Nngu im. Lobachevsky: address, faculties, teachers, e-learning


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Information about the university

Modern Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky is considered the largest university in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. It includes 19 faculties, also 6 modern research institutes and 132 departments.

It was opened back in 1916. Previously, this university was originally called Gorky State University. In 2009, it was awarded the renowned status of a modern national research university of the Russian Federation.

Many people know about the successes of the university. For example, in 2013 it took a good 74th place in the well-known international ranking of all universities QS BRICS, as well as 20th place in the ranking of all universities in the Baltic and CIS countries. In addition, the university’s successes are marked with another five stars in the field of employment of its graduates, as well as education, innovation and developed infrastructure.

Currently, the university has approximately 30,000 students studying in a variety of specialties. More than 1000 doctoral students, as well as graduate students. There are more than 450 different Ph.D. In addition, UNN also received a well-known grant from the Russian Government to increase international competitiveness, as well as enter into the most leading rankings in the world.

It should be noted that UNN is considered the third largest organization in the city of Nizhny by the number of employees. It is only inferior to the Gorky Automobile Plant, as well as the Gorky Railway.

History of the emergence of UNN named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

So, this university was opened in 1916 as one of the three well-known People's Universities of the Russian Federation, which were directly part of the system of so-called “free” universities. For a city like Nizhny Novgorod, this was the first higher education institution.

After the merger of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky with the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, it already receives the status of a state university.

Later in 1921, a significant reduction in the total number of faculties was carried out. The number of teachers is reduced from approximately 239 to 156 in 1922. All this entailed certain significant changes that could not but have an impact on the entire education system.

It can also be said that from the very moment of its founding, this university was a fairly pronounced innovative organization that carried out education on the basis of a series of scientific research, as well as in close connection with various current issues.

The rather active participation of this university in solving the most pressing problems led directly to the formation of quite large scientific and research institutes within its structure. That is, these are institutes such as radiophysics, regional ecology, molecular biology, mechanics and a number of others.

The university created the very first faculty of management and entrepreneurship in the whole country, as well as the well-known department of technology transfer and modern entrepreneurship, which trained the best managers of small, knowledge-intensive firms.

In addition, this educational institution is the only university in the entire Volga region that successfully provides training in a wide variety of specialties. For example, such as taxes and taxation, as well as international relations, customs and others. Every year all university students achieve the best results in their activities, as well as well-known prizes at competitions in modern programming, mathematics and physics. All this suggests that the quality of teaching is excellent.

This university is directly among the ten best universities in all of Russia, and is also the first university in the entire Volga Federal District.

Around the second half of the 20th century, it became the largest scientific and educational center, which includes the most famous scientific schools in the field of the so-called theory of oscillations, radiophysics, crystallography, also the theory of functions, chemistry of high-purity substances, the theory of dynamic systems, and so on.

Many laboratories of this university initially served as the basis for the direct creation of various Nizhny Novgorod institutes. We should not forget about significant achievements in the humanities and other fields.

  • Institute of Chemical Technology;
  • also Mechanical Engineering Institute;
  • Faculty of Agronomy;
  • also Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • renowned faculty of education;
  • as well as the Faculty of Medicine.

About a year later, the university was re-established. By 1932, the university included such departments as mechanical, zoological, physical, chemical, and botanical.

A little later, namely, in 1956, on March 20, the university was named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

UNN today

The main faculties that function at the university today:

  • Faculty of Biology;
  • historical;
  • chemical;
  • radiophysical;
  • also mechanics and mathematics;
  • philological;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • also Faculty of Finance;
  • modern faculty of management and entrepreneurship. It was created in 1994. This faculty has become one of the leading centers for the successful training of specialists in the fullest range of economic, commercial and legal specialties. And later in 2014 it was successfully reorganized and included in the modern Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship;
  • the renowned Faculty of International Relations, which trains the best specialists;
  • also Faculty of Social Sciences;
  • military training;
  • renowned Faculty of Physical Education and Sports;
  • the famous Faculty of Military Training;
  • and a modern center for continuing professional education.

Each of the listed faculties meets all requirements, as well as modern technologies. In general, UNN is a worthy education that every applicant can receive.

Founded in 1916 as the People's University, UNN named after. Lobachevsky was lucky to become the very first university in Nizhny Novgorod. The very idea of ​​the organization arose much earlier - in 1896, when the next world-famous Nizhny Novgorod fair was preparing to open. Then this proposal was made a second time - ten years later, when revolutionary transformations began, in 1906. However, we had to wait another ten years before the opening. Today Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky is one of the best universities in the country.


In 1918, the issue regarding the training of specialists for the national economy of the region arose most acutely. By decision of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Executive Committee, the new university joined the network of state universities. V.I. Lenin signed a decree, which was a legal act, thus legitimizing the birth of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky.

Since September 1918, ten faculties of the university began their work. These are the faculty of professional knowledge, agronomics, civil engineering, mechanical, workers' encyclopedic, economic, historical and philological, biological, physico-chemical and mathematical. A little later - a month later - the medical faculty was opened in Sormovo, where a branch of the UNN named after. Lobachevsky with nine faculties.

Classical university

The time in the country was extremely difficult in all respects, especially economically. The young Soviet Union had just begun its formation, overcoming terrible devastation. Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky was almost closed. However, the local budget took over its maintenance, which is why it managed to survive.

By the thirties, industrialization began in the country, and on the basis of some faculties, narrow-profile institutes were created: medical, construction, agricultural, pedagogical, chemical and mechanical engineering. That is, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky has ceased to be a classical university. The situation worsened in 1931, when NIFTI (Physics and Technology Research Institute) was included in the university.


In 1931, the university began to provide fundamental universal knowledge as NSU, with three faculties: chemistry, physico-mathematics and biology. Still, the first Soviet university (since 1918!) did not cease to exist as a classical university. It received the name of the great mathematician in 1956 and since then began to be called UNN. Lobachevsky. Nizhny Novgorod became even more proud of its university when the university received an even higher award. In 1976, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Today teachers of UNN named after. Lobachevsky are known all over the world. Among them are more than three hundred and thirty doctors of science, nineteen corresponding members and full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And more than a thousand candidates of science, forty-eight honored scientists, forty-six laureates of State Prizes, a Nobel laureate - honorary doctor of UNN. Lobachevsky. The faculties of this university are the base of the scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


UNN is ranked among the leading and best universities in the country; it is among the top 800 universities in the world (QS World University Rankings). Currently, UNN includes eighteen faculties and institutes and four large research institutes. In addition, the university has a supercomputer center.

There is a nanotechnology center, a biomedical cluster in the university system, and a business incubator core in the innovation and technology center. In addition, the university typhoid information center is very famous, where they provide computer training to the visually impaired. Internet centers are open. Teachers, graduate students, researchers and students use a huge fundamental library. The university has a whole complex of museums, and also has its own printing house and publishing house. The pride of not only the city, but the whole country - Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky. University address: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, building 23.


Thirty thousand people from ninety-seven countries around the world are studying at UNN today. Among them are more than nine hundred doctoral students and graduate students. Excellent preparation allows the university to win international and All-Russian student olympiads in a wide variety of disciplines. Branches of UNN named after. Lobachevsky (there are eight of them: Arzamas, Balakhninsky, Borsky, Vyksa, Dzerzhinsky, Zavolzhsky, Pavlovsky and Shakhunsky) are in no way behind the main university; their “pupils” are also winners of the largest competitive programs that are aimed at developing innovation and Russian education.

For example, in 2006 there was a victory in the competition among seventeen Russian universities in the priority national project “Education”, and in 2009 UNN received the category of a national research university. Seven projects were won, with the help of which it was possible to attract leading scientists to Russian universities. The University of Nizhny Novgorod won a competition dedicated to the development of cooperation between higher educational institutions and organizations implementing complex projects for creating high-tech production. Currently, UNN is participating in a program to increase the competitiveness of our universities among the leading scientific educational centers in the world.

Master's degree

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky invites applicants to master's programs at faculties and institutes (there are fourteen in total) in the following (selective) training programs.

1. Institute of Biology and Biomedicine (biology exam): immunology and molecular biology, biochemistry, neurobiology, biomedicine, microbiology and virology, biophysics, animal and human physiology, plant physiology, botany, vertebrate zoology, invertebrate zoology, biology. There are sixty budget places here.

2. Faculty of Radiophysics (exam in radiophysics): radiophysical methods in ecology and medicine, computer radiophysics, information systems and processes, quantum radiophysics, laser physics, acoustics, physical electronics, electromagnetic waves, static radiophysics, nonlinear waves and oscillations, radiophysics. There are forty budget places here.

And twelve more faculties and institutes of Nizhny Novgorod State University prepare future masters within the walls of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky. A master's degree will allow you to study at the highest level that exists in domestic state professional education. Experienced specialists, scientific luminaries and expert practitioners teach here. The graduate will receive one of the most prestigious diplomas in the country. To the master's program at UNN. Lobachevsky can be applied to applicants who already have a bachelor's degree or a specialist's diploma.


Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky very widely uses the principle of “open education”, in particular the system of education through electronic and information technologies. This method has a huge number of advantages, since it frees up a lot of time for the student to earn a living and study, or to engage in creative scientific work. What is e-learning? First of all, these are independent studies with materials contained on electronic media - a personal computer, PDA, mobile phone, and so on.

The student receives consultations, advice, and assessments from an expert teacher through remote interaction. Study materials are delivered on time and this too does not waste time. In addition, there have long been certain standards for distance learning tools and specifications for all educational technologies and materials. E-learning UNN named after. Lobachevsky provides not only in terms of obtaining a classical university education, it offers training in many courses, including preparatory courses (plus ten points for the Unified State Exam!), advanced training, and many others.

Pros of distance learning

Teachers like this form of work because it helps to form an information culture, master modern technologies, and increase the efficiency of regular teaching activities. In addition, all educational web resources are being developed: electronic textbooks, technologies, and a range of educational services.

Students also really like this form of education. When it is possible to obtain the necessary or additional materials from anywhere in the world, which modern Internet technologies allow, studying will move easily and quickly, in addition, there is always the opportunity to reinforce the acquired knowledge with the help of electronic manuals, submit completed assignments and consult online with a teacher .

Other benefits

Compared to traditional education, electronic education has a long range of significant advantages. This, first of all, concerns freedom of access, that is, a student can study absolutely anywhere and even without interrupting his professional activities. Training costs are significantly reduced. Training is carried out flexibly in terms of the sequence and duration of studying the necessary materials. Here the student chooses independently how and at what time he needs to study, that is, there is the opportunity to adapt the learning process to his own needs.

This is very convenient for people with disabilities, for young mothers with small children, for those who have found themselves in the profession and do not want to interrupt their work experience. The opportunity to develop and keep up with the times is also worth a lot. All users of distance learning - both teachers and students - improve and increase knowledge and skills in accordance with standards and modern technologies. Electronic courses will always allow you to update educational material quickly and in a timely manner. In addition, all students receive equal opportunities; learning does not even depend on the quality of teaching, although at UNN it is always at a very high level. And the most important thing for a student is assessment of knowledge. The criteria for e-learning are very clearly defined.

Bachelor's degree remotely

E-learning is based on the principles of self-direction under the watchful eye of teachers. After enrollment, students of UNN named after. Lobachevsky receive Internet access to the UNN e-education system. The main information resource is methodically developed educational materials in electronic form, which in content and volume meet all the requirements of the Russian educational standard.

The study of disciplines is moving according to the schedule. The student must independently master all the theoretical material contained in the electronic lectures, consulting, if necessary, with teachers, and also perform the necessary practical tasks and laboratory work. After which there is testing and intermediate certification (test or exam; distance educational technologies are also used here most often). The educational activities of each undergraduate student are scrupulously documented, teachers monitor the entire learning process and promptly correct it.

In person and remotely

The most interesting thing is that full-time students at UNN named after. Lobachevsky are trained using distance learning technologies. Each student has access to the above-mentioned electronic guided courses, and knowledge testing is traditionally carried out remotely.

In addition to future masters and bachelors, UNN named after. Lobachevsky trains graduate students and doctoral students at the special Institute of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, which was created in 2003. Its main goal is to train scientific and teaching personnel of the highest qualifications, and the university’s contribution to the overall system of scientific, methodological, information and analytical work is simply enormous.

Information is updated by a representative of the educational institution. Last modified: 05/01/2018

License No. 0000591 dated 02/26/2013 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 435.0000 dated 03/07/2013 00:00, valid until 06/25/2018 00:00.

Rector: Chuprunov Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Availability of a military department: Yes

Availability of hostel: Yes

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky teaches according to the educational programs indicated in the table.
Total educational programs: 102.

Federal State Educational Standard-2013OKSO codeNameEducation levelQualification
080504.65 State and municipal administration higher professional Manager
030501.65 Jurisprudence higher professional Specialist
080109.65 Accounting, analysis and audit higher professional Economist
080801.65 Applied computer science (by area) higher professional Computer scientist - economist
080106.51 Finance (by industry) secondary vocational Financier
032101.65 Physical culture and sports higher professional Specialist in physical education and sports
080105.65 Finance and credit higher professional Economist
080502.65 Economics and enterprise management (by industry) higher professional Economist-manager
080507.65 Organization management higher professional Manager
230201.65 Information systems and technologies higher professional Engineer
030503.51 Jurisprudence secondary vocational Lawyer
080115.65 Customs higher professional Customs specialist
38.03.01 080100.62 Economy higher professional Bachelor
030601.65 Journalism higher professional Journalist
020800.62 Ecology and environmental management higher professional Bachelor of Ecology
040101.65 Social work higher professional Specialist
080501.51 Management (by industry) secondary vocational Manager
030602.65 Public Relations higher professional Public Relations Specialist
010700.62 Physics higher professional Bachelor of Physics
18.03.01 240100.62 Chemical technology higher professional Bachelor
38.04.01 080100.68 Economy higher professional Master of Economics
01.05.01 010701.65 Fundamental mathematics and mechanics higher professional Physicist
080102.65 World economy higher professional Economist
080503.65 Anti-crisis management higher professional Economist-manager
032401.65 Advertising higher professional Advertising Specialist
010700.68 Physics higher professional Master in Physics
38.04.05 080500.68 Business informatics higher professional Master
080111.65 Marketing higher professional Marketer
030701.65 International relations higher professional Specialist in International Relations
031000.68 Philology higher professional Master of Philology
39.04.01 040100.68 Sociology higher professional Master
040200.68 Sociology higher professional Master in Sociology
47.04.01 030100.68 Philosophy higher professional Master of Philosophy
080107.65 Taxes and taxation higher professional Tax Specialist
01.04.01 010100.68 Mathematics higher professional Master of Mathematics
02.04.03 010500.68 higher professional Master
01.03.03 010800.62 higher professional Bachelor
46.03.01 030600.62 Story higher professional Bachelor
030201.65 Political science higher professional Political scientist
030500.62 Jurisprudence higher professional Bachelor of Law
040200.62 Sociology higher professional Bachelor of Sociology
030400.62 Story higher professional Bachelor of History
032300.62 Regional studies higher professional Bachelor of Regional Studies
031000.62 Philology higher professional Bachelor of Philology
39.03.01 040100.62 Sociology higher professional Bachelor
41.03.04 030200.62 Political science higher professional Bachelor
37.03.01 030300.62 Psychology higher professional Bachelor
01.03.01 010100.62 Mathematics higher professional Bachelor of Mathematics
02.03.03 010500.62 Software and administration of information systems higher professional Bachelor
010501.65 higher professional Mathematician, systems programmer
100201.51 Tourism secondary vocational Tourist services specialist
210104.65 Microelectronics and solid-state electronics higher professional Engineer
080103.65 National economy higher professional Economist
010101.65 Mathematics higher professional Mathematician
020200.62 Biology higher professional Bachelor of Biology
37.05.01 030401.65 Clinical Psychology higher professional Specialist
031401.65 Cultural studies higher professional Culturologist
080112.51 Marketing (by industry) secondary vocational Marketer
080116.65 Mathematical methods in economics higher professional Economist-mathematician
080301.65 Commerce (trading business) higher professional Commerce Specialist
032401.51 Advertising secondary vocational Advertising Specialist
020101.65 Chemistry higher professional Chemist
020801.65 Ecology higher professional Ecologist
04.05.01 020201.65 Fundamental and applied chemistry higher professional Specialist
230200.62 Information systems higher professional Bachelor of Information Systems
010901.65 Mechanics higher professional Mechanic
010801.65 Radiophysics and electronics higher professional Radiophysicist
010803.65 Microelectronics and semiconductor devices higher professional Microelectronics physicist
03.04.01 010900.68 higher professional Master of Mechanics
03.03.01 010900.62 Applied mathematics and physics higher professional
04.04.01 020100.68 Chemistry higher professional Master
04.03.01 020100.62 Chemistry higher professional Bachelor
020200.68 Biology higher professional Master in Biology
01.04.03 010800.68 Mechanics and mathematical modeling higher professional Master
46.04.01 030600.68 Story higher professional Master
040201.65 Sociology higher professional Sociologist;
032301.65 Regional studies higher professional Regional scientist
031400.62 Cultural studies higher professional Bachelor of Cultural Studies
031400.68 Cultural studies higher professional Master of Cultural Studies
030402.65 Historical and archival studies higher professional Historian-archivist
38.05.01 080101.65 Economic security higher professional Specialist
080300.62 Commerce higher professional Bachelor of Commerce
080800.62 Applied computer science higher professional Bachelor
41.03.03 032100.62 Oriental and African Studies higher professional Bachelor
37.04.01 030300.68 Psychology higher professional Master
11.03.04 210100.62 Electronics and nanoelectronics higher professional Bachelor
41.04.04 030200.68 Political science higher professional Master
38.04.08 080300.68 Finance and credit higher professional Master
031500.62 Art history (by type) higher professional Bachelor of Arts
030700.62 International relations higher professional Bachelor of International Relations
210600.62 Nanotechnology higher professional Bachelor of Engineering and Technology
11.05.01 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes higher professional Specialist
240306.65 Chemical technology of single crystals, materials and electronic products higher professional Engineer
01.03.02 010400.62 Applied mathematics and computer science higher professional Bachelor
030400.68 Story higher professional Master in History
210600.68 Nanotechnology higher professional Master of Engineering and Technology
031502.65 Museology higher professional Museologist
032300.68 Regional studies higher professional Master of Regional Studies
020207.65 Biophysics higher professional Biophysicist
030902.51 Publishing secondary vocational Publishing specialist
010704.65 Physics of condensed matter higher professional Physicist
010802.65 Fundamental radiophysics and physical electronics higher professional Physicist

Description of the educational institution Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky (Nizhny Novgorod State University) was founded on January 17, 1916 as one of the three People's Universities of Russia and became the first higher educational institution in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1918, after merging with the Polytechnic Institute evacuated from Warsaw and with the Higher Agricultural Courses, the university received state status (the first Soviet university).

In 1930, on the basis of a number of faculties of the University of Nizhny Novgorod, 6 narrow-profile institutes were created: mechanical engineering, chemical, pedagogical, agricultural, construction, medical. By 1932, the following departments operated as part of UNN: physical, mechanical, zoological, botanical, chemical, and mathematical.

By the second half of the 20th century, UNN became a major scientific and educational center, including world-famous scientific schools in the field of vibration theory (Academician A. A. Andronov), crystallography (Academician N. V. Belov), radiophysics (Academician A. V. Gaponov - Grekhov), chemistry of organometallic compounds (Academician G. A. Razuvaev), chemistry of high-purity substances (Academician G. G. Devyatykh), theory of functions (Professor I. R. Braitsev), theory of dynamic systems (Professor Yu. I. Neimark), population genetics (Professor S.S. Chetverikov), etc. The university laboratories served as the initial basis for the creation of the Nizhny Novgorod institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were significant achievements in the humanitarian fields associated with the names of corresponding member S. I. Arkhangelsky, professors N. P. Sokolov, B. N. Golovin and others.

Since its founding, Nizhny Novgorod University has been a distinctly innovative organization, providing education based on scientific research in close connection with national objectives. In 1945, the first radiophysics faculty in the USSR was created at UNN, and in 1963, the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics (also the first in the country), which became one of the important foundations for the development of the radio-electronic industry and information technology. The active participation of the university in solving current complex scientific and technical problems led to the formation of large research institutes within the structure of UNN: physics and technology (1932), chemistry (1944), radiophysics (1956), applied mathematics and cybernetics (1964), mechanics ( 1974), molecular biology and regional ecology (2002). The university has created the country's first Faculty of Management and Entrepreneurship (rewarded with a prize from the city of Nizhny Novgorod in 1997) and the Department of Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship in the scientific and technical field, which trains managers of small knowledge-intensive firms. UNN students annually achieve prizes at All-Russian Olympiads in physics, mathematics, and programming. University student teams systematically reach the finals of the world programming championships.

In official rankings, the university is consistently among the ten best universities in Russia, being the first university in the Volga Federal District. About 40,000 people study at UNN, including about 1,000 graduate students and doctoral students. Training is provided in 69 specialties and areas of bachelor's training, 50 master's programs, as well as programs with a shortened period of study. Postgraduate students are trained in 52, and doctoral students in 24 scientific specialties. UNN has 20 dissertation defense councils, including 17 doctoral dissertations.

Scientific and pedagogical work at the university is carried out by 300 doctors of science, 900 candidates of science, 17 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 33 laureates of the State Prize, Government Prizes and Presidential Prizes of the Russian Federation, 37 laureates of the . Nizhny Novgorod, 71 Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, 18 Honored workers of higher education.

The university consists of: 19 faculties (Biological, Chemical, Historical, Radiophysical, Physical, Mechanical and Mathematical, Economic, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Philological, Higher School of General and Applied Physics, Legal, Management and Entrepreneurship, Financial, Social Sciences, Military Training , Physical education and sports, International relations, Pre-university preparation and career guidance, Foreign students), 132 departments, 7 research institutes (Physical and Technical, Chemistry, Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Molecular Biology and Regional Ecology, Living Systems, Botanical Garden ), 9 branches in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Fundamental library with a fund of more than 2 million items, Innovation and technology center, publishing house and printing house, a complex of museums - zoological (among the 5 best in Russia), archaeological, ethnographic, university history (with artistic gallery), memorial museum of the Nizhny Novgorod Radio Laboratory.

The “Nizhny Novgorod United Educational and Scientific Center of the University and Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences” was created (2001) and is successfully operating as a simple partnership (the first in Russia). Directors of all RAS institutes head departments at UNN. The university has branches of its departments in all institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and large industry research institutes in Nizhny Novgorod. UNN is a member of the Council of the Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (NAPP) and has agreements on targeted training with both NAPP and leading organizations and enterprises of Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region, including the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (Sarov). The educational and scientific cooperation of UNN with new Russian companies representing well-known Western companies (Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, etc.) has acquired a significant scale.

UNN has created interaction networks in the Volga Federal District for the development of cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies between the European Union and the Volga Federal District (100 contact points), for the development of a unified educational environment (11 universities in the Volga Federal District), for cooperation in infrastructure support for innovation activities (10 universities in the Volga Federal District), etc.

As part of its international activities (which became possible after the opening of the city in 1991), the university created unique programs “Russian-French University” and “Russian-Italian University” (the program was twice included in the joint action plan of the Russian Federation and the Italian Republic), the results of passing which are certified by documents of two countries. Hundreds of UNN students underwent semester-long training at the best universities in Europe within the framework of 16 educational projects won by UNN under the European TEMPUS-Tacis program. UNN students have repeatedly become winners of international competitions held in European languages. UNN is a member of the European University Association and is represented on the board of the European Academic Network of Deans.

In 2009, the University was awarded the status of “National Research University”; in recent years it has won 5 mega-grants.

Video of the educational institution Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

Video about UNN

Conditions for admission to Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

To enter the university you must:

1. Fill out the applicant’s web application or the master’s web application on our website.

2. Approach in person (with a passport), having in your hands:

2.1. Original or photocopy of education document (certificate or diploma) with annex and their photocopies.

2.2. Photocopy of passport (2-3 pages);

2.3. 4 matte photographs measuring 3x4 from one negative (can be submitted along with the original education document);

2.4. Documents that can give you advantages (certificates of participation in olympiads, certificates of commendation, certificates of studying at preparatory courses at UNN, etc.) and their photocopies.

2.5. Documents confirming special rights upon admission:

2.5.1. target direction - when participating in a competition for target places;

2.5.2. a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an electronic diploma of the Olympiad from the “ministerial list” and their photocopies;

2.5.3. documents confirming orphanhood: birth certificate, death certificates of parents, court decision on deprivation of parental rights, etc. and their photocopies;

2.5.4. documents confirming disability: MSEC certificate and individual rehabilitation program with a conclusion on the possibility of studying in the chosen field of study and form of study, and their photocopies;

2.5.5. other documents confirming the availability of benefits (military ID, unit commander's assignment, certificate of a combat veteran, Chernobyl survivor, refugee, etc.) and their photocopies.

2.6. An academic certificate (for UNN students - a mock academic certificate), a certificate from the dean's office that you are a student - when enrolling in parallel study programs at two universities or at two faculties of UNN.

2.7. Copies of documents are not required to be certified (with the exception of foreign documents). Evidence of USE results is not required.

2.8. Medical certificate in form 086-U - only for those entering the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports or the Military Training Center, and for checking into a dormitory.

3. Documents are accepted in building 1.

4. Deadlines for accepting documents:

4.1. Acceptance of documents for the first year of bachelor's training programs and specialist training programs (with the exception of applicants via correspondence courses) ends:

4.1.1. for persons entering to study at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports - July 5;
4.1.2. for persons entitled to take entrance tests conducted by UNN independently - July 10;
4.1.3. for persons who have Unified State Examination results in all subjects included in the list of entrance examinations for the chosen specialty - July 25.

4.2. Acceptance of documents for the first year from persons entering undergraduate programs and specialist training programs via correspondence courses ends:

4.2.1. for persons entitled to take entrance tests conducted by UNN independently - August 10;
4.2.2. for persons who have Unified State Examination results in all subjects included in the list of entrance examinations for the chosen specialty - August 17.

4.3. Acceptance of documents for master's programs ends:

4.3.1. when enrolling in full-time, budget-funded places in the following faculties: biology, chemistry, history, philology, law, economics, finance, international relations, social sciences, management and entrepreneurship - July 25;

4.3.2. for admission to full-time budget places in the faculties: radiophysics, physics, mechanics and mathematics, computational mathematics and cybernetics, higher school of general and applied physics - August 17.

4.3.4. when applying to places not financed from the state budget - 15 days before the start of classes in the relevant program.

5. Rules for submitting documents by mail can be found on the website.

6. UNN does not accept applications in electronic digital form.



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