Massage a child's tongue for speech development. Speech therapy massage of the tongue, face and hands for children at home: exercises for speech development

The problem of speech impairment in children worries many parents. While children babble touchingly, their speech defects touch adults, but by the age of three it becomes clear what sounds they cannot make. But speech is the main means of communication between a little person and the whole world. For most children, over the years and with practice, this can go away on its own, and for some, such speech disorders are caused by disturbances in the normal functioning of the articulatory muscles and are physiological in nature.

These kids need help. In their classes, speech therapists use respiratory and pronunciation exercises. If they are not enough, experts usually offer a specific, quite effective method - speech therapy massage for children at home. The impact of any massage is beneficial for the body, especially for metabolic processes, blood circulation and the nervous system. The therapeutic and preventive qualities of speech therapy massage help normalize speech and improve the emotional state of the baby.

The skill of healing people by kneading special points of their bodies has existed for several millennia. Already in ancient times, the Aesculapians learned the benefits of massage, which allowed them to overcome serious illnesses. Speech therapy massage arose much later, but is also based on practical knowledge.

The sources of verbal failures come from many causes. Sound pronunciation disorders are caused by hereditary factors, abnormal pregnancy, delayed mental development, and disorders of the speech apparatus. The diagnosis can only be determined by a specialist. Based on the specifics of the disorder, the speech therapist determines the type of failure and prescribes treatment.

Disturbances in the normal functioning of the articulatory muscles prevent the child from accurately pronouncing sounds and words. The speech apparatus includes the tongue, lips and facial nerves. All this plays an important role in the speech development of babies. Logo massage for children is a local type of massage, as it is performed exclusively on the articulatory muscles.

Carrying out a full course will help the child master the entire sound complex of speech and strengthen his articulatory apparatus. Positive changes usually result. If there are obvious speech errors, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist who, before choosing tactics and type of manipulation, examines by palpation the condition of all muscles involved in speech formation.

Indications for speech therapy massage

The speech therapist selects the desired type of massage that can activate those areas of the verbal apparatus that were not working, which helps to gradually improve the tone of all the muscles responsible for speech activity. Such opportunities allow the use of speech therapy massage techniques in the treatment of dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia and other ailments. These manipulations can be carried out from 2 months, although at such a time they are preventive measures, they simply prevent the appearance of disorders.

In serious cases of disorders, speech therapy massage is used, which restores vocal capabilities, tones the muscles of the speech system, and shortens the period of development of pronunciation. Even obvious neurological symptoms can be treated with this technique and give good results.

Impact on significant speech centers - tongue, lips, earlobes, neck - is prescribed for children with the following congenital and acquired disorders:

  • with partial loss or incomplete voice disorder;
  • with various speech anomalies;
  • with excessive intensity of the facial muscles;
  • with excessive reflective salivation;
  • with a failure of the entire pronunciation aspect of speech;
  • with cerebral palsy;
  • with defects in the formation of articulatory muscles;
  • with all types of logopathies.

All these shortcomings require an indispensable and urgent correction, time-consuming and labor-intensive, but necessary, because in the future, poor-quality diction will hinder many types of activities that a grown child wants to engage in. Serious violations can even lead to disability. Therefore, you should know how to do speech therapy facial massage for a disabled child.

Goals of speech therapy massage

The main tasks that speech therapy facial massage for children sets for itself and which he can cope with are:

  • correction of precise articulation of sounds;
  • improving the situation with the vocal cords;
  • streamlining respiration at the time of conversation;
  • prevention of mental stress as a result of speech defects;
  • a total improvement in the quality of the entire speech apparatus and speech itself.

A similar procedure also serves to reduce the excess amount of saliva produced, which is often found in children, which also interferes with correct diction.

  • colds and respiratory diseases;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums and eyes;
  • stomatitis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • herpes.

Massage is carried out very carefully in children with convulsive diagnoses, cerebral palsy, autism, and Down syndrome. When carrying out a massage procedure, serious concentration, accuracy and professionalism are required.

Specifics of logomassage at home

At the time of the massage, the baby should feel comfort and trust, not feel anxiety, so you should always find an approach to him, talk to him, distract him with something. Babies have a session in a stroller or on their mother’s lap. Later, children get used to the specialist’s manipulations and calm down.

The session time is 2 hours after eating. It is recommended to rinse the child's mouth thoroughly.

Types of speech therapy intervention

There are several types of manipulations with the sphere of speech muscles.

  • Classic massage includes the usual massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It serves to activate and stimulate muscle tone.
  • Acupressure deals with biologically active points with a cluster of blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • Hardware massage uses vacuum or vibration devices. Its special type - probe - was developed according to the original method of E.V. Novikova. One of the recognized techniques - Dyakova massage - is used by many speech therapists.

Self-massage is performed by the child with his own hands. It involves activities that involve massaging the face and tongue, such as pushing the tongue through connected teeth.


Speech therapy begins with a general facial massage, which lasts several minutes. The main techniques are light stroking and vibrating movements that are pleasant to the child. The directions are very diverse:

  • the forehead is massaged from bottom to top and from the middle towards the temples;
  • lower eyelid - starting from the outer corner to the nose, upper - vice versa;
  • from the nose to the temporal region and from the corners of the mouth to the ears;
  • from the chin to the earlobe.

To relax the neck muscles and the root of the tongue, rock the baby's head, smoothly turning it from one side to the other. Now it is advisable to move on to massaging your lips and tongue.

Massage technique

Reduced muscle tone caused by rickets, Down syndrome and other diseases requires activation of muscle groups. Manipulations begin with treating the facial muscles, then moving on to the rest. Classic techniques are used with gradually increasing pressure, trying not to cause any unpleasant sensations to the child. Stroking the forehead and rubbing the cheeks are relevant. It all ends with light tapping and pinching. The lip muscles are kneaded from the center to the corners of the lips - each lip separately, then the nasolabial fold.

With increased muscular excitation caused by brain injury during childbirth or during intrauterine development, as well as hypoxia, rubella, and birth injuries, a relaxing technique is used. It consists of classic stroking and vibrations. The session begins in the collar and shoulder areas and continues with treatment of the face, lips and tongue. Relaxation is carried out with slow, smooth and slightly pressing movements, repeated 8-10 times.

A professional performs massage of the tongue using special devices. At home, use a spoon or simply an index finger, which is used to stroke, starting from the tip of the tongue towards the root. During the massage, using teaspoons, the convex side of the instrument is used to stroke and rub the forehead, temples, cheeks, mouth and neck area, chin and cheekbones.

Parents can save a child from a speech disorder and teach him to speak impeccably; to do this, they must notice the problem in time and make every effort to eliminate it. Speech therapy massage will help them with this, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician if there is a certain diagnosis. It can be carried out with a specialist, as well as at home, having first become acquainted with the rules and technique of implementation.

The success of healing will largely depend on the regularity of classes and the patience of parents.

I would like to note that speech therapy massage in Moscow is best done by a professional. For example, at Ekaterina Ruslova at the Children's Center Slukhon on Pilyugina (metro Novye Cheryomushki).

In order to eliminate the speech defect in children due to a short frenulum under the tongue, massage the tongue for dysarthria and correct pronunciation with the assistance of gymnastic exercises.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria is one of the existing techniques in speech therapy that promotes the process of normalizing the speech and psychological state of children suffering from various speech defects.

Speech therapy massage can generally:

  • Normalize and activate the muscles that stimulate the speech apparatus;
  • Strengthen pharyngeal reflexes;
  • Increase the elasticity of the tongue area.

Indications and contraindications

The basic requirements for massage for dysarthria are presented in the form of alalia and dyslalia.

Similar procedure it is possible to restore the pronunciation of words and muscle activity, eliminate pathologies of the vocal cords, significantly improve the excretory function of the skin, activate the flow of the circulatory and lymphatic systems in order to increase gas exchange.

Give massage for dysarthria every other day or ten to twenty operations every day with an interval of one and a half months. The first session lasts from a minute to six, at the end of the month - from fifteen to twenty minutes. For children up to three years old, massage is carried out for up to ten minutes, for children up to seven years old - fifteen minutes, after seven years - twenty-five minutes.

It is forbidden to massage during infections. In the presence of convulsions, anxious behavior of children with blue discoloration of the nasolabial fold, massage is carried out slowly and only after the baby has calmed down.

Execution technique

Of course, doctors will perform this massage more effectively because they have education and experience. But if there is a desire, the child’s mother can learn the basic techniques of such a massage and do it herself.

What needs to be done in order to start speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home? First, in order to normalize muscle tone, it is worth choosing a good location for the baby. The most optimal are the following:

The child lies on his back, with a small pillow placed under his neck. The head is tilted back a little. If it is possible to do the procedure on a reclining chair, then you can do the procedure on it. Small children should be placed in a stroller or crib. Children who are nervous and crying should be placed in their mother's arms.

This is followed by kneading your neck with your thumbs using gentle and soothing movements. Then the muscles of the lips are strengthened and brought into action using a special massage for five to six seconds: they press with the pads of their fingers with circular movements into the places near the lips and massage counterclockwise. Massage from the central part to the corners of the lips up and down.

When massaging the tongue from root to tip:

  1. Do exercises to activate the longitudinal muscles.
  2. They strengthen the muscles by vigorously pressing on the root system, moving towards the end, up to six times a day.
  3. They strengthen and stimulate work in the transverse muscles by stroking with the thumb and the “Ball” probe. If it is possible to do this with a brush, then it is worth carrying out the procedure four to six times twice a day.
  4. They carry out the process of strengthening the muscles and increasing movements for articulation by pricking the edges with a “Needle” probe (once a day, for ten seconds). If there is a predisposition to sleep during the procedure, the injection is finished.
  5. They perform a process to reduce salivation by massaging the tongue at several points at once.
  6. Massaging occurs without causing discomfort to the baby - six to ten seconds.
  7. The muscles are strengthened by stretching with fingers, which are wrapped in a gauze napkin.
  8. Do a thorough kneading for six to eight seconds, twice a day. Kneading the area with the right thumb, fingers - massaging from the bottom of the tongue with rubbing movements.

Next, compression occurs with the help of light rubbing of the tongue with the fingers, followed by a repetition of this procedure. They perform the process of pinching the edges of the tongue, then patting it with a spatula (ten to fifteen seconds each). During this procedure, the baby must have a gauze pad on the bottom of his teeth.

It is recommended to weaken the muscles of the neck, as well as in places called the collar area and the muscles that move the jaw below until the session is performed (from Arkhipov’s method of speech therapy massage for dysarthria).

Massage with a toothbrush

You can take different devices for massaging. From special to ordinary. In everyday circumstances, it is allowed to massage the tongue with a toothbrush for dysarthria. For the procedure, you must first take out a brush with delicate bristles.

Gauze napkins are placed under the tongue, which will need to be changed every two minutes, since the baby will salivate profusely during the operation. Movements with the brush must be without powerful pressure.. Circular movements are allowed, however, after preparatory procedures. It is allowed to brush the tongue over the entire area with intermittent movements.

The level of effectiveness of the exercise can be determined by the baby’s reaction. If he enjoys the process, he will feel positive emotions, showing them on his own face. Often practice performing the procedure on a child as fun, which will be excellent entertainment and a necessary pastime.

The child's tongue must be completely weakened– for this you need to massage the submandibular fossa. The entire procedure is carried out with your fingers without significant pressure and with a toothbrush. It is worth repeating for better remembering that it is necessary to change napkins as much as possible when performing a massage with a toothbrush for dysarthria.

Facial massage

Facial massage for children for speech development promotes not only the development of facial means of communication, but also the formation of the oral region, which is what is required for the standard nutrition of children and the further formation of speech.

During the massage, you should actively contact the baby, sing songs to him, tell him fairy tales and rhymes, and possibly accompany the massage with quiet music.

Among the main techniques, procedures in the form of stroking and simple vibration are applicable, promoting complete relaxation of the body. When stroking, the brush glides over the skin without moving it into folds. First, shallow stroking is applied, then deeper.

In general, the procedure looks like this: first, stroking occurs in the forehead area, then the eye sockets and nose, after which the ears, cheekbones and lips are kneaded. At the end, the facial muscles in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold are kneaded.


Before you start massaging your own child, we suggest taking special courses on “acupressure for dysarthria.” This will take a little time, but you will be confident in your own abilities and clearly understand that you cannot harm. You can learn massage in a short time; you can learn how to do it in a few lessons.

Speech therapy massage for children can be performed at home if the child has no contraindications. This type of massage allows you to achieve better results in correcting the activity of the speech apparatus and is an important part of a set of measures to eliminate the manifestations of speech dysfunctions.

Speech therapy massage for children at home has the following goals:

  • normalize general and articulatory muscle tone;
  • reduce the manifestations of defects in the articulatory apparatus;
  • to form coordinated and voluntary movements of the articulatory organs.

Indications for speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage for children at home is indicated for:

  • speech development disorders;
  • ineffectiveness of traditional speech therapy procedures;
  • a number of diagnoses, which include dysarthria, delays in mental and speech development, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

Parents can carry out speech therapy massage for children themselves, having previously received consultation from a specialist.

Limitations in speech therapy massage are:

  • capillary diseases;
  • thrombotic vascular diseases;
  • acute respiratory infection;
  • excessive tissue sensitivity;
  • infected wounds;
  • tonsillitis.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria

Speech therapy massage for children at home helps with dysarthria if traditional speech therapy methods do not bring the desired effect. In this case, massage is performed in addition to basic speech therapy and neurological procedures.

With dysarthria, the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus are inactive, and the pronunciation of words or sounds is difficult, so a set of measures includes movements and exercises aimed at increasing the muscle tone of the tongue and adjacent organs involved in articulation.

The choice of exercises depends strictly on the state of muscle tone in the articulation zone.

Dysarthria can be successfully treated in early childhood, which consists of a set of procedures: restorative physical education, reflexology, speech therapy massage. Massage of the tongue in case of illness can stimulate muscle tone and make the child’s tongue more mobile and flexible, which makes it easier to pronounce sounds and words; The technique of sound pronunciation changes.

In addition, speech therapy massage for children with dysarthria expands the range of articulatory functions, and the most difficult to pronounce sounds become more accessible. The general positive effects of massage also include improved blood circulation.

Before starting systematic procedures, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and neurologist in order to exclude contraindications and assess the overall performance of the organs involved in the articulation process. The duration of the sessions depends on the age of the child and the serial number of the massage procedure in the cycle.

So, for a child under 5 years old, the first massage procedure should not exceed 6 minutes, for children 5-7 years old - no more than 10 minutes.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria is contraindicated if:

  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • labial herpes;
  • gag reflex.

The massage is performed in two main positions: lying and sitting. First, you should do a short warm-up for the neck and facial muscles. Next, the event involves rotating the child’s tongue in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise.

Then, using your index finger, make twisting movements, slightly stretching your tongue forward. In order to achieve the best result and make the tongue muscles more mobile, it is recommended to use special devices - speech therapy probes.

Massage for stuttering

Stuttering in children is usually associated with neurotic or physiological problems. In addition to articulatory gymnastics and general strengthening exercises, speech therapy massage is successfully used. The area to be massaged includes the upper back and chest, neck, shoulders and head.

Based on the type of impact, a distinction is made between segmental massage, which consists of massaging articulatory muscles, and acupressure (acupressure), which affects biologically active zones.

Segmental massage includes the following manipulations:

  • stroking, starting and ending the session;
  • rubbing, activating blood circulation and stimulating metabolic processes in the body;
  • kneading, activating muscle processes;
  • vibration affecting muscle tone;
  • pressure that stimulates metabolic processes.

Acupressure massage for stuttering affects the speech center, reducing its excitability. This is one of the most suitable types of massage at home, requiring only a short internship with a specialist. Acupressure works similar to acupuncture. Using your fingers, pressure of varying strength is applied to points located in the forearm, cervical region and face.

It is necessary to carry out 12 massage sessions over three weeks.

Speech therapy massage for children with stuttering at home is carried out in addition to a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disease (general strengthening procedures, professional help from a psychotherapist to identify the causes of stuttering).

Massage for ZRR

Speech therapy massage for children at home can help children with delayed speech development. It is usually indicated for children of older preschool age whose articulation skills do not correspond to their age. But You can start giving speech therapy massage to your child from infancy.

In this case, speech therapy massage will have a general therapeutic effect and will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which can serve as a powerful stimulus for the development of articulation skills. The massage consists of actions aimed at points of the face, mouth and neck; exercises take place in a relaxed atmosphere in the form of a game.

Regular classes include a set of massage movements that vary in intensity.

Massage technique:

Zone Movements Multiplicity of execution
LipsIntensive kneading with fingers in the direction from the middle of the mouth to the cheeks

Vibration and tapping with fingertips

NeckTurning the head from left to right, forward and backward

Gentle stroking

LanguageLight stroking

Light vibration and tapping



Speech therapy massage for cerebral palsy

When working with children with cerebral palsy, the following types of speech therapy massage are most appropriate:

  1. Classical
  2. Spot

Objectives of speech therapy massage for children with cerebral palsy:

  • act on nerves and muscles to stimulate the development of the nervous system;
  • stimulate physical activity;
  • improve autonomic function;
  • improve blood circulation.

Motor alalia

With the help of massage for motor alalia, you can achieve the following results:

  • improving the functioning of the articulatory apparatus;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • coordination of movement of facial muscles and tongue;
  • increased tissue sensitivity;
  • reduction of salivation.

The massage is performed with the fingers; its duration is 10-20 sessions. The technique includes tapping the lips, pressing, and circular movements along the cheeks.


Massage for facial nerve paresis is prescribed after the patient has undergone a thorough examination, including consultations with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and therapist. In this case, massage is prescribed in combination with therapeutic exercises. Facial massage for paresis improves blood circulation on the affected side of the face, restores muscle function, and prevents contractures.

The peculiarity of massage for this disease is that it is necessary to increase the muscle tone of the articulatory muscles. The first week of sessions is carried out only on the healthy part of the face. At the second stage, actions are redirected to the affected side, while limiting movements for the healthy area of ​​the face.

Apply rubbing and kneading massage movements.

The methods acceptable in this case include:

  • stroking;
  • very light vibrations;
  • light friction;
  • gentle kneading.


Children suffering from phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment are also at risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia, so it is important to promptly begin a set of activities, including home massage. With FFNR, sounds are distorted, replaced, omitted; sounds are poorly distinguished in the speech stream.

Speech therapy massage for children, carried out at home, can make articulation clearer, define and automate pronunciation. This type of massage does not require special speech therapy tools. A tablespoon is used, less often a toothbrush.

Spoon massage technique for phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment:

  • stroking along the tongue with the convex side;
  • pressing on the central part of the tongue with the inside;
  • rolling from the base to the tip of the tongue;
  • pushes with the convex part from side to side;
  • tapping with the tip of a spoon.

Features of massage at home

When conducting corrective speech therapy work with a child with a speech disorder, speech therapy massage acts as an addition to classes with a speech therapist, speech pathologist, reflexology and drug therapy. To carry out speech therapy massage at home, you should consult a speech therapist or undergo a short-term internship.

A special feature of performing massage at home is that no speech therapy devices (probes) are used.

At home, massage can be done using toothbrushes or spoons of different sizes. It should be noted that such procedures cannot be carried out daily, as excessive irritation or even damage to the mucous membrane and tissues is possible. Speech therapists recommend massage with spoons and brushes every other day.

The procedure is carried out in a ventilated room in a comfortable environment for the child. After eating, at least two hours should pass.

Warm-up before speech therapy massage

The goals of warming up before speech therapy massage are:

  • creating an emotional mood;
  • warming up the muscles before massage;
  • preparing the speech apparatus for massage;
  • stimulated blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

Warm up for a few minutes every day. Speech therapy warm-up consists of breathing exercises and logorhythmic tasks to activate facial muscles. An exercise that stimulates a child’s facial expressions is an imitation game.

Video with an example of an exercise for developing facial expressions:

The child portrays the characters specified by the speech therapist or parent using facial expressions. Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus is also an element of speech therapy warm-up. The child is asked to do exercises to warm up the facial muscles.

Gymnastics actions include: retracting the cheeks, widening a smile, moving the lips and tongue.

Types of speech therapy massage:

  • classic massage; consists of two types of effects: relaxing and stimulating;
  • acupressure type of massage; affects those parts of the body where nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated;
  • hardware massage; requires the use of vibration and vacuum tools;
  • probe type; carried out using speech therapy probes;
  • massage with spoons; carried out using tablespoons, tea spoons, and children's silicone spoons.
  • brush massage; carried out using parts of a toothbrush.

Classic speech therapy massage

Classic techniques include 4 main actions: rubbing, vibration, kneading and light stroking. The choice of techniques depends on the goals of the massage. If the goal is to relax the muscles, then stroking is used. If it is necessary to activate the work of the articulatory muscles, then the massage is carried out with energetic and intense vibrations, rubbing, and kneading.

Massage is carried out both with fingers and massage spatulas, nipples.

Hardware massage

The goals of this massage complex are:

  • elimination of manifestations of speech dysfunctions, motor alalia, delayed speech development;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • improving the pronunciation skills of the articulatory apparatus.

Hardware speech therapy massage at home requires the presence of speech therapy massagers that affect tissue with high-frequency vibrations. These instruments have removable parts and can have both a relaxing and activating effect on the muscles of the speech apparatus.

The results of hardware speech therapy massage are longer lasting than with manual massage.


The purpose of acupressure speech therapy massage is to influence acupuncture zones (BAP). Biologically active points contain clusters of nerve endings, massage stimulation of which causes a response. To detect active zones and points, you should move along the massage area with sliding movements.

Ripple serves as evidence of detection of BAP.

If muscle tone is increased, an inhibitory type of massage is used with a relaxing effect. In this case, smoothing movements are made with the pads of the fingers. If the tone is reduced, then a stimulating type of massage is indicated. Rhythmic and energetic movements are used to press and rub the active point.

Probe massage

Author of the technique E.V. Novikova has developed 8 speech therapy probes, with the help of which the speech therapist acts on the main areas of the face: lips, tongue, cheekbones and cheeks. Probes have different shapes, functions and effects. Using a set of probes, you can activate and relax muscles, relieve spasms, increase or decrease muscle tone.

Probe massage has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech and nervous system.

Massage with a toothbrush

This type of massage consists of the massage effects of a speech therapist on the child’s tongue using an individual toothbrush and napkin. The child's tongue is fixed with a napkin, and a toothbrush massages the tongue. The movements are accompanied by poetry reading and fairy tale therapy.

This massage is indicated for children with weak muscles and low tongue tone. At home, this massage serves as an alternative to probe speech therapy massage. It is important to massage the longitudinal muscles and the transverse muscle of the tongue.

Massage with spoons

Massage with spoons is an effective way to correct speech defects. This type of massage is performed by a speech therapist or a parent with the participation of the child himself. The child is given 2 spoons in both hands, and he repeats the movements shown by the adult. All exercises are performed while reading poetry.

The poem contains instructions, describes the order and method of performing the exercise. Movements include rubbing, pressing, tapping with different parts of the spoon (handle, convex side, inner side)

Home massage results

Speech therapy massage for children, performed at home, can cause a beneficial change in the state of the muscular system.

There is also progress in the development of the child’s nervous system. If speech therapy massage is performed for children with speech disorders, activation of muscles that previously had insufficient contractile strength is observed; with spasms and increased tone, a pronounced relaxing effect is observed.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about speech therapy massage for children

A story about effective acupressure for speech development in a child with cerebral palsy:

To solve our problem, we only need time, which the speech therapist confirmed. We really enjoyed the classes themselves. And I will recommend this speech therapist with great pleasure. We had four or five classes. Since my emphasis was on speech therapy massage, Svetlana Borisovna observed and worked with the boy. And then she made a verdict that we don’t need speech therapy massage, that this is our common problem, not the speech apparatus. And logomassage is of no use, it will only cause psychological trauma...

the child, and that’s it. We agreed with her that we would continue to work on the problem of cerebral palsy as before, and we could turn to her for advice. But at this time we need to overcome the general tone; if it improves, there will be an improvement in speech. In fact, I agree with the specialist. At the moment I see an improvement in my general condition, I can’t say that there have been improvements in speech, but I can see how my command of the lips, larynx, and tongue is improving... So far there is no progress in speech, I think that there should be progress in the coming year. Now the child is three and a half years old. We saw a lot of speech therapists. We now have the opportunity to go to a free speech therapy center. I want to say that Svetlana Borisovna is simply smart! She is very attuned to the child, even if he is so difficult. He is looking for methods on how to work with him in order to preserve the quality and to keep the child captivated. The person wants to do his job and is results-oriented. I really, really liked this.

Grade 5

Elena, Dolgoprudny

Order services: Speech therapists.


Good speech therapist. We worked with her, but now we need a specialist of a different profile. The speech therapist not only gave the child a speech therapy massage, she practiced certain sounds. And we had reading. The specialist did everything I asked. I have a special program that we followed. Classes for the child are conducted in a complex: we have not only a speech therapist. We have a neuropsychologist, a neurocorrector, and logorhythmics working with us – all together. The child also attends classes that take place...

at the resource center. Overall, the speech therapist made a good impression. She is never late for classes and communicates very well with the child. Autistic people need a certain approach. I invited my neuropsychologist, who explained to the specialist how to communicate with my son. They worked out what was necessary. We just needed a new person.

Grade 5

Natalya Alexandrovna, metro station Buninskaya Alley

Order services: Speech therapists. Dysarthria. Speech therapy massage.


My child and I attended a consultation with Speech therapist Svetlana Andreevna Baskakova. A very competent teacher. In one hour of classes, all the child’s problems related to speech development were identified, and very practical advice and explanations were given on how to solve these problems. The child liked Svetlana Andreevna, she was able to interest him, win him over, and as a result, it was difficult to take the baby home. I recommend this speech therapist to everyone, who is competent in many issues related to problems...

speech, personal, mental development of the child, has skills in logomassage, works with children who stutter. It is immediately obvious that he is a very kind, correct person, a punctual teacher who knows his job.

Grade 5+

All children are different, and, therefore, each of them develops in its own way. For example, someone’s child immediately learned to speak without any problems, while another child has serious difficulties pronouncing sounds and words, lagging behind in speech development, and a third one completely refuses to pronounce his first words. The causes of this phenomenon can be various physical abnormalities, psychological problems, diseases or birth injuries.

In any case, you shouldn’t let the situation take its course. Speech disorders, as a rule, do not go away on their own. To eliminate them, you must definitely consult with a speech therapist who will suggest the optimal treatment method. Today, one of these effective methods is speech therapy massage for children, which helps with both ordinary stuttering and more complex defects.

What is speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage is a method of correctional and pedagogical intervention and is often used for speech development disorders. Despite the fact that this method of eliminating pronunciation defects is not traditional and mandatory, it has already proven its validity and effectiveness. Moreover, such a procedure can be either part of a comprehensive rehabilitation or an independent type of treatment.

Speech therapy massage comes in several types:

  • Classic massage. It is characterized by standard massage techniques: stroking and rubbing, kneading and vibration;
  • Segmental-reflex massage. The techniques are the same as in the classic version, but it is performed according to the segmental division into zones. That is, to solve speech therapy problems, massage is performed in the area of ​​the collar area, cervical region, face and scalp;
  • Acupressure. As the name suggests, this method affects only biologically active points. The bulk of these points are located in the scalp area;
  • Probe massage. The method of speech therapy massage, developed by E.V. Novikova, is performed using special instruments - probes.

Who needs speech therapy massage?

The most common disease that requires serious correction from a speech therapist is dysarthria. With this disease, there is difficulty in pronunciation, which is caused by lesions of the posterior frontal as well as subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, the child has serious problems with articulation, which cannot be solved without the intervention of a doctor. In this case, both speech therapy massage for dysarthria according to the Novikova method, as well as the methods of Arkhipova and Dyakova, are suitable.

Another equally common disease is cerebral palsy, in which the tone of all muscles is increased, which makes it difficult not only to move, but also to communicate. In addition, impaired speech development may be a consequence of a birth injury or a congenital defect in the structure of the oral cavity, lips, and tongue. And if the latter are most often treated surgically, then speech therapy massage is almost always able to eliminate all other causes of delayed speech development.

How to do speech therapy massage?

Any speech therapy massage should be trusted only to a qualified doctor, since only in this case the effectiveness of the procedure, as well as its complete safety for the child’s health, will be guaranteed. Each speech development disorder has its own special exercises aimed at activating one or another muscle group. Some of them are suitable for home use. For example:

  • During independent speech therapy lip massage, light stroking and pinching of the child’s lips are performed;
  • When performing independent speech therapy massage of the tongue, you should use an electric toothbrush and use it to influence the tip of the tongue and its central part;
  • When self-massaging a child’s hands, you should use gentle massaging movements of each finger.

Remember that accurate recommendations for speech therapy massage of a child’s face should only be given by a qualified specialist! It is he who must choose the right technique and teach it to parents! The only thing you can do without fear of harming your baby is gentle stroking and gentle rubbing of each finger. In this case, it is imperative to start with the little finger and end with the thumb, which, as is known, stimulates the functioning of the brain.

Speech therapy massage according to the method of E. V. Novikova

also called probe testing, since it requires the use of special devices developed by the author of the technique. Moreover, each probe from the kit is unique and performs its own function. Using these devices in a certain order, the speech therapist can effectively influence only those areas and areas that need correction.

Also, during a speech therapy massage session for stuttering or other reasons for delayed speech development, the specialist varies the strength of pressure in the area of ​​the tongue, cheeks, soft palate, lips, facial and masticatory muscles. All this creates optimal conditions for the child’s speech development. Novikova's method also helps to cope with more serious speech defects that are caused by dysarthria or cerebral palsy.

It is worth noting that probe massage is almost painless. Only a child with increased muscle tone may experience some discomfort. That is why it is very important that the baby takes the most comfortable position before the session, which will allow him to relax as much as possible.

Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy Elena Arkhipova
proposed her own method of speech therapy massage, which is intended for the correction of serious speech disorders. This method involves differentiated effects on the muscles of the face and oral cavity depending on the disease. This speech therapy massage is indicated for dysarthria, as well as for children with cerebral palsy.

Speech therapy massage sessions using the Arkhipova method are carried out in courses of 10 to 20 daily sessions. They also try not to take long breaks between courses, as this may negatively affect the results obtained. The procedure must be carried out by a doctor, since each child requires an individual approach. After all, the techniques of speech therapy massage for dysarthria will differ significantly from the methods of treatment for cerebral palsy or stuttering.

Speech therapy massage according to the method E. A. Dyakova- this is the systematized knowledge of various world luminaries in the field of speech therapy. It was she who developed the textbook, which future speech therapists and speech pathologists still study from today. Therefore, we can safely say that E. A. Dyakova’s method makes it possible to correct various speech disorders in a child, including quite severe ones.

For example, such speech therapy massage helps improve articulation in cases of cerebral palsy, increased muscle tone, dysarthria, and stuttering. After each procedure, blood supply to the facial muscles and speech organs improves, which gradually affects articulation and facial expressions.

Contraindications to speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage recommended by a specialist for dysarthria or other speech disorders, unfortunately, may have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. Under no circumstances should the procedure be performed if the child has:

  • infectious or somatic diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin rashes;
  • herpes;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • stomatitis or gingivitis.

That is why, before starting a therapeutic massage, a conclusion is required not only from a neurologist, but also from a pediatrician.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to add that any of the methods of speech therapy massage helps to achieve significant progress even with severe forms of speech impairment. However, it is advisable to begin the procedures within the time period recommended by the pediatrician and neurologist. So, for example, according to Novikova’s system, you should not work with a baby before he reaches six months, since not a single probe is intended for newborns.

If you give preference to speech therapy massage by Arkhipova or Dyakova, then you can start working with even two-month-old babies. So don’t be alarmed if your baby doesn’t want to say his first “aha”! Contact specialists, with their help you will definitely be able to fix everything!

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