Guys are abundant. Natural and abnormal discharge in men during sexual arousal

Sexual discharge in men can be considered direct evidence of the state of the male reproductive system. Quite often it happens that atypical discharge from the genital tract in men is the first symptom of a serious illness. Moreover, sometimes such a symptom may be the only one. That is why every man should be very careful about changes in the nature of such discharge.

How does discharge from the genital tract appear in men?

In medicine, the concept discharge from the penis determines both discharge from the urethra in men and discharge from pathological formations on the skin of the penis, as well as discharge from the sebaceous glands.

Doctors define three types of discharge that appear normally. At the same time, the variety of pathological discharges is much wider.

Speaking about normal discharge, first of all we should mention the so-called libidinal (physiological) urethrorrhea . This is a clear discharge in men that appears from the urethra during sexual arousal. Different men experience different amounts of such discharge. In addition, the duration of their appearance and quantity depend on the degree of sexual arousal. You should be aware that discharge in men when aroused contains a small amount of sperm. Therefore, conception can occur when they enter the partner’s genitals. Sometimes discharges that resemble physiological ones, but appear in more abundant quantities, indicate the development of diseases. In this case, the causes of discharge in men may be due to genital ailments.

Another type of normal discharge is smegma . This is a secretion secreted by the glands of the skin of the glans and foreskin of the penis. If a man follows all the rules of personal hygiene, then such discharge does not bother him. But with irregular hygiene procedures, smegma accumulates, which can provoke inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the penis at least once a day, and you need to thoroughly wash its head.

Normal discharge is also sperm . This white discharge in men contains the secretion of the gonads and a large number of sperm. Sperm is released during ejaculation during sexual intercourse or during masturbation. Sperm can also be released during wet dreams. This is an involuntary ejaculation that occurs most often in teenage boys with a frequency ranging from several times a month to 1-3 times a week.

All other discharge during urination, during sexual intercourse and at rest are pathological. It is especially important to pay attention to discharge with an odor. Suspicious discharge and itching in men are reasons to immediately consult a doctor.

Why do pathological discharges from the genital tract appear?

Pathological discharge in men can occur due to the development of many diseases. These are inflammations that were triggered by infections or opportunistic microflora entering the body. Also, genital discharge in men is sometimes a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, cancer pathologies, or a consequence of injury or surgery. Discharges that are pathological in nature can be scanty, moderate or abundant, contain an admixture of blood, and have different shades - from transparent to greenish. Their consistency can be either liquid or thick. The type and nature of such discharge is determined by the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process, the state of the person’s immunity, and the presence of other diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based solely on studying the appearance of genital discharge.

In diseases that are sexually transmitted, the discharge also has a different character. So, when and, as a rule, transparent viscous discharge appears, which contains a small amount. If these diseases worsen, then pus may appear in the discharge. With chlamydia, discharge may stick to the head of the penis.

The appearance of pronounced purulent discharge, which has a thick consistency and a yellowish-green tint, often indicates that the man has become infected. Such discharge contains a large number of leukocytes and appears constantly.

The causes of genital discharge in men are also often inflammatory diseases not associated with sexually transmitted infections. They are provoked staphylococcus , streptococcus , Candida mushroom etc. As a rule, pathogens are activated in people with reduced immunity. At candidiasis Men experience burning, itching, and redness of the skin of the penis. In this case, a whitish cheesy discharge appears.

If discharge appears between urinations in small quantities, then in this case we may be talking about nongonorrhea . The discharge in this case is usually mucous, mixed with pus.

At balanoposthitis purulent or mucopurulent discharge appears in large quantities, while the foreskin turns red, and pain is noted in the head of the penis. Also, mucopurulent discharge is characteristic of. Their character and quantity depend on the severity of the pathological process.

Several conditions are also identified in which the discharge is not associated with specific diseases. At spermatorrhea sperm appears from the urethra without masturbation or sexual contact. The reason for this phenomenon is impaired muscle tone of the vas deferens. This condition is often the result of diseases of the central nervous system or chronic inflammation that develops in the body. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of spermatorrhea.

At hemorrhea blood is released from the urethra. This is usually associated with injuries, as well as medical procedures during which the injury occurred. Sometimes blood indicates more serious pathologies - malignant tumors, polyps. Blood may appear when sand or stones pass away due to urolithiasis.

At more rustic prostate secretion is released from the urethra. The reason for this phenomenon is disease of the prostate gland, as a result of which the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the excretory duct decreases.

But in general, pathological discharge can be associated with a wide variety of diseases and indicate many pathologies. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of changes in the nature of sexual discharge, a man must definitely visit a urologist and undergo all the tests prescribed by the specialist.

How to get rid of pathological discharge from the genital tract?

In order to carry out the correct treatment aimed at eliminating pathological discharge, the doctor must initially establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy that is practiced for a specific disease.

During the diagnostic process, it is necessary to examine the skin of the genital organs in order to detect rashes, redness, and palpate lymph nodes . Laboratory blood tests and urine tests are performed, and a smear from the urethra is examined. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a culture of urethral discharge, conducts a digital examination of the prostate, as well as ultrasound, CT, and urography.

Taking a smear from the urethra involves excluding the topical use of any medications for three days before the analysis. Before taking a smear, you should not visit the toilet or carry out any hygiene procedures for three hours.

For urethritis, etiotropic treatment is practiced, in which the doctor can prescribe properly selected antibiotics, antifungals, and restorative drugs. Local treatment and physiotherapeutic methods may also be carried out. Local treatment involves instillation of special solutions into the urethra.

For diseases that are sexually transmitted, complex treatment is practiced. As a rule, antibacterial treatment is prescribed in combination with other methods.

For candidiasis, both the use of local medications (special creams or ointments are lubricated on the head of the penis) and the use of tablets (usually containing) are practiced.

Any pathological discharge from the penis is a reason to consult a urologist. Self-medication or delaying treatment can lead to serious complications and longer, less effective treatment.

Discharge from the genital organs can bother not only girls, but also men. Males have normal discharge that is odorless. Their source is the urethra. In women, the discharge is called leucorrhoea. If you notice unhealthy discharge, immediately go to an in-person appointment with a urologist.

Normal or pathological?

The urethra is the male urethra. From there they appear from time to time. There is such a thing as urethrorrhea. It can be physiological or libidinal. A transparent discharge appears from the urethral outlet. This happens in the morning, immediately upon awakening, or when a man is sexually aroused.

Urethrorrhea can be more or less pronounced. The lubricant that is released during arousal contains sperm. Therefore, if you do not want to have children yet, you should protect yourself even during foreplay with the genitals. Discharge in men helps sperm pass through the urethra and into and past the partner's vagina. After all, the environment there is acidic, and this is harmful to the life of sperm.

Defecatory prostatorrhea may be the second cause of discharge in boys and men. When a person pushes, a discharge appears on the head of the penis that is odorless and colorless. They may sometimes contain white-gray inclusions. Their consistency is viscous. This is discharge from the prostate and seminal vesicles. It may appear when emptying the bladder is complete. This is then called voiding prostatorrhea. In extremely rare cases, a man notices such discharge after coughing. This is not a disease, but a disorder that can be cured.

The next type of discharge from the male genital organs is. It includes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head of the penis and the foreskin. If a man washes, changes his underwear and does not wear other people's underwear, then these secretions will be washed off. And no attention will be focused on them. If hygiene is not so good, a fairly large amount of smegma may accumulate. Pathological flora will multiply and develop there, so the genitals and underwear will smell unpleasant.


Sperm is a secretion containing many sperm cells (spermatozoa). Sperm is released during ejaculation, that is, at the moment of peak pleasure during sexual intercourse of a different nature. Also, in a dream, men and boys sometimes have wet dreams, then sperm is also released from the penis.

Wet dreams occur mainly during puberty. This is 2-5 cases per month. But with changes in the balance of hormones, there may be wet dreams even several times a week. If sperm flows out of the penis not at the moment of orgasm, this is called "". This is a disease caused by impaired muscle tone in the vas deferens. This mainly happens with diseases of the brain or chronic inflammation in the ducts.

Pathological discharge

The physiological discharge that normally occurs in boys and men is described above. Here we will look at discharge that is associated with health problems. Mostly pathological discharge from the urethra worries men for urethritis. This is an inflammatory process that develops in the urethra. Urethritis can be caused by infection or non-infectious factors.

The infection can be either specific or nonspecific. Specific is mainly trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. A nonspecific urethritis can be triggered by the following pathogens:

  • mycoplasma
  • ureaplasma
  • chlamydia
  • herpes
  • staphylococcus
  • streptococcus

Non-infectious causes of urethritis and associated discharge from the genital tract:

  • trauma, narrowing of the urethra
  • irritation by chemical factors
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane
  • influence of allergens

Discharge from the genital tract in males can vary in color and transparency. It depends on how active the inflammation is, at what stage it is, and what flora is causing it. Discharge from the penis includes::

  • mucus
  • liquid
  • cells of various origins

If there is a lot of the last named component, then the discharge becomes cloudy, which can be visually observed by the man himself. If epithelial cells appear in the discharge in large numbers, the discharge thickens and acquires a gray tint.

If you find yourself yellow-green, greenish or yellowish discharge Most likely, they contain a lot of leukocytes. This means that the discharge contains purulent masses, which are a consequence of the inflammatory process. With the same disease, discharge can be of different thickness, quantity and nature. For example, at the beginning of the disease they may be thicker, and then gradually become more and more liquid. This is such an individual process that during an examination the doctor will not be able to determine your disease, and you will need to undergo a series of tests.

Discharge in men white may have different reasons. The first thing that doctors assume is the proliferation of Candida fungus. The disease is called accordingly -. You've probably heard that women get thrush. It happens in men too, but mostly occurs in a hidden form. But in rare cases, white discharge from the genitals may occur.

Symptoms of candidiasis:

  • white coating on the head of the penis
  • the head of the penis has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of yeast or sour bread
  • There are unpleasant sensations on the penis and perineum: burning, itching, sometimes pain
  • more discharge when emptying the bladder
  • reddish spots on the tip of the penis and inside the foreskin
  • white discharge at times other than urination
  • pain during sex (on the head and foreskin)
  • sexual partner (wife, girlfriend) complains of discomfort, including pain during coitus
  • The partner develops white discharge with a cheesy consistency

The second possible cause of white discharge in men is ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. This may also be inflammation of the prostate gland, the symptoms of which are:

  • frequent urge to urinate
  • discomfort during bowel movements
  • burning in the perineum and urethra
  • intermittent and difficult emptying of the bladder
  • sexual disorders

If prostatitis is not treated, then the erection will disappear, and it will also be impossible to conceive a child in the future (diagnosis:). Therefore, if one or more of the above symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

There may also be clear discharge from male penis. The main reason: urethritis caused by ureaplasma or chlamydia, occurring in a chronic form. When the inflammation process worsens, more leukocytes are released and die (which form the basis of pus, which has a yellow or green tint).

Gonorrhea and trichomoniasis In some cases, they cause abundant, transparent discharge. They have a lot of mucus. They are released both in the morning, during the day or in the evening. Also, clear discharge in large quantities may occur at the onset of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. If a man ureaplasmosis or chlamydia infection, then there may be no unpleasant sensations at all, and discharge begins only if you do not go to the toilet for a long time.

Yellow discharge- purulent. They contain the epithelium of the urethra, which has been exfoliated. There is also an increased number of leukocytes and urethral mucus, which gives the discharge a specific shade. You should immediately be alerted if greenish or yellow discharge appears. Most likely, you have a sexually transmitted disease (one of the ones mentioned above or others, there can be many variations, a combined infection is also possible, that is, caused by several pathogens at once).

For gonorrhea(one of the sexually transmitted diseases) the discharge has a thick consistency. They smell unpleasant, reminiscent of rot. Can be at any time of the day. Another characteristic accompanying symptom is pain when going to the toilet for a short time. Discharge and itching in most cases indicate gonorrhea, but you need to get tested to get an accurate diagnosis.

Trichomoniasis can cause yellow discharge in men. But in most cases, the disease has a latent course, that is, there will be no symptoms. If you still have symptoms, they will include the following:

  • discomfort in the perineum
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • frequent and irresistible urge to urinate
  • burning and stinging when urinating

Discharge with odor

The first possible reason (and the most harmless) is poor hygiene. As mentioned above, smegma is normal (not indicating illness) male discharge. If you do not wash regularly, at least once a day, then smegma accumulates, bacteria multiply in it, causing not very pleasant odors. These odors may differ for different men.

If you follow good hygiene rules and still have an unpleasant odor, your doctor may suspect a metabolic disorder. In such cases, the most common cause is diabetes. Smegma will be released in quite large quantities, so the laundry will be wet.

Infections are also the cause of odor-bearing discharge in men. The pathological process mainly occurs in the urethra. Your doctor may suspect urethritis due to a gonorrheal infection. The nature of the discharge is described above. If the discharge from the penis in men smells sour, urogenital candidiasis is most likely developing.

If the discharge from the genitals smells like fish, most likely the man has gardnerellosis. The same pathogen causes a disease in women called. But these are very rare cases; in women the disease occurs much more often. Gardnerella is an opportunistic flora. It multiplies when the body is exposed to certain factors. Factors for the development of gardnerellosis:

  • promiscuity
  • tight synthetic underwear (made from non-natural materials)
  • long courses of antibacterial drugs or immunosuppressants
  • condoms with spermicide
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs
  • decreased immunity

Discharge with an odor in men can be caused by balanoposthitis or balanitis. These are inflammatory pathologies. There will also be redness, itching and pain in the penis, and ulcers and wrinkling can be seen on the glans.

Bloody discharge in men

The main reason is infections. The discharge can be completely bloody or include streaks of blood. If the infection multiplies in the urethra, then you will notice such a symptom, but not necessarily. Urethritis is mainly caused in such cases by candida, trichomonas or gonorrheal infection. The stronger the inflammation, the more blood is released.

Blood can be due to chronic inflammation of the urethra. The essence of the process is that the mucous layer of the urethra becomes loose. If an irritant acts, the membrane is damaged and blood begins to be released. Even urination can be an irritant.

Probable reason number two is medical procedures performed carelessly. The urethra is injured, which is why blood is released. Procedures that may cause damage to the urethra:

  • catheter installation
  • catheter removal
  • bougienage
  • taking a smear
  • cystoscopy

The discharge with blood is immediate. It should be noted that in this case the blood is scarlet, without clots, and quickly stops.

The passage of stones and sand is the next cause of bloody discharge from the penis. They are secreted from the kidneys or bladder and pass through the urethra. Microliths are hard, they injure the mucous membrane and the walls of blood vessels, which becomes the direct cause of bleeding. Pain also occurs.

It also provokes in some cases discharge with inclusions of blood. Blood in the urine that a man sees when he goes to the toilet is called gross hematuria. Then symptoms such as increased blood pressure and swelling develop in parallel.

There may also be an even more serious cause of bloody discharge in boys and men - cancer. Malignant tumors can be of the following organs:

  • testes
  • penis
  • prostate gland, etc.

The blood will then be brown or dark, and blood clots will be present in the discharge.

Discharge of blood with sperm

Such discharge is called “hematospermia”. It can be true and false. If hematospermia is false, then the blood mixes with the sperm as it passes through the urethra. If this pathology is true, then the blood mixes with sperm before passing through the urethra.

Hematospermia manifests itself with the following symptoms:(clinical picture):

  • urinary disorders
  • pain during ejaculation
  • discomfort and pain in the lower back
  • pain and/or swelling in the genitals
  • high body temperature

Causes of blood discharge with semen:

  • long-term sexual abstinence
  • overly active sex life (during coitus, the walls of blood vessels rupture)
  • varicose veins of the pelvic organs
  • stones in the testes and vas deferens
  • malignant and benign formations in the genitourinary organs
  • biopsy
  • genital surgery

If you notice discharge from your genitals that does not go away within a day or two, immediately go for an in-person consultation with an experienced doctor. If discharge appears after unprotected sexual intercourse, there is no need to sound the alarm, but you need to go to the doctor and get tested as quickly as possible. Health to you and your other halves!

In men, during arousal, discharge from the urethra of various types is observed. They usually do not cause alarm because they are natural. But there are cases when the discharge is pathological and requires medical intervention.

If a man experiences uncharacteristic discharge, he should seek qualified help to avoid possible complications.

Natural secretion of pre-seminal fluid

During an erection, a healthy man always secretes a small amount of clear liquid from the penis. This phenomenon is considered normal and is not associated with any pathological processes. In medicine, this natural secretion during arousal is called urethrorrhea, and the fluid itself is called pre-ejaculate.

General characteristics

Normally, such a secretion is absolutely transparent and has a medium consistency. Urethrorrhea is observed not only during arousal, but also during morning erection. Pre-seminal fluid begins to be released outward from the urethra during caresses with a sexual partner and during preparation for sexual intercourse. The same reaction is observed during masturbation. The early stage of sexual intercourse and immediately before the onset of orgasm can also be accompanied by the release of ejaculate. All these cases are natural, and therefore pre-ejaculate discharge should not cause panic.

Such mucus is necessary to neutralize residual acidity, both in the urethra itself and in the vagina. Since sperm simply die in an acidic environment, it is pre-ejaculate that creates favorable conditions for them.

Men naturally release pre-ejaculate when aroused and directly during sexual intercourse.

Number of allocations

For each man, the amount of fluid secreted in such cases is strictly individual. But the higher the degree of excitement, the greater the volume of secretion is released. This can be a couple of drops, or quite impressive volumes of liquid, reaching 5 ml. Some men have no pre-ejaculate at all. The place of formation of the pre-semen is the Cooper and Littre glands. They are located along the urethra and produce secretions, the amount of which increases with excitement.

Spermatozoa may be present in such secretions in small quantities. Therefore, interrupted sexual intercourse does not always guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy. Of course, the secretion itself does not contain sperm, but the remains of the semen in the canals inevitably end up in the pre-ejaculate.

Sometimes men are bothered by excessive secretion of pre-seminal fluid during an erection. In this case, doctors recommend differential diagnosis to exclude prostatorrhea - the release of prostatic juice during urination or defecation.

Natural release of sperm

The second type of natural fluid that is released from the penis as a result of an erection is, of course, sperm. Ejaculation is the natural result of ejaculation. Sperm has a whitish tint and a viscous consistency. Sperm consists of the secretion of the gonads and the seed itself. Sperm is released both as a result of sexual intercourse and as a result of masturbation. Such discharge is accompanied by sexual release.

When a man ejaculates, sperm is released

The absence of sperm discharge may indicate serious pathologies and requires serious examination.

What will tell you about the pathology?

Typically, the presence of discharge during erection is not associated with pathologies. But in some cases, you should pay attention to deviations from the norm, which may be indicated by:

  • unnatural shade of discharge - yellow, green, gray colors will indicate pathology;
  • presence of blood in semen or urine;
  • pus, lumps or clots in the discharge;
  • an unpleasant or nauseating odor emanating from the penis, which may indicate inflammatory or infectious processes;
  • pain or discomfort that occurs during an erection.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor during discharge may indicate a developing pathology

It is precisely these unnatural signs that accompany discharge during excitement that clearly indicate the presence of pathological processes. Alarming signs also include itching, hyperemia or swelling. In such cases, a man should not resort to self-medication or wait for the situation to resolve itself. The right decision would be to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.

Types of possible pathologies

Assessing the condition of the genitourinary system using only one discharge is not easy. But it is the uncharacteristic secretion released from the urethra that is a sign of certain pathologies. And certain diseases are characterized by the presence of specific discharge without the presence of other symptoms.

A man must carefully monitor the quality and quantity of fluid released from the penis, both during arousal and during normal conditions.

Changes in discharge may indicate the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system

If nonspecific discharge appears during excitement, one may suspect the presence of:

  • inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system, which is associated with activation of the activity of infectious and opportunistic particles;
  • diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • pathologies of an oncological nature;
  • complications caused by surgical interventions;
  • consequences of injuries and damage.

In such cases, the nature of the discharge may be different, which depends on the type of pathology, and on the characteristics of the body, the neglect of the disease. It is impossible to independently determine the type of deviation. An in-depth diagnosis will be required, which will help the doctor assess the patient’s condition and select effective treatment.

Oncological diseases are also one of the causes of changes in discharge from the penis

It is advisable not to take any medications, especially antibiotics, before visiting a doctor and making a diagnosis. This will blur the clinical picture and will not make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Hygiene and discharge

Separately, it is worth dwelling on smegma. This is a natural release. However, in some cases it may be accompanied by an unnatural odor. This lubricant is produced by fatty glands located in the area of ​​the head and foreskin.

In fact, smegma is fat, which, in the absence of timely and high-quality hygiene procedures, accumulates and provokes the appearance of unnatural odors. It is not the smegma itself that causes danger, but rather its accumulation. In the absence of hygiene procedures, a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of microbes and the development of inflammatory processes.

Maintaining good hygiene will help prevent the formation of smegma.

The problem of abundant synthesis of such a lubricant is especially pressing for men aged 16–25 years, when sexual activity is at its highest. With age, the volume of such secretions decreases. When a man washes the penis twice a day, the smegma is completely removed, and an unnatural whitish coating is not observed during an erection. If necessary, you can use antibacterial soap to remove smegma.

Often, an accumulation of whitish plaque with a pungent odor is attributed by a man to the secretion of smegma, while the true cause may be associated with thrush or gonorrhea, chdamidia.

Ignoring any discharge that differs from normal is quite dangerous. Since they may be associated with diseases that require immediate treatment and pose an irreversible threat to the reproductive system.

The doctor will tell you more about the discharge in the video:

The appearance of secretions excreted from the human body informs about both the norm and deviations. For example, with a runny nose or otitis media, the appearance of fluid clearly indicates illness. The human reproductive system is much more complex. Discharge in men when excited can indicate a normal state of health or, conversely, signal the development of a disease.

Should men have discharge during sexual arousal?

In men, the appearance of mucus in the urethra is in some cases a natural and necessary process. When an erection occurs, transparent discharge appears in the volume of several drops. They are called pre-seminal fluid; such physiological phenomena are completely normal.

The volume of mucus secretion depends entirely on the characteristics of the male body and must meet certain characteristics in order to be considered normal. In particular, there should not be excessive density, color, or specific odors.

The appearance of a secretion occurs in the following cases, leading to:

  • Masturbation;
  • Sexual caresses of a partner;
  • Thoughts about intimacy.

The frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon also depends on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some men experience discharge with every arousal, while others experience it extremely rarely.

From the point of view of medical specialists, the presence of exudate during sexual arousal promotes conception - it plays the role of an additional guide for sperm in the process of reaching the egg and reduces the level of acidity in the female vagina, which destroys sperm. Accordingly, discharge from the reproductive organ takes an active part in the process of fertilization and is considered a significant mechanism of the male reproductive system.

Why is this happening?

  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Chlamydia.

Also, ailments are confirmed by the presence of a high level of leukocytes in blood tests.

Milky mucous compartments with purulent streaks accompany diseases such as:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Ureaplasmosis

In the presence of these pathologies, fluid can be released in a calm state, after which it sticks to the head of the penis and dries out.

Purulent discharge

Evidence of gonorrhea. The leaking liquid is yellow with a greenish tint and has an unpleasant odor. The consistency is thick and sticky. When analyzed, a significant level of leukocytes is detected in the secretion.

Discharge during inflammation

Inflammatory diseases that change the composition of secretions are caused by:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Candida fungus;
  • Streptococcus.

When nongonorrheal urethritis occurs—inflammation in the urethral canal, the secreted fluid is characterized by:

  • Turbidity and stickiness;
  • Presence of mucus;
  • Purulent contents.

Accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching.

The disease of the foreskin, balanoposthitis, is characterized by copious discharge containing a lot of purulent contents. Redness, swelling, and severe pain occur.

It is common to secrete mucus mixed with pus. Additional symptoms are pain, frequent urge to empty the bladder.

To determine candidiasis, it is enough to study the photo, which shows a secretion characteristic of it. It has the consistency of cottage cheese; this form of mycosis is accompanied by redness of the glans penis and unbearable itching.

Bloody discharge

  • Infectious diseases, in particular chronic urethritis of an infectious nature;
  • Injury to the urethral canal during medical procedures;
  • Removing sand and stones from the kidneys, blood is more noticeable when;
  • Malignant formations in the prostate gland, ovaries, genitals. In this case, the discharge contains brown or dark blood, often in the form of clots.
  • Possible changes in the usual menu;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.
  • Do I need to see a doctor?

    An uncharacteristic secretion that stands out for a man requires an immediate visit to the doctor. Any changes in the structure and color of the liquid require examination to identify factors leading to such disorders.

    Diagnostic measures include:

    • Spermogram;
    • Urethral canal swab;
    • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system;
    • Urine collection for general analysis;
    • Clinical blood test.

    Based on the diagnostic results, a treatment regimen for the underlying disease that caused the appearance of pathological exudate is prescribed. Ignoring such signs leads to a deterioration in health and the transition of the disease to a chronic form that is difficult to treat. A timely visit to a urologist will allow you to quickly cope with the disease and maintain health for a long period.

    There are few women who know that men also have discharge. Like women, men also experience them normally and are odorless. Only in women it is called “leucorrhoea” and it comes from the vagina, while men’s leaks come from the urethra. Of course, any pathological discharge indicates ill health and requires consultation with a doctor.

    Physiological secretions

    The health of a man is indicated by physiological discharge from the outlet of the urethra, which is observed in the following cases:

    Libidinal or physiological urethrorrhea

    This condition is observed when transparent discharge appears on the head of the penis during sexual arousal or in the morning, immediately after sleep. Their number varies among different men and is directly related to the severity of sexual arousal. But in any case, it is important to remember that such discharge, when aroused, contains a small amount of sperm, so if it gets on the partner’s genitals, she has a risk of becoming pregnant. The function of the described secretions is to ensure the passage of sperm through the urethra and vagina of a woman, where there is an acidic environment that is detrimental to the “live ones,” and they enter in a viable form into the uterine cavity and tubes for fertilization of the egg.

    Defecational prostatorrhea

    During an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (during straining), a transparent, odorless discharge with possible gray-white streaks may appear on the head of the penis. Such discharge is viscous and consists of a mixture of prostate secretion and seminal vesicles. Similar discharge may appear upon completion of urination, in which case they speak of micturition prostatorrhea. In exceptional cases, such discharge appears with a strong cough. They are not considered an organic pathology, but only indicate a violation of the autonomic regulation of the functioning of the genital organs.


    Smegma (preputial lubricant) is a secretion that consists of secretions from the sebaceous glands of the head of the penis and the foreskin. Normally, if a man follows the rules of personal hygiene, such discharge does not create inconvenience, since it is mechanically washed off with water. But if hygiene is neglected, smegma accumulates, and microorganisms multiply in it, which serves as a source of unpleasant odor.

    Sperm release

    Sperm, which contains a large number of sperm, is normally released during ejaculation (ejaculation) at the end of sexual intercourse or spontaneously during sleep (emission). Pollutions are observed in teenage boys and occur either several times a month or 1–3 times a week (hormonal changes).

    In some cases, spermatorrhea, that is, the discharge of sperm from the urethra without sexual intercourse and orgasm, indicates a pathology when the tone of the muscular layer of the vas deferens is disturbed due to chronic inflammation or diseases of the brain.

    Pathological discharge

    All other discharges that go beyond the physiological are pathological and indicate, first of all, inflammation of the urethra or urethritis. are different, they can be both infectious and non-infectious.

    Infectious causes divided into specific and nonspecific.

    • Specific etiological factors include diseases that are sexually transmitted, such as and.
    • Nonspecific infectious urethritis is caused by opportunistic bacteria, viruses and fungi:
      • chlamydial urethritis (see);
      • ureaplasma and mycoplasma urethritis;
      • candidal urethritis or urogenital candidiasis in men;
      • herpetic urethritis and others (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci).

    To non-infectious factors inflammations include:

    • allergic reactions
    • mechanical damage to the urethral mucosa
    • irritation of the urethra by chemicals
    • trauma, narrowing of the urethra.

    Male discharge can vary in clarity and color. These parameters are influenced by the intensity of the inflammatory process, its stage and etiological factor. Discharge is formed from fluid, mucus and various cells.

    • Cloudy - if there are a large number of cells, then the discharge has a cloudy color.
    • Gray or thick- when epithelial cells predominate in the secretions, they acquire a gray color and become thick.
    • Yellow, green or yellow-green- when the discharge contains a large number of leukocytes, they become yellow and even green; they are also called purulent discharge.

    It should be noted that with the same pathology, the nature of the discharge changes over time.

    White discharge

    White discharge in men is due to several reasons. First of all, candidiasis should be excluded (see). The following symptoms are observed with this disease:

    • the head of the penis smells unpleasantly of sour bread or yeast;
    • the head of the penis is covered with a whitish coating;
    • there is itching, burning and even pain in the penis and perineum;
    • discharge appears when urinating;
    • reddish spots (irritation, inflammation) are noted on the head and inner surface of the foreskin;
    • pain occurs during coitus, discomfort is felt in the area of ​​the head and foreskin;
    • white discharge is noted not only during urination;
    • the partner complains of itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse, and has a cheesy discharge.

    In addition to urogenital candidiasis, white discharge can be caused by chlamydia and/or ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis, and also talk about inflammation of the prostate gland, which is characterized by:

    • difficulty and intermittent urination;
    • burning sensation in the perineum and urethra;
    • discomfort during bowel movements;
    • sexual disorders (decreased libido and erection, rapid ejaculation, lost orgasm).

    It is important for men to remember that this can lead not only to persistent erectile dysfunction, but also to infertility.

    Transparent selections

    • Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis- transparent mucous discharge is possible with chlamydial or ureaplasma urethritis in the chronic stage of the disease. As the process worsens, the number of leukocytes in the discharge increases, and they acquire a greenish or yellowish color.
    • Trichomoniasis, gonorrhea- transparent, profuse discharge with a large amount of mucus, which is observed during the day, is also possible in the initial stage of infection Trichomonas or gonococci. In the case of chlamydia (ureaplasmosis), subjective sensations are often absent (pain, itching, burning), and clear discharge appears after prolonged abstinence from urination.

    Yellow discharge

    Purulent discharge, which includes desquamated epithelium of the urethra, a significant amount of leukocytes and urethral mucus, has a yellowish or greenish tint. Yellow discharge or mixed with greenery is a characteristic sign of sexually transmitted diseases.

    • Gonorrhea - the discharge is thick and has an unpleasant putrid odor, observed throughout the day and accompanied by pain when urinating. A man should first think about a gonorrheal infection if he has the classic pair of symptoms: discharge and itching.
    • Trichomoniasis - also with yellow discharge, trichomoniasis cannot be excluded, although it is often asymptomatic. With severe symptoms of trichomonas infection, in addition to purulent discharge, a man is bothered by a frequent and irresistible urge to urinate, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the perineum.

    Discharge with odor

    Poor hygiene

    An unpleasant odor of the perineum and penis in particular can also be observed if intimate hygiene conditions are not observed:

    • Smegma is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that, as they multiply and die, create an unpleasant odor if the external genitalia are not thoroughly washed regularly.
    • In addition, smegma itself may have an unpleasant odor due to metabolic disorders (for example,). In this case, the secretion of smegma is so intense that it soaks through the underwear.


    Discharge with an odor is most often observed with an infectious lesion of the urethra. First of all, you should exclude gonorrheal urethritis - thick, yellow or green discharge that is observed throughout the day.

    The sour smell of discharge is a pathognomic symptom of urogenital candidiasis. Infection with fungi of the genus Candida provokes the appearance of cheesy or milky-white discharge (see).

    There may also be a fishy smell in the discharge., which is inherent in gardnerellosis, which is more typical for women (called bacterial vaginosis), and in men the development of this disease is rather nonsense. Gardnerella is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism and begins to actively reproduce only under certain conditions:

    • weakened immunity;
    • concomitant inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • use of condoms with spermicides;
    • long-term treatment with antibiotics or immunosuppressants (cytostatics, corticosteroids);
    • tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
    • promiscuous sex life.

    Also, discharge with an unpleasant odor can occur due to diseases such as:

    • balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis)
    • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the inner surface of the foreskin).

    But in addition to discharge (not from the urethra, but smegma), these diseases are accompanied by hyperemia and itching, pain in the penis, and ulcers and wrinkling are found on the head.

    Bloody discharge


    Bloody or blood-streaked discharge is often observed with an infection of the urethra. An admixture of blood is characteristic of gonorrheal, trichomonas or candidiasis urethritis. Moreover, the amount of blood is directly related to the intensity of inflammation.

    Blood is often observed in chronic urethritis (the mucous membrane of the urethra is loosened and responds with contact bleeding to the slightest irritation, including the passage of urine through the canal).

    Medical manipulations

    Another reason for this is injury to the urethra during medical procedures. In the case of rough bougienage, installation and removal of a catheter, cystoscopy or taking a smear, immediate bleeding may be observed. They differ in that the blood is scarlet, has no clots, and the bleeding itself stops very quickly.

    Passing stones, sand

    Among other things, bloody discharge can be observed when small stones or sand (from the kidneys or bladder) pass through the urethra. The hard surface of microliths damages the mucous membrane and walls of blood vessels, causing bleeding. In this case, the blood is most noticeable when urinating, which is accompanied by pain.


    Gross hematuria (visible when urinating) is also possible in the presence of glomerulonephritis. In this case, there is a triad of symptoms: gross hematuria, edema, increased blood pressure.

    Malignant tumors

    One of the signs of malignant tumors of the genitourinary system (penis, testes and others) is the appearance of blood in a man. In this case, the blood will be brown or dark, and clots may appear.

    Discharge of blood with sperm

    We must not forget about such a symptom as discharge (hematospermia). There are false and true hematospermia. In false cases, blood is mixed with the sperm as it passes through the urethra. And with true, blood enters the ejaculate even before it passes through the urethra. Hematospermia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • pain during ejaculation;
    • urinary disorders;
    • pain and/or swelling in the genitals (testicles and scrotum);
    • discomfort and pain in the lower back;
    • increase in body temperature.

    One of the causes of hematospermia is:

    • overly active sex life or vice versa,
    • long-term sexual abstinence, during sexual intercourse rupture of the vascular walls in the tissues of the genital organs occurs
    • previous surgery or biopsy may also cause blood in semen
    • hematospermia appears in benign and malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary organs
    • in the presence of stones in the testes and vas deferens
    • with varicose veins of the pelvic organs.



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