Why is my cat wheezing? Why does my cat cough as if she’s choking, and what can I do about it? Feline viral rhinotracheitis

Breathing is such a natural process that when it is normal, it is not paid attention to and is not noticed. But sometimes changes occur in the body that cause breathing problems. When this happens to a domestic cat, a loving and attentive owner will immediately suspect that something bad is happening to his pet. Especially if the cat wheezes and breathes with great difficulty.

The frequency of breathing and its depth depend on the emotional and physical state in which the animal is. If the cat is healthy, then he breathes calmly and without convulsive sighs. When breathing, movement of the chest is noticeable. If pathologies of the respiratory system develop, or if there are injuries to the chest organs, it becomes painful for the pet to inhale and exhale in the usual way. The cat begins to breathe with its stomach; in the most serious situations, you can hear that it is wheezing.

There are certain conditions of the body in which breathing problems are caused by natural physiological causes and are the norm:

  • in a state of stress - fear, excitement, rage, joyful excitement - the cat’s breathing quickens for a short time;
  • in a calm state, during sleep the cat breathes less frequently;
  • in pregnant women, as well as in cats during estrus, the respiratory rate increases;
  • kittens also breathe more frequently than adult pets.

Dangerous signs - cough and wheezing

However, changes in breathing are not always a harmless symptom. If the cat's health is poor, the frequency and depth of breathing is often impaired, and symptoms such as wheezing or coughing may appear. A young kitten is as susceptible to this as adults.

Wheezing is a noisy wheezing sound that occurs when a narrowing of the respiratory tract blocks the passage of air into the bronchi or lungs. This pathological condition is called obstruction. Also, wheezing appears due to pneumothorax, the accumulation of large quantities of air, or hydrothorax, when fluid accumulates.

With obstruction, narrowing of the respiratory lumen, wheezing is dry and whistling. They become moist, gurgling when fluid or mucus accumulates in the respiratory organs.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body. It helps clear the respiratory system from mucus and pus. But its cause is not always a common cold. It occurs because the cough zones, which are located in the bronchi, react to irritants - mechanical or chemical. For example, when a cat coughs as if she's choking, it could be an object stuck in her airway.

As malignant formations near the respiratory tract grow, they begin to make breathing difficult, causing hoarseness and wheezing. It becomes difficult for the cat to swallow and may cough up blood.

Wheezing or coughing are always only symptoms of a particular health problem, and not an independent disease. For them to disappear, it is necessary to examine and treat the pet for the specific disease that causes them.

Respiratory diseases as a cause of wheezing

Wheezing and coughing in cats appear under the influence of various factors. They do not develop respiratory diseases or influenza. There are several other reasons, whether viral, allergic or traumatic, why a cat wheezes or coughs when he breathes.

Pathological conditions of the respiratory system:

  1. Inflammatory process in pneumonia. Lobar disease is especially difficult when the area of ​​fibrotic inflammation is localized in several lobes of the lung.
  2. Viral rhinotracheitis, also called feline herpes.
  3. Viral calcivirus - its manifestations are similar to those observed in humans with the flu.
  4. Involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx (laryngospasm) due to an acute allergic reaction.
  5. The presence of a neoplasm in the bronchi.
  6. Aspiration or trauma to the airways if a foreign body that is stuck in the larynx or pharynx damages them.
  7. Bronchial asthma in a cat.

The development of these ailments is accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • severe coughing, during which the animal stretches its neck, bends its paws and presses itself to the floor;
  • shortness of breath is observed;
  • the cat is breathing with wheezing;
  • cyanosis (blue color) of the mucous membranes appears due to oxygen starvation of the cells.

Diseases of other body systems that cause hoarse breathing

Respiratory wheezing can also be observed with other chronic or congenital pathologies of organs and body systems in a cat:

  • cardiovascular diseases and heart failure;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • kidney failure, which can cause pulmonary edema due to fluid accumulation;
  • genetic malformations of the respiratory system: brachycephalic syndrome - in which there is a narrowing of the nasal passage, elongation and thickening of the soft palate; collapse of the trachea - when there is deformation of this organ, which is accompanied by loss of muscle elasticity and narrowing of the respiratory lumen.

First wince when breathing stops

In the most critical situation, when the cat has stopped breathing, it may be necessary to perform artificial respiration and chest compressions. The process is as follows:

  1. Lay the cat straight, fix its position so that the neck is in a straight line with the spine;
  2. The animal's mouth must be closed. If necessary, it must be freed from foreign objects, saliva, mucus;
  3. Exhale air into the animal’s nose through a cupped palm. The frequency of exhalations depends on the size of the cat. It is approximately 20 exhalations per minute. With slight expansion of the chest, the volume of air is considered sufficient;
  4. Kittens should be given artificial respiration especially carefully so as not to damage their small lungs with a large volume of air;
  5. In case of cardiac arrest, perform indirect cardiac massage. To do this, press the cat’s chest with your palm with your thumb on one side and the other four on the other. Rhythmically and sharply squeeze and relax your fingers five times in a row, then exhale into the animal’s nose. You should check for a heartbeat every two minutes.

It is necessary to pay attention to any manifestations of hoarse breathing in your pet. With this symptom there are almost always serious health problems present.

Cats are vocal creatures. These animals often express their “opinion” on any matter; some felines are even capable of making sounds similar to the simplest words (and they do not need to be trained for this). If the cat is hoarse, any owner will notice it. Why can this happen, and does this pathology pose a danger to the life and health of your pet?

In most cases, various infectious diseases of the respiratory system are responsible for the loss of “singing abilities”. For example, it may well lead to such a result. Most often it appears as a result of a strong cat’s body, which leads to the rapid activation of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. There are also contagious varieties that are instantly transmitted from animal to animal, especially if the latter are in a crowded state. This often happens in animal shelters. Since their “guests” are, as a rule, already severely weakened, infections quickly spread to the entire population. Remember this if you decide to adopt a kitten from a shelter! What other reasons are there?

Besides, the cat may become completely hoarse due to "landing" voices. This happens if the animal screams loudly and for a long time (for example, in the month of March, during “disputes” with its competitors). After mating, pets can also become hoarse, as they express their feelings too loudly during the process itself. It happens that hoarseness is one of the indirect signs of the presence foreign bodies in the throat. The cat wheezes loudly, eventually losing its “original” voice.

Important! A very dangerous cause of sudden hoarseness is tracheal obstruction. It can be caused by various factors - from hereditary predisposition to cancer, when the tumor simply compresses the organ. Sometimes obstruction is a consequence of serious mechanical injuries to the neck.

Read also: Concussion in cats: symptoms and treatment

Concomitant clinical signs (except, in fact, hoarseness itself) directly depend on the reasons that caused it. Thus, with bronchitis and pneumonia, in most cases an increase in general body temperature can be observed. Even without auscultation (listening) of the lungs, moist and bubbling rales can be heard. The general condition of the animal with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system is depressed, apathetic. The pet refuses food, his thirst increases, he strives to spend as much time as possible in the most remote and dark corners of the apartment or house. When he coughs, phlegm may come out of his mouth. The coughing process itself is painful and causes the animal a lot of suffering.

Read also: The cat is choking, wheezing and coughing: causes, treatment methods

Tracheal obstruction is accompanied not only by loss of voice, but also by severe coughing (even to the point of vomiting).. In addition, the cat may begin to choke, wheeze, and foam comes out of its mouth. In severe cases, the animal may die from severe asphyxia; it needs immediate medical attention. What to do? Don't panic and call the vet immediately at the first sign of choking! The sooner a specialist arrives, the less likely it is to die.

Thus, in many cases, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical signs alone; additionally, blood, urine, and stool tests are taken; in doubtful and complex situations, a biopsy can be performed for subsequent microscopic examination of tissue samples. The latter method is used, for example, when diagnosing cancer. Also, if respiratory diseases are suspected, an X-ray and chest examination are performed.

Therapeutic techniques

Treatment also depends on the underlying cause of hoarseness. Since the most common cause is respiratory diseases, therapy is carried out using antibiotics broad spectrum and other antimicrobial drugs. When airway obstruction is caused by foreign bodies or tumors, they are removed surgically. The same applies to deformation of the tracheal rings, which are replaced with synthetic implants.

A cough with wheezing is a situation when you should worry about the health of your pet. The attack is often accompanied by the release of sputum and mucus, the sound when the pet coughs and wheezes is low and muffled, and the duration can be different each time. No wheezing is heard during coughing, since this symptom accompanies the cat almost the entire remaining time.

Wheezing in the sternum area can be easily heard, because it is the respiratory tract that is affected by a disease that causes coughing and wheezing.

Wheezing can be heard when your cat is panting, eating or drinking. They do not stop during sleep, but more often turn into snoring or snoring. Loud snoring during sleep indicates a severe problem in the respiratory tract. Snoring is often accompanied by discharge from the nose, eyes, and swelling. These are all serious symptoms.

Cough is a companion to many diseases, but the presence of snoring makes diagnosis easier. Pedigree cats with flattened faces often snore for no reason. The structure of their nasopharynx does not allow them to take deep breaths, and snoring is a constant symptom that does not interfere with their lives. If your cat is coughing and wheezing, it is most likely due to:

  • Respiratory disease;
  • A foreign object stuck in the larynx;
  • Throat injury;
  • Laryngeal paralysis.

It is quite simple to distinguish the reasons why a cat coughs and wheezes, since they differ in external manifestation.

Respiratory diseases

All respiratory diseases are accompanied not only by the fact that the animal is coughing and wheezing. Cats begin to sneeze, their eyes water, and nasal discharge appears. The first few days the cough is dry and piercing, but after a few days a large amount of mucus forms in the larynx, which comes out along with the cough.

During the exacerbation season, it becomes difficult for the cat to breathe, so coughing and wheezing are observed periodically. Also during this period, you can experience a sore throat. The disease is chronic and should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. But for ordinary respiratory diseases, you can rely on the choice of the seller at the veterinary pharmacy.

Foreign body in the larynx

Cats do not swallow foreign objects very often, but this possibility should not be ruled out. The cat may cough and wheeze, as if he was choking. The cough reflex tries to push out a stuck object. Wheezing occurs due to the fact that air cannot pass freely through the respiratory tract. Wheezing is especially audible when exhaling. During sleep, the animal does not snore, but excessively loud snoring and even whistling can be heard.

It is necessary to remove the foreign object from the larynx as quickly as possible, after which the symptom will disappear. Sometimes a bezoar made from the animal's own fur can become a foreign object.


Internal injuries occur due to poor nutrition. Often this is the presence of bones in the diet, but in some cases the reason is the lack of free access to water, which is why the cat cannot chew food properly.

Cats get external throat injuries in fights among themselves, as well as due to poor treatment by people. The injury does not have to be in the area of ​​the sternum and throat; the animal often begins to cough and wheeze due to the poor condition of the internal organs after an unsuccessful fall. For example, a short cough can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

In the case of internal microtraumas of the larynx, you can simply change the diet to a more gentle one. And after a fight, you may have to apply a tight bandage and take cough suppressants.

Laryngeal paralysis is not self-diagnosed. At this time, the cat seems to wheeze and sneeze, but these processes are implicit and drawn out. This requires a comprehensive analysis and observation by a veterinarian for several days. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after determining why the cat is coughing and wheezing.

They say that a cat is suffocating if the animal sits in an unnatural position, the breathing movements are short, intermittent, frequent, and sometimes the cat sticks out its tongue. Choking develops if the airways are mechanically blocked by swollen tissue, liquid or a foreign object.

Cat cough - causes, treatment

If a cat begins to breathe heavily, then some kind of disease has probably begun to progress in her body. Here are examples of the most common ones:

  • Hypoxia.
  • Inhalation of food particles or toys.
  • Heart failure.
  • Joy.
  • Heat.
  • Allergy.
  • Injuries.
  • Fever.
  • Poisoning.
  • Tumor.
  • Hydrothorax.
  • Pneumothorax.

Now let's look at each of them in more detail.

Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues. This disease has acute and chronic forms. Acute occurs with large blood losses. The chronic form appears as a result of diseases of the respiratory system, liver, and blood.

If heavy breathing is accompanied by wheezing, this may indicate that there is a foreign body in the nasopharynx.

Heart failure makes itself felt after the pet finishes its active games. At the same time, you can notice not only heavy breathing, but also a cyanosis of the tongue, which soon disappears.

If an animal experiences shock, its blood circulation is disrupted, resulting in a lack of oxygen.

A pet that has damage to the ribs, chest and spine will breathe from the stomach, while the ribs are practically motionless.

When a cat experiences joy, its breathing quickens, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

Hydrothorax very rarely occurs as an independent disease. As a rule, this disease appears in parallel with heart failure, anemia, or kidney and liver diseases. This disease often leads to lymph outflow, stagnation in the veins, and decreased functionality of the heart muscle. All this can lead to the death of the animal.

  1. There are 3 types of pneumothorax: open, closed and valve.
  2. Open pneumothorax occurs during injury when a hole is created and air enters and exits during inhalation and exhalation.
  3. Closed pneumothorax also occurs as a result of injury, only air remains in place. The passage to it is closed by a blood clot.
  4. And the most dangerous form is valve pneumothorax, since air enters with each breath, but cannot escape because it is closed by a valve.

The more complex the injury during pneumothorax, the less likely the animal is to survive. If the injury is not severe, then the animal will live. If a large amount of air penetrates, the organs in the chest become cold, the volume of the lungs decreases, and respiratory distress occurs. In addition, infection can enter the lungs and chest through the wound.

The animal may become frightened by this condition and begin to breathe rapidly, resulting in suffocation.

Fear or severe stress can cause the animal to take a tense position, breathe frequently and nervously, and lick its lips. This phenomenon is short-lived and usually passes without consequences for the animal.

Cats usually have very multiple pregnancies; at the end of gestation, the animal's uterus is so large that it puts pressure on the diaphragm. Shortness of breath appears, the cat moves with difficulty.

If a cat is at high altitude, it experiences a lack of oxygen and may pant rapidly.

Various pathological conditions can lead to a cat suffocating. They are usually accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, shortness of breath, cough, vomiting or diarrhea, lethargy, blueness of visible mucous membranes, extreme thirst and loss of appetite, increased urination. The cat's heart rhythm changes (fast or weak), and fluid may be released from the mouth or nose.

Nervous system diseases

A pathology of the brain that affects the respiratory center can manifest itself in impaired breathing of the animal. A cat may choke after a head injury or as a tumor grows. This condition may be accompanied by vomiting, unsteadiness when walking, and other neurological signs.

Respiratory diseases

A cat can breathe through its mouth if its nasal passages are blocked. With the growth of polyps or neoplasms in the nasal cavity or pharynx, the animal may breathe frequently and shallowly. This is usually accompanied by loss of appetite because the cat cannot smell the food. With the growth of tumors in the pharynx area, the cat may have difficulty swallowing and may choke when eating or choke.

With pulmonary edema, bronchospasm and an asthmatic attack, the animal may suffocate to the point of suffocation. At the same time, the cat’s breathing is hoarse, gurgling sounds are heard, and a cough develops. The cat takes a forced pose. Without assistance, he may die.

Blood pathology

In severe anemia, the animal's body suffers from hypoxia. This causes him to increase his breathing. At the same time, the cat feels weak. He often licks his lips because he feels nauseous, there may be vomiting, and the visible mucous membranes are pale. The cat is apathetic.

Breathing problems up to and including suffocation can develop as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. In this case, the carbon monoxide molecule binds to the hemoglobin of red blood cells, instead of oxygen. A very stable compound is formed - carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, the tissues and organs of the cat’s body experience severe oxygen starvation. The cat reflexively begins to breathe rapidly, inhaling even more carbon monoxide, and ultimately dies.

Abdominal ascites

The accumulation of fluid in the animal's abdominal cavity leads to pressure on the cat's diaphragm, and the animal's breathing becomes more frequent. In this case, the cat’s belly is bloated and the general condition is depressed.

Heart pathology

When helminths enter the myocardial ventricles, heart failure and pulmonary embolism, the cat begins to suffocate. The animal may be in a forced position. There is no talk of motor activity, the cat is apathetic, her psyche is depressed. Possible refusal of food.

Other reasons

With an increase in intra-abdominal pressure or poisoning with certain medications, excitation of the respiratory center may occur. When a foreign body enters, the cat takes a forced position, wheezes and breathes frequently. There may be other reasons.

It's not just people who suffer from coughs. This problem may well arise in our pets, namely cats. Coughing and wheezing in cats is quite common, so it is worth understanding the causes and treatment options for coughing in cats.

What causes cats to cough, and how to deal with it?

Cough in cats can occur for the following reasons:

  • the pet may simply get sick with rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other respiratory viral infections;
  • the cat may have a foreign body or tumor in the nasopharynx;
  • the animal may be coughing due to heart failure or pulmonary hypertension;
  • inflammation of the esophagus can lead to coughing;
  • A cat may cough due to worms.

Its symptoms can tell you about the nature of cough in cats. A night cough usually indicates tracheitis, frequent coughing attacks indicate asthma, viral infections or laryngeal injuries. Very often, in order to make a correct diagnosis, you need to take an x-ray and conduct other diagnostics, which can only be done by a veterinarian. Therefore, you should not delay visiting the doctor if the pet’s health is of interest to the owner.

To understand how to treat a cat’s cough, you need to know the correct diagnosis. Before this, it is necessary to limit the animal’s physical activity and moderate its activity. This is especially true in cases of shortness of breath. As for medications, the veterinarian may well prescribe a course of antibiotics, as well as expectorants. Also, a sick cat should be given more warm liquid and its consumption should be constantly monitored.

It must be remembered that a good owner is always responsible for his pets. Therefore, one cannot ignore the animal’s illness. It is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and ensure proper treatment for your pet.

Common underlying causes of cough in cats:

Associated symptoms and diagnosis

Once the problem is resolved by coughing up the irritants or moving out of the toxic area, the symptom most often does not recur. All other cases are usually accompanied by additional symptoms.

· Brachiocephalic syndrome (narrowing of the lumen of the nostrils, excessive growth of the velum palatine);

· Laryngospasm, laryngeal edema (foreign bodies, allergic reactions, tracheal intubation);

Clinical picture and diagnosis

Concomitant clinical signs (except, in fact, hoarseness itself) directly depend on the reasons that caused it. Thus, with bronchitis and pneumonia, in most cases an increase in general body temperature can be observed. Even without auscultation (listening) of the lungs, moist and bubbling rales can be heard.

The general condition of the animal with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system is depressed, apathetic. The pet refuses food, his thirst increases, he strives to spend as much time as possible in the most remote and dark corners of the apartment or house. When he coughs, phlegm may come out of his mouth. The coughing process itself is painful and causes the animal a lot of suffering.

Obstruction of the trachea is accompanied not only by loss of voice, but also by severe coughing (even to the point of vomiting). In addition, the cat may begin to choke, wheeze, and foam comes out of its mouth. In severe cases, the animal may die from severe asphyxia; it needs immediate medical attention. What to do?

Thus, in many cases, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical signs alone; additional tests of blood, urine, and feces are taken; in doubtful and complex situations, a biopsy can be performed for subsequent microscopic examination of tissue samples.

How to treat cough with wheezing

Since the causes of the disease are different, the methods of treating your pet are completely different. Breathing on your own can return to normal only after experiencing emotions of joy and shock. In other cases, only a veterinarian can help.

Hypoxia in a cat can be cured with the help of pharmacological drugs that reduce oxygen consumption by tissues.

If pieces of food or particles of a toy get into the animal’s nasopharynx, then you should not try to pull them out yourself. Only a doctor can do this.

In the case when heavy breathing is accompanied by fever and cough, this may indicate that the animal has bronchitis or laryngeal edema.

Wheezing breathing can be characteristic not only of diseases such as hydrothorax and pneumothorax, but also with edema, pneumonia and heart disease.

It is imperative to examine the cat's body; if scratches and bruises are visible on it, it may have injuries. An animal with serious bruises loses its appetite and is constantly thirsty. It needs to be shown to a specialist, possibly an ultrasound or x-ray.

To cure hydrothorax, you first need to determine the cause of the disease. Treatment is carried out with a course of antibiotics and vitamins, as well as cardiac and diuretics. You should also limit your pet's intake of water and liquid food. The cat is punctured and the fluid is partially removed, no more than 300 ml.

Treatment of hydrothorax is ineffective, therefore they mainly treat expensive purebred animals.

In any case, no matter how severe the animal’s condition, there is no need to abandon it to its fate. Let a specialist examine the cat and decide its fate himself. If there is even a small chance of salvation, you must seize it.

If the cat is pregnant or has just taken a ride on public transport, its breathing disorder is temporary. In this case, she does not require treatment. In other cases, the animal needs medical attention. Doctors provide symptomatic and supportive therapy, oxygen therapy until an accurate diagnosis is established and treatment is prescribed.

If the animal is wheezing and breathing through its mouth, you can try to independently examine its nasopharynx. Perhaps a foreign object got there. It should be removed. Some experienced cat owners can do this, but it is better to take your pet to a veterinarian. In case of any breathing problems, it is better to take the cat to the clinic as quickly as possible, because if you develop swelling of the larynx or an attack of bronchial asthma, you may not have time to help the animal.

If the cat is not breathing, it is recommended to perform closed cardiac massage and perform artificial respiration. To do this, the cat is placed on its back and fixed so that the neck and spine are in line. The animal's mouth should be closed and air should be blown through the nose. To do this, the palm is rolled into a tube, placed against the nose and air is blown in at a frequency of 20 blows per minute.

Diseases of pets can baffle their owners. For example, not everyone knows what to do if a cat starts coughing. However, the owner can help his pet even before visiting the veterinarian.


Determine if your cat is actually coughing. The mechanism of this action in cats is somewhat different than in humans. When a cat coughs, it wheezes, opens its mouth and sometimes sticks out its tongue. It may appear that the cat is choking, but most likely this action will be a cough.

Check your cat's mouth for foreign objects and hairballs. This may be one of the causes of cough. To open the animal's mouth, insert your fingers into the mouth from the corners of the mouth, where

no teeth, and gently move your jaws apart. Be careful as the animal may bite you hard.

If you don't find anything in your mouth

Think if you could

occur due to an allergic reaction. It could have been caused by some new substance that appeared in the house. Please note that cats can develop allergies not only when they eat something, but even when they inhale a specific odor. If you suspect any item, remove it from your home for a while. so you can understand whether you had


Also use various methods of humidifying the air in your home to improve your cat's breathing comfort. To do this, you can use, for example, a damp towel placed on a working battery and evaporate the water.


Wheezing and coughing, accompanied by various diseases, can be so severe that a person cannot sleep, work or study normally. However, even if the symptoms are not too pronounced or, for example, occur only in the evenings, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of cough with wheezing should be mandatory. After all, ignoring the signs or delaying the start of therapy can lead to very serious complications.

Wheezing and cough: how to treat it?

Methods of dealing with unpleasant symptoms directly depend on the cause that causes them. Before treating wheezing and coughing, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis. To do this, the doctor conducts the necessary examinations. They are:

  • In examining the patient, listening to his complaints.
  • Conducting sputum and blood tests.
  • If necessary, perform radiography, bronchoscopy, spirometry.

Only after the doctor has taken a complete medical history will he be able to determine how to treat a cough with wheezing.

When dealing with symptoms, various methods are most often used:

  • Medication.
  • Physiotherapeutic.

Also, symptomatic treatment of unpleasant phenomena that occur in the lungs and bronchi is successfully carried out using various folk remedies.

Among the medications most often prescribed:

  • Mucolytics.
  • Expectorants.
  • Bronchodilators.

They help relieve spasms, thin mucus, and also promote its removal from the respiratory system.

The physiotherapeutic method of treatment involves performing:

  • Massage.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Inhalations.
  • Warming up.

Such procedures stimulate improved blood circulation in the respiratory organs and activate the discharge of mucus.

The best folk remedies for treating wheezing and cough are:

  • Drinking herbal decoctions (sage, thyme, linden flowers).
  • Rubbing the chest with animal fat.
  • Application of various compresses.

If you follow these recommendations to help relieve coughing and wheezing, treatment will be much faster and more effective. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot limit yourself to only general rules. Successful treatment and relief from unpleasant symptoms is possible only by visiting a doctor and strictly following all his prescriptions.

Sometimes, if a foreign object gets into the respiratory tract, the animal cannot cope on its own. In this case, the pet must be taken to the clinic to have the object removed by a specialist. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is possible.

Respiratory diseases require the use of relatively general therapy. In case of pneumonia, the first step is to use drugs that help remove the substance accumulated in the alveoli and bronchi. For this purpose, mucolytic and expectorant medications are used. For edema, diuretics are indicated. Cardiac medications are recommended to reduce the strain on the heart. Antibiotic therapy, probiotics and vitamins are provided. The presence of pain is eliminated with painkillers and antispasmodics.

Helminthic infestation is treated by using anthelmintics. Basically, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed: drontal, profender, stronghold, pyrantel, canikquantel, prosit, prazicide, pratel.

It will not be possible to completely cure such an illness, as it is most often a genetic pathology and has an allergic origin. It is important to prevent the presence of allergens, both in food and in the pet’s environment.


It is recommended to give vitamins orally or inject them. Symptomatic therapy is necessary. In case of intoxication and dehydration, intravenous infusions of physiological solutions are allowed.

In addition to eliminating dangerous foods or other substances that provoke an allergic reaction, the use of steroids is recommended. The drug cortisone is also acceptable. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

Heart diseases

Therapy and treatment of cough in cats

Heart diseases

Treatment also depends on the underlying cause of hoarseness. Since the most common cause is respiratory diseases, broad-spectrum antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs are used for treatment. When airway obstruction is caused by foreign bodies or tumors, they are removed surgically. The same applies to deformation of the tracheal rings, which are replaced with synthetic implants.

Worms are destroyed using specialized drugs in combination with antibiotics. The latter are used to destroy pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora that have taken root in the lungs. You just need to remember that medications to kill worms have little effect on migrating larvae, and therefore the treatment should be repeated after about two weeks.

If your pet notices an incomprehensible cry, meowing, or wheezing, you should contact your veterinarian. Sometimes a cat wheezes and sniffles when breathing due to the accumulation of fluid in the bronchi, but other factors can also influence the occurrence of an unpleasant symptom. With many deviations, owners observe that the pet is not only hoarse, but also salivates profusely, breathes poorly, the volume of fluid in the nose increases and behaves restlessly. It is difficult to treat the disorder on your own, and sometimes even dangerous for the health and life of your pet, so as soon as the cat’s voice has disappeared, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.


If the owners find that the cat wheezes when it breathes, wheezing and other pathological noises are detected, then it is worth taking the pet to the veterinarian. Such a violation is divided into several types, presented in the table:

Fine bubblesThe pathological sound is a consequence of the collapse of small air balls that are formed during sputum
Such wheezing is heard when the pet is sleeping or awake, and is characteristic of bronchitis, pneumonia and pulmonary infarction.
Medium bubbleReminds me of the sound of air blown through a tube
Observed with inflammation of the bronchi, which is associated with abundant accumulation of mucus
Large-vesicularCan be listened to without special devices
The cat exhibits noisy breathing with severe wheezing, and the pet can often burp liquid accumulated in the lungs
Caused by pulmonary edema

Veterinarians note that the cat may experience wheezing, whistling, dry or wet. At the same time, different types of noise are associated with different reasons and require special treatment.

Why is there a problem?

Pulmonary causes and additional symptoms

Cough is one of the main symptoms of rhinotracheitis in an animal.

If the kitten does not meow and its respiratory rhythm has changed, then in most cases the problem is associated with pathologies of the respiratory system. Many pulmonary diseases are characterized by copious secretion of saliva and mucus, which the pet often swallows. If a cat is breathing heavily and wheezing constantly, then this indicates a number of pathologies presented in the table.

Other reasons can also affect heavy breathing in a cat and severe wheezing:

The animal may experience difficulty breathing due to the triplication of the skull.
  • foreign body entering the throat;
  • brachycephalic syndrome;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • tracheal collapse.

Non-respiratory sources

When a cat has hoarse breathing accompanied by a loud sound, this does not always indicate a pathology in the respiratory system. Often a cat grunts and breathes through his mouth due to the following disorders:

  • Protrusion of the diaphragmatic hernia. The symptoms are reminiscent of bronchial asthma, with the pet constantly being in one position and breathing heavily.
  • Heart diseases. In case of heart failure, the animal rarely develops a cough, and the cat often wheezes and breathes through his mouth. Arrhythmia, myocardosis and myocarditis can affect impaired breathing.
  • Severe renal failure. The pathology often provokes pulmonary edema, as a result of which the pet refuses to eat, is constantly in a semi-sitting position and coughs.


At the appointment, the doctor may examine the animal’s throat.

If your cat becomes hoarse, breathes with its tongue hanging out, and sneezes frequently, then you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Such symptoms indicate serious illnesses in the respiratory and other systems of the cat’s body. During diagnosis, a specialist uses special instruments to examine the animal’s throat to detect a foreign object, which most often leads to wheezing. The veterinarian asks the animal owner what other symptoms have been present and for how long. If the cat begins to breathe heavily in its stomach, wheeze and cough, then to make an accurate diagnosis and find out the cause of the problem, the following diagnostic procedures are performed:

  • laboratory testing of blood and urine;
  • analysis of feces for the presence of helminths;
  • biopsy of damaged tissue;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • radiography.

From time to time, your cat may cough and wheeze. Any owner will be frightened by the hoarse voice of a cat, and he will immediately rush to the computer to look for the answer to the question: “Why?” Search engines find many options, ranging from banal allergies to such a frightening word as oncology. Before you get scared, it’s better to sit down and calmly read our article, and then call the veterinarians from the I-VET center. We tried to collect the most relevant answers.

Just yesterday your pet was active and playful, but today it lies with its paws outstretched, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a veterinarian, who should provide qualified assistance.

What is cat cough?

Just like a person, cat cough is an involuntary exhalation, which, as a rule, is accompanied by a sonorous exhalation. The largest number of receptors responsible for cough are located in the area of ​​the throat ligaments. Coughing is also a protective reflex that helps resist the effects of chemical irritation or food. Among other things, coughing helps remove phlegm and mucus from the body, which only interferes with the animal’s recovery. However, coughing is not always a protective reflex, and can also cause significant harm. In this case, this condition is considered a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does a cat cough and wheeze, what diseases can there be?

Cat cough, as a rule, never occurs as an independent disease. Most often it is a symptom of other diseases.

These are not all the reasons why a cough may occur. Currently more than 100 ailments are known which are accompanied by this reflex. Therefore, if your the cat is coughing, then this is an excellent reason to grab your pet and rush to the veterinarian, who will examine the furry and make the correct diagnosis.

Who coughs and wheezes: what is the danger, symptoms, insidious and different

An attentive owner should have noticed that A cat's cough has different sounds. Sometimes it's wheezing, sometimes it's a continuous dry sound full of agony. If you record cough sounds on a voice recorder or video camera, this can greatly help the doctor in diagnosing the disease. Sometimes the owner's description is not very accurate. Among other things, cough can be morning, daytime, evening or night. Coughing at night causes a lot of trouble both for the cat, depriving it primarily of normal sleep, and for the owner, who begins to worry about the health of his furry friend.

During a coughing attack the animal It can also stretch out its paws and can group itself. These signals indicate that this sound has gone from a reflex, which is designed to save life, to a very dangerous state that poses a direct threat to the cat. In particularly severe cases the animal may choke, which indicates that the owner needs to contact a veterinary center as soon as possible.


First of all, we would like to remind you that Cough therapy is individual and it should be selected individually by the attending physician. It’s one thing to have a kitten that can’t cough up sputum, and another thing to have an old cat with a whole bunch of illnesses. Each case requires an individual approach. Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. However, the owner must protect his animal from drafts and strong winds.

In case of severe cough, it is best to call a veterinarian at home. This will help avoid unnecessary risks and complications, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect the animal from exposure to cold. Also, in the veterinary center itself there may be sick and infected animals. This, in turn, is also an unnecessary and stupid risk that will affect your health. Depending on the diagnosis, adequate treatment is prescribed. Also, modern pharmacology offers many cough medications, but not all human medications are suitable for treating a constantly coughing cat. The most prescribed antibiotic is amoxiclav. It should be remembered that coughing is also a signal of an extremely weakened immune system in a cat.

If a cat is coughing and wheezing, what tests do a veterinarian need?

After a visual examination, you sit tensely in the doctor’s office and wait for the results. A the doctor suggests additional research. For example, the doctor may prescribe fluorography, x-ray of the lungs, possibly an ultrasound. Of course, you will need a classic set of tests - urine, blood and feces. A severe cough should make your doctor consider prescribing antibiotics and other treatments.

However, if you have The nursing mother fell ill bitch or pregnant animal, we recommend that you be more attentive to treatment. Many of the modern antibiotics are simply dangerous for cats to take due to the possible threat of miscarriage or bleeding. Most doctors recommend giving natural preparations, for example, herbal solutions that will need to be poured into the animal’s mouth with a syringe without a needle. Research in the form of tests is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that the parameters in the cat’s body do not change.

How to choose a veterinary center to treat an animal

If your cat starts coughing, and the cough itself becomes prolonged and frequent, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian without delay. As a rule, experienced owners already have a veterinarian’s phone number to whom they can turn for help at any time. But what to do if this is your first cat or animal in general? Of course, call the YA-VET veterinary center.

The most experienced veterinarians work here around the clock and will be able to answer any question you ask them. It is possible that an in-person examination of the pet will be required to complete the picture. Don't refuse. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and establish the true cause of a cat’s continuous cough. A cough of unknown etiology is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor.

In addition to qualified personnel, our medical center has the most modern equipment for both X-ray and ultrasound. The laboratory is also equipped with the latest technology.

Benefits of in-home veterinary care

Many owners prefer to personally take their pet to a veterinary center for first aid. However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to visit a doctor yourself. For such cases, we have a very convenient service - veterinary care at home. Within 40 minutes After you have submitted your application, any of our highly specialized specialists will come to you. So what can we do at home?

    Our range of veterinary services is very diverse. Our specialists can:
  • Take blood for analysis (both classical and biochemistry)
  • Provide the necessary assistance
  • Take an x-ray if necessary
  • For the most severe cases we have ultrasound
  • If necessary, we can transport your four-legged friend to the hospital.
  • We can also select adequate treatment that will help the animal recover in the shortest possible time and again delight the owner with playfulness.

Only the most modern equipment and the gentle hands of veterinarians and laboratory technicians can save another little life. A huge number of branches will allow you to choose the medical center closest to your place of residence. However, there are places from where it is difficult to get to our center. In this case, there is a convenient service for providing veterinary care at home. So what are our advantages?

  • Mobility
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress that could affect test results.
  • Reducing the risk of reinfection
  • The owner will be able to significantly save his time and have complete control over the process
  • The animal will be more comfortable with the necessary manipulations.

As you can see, there are many benefits to in-home veterinary care. Many busy owners have already appreciated the benefits of home care, because it helps to collect blood and examine the animal calmly and without stress.



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