The eye twitches very strongly. Why do the upper eyelids of the right and left eyes twitch?

Everyone experiences involuntary contraction of muscles or their individual fibers. Usually this is a harmless and quickly passing phenomenon, but sometimes a twitch tells a person that it is time to take care of his health. Most often, people's lower eyelids twitch. Let's determine the causes and treatment of involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eyes and find out how to prevent lower eyelid tics in the future.

When the lower eyelid twitches, they say that a nervous tic has begun. “Nervous” - because the problem is related to the nervous system. Usually we first decide to do an action “in our head”, and then only the brain sends an electrical signal along the nerve fibers leading to the muscles. The result is a reduction. But with a tic, the contraction signal comes without the participation of the person’s consciousness, so an involuntary twitch occurs. Various reasons lead to impaired transmission of nerve impulses. Let's look at them.

Nervous fatigue

If there is twitching under the eye, the No. 1 reason for this condition is nervous exhaustion. This leads to:

  • Stress;
  • Depression;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Anxieties and fears.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as residents of megacities, whose rhythm of life is off scale, often experience nervous fatigue. Changing place of residence, work, communicating with unpleasant people - all this leads to irritation. If it is not removed, it accumulates and is expressed by symptoms such as nervous tics.

The lower eyelid may twitch if there is a tense situation in the family. Moreover, this can affect not only adults, but also children, who may also begin to stutter.

Eye fatigue

Another reason why it twitches under the eye is excessive load on the visual organs. Causes eye fatigue:

  1. Working at a computer;
  2. Watching TV and playing video games;
  3. Reading in dim light or looking at small print;
  4. Long-term work with small parts;
  5. Work involving hand writing;
  6. Work that requires concentration of attention on objects located directly in front of the eyes.

People who suffer from farsightedness or myopia, but who refuse vision correction with glasses or contact lenses, also strain their eyes.

Overexcited state

When the nervous system is overexcited, the speed of transmission of electrical impulses increases. But at the same time they become disordered, so a nervous tic develops. An overexcited state is caused by:

  • High emotional stress;
  • Frequent consumption of coffee;
  • Abuse of strong tea;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Passion for energy drinks.

Sometimes drinks, on the contrary, help to cheer you up, but their abuse is fraught with problems with the nervous system.


For the proper functioning of the nervous system, B vitamins are necessary, especially for pyridoxine - vitamin B6. It is also important to consume enough magnesium. But modern people do not think about proper nutrition; they exhaust themselves with diets or, on the contrary, prefer to eat unhealthy but tasty foods. This is one of the reasons why the lower eyelid twitches.


If it is relatively easy to cope with fatigue, overexcitation or vitamin deficiency, then a nervous tic that has developed against the background of other diseases is difficult to treat. First you need to understand why the nerve under the eye twitches, and then eradicate the reasons that led to periodic twitching of the eye. Chronic illnesses can take weeks, even months, to heal.

If your eye constantly twitches, get checked for the following conditions:

  • Allergy. It can be expressed by a rash on the body, a runny nose or conjunctivitis, or all three at once. If the allergic reaction affects the mucous membranes of the eye, then their irritation can lead to spasm of the muscles around the eye. Both the left eye and the right can twitch. Both eyes rarely twitch.
  • Chronic tonsillitis. It would seem, what is the connection between inflammation of the tonsils and periodically twitching eyes? But it is there. With a severe sore throat, a person often swallows, which spasms the facial muscles, including the muscles under the eye. For example, if the right eye twitches due to chronic tonsillitis, then after the tonsils are removed, the tic of the lower eyelid also goes away.
  • Organic lesions of cerebral vessels. Atherosclerosis and other cerebral vascular diseases lead to circulatory disorders. If problems affect the departments responsible for contracting and relaxing the muscles around the eye, then they may experience involuntary twitching. Moreover, if the lower eyelid of the right eye twitches, then the vessels in the left lobe of the brain are affected, and vice versa.
  • Nystagmus. This is the name of an eye disease characterized by involuntary oscillatory movement of the eyeballs to one side. This disorder leads to spasm of the periocular muscles. Nystagmus can be unilateral or bilateral. This explains why the lower eyelid of the left eye twitches if the disease is left-sided, and the right eyelid twitches when the right eye is affected.
  • Facial hemispasm. This disease is characterized by damage to one of the facial nerves. As a result, one half of the face begins to twitch. This is one of the reasons why it may twitch under the left or right eye.

Important! If your eye twitches after hitting your head, you may have suffered a brain injury. See a doctor immediately to avoid the negative consequences of a bruise.

Treatment of nervous tics of the lower eyelid

The muscle under your eye is twitching, what should you do in this case? First, try to calm down if you are worried about negative thoughts, and then relax. Light sedatives, relaxing procedures, rest and sleep will help you with this. Stop taking tonic and alcoholic drinks for a while. If the nervous tic does not go away within a few days, see a neurologist. It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body to identify the possible cause of twitching. If the tic is caused by chronic diseases, then first of all you need to cure them.

Relieving the nervous system

How to get rid of a nervous tic under the eyes if it develops against the background of a nervous environment? You need to calm down and relax. Here are some ways:

  • Dream. The easiest way to relieve the nervous system is to sleep as much as your body needs until you wake up. If you have trouble falling asleep, take a sleeping pill or a sedative. Often drugs combine both effects at once. It will be easier to fall asleep if you take one of the following remedies: Corvalol, Novo-Passit, Fitosedan, Prsen, Donormil, Melaxen.
  • Relaxing bath. When bathing, add a few drops of clove, oregano, lavender or citrus essential oil. A bath with sea salt has a relaxing effect.
  • Massage. A relaxing massage will help calm your nerves. It doesn't have to be therapeutic, just something that makes you feel good is enough. But the massage should be done by another person towards whom you do not feel negative.
  • Fresh air. To escape from the annoying bustle of the city, go for a walk in the park, or better yet, in the forest, preferably a pine forest. In a pine forest the air is always fresh, like after a thunderstorm, because it is filled with ozone.
  • Sport. Stress is a consequence of emotional overload. It can be removed through physical activity. A half-hour run or strength training will make you forget about your problems for a while. After the gym, you will no longer want to think about them at all, since physical rest will be your only desire.

After resting and calming the nervous system, the eyelid twitching should stop.

Relaxation of the eyes

If the muscle under the eye twitches after working at the computer or reading for a long time, you need to do an exercise that relaxes the muscles around the eye - palming:

  • Sit at the table with your back straight. The neck and spine should form one straight line;
  • Place your hands in front of you, leaning on the table;
  • Rub your palms together until you feel warm;
  • Cross your palms and place them on your closed eyes;
  • Make sure that there are no gaps between your face and palms and that your nose can breathe freely.

It is advisable to remain in this position for at least 5 minutes. Warmth and darkness will affect the twitching eye, causing the spasm to stop.

Elimination of bad habits

If the eyelid twitches strongly after consuming alcohol or coffee, then nerve conduction most likely suffers due to an overexcited state. Drink no more than two cups of coffee during the day, it is better to do this before lunch, so that you do not have problems sleeping in the evening. It is better to give up alcohol completely, or limit yourself to one glass of wine drunk at the holiday. Energy drinks cause even more harm, as they affect not only the nervous system, but also the stomach.

Proper nutrition

The eye under your eye keeps twitching: what should you do if this is a consequence of vitamin deficiency? Switch to proper nutrition. Pay special attention to foods high in B vitamins. Include in your diet:

  • Cereals;
  • Seeds;
  • Nuts;
  • Meat and offal (especially liver);
  • Bananas.

To ensure that vitamins are well absorbed by the body, do not forget about foods rich in magnesium. It is most found in nuts (walnuts and pine nuts, peanuts, almonds), as well as in greens (spinach, parsley).

Important! If there is a significant deficiency of B vitamins and magnesium, take vitamin-mineral complexes. A particularly popular drug that calms and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system is Magne-B6.

There is nothing to worry about if you have an eye tic. Rest enough for the problem to stop bothering you. But if eyelid twitching occurs regularly, consult a doctor immediately. He will perform a full examination, after which he will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. You may have to undergo a course of drug therapy to normalize the nervous system and get rid of involuntary contraction of the eyelid.

Twitching (myokymia) of the eyelids is a serial involuntary contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Medicine refers to such muscle contractions as hyperkinesis, and the popular name for this phenomenon is nervous tic. The reasons why involuntary twitching of the upper or lower eyelid may occur can be different, but in most cases it is a disorder of the nervous system due to an experience or stress. Twitching of the eyelid is not dangerous to health, but it brings a certain psychological discomfort to a person.

In very rare cases, this phenomenon can cause pain. Especially if the eyelid twitches over a fairly long period of time. Due to constantly occurring contractions, the eye muscles become overstrained, tired, and subsequently each twitch becomes painful.

There are several reasons that can lead to involuntary eye twitching. Let's look at some of them:

Naturally, this is not a complete list of possible reasons that can cause involuntary twitching of the eyelid.

If you discover this phenomenon in yourself, which does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will help determine the cause of eyelid twitching and give recommendations on how to eliminate this uncomfortable phenomenon.

Treatment methods for nervous tics

The eyelid of the left (right) eye twitches: what to do?

You cannot force your eye not to twitch by force of will, but you can try to perform some manipulations that will help cope with the manifestations of a nervous tic. Here are some of them:

What can be done for prevention?

If a nervous tic occurs repeatedly, then it would be absolutely wrong to ignore this problem. The first step is to analyze the possible reasons that led to the occurrence of this uncomfortable phenomenon. A visit to the doctor will be of great help here.

However, in addition to determining the causes and carrying out (if necessary) competent treatment, you should radically reconsider your rhythm of life and preferences.

Such changes should contain several points that are mandatory, namely:

  1. The very first remedy is to eliminate coffee and alcoholic beverages, and also completely stop smoking.
  2. If a person has a busy work schedule, which is associated with constant psychological overload. It makes sense to organize at least a short vacation and change the environment (go to the sea, to the mountains, to the forest). If this option is not possible at this time, then it is worth visiting a specialized relaxation center and taking a series of spa treatments that will be aimed at relaxation and relaxation.
    This will help normalize your mental state and to some extent improve the tone of the whole body.
  3. You should take a full course of mild sedatives. In this case, a tincture of motherwort, valerian or peony may be sufficient. Add mint and chamomile teas to your diet, as well as tinctures of geranium and plantain with lemon and honey.
  4. Compresses for the eyes, prepared at home from green or black tea, as well as infusions of chamomile, lemon balm and black currant leaves, are very helpful.
  5. Add fresh or frozen blueberries to your diet. Substances contained in this berry in high concentrations are beneficial for the eyes, and can also strengthen the muscles of the eyelid and stop their stretching.
  6. Organize the right night's rest regime for yourself, balancing periods of active activity and good sleep. Night sleep should last 7-9 hours (depending on the needs of the body).
  7. If, due to his work, a person is obliged to spend a long time in front of a computer monitor, then he should definitely take short breaks (5-10 minutes), which will give his eyes a chance to rest.
  8. If a person is in a stressful period of his life, which is associated with troubles at work or problems in the family, then a visit to a psychologist would be advisable. The specialist will competently tell you exactly how to respond to psycho-irritating factors.
  9. And, of course, the traditional recommendation: lead an active lifestyle, visit a sports club, a swimming pool, and also arrange walks in the fresh air.

Eye tic (hyperkinesis), which often occurs during stress, is a symptom and not a separate disease, as many people mistakenly think. In this way, the body sends signals indicating disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system (hereinafter referred to as the CNS). Such involuntary movements of muscle tissue cause discomfort and cause anxiety, so it is important to determine the reasons why the eye twitches.

Causes of nervous tics

Mental turmoil, conflicts, and a tense family situation are common, but not the only factors that accompany the occurrence of a nervous tic.

Among the reasons why this symptom may worsen are:

  • , namely, a lack of glycine, magnesium and calcium, which can provoke not only eye tics, but also sudden body shuddering and other muscle spasms;
  • weakened immunity due to previous infectious diseases, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • eye fatigue due to lack of sleep, reading literature in low light, or using a computer and other digital devices for many hours;
  • lesions of the central nervous system (more often in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);
  • blepharitis, conjunctivitis and other local diseases, as a result of which a person is forced to blink his eyes frequently;
  • birth injuries or other mechanical injuries resulting from head bruises or rubbing of the eyes;
  • prolonged contact with substances and objects that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes (lenses, medications);
  • manifestation of an adverse reaction to drugs that affect the functioning of the brain.
Based on the frequency of attacks, hyperkinesis is classified into two types:
  • primary (rare manifestations of involuntary eye twitching for a short period of time);
  • secondary (regularly repeated eye tic over a long period of time, may not stop for hours).

Eye twitching: what to do and who to contact

In 9 out of 10 cases, a nervous tic is non-systemic in nature and is a consequence of overwork or an emotional breakdown. If you experience signs of eye twitching, do the following:

  • blink continuously for 2 minutes, which will relax your muscles and get rid of tics;
  • spend the next 15 minutes with your eyes closed, after applying a tea compress to them;
  • in the absence of contraindications, it makes sense to drink a course of infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and motherwort or valerian;
  • reconsider your diet and work schedule - the body needs rest and a varied diet, including foods rich in calcium and magnesium;
  • You should limit the consumption of alcohol-containing products, coffee drinks and strong tea.

Important: regular eye gymnastics does not take up a lot of personal time, but is an excellent preventive measure that prevents the appearance of hyperkinesis.

If a tic appears systematically, you should contact a medical facility and make an appointment with a neurologist, who will help determine the exact causes of the problem.

Why does the upper eyelid twitch?

Often, excessive load on brain activity, a depressed state, regular tension and stress provoke sudden twitching of the upper eyelid. There can be many reasons - a change in the work environment or higher management, personal failures and other phenomena that affect a person’s emotional well-being. High workload and chronic lack of sleep make him mentally unstable and weak - and this is the first thing that should be corrected in life when signs of an eye tic appear.

Why does the lower eyelid twitch?

Spontaneous twitching of the lower eyelid may be associated with nervous exhaustion and simple eye fatigue. A heavy dose of morning coffee may also affect the short-term appearance of the symptom. Alcoholic drinks have a similar effect, an excess amount of which in the body can cause disruption of the nervous system, in particular provoke hyperkinesis.

Why the eye twitches: folk signs

Each person decides for himself how to relate to signs and superstitions associated with nervous tics. But since ancient times in Rus' it was believed that the right eye twitches to profit, to improvement of financial affairs and pleasant news; young girls were promised a quick meeting with the groom. The left one is associated with tears, losses and troubles, so we tried to cure this illness as quickly as possible.

Treatment of nervous eye tics: complex therapy

Nervous tics are the first sign of problems in the human body. What should you do if your eye twitches? Start paying double attention to your health and follow these recommendations:

Primary hyperkinesis is quite easy to cure at home without going to a medical facility. But only a highly specialized specialist can accurately diagnose the disorder that caused this symptom after a thorough examination of the patient. The reason is not always obvious, and self-medication can only worsen the current state of affairs and negatively affect your overall health.

Video: diagnosis and treatment of nervous tics

In the episode of the program “Live Healthy” with the participation of Elena Malysheva, you can learn about other methods of treating nervous tics, about the role of genetic and psychogenic factors in the development of this type of disorder.

Every person has noticed uncontrollable twitching or blinking of the eyelids at least once in their life. In medicine, this condition is called a nervous tic. It lasts up to 10 minutes and, as a rule, goes away on its own, but sometimes the attack can last for several days. Why this happens, and how to avoid unpleasant sensations, you can understand the reasons that cause eye twitching.

Why does it twitch

The eye itself cannot twitch or pulsate, so a person feels involuntary rapid spasms of the muscle structures of the lower or upper eyelid. Nervous tics, blepharospasm, hyperkinesis or dyskinesia are fast, stereotypical short-term violent elementary movements of muscle tissue. Pathological involuntary contraction of one muscle or group of muscles usually occurs as a result of an erroneous command from the brain.

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of such a condition. Eye twitching is not always associated with any dangerous disease, but it definitely always causes a feeling of discomfort.

Facial tics can have different etiologies:

  • Primary (psychosomatics). Spasms occur suddenly and are the consequences of nervous strain, psychological trauma, and stress. In childhood, they most often occur in boys, have a favorable prognosis, are benign and go away almost independently. In adults, the eye often twitches due to overwork at work (especially if the activity is associated with constant eye strain when reading, working at a computer, specific delicate work with increased attention), due to systematic lack of sleep, unhealthy and unbalanced diet, abuse of caffeine, alcohol drinks and smoking.
  • Secondary or symptomatic. Involuntary twitching of the eyelid is a consequence of the development of organic, dysmetabolic or traumatic lesions of the brain or central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, intoxication, impaired blood supply to the brain or innervation of nerve fibers, impaired functionality of internal organs, birth and other head injuries, surgical interventions, sudden changes in intracranial pressure, tumors, neuroses, frequent depression, etc.). Uncontrolled and severe eye twitching can also occur with ophthalmological diseases: excessive dryness of the eye, inflammation of the eyelids, high sensitivity to light, acute conjunctivitis of infectious origin.
  • Hereditary or congenital. Disorders of the central nervous system caused by genetic defects that manifest themselves in early childhood with multiple tics. These can be: facial mechanical, vocal (spasms of the vocal muscles) or complex mechanical spasms of the limbs.


If the cause of eye twitching is an unhealthy lifestyle, you should try to avoid stressful situations to which the nervous system can be exposed throughout the day.

It is advisable to rest more, walk in the fresh air, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and, if possible, eat right and exercise. To relax, you can use yoga techniques, breathing exercises, meditation, etc.

In addition, you may need to take a course of sedatives, for example, motherwort or valerian extract, and temporarily exclude coffee, alcoholic beverages and other unhealthy drinks and foods from your daily diet.

If it turns out that the eye began to twitch due to magnesium deficiency, you should include fish dishes, peas, chocolate and bananas in your menu. If there is a strong and frequent spasm of the upper eyelid, which, as practice shows, is a consequence of increased intracranial pressure, it is necessary to take a course of blueberry-based medications or take it in its pure form.

A special exercise for the eyes will also help to cope with spasms, which consists of focusing the gaze on a distant point, alternately with one eye and then with the other. You need to blink your eyes quickly and often for a few minutes a day. Many experts recommend acupressure in combination with light massage circular movements around the eyes.

When the cause of a nervous tic is any of the listed diseases, the patient should consult a doctor and undergo an examination to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for the underlying pathology.

Classic drug treatment consists of:

  • etiotropic therapy aimed at eliminating the underlying disease with secondary tics;
  • symptomatic therapy aimed at suppressing the involuntary twitches themselves (botulinum toxins or antipsychotic drugs, for example, Haloperidol);
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation and metabolic processes in the brain;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes containing a sufficient amount of B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, selenium, etc.;
  • a course of medications containing fresh blueberries or berries (have a beneficial effect on the eyes);
  • psychological sessions that correct behavioral psychology, self-control, eliminating fears, anxiety, and self-doubt.

The prescription of all medications (especially psychotropic ones), as well as their dosages, is carried out only by the attending physician. The disease is eliminated systematically, gradually reducing the dosage of sedatives and simultaneously conducting physiotherapeutic procedures and psychotraining.

In some cases, local treatment with neurotoxic substances is also possible. They block nerve impulses that lead to muscle fibers and cause their contraction. Often for this treatment of eye twitching, botulinum toxin type A drugs are used, which are administered intramuscularly.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body requires an increased supply of vitamins and minerals, the deficiency of which negatively affects the functioning of the heart, nervous system, digestive tract, blood vessels and muscle fibers. Shortness of breath, sleep disturbances, cramps of the lower extremities, and mood swings may cause concern. Hormonal changes and constant worry about one’s condition and the health of the baby generate constant stress, which can result in tic in the upper or lower eyelid.

To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you just need to rest more, walk in the fresh air, try not to worry and get as many positive emotions as possible. If necessary, the attending physician may prescribe a short course of sedatives that do not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

In a child

In children, in most cases, a primary nervous tic occurs, which can last for quite a long time. Unless it is a birth defect, eye twitching usually occurs during adolescence or during periods of intense physical and emotional stress (first grade, transition to high school). The causes of nervous spasms are the same as in adults: lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, poor nutrition, etc.

The causes of eye twitching in a child are:

  • Wrong upbringing. This may be insufficient or excessive care, lack of communication with peers or adults, intra-family conflicts, etc.
  • Stress. Strong shocks often provoke eye twitching.
  • Heredity. A child may be prone to twitching of the lower or upper eyelid and receive the pathology from his parents.
  • Diseases. These are various infections, dermatitis, the appearance of worms, inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, etc.), disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system or resulting brain injuries (refers to a secondary tic).

Treatment for a nervous tic in a child depends on the cause of its occurrence. Mainly includes the following measures:

  • Elimination or limitation of provoking factors. Avoiding any kind of shock, ensuring the child’s peace of mind.
  • Conducting family psychotherapy. Search for existing problems in upbringing and traumatic incidents in the past.
  • Psychological correction from a specialist. Develops the child’s abilities and talents, and also reduces internal anxiety.
  • Drug treatment. They are used in cases where the twitching of the upper eyelid is caused by a serious illness or other methods have failed to help. All medications are prescribed by the doctor after the examination. Doctors try to avoid prescribing psychotropic drugs to children. It is recommended to take homeopathic (Notta, Dormikind, Nervohel, Baby-Sed, etc.) or natural remedies (tinctures of valerian, mint, yarrow, plantain, Persen, Novo-Passit, etc.).

Folk remedies

You can try to cure a nervous tic using traditional methods:

  • Soak a cotton pad in strong tea leaves and apply to your eyes for 10-12 minutes. Tea can be replaced with infusion of chamomile or wormwood, as well as simple purified water.
  • Grind geranium leaves and apply to eyelids up to 6 times a day for 30-40 minutes. Cover the top with a cloth or scarf.
  • The following infusion has a good calming effect: 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, 2 tablespoons of mint leaves and 1 tablespoon each of valerian and lemon balm. Pour the mixture of herbs with 300 milliliters of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. Take 200 milliliters in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.
  • An effective remedy for eye twitching at the bottom or top is a decoction based on anise, plantain and rue. Pour the herbal mixture (1 tablespoon of each herb) with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add lemon and honey to the finished product to taste and take 100 milliliters before each meal.
  • Traditional medicine recommends taking teas and decoctions from rose hips, hawthorn, viburnum, and sea buckthorn for eye tics; herbs thyme, St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, fireweed, plantain, oregano, hops, centaury, nettle; petals of tea rose, sunflower, cornflower, etc. It is recommended to make several collections and drink them instead of tea, changing them every other week.

If your eye begins to twitch suddenly, first of all it is recommended to change your diet: diversify your table with fish, seafood, peas, beans, lentils, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables, berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) .

Have you ever noticed that often it is the little things that can poison your life? Twitching of the eyelid or muscles in the corners of the eye is a common phenomenon that is familiar to most of us. Most often it is not painful, but if the condition persists for a long time or is repeated regularly, it is annoying, distracting, and tiring. This condition is called nervous tic. Since the situation is familiar to many, let’s figure out why the right eye may twitch and what should be done in this situation.

Nervous tics occur in many people; while we are not sleeping or working, we spend the time looking at a computer monitor, laptop, TV screen, gadget or phone. It is not surprising that the eyes get tired and overstrained, resulting in involuntary twitching of the eyelid. Source: flickr (skinny bunny).

Causes of eye twitching

Most often, involuntary contractions of the eye muscles are the result of malfunctions of the nervous system. Overexcited neurons send nerve impulses that cause twitching.

This is interesting! More often, the upper eyelid reacts to these non-functional impulses, since it has more nerve endings than the lower.

A tic itself is not a disease, but in this way the body clearly gives signals that something is wrong either around us or inside us. External reasons that cause this feeling include:

  1. Fatigue or eye strain.
  2. Errors in nutrition: lack of magnesium or calcium, or their insufficient absorption due to a lack of vitamins A, D, group B.
  3. Severe nervous shock.
  4. Prolonged stressful situation.
  5. Entry into the eye of a foreign object or irritation of its mucous membrane by external influences.

Tic can be one of the symptoms of diseases, and very serious ones, and is possible with the following pathologies:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory eye diseases;
  2. Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  3. Brain damage due to infections;
  4. Impaired blood supply to the brain,
  5. Sharp fluctuations in intracranial pressure,
  6. Brain tumor.
  7. Parkinson's disease;
  8. Bell's palsy;
  9. Tourette's syndrome.

Heredity plays a certain role in the occurrence of nervous tics. People whose parents suffered from the disorder are more likely to develop tics.

In addition to all those considered, the causes of twitching of the eyelid of the right eye may be a malfunction of the immune or digestive systems.

What to do if your right eye twitches

Most often, if the tic goes away quickly enough, it is not a dangerous condition and nothing needs to be done.

When twitching appears as a result of overexertion, it is enough to give your eyes a rest. In the future, make sure to alternate tension with relaxation. It is very useful to look away from the monitor and do eye exercises. It doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.

There are several signs when you should not hesitate to visit a doctor:

  • Tic lasts more than a week;
  • There are inflammatory processes in the eye;
  • When twitching, the eye closes;
  • Other muscles twitch along with the eye;
  • Drooping eyelid.

Homeopathic treatment

First of all, when the eyelid twitches, you need to consult an ophthalmologist; if there are no inflammatory or other pathologies in the visual system, then be examined by a therapist or neurologist. The doctor will prescribe further treatment depending on the examination results. Source: flickr (Stephen Wigginton).

It is aimed not at treating a specific disease, but the patient. Therefore, its goal is not to eliminate symptoms, but to mobilize the body’s reserves. From the point of view of homeopathy, a disease is a signal from the body about trouble, and it should not be suppressed, but with its help to understand the cause.

There are many remedies in homeopathy that can treat right eye twitching, for example:

  1. (Cuprum metallicum) – used for short-term tics caused by overwork and nervous tension.
  2. Mygale – tic of the right eye.
  3. (Alumina) – unilateral eyelid tics.
  4. (Opium) – eyelid tics caused by a deficiency of vitamins or microelements.
  5. (Ignatia) – eye twitching due to psycho-emotional shocks.
  6. (Agaricus muscarius) – twitching of the eyelids caused by disruption of the nervous system and neuralgia.
  7. Apocynum, Helleborus - drugs that cure unilateral eyelid tics.

Pay attention! It would be wrong to select a drug yourself based on its descriptions. When choosing a drug, a homeopathic doctor takes into account many characteristics.

For homeopathy, a disease is a purely individual feature, which is the result of the development of a particular person. When prescribing a drug, the characteristics of a particular patient must be taken into account, how he reacts to the disease, not only physically, but also psychologically. This is delicate and painstaking work. Only a homeopathic doctor can perform it.



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