What Milgamma injections and tablets help with: instructions for use. Reviews about Milgamma

For the treatment of various neurological diseases, including those caused by proven deficiency of B vitamins. In particular, the drug is indicated for neuralgia, myalgia, paresis, radiculitis and neuritis, including neuritis optic nerve, night muscle cramps.

"Milgamma" is used for multiple lesions peripheral nerves, including alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy. The drug is also prescribed for the treatment of zoster and other herpesvirus infections.

The drug "Milgamma" is available in the form of tablets for oral administration and a solution for intramuscular administration.

Instructions for use of "Milgamma"

Intramuscular dosage of 2 ml is given once a day. The drug should be injected into the muscle slowly and as deeply as possible. For severe pain, do it daily, for maintenance therapy - every other day. The course of treatment consists of 5-10.

After cupping pain syndrome should switch to oral administration drug. Milgamma tablets are taken one three times a day. Treatment lasts 1 month.

Milgamma tablets are taken for mild forms of the disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Treatment with the drug is contraindicated in cases of decompensated heart failure, as well as during lactation and under the age of 16 years. In addition, a contraindication to taking this drug is individual intolerance its components.

When taking the drug, side effects are possible in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased sweating, acne, urticaria, itching, difficulty breathing, Quincke's edema. With rapid and/or shallow administration of the drug, there may be local reactions in the form of irritation. About the occurrence of these or other adverse reactions should be reported to your doctor.

Vitamin B complex

Active ingredients

Lidocaine- locally anesthetic, causing all kinds local anesthesia: terminal, infiltration, conduction.


After IM administration thiamine is quickly absorbed from the injection site and enters the blood (484 ng/ml after 15 minutes on the first day of administration at a dose of 50 mg) and is distributed unevenly in the body - with its content in leukocytes of 15%, erythrocytes of 75% and in plasma of 10%. Due to the lack of significant reserves of the vitamin in the body, it must be supplied to the body daily. Thiamine penetrates the BBB and placental barrier and is found in mother's milk. Thiamine is excreted in the urine in the α-phase after 0.15 hours, in the β-phase after 1 hour and in the terminal phase within 2 days. The main metabolites are: thiaminecarboxylic acid, pyramine and some unknown metabolites. Of all the vitamins, thiamine is stored in the body in the smallest quantities. The adult human body contains about 30 mg of thiamine in the form of 80% thiamine pyrophosphate, 10% thiamine triphosphate, and the rest in the form of thiamine monophosphate.

After IM injection pyridoxine quickly absorbed into bloodstream and is distributed in the body, acting as a coenzyme after phosphorylation of the CH 2 OH group in the 5th position. About 80% of the vitamin binds to blood plasma proteins. Pyridoxine is distributed throughout the body, penetrates the placental barrier, is found in breast milk, is deposited in the liver and is oxidized to 4-pyridoxine acid, which is excreted in the urine, a maximum of 2-5 hours after absorption. The human body contains 40-150 mg of vitamin B6, its daily elimination rate is about 1.7-3.6 mg with a replenishment rate of 2.2-2.4%.


As a pathogenetic and symptomatic remedy as part of complex therapy diseases and syndromes nervous system of various origins:

- neuralgia, neuritis;

- paresis facial nerve;

- retrobulbar neuritis;

- ganglionitis (including herpes zoster);

- plexopathy;

- neuropathy, polyneuropathy (diabetic, alcoholic and others);

- night muscle cramps, especially among older people age groups;

neurological manifestations spinal osteochondrosis: radiculopathy, lumbar ischialgia, muscular-tonic syndromes.


- pregnancy;

- period breastfeeding;


- decompensated heart failure;

- increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Injections are performed deep intramuscularly.

In cases of severe pain, to quickly achieve high level It is advisable to start treatment with the drug in the blood with 2 ml daily for 5-10 days. Subsequently, after the pain subsides and in mild forms of the disease, they switch to either therapy with a dosage form for oral administration (for example, the drug) or to more rare injections (2-3 times a week for 2-3 weeks) with the possible continuation of drug therapy oral form (for example, the drug Milgamma compositum).

It is recommended to switch to therapy with an oral dosage form (for example, Milgamma compositum) as soon as possible.

Side effects

The frequency of adverse reactions is given in accordance with the WHO classification: very common (more than 1 in 10 people undergoing treatment), often (less than 1 in 10, but more than 1 in 100 people undergoing treatment), uncommon (less than 1 in 10 people undergoing treatment). 1 in 100, but more than 1 in 1,000 treated), rare (less than 1 in 1,000, but more than 1 in 10,000 treated), very rare (less than 1 in 10,000, including isolated cases) , in some cases, symptoms appear with unknown frequency.

From the outside immune system: rarely - allergic reactions (skin rash, difficulty breathing, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema).

From the nervous system: in some cases - dizziness, confusion.

From the outside cardiovascular system: very rarely - tachycardia; in some cases - bradycardia, arrhythmia.

From the gastrointestinal tract: in some cases - vomiting.

For the skin and subcutaneous tissues: very rarely - increased sweating, acne, itching, urticaria.

From the outside musculoskeletal system: in some cases - convulsions.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site: in some cases, irritation may occur at the site of drug administration; systemic reactions possible with rapid administration or overdose.

If any of those specified in the instructions side effects if any other side effects not listed in the instructions are aggravated or observed, the patient must inform the doctor about this.


Treatment of overdose involves discontinuation of the drug and symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

Thiamine completely decomposes in solutions containing sulfites; as a result, thiamine breakdown products inactivate the actions of other vitamins.

Thiamine is incompatible with oxidizing and reducing compounds, incl. iodides, carbonates, acetates, tannic acid, ammonium iron citrate, phenobarbital, riboflavin, benzylpenicillin, dextrose, disulfite and others.

Copper accelerates the breakdown of thiamine; in addition, thiamine loses its effectiveness when pH values ​​increase (more than 3).

Therapeutic doses of pyridoxine weaken the effect of levodopa (the antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa is reduced) when simultaneous administration. Interactions with cycloserine, penicillamine, and isoniazid are also observed.

With parenteral use of lidocaine in the case of additional use of norepinephrine and epinephrine, increased side effect on the heart. Interaction with sulfonamides is also observed.

Cyanocobalamin is incompatible with heavy metal salts. Riboflavin also has a destructive effect, especially when simultaneously exposed to light; nicotinamide accelerates photolysis, while antioxidants have an inhibitory effect.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed by prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2° to 8°C; do not freeze. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

, cyanocobalamin , lidocaine hydrochloride .

Milgamma's injections also contain additional substances: benzyl alcohol, potassium hexacyanoferrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium polyphosphate, water for injection.

Vitamins in tablets contain, pyridoxine hydrochloride , and also contain anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, povidone K30, long-chain partial glycerides.

Release form

The medicine is available in the form of a solution (Milgamma injections for intramuscular administration), as well as in the form of tablets and dragees.

Vitamins in the form of a solution are contained in 2 ml ampoules. The ampoules are made of brown hydrolytic glass, each of them has a label and white dot. The package contains 5 or 10 ampoules.

Film-coated tablets are packaged in 30 or 60 pcs.

Vitamins B1 and B6 provide potentiation of each other’s influence, therefore Milgamma vitamins in injections and tablets have a pronounced beneficial influence on the health status of patients with nerve diseases and musculoskeletal system.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reviews about Milgamma

There are numerous reviews about Milgamma, which are left by both patients who have undergone such treatment and specialists. Reviews note that intramuscular injections are quite painful, and sometimes there is irritation at the site where the injection was administered. But more often it is described positive effect in the treatment of neuralgia, neuritis and other diseases that were noted after the patient was given injections of Milgamma. Reviews from doctors contain information that during treatment patients should follow correct image life and follow all recommendations, since the remedy eliminates only the symptoms, but not the cause of the disease.

The effectiveness of the drug in complex therapy is also often noted, for which not only this drug is prescribed, but also other drugs. For example, good effect can be obtained if Milgamma is prescribed at the same time. Movalis is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a pronounced positive influence for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Milgamma price, where to buy

The price of Milgamma injections No. 5 is on average 270 rubles. The price of Milgamma in ampoules injections No. 10 is from 430 to 500 rubles. The price of Milgamma injections (pack of 25 pieces) averages 1000 rubles. You can buy Milgamma in Moscow (tablets, 30 pcs.) for an average of 600 rubles.

The cost of ampoules in Ukraine is from 80 to 110 hryvnia per pack of 5 pcs. How much the medicine costs in different packages should be found out at the specific point of sale. The drug in tablets (30 pieces) can be bought on average for 180-200 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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The medicine Milgamma (injections) is a complex of neurotropic vitamins belonging to group B. B therapeutic doses this vitamin complex is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, nerve tissues, which entail conduction disturbances nerve impulses or degenerative and inflammatory phenomena.

Pharmacological group

Preparations: vitamin B1 in combination with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Milgamma drug (injections), composition

Pharmacological action

Milgamma (injections) – medicinal product with neuroprotective, analgesic and metabolic effects. The B vitamins included in the drug have an effective therapeutic effect for inflammatory and degenerative diseases nerves and motor system. The main purpose of Milgamma injections is injections for nervousness.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) have a positive effect on the nervous and neuromuscular systems. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is responsible for the synthesis of the myelin sheath, reduces painful sensations associated with damage to the peripheral nervous system. Vitamin B12 promotes the formation of nucleic acids, is responsible for the biosynthesis of the protective sheaths of nerve endings and fibers, and affects blood clotting. Another component of the Milgamma injection is the local anesthetic lidocaine.

Milgamma injections: indications for use

When prescribing Milgamma injections, the indications for treatment may be different, but basically it is the treatment of diseases of the nervous system of various origins:

  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis;
  • neuropathy;
  • neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis (cervical and lumbar);
  • facial nerve paresis;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • ganglionitis;
  • polyneuropathy (diabetic and alcoholic);
  • night muscle cramps (especially in older age groups);
  • radiculitis.

The above diseases are not all the pathologies that Milgamma helps to cure. You can find out what injections containing B vitamins help from from specialized neurologists. Doctors are of the opinion that the drug is effective for systemic neurological diseases, which are caused by a lack of vitamins B1, B6, B12 in the patient’s body.

Milgamma drug (injections): dosage, method of administration

To relieve acute pain, one injection (2 ml) is administered intramuscularly for 5-10 days. In the future, after the acute pain syndrome subsides and in mild forms of the disease, they switch to more infrequent injections (2-3 times a week for 2-3 weeks) with the possible continuation of therapy - the use of Milgamma tablets.

Milgamma drug (injections): contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in individual hypersensitivity to components vitamin complex, with heart failure.

In addition, each of the components has its own contraindications.

  • Vitamin B1. - Contraindicated for those suffering from allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin B6 is contraindicated in patients suffering from peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.
  • Vitamin B12 is contraindicated for erythrocytosis, thromboembolism, erythremia.
  • Lidocaine - Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to lidocaine or other anesthetics.

Side effects

Doctors are often asked the question: are side effects possible when using injections of the drug Milgamma? Milgamma injections can indeed cause allergic reactions. In some cases, increased sweating, tachycardia, and acne. Reactions described skin in the form of itching, urticaria. Treatment of itching after Milgamma injections is not separately considered in medicine. This unpleasant side effect usually goes away after finishing the course of medication. In some cases, phenomena of hypersensitivity to the drug may occur, for example, rash, difficulty breathing, anaphylactic shock. Also, side effects may occur when the drug is administered too quickly.

Milgamma (injections): side effects in case of overdose

In case of an overdose of Milgamma, the symptoms of side effects of the drug increase. Treatment of overdose consists of stopping the drug and providing symptomatic therapy.

Release form

Milgamma injection solution has a characteristic red color, is available in ampoules (2 ml), in the original factory packaging (25 pcs.).

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Milgamma: instructions, injections, price, patient reviews

Reviews from doctors and patients when assessing the effectiveness of the vitamin preparation Milgamma are almost always clear: the drug is well tolerated, quickly relieves pain, and when undergoing treatment under the supervision of specialists, brings long-term benefits. positive result. Instructions for use are available to both specialized specialists and people who do not have specific knowledge. In addition, Milgamma is widely used in the complex treatment of other diseases. What is important is that the price of the drug is quite affordable, which makes it possible to use the vitamin complex for people with different financial capabilities.

Very often, patients ask the same question before starting to use Milgamma: is the injection painful? Yes, indeed, Milgamma is a painful injection. But it's worth thinking about immediate effect relief from pain, which is achieved due to the rapid entry into the blood of the composition of this drug. After all, the patient almost immediately gets rid of discomfort and, with regular use, will forget about the illness that tormented him for a long time. But for those patients who are still worried about the question - is Milgamma a painful injection or not - it is worth remembering that the Milgamma injection contains a strong analgesic, lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect.

All answers to emerging questions - how much does Milgamma cost in injections, what does it represent? vitamin preparation Milgamma (injections), what are the benefits and harms of the Milgamma vitamin complex - can be obtained by contacting experienced general practitioners and neurologists. Don't forget that everyone human body unique and demanding individual approach to solve any problem.

The best specialists from the leading clinic in the capital, the Yusupov Hospital, will help patients gain confidence as a result of diagnosis and treatment various diseases, will ensure effective rehabilitation and long-term results from treatment. By calling us, you can get advice on questions that interest you and make an appointment with to a specialized specialist.


Prices for services *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. To receive accurate information contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Group B. Vitamins of this group are used to treat pathologies nerve tissue and nerve diseases of various origins, in which inflammatory and degenerative changes, in combination with a violation nerve conduction. The drug is used in neurological practice, and also partially in orthopedic practice - for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. B vitamins improve blood circulation and hematopoietic processes, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, in large dosages promote pain relief.

Pharmacological action

Thiamine (aka vitamin B1), is transformed during metabolization into cocarboxylase. Without cocarboxylase, normal exercise is impossible carbohydrate metabolism, which, in turn, negatively affects the function of nervous tissue. A lack of thiamine in the body is fraught with the accumulation of carbohydrate metabolites, which leads to various pathologies.

The tablet form of the drug, instead of thiamine hydrochloride, contains the substance benfotiamine . This substance also takes part in carbohydrate metabolism.

Pyridoxine – another B vitamin – when metabolized, it participates in amino acid metabolism and synthesis of active mediators of the body:

  • dopamine,
  • histamine.
Also vitamin B6 takes part in the processes of hemoglobin formation.

Vitamin B12 (or cyanocobalamin) acts as antianemic agent; stimulates the synthesis of substances such as:

  • choline,
  • nucleic acids,
  • methionine,
  • creatinine
Accepts active participation in cellular metabolism. It is also an analgesic.

Thiamine excreted along with urine; does not accumulate in body tissues.
Cyanocobalamin actively binds to albumin after entering the blood plasma. Cumulates in bone marrow, easily penetrates the hematoplacental barrier.

Indications for use

  • General strengthening effect.
  • Neuritis and neuralgia, including retrobulbar neuritis.
  • Alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy.
  • Herpesvirus infections.
  • Facial nerve paresis.
Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of Milgamma in patients with:
  • neuropathy;
  • brain pathology;
These studies showed a significant reduction in pathological symptoms:
  • the functions of organs and blood vessels were normalized,
  • improved concentration,
  • Deficiency of B vitamins disappeared.

Instructions for use of the drug in the form of tablets and solution for injection (for injections)

The initial dosage of Milgamma is 2 ml deep intramuscularly, once a day. Maintenance therapy – 2 ml, once every two days. As maintenance therapy, you can use the tablet form of the drug - 1 tablet, once a day. To quickly relieve an attack acute pain, apply intramuscular injection one-time drug; or orally, three times a day, one tablet.

The duration of therapy with Milgamma is 1 month.

Dragee Compositum

Milgamma Compositum- this is the same drug, only it is available in the form of dragees, and not in the form of tablets or an injection solution. It has the same indications and the same composition.

Side effects

  • dyspnea,
  • anaphylaxis,
  • bradycardia,
As a rule, these symptoms develop when parenteral administration of the drug is too rapid or in case of an unreasonably high dosage.


  • Children and teenagers under 16 years of age.
  • Hypersensitivity to B vitamins.
  • Disruption of the conduction processes of the heart muscle.

During pregnancy

The drug Milgamma is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, since studies on its effect on fetal development have not been conducted.

For children

The age limit for taking the drug is 16 years. The drug is not prescribed to children under this age.


Interaction with sulfate solutions is excluded - thiamine in such cases completely disintegrates. When thiamine metabolites appear, inactivation of other vitamins in the drug begins.

Thiamine is inactivated in the presence of:

  • acetates,
  • iodides,
  • carbonates,
  • mercury chloride,
  • ferric ammonium citrate,
  • riboflavin,
  • tannic acid,
Its activity decreases with increasing pH and in the presence of copper.

Pyridoxine reduces the effectiveness of antiparkinsonian drugs, in particular Levodopa. Their use should not coincide in time. In the presence of certain salts heavy metals, inactivation of cyanocobalamin begins.


An overdose of Milgamma is accompanied by increased symptoms of side effects. If such signs appear, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Release forms - ampoules and tablets

The drug is available in two dosage forms: ampoules and tablets.


Solution for parenteral administration contains:
  • cyanocobalamin,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • Thiamine hydrochloride.
  • benzyl alcohol,
  • potassium hexacyanoferrate,
  • lidocaine hydrochloride,
  • sodium polyphosphate,
  • sodium hydroxide,
  • water for injections.
Milgamma tablets contain:
  • Benfotiamine,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.
  • povidone,
  • talc,
  • microcrystalline cellulose,
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

More information

The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, so you can drive vehicles when using it.


  • Neurobion.
  • Binavit.
  • Combilipen.
  • Milgamma Compositum.


  • Milgamma, 2 ml ampoules for injection, 5 pieces per package – from 219 to 428 rubles;
  • tablets, 30 pieces per package – 300 - 557 rubles.


Olga, 34 years old.
I developed neuritis of the facial nerve - very unpleasant and painful. A comprehensive treatment was prescribed - physiotherapy and vitamins for general strengthening (including Milgamma), and facial gymnastics. Left half my face was simply numb, it was such an unpleasant feeling. Thanks to Milgamma and other drugs that the neurologist prescribed for me, the neuritis went away.

Natalya, 40 years old.
I have diabetic polyneuropathy– the sciatic nerve is affected, and this chronic form, which cannot be treated. The maximum that can be done is to alleviate the condition a little. Well, I’m saving myself with Milgamma, it’s an excellent neurological remedy.

Yana Nikolaevna, 49 years old.
I have myalgia. Because of her I often feel dull pressing pain. Complained to my family doctor, he advised injecting Milgamma intramuscularly. This remedy partially anesthetizes, and for the most part eliminates all sorts of disorders. I tested for myself that the drug is really effective.

Pavel, 38 years old.
My wife and I recently turned to a neurologist - I had neuritis and had to undergo a course of treatment. At first they injected me with Movalis, but it was so painful it was terrible. I asked the doctor to replace Movalis with another drug. He appointed Milgamma. Well, this drug is better, of course, it doesn’t hurt as much. The neuritis went away, but the consequences, unfortunately, remained.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

My mother works as an accountant. The work is sedentary, and also nervous. When she began to complain to me about pain in her neck, I immediately realized that I needed to advise her. I suffered in the same way until the doctor prescribed Milgamma Compositum to drink. The drug is in tablets, very convenient to use. And he helped my mother too. She took 1 tablet three times a day. Then I took it for another month for prevention.

I had pain in the sternum area, I thought it was my heart, they examined everything, did an ECG several times - everything was clear, no problems. But it hurts! They sent me to a neurologist, and it turned out that thoracic osteochondrosis that's how he showed himself. I had a massage, took Milgamma tablets and everything went away. Well, thank God, at least not the heart.

One day I began to notice pain in my back. Moreover, the pain is such that it radiates to the thigh and even to the toes. Well, in principle, given my office lifestyle, this was to be expected. I work as an operator, I work on the computer all day, entering information. When sitting became unbearable, I went to the doctor. He diagnosed neuralgia sciatic nerve and prescribed Milgamma Compositum. 1 tablet three times a day. I took the course for 4 weeks. The improvement was very noticeable. Since then I always carry pills in my bag. You never know.

If you ask me what I earned in the office, I can honestly answer that osteochondrosis, well, some money))) But seriously, sedentary work at the computer has finished off my spine, the pain is constant. Sometimes I take a course of Milgamma tablets, so their pain-relieving effect lasts for a long time. In general, we need to take up sports, otherwise we’re all sitting and sitting...

For a very long time I wanted to take care of my health, and in particular the treatment of the spine. I work in an office and spend a lot of time at the computer. Because of this, in the evening my back ached and buzzed, and there was a feeling of spiders running between my shoulder blades. It turned out to be osteochondrosis thoracic spine. She was treated with milgamma compositum. I felt improvements somewhere in the middle of the course. Now six months have passed since the treatment, unpleasant

IN lately There are problems at home with my husband. My face started to itch, then sharp pains began to appear out of the blue. Moreover, my face began to go numb. I was scared, but I understand that everything is on nerves. Because of these scandals. A friend advised me to take pills, Milgamma Compositum. The neurologist prescribed them to her. The symptoms were exactly the same as yours. Well, I started taking 1 tablet a day, and I obviously felt better. Thanks to my friend, I saved it.

My husband came home a month ago with severe pain in the back of the head. And he also complained about pain in his shoulders. Working in an office, they decided that there was a draft under the split. They applied a warm compress, but it didn’t help. I sent him to the doctor, who said that it was not a cold, but cervicobrachial radiculitis. Like from sedentary lifestyle life. The doctor prescribed Milgamma Compositum. We've been drinking it for almost a month now, and there are obvious improvements.

I have been taking Milgamma Compositum for a month now, my neurologist prescribed it to me from lumbar osteochondrosis. I am satisfied with the drug, it helps well. The pain in my spine went away, but before that I couldn’t turn or bend over, the shooting was terrible. An effective remedy!

Milagamma Compositum helped me very well. I had terrible pain in my back, I couldn’t turn around. My daughter-in-law works as a nurse and came to see me. I thought I would have to give injections, but I really didn’t want it. As a result, she advised me to buy Milgamma tablets. I took one tablet a day, and it helped very well. A few days later the pain went away. But I finished the course anyway, as expected.

I regularly buy Milgamma for my father. No matter how much I say, don’t strain yourself garden plot, no use. And then he suffers with his osteochondrosis. Of course, he applies ointments, but without pills, the pain goes away after Milgamma.

My husband was prescribed milgamma. He once broke his back at work. Either he pulled a muscle, or something happened to the nerve endings, but his lower back hurt badly. After I took Milgamma Compositum tablets, everything became fine. I also bought it for myself, my spine also bothers me. I think they won’t make things worse; after all, they contain a vitamin complex.

Lately I've been saving myself only with Milgamma. I’m tired of applying ointments and creams to my lower back, their effect is temporary and the pain returns again. On the advice of a neurologist, I bought a package of Milgamma compositum, and after taking the tablets the pain went away.

When the muscles in my back were pinched, I ran to the pharmacy, bought Nise, began to rub it on myself, of course there was a result, but it was very short-lived, and then it started to hurt again. I went to the doctor so that he prescribed me treatment. He recommended taking Milgamma Compositum. It helped me a lot, after taking it I started to improve, and then completely discomfort gone. I am satisfied with the effect of the drug.

I’m 33 years old... I was mocked, it means I had a mini-stroke... after undergoing treatment in the hospital, they prescribed milgamma... I wish I could have taken it 🤢 it’s just a waste of money... not only is my head like a house of advice, but I’m also itching in my throat ... vision in one eye dropped to - 7 ...

I have with early years there is a curvature of the spine. Previously, this did not interfere with my life, but lately, due to permanent job at the computer, I began to constantly feel discomfort. By evening, my back was especially sore. I decided to go to the doctor. In addition to gymnastics, the doctor prescribed Milgamma compositum for a course of 4 weeks. By the middle of the treatment I began to notice improvements. Now I'm finishing the course - nothing bothers me.

25 years old, athlete, injured his hand. After the first injection, the pain subsided. The effect is felt very quickly.

Milgamma Compositum helped me a lot. For coursework monthly intake The pain and discomfort disappeared and never returned. The most important advantage of milgamma is that it restores nerve endings, and not just relieves pain, it gives a lasting and long-lasting result.

I took Milgamma tablets. For a month, one tablet per day. The pain - aching and sharp - gradually disappeared completely. Thanks to my neurologist for the competent choice of medication. Treatment with Milgamma really helped.

I cannot judge which is better - tablets or injections, since I only drank Milgamma Compositum. I was pleased with them, the back pain that I had been fighting with for almost a year (I used warming ointments, gels, and took analgesics) has subsided for good, but previously it only temporarily relieved the attacks. The pills gave me even better results than I expected, so I pure heart I recommend them.

I was tormented by pain in the lumbar region - my back is generally weak point and often makes itself felt in the bad sense of the word. I took Milgamma compositum for a month, one tablet a day. The course is not very long and only one tablet per day - I was surprised that it helps. I thought that the pain would simply not be so severe. But the pain completely disappeared. After a month's course, nothing bothers me yet. I am planning to go to see a doctor, do I need to clarify whether and when, if necessary, to take Milgamma again?



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