Why is my dachshund dog shaking? If the dog is trembling: we understand the reasons

Dog trembling is a fairly common occurrence in dogs. It often causes concern among their owners, but in fact, there is no need to worry in advance. Of course, there are cases when trembling indicates illness, but, as a rule, it is caused by natural causes. What most often causes trembling in dogs?


There are several causes of tremors in dogs.

If the pet is trembling, the owner must take the necessary measures to monitor the health of his dog.

  1. If the trembling is caused by an overreaction to the environment, you need to work on adapting the dog to the irritating factors. You can contact a dog handler who could help resolve this problem. Some owners use calming drops for dogs.
  2. Make sure that your pet does not get hypothermic and does not catch a cold. To prevent your pet from getting sick, keep it warm with warm blankets, dry it after bathing, and heat the room.
  3. If your pet is prone to overstimulation due to hormonal changes, this problem can be solved by castration.
  4. Observe your pet's behavior. If your pet has been injured or bitten by another dog, get it the necessary help.
  5. If you suspect an allergy, you need to find out what causes allergic reactions in your pet. You may need to change your dog's diet.
  6. If you suspect that your pet has a disease, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

If the owner notices the dog’s trembling in time and takes the necessary measures, he will be able to maintain the health of the pet!

An attentive owner always watches his pet, so he sees any changes in his behavior, for example, he begins to tremble. This may be due to physiological reasons or pathological conditions associated with various diseases. But it is worth noting that if a Yorkie, Chihuahua, Pomeranian or other small breed is trembling, this is in most cases a normal variant that should not cause concern to the owner. In this way they often express fear and may also simultaneously tuck their paws, ears and tail, squeal and even involuntarily urinate.

For owners of pets of other breeds, you should also not immediately sound the alarm, but try to figure out the reasons and eliminate the most harmless options.

The main distinguishing feature of these factors is that a symptom such as trembling disappears almost immediately after the source that provoked it is eliminated. These include:

  • Stressful situations (for example, when awaiting punishment or after it).
  • Hypothermia, which can be caused both by walking at low air temperatures and at home, for example, after swimming.
  • Fear (appearance of obvious sources of danger in the field of view, in the case of loud sounds, etc.).
  • Intense excitement associated with positive emotions. Some pets begin to tremble in anticipation of receiving their favorite treat or meeting their owner after a long separation, and even in their sleep if they dream of something pleasant.
  • Hormonal surge. This is especially true for male dogs, who become very overexcited at the sight of an attractive individual of the opposite sex.
  • An attempt to attract the owner's attention. In this case, trembling can be compared to wagging a tail. Such expression of emotions is characteristic of breeds that usually have their tails docked (Rottweilers, Boxers, etc.).

But if the dog is trembling as if it has chills, and the “conditions” listed above are not present, this is a reason to take a closer look at your pet and perhaps even go to the veterinarian.

Pathological causes

If a dog starts to tremble even at home for no apparent reason, you need to assess the dog’s general condition and evaluate the presence of other negative symptoms (fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea, etc.). This behavior may be a signal of the development of diseases or other pathological conditions.

Viral diseases

In pets who have not been vaccinated, trembling can be caused by one of the viral diseases. The most dangerous of them include:

  • Viral hepatitis (young individuals under one year of age are most susceptible) - affects the cornea, liver and kidneys. In addition to trembling, it is accompanied by impaired coordination, paralysis and other manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Encephalomyelitis (develops in dogs at 5-8 years of age) - causes poor coordination of movements, frequent falls due to weakness of the limbs, and if left untreated, ends in complete paralysis.
  • Parovirus enteritis (puppies under 4 months of age are most susceptible, but it also occurs in older dogs) - accompanied by possible trembling, refusal to drink and eat, and prolonged vomiting. It is important to start treatment in the first 4 days after the lesion, otherwise the likelihood of death is very high.

  • Helminthic infestation - indicates infection of the body with helminths and may be accompanied by the appearance of trembling when attempting to defecate.
  • Dirofilariasis - is caused by heartworms, which, after entering the body, migrate to the heart of the animal and in the process of this journey sometimes uncontrollable trembling appears. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of edema and dropsy, caused by impaired blood circulation, dry frequent cough and apathetic behavior.
  • Piroplasmosis – causes blood poisoning due to a tick bite. The disease is accompanied by heavy breathing, loss of balance, trembling and brown urine.

Diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders

Trembling, along with other symptoms, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the internal systems of the body. Among them:

  • Hypoglycemia (more common in small dogs) – accompanied by uncontrollable tremors, loss of strength and lethargy. If detected early, hypoglycemia can be successfully treated, but otherwise it causes paralysis of the limbs and subsequent death.
  • Hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones) is accompanied not only by trembling, but also by weakness and a decrease in body temperature.
  • Heart disease (heart failure, myocarditis) - manifests itself in the form of tachycardia (heartbeat disturbances), tremors, frequent bowel movements and other symptoms.
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord - accompanied by trembling, changes in gait and paralysis of the limbs.
  • Eclampsia - appears in dogs during pregnancy and lactation with a significant drop in the level of calcium in the body, as a result of which the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted and trembling subsequently develops into convulsions. Sometimes vomiting, fever and shortness of breath appear.

Other reasons

The appearance of tremors may be associated with other reasons, including:

  • An allergic reaction - manifests itself against the background of switching to a different diet, using medications and is accompanied by itching, sometimes rashes.
  • Food or toxic poisoning manifests itself in the form of apathy, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sometimes increased thirst, and convulsions.
  • Heatstroke – the dog not only shivers on a hot day, but also becomes lethargic and sometimes has rapid breathing.
  • Pain – manifests itself in the form of trembling throughout the body or in the area where pain is localized, while the pet whines. This behavior can be associated with injuries, rheumatic pain, abdominal pain or more serious diseases, including cancer.
  • The side effect of the vaccine is accompanied by severe trembling, lack of appetite and weakness.
  • Postoperative condition - the appearance of tremors may be due to the body’s inability to normal thermoregulation, an increase in temperature due to the development of an infection, or a reaction to certain medications.

What to do

If the trembling is due to physiological reasons, it is enough to eliminate their influence:

  • Wear your pet warm clothes for walks in the cold season or limit their duration.
  • Dry the coat thoroughly after bathing, possibly even using a hair dryer.
  • Protect the dog from stressful situations, and in case of strong feelings, use tea with a calming effect.

Important! If during a walk or immediately after returning, the dog’s limb muscles begin to twitch significantly and sharply, this is one of the symptoms of strychnine poisoning. In this case, it is important to take the dog to the doctor as quickly as possible, since only emergency measures will save the pet’s life.

If the trembling lasts for a long time, in order to establish the cause of this phenomenon, you should consult a veterinarian and undergo the necessary examinations and tests. Only after this the veterinarian will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  1. For allergic reactions: elimination of allergens and antihistamines.
  2. For helminthic infestations: deworming with special drugs, limiting contact with people until cure, since worms are transmitted to him.
  3. For hypoglycemia: glucose injections, but in advanced cases more serious treatment is required.
  4. For inflammation of the spinal cord: antibiotics with novocaine, compresses, massages.
  5. For adenovirus: antibiotics, amoxicillin, mucolytic drugs to relieve cough.
  6. For paraviral enteritis: immunoglobulins and immunomodulators, hyperimmune serum, water-salt solutions.
  7. For viral hepatitis: immunostimulants, hyperimmune serum and vitamins.
  8. For piroplasmosis: injections with antiviral vaccines, supportive treatment.
  9. For pain syndromes: if the injury or wound is minor, the dog is able to lick the wound himself, and the owner only needs to make sure that there is no suppuration. If you have serious injuries or no external damage, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

The main thing is not to delay a visit to a specialist for too long, since detection of the disease at an early stage is usually easy to treat, while advanced forms require long-term treatment, and its outcome is not always favorable.

You can also ask questions to our site's in-house veterinarian, who will answer them as quickly as possible in the comment box below.

  • Elena 19:21 | 13 Feb. 2019

    My dog ​​(mongrel) is more than 10 years old. A year ago, warts appeared on his face, they called a veterinarian, he prescribed injections (I forgot the name), the dog endured 10 of the 16 prescribed and did not give in any more. Now it has become even larger and appeared in the mouth. They called the doctor again, prescribed celandine and applied it. A month has passed - the warts have not fallen off, the hefty dog ​​has become haggard, he is shivering, he began to eat less every day, and for the last 2 days he has been a little bit of liquid. He has been chained all his life, and it is not possible to take him to a veterinary hospital. Please tell me what should we do?

  • Catherine 11:39 | 01 Feb. 2019

    Hello, please tell me. We have a 6-7 year old husky mix dog. Doesn't get up on his paws, trembles, shakes all over. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink. He is not vomiting, there is no diarrhea, there is no tearing, his nose is dry. Yesterday he was in good condition, today he doesn’t get up, he falls on his paws. What's wrong with the dog???

  • Hello! We have a Rottweiler (female) 5L 8m, her jaw started to chatter, and then the whole thing started to crack! A lump slipped off on her tits, it’s soft! Please tell me this is not an ancology? She also had a false pregnancy!

  • Good afternoon, I have a Yorkshire terrier, a 7-year-old boy, he shakes for about 3-4 days when you pick him up, he can whine, but is moist, his eyes seem pretty, I took him to the veterinary hospital, they said that his heart was beating evenly, there were no visible injuries, but the dog keeps shaking, we don’t know what to do

Few owners enjoy watching their beloved dog shake and tremble. What could be the reasons for trembling? Should I call the vet? Let's look at the main reasons. Be sure to note: trembling should not impair the dog's ability to control its movements. If your dog is having a seizure, this is a completely different situation and you need professional help immediately!

Your dog is cold

The most common reason why a dog starts to tremble is cold. The problem is especially pressing for small dogs, whose bodies cannot provide them with sufficient thermoregulation.

The animal is scared or nervous

The dog may react by trembling to a sudden change in the situation - to thunder, to the noise of fireworks, to a trip in public transport. When the stimulus disappears, the trembling will stop on its own.

The dog is delighted

Perhaps your dog is simply too happy. She may well be trembling with anticipation if she sees that you are about to play with her or are about to put a whole bowl of her favorite food on the floor. When an animal is overwhelmed with emotion, it may well begin to tremble with delight.

The dog is getting old

As dogs age, some of them develop tremors, especially in the back legs, but sometimes in the front legs as well. This may be a natural sign of aging, or it may be caused by pain - check with your veterinarian if you notice trembling in an older dog. The pet may need treatment, but this may also be a fairly harmless sign of age.

The animal does this on purpose

Perhaps the dog has simply learned to tremble, if previously in response to this you always began to stroke and calm it down. In this case, trembling is simply her way of getting the right dose of attention from her owner. You just taught the dog to tremble from time to time.

The dog is vomiting

Perhaps your dog is seasick, has overeaten, or has been poisoned. The same reaction can be caused by taking pills. If your dog's trembling is accompanied by excessive saliva, fatigue and lack of attention, it may be due to nausea. Check with your veterinarian about what steps to take.

Trembling is caused by toxins

Some substances cause trembling in dogs - for example, chocolate, cigarettes, xylitol can lead to just such a reaction. Although harmless to others, some foods are not just toxic for dogs - chocolate is a real poison for them! If you think your dog may have eaten something poisonous, call your doctor immediately.

Your dog has tremors

In some small white dogs, such as the Maltese, this disease occurs more often than others. This is the occurrence of constant trembling of unknown nature, which can be cured by prescribing certain medications. You will be able to notice improvement after just a week of treatment.

The dog has distemper

This viral disease can occur in a puppy that has not been vaccinated. Distemper is accompanied not only by trembling, but also by impaired visual and olfactory function, fever, and cough. This disease is deadly, so you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible.

How to cure a dog if the animal does not eat, does not drink, is shaking all over, and can barely walk?


Trembling occurs as a result of contraction of certain areas on the animal’s body. Owners of small dogs can be calm about trembling; selected small animals are characterized by increased emotionality.

The dog's body may tremble due to nervous diseases. This is evidenced by the refusal of water and food. The message does not indicate the breed, we will take into account all variants of dog tremors.

Why do dogs' bodies tremble?

  1. From biology textbooks we know that trembling is considered an unconditioned reflex. The animal may shake from the manifestation of emotions: aggression, joy, excitement. After strong emotions, the body continues to tremble, experiencing the consequences.
  2. The dog may tremble if there is a surge of hormones in the body. This sometimes happens when seeing an animal of the opposite sex. In the latter case, the dog is characterized by violent behavior and does not follow the commands of its owners.
  3. The animal is capable of shaking from the cold. To calm the trembling, the owners must rub the pet and force it to move actively.
  4. When traveling long distances or moving to a new place, the animal’s adaptation occurs slowly. In unusual climatic conditions, the animal begins to tremble, body temperature rises or falls, and appetite decreases. The cause of the condition is fluctuations in air temperature and changes in humidity.
  5. The cause of trembling is fear. Adrenaline is released into the blood, the heartbeat accelerates, and the body begins to tremble. The animal refuses to eat. When driving in a car, the dog gets sick. The condition is accompanied by body tremors, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The animal may not walk for some time. The way out of this situation will be sedatives. The dog falls asleep, saving energy.
  6. Active life and excessive excitability are considered to be the cause of sleep disturbances. An animal may move its paws in its sleep, whine, or stand up abruptly in its sleep without waking up, which happens due to a lack of magnesium.
  7. Pets, including dogs, are sensitive to hypothermia and drafts. Quadrupeds have a much higher body temperature than humans. Dog owners should not rely on their own instincts. If the room is warm, you still need to protect your pets from drafts, especially after bathing. After washing, the animal's fur should be wiped with a terry towel. You need to wipe until the wool becomes almost dry. Use a hairdryer for drying.

Trembling is a sign of illness

If your dog's body is trembling, pay attention to the animal's well-being. The situation is alarming:

  • the animal does not eat or drink anything;
  • the dog's body temperature rises;
  • the coat becomes dull and ruffled;
  • the appearance of peeling on the skin;
  • rapid pulse;
  • cyanosis appears on the mucous membranes;
  • upset or nausea occurs;
  • aggressiveness increases or, conversely, the animal becomes lethargic.

If one or more of these symptoms are observed, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian. There are many reasons for the pathology - poisoning, heart problems, dehydration, nervous disease, heat stroke. Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis; self-medication or ignoring is inappropriate.

The animal may tremble if it is allergic. In such cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

Trembling begins in bitches before giving birth. The prenatal condition is not considered a pathology and does not require human intervention.

Causes of pathological tremors in dogs:

  • Chronic thyroid disease associated with hormonal imbalance. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to donate blood.
  • Sugar deficiency. Diabetes mellitus can be detected by taking blood sugar tests.
  • Lack or excess of magnesium or calcium. Trouble is common in animals. Accompanied by trembling, uncontrolled actions, sleep disturbances, and aggression. Such a violation is established using a biochemical blood test.

These three diseases are common in dogs. They are not fully curable and require systematic monitoring. With normal care and regular procedures, animals live full lives.

Trembling that requires emergency treatment

  1. Condition caused by rheumatic pain. Pain occurs more often in older dogs. The animal should be given a pain reliever.
  2. If the dog is in pain, does not eat anything, is depressed, and wants to be at rest, you need to take it to the veterinarian. A similar pathology is caused by a tick bite. The disease progresses quickly. 15 minutes after the bite, the animal begins to shake, breathing quickens, the dog loses balance, and may not get up at all. Urine has a brownish color. If the diagnosis is confirmed, an immediate antiviral injection is required.

If there are worms, trembling appears in front of the toilet.

Trembling cannot be considered an individual symptom of any disease; it must be considered as part of the medical history. If you notice a phenomenon in a dog, first of all you need to make sure that it is not associated with physiological reactions. The listed diseases are recognized as unsafe and can lead to sad results.

Chills in dogs are not an independent disease, but a concomitant symptom of many quite diverse diseases.

When the dog has a chill, it shakes as if it were very cold.

Causes of chills in dogs

The causes of chills in dogs are numerous and quite varied. It may appear when:

  • changes in body temperature (usually hypothermia),
  • insufficient amount of calcium,
  • hypoglycemia (lack of glucose in the blood),
  • neurological abnormalities after a recent head injury

Chills can be a symptom of chemical and drug poisoning, a form of seizure (where the whole body trembles).

The cause of chills can be respiratory diseases (pneumonia, pleurisy), viral infections (canine distemper), the first days after vaccination and other diseases. In the end, the dog may simply get scared and this may cause him to shudder: in transport, in a crowded place, or when being examined by a veterinarian.

What to do if you have chills?

The owner can independently provide first aid to the dog if he has a chill. However, it will depend on the reasons that caused the painful condition. If it is known that the dog is frozen, then it is necessary to warm it up: put a heating pad on it, cover it with a blanket.

If, in addition to chills, the animal has an intestinal disorder, vomiting, and there is a suspicion that the dog could be poisoned by medications or pesticides, first of all, it needs to rinse its stomach and do an enema. If there is reason to suspect that the chills are due to low blood sugar, maple syrup or Karo syrup should be rubbed into the dog’s gums.

Chills may occur after vaccination. This means that the dog has an allergic reaction and needs to be given an antihistamine - diprazine, diphenhydramine, etc. If the cause of chills is not clear and obvious, you need to measure the animal's temperature. If it exceeds 40 degrees, then this may indicate a viral disease. The dog will need antipyretics.

However, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian and get tested. At a dangerously high temperature (above 41 degrees), you can give your dog the following cocktail: noshpa, diphenhydramine (or suprastin) and analgin at the rate of 0.1 mg of each drug per 1 kg of body weight. And give him more to drink.

If an animal shivers all day, has diarrhea, vomits, and periodically loses consciousness, this condition can be very dangerous and requires urgent specialized help. In any case, before providing first aid for chills, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition.



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