You can drink Complivit Mama if you are pregnant. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Reading time: 8 minutes

Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation is often not able to provide a woman with the necessary amount useful substances, due to which the condition of hair, nails or skin may worsen - Complivit mom can solve this problem. The composition of vitamins is created to cover 70% of the daily requirement for minerals Oh. In addition, in addition to improving the condition of the woman herself, the drug helps proper development fetus and child in the first months after birth.

Complivit mama - instructions for use

Complivit “Mama” is a multivitamin preparation that can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body. Supporting nutrient needs is especially important for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, so the use of such medications is often a necessity. Complivit strengthens immune system, reduces the risk of miscarriage, intrauterine anomalies and the development of defects in the child.


Thanks to a specially developed technology for the production of mineral and vitamin complexes, Complivit “Mama” contains a balanced combination of macroelements and microelements. The composition of 1 tablet of the vitamin preparation includes:

Components Content, mg
Active components:
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 0.5675
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate) 20
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 2
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 0.005
Vitamin C 100
Nicotinamide 20
Folic acid 0.40
Calcium pantothenate 10
Ergocalciferol 0.00625
Phosphorus (calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate) 19
Iron (ferrous fumarate) 10
Manganese 2.50
Copper 2
Zinc (zinc sulfate heptahydrate) 10
Magnesium (magnesium oxide) 25
Calcium (calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate) 25
Auxiliary components:
stearic acid 5.69
talc 5.01
povidone 6.04
sucrose 58
calcium stearate 8.20
citric acid 6.15
potato starch 78.77
colloidal silicon dioxide 6.72
shell composition:
hyprolose 7.60
macrogoal 8.40
titanium dioxide 5.73
talc 5.40
Azorubine dye 0.04
dye tropeolin O 0.15

Pharmacological properties

Complivit “Mama” has antioxidant, stimulating, immunocorrective, strengthening and other effects on the woman’s body. You can find out more about this from the list:

  • Vitamin A improves the process of oogenesis and promotes the proper development of the placenta and embryonic tissues. In addition, the substance forms visual pigments and normalizes bone growth.
  • Vitamin E regulates the functioning of the gonads and circulatory system, maintaining the stability of red blood cells. Renders positive action on the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6 replenishes pyridoxine reserves in a woman’s body, which is necessary for those who have taken contraceptives.
  • Vitamin B12 is required for metabolism folic acid, normal height, hematopoiesis and epithelial cell development.
  • Vitamin C forms and maintains the structure of bones, cartilage, teeth, reduces inflammatory processes, increases resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Nicotinamide improves tissue respiration and participates in carbohydrate metabolism processes.
  • Folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy helps reduce the risk of developing defects maxillofacial area and neural tube defects in the fetus.
  • Calcium pantothenate is involved in the construction and regeneration of epithelium and endothelium.
  • Phosphorus helps strengthen bone tissue with teeth.
  • Iron prevents the development of anemia in pregnant women and takes part in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Manganese has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents osteoarthritis.
  • Copper helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, is used to prevent osteoporosis, and prevents oxygen starvation organs and tissues.
  • Zinc forms the correct skeleton of the fetus and produces some hormones. In addition, it greatly reduces the risk of developing intrauterine anomalies.
  • Magnesium promotes normalization blood pressure, reduces the likelihood of miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Calcium forms bone substance, improves blood clotting, and normalizes myocardial function.

Indications for use

The multivitamin preparation Complivit “Mama” contains a combination of minerals and vitamins necessary for the woman’s body. That's why this remedy recommended to be taken as a preparation for pregnancy, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding For:

  • prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • improving the condition of hair and skin;
  • treatment of body disorders - metabolism, allergic reactions;
  • proper formation of the fetus;
  • providing the child with the necessary nutrients for early stages development.

Directions for use and dosage

To cover the daily requirement of the mother's body for nutrients, preparations with a vitamin-mineral complex are used. Expectant and nursing mothers are recommended to take 1 Complivit tablet during meals or after breakfast daily. The multivitamin should be taken with a small amount of liquid. The drug is taken in courses, the duration of which can only be determined by a doctor.

Complivit for pregnant women

During pregnancy daily requirement in vitamins and minerals increases, so you need to look for an additional source. The balanced complex Complivit “Mama” will help only if correct use drug. Vitamins A and E accumulate in the body, so their concentration may exceed the norm. To avoid hypervitaminosis, Complivit is used in courses, after which a break must be taken. Their duration is determined by the doctor. The drug is taken 1 tablet daily in the morning.

Complement for nursing mothers

It is very important to compensate for the lack of vitamins for nursing women. If, due to the lactation diet, it is not possible to eat fully, extracting useful substances from food, it is recommended to take vitamin complex. In addition, multivitamins are used for problems with skin, hair and nails after pregnancy. Complivit during breastfeeding is used in the same way as in the previous case - 1 tablet per day. Do not take the medicine on an empty stomach.

When planning a pregnancy

Even before pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare your body for bearing a child. To do this, take vitamins that strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of most internal organs and systems. Only by consuming the required amount of nutrients will the development of the fetus occur correctly, and future baby have excellent health. If you start planning a pregnancy, take 1 tablet of Complivit “Mama” every day in courses.

Special instructions

Before using the multivitamin preparation Complivit “Mama”, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with special instructions means:

  • due to the presence of riboflavin in the medicine, the urine may be brightly colored yellow, which is not dangerous;
  • vitamins do not affect the ability to control mechanisms that require concentration;
  • if you are taking the drug during pregnancy, consider the fact that the dose of retinol acetate should not exceed 5000 IU;
  • Do not take Complivit “Mama” in parallel with other multivitamin preparations, because this may cause an overdose.

Drug interactions

The mineral complex of the drug Complivit contains iron and calcium, which are incompatible with antibiotics of the fluoroquinol and tetracycline group due to impaired absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, iron absorption may be reduced antacids containing calcium, magnesium, aluminum or cholestyramine. Ascorbic acid enhances the side effects of sulfonamides, increases the possibility of developing crystalluria. When used in parallel with thiazide diuretics, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases.

Side effects and overdose

In case of overdose, you need to rinse your stomach and then drink activated carbon. If necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment. The use of the vitamin preparation should be temporarily stopped, and then consult a doctor for advice. TO side effects, which increase with the wrong dosage of the drug Complivit “Mama”, include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rashes;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • itchy skin.


The drug Complivit for mothers, to avoid side effects and health complications, do not take if you have the following problems:

  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • childhood;
  • increased calcium content in the body;
  • urolithiasis;
  • stones in the urinary tract;
  • pernicious B12 deficiency anemia;
  • excess iron in the body;
  • high sensitivity to individual components multivitamin remedy.

Terms of sale and storage

Vitamins Complivit mama are available in pharmacies without presenting a special prescription. Keep this drug required at temperatures below 25° in a dry place where young children have no access.


If for some reason multivitamin preparation Complivit “Mama” did not suit you; you can replace it with other mineral and vitamin complexes. These products for pregnant and nursing mothers include:

  • Alphabet “Mom’s Health”;
  • Elevit Pronatal;
  • Pregnavite;
  • Aevit;
  • Natal;
  • Perinatal;
  • Pregnavite;
  • Leovit;
  • Evital;
  • Teravit;
  • Vitrum Prenatal.

Complivita price

You can buy Complivit “Mama” at any pharmacy in your city. In addition, the drug is sold through online stores with pharmacy products. There you can study customer reviews, choose the appropriate price and payment method. Prices for vitamins for nursing and expectant mothers depend on the form of release.

While carrying a child, the female body needs a large amount of minerals and vitamins, so Complivit for pregnant women will come in handy. Vitamins are necessary for the full development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the mother. Lack of microelements and vitamins can cause serious violations during pregnancy, the appearance of fetal development pathologies.

Mineral deficiency complicates
Three months before planning a pregnancy, it will be useful for the expectant mother to take a complex of vitamins; dental problems During pregnancy
Important to take Daily dose Do not self-medicate

Sometimes vitamin deficiency can provoke premature termination of pregnancy. Complivit vitamins for pregnant women will allow you to enjoy a magical period of life, and not worry about valuable substances will not enter the baby's body. The expectant mother will also feel much better because her body will receive constant nutrition.

These vitamins are designed specifically for expectant mothers. It also won’t hurt to drink them when planning to conceive. In this case, the drug:

  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • prepares the body for bearing a child;
  • strengthens the immune system.

These vitamins are designed specifically for expectant mothers

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

For pregnant women, it is very important to exclude the occurrence of hypovitaminosis, and Complivit calcium D3 copes with this task perfectly. The doctor prescribes it when the body needs to replenish mineral deficiencies. The drug is also useful during breastfeeding. The composition of the drug includes full complex macro- and microelements that are compatible with the period of gestation.

Just one tablet of vitamin for pregnant women from Complivit contains the daily requirement of all mineral complexes, which, judging by the reviews of satisfied women, allows you to improve your well-being. It is enough to take one tablet in the morning to recharge yourself with vigor and energy for the whole day. In addition, nourishing the mother’s body allows her to ensure optimal development fetus

Judging by the reviews of women, mother's compliment for pregnant women allows you to feel great during the 2nd and other trimesters. There are several conditions that are indications for prescribing the drug.

  1. Increasing immunity with simultaneous treatment of infectious and chronic pathologies.
  2. Unbalanced, not good nutrition.
  3. Treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

However, in addition to a large number of advantages, there are several disadvantages. However, they are inherent in almost all vitamins.

Composition of the product for expectant mothers

The drug Complivit Mama, developed for pregnant women, contains components that provide positive impact on a woman and her baby. It contains vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect and has a positive effect on muscle, nerve tissue, function of the gonads. Vitamin A is very important for recovery processes in the body of the expectant mother. It influences normal development placenta, is responsible for the growth of bones, bone tissue, and the construction of visual pigments.

Replenishes mineral deficiencies

Vitamin B1 ensures adequate functionality nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism, which is very important for expectant mothers. B2 is essential for the vision of a pregnant woman. It is also involved in the development of the visual mechanisms of the fetus. B6 is needed in order to restore pyridoxide reserves in the female body. B12 improves the absorption of folic acid, promotes the growth of hematopoiesis and the development of epithelial cells.

No less important is vitamin PP, which is involved in carbohydrate and fat process, normalizes tissue respiration processes. Vitamin C supports normal condition structures of teeth, bones, cartilage, improves immunity, is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin, prevents inflammatory reactions.

Folic acid is necessary to prevent various fetal defects during the first trimester of pregnancy, in particular pathology maxillofacial cavity. Manganese prevents the development of osteoarthritis and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to copper and iron, which are also present in the popular complivit for pregnant women, the walls of blood vessels receive oxygen and are strengthened. Zinc is involved in tissue regeneration, the formation of hormones and the formation of the fetal skeleton. Zinc also reduces the risk of developing pathologies in the baby. Phosphorus and calcium are beneficial for blood clotting and bone formation.

During the first trimester, the formation of the child's systems and organs begins. That's why various diseases may affect his health. At this time, a woman especially needs folic acid, iodine, vitamins B12 and B6. All this is contained in the Complivit Trimester 1 trimester vitamins for pregnant women. The price of the drug is low, but the benefits are invaluable.

In the middle of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively grow and develop, so it takes a lot of resources from its mother’s body. A woman feels hypovitaminosis especially acutely, since she needs iron, zinc and calcium. Her nails may begin to break, and her teeth may deteriorate. The listed microelements are included in Complivit Trimester 2 trimester. The drug contains required dosage microelements and effectively eliminates hypovitaminosis.

During the third trimester, the female body prepares for childbirth and the upcoming lactation period. The expectant mother needs vitamin D3 and calcium, which is taken into account in the vitamin preparation Complivit Trimester 3 trimester.

Instructions for use and analogues

Before using Complivit for pregnant women, be sure to read the instructions for use. The drug is taken every day, one tablet, either before or after breakfast. The duration of the course depends on individual characteristics women.

The drug should be taken only after consulting a doctor, because it has its own contraindications and characteristics. For example, iron and calcium, which are included in the composition, slow down the absorption of antibiotics with fluoroquinol and tetracycline antibiotics. If a woman is treated with them, the dosage must be calculated individually.

The drug is also poorly compatible with medications from the group of thiazide diuretics. If taken at the same time, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases. The simultaneous use of Complivit and antacid medications for heartburn reduces the effectiveness of iron absorption, especially if the drug contains magnesium, aluminum or calcium.

This is why you don’t need to listen to reviews from girlfriends who took prenatal vitamins. The drug Complivit should only be prescribed by a doctor. There are also analogues of this product.

9 months Vitamin and mineral complexMaintains the level of metabolism, which is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus, normalization of work hormonal system growth, tissue renewal.About 400 rubles
Multiproduct for pregnant womenDeals with the regulation of metabolic processes in the female body.About 170 rubles
Magnesium plusReplenishes magnesium deficiency and eliminates conditions associated with deficiency of this microelement.About 140 rubles
Multi-tabs PrenatalContains ingredients that help effective prevention vitamin deficiency during pregnancy and lactation.About 540 rubles
VitrumThe drug normalizes reproductive function, prevents the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, and prevents increased fragility, capillary permeability.About 600 rubles
Contraindications and overdose of the drug

Pregnant women should definitely check with their doctor whether they can take Complivit, because the popular drug is not useful for everyone. For example, it is not prescribed to those who have individual intolerance any of its components. It is also contraindicated in the following cases.

  1. Hypercalciuria.
  2. Hypercalcemia.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. Calcium nephrolithiasis.
  5. Decalcifying tumors (bone metastases, myeloma, sarcoidosis).
  6. Chronic renal failure.
  7. Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Many non-pregnant girls are interested in whether they can take a course of Complivit Mama. The drug will not cause any harm, but it contains exactly the dosage of vitamins that pregnant women need. Therefore, it is best to choose a drug that can solve your problems.

Helps when planning a baby

An overdose of Complivit for pregnant women is possible. This is evidenced by the girls' reviews. An overdose usually manifests itself in the form of dizziness, vomiting and nausea. You need to stop taking the pills immediately. Do not take it yourself activated carbon or rinse the stomach. It is best to immediately call a doctor at home.

Sometimes side effects occur, which are expressed in the form of allergic reactions. Digestive upset occurs less frequently. If you immediately stop taking the drug, all these phenomena will disappear. Most often, the doctor will simply prescribe a different vitamin complex. It is worth knowing that Complivit vitamins, created for pregnant women, can turn urine a rich yellow color. Don't worry because it's just the effect of large quantity vitamin B2.

Alena Ivanova:

I took Complivit, designed for pregnant women, during the 2nd trimester. I was carrying twins, so my body was very weakened. After this drug I started to feel much better.

Maria Moskvina:

I took Complivit, which is sold specifically for pregnant women, because I liked the price. Other vitamins were much more expensive. I didn’t notice any significant changes in my health, but it certainly didn’t get any worse.

Valeria Krantseva:

My mother took Complivit for pregnant women. The sister’s reviews interested me, so I asked the doctor, he allowed it. I had a lack of calcium in my body when I was carrying my daughter. I took a course of the drug and the deficiency was replenished. I liked it and will recommend it to my friends.

Also find out the whole truth about and

  • Pregnancy for a woman is one of the most important life periods. Both the expectant mother and the fetus need useful substances. But it is not always possible to get enough of them from natural sources - products. In addition, during the gestation period, some elements are needed in larger quantities. Reception vitamin preparations Complivit for pregnant women plays an important role in supporting vitamin balance at the stage of bearing a child.

    Why is it attractive? this product domestic pharmaceuticals? Its balanced composition and low price make it popular among many patients.

    Vitamins and minerals necessary for pregnant women

    Almost everyone knows how important vitamins and various minerals are for a woman during pregnancy, and that the amount of their consumption during this period should be increased. expectant mother. Most attention In this case, you should turn to natural products. But often women are forced to take multivitamin complexes as well - due to living in unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions, health conditions, inability to get enough nutrients from food.

    The list of essential vitamins and microelements that a woman needs to receive throughout her pregnancy includes:

    • , which is found in fish, fish oil, egg whites, cream, cheese, butter, mushrooms.
    • , presented in leafy vegetables green, broccoli, asparagus, peanuts, sprouted wheat grains and soybean shoots.
    • , present in dairy products, potatoes, spinach, celery, parsley, bell pepper, tomatoes, apricots, kohlrabi.
    • , found in cereal products, sea ​​fish, meat, milk, cauliflower, bananas and pears.
    • , which is part of almost all vegetables and fruits.
    • , present in vegetable oils, grains, nuts.
    • Calcium, which in sufficient quantity can be obtained by eating natural cheeses, milk, spinach, kohlrabi, broccoli, celery, parsley.
    • Magnesium, found in root vegetables and grains.
    • Iodine, of which there is a lot seaweed, seafood, cod liver, sea fish, meat, feijoa, persimmon, apples.
    • Iron, contained in meat, fish, apples.

    Rules balanced nutrition which a woman should adhere to from the 1st and 2nd trimester, not only will help to bear healthy baby, which throughout its development until birth received a full-fledged complex useful vitamins, but also for the woman herself to maintain her health at the proper level.

    Multivitamins: when is their use necessary for pregnant women?

    Gynecologists take a very responsible approach to the health of the expectant mother and the development of her baby during pregnancy. Adequate nutrition and getting vitamins from natural products contribute to the successful bearing of a healthy child. If, due to existing objective circumstances, a woman cannot receive enough useful elements from natural sources, doctor in mandatory prescribes multivitamins.

    There may be many reasons for such an appointment, but the main ones include:

    • lack of adequate nutrition and lack of vitamins;
    • pre-existing diseases associated with vitamin deficiency (anemia,);
    • living in environmentally unfavorable regions ;
    • previous unsuccessful attempts get pregnant and carry out nurse the child;
    • age category of a pregnant woman over 30 years old .

    It should be borne in mind that an excess of vitamins in a pregnant woman’s body can also negatively affect her health and the health of the child, causing vitamin deficiency, which is no less dangerous than their deficiency. Therefore, taking vitamin preparations should be approached during the 1st and 2nd trimesters with extreme caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, because different stages During pregnancy, the body requires a certain dose of each substance.

    Vitamin supplements Complivit for expectant mothers

    Let's get acquainted with the instructions for using the complexes and consider their composition.

    The drug contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins necessary to support the body, which helps replenish 75% daily norm. A woman gets the missing amount from food. This approach allows you to avoid hypervitaminosis and the ensuing consequences.

    Vitamins included in the preparation - , , . The complex also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese.

    The doctor prescribes these vitamins Complivit for pregnant women for prevention possible complications during gestation, and also, depending on the season, as an additional source of the necessary composition of vitamins and minerals into the body, even if the pregnancy proceeds normally and without complications.

    Complivit during pregnancy is recommended to take 1 tablet per day, with breakfast . Vitamins are taken in a course, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. You should not start taking the drug without first consulting your doctor. Even taking into account the fact that this complex has practically no contraindications, provided that the dosage and rules of administration are observed. Only in exceptional cases were noted allergic reactions, manifested in the form of urticaria.

    Women often ask their doctor: “I already take certain vitamins, should I add something else to them?” In this case, only a qualified doctor will be able to determine whether it is possible to take additional medications. You definitely cannot take two different complexes at the same time; this will result in hypervitaminosis. But in the case of Complivit Mama you may need additional iodine intake , it is not included in this drug.

    This line consists of 3 drugs - 1st, 2nd trimester and 3rd. The composition of all three is almost the same and differs only in the dosage of some components.

    In the first trimester, the foundation of all body systems of the unborn child is laid, which requires the presence of - B12 And B6, including a sufficient amount folic acid And iodine. All this is available in balanced quantities in Complivit Trimester 1. By the way, it’s also also prescribed when planning a child .

    For the second stage from 14 to 27 weeks, characterized by active development of the fetus, dosages in Complivit Trimester 2 trimester were specially selected.

    The third trimester is a defining period in preparation female body to childbirth and upcoming feeding, which leads to an increase in the body’s need for calcium And vitamin D3. These components are available in required quantity in Complivit Trimester 3.

    Besides, all three complexes contain iodine , unlike Complivit Mama, and also (regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, protects the liver and nerve cells), (reduces swelling) and selenium (antioxidant, strengthens the immune system). The remaining components are the same as in the first described preparation.

    It should be remembered that taking any vitamin preparations should initially be discussed with your doctor! Only the attending doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, will be able to select in each case a balanced complex of vitamins that will be as beneficial as possible and at the same time safe for the child. Starting self-administration, everything should be taken into account possible consequences, which can threaten the expectant mother and her baby.

    It seems that everyone knows that during pregnancy the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and various minerals. But keyword here it is just sufficient, since an excess of vitamins may also not do the best job. So what should we do? How can you tell if your baby is getting everything he needs? Yes, it’s very simple - register for pregnancy on time and strictly follow all the instructions of your doctor.

    Is it possible to Complivit during pregnancy?

    Vitamins during pregnancy

    An unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins in the diet of the expectant mother can lead to various violations in the formation of the fetus. After all, the future baby simply has nowhere to get the building material for his body, and if you fail to provide him with what he needs in time, then he is not far from developing congenital diseases and even to the point of miscarriage. Especially if such a deficiency is observed in the first weeks and months of pregnancy, when the formation and formation of the main organs and systems of the unborn baby occurs.

    If a woman does not receive enough vitamins and microelements from food during pregnancy, the doctor may recommend that she take combination drug containing everything essential vitamins and minerals – Complivit Mama or Complivit Trimester. And you should not neglect this advice if you want to give birth to a really strong and healthy baby. These multivitamin preparations are designed specifically for pregnant women.

    Complivit Trimester during pregnancy

    Complivit Trimester includes 3 complexes, each of which must be taken alternately, in accordance with the trimesters of pregnancy. After all, as pregnancy progresses, the future baby’s need for vitamins changes, and the female body also requires them in various quantities and ratios.

    • Especially in the first three months of pregnancy important role belongs to iodine and folic acid.
    • As the size of the fetus increases, the need for calcium increases.
    • Each complex included in Complivita Trimesterum is specially balanced to take into account the needs of each month of pregnancy, starting from preparation for conception and breastfeeding. They contain only 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, and in addition three additional, but also very important for expectant mothers, elements: lipoic acid, rutoside and lutein.

    Complivit Mom for pregnant women

    Complivit Mom is multivitamin complex, containing 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, selected taking into account all the needs of a pregnant woman and their maximum compatibility, which is additionally ensured in a special way production.

    How to drink Complivit during pregnancy?

    The recommended dose of Complivit is 1 tablet daily, before or immediately after breakfast. The duration of the course of taking the vitamin during pregnancy depends on the drug chosen and on the individual characteristics of the body.

    How to take Complivit during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, Complivit should be taken only in consultation with your doctor, since its use has its own characteristics and contraindications.

    • The calcium and iron contained in the drug slow down the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics and fluoroquinolone-based antibiotics, so if the expectant mother needs appropriate treatment, this must be taken into account in the dosage.
    • Complivit is poorly compatible with drugs from the group of thiazide diuretics - when simultaneous administration the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases significantly.
    • If at the same time as Complivit you take antacid medications for heartburn, especially if they contain calcium, aluminum or magnesium, then the absorption of iron by the body is sharply reduced.

    During pregnancy, the female body is required to fully mobilize all its resources. Even adequate nutrition may not satisfy the needs of the mother and growing baby, especially if there was a latent lack of vitamins or vital microelements before conception.

    For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, anemia and other deficiency states During pregnancy, before conception, it is recommended to undergo a course of vitamin therapy. ABOUT . The drug of choice in this case may be Complivit Mama. It includes:

    • A, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 (folic acid), B12, C, PP, D;
    • copper;
    • iron;
    • magnesium;
    • manganese;
    • zinc;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus.

    Preparation Russian production is worthy competition to more expensive ones imported analogues due to its complete, rich composition and relatively low price.

    Is Complivit Mama suitable for pregnancy planning?

    Before pregnancy, Complivit performs several important tasks associated with the elimination of deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements that are not clinically manifested or have mild symptoms.

    One of the most current issues for women planning pregnancy, this is taking folic acid at a dose of 400-500 mcg per day, since its deficiency is associated with a violation reproductive function, as well as the formation of pathology of the nervous system in the embryo at early stages. Complivit Mama ensures that the body receives folic acid in sufficient quantities both before and after pregnancy.

    From 20 to 80% of pregnant women experience iron deficiency, which subsequently manifests as anemia. Even with normal indicators hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells, the body may not have sufficient reserves, that is, be in a state of latent iron deficiency. To diagnose this pathology, it is necessary to determine the level of ferritin in the blood, which reflects reserves and allows one to predict the development of anemia with increasing iron consumption by the body.

    If a decrease in hemoglobin is detected, it is recommended to take special drugs for the treatment of anemia. However, for prevention it will be quite enough multivitamin complex to replenish the reserve pool of iron.

    Calcium and phosphorus, which are part of Complivit, are involved in strengthening the bone tissue of the expectant mother, preventing the development of osteoporosis, and improving the condition of teeth, hair and nails. The combination with vitamin D ensures complete absorption of calcium from the intestines and its effective utilization.

    Vitamins A, C and E strengthen the immune system, stabilize vascular wall, normalize metabolism. Magnesium prevents high blood pressure and calms the nervous system.

    Zinc is involved in many biochemical reactions synthesis of hormones, as well as in the formation skeletal system fetus Copper is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and bone tissue renewal.

    Pay attention! In preparation for conception and during pregnancy, it is necessary to receive 150-200 mcg of iodine per day (in the absence of contraindications). Complivit does not contain this microelement, so you should either enrich your diet with appropriate products or additionally take potassium iodide preparations.

    Given its rich composition, Complivit Mama is suitable for women during pregnancy planning, childbearing and breastfeeding.

    How to take Complivit Mama when planning pregnancy?

    The quantitative content of the components of the drug allows you to take Complivit once a day. According to the instructions, for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, you need to drink 1 tablet daily during or after breakfast. The duration of the course should be discussed with your doctor.

    It is better to avoid using the drug if you have:

    • allergic reactions to components;
    • urolithiasis;
    • hypervitaminosis;
    • pernicious anemia;
    • hemochromatosis;
    • significant decrease in liver or kidney function.

    During the course of treatment with Complivit, you must carefully monitor possible development side effects that usually occur allergic dermatitis or Quincke's edema. If swelling, itching or redness of the skin occurs, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

    Complivit Mom and regular Complivit: which is better when planning?

    Development special complex vitamins for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy was not carried out by chance. In many ways, the composition of Complivit Mama repeats the composition of regular Complivit, however, there are a number of important differences.

    Folic acid in the complex for mothers is contained in much more high dosage that meets the needs of women childbearing age. A deficiency of this substance can lead to infertility, fetal pathologies, premature birth and placental abruption, as well as early miscarriages.

    Vitamin A (retinol) is necessary for people of any age and gender, however, for pregnant women it is daily dose strictly limited to 0.8 mg. Exceeding this figure threatens fetal developmental defects. If pregnancy is planned in the near future, you should adhere to these restrictions, since conception can occur during vitamin therapy.

    Regular Complivit contains vitamin A in one tablet 2 times more than the daily norm for pregnant women, and when taken twice, the amount exceeds the recommended amount 4 times.

    Taking into account these features of the composition of the drugs, when planning pregnancy, the use of Complivit Mama, rather than the usual Complivit, is considered optimal.

    Complement for men when planning pregnancy

    Complivit can be used for successful conception not only in women, but also in men. Since folic acid, which is part of the drug, plays a huge role in the formation of new cells, its deficiency can lead to a decrease in the number of viable and healthy sperm. Defective germ cells, containing an abnormal number of chromosomes or having structural abnormalities, are not able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

    Deterioration in sperm quality will negatively affect the chances of getting pregnant, so men are recommended to take 400 mcg of folic acid per day in the form of separate drug or as part of a multivitamin complex. To satisfy this need, Complivit Mama is ideal, containing in one tablet daily norm folic acid for both expectant parents.

    Elena Kravets, general practitioner, especially for the site

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