Nutrition after an inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernia: postoperative period, rehabilitation

Surgery is always stressful for the body and therefore, the patient must comply with all the requirements of the attending physician in order to avoid complications and disruptions in the body’s functioning in the future. Special attention It is worth paying attention to nutrition, since some foods can have a bad effect.

During surgery to remove inguinal hernia For men, women or children, it is important to be very responsible about their diet. There are a number of general recommendations that should be followed:

  • you should wear a special bandage for a certain period;
  • it is necessary to exclude physical activity and stress during rehabilitation;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and smoking;
  • following a diet after surgery for inguinal hernia.

Only an integrated approach will allow the patient to fully restore health and return to a full lifestyle. In this article we will look at what you can eat after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, as well as what diet will be most effective during the rehabilitation period.

Surgeries to remove an inguinal hernia are quite common, however, there is a certain preparation procedure that all patients must adhere to. This stage is quite important, since it will allow the body to prepare for surgery and undergo the operation without complications. Experts recommend the following on the day of surgery:

  • drink about 2 liters of water, but without gas;
  • exclude salt from your diet to avoid swelling in the future;
  • create your own menu, which will not contain high-calorie foods ( fatty foods). Dishes that will be on the menu on the day of meals should be prepared in the form of soup or puree soup. Soups should not cause fermentation, be warm and fairly liquid;
  • food should be taken in parts - 5-8 times a day and in small portions;

Besides correct intake food, it is also important to eat only those foods that will not cause problems or aggravate the situation.

Allowed on the first day following products:

  • berry and fruit juices, as well as homemade compote or fruit drink;
  • homemade jelly;
  • broths: beef, fish, chicken or turkey;
  • soft-boiled chicken eggs;
  • butter in limited quantities;
  • still drinking water or tea.

After the operation, the patient will feel very weak and to regain strength, it is better for him to consume products of natural origin. This will speed up the patient’s body receiving enough vitamins and minerals for recovery.

Eating order the day after surgery

After removal of an inguinal hernia, the patient begins to need food the very next day. If a person begins to feel hungry, it means that his body needs a certain amount of calories to restore all its functions.

On the second day, meals should be more high-calorie and richer than on the first day. In this regard, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

You can supplement your diet with the following dishes:

  • fruit jelly should be added to juices and compotes;
  • meat broths It is worth supplementing with herbs and adding cereals to them. Can be replaced with vegetable puree soups;
  • Milk porridges, liquid, with the addition of a small amount of butter, work well.

Diet during the rehabilitation period after surgery

Within a few days after the operation, the patient’s body quickly recovers and returns to normal image life. During the operation, he spends a large amount of energy and subsequently needs additional calories. The food that is recommended during this period should be as close as possible to the normal diet, with the exception of certain food groups. The fact is that heavy food can negatively affect the functioning of the intestines, which should not be loaded in the first days. Additionally, the following food groups should be included in the diet:

  • milk soups with cereals or noodles, to which you can add a small amount of butter;
  • casseroles made from cottage cheese with the addition of fruits or cereals;
  • various fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • boiled or stewed meat (it is best to eat lean beef, chicken or turkey);
  • white bread croutons;
  • fruits and vegetables that will not lead to increased gas formation.

Start eating with small but frequent portions; however, gradually, it is recommended to return to a full meal.

Foods that are not recommended to eat after surgery

Diet after inguinal hernia surgery is mandatory. The patient can independently regulate food intake during rehabilitation and create a menu, however, he must remember that some foods should not be consumed. Add to list similar products includes:

There are also a number of products that are strictly prohibited for consumption. postoperative period.

These include:

  • smoked and fried foods;
  • baked goods;
  • any sauces and hot spices;
  • black bread;
  • milk;
  • beer, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, kvass;

In addition, some products may cause negative reaction, if consumed immediately after surgery, however, in the future they can be safely introduced into the diet. IN this group includes: porridge (pearl barley or wheat), candies and sweets, eggs, vegetables (radishes, peppers, tomatoes), fruits (grapes, banana, peach), as well as drinks - tea or coffee.

Only proper nutrition will allow a patient who has undergone surgery to fully recover and return to a normal lifestyle. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, recovery will take a short period of time.

For successful rehabilitation Diet is necessary after inguinal hernia surgery. Among similar formations, the most common pathology in surgery is an inguinal hernia. Thanks to modern medical technologies it is removed with minimal damage.

This problem occurs in boys during childhood and in men. It most often occurs in childhood and is called congenital. When it appears in adult men, it is called acquired. In almost all cases of this disease, the cause lies in the specific structure of the groin area. An inguinal hernia is an intestine or omentum that extends beyond the peritoneum into the groin area. The main reasons for the appearance of a hernia are: weakening of the anterior and rear walls inguinal canal, abdominal muscle damage, weak abdominal muscles and congenital weakness of the inguinal ring.

Factors influencing the appearance of a hernia

These include:

  1. Exercises involving lifting heavy objects. As a result of systematic severe physical activity pressure rises in abdominal cavity, straining of the abdomen occurs.
  2. Lung diseases that are permanent and accompanied by a strong and frequent cough.
  3. Infections genitourinary system of a chronic nature.
  4. Inflammatory process in prostate gland- prostatitis.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Characteristic symptoms

At visual inspection a groin hernia can be easily noticed. The formation can be felt through the skin and can be round or oval in shape.

  1. The bulge straightens when you press on it. At the same time, you can hear a rumbling sound.
  2. In a supine position, the protrusion decreases, and in a vertical position it increases.
  3. With straining, sneezing and coughing, the hernia becomes larger and harder.

Such symptoms occur on early stage when the hernia is small. And as the size increases, the symptoms become more noticeable.

  1. Prolonged aching and nagging pain in the groin.
  2. Pain in lumbar region and lower abdomen due to compression internal organs.
  3. Constipation also appears due to compression of the intestinal loops.
  4. Digestion is impaired, accompanied by increased gas formation and flatulence.
  5. Sometimes there are problems with urination.
  6. Discomfort while moving.

At this stage, the hernia bulges periodically; during physical activity, coughing and heavy lifting, it protrudes above the surface skin. In order to maintain the organs in a straightened state, it is necessary to wear a special bandage. The use of a bandage is a temporary measure that does not replace a trip to the doctor and serious treatment. It is impossible to get rid of a hernia with its help. The bandage only helps prevent further development diseases. It is worn in cases where the operation for some reason was postponed to a later date; in the first time after the operation, the bandage helps reduce pressure on the sutures and speeds up rehabilitation and restores muscle tone. When working with excessive physical exertion, it is recommended to wear it to prevent the appearance of a hernia. It is important that the bandage fits correctly.

It should not press too hard, otherwise the material will rub the skin and cause discomfort. At the same time, it should not be loose, since the bandage will not fix the hernia. It is better to try it on before purchasing. In addition to the indications for wearing a bandage, there are cases when wearing it is prohibited: with a strangulated hernia, oncological diseases, skin diseases that affect the skin.

Because, for everything early symptoms Men pay little attention; often the pathology progresses to the point of pinching of some internal organs. In this case, other symptoms appear:

  • blood in stool;
  • nausea;
  • frequent constipation;
  • more intense pain in the groin area.

The effect of a hernia on organs and prevention of the disease

If this problem is dealt with at an early stage, the consequences will be minimal. For more later, when there is pinching of internal organs, the consequences can be more serious. Blood circulation in the damaged organ sharply decreases, and in some cases stops completely. Lymph circulation is also disrupted. If water gets inside the tumor, then pain syndrome intensifies, the condition of the damaged organ worsens. It may appear inflammatory processes, as a result of which tissue begins to die. In the most critical cases, gangrene of the damaged organ develops, and then peritonitis. In this case, a person’s life is in danger.

To reduce the risk of developing a hernia, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the abdominal cavity, avoid constipation and excessive straining of the abdomen, and avoid increased intra-abdominal pressure. As preventive measures perform physical exercise which can also be performed during the rehabilitation period after surgery. These exercises are very simple and should not cause pain when performed.

  1. Lying position on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and perform cross movements with them. This exercise is called "scissors".
  2. Cycling. The situation is the same as in the first task. The knees are bent and the legs need to be moved in a circular motion, as when riding a bicycle.
  3. Rotations in a circle left and right feet.
  4. From a position on all fours, lift each leg in turn.

Rules for therapeutic nutrition

The problem of inguinal hernia is solved surgically. The procedure is not complicated, and the patient can move independently within a few hours. After removal of the hernia comes rehabilitation period. It contains physical, medical supplies and diet after inguinal hernia surgery.

Dietary nutrition helps prevent complications. The most important condition To undergo rehabilitation, it is necessary to follow all nutritional recommendations. Otherwise, if you do not follow the diet, you may experience digestive problems. This should not be allowed, because such a condition is fraught with complications after surgery. In the postoperative period, it is best to eat only liquid and semi-liquid foods. Portions should be taken small. It is better to increase the number of meals to 6 times a day. But it is worth remembering that the total calorie content of food per day should be no more than 1000 kcal. Then add 500 kcal every day.

On the first postoperative day, you can eat food only in liquid and semi-liquid forms, for example, jelly, meat broth (preferably chicken), soft-boiled eggs, jelly, butter, fruit juices, tea, rosehip decoction.

The next day, puree, egg white omelet, liquid porridge made from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal are added to the menu.

From the third day, pureed soups, baked apples, pureed vegetables and fruits, pureed cottage cheese, steamed fish and meat (mashed) are added.

The nutritional system in the postoperative period should gradually return to normal, but with the exclusion of foods that increase gas formation.

After some time, you need to include foods with high content protein, since it is the most important “building material” and contributes to a speedy recovery. These are products such as:

  • low-fat cottage cheese and milk;
  • buckwheat;
  • chicken, turkey and rabbit meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that disrupt intestinal function and cause gas formation: candy, chocolate, kefir, yogurt, soda, cabbage, legumes and peas, corn, onions, asparagus. Complete ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink tea and coffee drinks.

In some cases, complications may occur after surgery. They arise due to the fault of the doctor or the fault of the patient himself. The most common is infection. Sometimes there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, and in in rare cases dropsy of the ovary occurs. In the latter case they do repeat operation. Repeated prolapse of the hernia may occur due to the fault of the patient himself, if he violated the rules of restoration. A hematoma occurs frequently, but just apply ice for two hours and it will go away. In order to reduce the likelihood of complications, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

If you follow a diet after surgery along with all recommendations, rehabilitation it will go faster and easier.

Surgery is always stressful for the body and therefore, the patient must comply with all the requirements of the attending physician in order to avoid complications and disruptions in the body’s functioning in the future. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, since some foods can have a bad effect.

The time after hernia repair is a very important period. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Proper diet with an inguinal hernia Is an inguinal hernia dangerous or not?
and after its removal - required component recovery period. You can start doing physical therapy only after a certain amount of time has passed after the operation.

Features of the postoperative period

Course and duration recovery period after removal of the hernia depends on how the operation was performed. For example, if hernia repair was performed using the laparoscopy method, then the rehabilitation period will pass more quickly.

When using traditional access during surgery, recovery takes longer.

Diet after inguinal hernia surgery in men is a mandatory part of the recovery process. The patient needs to resort to moderate physical activity, perform special exercises prescribed by your doctor and adhere to correct mode nutrition.

All these components will help speed up the healing process and eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

At this time, nutrition for inguinal hernia is aimed at making the transition to a physiologically complete diet. Energy value diet is also increasing. You need to eat food six times a day.

- Cream soups and puree soups; - Steamed dishes from pureed fish or meat; - Steamed cottage cheese dishes; - Mashed cottage cheese with the addition of cream; - Baked apples; - Fermented milk drinks; - Mashed vegetable or fruit puree ;- White crackers in no large quantities.

Home » Hernias » Inguinal hernia: what can you eat after its removal

Any surgical intervention is a huge stress for the body. When performing hernia repair in groin area you should take responsibly the recommendations of specialists for speedy recovery your health. General recommendations after such surgery the following:

  • Wearing a special bandage for the time specified by the attending physician.
  • Elimination of physical activity and stress during the rehabilitation period.
  • Refusal bad habits(drinking alcohol and smoking).
  • A specific diet after inguinal hernia surgery.

Only comprehensive implementation of these instructions will help the patient in short time restore your health and quickly return to a full life.

Summary articles

Surgery for inguinal hernia in men has its own nuances, due to the structural features of the inguinal canal. It takes place extremely important element– the spermatic cord, through which sperm are released, as well as blood vessels and nerves.

All this is adjacent to a hernial protrusion, which is removed during surgery.

It is important not only not to damage these delicate structures, but also to provide them with maximum rest in the postoperative period, to eliminate stress, compression, and trauma until complete healing and tissue restoration.

Otherwise, very undesirable consequences, leading to impaired patency of the cord, impaired blood circulation, spermatogenesis function and even loss of fertility (ability to conceive).

Advice: you should not be afraid of surgery for an inguinal hernia because of the possibility of complications. The “younger” and smaller the hernia, the easier the intervention and the less likely it is to develop its consequences.

To avoid serious consequences after discharge, do not ignore the recommendations of your doctor

In the early postoperative period, while in the hospital, the man follows the established regimen and diet, and all this is controlled by medical personnel.

The main problems begin after discharge: these are various temptations in nutrition, and the desire to finish some accumulated tasks, and the desire to see friends, and, to be honest, the desire intimacy after abstinence.

It should be remembered that for a successful outcome of the operation, it is necessary to adhere to certain taboos - temporarily, for a period determined by the doctor. This period will depend on the nature and complexity of the operation, the age of the patient and the characteristics of his tissues - whether they are sufficiently elastic or loose, for example, as in elderly and obese patients.

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Diet features

After laparoscopic surgery, eating is usually allowed within a few hours. In the hospital, they usually give light pureed food in the form of porridges, soups, soufflés, then the diet is gradually expanded.

Upon arrival home, the principles of nutrition should be such that, firstly, it does not cause bloating, secondly, it does not contribute to constipation, and thirdly, it is not too high in calories and excess, so as not to gain weight. extra pounds.

All of the above leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure, distension abdominal wall, and can lead to suture dehiscence and recurrence of the hernia.

Complications may arise due to various reasons. For example, doctors do not recommend passive image life after discharge, it is forbidden to lie down.

But at the same time, excessive loads may cause complications such as relapses and new formations. An inguinal hernia is a dangerous phenomenon for both children and adults.

But it poses a particular danger to men.

Any surgical intervention can lead to any complications in the body and the doctor must be aware of previous diseases and operations.

If the operation was performed by an incompetent and inexperienced surgeon, he may be careless when opening the hernial sac and damage the spermatic cord. A complication may occur if this treatment has already been performed.

Special occupation exercise therapy complex is considered optimal for many diseases. Physical therapy occupies a special place in the lives of patients who have had to undergo surgical treatment about an inguinal hernia.

Physical activity immediately after surgery is contraindicated in all patients. For several weeks it is completely eliminated.

Over the course of a month, you can gradually accustom your body to to the usual way life, however, observing all restrictions. Return to full normal life activities and your professional activities It will be possible no earlier than six months later.

Do the simplest therapeutic exercises with a minimal load it is possible already two weeks after the operation. If this is not done, patients may risk muscle wasting, which will affect overall fitness and quality of life.

Creating a daily menu

It is known that surgery is a real stress for the whole body. Therefore, after the operation, some time is required for recovery, strengthening of the immune system and healing of the wound.

The diet can include berry and fruit juices, tea with sugar and pure mineral water without gas. To ensure normal functioning body, meat broths and soft-boiled eggs are included in the menu.

On the day of surgery prerequisite is to eat a small amount of food. If the patient has no appetite, you can drink tea with sugar or fruit juice.

On the second day after surgery, you need to turn to dishes that do not provoke gas formation. Daily norm number of meals - 6 times. Daily norm calorie consumption is gradually increasing, so you need to choose a menu whose energy value will be 1500 Kcal.

The diet should include porridge, slimy soups and meat broths. Fruit jelly and jellies are used as dessert.

Further nutrition gradually turns into a full-fledged one, the human body needs high-calorie food. The energy value of the daily menu should be 2000-2500 Kcal per day.

Dishes prepared with cottage cheese are included in the diet, fermented milk products, white croutons, puree soups. The patient needs to eat 5 times a day.

The following products should be completely eliminated or limited as much as possible:

  • legumes, peas, cabbage;
  • spicy, sweet;
  • fried and raw meat;
  • marinades, spices, sauces;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

List of prohibited products

There are a number of other products that are strictly prohibited for consumption during the postoperative period.

For correct drafting diet after surgery, you must familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited foods.

Such dishes should be excluded from the menu, as they have negative impact on the body during the recovery process.

It is necessary to remove fatty meats and fish, mushrooms, corn, and bread from the diet. Fried foods, smoked products, baked goods are excluded without fail.

The patient is not allowed to consume pearl barley and wheat porridge in large quantities. Various sauces and spices cannot be added to dishes.

It is worth limiting the consumption of sweet products, prunes and dried apricots. It is recommended to exclude raisins from the diet.

Under no circumstances should you use alcoholic drinks, coffee and energy drinks.

Possible complications after surgery

The herniotomy operation itself today is not as traumatic as it used to be. It is performed in most cases by laparoscopy - through a probe, with minimal incisions of up to 2 cm and reliable hernia repair using synthetic materials.

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Therefore, complications after inguinal hernia surgery in men develop mainly after discharge from the hospital, and most of them occur through the fault of the patient himself. Most often develop the following consequences:

  • long-term pain syndrome;
  • swelling of the testicles and scrotum;
  • scrotal hematoma;
  • wound suppuration;
  • cutting (divergence) of seams;
  • recurrence of hernia (repeated release).

All of them are associated, as a rule, with early physical activity, non-compliance with diet and personal hygiene rules, refusal to wear a bandage or early termination. They can be prevented by strictly following certain rules and doctor’s recommendations.

Characteristic symptoms

During a visual examination of the groin, a hernia can be easily noticed. The formation can be felt through the skin and can be round or oval in shape.

  1. The bulge straightens when you press on it. At the same time, you can hear a rumbling sound.
  2. In a supine position, the protrusion decreases, and in a vertical position it increases.
  3. With straining, sneezing and coughing, the hernia becomes larger and harder.

Such symptoms occur at an early stage, when the hernia is small. And as the size increases, the symptoms become more noticeable.

The effect of a hernia on organs and prevention of the disease

If this problem is dealt with at an early stage, the consequences will be minimal. At a later stage, when internal organs are pinched, the consequences can be more serious.

Blood circulation in the damaged organ sharply decreases, and in some cases stops completely. Lymph circulation is also disrupted.

If water gets inside the tumor, the pain syndrome intensifies and the condition of the damaged organ worsens. Inflammatory processes may appear in it, as a result of which tissue begins to die.

In the most critical cases, gangrene of the damaged organ develops, and then peritonitis. In this case, a person’s life is in danger.

To reduce the risk of developing a hernia, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the abdominal cavity, avoid constipation and excessive straining of the abdomen, and avoid increasing intra-abdominal pressure.

Physical exercises, which can also be performed during the rehabilitation period after surgery, serve as preventive measures. These exercises are very simple and should not cause pain when performed.

  1. Lying position on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and perform cross movements with them. This exercise is called "scissors".
  2. Cycling. The situation is the same as in the first task. The knees are bent and the legs need to be moved in a circular motion, as when riding a bicycle.
  3. Rotate in a circle with your left and right legs.
  4. From a position on all fours, lift each leg in turn.


After removal of an inguinal hernia, the patient begins to need food the very next day. If a person begins to feel hungry, it means that his body needs a certain amount of calories to restore all its functions.

You can supplement your diet with the following dishes:

  • fruit jelly should be added to juices and compotes;
  • Meat broths should be supplemented with herbs and cereals. Can be replaced with vegetable puree soups;
  • Milk porridges, liquid, with the addition of a small amount of butter, work well.

Proper nutrition will help to avoid complications that may develop after hernia surgery. The diet must include sufficient quantity squirrel.

In order for the postoperative period to pass without complications, it is important to follow the recommendations given by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body.

This will help more rapid recovery after hernia repair. You should consult a specialist about diet, physical therapy and lifestyle after surgery.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in the first few days (3-7) should be exclusively liquid. A man can eat soups, broths without meat and vegetables, drink clean water and tea.

It is important to eat in small portions, but often. It would be optimal to eat 150-200 mg 5-6 times, and the total calorie content should be up to 1100 kcal.

400-500 kcal are added daily to the body’s normal needs - 2500-3000 kcal, depending on the man’s physique and type of activity.

The diet after an inguinal hernia is based on the following principles:

  • fractional meals, from 5 times;
  • eating bland food normal temperature;
  • avoiding overeating, last dose 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, it is prescribed therapeutic nutrition. A strict diet is important only in the early rehabilitation period, after which you can gradually return to a gentle but usual diet. Diet menu Nutrition for men is no different from nutrition for women; the rules are the same, as are the basic restrictions. The diet after inguinal hernia surgery is based on two basic principles: eat often, but not in large portions, and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach fullness, constipation, bloating are factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure, which negatively affects the condition postoperative scar. The latter may diverge, which will cause the development of a ventral hernia as a complication.

A gentle diet after removal of an inguinal hernia excludes the use of fixative foods and those that provoke gas formation. The list of prohibited foods after hernia repair is small, but there are a number of nutritional rules that will speed up recovery and prevent complications.

Diet rules

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in the first few days (3-7) should be exclusively liquid. A man can eat soups, broths without meat and vegetables, drink clean water and tea. It is important to eat in small portions, but often. It would be optimal to eat 150-200 mg 5-6 times, and the total calorie content should be up to 1100 kcal. 400-500 kcal are added daily to the body’s normal needs - 2500-3000 kcal, depending on the man’s physique and type of activity.

The diet after an inguinal hernia is based on the following principles:

  • fractional meals, from 5 times;
  • eating soft food at normal temperature;
  • avoiding overeating, last dose 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.

On the first day after the operation, the man eats liquid (broths, soups, jelly) and semi-liquid (mashed soups, porridges with water) food. It is acceptable to eat jellies, broths, vegetable and fruit juices, decoctions, and jelly. Eating soft-boiled eggs is also allowed. On the second day, the menu is diluted with pureed soups, vegetables and soft fruits. A man can eat steamed fish, cottage cheese, and grated apple.

The next week the food remains gentle, but is diluted meat dishes, dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals. From the second week a man can eat anything, except certain products, which may disrupt normal function Gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications in the menu

The following products should be completely eliminated or limited as much as possible:

  • legumes, peas, cabbage;
  • spicy, sweet;
  • fried and raw meat;
  • marinades, spices, sauces;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

The diet after removal of any inguinal hernia in men excludes the use of alcohol and low alcohol drinks. In addition to their general negative impact, some representatives provoke intestinal disorders. It is not recommended to eat foods that are too salty, as this leads to fluid retention in the body, which causes edema.

After surgery, men can eat boiled, baked, and steamed foods, but it is better to avoid fried and smoked foods.

Healthy dishes

What can you eat during the recovery period after hernia removal in men:

  • oatmeal with milk and water, buckwheat, pearl barley and rice porridge;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • black bread, crackers;
  • unrefined oil;
  • grated vegetables and fruits;
  • white meat, fish, steamed cutlets;
  • decoctions, jelly, compotes, weak teas.

Particular attention should be paid to water balance.

You need to drink at least 2 liters per day, including liquid in meals. At the same time, it is important to limit the consumption of coffee, strong tea and sour juices. It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Proper nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia is a mandatory preventive measure. If the patient immediately returns to usual diet, a weakened body will poorly cope with the load on the gastrointestinal tract, spending a lot of energy on digesting and eliminating products, rather than on restoring damaged tissues.

After removing an inguinal hernia, the surgeon may prescribe strict therapeutic diet No. 1. It excludes the consumption of meat and fish dishes, mushrooms, fresh bread and baking. Also removed from the diet are dairy products, smoked meats, canned food, spicy dishes, sauces, seasonings. Diet No. 1 after surgery allows the consumption of boiled or steamed food in a well-chopped form.

Having removed the inguinal hernia, the man must continue to take care of the condition of the abdominal and pelvic organs. After surgery, the patient is prescribed the same diet as after surgery on the intestines and stomach. This diet excludes the use coarse fiber, as well as foods that take a long time and are difficult to digest.

The principle remains unchanged in every diet fractional meals, that is, the patient eats at least 5 times a day.

The therapeutic diet consists only of soft and well-chopped food. Strictly contraindicated in early period After hernia repair, eat raw fruits and vegetables. They need to be grated or passed through a meat grinder.

A few weeks after the operation, a man may be prescribed diet No. 4, which completely excludes the consumption of vegetables and fruits in any form. This table allows pureed cereals, eggs, jelly, black bread, and decoctions.

Diet after hernia removal

Sample menu for the first week:

1 day.

For breakfast, the patient eats one, maximum two “Maria” cookies with unsweetened tea. It is acceptable to eat a small amount of marshmallows. For second breakfast, drink juice or warm tea. For lunch, prepare meat broth with rice porridge without oil and in water. The afternoon snack consists of tea or compote. For dinner, the patient eats tea and Maria cookies. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or low-fat yogurt.

Day 2.

For breakfast you can eat porridge with water. It would be better if it was buckwheat or oatmeal. For second breakfast, freshly squeezed juice is prepared. Lunch includes soup with a few pieces of onions, carrots, potatoes and soft meat, crushed to a puree. Can be eaten stewed cabbage and drink tea. For the patient's afternoon snack, a piece of chopped chicken meat and jelly are prepared. Dinner consists of rice porridge with water and yogurt.

Day 3.

For tomorrow, salted oatmeal porridge without butter, a sandwich with cheese and sweet tea are being prepared. Second breakfast - cookies without filling and juice. For lunch you can already eat puree soup and steamed chicken cutlets. Afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. For dinner, the patient eats a small piece of boiled chicken fillet with tea.

Day 4

Breakfast consists of buckwheat porridge with water, tea with crackers. Second breakfast - hard-boiled egg, cookies and tea without sugar. Lunch will already be filling; it includes chopped vegetables with chicken meat and white crackers. You can drink compote or tea. Light afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. Dinner - boiled fish with black bread.

Day 5

For breakfast, a man prepares wheat porridge with a small amount of butter, tea and crackers. Second breakfast - freshly squeezed juice with oatmeal cookies. Lunch - fish broth, rice porridge, cutlets, compote or sweet tea. Afternoon snack - yogurt or jelly. Dinner includes buckwheat porridge with butter, Maria cookies, fish cutlets for a couple. Before going to bed, a man can always drink tea or kefir with a few white crackers.

Diet after inguinal hernia surgery in men is a mandatory part of the recovery process. The patient needs to resort to moderate physical activity, perform special exercises prescribed by the attending physician, and adhere to a proper diet. All these components will help speed up the healing process and eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

Diet features

After the procedure, during the recovery process, it is important to follow all the doctor’s instructions. One of the components of therapy is a diet, which consists of introducing fractional meals into the diet and excluding those foods that could negatively affect the digestion process. Use junk food promotes the formation and accumulation of gases in the intestinal area, and also leads to constipation.

It is worth noting that the diet after removal of an inguinal hernia in men is not much different from the diet that must be followed after the removal of a hernia in the abdomen.

The peculiarity of the diet is that it lasts 15 days and involves eating up to 6 times a day. If we take into account the total energy value, the daily norm should be approximately 2400 Kcal.

In the first days, the patient needs to include liquid food in the diet: soups, broths, vegetable decoctions. After the gases have been removed from the body, you can begin to eat more solid foods and slimy soups.

In the absence of complications, new products are included in the patient’s daily menu. If no relapses occur during treatment and the patient feels better, after 2-3 weeks it will be possible to return to their normal diet.

The main goal of the diet after removal of a hernia is to reduce the load on the intestines and the area that has undergone surgical intervention. This diet allows you to eliminate the occurrence of complications.

In addition to following a diet, the recovery course includes wearing a bandage and lack of physical activity. Exercise therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, having previously assessed the patient’s condition.

Creating a daily menu

It is known that surgery is a real stress for the whole body. Therefore, after the operation, some time is required for recovery, strengthening of the immune system and healing of the wound.

Removal of an inguinal hernia is a standard operation for this disease. Experts have established several basic rules that must be followed on the first day of the diet:

You can include berry and fruit juices, tea with sugar and pure mineral water without gas in your diet. To ensure the normal functioning of the body, meat broths and soft-boiled eggs are included in the menu.

On the day of surgery, it is mandatory to eat a small amount of food. If the patient has no appetite, you can drink tea with sugar or fruit juice.

On the second day after surgery, you need to turn to dishes that do not provoke gas formation. The daily norm for the number of meals is 6 times. The daily calorie intake is gradually increasing, so you need to choose a menu whose energy value will be 1500 Kcal.

The diet should include porridge, slimy soups and meat broths. Fruit jelly and jellies are used as dessert.

Further nutrition gradually becomes nutritious; the human body needs high-calorie food. The energy value of the daily menu should be 2000-2500 Kcal per day. The diet includes dishes prepared with cottage cheese, fermented milk products, white croutons, and puree soups. The patient needs to eat 5 times a day.

List of prohibited products

To properly plan your diet after surgery, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited foods.

Such dishes should be excluded from the menu, as they have a negative effect on the body during the recovery process.

It is necessary to remove fatty meats and fish, mushrooms, corn, and bread from the diet. Fried foods, smoked foods, and baked goods are strictly excluded.

The patient is not allowed to consume pearl barley and wheat porridge in large quantities. Various sauces and spices cannot be added to dishes.

It is worth limiting the consumption of sweet products, prunes and dried apricots. It is recommended to exclude raisins from the diet.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages, coffee or energy drinks.



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