Is it possible to lose weight on an orange diet? Oranges for weight loss. Oranges for weight loss: reviews

For anyone who wants to lose weight, it is very important to know which foods contribute to this. Many people have heard that oranges help you lose weight, but is this true? Let's figure this out.

Orange - tropical fruit, whose calorie content is only 46 kcal per 100 g. product. It contains virtually no fat or protein. It contains about 9-10 grams of carbohydrates. per 100 gr. fruit.

Beneficial properties of orange

A ripe orange fruit contains many vitamins. Among them are vitamins A, C, K, E, as well as vitamins of the B series. In addition, it contains benefits for the body unsaturated acid. It contains microelements such as potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and others. All this makes orange a very healthy food product.

The effect of orange on weight loss

Of course, the orange is necessary and useful product for diet. When you limit yourself in food, the body really needs vitamins and microelements. Without them, your immune system will weaken and fatigue will increase. By eating a few oranges a day, you will protect yourself from this.

But of course, for effective diet Oranges alone won't be enough for you. Include in your daily ration protein food: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese.

Do oranges burn fat?

There is no direct effect of oranges on burning fat in the body. They increase metabolism in the body, which promotes weight loss. But still, they contain 46 kcal per 100 g. weight. That is, after eating 2 kg. orange, it will be 920 kcal., and this is already more than half of the recommended daily calorie content (based on 1500 kcal/day).

Be careful. Don't overdo it with oranges. Eating kilos of them every day will not lead you anywhere good. This way you risk developing hypervitaminosis (too many vitamins in the body) and intestinal problems.

Conclusion: A few oranges a day will help you lose weight. In addition, they will increase your immunity and vitality. But you don’t need to eat kilograms of oranges.


Among the products that help in the fight against overweight, orange has firmly occupied its niche. This citrus is eaten in fresh, prepare drinks and dishes with it, do massages with orange oil. Oranges contain many vitamins and minerals, therefore, if you sit on orange diet, you don’t have to worry about your health. Losing weight is easy, and the results are visible quickly.

People often claim that main source Vitamin C - lemon, but the amount of this substance in lemon and orange is approximately the same. It is worth noting that 1 orange, which contains the daily requirement of the vitamin, is easy and pleasant to eat, but 1 lemon will be more difficult to overcome.

Orange is a sweet source of vitamin C

Any citrus fruit contains a lot useful substances, is no exception and the orange, which contains

vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP;

  • fiber;


    folic acid;


    They heal the body, protect against the appearance of malignant cells, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and bones. Thanks to the systematic use of oranges, maintain normal varies blood pressure. Natural juice from orange can prevent the development of infections, cure scurvy, and increase body tone.

    It is impossible not to mention the benefits of this type of citrus fruit for weight loss. Orange has good ability- “start” the metabolic process. In addition, the pulp and fiber of the fruit can give you a feeling of fullness. After such a snack, you can safely not eat anything for 3-4 hours. Besides this nice bonus, orange is also a low-calorie product: 100 grams contain 43 kcal. Neurologists have proven that consuming this product reduces stress and gives good mood, so losing weight with this fruit is easy.

    Sicilian orange is considered one of the most beneficial for weight loss.

    Red Sicilian orange is smaller than usual, its color is determined by the presence of anthocyanin pigment

    In Italy, studies were conducted on mice, during which it was found that with regular consumption of this type of orange, the subjects did not gain weight. Rodents that drank Sicilian orange juice did not gain weight, unlike another control group.

    The beneficial properties of the fruit do not end there. With the help aromatic oil Orange can get rid of stretch marks that form during sudden weight loss and improve skin tone. An effect on combustion was also observed subcutaneous fat Therefore, aroma oil is used for lotions, scrubs or body wraps. Thanks to the presence of ascorbic acid, orange will help fight cellulite.

    Ways to use orange for weight loss

    All parts of this product are used: orange peel (add to tea, make decoctions), pulp (use as stand-alone product and use in dishes), orange juice (mix with cocktail, tea or drink separately). If your goal is not just to increase the tone of the body and its protective functions, and lose weight, then don’t forget the rules:

  • follow the diet;
  • stick to the diet you have chosen;
  • use physical exercise to strengthen the effect;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of raw water per day.
  • Delicate massage

    Orange oils have a good effect on " orange peel"and stretch marks. To give yourself a massage, add 5-10 drops orange oil into the cream and rub into the skin. A slight tingling sensation may occur. A bath with 5 drops of oil in water has a beneficial effect on the skin; for a positive effect, 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a week are enough.

    Cocktail against excess weight


  • 1 banana;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 4 tbsp. l. water;
  • 400 ml kefir.
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender for 3 minutes and take for breakfast.

    orange cocktail best taken for breakfast

    Decoction with orange juice and ginger

    Ginger has long been known for its fat-burning properties. In combination with orange, it forms an excellent duet for the diet. To prepare you will need:

  • half a ginger root;
  • 30 gr peppermint;
  • 50 ml orange juice;
  • a pinch of cardamom.
  • Mix mint, cardamom and ginger thoroughly in a blender, then pour boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, add orange juice. Let the drink brew and drink after cooling.

    Ginger tea that helps you lose weight

    Add a piece of ginger to black or green tea, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 5 minutes, add orange zest. Then pass through a filter to remove any excess pieces. If desired, add orange juice.

    Water with lemon and orange

    To cook lemon water, cut the lemon and orange into circles (along with the zest), place the fruit in a glass, chop the mint leaves and add to the citrus fruits, mash with a spoon to release the juice. Fill in cold water and let sit for 10 minutes.

    A drink made from orange, mint and lemon will not only cool you down on a hot day, but will also help you shed extra pounds.

    Video: Sassi water with orange

    Use the above recipes both as part of the orange diet and in addition to another diet that does not exclude the products used. Include them in your diet depending on the rest of the diet menu: for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or as a snack. If there are no contraindications to eating orange and no allergic reactions, then feel free to use the recipes. For example, it is advisable to drink decoction and tea with orange every day after dinner, and a cocktail for breakfast. Drink Sassi water and orange water during your afternoon snack.

    Diet rules and menu for 3 days

    The diet menu is repeated every day.

  • Breakfast: half an orange and 150 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: 250 grams of oatmeal or oatmeal and half an orange.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese with orange slices and a glass of kefir.
  • This “fast” diet can get rid of 2-3 extra pounds. During the diet, do not forget to follow drinking regime: at least 1.5 liters of raw water per day.

    Diet for 5 days

    The diet is quite easy and quick and will allow you to lose up to 3 kilograms. Each of the 5 days begins with the same breakfast - bread with orange and green tea or coffee.

  • Day one.
    • Lunch: choice of one egg, yogurt, kefir or low-fat yogurt (200 g) and one orange puree.
    • Dinner: tomato and cucumber salad (150 g), a piece of cheese.
  • Day two.
    • Lunch: boiled lean beef (150 g), vegetable salad (150 g) and orange.
    • Dinner: omelet, kefir (200 g) and orange.
  • Day three.
    • Lunch: orange with a jar of yogurt and a slice boiled fish(150 g).
    • Dinner: egg and 200 g of kefir with orange.
  • Day four.
    • Lunch: tomato and cucumber salad (150 g) and boiled chicken (150 g).
    • Dinner: bread and cottage cheese with orange slices (150 g).
  • Day five.
    • Lunch - orange with low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
    • Dinner: stewed fish (150 g) with fresh vegetables.
  • In order not to lose the acquired result, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly. Under no circumstances should you immediately “pounce” on your favorite foods, being glad that the kilograms are gone. In this case, you risk returning them immediately. After completing the diet, try to continue proper nutrition: do not eat sweets, starchy foods, give up alcohol, exclude fatty foods. Gradually introduce other foods, but follow the rule: only boiled meat is allowed. Drink from liquids raw water or mineral without gas, as well as tea without sugar.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Orange weight loss Not available to everyone, as this fruit has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heartburn and increased acidity stomach;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Orange and orange juice should not be taken on an empty stomach because ascorbic acid, which is contained in oranges, can irritate the walls of the stomach. People with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, you need to dilute the juice with water. After eating an orange, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water - the substances in its composition affect tooth enamel.

    Fans of evening fruit snacks rarely wonder whether they can eat an orange at night. Reminiscent of the sun, refreshing and invigorating, this citrus creates strong associations with a morning boost of energy and a dose of vitamins for the immune system. Orange before bed? Unusual. However, in the evening the renewal effect from this product will be absolutely incredible.

    Why is it healthy to eat an orange?

    Orange citrus renders beneficial influence almost the entire body and helps prevent the development of many dangerous diseases. Are there oranges or not? Don't hesitate. If juicy fruit I haven’t looked in your refrigerator for a long time, restore forgotten relationships.

    The benefits of this fruit are enormous:

    • Thanks to magnesium and the flavonoid hesperidin, the blood thins and the nutrition of all is accelerated. internal organs, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and high blood pressure is normalized.
    • Under the influence of vitamin C, the risk of kidney stones is reduced and the immune system is strengthened by stimulating the production of leukocytes.
    • Thanks to calcium, the condition of bone tissue is improved.
    • Positive influence on the liver manifests itself in increasing its resistance to toxins.
    • Under the influence of antioxidants, the aging process of the skin slows down, receiving additional protection from free radicals.
    • The risk of stomach ulcers is significantly reduced due to the significant dietary fiber content.
    • Under the influence of the compound D-limonene, the effectiveness of prevention increases cancerous tumors lungs, oral cavity, breasts, skin.

    Is it possible to eat an orange at night, during the day or in the morning? Without a doubt. However, eating a fruit every hour is not recommended. The benefits of orange citrus turn into harm when consumed fanatically.

    Eating orange in unlimited quantities is not recommended:

    • There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.
    • There is an opportunity for development diabetes mellitus. If you have this disease, eating oranges is prohibited.
    • High content acids can worsen ulcers or gastrointestinal upset.
    • Damage to tooth enamel may occur (it is recommended to protect yourself by rinsing your mouth after each use of this product).

    Oranges at night and at any time of the day? Strictly in limited quantities. Try to hold back beastly appetite for orange citrus fruits.

    Is it possible to eat oranges at night?

    The fruit turned out to be useful and extremely attractive to the body. What time is considered beneficial for eating orange citrus? It is better to immediately discard doubts about whether you can eat an orange at night. This product is a real boon for weight loss. The ideal dessert for dinner is an orange before bed.

    Possessing a ridiculous calorie content (40 Kcal - 100 g), orange citrus improves the work digestive system and helps you process dinner faster.

    Fiber saturation gives a feeling of satiety and helps rid the body of toxins and waste; during the cleansing process, excess and unprocessed materials are removed.

    The fibers included in the composition prevent the occurrence of fermentation and rotting in gastrointestinal tract under the influence of undigested food residues.

    Thanks to pectin, the absorption of fats slows down and cholesterol levels in the blood decrease.

    Is it possible to eat oranges at night? Of course. The beneficial properties inherent in citrus initially are multiplied by the weight loss effect when consuming the fruit before bed. The restoration of many body systems is accompanied by the burning of excess fat and the acceleration of processing of the eaten dinner while you sleep sweetly.

    What's the best way to eat oranges before bed?

    The question of whether orange can be combined with something healthy at night is really interesting. This citrus belongs to the group of sour fruits, which makes it perfect couple For fermented milk products, recommended as a snack before bed. Acceptable combinations include nuts, seeds, cheese, herbs, and full-fat cottage cheese. The fruit is incompatible with sweet fruits (dates, pineapples).

    You can eat an orange at night not only as a dessert, but also by including citrus in a full dinner. These combinations will allow you to experiment, creating light and healthy dishes.

    Doubts about whether you can eat oranges at night should not return. Taking into account contraindications and observing the measure, you will do this product a great help in creating an ideal figure.

    The orange diet for weight loss is one of the next methods to lose weight. extra pounds V short terms. You will learn about the benefits of the product, about the basic rules of the regime, options diet menu orange diet and is it possible to drink orange juice on a diet...

    "We shared an orange,

    There are many of us, but he is alone.

    I ate and you ate,

    But no one lost weight.”

    Hello friends! There are very few people in the world who don't like citrus fruits at all. Besides good taste they have mass beneficial properties and microelements. First things first...

    Nutrition principle

    So, from now on, your diet should change dramatically. The main rule of the diet is to eat an orange three times a day. The number of foods allowed may vary depending on the diet. If you choose a three-day regimen, then be prepared to completely give up other foods. For liquid you can drink orange juice, green tea, still water or coffee. Forget about the existence of sugar and salt. If the diet involves meat, then it needs to be boiled or steamed.

    Don't bother yourself physical activity. It is not included in the diet regimen, and you will not have as much strength. As a result, you can lose 10 kg in a week at home or 5 kg in three days if you endure all the difficulties and hardships.

    Main types

    One of the simplest regimes is a three-day diet. This method The fight against excess weight is based on the American no-carbohydrate system. All you need is an orange and eggs. Your menu for 3 days looks like this:

    • Breakfast. I woke up and ate the main product along with two boiled eggs. If desired, I made myself green tea without sugar.
    • Dinner. If you are very hungry, then take one and a half pieces of fruit and two eggs. For a change, make orange juice.
    • Your dinner will be no different from other meals.

    If you are very hungry, you can eat citrus slices little by little. You should definitely drink a lot of water, even when you don’t really want to. Can you drink orange juice while on a diet? You can, as long as it doesn't give you heartburn. The whole fruit will be healthier for you.

    Diet food for 7 days looks much simpler due to the “abundance” of other products. Here you can already afford chicken, bread crumbs, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, fish or beef. What will yours look like? daily diet for a week:

    • A harsh morning includes one boiled egg, a large orange and a cup of tea.
    • For lunch you can make yourself a cabbage salad, boil chicken breast or steam the fish. Don't forget about the main product.
    • You can eat for dinner vegetable salads, fruits with cottage cheese.

    If you are diabetic or have problems with allergies, then forget about this method. He can bring great harm to your body.

    Long-term diet

    There is another European way for you to “beat” those extra pounds by eating oranges. Unlike the three-day regime, you will have to eat the fruit for almost one month. The 4-week method has the great advantage of low cost. You won't need to buy other products except the main fruit, water and eggs.

    In the first week, you should eat about 5 oranges every two hours throughout the day. You wash it all down with two liters of still water. Protein deficiency you make up for it with two testicles. If you survive to the second week, then supplement your diet various cereals without salt and oil. At the third stage, you again remove the cereals and replace them with fruits and vegetables, and reduce your water consumption to 1 liter. You can also add celery to your diet if desired.

    Make yourself a cocktail

    To diversify your regimen, you can prepare yourself a few fresh drinks for orange juice. They contain large number Almost the entire spectrum is useful. So, grab your blender and let’s make a smoothie. For cooking, you can use all the vegetables and fruits that you find at home. Apple-orange juice can be diluted with banana slices. Lemon juice is also suitable for the drink. The recipe is simple: throw all the ingredients into a blender and grind until smooth. A little ice will make smoothies taste better.

    With kefir

    In 5 days you can achieve great result, if you comply with all the conditions. Your meals should be divided into 5 meals throughout the day. You wash down one orange with a glass of kefir. Before lunch or dinner, you can pour yourself a little “white” to quench your appetite. Your last meal should occur two hours before bedtime. The kefir-orange diet is considered English method fight against excess weight. You will definitely lose a couple of kilos. For how long?

    Imaginary utility

    Indeed, orange is one of the low-calorie foods (only 43 per 100 g). The content in the fruit is negligible. In citrus huge amount vitamin C. The rest of the microelements are in the air. It turns out that during dietary nutrition you are completely deprived of animal fats, proteins, proteins that are so necessary for normal performance. Even in egg yolk contains more than an orange.

    What does this affect? Your body stops receiving more than half of the calories needed. Three oranges (approximately 222 kcal) + two hard-boiled eggs (100 kcal) = 322! This is less than the installed medical norm daily consumption For . A hunger strike slows down the process; under the influence of this, the body begins to accumulate reserves nutrients. As a result, in a couple of days you will completely compensate for the lost weight.

    A couple of examples

    How did it happen that weekly diet didn't give any results? You should stop believing positive feedback and results famous personalities. A striking example Ineffective, but high-quality advertising is the Montignac system. The French nutritionist proposed a regime that was quite popular at that time, which is now assessed as “ poor nutrition" The method achieved popularity due to successful marketing advertising, although it only brought harm to people.

    No-carb Atkins regimen too good example for you, how not to torture yourself. Main principle- This is the total removal of any carbohydrates from the diet. All other products can be consumed in any quantity. As a result, all the salt is removed, and uric acid. You only get a temporary effect, disappointment and the same weight.

    Bottom line

    Which way is right then? Start counting using a special calculator.

    Find out if you can use oranges and tangerines if you are on a low carb diet.

    Pros and Cons of the Citrus Diet Nutrition Program

    To understand whether citrus fruits are good for weight loss or not, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this dietary nutrition program.

    Positive effects of the citrus diet:

    • This nutrition program turns out to be very effective in practice. This fact is associated with low rate energy value citrus fruits, as well as the presence in their composition of substances that accelerate the processes of utilization of fatty tissue.
    • There is no need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, because citrus fruits are ready-to-eat products.
    • They contain a lot of nutrients, say, vitamin C.
    • All fruit lovers will definitely like this nutrition program, because citrus fruits have excellent taste.
    • At a low cost, citrus fruits can be found in the supermarket throughout the year.
    Disadvantages of the citrus diet:
    • Contraindicated for people prone to allergic reactions.
    • You should not eat citrus fruits if you have problems with the digestive system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
    • The diet program is quite strict, and you may fall off, which will lead to the appearance of extra pounds.
    • When using a diet, the following are possible: side effects such as dizziness, weakness and headaches.
    • It is possible to create a deficiency of certain nutrients.
    • If you exit the diet incorrectly, the lost kilos will return.
    • Cannot be used for a long period of time.
    • Maybe, constant feeling hunger and you must prepare yourself for it.
    • Weight is lost quickly and if the problem was serious, then skin may not have time to adapt, which will lead to the appearance of stretch marks.
    We have practically answered the question whether citrus fruits are good for weight loss or not. You may have noticed that this program nutrition has advantages and disadvantages. However, there are no diets that have only positive effects and are completely devoid of negative aspects.

    Grapefruit diet program for weight loss

    Many nutritionists are sure that among all citrus fruits, grapefruit is the most effective means fight against extra kilos. This fruit promotes increased activity immune system and can restore the body's energy reserves. If you eat grapefruit regularly, the functioning of your digestive organs will improve significantly.

    Of course, this fruit is not a panacea and cannot help absolutely all people. Any food product may benefit one person, but may not be suitable for another. The situation is similar with grapefruit, and before starting to use the grapefruit diet, we recommend consulting with your doctor. However, it's time to return to consideration positive effects produced by grapefruit on the body:

    1. The concentration of low-density lipoprotein compounds decreases - the pulp of the fruit contains the substance leptin, which accelerates the processes of cholesterol utilization, which sharply reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
    2. Is effective means prevention of the development of cancer - lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and is found in large quantities in this fruit. Lycopene also accelerates estrogen metabolism.
    3. Work improves digestive tract- grapefruit contains a large amount of plant fibers, which are extremely beneficial for the digestive system.
    4. The efficiency of the immune system increases - vitamin C has long been known for its antimicrobial properties, and half of the fruit contains about 80 percent daily norm of this substance.
    5. Improves sleep quality - grapefruit increases the body's ability to resist stressful situations. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice at night and the quality of your sleep will noticeably improve.
    Let us remind you that any food product, including grapefruit, can be not only beneficial for the body. Do not eat grapefruit large quantities, since citrus fruits can significantly burden the liver. Most often, the duration of the grapefruit diet is a maximum of one month, and daily norm is one fruit. It is very important after completing the weight loss course to take a break for a couple of weeks, after which the cycle can be repeated.

    A few words should be said about the composition of grapefruit. The energy value of 100 grams of this citrus fruit is equal to 32 calories (juice - 30 calories). It should be said here that grapefruit makes an excellent salad dressing and goes well with protein foods. Here is the composition of 100 grams of citrus fruit:

    • Carbohydrates - 8.7 grams.
    • Fats - 0.2 grams.
    • Protein compounds - 0.9 grams.
    • Pectin - 0.6 grams.
    • Plant fiber - 1.4 grams.

    How to properly consume grapefruit for weight loss?

    In order for you to get good results, you need to know not only whether citrus fruits are suitable for weight loss or not, but also become familiar with the rules for using fruits. Sometimes people use mono diet program nutrition, while others simply introduce grapefruit into their diet.

    Whatever decision you make, you can full confidence say that the fruit will help control appetite, speed up the processes of fat burning, as well as utilization excess fluid. You can often hear the question - how many kilos can you lose by eating citrus fruits? You must understand that there is no exact answer, because your progress depends on many factors. However, according to statistics, this figure is 4–10 kilos.

    Most nutritionists agree that half the fruit should be consumed 20 minutes or half an hour before the first meal. This will reduce your appetite and you will eat less food for breakfast. If you have high acidity, then it is better to consume citrus after meals. Moreover, in such a situation, the above portion of grapefruit should be divided into two. Thanks to the presence of acids and special enzymes in the fruit, the digestion process will speed up and the risk of developing dysbacteriosis will decrease.

    You can also eat grapefruit instead of the first meal. As a result, you will not feel hungry until lunch. We have already talked about the presence of plant fibers in citrus fruits, which will help cleanse the intestinal tract. If you want to eat before going to bed, you can eat half the fruit. Let us also remind you that grapefruit can normalize your sleep.

    To receive good results you just need to eat half the fruit between main meals. Although the fruit suppresses appetite, you should stick to the energy value of your diet. Your nutrition program should include greens, lean meats, seafood, green tea and dairy products.

    Contraindications to grapefruit consumption

    This product contains a lot active substances and in certain situations it will have to be excluded from the diet.
    1. Use of medications- fruit juice can enter into chemical reaction with active ingredients of medications, for example, heart drops or contraception. In addition, grapefruit can enhance the effectiveness of drugs, which will lead to side effects.
    2. Digestive diseases- for all diseases of the digestive system, grapefruit should not be consumed, as it contains a large amount of acids.
    3. Pregnancy and lactation period- on early stages During pregnancy, grapefruit may be beneficial, but then consuming it can cause allergic reactions in a child.
    4. Kidney and liver diseases- if you have diseases of these organs, for example, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, grapefruit should not be consumed.

    Recipes using grapefruit for weight loss

    Essential oils and organic acids contained in citrus are very beneficial for the digestive system. Now we will share several recipes that will help you get rid of excess weight.
    1. Grapefruit with honey and ginger. You can drink this drink instead of your first meal. It only takes a couple of minutes to prepare the cocktail. Cut the ginger root into small pieces, approximately 3-4 centimeters long. Add the grapefruit and lime slices, then pour boiling water over all the ingredients. Leave the mixture for ten minutes, then add two tablespoons of honey.
    2. Apple salad with grapefruit. This recipe is designed for two servings and it will take you no more than a quarter of an hour to prepare the salad. After peeling two kiwi fruits, cut them into pieces. Divide the ripe persimmon fruit into four or five slices. Cut two blocks into slices, removing the seeds. Prepare the pear in the same way. After this, mix all the ingredients and add lemon juice to them. Place the salad on a plate and add grapefruit to it. The salad can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.
    3. Fat burning cocktail. Place 200 grams of strawberries, two bananas, 50 milliliters of milk and a teaspoon of grated ginger root into a blender. Prepare fresh juice from four grapefruits and add it to the steel ingredients. Whisk the mixture until smooth and drink.
    See three secrets for losing weight with citrus fruits below:



    2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs