Is it possible to make artificial snow with your own hands? How to make beautiful artificial snow with your own hands in a few minutes.

Master class “Snowy branch”

Audience: for children (child) 6-7 years old.

Subject:"Snowy Branch"

Purpose: interior decoration, holiday gift.

Target: development of children's creativity


Educational: To consolidate ideas about the structure of a tree; about the characteristics of growth. Expand your understanding of the variety of materials and their distinctive features: foil, thin paper. And natural materials: branches.

Developmental: Develop fine motor skills; develop mental processes: memory, thinking, speech; develop fantasy and imagination. Promote the development of interest in the world around us. Develop the ability to convey in creativity the characteristic features of real objects.

Educational: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and the ability to work collectively. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. Learn to notice the beauty of the world around you.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”.

Required material: branch with branched ends; napkins or thin paper; silver foil; scissors; glue.


Have a conversation with children about trees in different seasons. Focus children's attention on trees in the winter season. You can read the poem:


Through the trees silvery

The veil was thrown over -

Snow-white, fluffy,

Lace beauty!

And the birch tree itself is sad

I couldn't find out on my own...

So skillfully decorated

Winter tree branches...

Step-by-step process for making crafts

1. Let's prepare the materials we need:

2. Cut the napkin 6 cm wide.

3. Cut the foil 2-3 cm wide.

4. Fold the napkin in half and put foil in it.

5. We fold the resulting strip several times and begin cutting, leaving the base intact.

We will need about 15-20 such blanks (depending on the size of the branch).

6. Having greased the tip of the “tape” with glue, we begin to wrap our branch, starting from the ends.

7. When the next ribbon ends, its second end also needs to be lubricated with glue and secured, then take a new ribbon and continue working.

8. In this way you need to design a whole branch. You can then decorate it with birds or winter berries.

In winter, the streets are covered with a fluffy white carpet. What New Year would be complete without snowflakes and snowdrifts? This beauty can be made at home to please the kids. Let's find out what you can use to make snow that will decorate your apartment.

Basic methods of making artificial snow

To create artificial snowflakes it is not necessary to buy a special product from

spray can. You can use materials that are found in your home. Yes, from what your imagination points to. Any housewife has a variety of materials that are suitable for this simple job.

Very often they are made from diaper filling, polystyrene foam, paraffin, soap, packaging bags, paper, shaving foam, salt or sugar. Perhaps something else will come to your mind. Try to remember what is in your bins. Get out everything that might be useful.

Let's talk in more detail about how to make artificial snow at home. Despite the fact that there are a lot of options, let’s look at the main ones.

Styrofoam snow

If you have some leftover pieces of foam, they will work great as fake snow.

By the way, this material is often used for packaging household appliances and equipment, so finding it will not be a problem.

Break the foam into small pieces so that they are easy to hold in your hand. Take a grater and grind the material. Remember that polystyrene foam can scatter throughout the apartment. Better put something on the floor. The resulting crumbs should be collected in some container. Actually, that's all. Here's how to make fake snow without spending any money.

You can decorate fir branches with polystyrene foam. To do this, they should be coated with glue, for example, PVA, and sprinkled with crumbs. It will look very beautiful. If you add glitter, the snow-covered twig will sparkle.

Snow made from soap and shaving foam

Shaving foam is not cheap, so you should first think about whether you are ready for such expenses. If yes, then feel free to pick up the can. You will also need a pack of baking soda and a large bowl. Pour the contents of the can into it and pour out the soda. Now you need to mix it all thoroughly. As a result, you should have a cool mass from which you can sculpt snowflakes.

To make snow from soap or paraffin, use a grater. Grind them and mix them with baby powder. The result is small flakes. To make the snow look like natural, take white soap or a candle.

Making snow from diapers

What else can you make snow from? From diapers. Only they must be new. They

consist of sodium polyacrylate, which is what we need. We take scissors and cut the diapers, removing the contents from them and putting them in a basin.

When you have gutted all the prepared diapers, pour some water into the basin. Stir the mass and wait until the liquid is absorbed into the polyacrylate. If you think there is not enough water, add more and stir again.

Over time, the mass will begin to resemble real snow. It can be placed in the refrigerator for a short time. Then she will also become cold. This is how you can make snow with your own hands using diapers.

What can you make snow from for decoration?

To decorate Christmas tree decorations or open ones, you can use polymer

clay. It should be thoroughly crumbled. You can do this with a hammer or coffee grinder. The resulting crumbs should be sprinkled on a glue-coated or other object. This snowball can be tinted by adding paint or mascara. Here's how to make snow quickly and cheaply.

Small branches can be decorated with frost. It is made from table salt and looks like the real thing. Boil about 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan (a little more is possible) and pour a kilogram of coarse salt into it. When it dissolves, dip a dry twig into the hot liquid and leave for a while. When the water has cooled, take it out and put it on a sheet of paper or oilcloth to let it cool. The frost is ready.

These snow making techniques are great for home decoration and gifts. But besides this, housewives want to decorate their holiday dishes. We'll tell you how to make artificial snow at home that you can eat.

Making edible snow

Making snow for decorating holiday dishes is very simple and quick. The lightest

the way is to take sugar. They can be used to decorate glasses. To do this, dip them in syrup and then in sugar. The result will be a snow spray effect.

To decorate fruit and cake, beat until it turns into a homogeneous white foam. Apply the mixture with a brush and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Then put the fruit in the oven over low heat. After 2 hours they can be taken out and placed on the stove. In this way you can decorate any pastry.

You can make a similar glaze for or birds. Just use salt instead of sugar. Cover the dish with such a snowdrift and bake. The sauce will remain on the meat, giving the appearance of a coating of snow.

Now you know what you can use to make snow yourself. Use these tips and you will see how happy your household will be with the splendor of the decoration of your apartment. In addition, you will have fun and bring joy to the children.

On the eve of the new year, we are all preoccupied with preparing for this holiday. You need to have time to prepare gifts and decorate the house. And if you have small children, then you can also make all sorts of New Year’s-themed crafts with them.

When you start doing all this, you come to the conclusion that without artificial snow there's simply no way around it. Of course, you can buy it now; the choice of this kind of product is huge. But you will need quite a lot of it, and finding it before the New Year is quite difficult. And why waste money and time searching, when it’s quite possible to make artificial snow yourself with your own hands and decorate it with whatever you want.

The question arises: "How to make artificial snow at home?". Everything is very simple, you can make absolutely any artificial snow. It can be dry and insoluble, wet and cold, sticky or crumbly, edible and decorative. In general, you can implement any ideas where you need to use artificial snow.

2. The most popular way to make artificial snow

You will need:

Baby diapers.

As everyone knows, baby diapers absorb moisture very well, they do this due to a substance called sodium polyacrylate. But few people imagine what it looks like, and in its swollen state it looks very much like artificial snow. First you need to cut the diaper and remove the cotton-like substance from it. Then it needs to be crushed and placed in a deep container. Now, little by little, you can start adding water and kneading the whole thing with your hands. The result will be a mass that looks like real snow. It is best to use it in transparent containers, depicting snowdrifts.

Fig. 1 Artificial snow from diapers

You will need:

White paraffin candles.

Powder without additives.

We take a hard white candle, for this you can cool it, and rub it on a fine grater. Then you can add glitter to the resulting mass, this way you will get the most spectacular look. Such artificial snow does not dissolve in liquid or upon contact with it. It also leaves no traces. Therefore, it is best used for crafts. Such snow looks very natural in snow globes that you can make with your own hands. Read more in this article. You can also sprinkle the Christmas tree with this snow, but in this case it is better to add a little talcum powder. Then it will seem like there is real snow on your Christmas tree. Now you know how to make artificial snow at home, but it’s up to you to decide how exactly to use it.

Fig.2 Artificial snow made from candles

You will need:

White toothpaste.

It is best to use an inexpensive white toothpaste. Squeeze a little paste into a shallow container and add water. The resulting mass should be similar to sour cream in consistency. Then everything is simply elementary. Take an old toothbrush, dip it into the resulting mixture and point it at the object. Then we run our finger along the stubble, towards ourselves. The splashes should fly towards the object. That's the whole trick.

This method is best used for windows and mirrors. Usually you choose your favorite stencil or protrusion. The selected instrument is dipped into water. Then glue it to the desired place, blot it with a napkin and spray the resulting mixture onto it. You need to spray very carefully, otherwise the spray will fly in all directions. So you know how to make artificial snow from toothpaste, but how to use it is up to you.

Fig. 3 Artificial snow made from toothpaste

It's very easy to make. You can crumble an ordinary piece of polystyrene foam, but it won’t turn out very natural. It is better to find some foamed polyethylene; it is usually placed in equipment and dishes so that it does not get damaged during transportation. Next you need to grate it, only finely. Add some silver glitter to the resulting mixture. This kind of snow looks best on fluffy artificial trees, and you can learn how to make them the most fluffy. Apply a little PVA glue to the tips of the branches and sprinkle the resulting artificial snow.

If you don’t have foamed polyethylene on hand, you can use white shells from boiled eggs. It needs to be crushed in a coffee grinder or with a mortar. The result is a white powder that can be mixed with glitter and used as a New Year's decoration at home.

Fig.4 Artificial snow made of polystyrene foam

6. Edible artificial snow

You can also decorate the New Year's table very beautifully edible snow. To do this you just need to show ingenuity and imagination. On sweet dishes in the role artificial snow powdered sugar may appear. You can decorate slices and salads with boiled egg white, grated on a fine grater. Whipped cream is also very similar to snow and can decorate the New Year's table, for example, on fruit salads.

Fig.5 Edible snow made from powdered sugar

7. Artificial frost

With the help of a simple trick, you can very beautifully decorate any room in the style of a frozen room. To do this you will need beautiful twigs of different sizes and coarse salt.

Using all the above methods to create artificial snow, you can turn your home into a real snow kingdom. Children and guests will appreciate the atmosphere of everyone's favorite holiday created by you.

Artificial snow is useful for a variety of crafts and New Year's compositions. The process of making snow will help you have fun with your children. How to make artificial snow at home so that it is quite simple and inexpensive? We have prepared 20 different artificial snow options for you - try it and share your impressions. Real snow is soft, creaky, fluffy, cold and smells fresh, while artificial versions of snow do not completely replicate the real thing. We offer various options for snow - “snow” plasticine, from which you can make a snowman, “snow” slime, crumbly snow, shimmering, “snow” paint for drawing and other interesting versions. But they all look like snow and children will definitely like them.

How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining Snow

It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.


  • Two boxes of cornstarch/cornmeal
  • Shaving cream
  • Peppermint extract (optional)
  • Glitter or mica

2. Snow plasticine


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 and 1/2 cups cold water
  • A few drops of mint extract
  • Sequins

3. Snow slime


  • 2 cups PVA glue
  • 1.5 cups hot water
  • Sequins

Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give the slime a frosty scent

Mix in a small bowl

Mix in a second bowl

3/4 teaspoon borax

1.3 cups hot water

Combine the contents of both bowls and mix with your hands for several minutes until the mixture begins to stretch.

4. Snow paint


  • Shaving cream
  • School PVA glue
  • Peppermint extract
  • Glitter

5. “Silk” snow


  • Frozen white bars of soap (any brand)
  • Cheese grater
  • Sequins
  • Peppermint extract

Method of preparation: place the soap in the freezer overnight. In the morning you can take it out one piece at a time and grate it. You will get fluffy snow, to which you can add glitter and mint extract. It molds perfectly, and you can make a snowman or any other figure.

6. Snow dough


  • Cornstarch (freeze overnight to keep snow dough cold)
  • Lotion (refrigerate overnight to keep dough cold)
  • Sequins

7. “Liquid” snow


  • Frozen Corn Starch
  • Ice water
  • Peppermint extract
  • Sequins

Add ice water to the starch you took out of the freezer until you reach the desired consistency. It is recommended to add a little at a time so that the “snow” does not turn out too liquid.

Also, if you've never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you might be in for a surprise. Because with active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest it spreads.

8. Snow made from shaving foam


  • 1 can of shaving foam
  • 1.5 packs of soda
  • glitter (optional)

Squeeze the contents of the foam can into a bowl and gradually add soda. You will have a very nice mass of snow from which to sculpt figures.

9. Snow made of polyethylene foam


  • foamed polyethylene (used as packaging material for equipment, glass, shoe inserts) or polystyrene foam;
  • fine grater.
  • We work with gloves. Grind polyethylene or polystyrene foam and... Voila! Fluffy cereal all over your house!!! If you add sparkles, the snow will also sparkle. You can powder anything with this snow if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

10. Snow made of polymer clay


Remains of dried polymer clay (plastic).

Craftswomen often have leftover polymer clay that they hate to throw away. It is very convenient to grind it by hand and then using a coffee grinder. The result is a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball, which can be used to decorate cards and other hand-made products.

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Master class

You can make snow with your own hands from objects whose properties you may not have even thought about.

However, it is possible to make artificial snow using modern technologies, but this does not mean that creating it will be expensive.

Scrap materials are an ideal and environmentally friendly option for creating snow.

Winter is a beautiful time, so it should be as beautiful at home as it is outside.

DIY snow from diapers

Who would have thought that in the production of diapers, products are used that could resemble real snow?

So, if you no longer have small children and, in fact, you don’t need diapers, you can buy a small pack exclusively for artificial snow.

Pharmacies also offer piece diapers, which can be purchased at least in a single version.

To create snow with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  • diapers in any quantity;
  • water (plain, not purified);
  • knife or scissors;
  • container where snow will be created (possibly a basin).

Artificial snow is easy to make; just cut the diapers and gut their contents.

We consider content to be something that is designed to absorb moisture. All this needs to be mixed well with water, but it is important not to overdo it with its addition.

If you doubt that enough water has been added, you can wait.

See if the “snow” is too thick. If it is hard and doesn't look like a real snowball, you can add more water and stir again.

Water can be poured several times - there are no restrictions on this.

You can use the resulting snow with your own hands for decoration, as well as for games. For example, if you buy a lot of diapers, you can even make a snowdrift, which will be suitable not only on the eve of the New Year holidays, but even in the summer. Of course, artificial snow made from diapers will not melt.

Do-it-yourself artificial snow from cotton wool

You can decorate your house and Christmas tree with artificial snow.

You can’t bring real snow home, but an artificial piece of winter in the house will pleasantly please the children.

To create snow from cotton wool we need:

  • cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • PVA glue.

Take and roll a large number of small balls from cotton wool. We take a needle and thread, which we moisten with glue, and begin to string cotton balls onto it.

We distribute the snow evenly along the entire length of the thread and let it dry for several hours.

An interesting option would be to decorate windows, walls and doorways with such a garland.

DIY snow made from salt

An excellent option for decorative decoration. Beautiful and shiny snow crystals will shimmer and create the effect of real snow.

If you want the artificial snow to be colored, you can add dyes, brilliant green or ink to the salt.

To use dyes or other coloring materials, you need to add 1 kilogram of salt to 2 liters of water.

Dip snowflakes or other crafts into the resulting solution and leave for several hours.

This way you can decorate your yard and other decorative elements.

DIY artificial snow from glue

If you have wood glue, you can wet it slightly. However, it should be done like this:

  • take dry glue, put it in a bag;
  • tie the bag tightly;
  • Wet the contents of the bag with water, but so that the water does not flow from it in a stream. It is important not to skimp on water - it should be in moderation;
  • after the bag becomes denser, when you realize that its contents have dried, you can tear the product, and inside there will be something similar to snow.

Of course, you can’t eat it, but other than that, such a snowball won’t harm anyone - it’s an absolutely environmentally friendly material that is suitable, if required, installed at home or on the street.

DIY snow made from foam plastic

A snowball can also be made from polystyrene foam. The amount of this material you have will equal the amount of snow you get, but even a large amount of it will not harm your health - polystyrene foam does not emit harmful substances, it is environmentally friendly and safe.

However, simply breaking the foam is not enough. It is recommended to grate it so that the chips are as fine as possible.

This artificial snow is pleasant to the touch, looks beautiful and gentle, and most importantly, it will look natural on the surface of the Christmas tree.

But how to make the snow stick to the branches?

Simply coat them with glue and sprinkle with white shavings. Of course, a lot of shavings will not stick to the glue, so repeating the procedure may still be necessary.

The top layers should be done especially carefully for a more natural appearance of the tree.

By the way, you can also make it from foam plastic shavings.

To do this, take a ball, possibly paper or plastic, smear it with glue and cover it with shavings. First, to get a shiny toy, you can add dry nail glitter to small foam.

Artificial snow made from soap and toilet paper

It's easy to make snow with your own hands from soap and paper. Why toilet paper? It is softer and thinner. The ideal option is to buy a white roll, but most are produced in gray.

Get a saucer that you can put in the microwave. Place white soap on it and layered toilet paper on top.

All this needs to be put in a microwave oven and heated at 100 degrees for one minute.

After you remove the saucer from the device, grind all its contents to obtain a homogeneous mass. In this case, during the rubbing process you need to add one glass of warm water, and later, if this was not enough, you can add a little more water (about half a glass).

With this kind of snow it is easy to make original snowmen and other crafts from it.

You can also make your own artificial snow from sugar. Children will like such a tasty and edible decoration, but it is important to explain that you cannot do this with all the snow by eating it.

See more ways to make snow with your own hands



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