Eating with high sugar. What should you eat if you have high blood sugar?

As a rule, it is about 3.5-5.6 mmol/l. If these indicators are too high, it’s time to sound the alarm. Of course, the doctor must in this case prescribe a series additional research directly to clarify the diagnosis. However, as a rule, special nutrition is recommended for high sugar in the blood. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Basic rules

  • First of all, it is necessary to sharply reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, in particular easily digestible ones.
  • In addition, some product categories should be completely reviewed and eliminated.
  • You should eat in small portions, but often (about six meals per day).
  • Products containing complex carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed mainly in the first half of the day.
  • Under no circumstances should you limit yourself to fluids.

Nutrition for high blood sugar. Why limit your carbs?

Carbohydrates are considered a direct source of sugar. If there are too many of them in the daily diet, our body simply cannot cope with the breakdown. In this case, this product becomes a real cell destroyer. The thing is that almost all systems suffer from uncontrolled excess glucose internal organs. If the analysis showed that this indicator is somewhat overestimated, it means that either the pancreas cannot cope with its primary work, or the cells are not sensitive to insulin. That's why special food This is necessary if you have high blood sugar.

Permitted and prohibited products

  • First of all, doctors strongly recommend completely eliminating from your daily diet foods that contain so-called “simple” carbohydrates (for example, jam, confectionery, grape). In addition, all spicy, fatty, smoked foods are prohibited. The thing is that these products have a rather adverse effect on metabolism, and they significantly facilitate the consistent accumulation of cholesterol.
  • Diet for elevated level Sugar recommends focusing on all kinds of vegetables. This is especially true for celery, squash, carrots and zucchini. If we talk about fruits, then excellent option are apples. The basis of your daily diet should be low-fat steamed meat/fish. Fermented milk products are an essential source of calcium. Eating with high blood sugar also involves eating a variety of cereals, including buckwheat and oatmeal. For example, they are easy to prepare as a side dish for the main dish, as well as the most common morning porridge.

Sample menu

For breakfast, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink a cup of green tea (exclusively without sugar). For lunch, steamed is considered an excellent option. chicken breast With vegetable salad and half a grapefruit. Allowed for dinner boiled fish With vegetable side dish. Use fruits and bran as fairly filling snacks between main meals.

Increased sugar during pregnancy. Diet

During the period of bearing a baby with high sugar levels, experts recommend reviewing your usual diet. So, you should avoid mashed potatoes and pasta products. In addition, it is better to hold off on consuming most fruits and carbonated water. As for the diet itself, it usually consists of vegetables and low-fat varieties meat/poultry. Moreover, it is recommended to pay special attention to cereals and dairy products. In general, nutrition should be mandatory adjusted by the attending physician based on the individual health indicators of the expectant mother.

Have you ever wondered why a doctor’s examination begins with a blood test for sugar? A blood test will tell you about the condition of the body. Thus, an elevated glucose level will indicate possible diseases. To avoid the threat of diabetes, a diet with high blood sugar is necessary to balance the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. If your glucose level is off the charts, you should change your lifestyle, following certain rules.

Basic rules of diet for high sugar

The amount of sugar is determined by the hormone insulin. Low levels of the latter lead to diabetes mellitus. To prevent a “prediabetic” condition from developing, control the amount of glucose in the blood. A healthy person should get tested annually. The optimal sugar content is 3.8–5.83 mmol/l. If glucose characteristics exceed 6.6 mmol/l on an empty stomach, an urgent need to change your diet and living habits.

  1. Movement is healthy life. Select “your” sport. By developing and strengthening muscles, the body increases glucose consumption and fat burning.
  2. Healthy image life – giving up alcohol and smoking.
  3. Control the amount of fat, eat low-calorie foods. Plant-based protein foods will give you energy and vigor. Eating cottage cheese fermented milk products will help restore microflora gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Meals should be constant, in small portions. Have snacks every two hours. Remember, overeating is dangerous, just like starving!
  5. The main component is carbohydrate diet. We reduce calorie content to 1500–2000 units. (depends on energy consumption). Easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, bread) are sent into oblivion. We limit the intake of glucose from a number of fruits. (porridge), vegetable proteins (legumes), cottage cheese, sour fruits are included in the diet as much as possible.

What products are prohibited?

  • sugar;
  • jam;
  • candies, other sweets;
  • sweets, bread;
  • confectionery.

Bakery products include a lot of carbohydrates. Replace white wheat with bran, grain bread. It is made on the basis of gluten - proteins contained in wheat grains. Meat with high content replace fat with protein foods plant origin. Avoid certain types of fish that are high in fat. Healthy includes junk food meat broths. Fried, smoked foods containing harmful carbohydrates and fats fall under the taboo. So fast food lovers will have to say goodbye to the thought of a juicy hamburger and a package of fries.

Don't eliminate potatoes from your healthy diet, but keep your consumption to a minimum. Jerusalem artichoke, rich in plant carbohydrates, would be an excellent replacement. You will have to give up fruits with a high glucose content: grapes, dates, figs, bananas. Prepare dry fruits from apples and pears yourself. Replace carbohydrates in sugary carbonated drinks mineral water, low-calorie juices.

What foods can I eat?

The basis for obtaining carbohydrates in a diet with high blood sugar should be porridge. The exception is semolina porridge and oatmeal instant cooking, the use of which is best avoided. Buckwheat, wheat, whole grain oatmeal, pearl barley, rice and pumpkin porridge are the main components of the diet. Rich in vitamins, microelements, and contain complex carbohydrates. Add only vegetable oils to them.

Vegetables are another fundamental element of a low-calorie diet. Boil, bake, stew cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, greens, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini. Eating celery will ensure stable functioning of the body's cells, and avocado will help produce insulin. The more raw vegetables your menu contains, the more fiber, vegetable proteins, fats the body receives.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the Jerusalem artichoke. The tubers of the plant contain plant insulin. The sweetish taste of the vegetable encourages the replacement of dried fruits with Jerusalem artichoke, and its similarity to potatoes encourages its use as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. Choose meat with a minimum of fat: veal, chicken, rabbit. Give preference to omega-rich salmon fish saturated acids and proteins.

Berries and fruits are sour, sweet and sour: apples, grapefruits, oranges, lemons, pears, strawberries, blackberries, viburnum. Rosehip decoctions and tinctures will be good chokeberry, currants. Include nuts in your diet as a snack. Increase the amount of fermented milk products you consume to 500 ml, eliminating whole milk. Cottage cheese - most important product containing calcium. Dishes based on low-fat cottage cheese will help replenish your protein supply.

Therapeutic diet for high sugar table No. 9

A healthy balance of products is selected by a specialist endocrinologist, nutritionist, taking into account physical activity, age, dynamics of glucose levels, weight, availability concomitant diseases, allergic reactions. Therapeutic diet with high blood sugar, number 9 suggests a certain ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates - half of the dish is occupied by cereals and porridges; a quarter of vegetables and meat (fish).

The diet is based on complex carbohydrates: vegetables, seasonal fruits, cereals and cereals. Components protein menu– low-calorie: legumes, cottage cheese, fermented milk products; fats are of vegetable origin. An increase in blood sugar leads to a deterioration of immunity to infections. Include foods containing vitamins B and C in your diet. Use sugar substitutes carefully: xylitol, sorbitol. Excess daily norm threatens intestinal upset.

Sample menu for the week

Let's consider possible options dietary nutrition according to “Table No. 9” for the week. The average caloric content of products will be: proteins 400 kcal, fats 500 kcal, carbohydrates - the remaining 900. Consume uzvars and compotes before meals. No sweets in the diet! Bread – bran, grain. Porridge only with vegetable oil.

First breakfast:

  • Cottage cheese – 100 g, berries – 50 g.
  • Kefir with cinnamon – 200 ml.
  • Porridge with natural yoghurt– 150 g.
  • Casserole with cottage cheese – 150 g.


  • Rice, pearl barley, corn, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal– 200 g daily.
  • Animal proteins and fats: veal, lamb, chicken fillet– 100 g daily.
  • Plant proteins: beans, peas – 50 g.
  • Sweet and sour fruits – 100 g.

  • Low calorie dishes: soup with vegetables; quail broth with egg; borscht, low-fat cabbage soup – 250 ml.
  • Lean meats – 100 g, fresh vegetables, fruits – 150 g.

Afternoon snack. Dish weight 150 g:

  1. Cottage cheese casserole with fruit.
  2. Nuts, dried Jerusalem artichoke.
  3. Mousse with cottage cheese.
  4. Fruits, vegetables.

Dinner (before meals - a decoction of fruits and berries):

  • Fish – 150 g; or poultry, rabbit in the same quantity, seafood.
  • Stewed vegetables– 200 g.

Before bed:

Features of diet during pregnancy

Blood sugar levels in pregnant women are slightly higher than normal - about 6.6 mmol/l. Monitor your glucose levels daily. The diet should contain more than 50% products of plant origin. Limit your consumption of sweets. The calorie content of foods per day is no more than 2500 kcal. Carbohydrates contained in porridges and cereals are very important. Cottage cheese is indispensable for a child's health. Fruits will enrich your diet with vitamins.

Features of the diet for high sugar are as follows (the diet contains only healthy foods):

  • Frequent meals, in small portions. Hunger is harmful for mother and baby.
  • The time between meals is no more than 3 hours. Night break – no more than 10 hours.
  • Healthy diet pregnant women does not include fried, salted, spicy dishes.
  • Refusal of sweets wheat bread. Bran biscuits and honey will sweeten your life.
  • Eat more proteins complex carbohydrates.
  • Include compotes from fruits, berries, and herbal infusions in the menu.

Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. One of these manifestations is an increase in blood glucose levels compared to the permissible values ​​for healthy person. This condition in diabetics is called hyperglycemia. Stable high performance sugars can lead to serious and dangerous vascular complications, therefore it is important for all patients to follow the rules of a specially designed dietary table. They include foods for high blood sugar, which are consumed according to the diet recommended by your doctor.

What affects glucose concentration?

In people who do not suffer from diabetes, fasting blood sugar levels range from 3.3 to 5.5 (mmol/l). Eating causes sharp jump glucose only for short time, after which its value is normalized. Fluctuations in sugar values ​​depend on such a concept as glycemic index(GI) that the product has. GI is characterized by the ability of carbohydrates to influence the glucose value before meals and after a certain period of time after consumption.

Sugar concentration depends on the following hormones:

  • Insulin (it lowers its level);
  • Hormones that increase glucose levels. They are represented by growth hormone and adrenal glands, glucagon, glucocorticoids.

An increase in sugar occurs after entering the body food products containing carbohydrates. With the rapid accumulation of glucose, it is important for the body to ensure the production of insulin in such an amount that will be sufficient to neutralize excess sugar. Otherwise, hyperglycemia, characteristic of diabetic patients, will occur. It is characterized by insulin deficiency, as well as loss of sensitivity to this hormone by the body's cells. This condition is accompanied by additional violations of all metabolic processes(especially carbohydrate metabolism).

Why do you need to follow a diet for diabetes?

Making a diagnosis diabetes mellitus"is already prerequisite following a diet that is designed specifically for such patients. If you adhere to this diet plan at the very first stages of treatment for the disease, then the chances of preventing the subsequent development and progression of the disease are quite high.

High sugar requires a diet with limited carbohydrate intake. If there are few of them in dishes, then the need for insulin becomes much lower, and glucose will enter the blood more slowly. This approach to organization daily menu helps reduce blood sugar and improves the functioning of all internal organs.

Nutrition for high blood sugar: basic principles

The diet for diabetics is aimed at reducing the risk of exacerbation of the disease and improving general health patient. Taking glucose-lowering medications alone without organizing the required nutrition will not be enough to achieve these goals. It is based on the inclusion of properly selected foods in the daily diet, regardless of whether the patient suffers from overweight or not.

Main principles:

  1. It is necessary to consume low-calorie foods. This rule recommends eliminating all quickly digestible carbohydrates. Only foods that do not raise blood sugar so quickly and also have a low GI (glycemic index) should be added to the diet in limited quantities. The emphasis when choosing products is on vegetables, fruits and coarse grain products.
  2. Reduce the amount of animal fats you take into your body with food. In diabetics who often have increased performance glucose, often detected in blood tests increased value cholesterol.
  3. When creating a menu, the emphasis is on including dishes that contain mainly protein foods.
  4. Salt should be added to dishes in limited quantities. This rule is especially relevant for people with hypertension, since salt increases the load on the kidneys and heart, slows down blood circulation and causes an even greater desire to drink. Many experts recommend replacing regular table salt with sea salt.
  5. Control the volume daily consumption water. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. This will make up for the deficiency and avoid polyuria.
  6. The products from which dishes are prepared must contain vitamins, dietary fiber and lipotropic substances.
  7. Give up all sweets. They can be used only to eliminate an attack of hypoglycemia (reduction of sugar to a value below normal).
  8. You need to eat in small portions. The number of meals is 5 or 6 times. Each portion should be small.
  9. The daily diet should include no more than 10 XE ( grain units). This unit of measurement was introduced in medicine to calculate the amount of carbohydrates. 1 XE is 12 grams of any foods containing carbohydrates.

Characteristics of dietary nutrition

The basis of nutrition for diabetics is a diet with No. 9. It is used in all inpatient departments and sanatoriums. The diet for type 1 diabetes, when insulin therapy is required, involves individual adjustments for each patient of the dishes included in the menu. This is explained by the fact that diet acts only as auxiliary component insulin therapy. For diabetics with the second type of disease, table No. 9 is considered the main direction during treatment.

Dishes for patients should not be fried. Food should be baked in a slow cooker or oven, as well as stewed and boiled. Skipping meals is not recommended for diabetics. This may lead to sharp fall blood sugar, which is dangerous condition for a person.
The optimal ratio of products in daily diet:

  1. Products containing carbohydrates – 350 g per day (up to 50% of the total amount).
  2. Protein food – 90 g (15 to 25%).
  3. Fats – 80 g (up to 35%).
  4. Sea (table) salt – up to 12 g.
  5. Drink – approximately 1.5 liters of liquid.
  6. The calorie content of food consumed should not exceed 2400 kcal.

The nutritional system for each patient, compiled by a nutritionist, depends on the following factors:

  • Body weight;
  • Concomitant diseases in diabetes;
  • Blood glucose values;
  • Daily energy expenditure by the patient;
  • Individual intolerance to certain foods;
  • Existing allergic reactions to various products.

Sugar substitutes

The absence of sweets in the diet of diabetics is one of the most important for many patients. important issues. It is these patients who constantly want to break the prohibitions established by the diet and add confectionery or chocolate to their menu. The solution for many patients to compensate for the lack of sweet foods is sweeteners (fructose, xylitol or sorbitol).

Xylitol has low calorie content, so its use does not lead to a sharp jump Sahara. This product is made by processing plant materials. Xylitol is allowed to be included in the daily diet in an amount of no more than 30 grams, as it has a choleretic and laxative effect.

Many fruits, vegetables and berries contain fructose. Most of these products are approved for use by diabetics. Many confectionery and chocolate products are made from this component.

The enzyme sorbitol is obtained from natural ingredients. It is found in many fruits, rowan berries. Sorbitol is absorbed more slowly than regular sugar.

How to properly organize a diet for a diabetic?

Carbohydrates should predominate in the daily diet of patients, despite the fact that they are the ones that increase sugar. This is explained by the fact that carbohydrates are needed as polysaccharides and contribute to the activation of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which is found in Not sufficient quantity in diabetic patients.

Products used in preparing meals for diabetics should include zinc. This component protects pancreatic cells from subsequent destruction and is also involved in the synthesis of insulin. It is necessary to ensure the intake of 3 grams of zinc into the body per day. Products containing it are not recommended to be consumed together with dairy products, as they reduce absorption by the small intestine.

Example of a daily menu:

  1. For breakfast it is better to cook porridge and eat one egg. You can make a sandwich with pieces of cheese. It is better to use tea, chicory or coffee with milk as a drink.
  2. Second breakfast can be represented by fruit, vegetable salad, cottage cheese.
  3. For lunch, it is better to serve first courses (soups, borscht in low-fat broth), and second courses of fish or meat. Suitable drinks include compotes, rosehip decoctions, and unsweetened jelly.
  4. For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to prepare a vegetable salad or drink half a glass of kefir.
  5. Better to cook for dinner fish dishes, and serve vegetables as a side dish.
  6. Before going to bed (second dinner) it is not recommended to load the stomach, so ideal option considered kefir or milk.

List of acceptable products

  1. If you have diabetes, it is important to include porridge in your diet. Their permissible volume is 250 ml.
  2. Bread products should not exceed 200 g per day.
  3. The amount of vegetables can be consumed with the following restrictions: up to 150 g of cabbage, 60 g of tomato, cucumbers (peeled), 80 g of pumpkin. Taking into account the dishes, it is allowed to add 200 g of potatoes, 50 g of carrots, 80 g of beets to the menu.
  4. One fruit can be consumed daily, except banana and grapes. These fruits are very high in calories, so they raise the sugar by several units.
  5. You can include one small handful of small berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries) in your diet.
  6. Veal meat - 80 g per day, less pork is allowed due to its high fat content (60 g). Dietary meats include chicken, rabbit, and turkey.
  7. Fish can be consumed up to 100 g per day. The main thing is that it was of low-fat varieties.
  8. Cheeses of hard varieties and with a low percentage of fat content - up to 30 g.
  9. Milk and kefir are also taken into account when calculating XE, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. It is recommended to add milk to tea or coffee.
  10. Pasta – up to 60 g twice a week.
  11. Mushrooms – up to 250 g per day.

Foods prohibited by the diet

Diabetes therapy is based on the exclusion of all foods that are quickly absorbed and quickly lead to an increase in blood glucose levels.
These include:

  1. Baking.
  2. Cool broths.
  3. Canned fish in oil.
  4. Cream and cheese with high fat content.
  5. Smoked meats.
  6. Semolina porridge and rice soups.
  7. Sweet varieties of fruits.
  8. Dates.
  9. Raisin.
  10. Sugar, including refined sugar.
  11. Sweets in any form.
  12. Alcohol products.

Diabetic patients should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition. Diet is an important component of disease therapy, which prevents glucose fluctuations and the occurrence of dangerous complications.

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Doctors say that a diet with high blood sugar must be followed without fail. A special nutrition plan allows you to stabilize the patient’s condition.

Signs (symptoms) of high blood glucose include:

  • Dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination(including at night) and an increase in the amount of urine excreted
  • Weakness, lethargy, fatigue, decreased performance
  • Weight loss combined with increased appetite
  • Poor healing of skin damage (wounds, scratches), the occurrence of boils
  • General decrease in immunity (the body's resistance to various infections)
  • Itching of the skin or mucous membranes

The signs listed above do not always occur all together; the patient may note only one or two of them. Other symptoms may also appear, such as headaches or blurred vision.

Regular nutrition is the key to health

A nutritionist or endocrinologist will help you decide which diet to follow if you have high sugar levels. The basic rule is regular meals. The basis of the diet is low-calorie foods, herbal teas and drinks, fresh vegetables. When following a diet, there is no need to completely give up sweets. But it is necessary to control the glucose content in certain products. Special attention you need to pay attention to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Balanced diet suggests 20% protein, 45% carbohydrates and 35% fat. This is exactly the amount useful substances should be in your diet when following a diet to normalize blood sugar levels.

Under special control During the diet, fruits are included. Watermelons, grapefruits, and apples are allowed for consumption, but dried fruits and bananas will have to be abandoned. In addition to dietary nutrition, do not forget about your food intake. You need to eat often, but in small portions, from 4 to 7 times a day. It is recommended to reduce salt intake and give up alcohol. Vegetables (boiled, baked, fresh) and fruits should make up the lion's share of your diet. Don't forget about drinking regime– 2-2.5 liters clean water per day.

What can you eat if you have high sugar levels?

Let's look at what you can eat when you have high sugar in order to lower its level in the blood and improve its production.

What foods can be harmful?

Among them are:

  • puff pastries, butter products;
  • steep broths;
  • canned meat and fish in oil;
  • fat cheese and cream;
  • any marinades, smoked products;
  • soups with semolina or rice;
  • hot sauces;
  • fatty meats or fish;
  • sweet fruits, you should also avoid raisins and dates;
  • pasta;
  • sugar, jam, any sweets;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cooking fats.

Therapeutic diet table No. 9 for high blood sugar

IN given diet It is allowed to eat okroshka, borscht, soups, rye or wheat bread, protein omelettes, soft-boiled eggs, vegetables including carbohydrates, cereals (except rice and semolina).

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with crumbly buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese and tea;
  • For lunch we drink wheat broth;
  • We dine with vegetarian cabbage soup, stewed carrots, boiled meat and fruit jelly with xylitol;
  • We have an afternoon snack with apples;
  • We have dinner with baked fish, cabbage schnitzel and tea.

Diet for high blood sugar during pregnancy

Most often, an increase in sugar levels during pregnancy may indicate gestational diabetes, which poses a threat to the fetus, so you need to immediately switch to a special diet using this sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with a steamed omelette and green tea;
  • We have a snack with vegetable salad with bran bread;
  • We have lunch with vegetable soup, chicken breast, cabbage salad and honey drink;
  • We have an afternoon snack with bread, an apple and tea;
  • We have dinner with vegetable salad, rice and boiled fish, and drink a glass of kefir.

Diet to prevent high blood sugar

To prevent this problem, you can use this sample menu for several months:

  • We eat for breakfast boiled egg and cottage cheese, we drink tea with bread;
  • Having a snack fruit juice and fruits;
  • We have lunch with buckwheat soup, baked vegetables and compote;
  • We have an afternoon vegetable salad;
  • We have dinner with steamed cutlets and vegetable stew.

How to replace sugar?

With elevated blood sugar levels, many patients want to eat a lot of sweets. But since consuming glucose is prohibited, they are offered to use a substitute - xylitol. This product tastes sweet but does not affect the patient's blood glucose levels. The product has a very low calorie content and is produced by processing plant materials. It is worth remembering that xylitol has a choleretic and laxative effect. Therefore, you can consume no more than 30 g of it per day. Otherwise, intestinal upset may occur.

Fructose is another one natural substitute Sahara. It is found in almost all berries, fruits and bee honey. Fructose is also found in some vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, carrots. Fructose is found in most products intended for diabetics. It is added to cookies, chocolate, candies, gingerbreads, marmalade and waffles instead of sugar.

It's a sugar substitute, but increased consumption of this product may help increase the amount of glucose in the blood. You can calculate the exact amount that is allowed for you when drawing up an individual nutrition plan.

In each specific case, a diet for high glucose is developed individually, based on specific gravity, age and gender of the patient identified accompanying pathologies, individual sensitivity to products and type professional activity(activity).

Healthy eating for diabetics is based on correct distribution proteins (up to 25%), carbohydrates (up to 50%) and fats (up to 35%). Total weight is a carbohydrate food, but it should be remembered that it is divided into:

  • simple carbohydrates (honey, fruits) - fructose and glucose, which increase sugar, and therefore their consumption is limited;
  • complex carbohydrates - from cereals, vegetables, the consumption of which is required for diabetics.

The permissible proportion of fat in dishes depends on the level physical activity and body mass index. What diet for high glucose? It is advisable to use vegetable fats, and of animal origin (lard, lard, butter etc.) are eaten in small portions for lunch. They also minimize the consumption of cheese products. with increased glucose, refuse dairy and fermented milk products with low content fat (0.5-1.5%).

You should not forget about a sufficient amount of protein foods - beans, nuts, soybeans, peas, etc. A diabetic's diet should be rich in vitamins and microelements.

Diet for high glucose: menu for every day

The basis of a diabetic's diet is fresh vegetables, but it is important to remember that some of them affect glucose levels, these include: eggplant, cabbage, beets, carrots, beans and onions. Required to consume raw vegetables: potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions. Low-calorie foods that normalize water-salt balance and do not affect glucose levels are especially useful: tomatoes, cranberries, bell pepper, greens, celery, lemons, mushrooms, cucumbers (fresh or salted).

Berries and fruits are an irreplaceable source of vitamins, fiber and microelements. They should be eaten in 4-5 doses and only after the main meal, and daily norm is no more than 300 grams. Give preference to sour or sweet and sour gifts of nature with a minimum simple carbohydrates(grapefruit, apple, watermelon, strawberry). Avoid dried fruits.

Diet for high glucose:

  • bakery products - from coarse flours (bran, rye bread etc.). Prohibited: cakes, pastries, white breads;
  • Low-fat dietary meat/fish is allowed - preferably cooked in a double boiler, boiled or aspic;
  • Cereals are rich in vitamin B, vegetable protein, and microelements. The first place for diabetics will be: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. Allowed: pearl barley and wheat. Semolina should not be cooked;
  • eggs - can be soft-boiled, in the form of an omelet, as an ingredient in a variety of dishes;
  • honey - with the permission of the attending physician, but not more than 2 teaspoons per day;
  • milk – with the doctor’s permission, up to 2 glasses;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, etc.) - in limited quantities;
  • cottage cheese - useful in any form (casserole, cheesecakes, etc.), as it normalizes liver function and promotes the balance of fat metabolism;
  • cheeses, cream, sour cream – limit consumption.

Minimize the consumption of sweets, chocolate, sugar, raisins, grapes, figs.

Diet for high glucose: menu:

  • first meal – low-fat cottage cheese, coffee without sugar or herbal tea;
  • second meal – wheat bran in the form of a decoction, salad, diet bread;
  • for lunch - vegetable soup, steamed/boiled meat, buckwheat porridge, cabbage salad, rose hip decoction;
  • second lunch – omelet, fresh apple;
  • in the evening – boiled/steamed fish, vegetable cutlets with herbs, green/herbal tea;
  • before bed – kefir or milk.

Diet for high glucose: recipes for every case

The diabetic diet is tailored individually, so you need to visit a nutritionist to create your daily menu. The doctor takes into account taste preferences patient, allergic reactions, as well as type of diabetes and quantitative glucose content. Steamers and multicookers come to the aid of diabetics, preserving maximum nutrients and opening new ones. taste qualities familiar products.

Not only a diet for high glucose, but also compliance with nutritional rules is the key to recovery:

  • you need to eat food every day at the same time, without skipping, avoiding snacks;
  • Chew thoroughly and enjoy your meals;
  • do not overeat, stop before you are full;
  • drink more clean, fresh water.

A diagnosis of diabetes is not a reason to give up your favorite diet, but only the need to adapt meals by changing the amount of salt, fat and sugar consumed. It is the restriction that is required, but not complete failure from sweets with a simultaneous increase total number consumed fiber.

Diet for high glucose: recipes:

  • first courses are vegetables, mushroom soups(can be made with chicken/beef broth), pickle soup, lentil soup, etc. As for frying, it is possible to fry onions, mushrooms on vegetable oil within 3-5 minutes. Mushroom soup option sauerkraut: you will need - onions, pearl barley, mushrooms, carrots, sauerkraut. The pearl barley is soaked overnight, the water is drained and boiled, and mushrooms are added. Onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes and added to the soup. Cabbage is added 10 minutes before the end of cooking (you can pre-fry it in a frying pan). Season with salt and spices to taste;
  • salads - from fresh vegetables, greens, can be with chicken, fish, topped with yogurt, olive oil. Example of a chicken and avocado salad: boiled/baked chicken breast cut into pieces, half a cucumber, grate one apple (without peel), peel the avocado and cut into slices, add half a lemon, add chopped spinach, brush with olive oil;
  • meat dishes - prepared from lean fish/meat, preferably steamed or baked in the oven. For example, chicken cutlets with oatmeal V sour cream sauce: Grind the chicken meat in a meat grinder, first pour boiling water over the flakes and let them swell, then mix with the meat, add the egg, salt and knead the minced meat. Form cutlets, place them in a mold, pour in a small amount of water, and cook in the oven for about half an hour. Mix milk (0.5% fat content) and low-fat sour cream (no more than 15% fat content), add salt and garlic, pour this mixture over the cutlets and bake for about 10 minutes;
  • Desserts are the most painful issue for diabetics. If possible, replace sugar with fructose (other sweeteners), avoid fatty creams, use only low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese. Option cottage cheese casserole: for half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese, take two tablespoons of semolina or rolled oats, an egg, 1-2 apples, fructose to taste.

Diet for high glucose: table

The glycemic index of food and drinks is a vital unit for diabetics, showing the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates. All food can be divided into three groups depending on the rate of breakdown of glucose:

  1. high speed (70 and above) is the most dangerous food for diabetics;
  2. medium (70-50);
  3. lower (from 50 and below) - the recommended diet for high blood glucose.

Diet for high glucose table showing the glycemic index and calorie content of foods using vegetables as an example:

Glycemic index

Kcal per 100g

parsley, basil


lettuce/onion/tomato fresh

fresh cucumbers

fresh cabbage/broccoli

stewed cabbage/sauerkraut

Stewed cauliflower/red pepper

green pepper

raw carrots

boiled lentils/beans

vegetable stew

boiled beets

baked pumpkin/fried zucchini

boiled potatoes/mashed potatoes

French fries/fried

A diabetic patient needs to be able to adapt his usual dishes, taking into account treatment program. A diet with high glucose requires replacing most ingredients:

Dish component


fatty meat

lean meats, no fat

chicken with skin

white meat without skin, boiled or baked

baked, grilled



canned fish

fish in brine

low-fat cheeses

cream cheese

low fat cottage cheese

milk/fermented milk products

low-fat or low-fat

minimal or sugar substitutes

premium flour


white rice

brown rice


pasta from coarse wheat varieties

boiled vegetables

raw vegetables

breakfast cereals

whole grain breakfasts with bran

lemon juice

soy sauce

low salt soy sauce

Diet for high glucose during pregnancy

During pregnancy, gestational diabetes often occurs, which creates a threat of miscarriage. early and is fraught birth defects for the baby.

A pregnant woman should definitely visit a nutritionist to make up her individual scheme food restrictions. A diet for high glucose during pregnancy is based on reducing the number of calories consumed without compromising nutritional value. Basic rules for eating:

  • you should eat regularly without skipping 5-6 meals in small portions;
  • forget about semi-finished products and instant products (sausages, mashed potatoes and so on);
  • enrich your diet vegetable fiber– cereals, raw vegetables and fruits, rice, cereals;
  • exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, canned food;
  • do not consume foods that increase sugar levels - figs, persimmons, butter creams, baked goods, etc.;
  • replace animal fat with vegetable fat;
  • It is preferable to cook in a double boiler, slow cooker, oven or grill;
  • ensure sufficient consumption of clean water per day (at least 1.5 liters);
  • Make sure that your body’s intake of microelements and vitamins is sufficient.

If you have morning sickness, stock up on salty cookies, which you should eat in the amount of one before getting out of bed. The diet for high glucose during pregnancy is supplemented with the complex physical exercise, helping control weight and improving insulin action. Only your doctor can prescribe insulin therapy if the diet does not bring the expected effect and glucose levels do not decrease.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs