Pinosol composition instructions for use. Instructions for use of "Pinosol" (drops), composition, indications, analogues

Rhinitis is a very common cold, it can occur on its own or be one of the manifestations of various acute respiratory viral infections, a complication of bacterial inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. A runny nose and nasal congestion greatly exhaust a sick person, depriving him of free breathing, disrupting sleep, and reducing performance. It is especially painful to watch how children suffer when they are unable to clear their noses of copious mucous or purulent discharge on their own.

When it becomes a question of choosing which nasal preparation to choose - synthetic in origin or created on the basis of herbal, natural ingredients, then the scales tip in favor of the second. Without any doubt, natural drugs are easier to tolerate by the body, have fewer side effects, are non-toxic, and have a significantly lower risk of overdose than drugs with chemical active ingredients.

Among the large range of nasal medications, Pinosol stands out - a complex medicine created on the basis of exclusively herbal and natural ingredients. This drug has many positive reviews among those who have used Pinosol in treatment. But at the same time, there is a lot of data on its lack of effectiveness in some cases. Pinosol has a fairly wide range of uses, but, despite its natural composition, it has quite limitations in the treatment of rhinitis, which few people suspect.

Low price and availability make Pinosol popular among the population. But before you buy it and use it to treat rhinitis, you need to know all the features of use and the pitfalls of treatment.

Composition of Pinosol, therapeutic effect of components

The name of the nasal drug Pinosol comes from the Latin word Pinus, which translates as pine. And in fact, the medicine contains mountain or Scots pine oil, peppermint and eucalyptus oil. The composition of vegetable oils is enhanced by the introduction of guaiazulene, which is isolated from essential eucalyptus oil.

In addition, Pinosol contains the antioxidant alpha-tocopherol acetate (aka vitamin E) and thymol, which is isolated from thyme oil. The auxiliary components in the medicine are rapeseed oil for nasal drops, white wax for cream or ointment, as well as Labrafil M and butyloxyanisole.

These active ingredients exhibit complex antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, softening, regenerating, and mild vasoconstrictor effects in the treatment of rhinitis of non-allergic origin. Pinosol improves the trophism of the nasal mucosa, its blood circulation, eliminates swelling, has a mild anesthetic effect, which ultimately reduces rhinorrhea, improves the patency of the nasal cavities, facilitates breathing and eliminates the very cause of rhinitis.

Eucalyptus, pine and mint oils, as well as thymol, have an antibacterial effect that can be effective against a number of staphylococci, for example, aureus, E. coli, molds and fungi, such as aspergillus and candida.

Peppermint oil has a mild analgesic effect.

Tocopherol acetate promotes granulation, epithelization and restoration of damaged nasal mucosa.

>>We recommend: if you are interested in effective methods of getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. The information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

Indications for use of Pinosol

Pinosol in any dosage form is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, in particular, rhinitis of the following nosological forms:

  • acute bacterial rhinitis;
  • chronic infectious rhinitis;
  • runny nose of fungal origin.

It is used to treat postoperative cicatricial changes in the nasal mucosa, for example, after surgery for sinusitis and other sinusitis.

The inhalation method is used to treat inflammatory diseases of bacterial origin of the upper respiratory tract - nasopharynx, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

Pinosol essential oils have an antibacterial effect, but microorganisms are always competitors and antagonists to viruses, preventing their reproduction. In this regard, the destruction of the bacterial flora during rhinitis of a viral nature will only contribute to the progression of the disease, therefore Pinosol cannot be used in the first days of viral rhinitis.

Contraindications for the use of Pinosol: absolute and depending on the type of dosage form

Pinosol, like any medicine, is prohibited from being used in treatment if the patient has an individual intolerance or allergic reactions to any component included in the drug.

If this contraindication is not paid due attention, then the use of Pinosol threatens to result in critical conditions for the patient - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, suffocation, in mild cases, urticaria or allergic rhinitis.

Pinosol itself can become a source of allergies, because it contains essential plant oils that can become powerful allergens, so the drug is contraindicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis of all forms and etiologies.

The drug is absolutely contraindicated for the treatment of children under one year of age according to the manufacturer's instructions. But medical practice and clinical trials suggest that age restrictions should be expanded to 3 years of age. At the age of 1 to 3 years, it can be used only if it is vital for a sick child, and the degree of risk is much lower than the expected benefit from using Pinosol.

The drug is not used for the treatment of viral rhinitis against the background of ARVI or influenza in the first 2-3 days from the moment of manifestation of the disease, because it does not show its effectiveness, and in some cases it only aggravates the course of the disease.

Pinosol forms in the form of spray or drops are not used to treat dry runny nose. In this case, it is necessary to use Pinosol ointment or cream.

The use of Pinosol spray is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, although this age limit would be correctly expanded to 14 years.

Particular care should be taken when treating children as well, using ointment or cream forms of the drug due to the inability to control the dosage of medicinal substances. The dosage form of choice for children is Pinosol nasal drops.

Side effects

Treatment with the drug is usually well tolerated unless there are contraindications or individual intolerance to individual components. But in some cases, patients may experience unpleasant sensations of itching and burning at the site of application of the medicine. The inflammatory reaction, hyperemia of the mucous membrane, and swelling of the nasal cavity may increase.

Despite the fact that Pinosol is used for a runny nose, in some cases it only intensifies its course and does not eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis. With prolonged use, dryness of the nasal mucosa may occur, although the base of the drug is oil.

If these side effects occur, it is better to refuse treatment with Pinosol or consult a doctor about the advisability of extending the course of therapy.

Dosage forms, scope of application

The pharmaceutical industry produces the nasal drug Pinosol in four varieties, which are used in treatment depending on the type of rhinitis and the age of the patient:

  • Pinosol spray, which has the fastest and most complete healing effect;
  • Pinosol nasal drops have the same composition and concentration of medicinal substances as the spray;
  • Pinosol ointment, which has a long-lasting and effective effect;
  • Pinosol cream, which exhibits the softest, most gentle, prolonged effect.

The composition of Pinosol, dosage and cost of these dosage forms differ from each other. When choosing a particular form of a drug for treatment, you need to be guided by what form of rhinitis the drug should treat.

Wet rhinitis with rhinorrhea is treated with nasal drops or spray. For the treatment of wet runny nose in children, preference should be given to Pinosol nasal drops. For adult patients, a spray may be more effective.

Pinosol spray penetrates very deeply, covering a large area of ​​the nasal mucosa, so this type will be preferable when treating sinusitis. However, the spray can enter the lower respiratory tract when inhaled, so it should not be used in young children to prevent bronchospasm and side effects. In addition, the spray is not recommended for use if you are prone to dry nasal mucosa.

Pinosol nasal drops are easier to dose, and they do not cause injury to the child’s vulnerable mucous membranes. The oil base of nasal drops very rarely leads to dryness of the nasal mucosa.

If rhinitis has entered the dry stage with the formation of crusts, then you should give preference to Pinosol ointment or cream. The latter form has a more gentle effect, although the duration of the effect is completely consistent with the ointment form.

Therefore, the cream is used for problematic nasal mucous membranes. Pinosol ointment has a more pronounced therapeutic effect than cream, but acts more aggressively against the nasal mucosa.

Pinosol does not have the same productive vasoconstrictor effect as the popular Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Farmazolin and other nasal drops. Its vasoconstrictor effect appears only when the inflammatory reaction and, as a consequence, swelling of the nasal mucosa are eliminated. Therefore, in many cases it is not possible to eliminate nasal congestion with the help of Pinosol.

Method of use of Pinosol depending on the dosage form

Pinosol ointment or cream is applied to the nasal mucosa in each nostril 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. For one dose for an adult, it will be enough to squeeze 1 cm³ of the medicinal substance from the tube. To apply the ointment to the mucous membrane more evenly, you can use a cotton swab. After application, press and lightly massage each nostril.

Pinosol drops are administered into each nostril, 1-2 drops, for children up to 3 times a day, for adults - up to 4 times a day. For young children, drops are applied to the mucous membrane using a moistened cotton swab to avoid the liquid medication from dripping into the upper respiratory tract. On the first day of the disease, adults can administer drops every 1-2 hours. From the second day of treatment, they switch to 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Before using the spray, remove the protective cap from the bottle. You can pre-shake the bottle with its contents. The tip of the dispenser is inserted into the nostril, then lightly press the cap. It is advisable to keep the bottle in an upright position. During the day, adult patients can use the spray up to 6 times. The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days, in rare cases it can be extended to 10 days.

Before starting treatment, you need to test yourself for individual sensitivity to Pinosol, for which a small amount is injected into one nostril, then the condition of the mucous membrane is assessed after a few hours. If allergy symptoms occur, redness and itching occur, then treatment with this nasal drug should be abandoned.

In what cases should Pinosol be used for inhalation?

Inhalations are a very effective way to treat many inflammatory diseases of not only the upper but also the lower respiratory tract. Essential oils and herbal infusions are often used for inhalation. And if we take into account the fact that the composition of Pinosol is nothing more than a composition of essential oils of eucalyptus, mountain pine (fir) and mint, and other plant extracts, then the answer immediately suggests itself that it is quite possible to use it for inhalation.

The instructions for using Pinosol state that you can add 2 ml of the drug, which corresponds to 50 drops per 1 liter of hot boiled water. It is better to use 0.9% saline solution for this purpose. Such inhalations of Pinosol can be done 2 times a day for 5 minutes each time. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days.

Pinosol can be administered using a nebulizer, and there is no need to worry that essential oils will clog the inhaler structure. Another question is that inhalations with Pinosol for children under 3 years of age are generally contraindicated in order to prevent bronchospasm.

You need to be careful when carrying out such inhalations for preschool children. In other cases, inhalation administration of this medicine will be very effective.

Due to the fact that the inhalation method of treatment with Pinosol is used to affect the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to use tips for spraying an aerosol, which is formed by coarse and medium-dispersion media of the medicinal solution.

P.S. For effective inhalations you need a good inhaler... How to choose the right inhaler? - a very useful article, don’t be lazy to read! This article also explains how to do inhalations and many other important and interesting nuances.

The use of Pinosol in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis

Pinosol is often used to treat sinusitis and sinusitis, but only as part of a general complex treatment. It helps relieve tissue swelling and facilitate access for other more effective topical medications to the maxillary sinuses.

The choice of a drug for the treatment of a runny nose is often faced by mothers and fathers of a child who has suddenly caught a cold. I want to cope with the disease faster and not harm the baby. The herbal medicine Pinosol comes to the rescue - nasal drops, ointment or spray. Let's find out what the instructions for children include for the pharmaceutical drug Pinosol, what the product contains and at what age it can be used.

The effectiveness of the effect is determined by the combination of strong natural ingredients that kill pathogenic bacteria, inhibit the inflammatory process and accelerate the regeneration of sinus tissue.

The medicine reduces the production of mucus in the nose, relieves swelling, and makes breathing easier. When the disease becomes chronic, it improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx, which enhances their performance.

Release form and composition

All components of the medication have a healing effect:

  • Eucalyptus oil has a disinfecting effect on the surface of the mucous membrane and its deep tissues.
  • Pine oil helps restore injured epithelium and contains intense natural antibacterial substances.
  • Peppermint oil suppresses harmful microflora, relieves irritation, and narrows capillaries. As a result, it becomes easier to breathe.
  • Thymol and guaiazulene are artificially created substances that help fight viruses, microbes and fungi. In addition, they help cell regeneration after diseases of the upper respiratory tract, promote the removal of secretions and prevent infection of the nasal cavity by secondary types of virulent microbes.
  • Vitamin E helps nourish cells.

The medicine strengthens local immunity and acts prophylactically during the pre-epidemic period for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

The medication is available in three pharmacological forms:

  • Pinosol ointment and Pinosol cream are blue-green in color. Available in tubes. Volume ten grams. Price from 240 rubles.
  • Pinosol drops. Glass vials with a device for instillation are produced. Volume ten milliliters. Price from 100 rubles.
  • Spray Pinosol. Available in bottles equipped with a sprayer. Volume ten milliliters. Price from 200 rubles.

Please note that the spray, according to the instructions for use, is not intended for children under six years of age. But in practice, this dosage form is recommended by pediatricians only from the age of twelve. All products have a characteristic aroma of mint and eucalyptus. There are no analogues or tablet forms.

Description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use

The pharmaceutical product has a pronounced antibacterial effect, perfectly fights pathogenic microbes, relieves inflammation and swelling, and restores blood circulation in the mucosal tissues. Nasal congestion disappears, and it becomes easier for the baby to breathe.

The medicine is used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic atrophic, after operations in the nasal cavities. It is recommended to use it for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, accompanied by drying of the mucous membrane.

Contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. The drug is not intended for children under one year of age. In the form of drops and inhalations, it is sometimes used for children two to three years old.

Directions for use and dosage

The pharmaceutical product Pinosol is prescribed for local use only. The medication should be used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation.

Can Pinosol be used for children?

Despite the fact that the manual for the pharmaceutical product sets an age limit (not younger than one year), it is considered absolutely harmless only for children over three years of age. But sometimes it is used to heal younger children - under the supervision of the attending physician. In this case, Pinosol is chosen for children only in the form of drops - drops can be used with caution in children from one year old according to the instructions.

Pinosol: instructions for use

Let us repeat that, in accordance with the instructions for the drug, drops are optimal for small children. You need to instill the drug one or two drops into the nasal passage 3 times a day. Or soak small cotton swabs in the medicine and insert them into both nostrils for ten minutes. In addition, drops are used for inhalation. For the procedure, you need to dilute two milliliters of the product in a glass of hot boiled water. Two or three inhalations are carried out daily for five days.

Before use, it is necessary to test for susceptibility to the drug:

  1. Apply two or three drops to your baby's wrist.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, lubricate this area again.
  3. Wait thirty minutes.

The pharmaceutical product is unsuitable for use if severe redness occurs.

Pinosol is an oily herbal preparation that is intended for the treatment of runny nose (rhinitis). Its advantage and at the same time disadvantage is its natural composition. The drug contains extracts of mint, pine and eucalyptus. It can cause allergies, therefore it is not used for the treatment of rhinitis of allergic etiology. Also, due to the possibility of developing adverse reactions, it is not recommended to use Pinosol for children under 2 years of age. However, in some cases, the doctor may allow it to be used earlier.

About the drug

The manufacturer of Pinosol is Saneka Pharmaceuticals, Slovak Republic. The drug is available in several forms: nasal drops, spray and ointment. The volume of any product is 10 ml (grams). The approximate cost is from 170 to 330 rubles. Pinosol contains:

  • pine oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • thymol;
  • a-tocopherol acetate;
  • levomenthol;
  • auxiliary ingredients.

It is worth clarifying that thymol is extracted from plants. For example, thyme, and is also found in some oils. A-tocopherol acetate is vitamin E, and levomenthol is obtained from various types of mint.

The consistency of Pinosol in drops and spray is liquid, oily, light blue in color. The smell is specific menthol, when it enters the nasopharynx it causes a feeling of freshness. Pinosol ointment is transparent, light, and does not cause a burning sensation.

Official instructions

To find out whether Pinosol can be used for a child with a diagnosed type of rhinitis, and at what age this can be done, you should read the instructions that come with the drug.

Pinosol is used in the treatment of acute and chronic atrophic rhinitis, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which are accompanied by dryness, in the postoperative period. The product is prohibited for use in the presence of allergic reactions, as well as for children under 2 years of age.

Instructions for use (nasal drops).

  1. Pinosol is used topically.
  2. On the first day of illness, adults are prescribed 2-3 drops in each nostril with an interval of 1 hour, then the interval between instillations is extended.
  3. For children over 2 years old, drop 1 or 2 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day. For convenience, you can apply Pinosol to a cotton swab and then insert it into the child’s nasal passage.
  4. For inhalation, 2 ml of Pinosol should be diluted in 1 liter of hot water. Inhalations are done 2 times with an interval of 12 hours using a special inhalation device that allows the use of oil solutions.
  5. Pinosol is used very carefully in children due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.
  6. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Pinosol spray is injected 1 dose into each nasal passage 3-6 times a day. The ointment is applied to the surface of the mucous membrane of the anterior sections of the nasal cavity in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment with spray or ointment is 7–10 days.

Advice. Parents often ask at what age can they switch to Pinosol spray? According to the instructions and recommendations of the WHO, the use of aerosol medications is permitted for children over 3 years of age. In young children, the spray may cause spasms and difficulty breathing. If the child is under 3 years old, the aerosol is sprayed onto a cotton swab and then used as drops.

Features of treatment for children

If Pinosol has not been used before, the first instillation should be made in the morning. This will allow you to track the child’s reaction and, if signs of an allergy appear, give an antihistamine in time. For example, Suprastin, Fenistil, Zodak, Diazolin. Side effects can be noticed by severe itching, redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa, and lacrimation.

The second important aspect is that Pinosol must be prescribed to the child by a doctor. Oil drops in the nose have their own specifics; dripping them on the advice of friends or for some other reason is unacceptable. It is especially dangerous to use oil-based drops to treat sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis), accompanied by severe nasal congestion. In this case, the oil can worsen the secretion of mucus and thereby aggravate the inflammation.

Pinosol should be dripped after preliminary cleansing of the nasal cavity. You can ask your child to blow his nose well. But it is better to drip your nose with saline solution or sea water, and then remove the mucus with a nozzle suction.

It is advisable to use Pinosol at the end of an illness to restore the mucous membrane or during a cold, when the runny nose is mild. Drops can also be used to moisturize the mucous membrane during the heating season. Pinosol prevents mucus from drying out and crusts appearing.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

“There are drugs that are oil drops for instillation into the nasal passages. Sometimes olive oil (or peach oil, or Vaseline) is recommended for instillation into the nasal passages. Sometimes oil solutions of vitamins E or A are recommended for the same purpose. Why is all this done?

It turns out that when instilled into the nasal passages, the oil can cover the mucous membrane with a thin layer and prevent it from drying out. And in fact, the main task of parents is to make sure that they are really not needed. When are they still needed?

They are needed when, with all our desire, we are unable to protect the mucous membranes of the nose from drying out. For example, the room is very hot, but it is impossible to close the heating sources, or the child flatly refuses to drink. And then the mucus in his nasopharynx dries up. At the next stage, irritation by mucus in the nasopharynx causes a dry, unproductive cough. In such a situation, using oil drops is just right. It is especially effective to do this at night.

However, a number of scientists, doctors, and pharmacologists warn that the use of oil drops can be dangerous. Because if oil droplets get into the lungs, dangerous lipoid pneumonia may develop. It is clear that if you don’t control yourself, pour in tablespoons of oil, of course, anything can happen. But believe me, if you use oil in moderation, 1-2 drops of oil solution in situations where the house is dry and hot, then there is absolutely nothing dangerous in it. However, I urge you not to use oil drops on children under one year of age without first talking to a doctor.”

What do parents say about Pinosol?

Before using certain medications, many people read reviews on the Internet. This is what parents who use it to treat their children write about Pinosol.

  • “I have children the same age as kindergarten age. When my youngest daughter has a runny nose, she blows her nose well, so her illness is mild. But the eldest doesn’t like to blow her nose, she constantly sniffs, pulling her snot back. This causes her to develop dry scabs. That’s when I add Pinosol drops.”
  • “Pinosol drops help children with a bang, but they don’t work at all for adult family members.”
  • “Pinosol has the consistency of oil, but it passes through the rubber tip of the pipette without any problems. During burial, the children do not resist at all, quite the contrary. The drops do an excellent job of relieving congestion and moisturizing dry mucous membranes. I like that the product is completely natural. My children do not suffer from allergies, so there was no reaction. My son is not yet 2 years old, but I also instilled drops after he turned one.”
  • “Pinosol drops specifically treat a runny nose, and do not heal it, like other remedies.”
  • “My son first became very ill when he was not even a year old; his nose was constantly stuffy! I didn’t sleep at night, he was choking heavily. All children's remedies gave a slight improvement. I took these drops, even though it was written that they should not be used before 2 years of age, but the situation was so critical that I had to take a risk. I made the right decision! My son did not have any allergies, and improvement occurred from the first use. After a few days, the runny nose disappeared as if it had never happened!”
  • “I prefer to drip Pinosol during the day, and at night I use a vasoconstrictor spray or drops. By about 3-4 days, the child’s runny nose goes away, and the nose is not dry and is perfectly moisturized.”

There are practically no negative reviews about Pinosol. The exception is the opinion when it is believed that with treatment a runny nose goes away in 7 days, and without treatment in a week.

Childhood is a time of frequent runny noses. The child’s body learns to cope with infection and adapts to the environment populated by viruses and bacteria. The task of parents is to qualitatively help their child cope with the disease. To do this, you need to listen to your doctor and follow all his recommendations. Only a specialist can give an opinion whether Pinosol will help in this particular case or whether the child needs other treatment.

As Dr. Komarovsky says, If a baby’s runny nose lasts more than a week, then the child must be shown to an otolaryngologist. Also, the mother should not delay the visit to the specialist if the little patient has symptoms of inflammation of the nasal area:

  • The nasal discharge has become viscous, thick and changed color.
  • The nasal mucosa became very red and dry.
  • There were complaints of pain when treating the nose.

The medicine Pinosol, created on the basis of natural ingredients, gently relieves inflammation and quickly restores the nasal mucosa. The absence of synthetic elements in the composition of the drug allows it to be used without harm, even for the treatment of children with serious functional diseases.

Pinosol is a natural preparation of plant origin.

Composition and effect of the drug

Pinosol is a liquid or paste-like (depending on the form of release) substance with a menthol-eucalyptus odor.

The detailed composition of the medicine is indicated in its instructions for use.

Each active component of Pinosol gives it its own properties:

  • Pine and eucalyptus oil. These two ingredients fight well against respiratory infections caused by pathogenic bacteria and fungi, quickly eliminate inflammation, and accelerate the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity.
  • Peppermint oil. It has an antimicrobial effect, reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa and helps clear it of accumulated secretions.
  • Thymol. Has antiseptic and antifungal properties.
  • Vitamin E. Heals wounds well and helps restore damaged skin and mucous membranes in a short time.

Scope of application

A pediatrician prescribes Pinosol to a child for:

  • acute inflammation in the nasal cavity;

Oh, how tired I am of the runny nose!

  • chronic diseases of the nasal cavity;
  • the formation of dry crusts on the nasal mucosa against the background of infectious or viral diseases of the nasopharynx.

The drug can also be prescribed as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for the rapid regeneration of the nasal mucous membranes after operations in the nasal cavity.

Release form, manufacturer and price of the drug

Pinosol is produced by two companies:

  • JSC Farmak, Ukraine;
  • Zentiva A.S., Slovak Republic.

The drug is available in several forms and, depending on this, has different prices:

  • Spray (10 ml) - glass bottle with a plastic dispenser. The average price is 245 rubles.
  • Drops (10 ml) - a dark glass dropper bottle with a rubber pipette. The average cost is 170 rubles.
  • Ointment and cream (10 g) - aluminum tube. The average price of ointment is 280, cream - 350 rubles.

Dosage and administration

There is no special dosage for children. Therefore, before using Pinosol for children, you need to test the child’s tolerance to this medicine.

Apply a small amount of the drug to a cotton swab and anoint a small area of ​​one of your baby's nostrils with it. If after half an hour there is no swelling or redness in the nasal cavity, then you can proceed to further treatment according to the instructions for use.


Pinosol drops are allowed to be used for the treatment of children from 2 years of age. But young patients can inhale the medicine while it is instilled. And getting Pinosol into the upper respiratory tract can lead to the development of bronchospasm, therefore For children, it is better not to drip the solution, but lightly wet a cotton swab with it and lubricate the nostrils one by one. Another option is to insert cotton wool flagella soaked in the medicine into your nose for 10 minutes. Make sure your child breathes through his mouth during the procedure.

Drops can be used for inhalation.

When treating children over 3 years of age, the medicinal solution can be used for warm-moisture inhalations (breathe over steam) or the child can be treated with it using a nebulizer.

  1. Warm-moist inhalations. For 1 liter of boiling water you will need 50 drops of solution. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Number of sessions - 2-3 per day. Duration of treatment - 5 days. Be very careful with hot water!
  2. . Also dilute 50 drops of Pinosol in 2 ml of saline solution and pour into the container. The treatment regimen is similar to the first option.

For school-age children, instill 1-2 drops of Pinosol into each nostril up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 week.


Pinosol spray is used for the treatment of children from 3 years old. But, if your baby does not know how or does not want to hold his breath at your request, then in order to exclude the occurrence of bronchospasm, it is better to use another dosage form of the drug and the method described above.

To treat school-age children, Pinosol spray can be used in the manner indicated in the instructions for the medicine.

The effectiveness of the spray lies in its tight coverage of the nasal surfaces.

Before spraying the drug into the child’s nose, remove air from the pump system of the dispenser: spray the spray a couple of times. After this, bring the tip of the nozzle vertically to your patient’s nasal passage, and when he holds his breath at your request, press the dispenser once. Spray the medicine into the other nostril in the same way. The number of repetitions per day is 3-6 times. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.

Download instructions for using the spray →

Ointment and cream

The doctor prescribes this form of Pinosol to the child from 2 years old, if bleeding dry crusts appear on the nasal mucosa.

Squeeze about half a centimeter of ointment onto a cotton swab and gently lubricate each nasal passage of the baby with it. Then gently press on the wings of his nose and massage them lightly. During the massage, the medicine will be evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

The number of procedures is 3-4 per day. The duration of treatment with ointment is from 7 to 14 days, and with cream - from 5 to 7 days.

If crusts have formed in the nose, ointment will help.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite the fact that Pinosol is based on herbal ingredients and is compatible with any medications, it cannot be used:

  • for the treatment of children under 2 years of age;
  • if the child has;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the active substances of the drug by the child.

Side effects

In rare cases, a child may experience the following symptoms after using Pinosol:

  • itching or burning in the nose;

When using the medicine, a burning sensation in the nose is possible.

  • severe redness of the nasal mucosa;
  • swelling of the inner lining of the nose.

In such situations, you should immediately contact your doctor to prescribe another medicine.

Analogues of the drug

Pinosol has only one analogue, identical in composition and mechanism of action - Pinovit. The drug is produced by the Ukrainian company Farmak OJSC in the form of drops and spray. The average price for 1 unit of medicine is 95 rubles. In Russia you can only buy it through online pharmacies.

If a child is allergic to the active components of Pinosol, then the pediatrician can prescribe drugs with a similar effect, which effectively relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and are suitable for the treatment of any rhinitis, including allergic ones.

  • Sanorin. The active substance is naphazoline. Children's dosage - 0.05% is used in the treatment of children from 2 years of age. The average price is 152 rubles. Manufacturer - Czech Republic.
  • . The drug contains two active substances: phenylephrine and dimethindene. One dosage is used to treat adults and children. Approved for use in young patients from 6 years of age. The average cost is 335 rubles. Country of origin - Switzerland.

Nasal drops Pinosol is a drug for the common cold based on natural oils of pine, eucalyptus and mint. Thanks to them, it gently and effectively relieves nasal congestion, relieves swelling and has almost no side effects. Can be used by children from one year old.

Pinosol got its name from the Latin word “pinus” - pine, the oil of which is its main component.

It is created on the basis of natural components (pine, eucalyptus and mint oils), is easier to tolerate by humans than synthetic drugs, and has virtually no side effects. Thanks to these oils, blood circulation in the mucous membrane improves, the passage of the nasal sinuses increases, swelling subsides and the amount of nasal discharge decreases.

It also contains vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), which restores the mucous membrane and thymol, an extract from thyme oil that has an antibacterial effect.

Composition of Pinosol per 10 ml

Active substances:

  • pine oil – 0.3752 g
  • eucalyptus oil – 0.05 g
  • peppermint oil – 0.10 g
  • thymol – 0.0032 g
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate – 0.17 g
  • Guayosulene – 0.002 g


  • Butyloxyanisole;
  • labrafil M;
  • rapeseed oil.

Properties in the treatment of runny nose

Due to its natural ingredients, the drug is more popular than products based on chemically created components. It is safer and suitable for treating runny nose in children, practically without causing allergic reactions when used correctly.

It has:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Antiviral;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Light vasoconstrictor and softening properties.

The natural components of Pinosol reduce the amount of mucus secreted from the nose, relieve swelling and free breathing.

Its use significantly reduces the period of nasal congestion and restores the protective functions of the sinus mucosa.

Indications for use

Pinosol helps cure:

  • Acute rhinitis;
  • Chronic rhinitis;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, with the appearance of dryness;

Conditions after operations on the nasal cavity as prescribed by the attending physician.

In combination with other antifungal drugs, antibiotics or antiseptics, it is used to treat sinusitis. Using Pinosol alone for these diseases will not lead to success and will only waste precious time.

At what age can you start taking Pinosol?

Directions for use

Adults take 1-2 drops every 2 hours on the first day of the disease, and up to 4 times a day in the following days.

Children from one year old receive 1-2 drops up to 4 times a day.

Reception time – up to 1 week.

Considering that the drug has an oil base, it can be used for inhalation.

Inhalations are an effective and efficient way to treat respiratory diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and others.

To carry out the procedure using an inhaler, 2 ml of solution (50 drops) is added to 1 liter of hot water brought to a boil. Apply 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes, but not longer than a week.

You can treat a runny nose with Pinosol and with the help of a Nebulizer. Place a nozzle for the upper respiratory tract to spray a coarse and medium dispersion solution.

But it is better not to treat children under 3 years of age with this method to avoid bronchospasms.

Release forms

Pinosol drops are produced in the form of a transparent liquid of a blue or green hue with the smell of menthol or eucalyptus.

Volume 10 ml, easy to dose, thanks to the special shape of the rubber pipette, which does not injure the mucous membrane.

Contraindications and interactions with other drugs

The drug has a number of contraindications, including individual intolerance to its elements and children under one year of age.

During pregnancy and lactation, Pinosol is used carefully and only as prescribed by the attending physician.

It can be used simultaneously with other medications.

Side effect

May cause itching, burning, swelling of the mucous membrane. In rare cases, it causes allergies.

Storage conditions and periods


Pinosol - oil drops for the treatment of rhinitis. They act gently but effectively. Quickly relieves congestion and swelling. Can be used for children over one year of age and for pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor. Used for nasal instillation and inhalation.



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