Why do baby's eyes fester? The newborn's eyes are festering

Discharge of pus from the eyes of a newborn is a fairly common occurrence. In this way, one eye or both are damaged. They turn red, watery, the eyelashes stick together and yellowish pus accumulates in the corners all the time. This can happen in a very young child, or in an older child who has not yet grown out of infancy. Of course, parents are worried and immediately try to somehow wash out the child’s eyes. But the discharge accumulates again, the eyelids swell, the eye can completely close and become swollen with pus. And then you can’t do without urgent help, which only a surgeon will provide in a hospital by puncturing the tear ducts. Therefore, it is impossible to bring the baby to such a state. And at the first sign of pus in the eye, it is worth finding out the reason for its appearance.

Why can the eye fester?

The main root cause is an infection that a newborn child “caught”; it is difficult to say where and how. It is transmitted either by airborne droplets or by tactile contact with bacteria. However, there are many manifestations of this cause.

Important! As soon as you notice that at least one of the newborn’s eyes is inflamed, and the inflammation is accompanied by the discharge of pus, immediately and be sure to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and go to an appointment.

The phenomenon of tearing, redness and suppuration of the eye can happen to anyone and at any age. But if an adult or school-age child overcomes the disease by relieving inflammation, then in an infant, due to the imperfection of the newly formed ocular ducts, it may not be possible to remove the inflammation, and the ducts will have to be cleaned mechanically. Otherwise, complications may occur, fraught with decreased or even complete loss of vision. This is not a global operation with local anesthesia, but still a surgical intervention that is best avoided.

Important! You should not self-medicate. This does not mean that there are no folk remedies that help get rid of purulent discharge in the eye of a newborn. This only means that an ophthalmologist should prescribe these medications, along with traditional therapy.

Table. Causes of suppuration of the eye in newborns.


The most common of all causes of inflammation of the ocular mucosa.

Obstruction of the tear duct, which did not open after birth.

These are all kinds of “cocci” that can affect the unprotected immunity of a newborn: staphylococci, meningococci, and so on.

This group of causes includes not only ARVI, but also adenovirus, congenital herpes and a “childhood disease” - measles.

Which a newborn can become infected with from the mother during passage through the birth canal.

The list of allergens that can affect a newborn is long. Among the most dangerous: ordinary dust, plant pollen, particles of wool or hair, fragments of fluff.

The pressure inside the eye can increase even in a child a few days old, if the disease is congenital.

Insufficiently strong immunity, especially in artificial infants, can cause suppuration of the eyes.

An eyelash or other foreign body can get into a newborn's eye, which, if not removed for a long time, will cause inflammation.

Alas, the most common reason is 60% out of a hundred. If a newborn's eyes become infected almost immediately after birth, the infection came either from the birth canal or from insufficient sterilization of instruments.

Parents can also infect a newborn if they do not follow the rules of hygienic care for the newborn.

To successfully get rid of pus in the eye, it is necessary, first of all, to find out why it appeared there. Of course, a diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. Therefore, you need to immediately go to the ophthalmologist. You can only provide first aid to the child, but not build a treatment regimen on your own according to “grandmother’s” or “neighbor’s” recipes.

By the way., which is diagnosed in infants in a large number of medical cases, may be of a viral nature. Therefore, the newborn will also have to be isolated, if possible, from the rest of the family, especially other children.

Details about symptoms

A thorough study of symptoms is important because often a small amount of yellowish discharge can appear and dry in the corners of the eyes of an absolutely healthy baby. It is enough to remove them, and they will not appear again during the day. This is a completely normal phenomenon caused by the incomplete functioning of the newborn’s organs. For conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, allergic reaction and other serious problems, the symptoms will be as follows.

  1. Purulent discharge may be accompanied by photophobia.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. Appetite decreases or disappears.
  4. There is an enlargement of the lymph nodes.
  5. The mucous membranes of the eyes turn red.
  6. Eyelids swell.
  7. Tears flow from my eyes all the time.
  8. Small bubbles appear on the edges of the eyelids.
  9. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes covered with a film.
  10. The child has a runny nose.
  11. Sleep is disturbed.
  12. Increased moodiness.

Of course, you shouldn’t look for absolutely all the symptoms together, but, as a rule, at least a few of them indicate the presence of a disease. Although, even in the absence of concomitant factors, if the eye constantly festers, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment process

Therapy will be prescribed in accordance with the identified diagnosis. The doctor, in addition to medication recommendations, will tell you in detail how and what folk remedies can be used, and how to care for damaged eyes at home. Surely, in order to avoid complications, the following medications will be prescribed.

Table. Preparations for suppuration of the eyes in a newborn.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis Drops: “Interferon”, “Poludan” (interferon inducer). Ointment: Florenal.
Herpes conjunctivitis "Acyclovir" - tablets and/or cream. Tebrofenovaya ointment.
Infectious conjunctivitis Drops: “Eubital”, “Vitabakt”, “Levomycetin”, “Kolbiotsin”.
Massage the tissue near the tear duct and topical anti-inflammatory drugs.
Anti-allergenic drops: “Allergoftal”, “Allergodil”, “Lecrolin”, “Fenistil”, “Diphenhydramine”, “Spersallerg”.
"Dexamethasone" drops, "Hydrocortisone" ointment.
Viral infections "Erythromycin" ointment.
Bacterial infections
Flushing for mechanical reasons "Albucid" 10%, "Furacilin" 0.2% - solutions for washing.

First aid

If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, it is necessary to soften and remove the crusted pus so that the baby can open his eyes, opening the eyelashes and eyelids connected by secretions.

How can you wash a newborn's eye at home? Nothing extraordinary, everything from a home first aid kit for caring for a newborn.

  1. Surely there should be chamomile at home. You can use its decoction, which must be thoroughly filtered and brought to room temperature (all rinses with compositions are neither hotter nor colder than 37°C)
  2. A calendula solution will work in the same antiseptic capacity.
  3. The tampon can be moistened with two percent "Furacilin" no more concentrated than 0.2%.
  4. Weakly brewed black tea.
  5. Saline.

Next, after removing the dried pus and cleaning the eye socket, you need to instill an anti-inflammatory agent. Albucid is used as “first aid”. For newborns, it should be no higher than 10% concentration.

Important! There is an opinion, or rather a misconception, passed down from generation to generation, that festering eyes in newborns should be treated with breast milk. This is absolutely impossible to do. Firstly, discomfort will increase as the eyelids will stick together even more. Secondly, a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria is created.

How are treatment procedures carried out?

In addition to using the products prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to carry out treatment procedures correctly so as not to provoke re-infection.

  1. Irrigation is carried out with a personal swab for each eye, and a new swab is taken for each cleansing movement. This will avoid infection of the second eye, if it is healthy, or re-infection. It is cleaned from the outside inward in one movement, driving purulent plaque to the corner. You can linger at the point near the nose, gently remove the swab, and use the next one if the eye is not sufficiently cleansed.
  2. solutions into the eyes must be used with a sterilized pipette, pulling the eyelid from below and not touching the mucous membranes with the pipette (otherwise you will have to sterilize the device again to apply the drops to the other eye).
  3. Before any manipulation, adults must wash their hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. Use only sterile tampons, discs, gauze.

If, after providing first aid, you still cannot get to a doctor immediately, you must carefully monitor the appearance or absence of the following signs:

  • blisters on the edge of the upper eyelid;
  • photophobia;
  • temperature;
  • large swelling;
  • pus is secreted with the same intensity for more than two days.

In any of these cases, you must go to the doctor immediately.

This pathology is characterized by the formation of a film on the eye. You shouldn't remove it yourself. It is better if a doctor does this. But you need to know that until the film is removed, therapeutic measures will not have an effect. After removing the film, begin the massage, the technique of which will be shown by the doctor.

By the way. The procedure consists of gently massaging the inside of the eye up and down with your fingers. At least six massage treatments are provided daily. Hands are washed, warmed, nails are cut short. If carried out correctly, the outflow of pus should increase.

Surgery to probe the tear duct (needling) is usually prescribed if the problem has not been resolved within four to six months after birth.

Sometimes it is enough to remove the foreign body, and the inflamed suppuration will disappear. A newborn's eye may contain:

  • insect;
  • eyelash;
  • cotton fibers, if you have previously washed your eyes prophylactically;
  • speck of dust;
  • fragments of wool, feathers and so on.

In this case, rinsing with either saline or herbal solution (chamomile/calendula) is necessary. If you cannot rinse the eye yourself, or it is difficult to determine whether the result in removing the foreign body has been achieved, a doctor should do the rinsing.

In order not to provoke problems and protect the child from eye suppuration, it is necessary to carefully observe the hygiene of the newborn, as well as monitor the cleanliness of the parents’ hands.

  1. Twice a day, the baby’s eyes are wiped with a clean swab, first dipped in boiled water (one eye - one swab).
  2. The child's face should be washed daily, wiping it dry with a disposable napkin.
  3. Allergens are removed from the room where the newborn is located.
  4. The baby's hands are also washed daily with boiled water.
  5. The nursery should be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned.
  6. The temperature in the room should not exceed +22 degrees and maintain an average level of humidity to prevent the growth of bacteria.

If you follow these simple rules and do all the required vaccinations in a timely manner, in the absence of congenital or acquired diseases during the birth canal, the newborn’s eyes will be clean and healthy.

Video - Pus in the eyes of a child

Video - How to massage the tear duct? Doctor Komarovsky

In the first weeks of a baby’s life, suppuration often appears in his eyes. Parents panic, but there is no need to worry - with quick help and stopping the spread of infection, there is no danger to the child. What causes the eyes to fester, how can you help the baby, is it possible to prevent this phenomenon and why should you not wipe your eyes with breast milk?

In the first weeks of a baby’s life, suppuration often appears in the eyes

Causes of eye suppuration in children

The main cause of suppuration is exposure to infections. The newborn’s body is still too weak and unable to resist pathogenic microflora. The nasolacrimal duct, which suffers first, is finally formed only by the fortieth week of life.

That's not all - the baby's tears do not contain lysozyme, which ensures the development of local immunity and resistance to bacteria. Without it, penetration and development of infection is a matter of time, and the eye will become inflamed. Additional factors are:

  • adaptation of the child to extrauterine life;
  • the body's reaction to Albucid instilled into a newborn in the maternity hospital;
  • conjunctivitis (more details in the article:);
  • dacryocystitis.

The diseases indicated in the last paragraphs of the list can lead to serious consequences in the future. To prevent them, it is enough to provide timely treatment under the supervision of a doctor, as well as take care of the visual organs of a month-old baby.

Characteristic signs of dacryocystitis

This is what dacryocystitis looks like in a baby of the first year of life

This disease occurs due to. This situation is possible due to the delayed release of vernix lubrication, which clogs the canal, as well as due to congenital pathologies leading to a narrowing of its lumen. Typical symptoms of dacryocystitis include:

  • discharge of pus (white or yellow purulent masses);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • red eyes that the child tries to wipe.

Sometimes the disease is expressed in blueness of the eyelids combined with swelling. Unlike some other ophthalmological diseases, dacryocystitis goes away only when the lacrimal canal is completely cleared and restores its functionality.

What is conjunctivitis?

This disease is divided into two types: infectious and non-infectious. The first develops due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, for example, chlamydia and the causative agent of gonorrhea. This happens when the baby passes through the birth canal of an infected mother. Also, the disease occurs after birth due to contact with carriers of the infection.

After sleep, a child with conjunctivitis cannot open his eyes due to dried pus (see also:)

The non-infectious form of the disease occurs due to foreign objects getting into the eyes. Most often they are some small particles or dust, but sometimes the eye festers as a result of contact with chemical compounds. In addition, the disease develops due to an allergic reaction to an external irritant or drug.

Symptoms of blenorrhea

Blennorea is a complicated type of conjunctivitis, expressed in profuse suppuration (see also:). The causative agent of the disease is gonococcus. In this case, at first the disease occurs as ordinary conjunctivitis, and then characteristic symptoms appear:

  • swelling and redness of the eyelids;
  • profuse purulent discharge after the eye is severely inflamed;
  • the appearance of follicles and folds on the eyelids;
  • thickening of the eyelids, sometimes so severe that it is difficult for children to open their eyes.

The disease usually affects one eyeball, but quickly spreads to both eyes. With timely treatment, the disease does not leave any traces.

If therapy was carried out late or with errors, then scarring is possible.

How to help a baby if his eye is festering?

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Complex therapy cannot be started without consulting a doctor. This can lead to complications, and at best, treatment simply will not be effective. The specialist will evaluate the specific causes of suppuration, identify the exact etymology, and then, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby, prescribe a therapeutic course and recommend the necessary care.

Drug treatment

The basis of drug therapy is to destroy the causative agent of the disease or suppress the allergic reaction. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor; independent choice is contraindicated. Necessary medications include:

  • antibiotic-based rinse solution;
  • antibacterial drops;
  • antiherpetic ointments;
  • immunomodulators (they do not eliminate the disease, but strengthen the body’s condition, which is necessary for a speedy recovery).

If the cause of suppuration is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are required. Among the most effective, doctors highlight Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenkoral. The once popular Fenistil should be taken with caution - despite its fast action, it has a number of side effects and contraindications.

Massage of the tear duct

This method of getting rid of the disease consists of a mechanical effect on the lacrimal canal, which helps push out plugs from it and restore patency (more details in the article:). The procedure, although not complicated, is responsible - everything in a newborn baby is very small and delicate, and careless movements can damage the eye or canal. The massage is performed like this:

  • we look for the lacrimal sac in the corner of the eye, which is festering (it resembles a tubercle);
  • place your index finger on it towards the inner eye;
  • Use the pad of your finger to press the tubercle with pushing movements;
  • After the procedure, we wash the eye with a solution of chamomile or Furacilin (we recommend reading:).

You can do no more than 15 pushes in one approach. If pus is actively released from the child’s eye, then massage can only be done with sterile cotton wool. It will not be superfluous to make additional movements from the inner eye to the tip of the nose - this is necessary to break the embryonic film.

Traditional medicine at home

Let us immediately make a reservation that it is impossible to treat this disease with conspiracies. Their effectiveness has not been proven by science, time will be lost, and this is fraught with complications.

However, folk remedies for combating the disease exist. Among them:

  • washing the eyes with a weak tea solution 4 times a day;
  • rubbing the eyes with a decoction of chamomile and sage flowers in succession three times a day (rinse with caution, as there is a risk of allergies);
  • instilling a decoction of plantain leaves (before the procedure, the leaves must be treated with boiling water).

How should you care for a patient?

Newborns need to wash their eyes regularly

First of all, you should protect your baby as much as possible from contact with dust and possible sources of infection and regularly wipe your eyes. To do this, pets must be removed from the premises. You also need to regularly wet clean your home - this not only helps eliminate allergens and bacteria, but also removes dust.

During active suppuration, the newborn may experience additional unpleasant symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • poor appetite;
  • nasal discharge.

The child cannot report this, so monitor his behavior. If he cries often, you should show him to a doctor and take measures to relieve the symptoms. The pediatrician will advise you on specific products and how to properly carry out the treatment.

Prevent the development of eye diseases

Most inflammations can be easily resolved with regular eye cleaning. This is done twice a day. You will need a bandage or tampon. The material is wetted in water, and the eye is rubbed from the outer corner to the inner. Disinfectant solutions are not needed for this; boiled water will do at home. Chamomile may also be helpful. Remember that the most dangerous period is the first month after birth.

After discharge from the maternity hospital and the experiences associated with childbirth, mother and baby find themselves at home. The painstaking daily work of care and supervision, feeding, and lack of sleep begins. And then, a few weeks later, the mother notices that the baby’s eye is festering. Why does this happen, how to help the baby, and most importantly, not to harm? When should you see an ophthalmologist, and when can you treat yourself at home?

Reasons why a newborn's eyes fester

A festering eye, and sometimes both, is a fairly common problem for new parents. This is due to the child’s adaptation to a new environment populated by microorganisms. The tear fluid does not contain the natural enzyme muramidase, which provides the baby with immunity. It is produced a few weeks after the baby is born, and before that its eyes are left without protection and react to all irritating factors.

In maternity hospitals, newborns' eyes are instilled with albucid, which protects the mucous membrane from possible infection during childbirth. But sometimes this is not enough and upon returning home the child’s eyes turn sour.

What else is the reason for the eyelids sticking together and why does a sticky liquid appear that dries out and requires removal?

  • reaction to the drug albucid;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis.

A knowledgeable pediatrician or ophthalmologist can make the correct diagnosis.

The reaction to the medicine manifests itself individually and often does not require any procedures or treatment.

Formation of conjunctivitis

A common cause of sour eyes in newborns. Often accompanied by severe lacrimation, purulent discharge, inflammation and redness of the eyelids.


  • viruses;
  • chlamydia;
  • allergies;
  • bacteria.

Infection can occur from the mother, maternity hospital staff, or from the surrounding environment, which is aggressive for an unprotected organism.

Viruses-causative agents of conjunctivitis in infants are:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • adenoviruses;
  • ARVI;
  • causative agents of measles and influenza.

Infectious conjunctivitis is not dangerous, but it is contagious and must be treated.

Sometimes newborns develop non-infectious conjunctivitis due to dust, small particles or volatile chemicals getting into their eyes, leading to allergies. Treatment does not require special medications, but if the allergic reaction is severe, the child needs to conduct a series of tests in the laboratory, identify the allergen through allergenic provocation and eliminate it.


This is obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi, leading to swelling and inflammation in the lacrimal sac. The disease is rare. About 5% of cases of all ophthalmological diseases in children. But if it is not treated promptly, serious complications will arise. The disease develops at birth. The thin mucous film that covers the eye in the womb, after birth and with the first cry of the baby, breaks and leaves the canal. If this does not happen and it remains in the same place, the liquid in the canal stagnates. In such an environment, rapidly multiplying microbes appear.

In rare cases, dacryocystitis occurs due to various abnormalities leading to deformation and adhesion of the ducts. As a result, the outflow of tear fluid stops.

You can recognize this disease and not confuse it with conjunctivitis by certain features:

  • Only one eye festers, and with conjunctivitis - both;
  • the baby's eye waters for a long time before pus appears;
  • the eyelid becomes very red, sometimes acquiring a bluish tint;
  • after proper treatment, conjunctivitis goes away, and with dacryocystitis, the eye festers until the patency of the nasolacrimal duct is completely restored.

What to do if your baby's eyes are festering

You can carry out treatment at home if your baby:

  • the eye sticks together or begins to water;
  • the eyeball is not red, but looks healthy;
  • The child is not bothered by discharge from the eye.
  • the eye is very inflamed and red;
  • there is yellow and green discharge or crusts around it that appear constantly;
  • The child is worried and rubs his eye.

Redness of the eyes in a newborn baby may indicate inflammation

It is urgent to see an ophthalmologist, who, after an examination, will tell the parents why the eye is festering or will refer the emerging discharge for bacteriological culture. Having identified the causative agent of the infection, the doctor will decide on further treatment.

Most often, therapy for eye suppuration in newborns is based on traditional methods. Conservative treatment methods are carried out at home.

Eye wash

It can be made with a decoction of chamomile, strong tea, or a solution of furatsilin.

Prepareantiseptic for rinsing is not difficult:

  1. If the doctor has prescribed chamomile infusion, prepare it with. 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers in half a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, then filter. Chamomile in bags is also used, this will speed up the brewing process and eliminate the need for straining.
  2. A solution of furatsilin is made from 1 tablet in half a glass of boiling water.

Any rinsing liquid should be as close as possible to body temperature, approximately + 37 degrees. Before the procedure, mommy needs to wash her hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic. Then, with a clean napkin soaked in chamomile infusion or purified boiled water, carefully remove dried pus and crusts on the eyelashes and eyelids.

ForA separate napkin is used for each eye to avoid transmission of infection.

A piece of sterile bandage is dipped into the prepared solution. The liquid should not drip; the fabric is squeezed out a little after wetting and passed from the outer edge of the eye to the nose. Then, use a dry, clean cloth to carefully wipe away any remaining pus and fluid. It doesn’t matter whether one eye or both is festering - treatmentcarried out for both eyes.

There is a conflicting opinion among doctors. But many adhere to the fact that if the newborn is breastfed, breast milk is a good bactericidal medicine and eye wash. When feeding, you can carefully apply drops to the eyes by squeezing a few drops from the nipple.

Other doctors believe that milk is not at all sterile and, as a biological fluid, it is often is a breeding ground for bacterial growth. And if the mother suffers from candidiasis or staphylococcus of the mammary glands, a secondary infection is guaranteed for the child. In this case, the mother must decide for herself whether to use milk for treatment or not.

In severe cases, doctors prescribe treatment with chloramphenicol or tsiprolet - liquid antibiotics. To do this, pull back the eyelids with your fingers and drip not onto the pupil and white, but into the opened lower pocket, closer to the tear duct. If the baby is restless, it is better to swaddle him tightly or ask family for help. You will need to instill and rinse your eyes 5-6 times, every 2-3 hours for 10 days.

We treat dacryocystitis

What does it look like - Blocked tear duct

Sometimes rinsing and antibiotic treatment do not produce results, and the child’s eye still waters due to the blocked nasolacrimal duct. In this case, a special massage is performed. After training, you can do it at home by thoroughly washing your hands or wearing sterile gloves. The inner corners of the eye are massaged in semicircular movements with slight pressure to develop the child's lacrimal canaliculus. In this case, the baby should not feel pain. If pus appears after the procedure, it means that the canal has been slightly cleared of germs. Then the eyes are washed. Usually, with washing and massage, dacryocystitis goes away in two weeks.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the nasolacrimal ducts are cleaned using a probe with an antiseptic under local anesthesia. After such procedures, when doctors remove the pus and disinfect the canals, the baby is prescribed antibiotics and the disease no longer bothers him.

All procedures and actions related to the treatment of sour eyes in newborns should be discussed with a doctor. Home manipulations are sometimes powerless in the fight against ophthalmic diseases.

To prevent most eye inflammations in newborns, daily hygiene procedures are required. The baby's eyes are washed twice a day using a sterile bandage or regular wipes. CottonIt is better not to use tampons and discs, otherwise small villi may get on the mucous membrane, the eye will begin to fester and inflammation will occur. There is no need to make disinfectant solutions for the everyday toilet (boiled purified water is sufficient). Having moistened the edge of the bandage, it is passed from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose.

What could be more important than the health of a child? Parents must care for the baby literally immediately after it is born. One of the most common problems for children of this age is eye suppuration. Moreover, a pathological process may occur due to the fault of medical staff or parents, and may also indicate the development of a certain illness. In any case, treatment should be carried out only after the exact cause of the suppuration of the eye is known.

Symptom Definition

The structure of the visual organ in a child does not differ from that of adults. But the functional abilities are a little inferior. And this is not surprising, since the small organism is just beginning to develop and its protective reactions are not able to fully manifest themselves.

You can often hear from mothers that the child cannot fully open his eyes in the morning after sleep, because “nitrous” has formed on them. This is what is called putrefaction.

Tears influence the development of this symptom. As a rule, the main purpose of tear fluid is to prevent the visual organ from drying out and to fight pathogenic microorganisms. But when the baby is born, the so-called plug blocks the mucous canal, and it opens only after a few weeks.

As for purulent discharge, it can be of different types.

You cannot self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor will be able to understand the cause of the disease and direct all efforts to eliminate it. Causes Also, the cause of the development of the pathological process can be chlamydia, which the mother has.

An active bacterial infection does not have to be present for possible infection to occur.

Yellow liquid, which does not form immediately after birth, but after a few days in the maternity hospital, indicates that the mother is not caring for the baby carefully enough. This responsibility also falls on the medical staff, who did not carefully follow the rules of hygiene. Suppuration of the baby’s eye can also be the result of prophylactic instillation of Albucid drops.

Possible diseases

The eyes of a newborn baby can fester for various reasons. But most often it is infectious diseases that influence the development of the pathological process.

As soon as the first alarming symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately show the baby to the doctor.

The first days and months of life are sometimes difficult for a newborn. There are so many dangers in the form of infections and bacteria living around. Therefore, the young mother is very attentive to the hygiene of the child. Having discovered for the first time that a newborn’s eyes are festering, she does not always know what to do to alleviate his condition. Subconsciously he understands that they need to be washed, but with what and how, and if it doesn’t help? Let's talk in more detail.

Parents of a newborn child in the first days or months of life often turn to the pediatrician with questions - why did the pus appear in the eye, who or what provoked it, probably an infection was introduced in the maternity hospital, how to treat it and what to do, how to wash the eyes?

There are two common reasons:

  1. Conjunctivitis;
  2. Dacryocystitis.

In the first case, bacteria and viruses, getting on the mucous membrane of the eyes of a newborn baby, cause these troubles.

Infection occurs:

  • From the mother, if she is infected with herpes or coccal infections, then as the child passes through the birth canal, he becomes infected.
  • Due to external factors, for example, improper care, contact with a sick person, violation of hygiene rules in the room where the baby lives. The first symptoms are red eyes, which after a few hours or days already fester.

Dacryocystitis is a congenital pathology of a child’s eyes, occurring in 5% of babies. In the womb, it is enveloped in a special protective film. With the first cry, it should burst in the lungs, larynx, lacrimal sacs. If this does not happen and the gelatin plug blocks access to the tear fluid, then the baby’s eyes begin to fester. Pathogenic bacteria accumulate in them, actively multiply, and affect the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids of the child.

In many maternity hospitals, medical personnel instill antibacterial drops in each eye of a newborn baby for preventive purposes.


In most cases, with conjunctivitis, the baby’s eyes are red at first, then pus forms in them. Or at first one eye festered, but after a day or two the second one began to fester. You should immediately contact your local doctor at the first symptoms.

Conjunctivitis occurs as an independent disease or accompanies another disease, often of a cold nature.

Therefore, approaches to its treatment will differ.

Dacryocystitis manifests itself in a child already in the maternity hospital. The pus turns into crusts, after sleep the newborn’s eyes are difficult to open, the eyelashes are stuck together. Tears accumulate in the eyes, their outflow is difficult due to blockage of the ducts of the lacrimal sacs.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that when you blink, a tear irrigates the eyeball, collects foreign objects and pathogenic bacteria, accumulates in the inner corner of the eye and is discharged into the nose. Only eyelashes or other objects accidentally caught in the eyes are retained and removed from the outside. The immune system of a baby is many times weaker than that of an adult. This is why bacteria and viruses often cause discomfort to the baby.

Proper eye rinsing

At the initial stages, conjunctivitis is not dangerous to the child’s health if his eyes are shown to a doctor in time. He will explain in detail how to properly wash and treat a newborn’s eyes and prescribe a course of treatment. Even if one eye is affected, both should be washed. Because the infection will quickly spread and infect the healthy eye.

  • If time is lost and conjunctivitis has reached its extreme stages, the child will need hospitalization and serious treatment. With any diagnosis, pus should be removed from the child’s eyes. To do this, the young mother uses:
  • washing;
  • massage (for dacryocystitis);

drops and ointments as prescribed by a doctor.

A newborn's eyes should be washed carefully without putting excessive pressure on the baby's delicate skin. Use a separate cotton pad or gauze cloth for each eye.

If pus is not removed from the child’s eyes, the likelihood of the baby being hospitalized increases. In case of dacryocystitis, an ophthalmologist will perform an operation under local anesthesia and, using a probe, remove the film that blocked the ducts of the lacrimal sacs.

After this, the young mother should still continue to wash each eye of her newborn baby until pus completely stops coming out of his eyes.

Massage is an alternative to surgery for dacryocystitis

Massage is a non-surgical way to push the plugs out of the tear ducts. A young mother can easily master it after consulting a doctor. Massage is effective for babies in the first two months of life.

List of actions:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Rinse the newborn's eyes and remove all accumulated pus.
  3. Gently hold the newborn baby's head with one hand.
  4. With the little finger of the other hand, it is easy to press and move from the inner edge of the eye down along the nose and back.
  5. Repeat 10 times for each eye of the newborn.
  6. Up to 7 courses should be completed during the day.

Thus, additional pressure is created on the ducts and lacrimal sac, the fluid in it presses and pushes out the plug. The channels are cleared, the outflow of tears is improved, and souring of the eyes goes away.

If after 1-2 days the eyes of a newborn baby still fester, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe ointments and drops with antibacterial properties.

You should know that there are extremely rare cases when the tear ducts do not open after massage and rinsing, and the eyes continue to fester. This is the fusion of the walls of the ducts and the irregular shape of the lacrimal canals themselves. In these situations, the only solution is surgical intervention and artificial expansion of the ducts.

The mother’s patient and meticulous care for the baby’s eyes will bear fruit in a maximum of a couple of weeks, and there will be no trace of dacryocystitis.

Be careful and patient when caring for your baby. Take care of yourself and your baby's health!

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