Why birds are cold in winter description. Text-discussion on why birds have a hard time in winter

primary school teacher
OSSH No. 19
Rudnik Irina Alexandrovna
Temirtau 2010

Essay topic: Why do birds have a hard time in winter?
Essay - reasoning
Purpose: To introduce students to the concept of text-reasoning.
Tasks: 1. Write an essay - an argument on the topic: “Why is it difficult for birds in winter”, teach how to use linking words, evidence, and the ability to draw conclusions in the text.
2. Develop students’ speech, teach them to overcome difficulties in creating written statements, and activate students’ vocabulary.
3. Foster respect for nature and care for birds in winter.
Equipment: a poster depicting wintering birds, illustrations depicting a bird feeder, children's drawings.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.
2. Goal setting.
Cold weather, blizzards and blizzards have arrived
Guests arrived in villages, parks, cities...
- What guests are we talking about? (about wintering birds)
- Today we will write an essay about wintering birds and think about why it is difficult for birds to live in winter.
3. Introductory conversation
-What wintering birds do you know?
- How do birds live in winter?
- How can we help them?
To help the birds, you need to know what kind of birds we have for the winter, what they feed on.
The flocks of birds have flown away,
The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.
That's when we waited
Our northern guests.
The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,
All covered in silver,
Without leaving this land,
Many birds remain here.
Who is there cleverly and persistently
Climbing down with its sharp beak?
This is an agile nuthatch
In front of a flock of tits.
At the edge of the old fir trees
From dawn to dawn
Tap dancers are talking,
The bullfinches echo loudly.
The spotted woodpecker will call loudly,
Dispersing the silence of the forest,
And in clearings, in sticky areas,
The lively siskin will respond.
I could do so much more
Let's talk about the forest singers,
Like in the middle of cold and frost
The crossbill raised its chicks.
Like from morning until sunset
Goldfinches visit the burrs
And they are in a hurry to get somewhere
Bright red bee-eaters.
-What wintering birds did you learn about from this poem?
- In addition to these birds, other birds that are well known to you remain to spend the winter with us. Which?
(Magpies, crows, sparrows, tits, bullfinches...)
-What is the worst thing for birds, cold or hunger?
Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food.
The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers.
Reading in chorus.
-How can we help birds in winter? (make feeders)
- Do you know what you can feed birds with?
(Birds can be fed with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hemp. It is better to crush the seeds. You should not give birds fried seeds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love peck unsalted fat and meat.)
Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over
They flocked to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich,
One handful is needed.
One handful is not scary
It will be winter for them.
Tame birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring.
-What does this poem teach us?

4. Introduction to the concept of text-reasoning
-What is a text-reasoning?
(these are texts that explain something, draw conclusions, texts that answer the question WHY?)
-How is a text-reasoning constructed?

therefore, that's why, that means
because, after all...
For example: Why do birds have a hard time in winter? because….(explanation)
Explanation, proof can be at the beginning of the argument, and what is explained is proven at the end. This ending is usually called a conclusion.

For example: Winter has come, a lot of snow has fallen, it is difficult for birds to get food, so it is difficult for birds in winter.

5. Looking at illustrations

6. Teamwork
-What time of year is it?
-What is it like for birds in winter?
- How can you help your feathered friends?
-How will the birds thank us in the spring?
7. Making a plan (writing on the board)

Key words
I. Winter has come
cold, blizzard, fluffy snow
II. It's hard for birds in winter.
fell asleep, drifted, get food, migrate to nearby cities and villages,
III. Help guys.
come to the rescue, do, watch, feed, care
IV. Birds are our friends.
Destroy caterpillars, insects,

8. Vocabulary work
-What epithets and comparisons can be used in the text?
Snowy winter, fluffy snow, cold days, hungry birds, like a feather bed, provided with food, happy to feast on them, tireless helpers, agricultural pests
9. Oral storytelling
* * *
It's hard for birds in winter. Cold. An evil blizzard is walking through the forests and steppes. The ground and bushes were covered with snow. Where can I get food?
That's why children come to the aid of birds. The children hung feeders in the school garden. The attendants bring food to the birds every day.
In spring, birds will protect the garden from insects and caterpillars. Birds are our friends!
* * *
Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow, like a feather bed, covered the ground, roofs of houses, bushes and trees. It is difficult for birds to get food. Therefore, they migrate to nearby cities and villages. (That’s why in winter many birds huddle close to human habitation). Birds are afraid of hunger in winter, not cold. If every school in our country installs at least one feeder, then all birds will be provided with food.
Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, and white bread crumbs. And woodpeckers and tits will happily feast on unsalted lard and meat.
Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in the fight against agricultural pests. Take care of the birds!
10. Independent work
11. Self-test
12. Summary
-What new and educational things did we learn in class today?
- Why is it difficult for birds to survive in winter?
- What is more terrible for them - cold or hunger?
- How can we help birds in winter?
-What is a text-reasoning?
-What linking words did we use in the text?
-What conclusion can be drawn from everything we have written?
-Which of you will take care of the birds this winter?

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lesson plan:

"Why do birds have a hard time in winter"

Essay - reasoning

Developed by:

primary school teacher

Rudnik Irina Alexandrovna

Temirtau 2010

Essay topic: Why do birds have a hard time in winter?

Essay - reasoning

Purpose: To introduce students to the concept of text-reasoning.

Tasks: 1. Write an essay - an argument on the topic: “Why is it difficult for birds in winter”, teach how to use linking words, evidence, and the ability to draw conclusions in the text.

2. Develop students’ speech, teach them to overcome difficulties in creating written statements, and activate students’ vocabulary.

3. Foster respect for nature and care for birds in winter.

Equipment: a poster depicting wintering birds, illustrations depicting a bird feeder, children's drawings.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Goal setting.

Cold weather, blizzards and blizzards have arrived

Guests arrived in villages, parks, cities...

What guests are we talking about? (about wintering birds)

Today we will write an essay about wintering birds and think about why it is difficult for birds to live in winter.

3. Introductory conversation

What wintering birds do you know?

How do birds live in winter?

How can we help them?

To help the birds, you need to know what kind of birds we have for the winter, what they feed on.

The flocks of birds have flown away,

The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

All covered in silver,

Without leaving this land,

Many birds remain here.

Who is there cleverly and persistently

Climbing down with its sharp beak?

This is an agile nuthatch

In front of a flock of tits.

At the edge of the old fir trees

From dawn to dawn

Tap dancers are talking,

The bullfinches echo loudly.

The spotted woodpecker will call loudly,

Dispersing the silence of the forest,

And in clearings, in sticky areas,

The lively siskin will respond.

I could do so much more

Let's talk about the forest singers,

Like in the middle of cold and frost

The crossbill raised its chicks.

Like from morning until sunset

Goldfinches visit the burrs

And they are in a hurry to get somewhere

Bright red bee-eaters.

What wintering birds did you learn about from this poem?

In addition to these birds, other birds that are well known to you remain to spend the winter with us. Which?

(Magpies, crows, sparrows, tits, bullfinches...)

What's worse for birds: cold or hunger?

Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food.

The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers.

Reading in chorus.

How can we help birds in winter? (make feeders)

Do you know what you can feed birds?

(Birds can be fed with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hemp. It is better to crush the seeds. You should not give birds fried seeds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love peck unsalted fat and meat.)

Feed the birds in winter

So that from all over

They flocked to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed.

One handful - and not scary

It will be winter for them.

Tame birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

What does this poem teach us?

4. Introduction to the concept of text-reasoning

What is a discourse text?

(these are texts that explain something, draw conclusions, texts that answer the question WHY?)

How is a text-reasoning constructed?

therefore, that's why, that means

because, after all...

For example: Why do birds have a hard time in winter? because….(explanation)

Explanation, proof can be at the beginning of the argument, and what is explained is proven at the end. This ending is usually called a conclusion.

For example: Winter has come, a lot of snow has fallen, it is difficult for birds to get food, so it is difficult for birds in winter.

5. Looking at illustrations

6. Teamwork

What time of year is it?

How do birds fare in winter?

How can you help your feathered friends?

How will the birds thank us in the spring?

7. Making a plan (writing on the board)

8. Vocabulary work

What epithets and comparisons can be used in the text?

Snowy winter, fluffy snow, cold days, hungry birds, like a feather bed, provided with food, happy to feast on them, tireless helpers, agricultural pests

9. Oral storytelling

It's hard for birds in winter. Cold. An evil blizzard is walking through the forests and steppes. The ground and bushes were covered with snow. Where can I get food?

That's why children come to the aid of the birds. The children hung feeders in the school garden. The attendants bring food to the birds every day.

In spring, birds will protect the garden from insects and caterpillars. Birds are our friends!

Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow, like a feather bed, covered the ground, roofs of houses, bushes and trees. It is difficult for birds to get food. Therefore, they migrate to nearby cities and villages. (That’s why in winter many birds huddle close to human habitation). Birds are afraid of hunger in winter, not cold. If every school in our country installs at least one feeder, then all birds will be provided with food.

Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, and white bread crumbs. And woodpeckers and tits will happily feast on unsalted lard and meat.

Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in the fight against agricultural pests. Take care of the birds!

10. Independent work

11. Self-test

What new and educational things did we learn in class today?

Why do birds find it difficult to survive in winter?

What is more terrible for them: cold or hunger?

How can we help birds in winter?

What is a discourse text?

What linking words did we use in the text?

What conclusion can be drawn from everything we have written?

Which of you will take care of the birds this winter?

Essay topic: Why do birds have a hard time in winter?

Essay - reasoning

Purpose: To introduce students to the concept of text-reasoning.

Tasks: 1. Write an essay - an argument on the topic: “Why is it difficult for birds in winter”, teach how to use linking words, evidence, and the ability to draw conclusions in the text.

2. Develop students’ speech, teach them to overcome difficulties in creating written

statements, activate students' vocabulary.

3. Foster respect for nature and care for birds in winter.

Equipment: a poster depicting wintering birds, illustrations depicting a bird feeder, children's drawings.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Goal setting.

Cold weather, blizzards and blizzards have arrived

Guests arrived in villages, parks, cities...

What guests are we talking about? (about wintering birds)

Today we will write an essay about wintering birds and think about why it is difficult for birds to live in winter.

3. Introductory conversation

What wintering birds do you know?

How do birds live in winter?

How can we help them?

To help the birds, you need to know what kind of birds we have for the winter, what they feed on.

The flocks of birds have flown away,

The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

All covered in silver,

Without leaving this land,

Many birds remain here.

Who is there cleverly and persistently

Climbing down with its sharp beak?

This is an agile nuthatch

In front of a flock of tits. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

At the edge of the old fir trees

From dawn to dawn

Tap dancers are talking,

The bullfinches echo loudly.

The spotted woodpecker will call loudly,

Dispersing the silence of the forest,

And in clearings, in sticky areas,

The lively siskin will respond.

I could do so much more

Let's talk about the forest singers,

Like in the middle of cold and frost

The crossbill raised its chicks.

Like from morning until sunset

Goldfinches visit the burrs

And they are in a hurry to get somewhere

Bright red bee-eaters.

What wintering birds did you learn about from this poem?

In addition to these birds, other birds that are well known to you remain to spend the winter with us. Which?

(Magpies, crows, sparrows, tits, bullfinches...)

What's worse for birds: cold or hunger?

Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food.

The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers.

Reading in chorus.

How can we help birds in winter? (make feeders)

Do you know what you can feed birds?

(Birds can be fed with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hemp. It is better to crush the seeds. You should not give birds fried seeds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love peck unsalted fat and meat.)

Feed the birds in winter

So that from all over

They flocked to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed.

One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

Tame birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

What does this poem teach us?

4. Introduction to the concept of text-reasoning

What is a discourse text?

(these are texts that explain something, draw conclusions, texts that answer the question WHY?)

How is a text-reasoning constructed?

therefore, that's why, that means

because, after all...

For example: Why do birds have a hard time in winter? because….(explanation)

Explanation, proof can be at the beginning of the argument, and what is explained is proven at the end. This ending is usually called a conclusion.

For example: Winter has come, a lot of snow has fallen, it is difficult for birds to get food, so it is difficult for birds in winter.

5. Looking at illustrations

6. Teamwork

What time of year is it?

How do birds fare in winter?

How can you help your feathered friends?

How will the birds thank us in the spring?

7. Making a plan (writing on the board)

8. Vocabulary work

What epithets and comparisons can be used in the text?

Snowy winter, fluffy snow, cold days, hungry birds, like a feather bed, provided with food, happy to feast on them, tireless helpers, agricultural pests

9. Oral storytelling

It's hard for birds in winter. Cold. An evil blizzard is walking through the forests and steppes. The ground and bushes were covered with snow. Where can I get food?

That's why children come to the aid of the birds. The children hung feeders in the school garden. The attendants bring food to the birds every day.

In spring, birds will protect the garden from insects and caterpillars. Birds are our friends!

Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow, like a feather bed, covered the ground, roofs of houses, bushes and trees. It is difficult for birds to get food. Therefore, they migrate to nearby cities and villages. (That’s why in winter many birds huddle close to human habitation). Birds are afraid of hunger in winter, not cold. If every school in our country installs at least one feeder, then all birds will be provided with food.

Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, and white bread crumbs. And woodpeckers and tits will happily feast on unsalted lard and meat.

Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in the fight against agricultural pests. Take care of the birds!

10. Independent work

11. Self-test

What new and educational things did we learn in class today?

Why do birds find it difficult to survive in winter?

What is more terrible for them: cold or hunger?

How can we help birds in winter?

What is a text-reasoning?

What linking words did we use in the text?

What conclusion can be drawn from everything we have written?

Which of you will take care of the birds this winter?

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lesson plan:

"Why do birds have a hard time in winter"

Essay - reasoning

Developed by:

primary school teacher

Rudnik Irina Alexandrovna

Temirtau 2010

Essay topic: Why do birds have a hard time in winter?

Essay - reasoning

Purpose: To introduce students to the concept of text-reasoning.

Tasks: 1. Write an essay - an argument on the topic: “Why is it difficult for birds in winter”, teach how to use linking words, evidence, and the ability to draw conclusions in the text.

2. Develop students’ speech, teach them to overcome difficulties in creating written statements, and activate students’ vocabulary.

3. Foster respect for nature and care for birds in winter.

Equipment: a poster depicting wintering birds, illustrations depicting a bird feeder, children's drawings.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Goal setting.

Cold weather, blizzards and blizzards have arrived

Guests arrived in villages, parks, cities...

What guests are we talking about? (about wintering birds)

Today we will write an essay about wintering birds and think about why it is difficult for birds to live in winter.

3. Introductory conversation

What wintering birds do you know?

How do birds live in winter?

How can we help them?

To help the birds, you need to know what kind of birds we have for the winter, what they feed on.

The flocks of birds have flown away,

The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

All covered in silver,

Without leaving this land,

Many birds remain here.

Who is there cleverly and persistently

Climbing down with its sharp beak?

This is an agile nuthatch

In front of a flock of tits.

At the edge of the old fir trees

From dawn to dawn

Tap dancers are talking,

The bullfinches echo loudly.

The spotted woodpecker will call loudly,

Dispersing the silence of the forest,

And in clearings, in sticky areas,

The lively siskin will respond.

I could do so much more

Let's talk about the forest singers,

Like in the middle of cold and frost

The crossbill raised its chicks.

Like from morning until sunset

Goldfinches visit the burrs

And they are in a hurry to get somewhere

Bright red bee-eaters.

What wintering birds did you learn about from this poem?

In addition to these birds, other birds that are well known to you remain to spend the winter with us. Which?

(Magpies, crows, sparrows, tits, bullfinches...)

What's worse for birds: cold or hunger?

Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food.

The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers.

Reading in chorus.

How can we help birds in winter? (make feeders)

Do you know what you can feed birds?

(Birds can be fed with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hemp. It is better to crush the seeds. You should not give birds fried seeds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love peck unsalted fat and meat.)

Feed the birds in winter

So that from all over

They flocked to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed.

One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

Tame birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

What does this poem teach us?

4. Introduction to the concept of text-reasoning

What is a discourse text?

(these are texts that explain something, draw conclusions, texts that answer the question WHY?)

How is a text-reasoning constructed?

therefore, that's why, that means

because, after all...

For example: Why do birds have a hard time in winter? because….(explanation)

Explanation, proof can be at the beginning of the argument, and what is explained is proven at the end. This ending is usually called a conclusion.

For example: Winter has come, a lot of snow has fallen, it is difficult for birds to get food, so it is difficult for birds in winter.

5. Looking at illustrations

6. Teamwork

What time of year is it?

How do birds fare in winter?

How can you help your feathered friends?

How will the birds thank us in the spring?

7. Making a plan (writing on the board)

8. Vocabulary work

What epithets and comparisons can be used in the text?

Snowy winter, fluffy snow, cold days, hungry birds, like a feather bed, provided with food, happy to feast on them, tireless helpers, agricultural pests

9. Oral storytelling

It's hard for birds in winter. Cold. An evil blizzard is walking through the forests and steppes. The ground and bushes were covered with snow. Where can I get food?

That's why children come to the aid of the birds. The children hung feeders in the school garden. The attendants bring food to the birds every day.

In spring, birds will protect the garden from insects and caterpillars. Birds are our friends!

Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow, like a feather bed, covered the ground, roofs of houses, bushes and trees. It is difficult for birds to get food. Therefore, they migrate to nearby cities and villages. (That’s why in winter many birds huddle close to human habitation). Birds are afraid of hunger in winter, not cold. If every school in our country installs at least one feeder, then all birds will be provided with food.

Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, and white bread crumbs. And woodpeckers and tits will happily feast on unsalted lard and meat.

Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in the fight against agricultural pests. Take care of the birds!

10. Independent work

11. Self-test

What new and educational things did we learn in class today?

Why do birds find it difficult to survive in winter?

What is more terrible for them: cold or hunger?

How can we help birds in winter?

What is a text-reasoning?

What linking words did we use in the text?

What conclusion can be drawn from everything we have written?

Which of you will take care of the birds this winter?

Is it cold or hungry for the birds? Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food. The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers. Reading in chorus. -How can we help birds in winter? (make feeders) - Do you know what you can feed birds with? (Birds can be fed with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hemp. It is better to crush the seeds. You should not give birds fried seeds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love peck unsalted fat and meat.) Feed the birds in winter, So that flocks of birds from all over will flock to you, as if at home. Their food is not rich, only a handful is needed. One handful - and they won’t be afraid of winter. Tame the birds in the cold to your window, So that we don’t have to welcome spring without songs. -What does this poem teach us? 4. Introduction to the concept of text-reasoning - What is text-reasoning? (these are texts in which something is explained, conclusions are drawn, texts that answer the question WHY?) -How is a reasoning text constructed? therefore, that’s why, it means because, after all... For example: Why is it difficult for birds in winter? because….(explanation) Explanation, proof can be at the beginning of the argument, and what is explained is proven at the end. This ending is usually called a conclusion. For example: Winter has come, a lot of snow has fallen, it is difficult for birds to get food, so it is difficult for birds in winter. 5. Examination of illustrations 6. Group work -What time of year is it? -What is it like for birds in winter? - How can you help your feathered friends? -How will the birds thank us in the spring? 7. Making a plan (writing on the board) Plan Key words I. Cold winter has come, there is a blizzard, fluffy snow II. It's hard for birds in winter. fell asleep, drifted, get food, migrate to nearby cities and villages, III. Help guys. come to the rescue, do, watch, feed, take care IV. Birds are our friends. They destroy caterpillars, insects, 8. Vocabulary work -What epithets and comparisons can be used in the text? Snowy winter, fluffy snow, cold days, hungry birds, like a feather bed, provided with food, happy to feast on them, tireless helpers, agricultural pests 9. Oral compilation of stories * * * It is difficult for birds in winter. Cold. An evil blizzard is walking through the forests and steppes. The ground and bushes were covered with snow. Where can I get food? That's why children come to the aid of the birds. The children hung feeders in the school garden. The attendants bring food to the birds every day. In spring, birds will protect the garden from insects and caterpillars. Birds are our friends! * * * Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow, like



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