treating viral pathologies, it should be applied approximately 3-4 times a day - as recommended by a doctor.

One of the main advantages of using oxolinic ointment to combat various diseases is that the drug is completely safe if used strictly according to the instructions. The substances that make up the drug do not accumulate in the human body and are completely eliminated in about 1-2 days after use.

In some cases, children experience a characteristic burning sensation at the site of application of the ointment as a side effect - this is not scary, because such discomfort usually passes quickly and does not require external intervention.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy

Knowing about the many positive characteristics of oxolinic ointment, many women ask whether it can be used during pregnancy, in the early and late stages, and during breastfeeding (lactation). There are no contraindications in this regard in the official instructions of the drug manufacturer.

Many experts do not recommend using this medicine for treatment and prevention if the emerging or suspected disease that the expectant mother is afraid of contracting does not pose a particular danger to the fetus. In other words, you can use the ointment if the expectant mother will receive more benefit from using the drug, and the risks of negative effects on the fetus will be insignificant.

Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use this medication independently during pregnancy, regardless of the timing. If the medicine was prescribed by a doctor who knows about pregnancy and is familiar with the specific characteristics of his patient’s body, then it must be used.

Many doctors note that they often prescribe oxolinic ointment to their pregnant patients, because the risks of contracting a dangerous infection that can be harmful to the developing fetus are much higher than the risks of any negative effects on the child from the drug.

Doctors' opinions on the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

The chief physician of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 describes his vision on this matter. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating people’s papillomas and warts for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

The human papillomavirus is present in everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the planet's population has it. By themselves they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective product, but also to make it accessible to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.”

Oxolinic ointment: instructions for use

The official annotation and description of the drug say that oxolinic ointment can be used for nasal and external use. A 3% ointment is suitable for treating the skin on different parts of the body, and a 0.25% ointment is suitable for treating mucous membranes. Oxolinic ointment with an active substance content of 0.25% is also called ophthalmic ointment - it is used to treat the eyes (for example, with conjunctivitis), rubbed into the nasal passages, smeared on the gums and other similar areas where manifestations of viral pathologies develop.

If you do not know at what age and how many years oxolinic ointment can be used, then the description of the drug says that its use is possible from 2 years. At the same time, many doctors prescribe the medicine for the prevention of diseases and treatment of infectious pathologies in children under the age of one year - everything will depend on individual indications and the opinion of a specialist.

Here are instructions that indicate how to use oxolinic ointment 0.25%:

  • For runny nose, rhinitis and other viral pathologies, the drug is applied directly into the nasal passages several times a day. The course of treatment is about a week. The nasal passages must be thoroughly cleaned before applying the ointment. Before using the drug, it is recommended to refrain from using vasoconstrictor medications.
  • For viral eye pathologies, the ointment should be placed behind the eyelid using a spatula or other suitable means. If the treatment of the disease is complex and includes several external agents, then ointment with oxoline is applied once and daily. If you use one oxolinic ointment, treatment is possible several times a day.
  • To prevent viral epidemiological diseases, oxolinic ointment is placed in the nasal passages daily 1-2 times a day. The drug must be evenly distributed throughout the nasal passages - there should be no balls, lumps, etc.

For the treatment or prevention of viral pathologies that appear on the skin, oxolinic ointment 3% can be used. If any neoplasms or wounds appear on the skin caused by a viral infection, then the affected areas must be treated with oxolinic ointment. The treatment should be repeated two to three times a day. Apply using stroking movements without force, evenly distributing the drug over the sore spot. After application, the area should be covered with gauze or a bandage.

If the skin lesions are of a pronounced nature, then the following method of applying oxolinic ointment 3% is used: the drug is applied to the diseased area in a thicker layer than in the first case (but you should not be overzealous either), after which the area is closed for about 12-24 hours with using cling film or wax paper. In this case, the drug acts continuously throughout the day, giving a high-quality therapeutic effect.

The main side effects of oxolinic ointment include the following effects that occur after its application: a short burning sensation in the application area, minor manifestations of redness of the skin, mild itching, increased secretion of mucus from the nasal passages. All these side effects are temporary and disappear on their own after some time. There is no need to discontinue the drug.

Oxolinic ointment: composition

The drug contains oxolin as an active substance, which is responsible for the main medicinal properties of the drug, and auxiliary: various paraffins (soft, white, liquid). The ointment has a pronounced whitish or yellowish tint (as the manufacturer may be different). In some cases, a pinkish tint is also allowed.

Speaking about how the medicine works and what the active substance does, we can describe the effect of the drug as follows: the main component (oxolin) comes into contact with pathogenic microorganisms, does not allow them to multiply, so they die without infecting healthy cells of the body, which slows down or completely prevents the development of pathology.

Oxolinic ointment: indications for use

Speaking about what oxolinic ointment helps and treats, we can note almost all common viral infectious diseases that appear on the mucous membranes and skin of people. You can find out why the ointment is needed and what it is used for in the instructions for the drug, but most often it is used: for stomatitis, for herpes, for the runny nose, for influenza, for colds, for condylomas, for acne, for molluscum contagiosum, for ARVI , for lichen, for conjunctivitis, for sinusitis, for papillomas, for wrinkles, for hemorrhoids, for HPV.

Oxolinic ointment is often used in gynecology, therapy, pediatrics, urology and a number of other medical fields.

Oxolinic ointment 3 percent

Oxolinic ointment can be of two types - with an active substance content of 3% and 0.25%. There are no 10% or 2% types of oxolinic ointment available for sale - these are their analogues or counterfeits.

3 percent oxolinic ointment can be used only for external use. It is perfect if any manifestations of a viral infection appear on the skin: condylomas, various types of tumors and growths.

The use of a drug containing 3% for use on mucous membranes is prohibited - there is a high probability of an allergic reaction and structural damage to epithelial tissue.

The effectiveness of oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment, according to numerous reviews, really protects well against viruses of various natures if used for preventive purposes. The drug also perfectly fights the manifestations of viral pathologies during illness - it has a negative effect on microorganisms, preventing them from multiplying and developing in the future. Therefore, oxolinic ointment is often prescribed for prevention during epidemics.

This medicine does not cause any harm - it only brings benefits. If we talk about why oxolinic ointment is dangerous, then we can highlight minor side effects: redness in the area of ​​application, slight itching, increased secretion of mucus from the nasal passages. Allergies are rare. Many people do not know why the skin turns blue after using oxolinic ointment. In this case, hyperpigmentation occurs, since oxolin increases the skin's sensitivity to light. There is a way out - hide the smeared area of ​​skin from the sun under clothes. Sometimes turning blue is a sign of an allergy to the drug. In this case it cannot be used.

How to store oxolinic ointment

The shelf life of the drug is three years. Storage conditions are as follows: temperature no more than 10 degrees (optimally in the refrigerator). After opening the package, the ointment can be stored for two years.

Oxolinic ointment: analogues

Many people, not finding oxolinic ointment in the pharmacy, do not know what to replace this drug with. Therefore, several analogues of this drug can be distinguished:

  1. . What is better - Viferon or oxolinic ointment? It is impossible to answer this question correctly, because both drugs have a similar effect. At the same time, in terms of therapeutic characteristics, Viferon looks a little better, because it contains many useful auxiliary components, and therefore this drug gives a good antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and general strengthening effect.
  2. Pinosol. This drug contains herbal and artificial components. The ointment gives good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, so it is good as a replacement for oxolinic ointment, but it is convenient to use only for the nose.
  3. Balm “Golden Star”. It consists of many types of vegetable oils that anesthetize the affected area and also provide a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Evamenol. This medicine is to a greater extent an analogue of Pinosol, but in many respects it is similar to oxolinic ointment. Can be used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug.

There are other analogues with similar composition and therapeutic effects, but for a long time it is oxolinic ointment that remains one of the most popular drugs in its category.

Oxolinic ointment: reviews

Oxolinic ointment has been known for many years - it is an effective, inexpensive drug that has many positive reviews on forums from ordinary people and specialists. This medicine is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of viral infections.

Oxolinic ointment has long attracted the attention of doctors as an excellent antiviral agent. Dr. Komarovsky also paid attention to this medicine and expressed his opinion about it in this video:

1 gram external ointment includes 30 mg oxolina

1 gram nasal ointment includes 2.5 mg oxolina . Additionally: petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly.

Release form

The medicinal product Oksolin is produced by the Nizhpharm company in the form of external and nasal ointment in tubes of 10 grams or 30 grams, placed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological action

Local antiviral.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Oxolin ointment, in its external and nasal form, is an antiviral therapeutic agent, the activity of which is aimed at blocking the connection of the cell membrane with the virus affecting it and protecting the cell itself from its penetration. Oxolin nasal ointment in the nasal mucous membranes is characterized by its virucidal effect, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. The drug is effective against viruses , , viruses shingles And herpes simplex , molluscum contagiosum and viral warts .

Application of the drug to the nasal mucous membranes leads to partial absorption of its active ingredient into the systemic bloodstream. The volume of drug absorbed in this way can reach up to 20%. At the same time, it does not cause local effects or resorptive toxic effects. Cumulations oxolina does not occur in the body. Excretion is carried out mainly by the kidneys over a 24-hour period.

Indications for use

The scope of application of the drug in its external (cutaneous) form covers viruses sensitive to oxolina , for which ointment is prescribed during treatment (including flat, ordinary and pointed condylomas ), and also , herpes zoster , And pemphigoid (in complex therapy).

The nasal form of the drug is intended for intranasal application (on the nasal mucous membranes), for which the ointment is indicated for use for therapy viral and prevention .


Personal hypersensitivity of the patient to oxoline.

Side effects

When applying to pathologically changed skin or nasal mucous membranes, a temporary sensation may occur. burning sensation , which in the latter case can lead to rhinorrhea .

Instructions for use of Oksolin (Method and dosage)

External ointment Oxolin, instructions for use

For the purpose of treatment viral warts application of 3% is shown oxolina on their surface with a frequency of 2-3 times every 24 hours until complete disappearance condylomas (usually, the course of such therapy takes 14-60 days). To enhance the effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended to apply occlusive dressings using wax paper.

Oxolin nasal ointment, instructions for use

Therapy viral rhinitis carried out by lubricating the nasal mucosa 0.25% oxoline with a frequency of 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

Prevention flu consists of applying 0.25% ointment to the nasal mucous membranes 2-3 times a day. This procedure is recommended to be performed during seasonal rise. influenza diseases or in case of contact with an already infected patient, for up to 25 days.

The above recommendations are relevant for the drug from any manufacturer, including « Darnitsa«, « Ternopharm«, « Lubnyfarm" (Ukraine); " Synthesis«, « Altaivitamins«, « Biosynthesis«, « Green Dubrava«, « Ozone"(Russia), etc.


The occurrence of any serious negative effects when using large quantities of the drug externally is unlikely. With intranasal use of excessive doses oxolina may develop rhinorrhea , requiring removal of excess drug from the nasal mucous membranes and temporary cessation of treatment.


Parallel use with intranasal adrenomimetics may cause excessive dryness of the nasal mucous membranes.

Terms of sale

This medicine is available for free sale.

Storage conditions

Preservation of the full medicinal qualities of the ointment requires maintaining the temperature within 5-15 °C.

Best before date

Any form of the drug can be used for 2 years from the date of its manufacture.


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For children

Targeted effects studies oxolina has not been carried out on children's bodies.

Oxolin during pregnancy and lactation

Reliable data on the safety and effectiveness of external use oxolina at and no, and therefore, it is not recommended for use during these periods.


Patients' opinions about the effectiveness of topically applied Oxolin were divided. Some consider this ointment to be quite an effective remedy, use it successfully and recommend it to all their friends, even for the treatment of pregnant, lactating women and infants. Others, on the contrary, are confident in the complete uselessness of this medicinal drug and provide examples from their own negative experience of using it as proof.

It is worth noting that there is practically no mention of the side effects of the ointment, with the exception of a temporary burning sensation, so even if Oksolin is ineffective, there will be no harm from its use.

Price, where to buy

Price Oxolina for external use produced by the Nizhpharm company fluctuates around 40-50 rubles per 10 gram tube. Price ointments for intranasal use varies between 50-60 rubles per 10 gram tube.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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Warts are small growths that appear as plaques of dead skin. The cause of warts is the papilloma virus, which begins to become active under stress, decreased immunity, or as a result of other factors.
There are a large number of drugs available to remove warts. Oxolinic ointment instructions for use state that the drug is an excellent remedy used to remove warts. How to take it correctly?

Composition and release form

Oxolinic ointment has a viscous, translucent, dense consistency, which has a white-grayish tint.

The drug is presented in the form of an ointment, which may also have the second name Oxolin.

The composition of 3% Oxolinic ointment includes the chemical compoundhalene, which also has a short name - oxolin. It is the short name of the compound that gives the ointment its name. As an auxiliary element, Oxolinic ointment contains soft white paraffin and mineral oil.

Oxolin is a drug that has an antiviral effect against RIC and DNA viruses: influenza virus, adenovirus, Herpes zoster. The mechanism of the antiviral activity of the drug is chemical interaction with guanine residues of nucleic acids of viruses, as a result of which the acid becomes inactive.

The drug is not toxic; there is no systemic effect if it is used topically.

Oxolin does not accumulate in the human body. After applying the product to the skin, only 5% of the active substance is absorbed. If the concentration was observed during application, as well as the method of administration, then an irritating effect does not occur.

Attention! The drug is eliminated through the kidneys within one day.

Directions for use

To remove warts, use Oxolinic ointment 3%, which is available in a volume of 30 g. In addition to the wart itself, it is also necessary to treat a healthy area of ​​skin, distributing Oxolinic ointment from the undamaged area to the center of the lesion.

Indications for use

  • Removal of warts (plantar, senile, juvenile, common, and also);
  • Rhinitis (inflammatory lesion of the nasal mucosa);
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Ringworm, vesicular, scaly;
  • Dühring's dermatitis (herpetiformis).

This product is used to prevent influenza, for which Oxolinic ointment is applied during an epidemic to prevent infection with the virus.


This remedy should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to certain components of the medication.

Side effects

When the ointment is applied topically to a damaged area of ​​skin, a washable blue color may appear.

Oxolinic ointment can also trigger the development of dermatitis.


No data on overdose has been provided, but doctors do not rule out that when applied large quantity means a burning sensation may occur. In this case, the drug must be washed off the skin using warm water.

If you accidentally took Oxolinic ointment orally, you need to rinse your stomach and also take enterosorbents. Next, you should go to the hospital yourself or call an ambulance.

Storage conditions

The medicine must be stored in its original packaging. It must be placed in a place where the temperature will range from 4 to 10 degrees. Under no circumstances should the ointment be given to a small child.

Oxolinic ointment can be used for three years. An expired product is not allowed for further use.

Advantages and Disadvantages

This medicine has a number of pros and cons.

Among the advantages of the drug Oxolinic ointment are:

  • Low price;
  • After use, there are no scars left on the skin;
  • Painless application.
  • Oxolinic ointment does not always have the desired therapeutic effect, especially for the chronic form of the lesion or the neglect of the condition;
  • Long treatment time.

It is allowed to use Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but
The doctor must give permission for this. During wart removal, the girl should visit her doctor regularly.

Only by following this step is it possible monitor the impact not only on the fetus, but also on the woman herself.

During the period of breastfeeding, the doctor must decide on the possible cessation of natural feeding. If the doctor allows the possibility of breastfeeding, then the girl must carefully monitor the baby’s condition.

If any changes occur, you should stop taking this medicine for a while.

If during this period of time his condition has stabilized, this means that the drug is absolutely not suitable for you.

Oxolinic ointment for children

Oxolinic ointment for removing warts can be used by children whose age has exceeded the two-year mark.

What does Oxolinic ointment help with?

Despite the fact that the reviews of some experts about this medicine are very skeptical, it is actively used for diseases such as:

  • Chickenpox;
  • Papillomas (infectious warts);
  • Lichen;
  • Diseases that were caused by adenoviruses (sinusitis, ARVI, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Herpes.

Oxolin has an effect on tissue cells in which the virus multiplies. As a result of this action, the virus cannot penetrate new cells, and, accordingly, the lesion gradually disappears. Due to these properties, oxolinic ointment is often used to prevent diseases that are viral in nature.


Oxolinic ointment can be replaced with a drug from the group:

  • Herbal remedies;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • keratolytic drugs (acid-based).

The mechanism of action of keratolytics, as well as a large list of herbal preparations, is based on mechanical removal of the wart. Antiviral drugs have an effect on the cause of the appearance.

Among the analogues are the following:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Aldara cream;
  3. Stefalin;
  4. Panavir.
  5. Viferon ointment

Vafiron ointment belongs to the group of antiviral agents. Its active ingredients are ascorbic acid, human interferon, and vitamin E. The drug should be applied daily 3-4 times a day to the wart area.

The course of therapy lasts on average 5-30 days. Indications for the use of the drug include conditions such as genital warts, plantar warts, and flat warts. More details have been written about the latter.

Only a specialist can select Oxolinic ointment or Viferon ointment. Both drugs have the same effect. The only difference between the medications is the duration of relief from the unpleasant illness.


In Moscow, you will have to pay an average of 87 rubles for Oxolinic ointment.
In Novosibirsk, you need to pay 75 rubles for the same drug.
In Samara, Oxolinic ointment costs an average of 69 rubles.
In Omsk you will be asked to pay 58 rubles for this medicine.
In Kyiv, on average you need to pay 8 hryvnia for the same drug.

Oxolinic ointment is a drug for the common cold with pronounced antiviral properties. Thanks to them, the drug fights influenza viruses, freeing the breath and nose from congestion.

It was developed in 1970 by Soviet pharmacists, and in 4 years it will celebrate its half-century anniversary. The product quickly gained popularity for its effective use and price of 30-50 rubles. At that time, the product had only one competitor - the antiviral Rimantadine, but it had disadvantages in the form of side effects and contraindications.

The product contains one active substance. Its abbreviated name is Oksolin, which gave the name to the product.

It comes in 2 types: 2.5% and 3%.

Nasal ointment 2.5% is suitable for getting rid of viral diseases, for their prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis. Its name is abbreviated as “Oxolinic ointment” or simply “Oksolin”.

3% ointment treats lichen, herpes and warts, and is abbreviated as “Oxolinic ointment 3” or simply “Oxolinic 3”.

Composition per 1 gram:

  • Active substance: Dioxot– 0.0025 grams.
  • Excipient: Vaseline – up to 1 gram.

Properties in the treatment of runny nose

Due to its good antiviral properties against the influenza virus, the drug blocks the points of contact of the virus with the surface of cell membranes, preventing the further development of the viral infection. Therefore, it is ideal for the prevention of influenza and other viral diseases.

Oxolin interferes with the reproduction of the virus, killing it, and it does not have time to infect new healthy cells.

When applied to the nasal mucosa, up to 20% of the drug is absorbed into the blood, unlike other tablets and syrups with 90% absorption. Therefore, Oksolin has practically no side effects and is excreted from the human body by the kidneys in 1 day, without accumulating in it.


Nasal ointment 2.5% is used for:

  • Viral rhinitis (with ARVI, influenza);
  • Viral eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • Flu prevention.

The course of prophylaxis can last up to 25 days. After application there is a slight tingling sensation in the nose, but after 2-3 minutes it ends. When treating a child, distract the baby for this time until the burning sensation goes away.

Directions for use

When preventing influenza, the ointment is applied 2-3 times daily. Use for up to 25 days. It is successfully used during influenza epidemics or during frequent contact with already sick people. For example, if one of the family members gets sick or for children in kindergarten.

To treat viral rhinitis, the sinuses are lubricated with the product up to 3 times a day for 4 days. This is done carefully, without damaging the mucous membrane, using a cotton swab and applied in a thin layer.

Use with caution in children under 2 years of age and pregnant women according to the leaflet, which states that there is no data on the safety of the drug during this period. This phrase means that no clinical trials have been conducted during pregnancy and lactation.

Release forms

Oxolinic ointment 0.25% has a transparent structure with a light yellow or gray tint, but during storage it may turn pink. It is dense, thick, without additional inclusions. Made in 5, 10, 25 or 30 grams, placed in aluminum tubes. Packaging is a cardboard box containing a tube and instructions for use.


Oxolin has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

And although the drug has not been tested in women during pregnancy and lactation, according to the description in the instructions, doctors advise confidently using it during these periods.

The childhood age at which treatment with ointment is approved in the annotation is 2 years, but it is often prescribed to children before reaching this age.



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