Chamomile oil: general information, properties and effect of the plant on the skin. Chamomile oil: properties and uses

Available to man sufficient quantity natural beauty products, in order to completely abandon industrial cosmetics, rich only in silicones, fragrances and other chemicals. Chamomile oil is one of the most affordable products, used with equal success to improve the health of hair, facial skin, and the body as a whole, so there’s no need to be modest.

General information

Today you can find two variations on the chamomile theme on sale, or rather:

  • Cosmetic oil chamomile for the face, which is obtained by extraction active substance from early inflorescences. The raw materials grow wherever there is a tropical climate, while the final product is a flowing, apple-smelling liquid, colored in a light yellow tint;
  • Roman chamomile essential oil obtained by distillation. The substance has a dark or blue color, it is viscous, viscous and smells strongly of meadow grass.

Effect on facial skin

The benefits of chamomile in the form of an oil extract are available to people with any type of dermis, but the most noticeable positive effect will be demonstrated by:

  • Dry skin that “learns” to hold life-giving moisture in its deep layers;
  • Problematic and sensitive skin, from which signs of allergies, irritation, itching and tightness will go away;
  • Mature dermis, for which the extract will help get rid of the first wrinkles and regain its former elasticity and firmness. At the same time, the oval of the face will be corrected.

What's the use of ether?

Essential oil obtained from blue chamomile is valued by adherents of natural beauty recipes for its ability to have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the dermis. At the same time, blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin accelerates, it acquires a lighter and healthier shade. An extract from a common chamomile variety has the ability to heal wounds and act as a bactericidal agent.

The ether of the Roman variety of an inconspicuous flower is radically different from its existing counterparts. It contains complex volatile ingredients, the benefits of which are antimicrobial, regenerating and soothing effects on the skin.

Moroccan and Roman versions of ether are used in cosmetology less frequently than others. But their use also has its meaning. For example, with their help it is possible to get rid of the feeling of itching, tightness, redness and irritated, flaky areas.

Cosmetic oils

The use of industrial cosmetic chamomile oil is relevant when it is necessary to cope with the manifestations of dermatitis, skin rashes and the first wrinkles. It perfectly protects against negative impact ultraviolet radiation, and in the case of children, it can be used as a product that treats diaper rash and pimples.

Healing qualities

The use of any type of chamomile oil entails the following benefits for appearance:

  • burns, signs of dermatitis and manifestations of eczema are cured;
  • due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, this product quickly eradicates herpes;
  • the hood heals small wounds, cracking and cuts on the dermis;
  • in terms of improving appearance, regular use substances makes it possible to get rid of purulent rashes, acne, etc.

Examples of using cosmetic chamomile oil

The easiest way is to add drops of oil to existing industrial cosmetics.

But this is not all that can be done at home:

  • To get rid of a purulent pimple, 15 minutes is enough. apply a cotton pad soaked in the extract;
  • To make an anti-aging cream, just mix 5g. pharmaceutical borax, 100 ml boiled water, 60 g of beeswax and 50 g of the main ingredient. All this is heated in a steam bath, and then stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid;
  • Facial massage giving healing effect, made using olive and flower concentrate mixed in equal parts;
  • For dry dermis, a mixture consisting of jojoba and chamomile essential oils is useful. For one session of deep hydration, just a couple of drops of each ingredient is enough;
  • A soft scrub is prepared from lavender extract, wheat germ, blue chamomile and a small amount of granulated sugar;
  • In order to narrow the pores, the skin is treated with a substance from a drop of extract of lemon, pine and the substance we are describing;
  • Chamomile oil for hair should only be used in combination with a base oil, for example, olive or jojoba. As needed, such masks are enriched with rosemary, cypress, lemon, cedar and castor ether. Please note that the chamomile extract will slowly but surely lighten your strands.

As far as you understand, from the use of the product to which this publication is devoted, a person can not only benefit completely, but also certain harm, which in chamomile oil is manifested in the ability to rarely provoke allergic reactions. In addition, pregnant women and people undergoing treatment with homeopathic or hormonal medications can experience its harm.

None medicinal plant does not compare with chamomile in its popularity and quantity beneficial properties. Chamomile has been used for several thousand years, it is used to treat various diseases: from minor skin rashes to serious inflammatory processes.

Chamomile oil is obtained from fresh inflorescences by steam distillation. This is the most common method of making essential oils from soft plant materials such as lavender, peppermint, rose and others.

Properties of chamomile oil

To prepare chamomile oil, inflorescences of different subspecies of this plant are used. But the most useful and high-quality essential oil is made from blue chamomile flowers. The price of chamomile oil in a pharmacy is 200 rubles per 10 ml bottle. So pretty high price determined by the amount of raw materials for preparing the oil. To get 1 kg of this unique product you will need 200 kg of chamomile flower baskets.

Chamomile essential oil can range in color from blue to brown, depending on storage time and raw materials. The consistency of the oil is thick, the smell is herbal with notes of fruit, spices and tobacco. The shelf life of chamomile oil is 5 years.

The antiseptic and bactericidal properties of chamomile oil are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases digestive system, gynecological diseases. The oil is used in complex treatment ENT - diseases and as a mild sedative for neuroses.

Medicinal uses of chamomile oil

  1. Chamomile oil is used to treat diseases respiratory tract. When treating bronchitis and laryngitis, you can do inhalations with the addition of healing oil. Such inhalations alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve coughing spasms.
  2. In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chamomile oil is used as a means of relieving inflammation, as well as an effective choleretic agent for dyskinesia. biliary tract. In case of indigestion and poisoning, it relieves inflammation and stimulates appetite.
  3. During treatment women's diseases chamomile oil is used to regulate menstrual cycle and with pathological menopause.
  4. The analgesic properties of this unique oil used in the treatment of sore throat in the form of rinses. To relieve pain from inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, a few drops are taken orally.
  5. Chamomile essential oil is used in the treatment of insomnia, irritability and instability nervous condition. It improves brain function, relieves tension, and increases stress resistance. Oral administration or use in an aroma lamp is recommended.
  6. Positive reviews about chamomile oil for treatment dental diseases: gingivitis, periodontal disease and others.
  7. Chamomile oil relieves muscle and joint pain; it can be used for therapeutic and preventive massage.
  8. Used as prophylactic to increase immunity and resistance to diseases. For this, courses of healing oil are prescribed. In season colds Chamomile oil can be used to disinfect indoor air by adding it to an aroma lamp.
  9. Chamomile oil is used in the form of compresses and lotions to treat wounds, burns and skin inflammation.

Because chamomile oil is very thick rich product, it is important to follow the dosage:

  1. You can take it orally by adding 2 drops of chamomile oil to a teaspoon of honey or jam 2 times a day, washed down with warm tea, compote or juice.
  2. For hot or cold inhalation procedures, it is recommended to add no more than 1-2 drops. Inhalation time is 5-7 minutes.
  3. To prepare a solution for gargling or mouthwash, put in a glass warm water add 2-3 drops of chamomile oil.
  4. For aromatic soothing baths, it is recommended to add 4-7 drops to the entire volume of water.
  5. For therapeutic antiseptic compresses, mix 15-20 drops of chamomile oil and 30 drops of St. John's wort oil. Use warm.
  6. For an aroma lamp, it is recommended to combine 3-4 drops of chamomile oil with other types of oils. Blends perfectly with bergamot, patchouli, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, cardamom, rose and lavender oils.

Application of chamomile oil in cosmetology

Blue chamomile oil is included in a variety of cosmetics, ranging from nourishing face creams to toothpastes and shampoos. It can also be used in its pure form to improve the composition of a cream, mask or balm. To do this, you can buy chamomile oil and add it to a ready-made product at the rate of 3 drops per 5 grams. basics. This technique significantly improves the quality of the cosmetic product, because the price of chamomile oil is quite high, so synthetic analogues of oils are more often used in industrial cosmetology.

Chamomile oil for face

The properties of chamomile oil to soothe inflammation sensitive skin used to care for dry and aging skin. It perfectly relieves inflammation, itching, and minor allergic reactions. Chamomile cosmetic oil is an ideal product for dry skin care; it intensively moisturizes the skin. long period without allowing drying and peeling. Chamomile oil is used for problem skin, its use is effective in the treatment of dermatitis, pustular rashes,. This healing oil has the ability to rejuvenate facial skin, making it even, smooth and radiant.

Recipes for facial skin care:

  1. Applications for the skin around the eyes. Take equal amounts of blue chamomile oil and jojoba oil and apply warm. Applications moisturize and tighten the skin.
  2. A nourishing blend of oils for dry skin. Mix equal parts of oil: chamomile, rose and jojoba, apply to cleansed facial skin.
  3. Scrub for dry skin. To make a peel for sensitive skin, mix a tablespoon of candied honey, 1-2 drops each of wheat germ oil, blue chamomile and lavender. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  4. To treat herpes and acne, chamomile oil is applied directly to the site of inflammation.

Chamomile oil for hair

This healing oil is great for hair and scalp care. Gives hair elasticity, shine and healthy looking, restores and moisturizes damaged and split ends. If you regularly use chamomile oil for your hair, you may notice a slight brightening effect.

Hair care recipes

  1. Nourishing hair mask. Add 1-2 drops of chamomile oil to a tablespoon of warm burdock oil, apply to hair, and wrap. Keep for 40-60 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Conditioner for dry blonde hair. 1 tbsp. Add dried chamomile flowers to 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Add 1-2 drops to the warm strained infusion essential oil daisies. Rinse hair after washing.
  3. Mask to strengthen hair and accelerate its growth. Beat the yolk, add 1 tbsp. warm olive oil and 1-2 drops of chamomile oil, apply to scalp and hair. Keep for 30-40 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  4. The easiest way to care for your hair is to simply add 3-4 drops of chamomile oil per serving of shampoo, which is used at a time.

Contraindications for chamomile oil

Chamomile essential oil is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Chamomile oil should not be combined with homeopathic medications.

Chamomile oil and other vegetable and essential oils in cosmetology. Video

The video talks about the use of natural plant and essential oils.

Anna basis

The little star of the fields is a daisy. It was once believed that where a star falls from the sky, a daisy grows. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this pure and open flower. On it, girls wonder whether their chosen one loves them. It was customary to give a bouquet of daisies to brides. The healing properties of this flower have been known for a long time.

Hippocrates also cured malaria, which was considered incurable, with the help of medicinal chamomile.

Chamomile essential oil is obtained by rectification (steam distillation) of inflorescences. It is necessary to collect 2 kilograms of chamomile flowers to obtain 1 gram of oil. Chamomile oil contains many substances beneficial to human health:

- alcohols;

- acids;

- flavonoids;

— vitamins of groups C, D, B;

- coumarins and many others.

Each of the components has its own function, which is used in medicinal purposes, for the creation of cosmetic or perfumery products, aromatherapy.

Beneficial properties of chamomile oil and use in home medicine

Making essential oil from chamomile began in the 15th century. The color of this oil should be dark blue. In those days it was a kind of antibiotic. As the butter spoils, it first turns dark green and then chocolate. The shelf life of chamomile essential oil is about 5 years. The smell of the oil is very different from the aroma of the flower itself. It is very persistent, herbaceous-sweet with a fruity aftertaste. It is very difficult to find words to describe all the nuances of this amazing and unique aroma.

People have long used the healing properties of chamomile oil to treat and prevent many diseases and ailments:

— Chamomile essential oil has a calming effect on the human central nervous system. To do this, it is used both internally and in aroma lamps. The drug is a great help for those who suffer from sleep disturbances, fatigue and stress. This is one of the most effective means for getting out of depression, eliminating psychological tension and aggression.

— Chamomile oil has a high regenerating ability. It perfectly heals wounds, burns, eliminates itching and swelling in areas of insect bites;

— Chamomile oil helps perfectly with various kinds inflammations that occur in oral cavity person. It quickly treats stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. It is added to toothpastes;

— It can be taken orally by those who suffer from lack of appetite and system disorders digestive tract;

- This is an excellent diuretic and disinfectant, which can cure cystitis and diseases of the reproductive system;

- Especially rave reviews chamomile essential oil was obtained from women who used it as a medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases;

— Chamomile oil has been known for a long time as an immunomodulator, and is considered one of the most effective drugs in this area.

It is customary to add it to massage oils and creams. It perfectly relieves fatigue, eliminates painful sensations. Post-traumatic, rheumatoid pain, bursitis and ligament injuries can be relieved and cured by chamomile oil.

Beneficial properties of chamomile oil and use in cosmetology

Due to its soothing and tonic properties, chamomile essential oil is widely used in cosmetology. This applies to both medications and those that can be made at home.

Five drops of oil per bottle of shampoo will be enough to do without rinse aid altogether, and if you add a drop of the product to a portion of the cream that you are used to using, the effect will be amazing. Chamomile oil works especially well on dry, damaged hair and sensitive skin.

Chamomile oil products for hair

For normal hair:

— Jojoba oil – 10 drops;

— Almond oil – 10 drops;

- Oil essential chamomile– 10 drops.

For the base, you can take olive oil or a teaspoon of melted honey. Mix the ingredients, apply to damp hair, wrap and hold the compress for 20-30 minutes. Wash off hot water with detergent.

The components in this mask can be replaced with others. Instead of jojoba oil, take shea butter or lavender. Instead of almond oil, use rose, cedar or thyme oil.

For dry hair and split ends:

— Lavender oil – 15 drops;

— Chamomile oil – 5 drops.

Basis - . To achieve best effect, add vitamin E, which can be bought at any pharmacy. There are a number of substitutes for the main component - castor oil, burdock oil. It is advisable that the product applied to the hair be warm.

Treatment of dandruff and seborrhea:

For the product you need: chamomile, lemon, geranium or rosemary oil. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add 5 drops of chamomile oil, and 10 drops of geranium oil. Rub the composition into the scalp, wrap and hold the compress for at least 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. It is advisable to rinse your hair with a decoction of burdock, nettle or birch buds instead of a rinse.

For hair growth:

Add seven drops of chamomile oil to 2 liters of water to rinse your hair after washing. This remedy will help against hair loss, improve hair growth, give shine and a healthy look.

For oily hair:

— Chamomile oil, olive oil – 20 drops each;

- , cedar - 10 drops.

Apply the mixture to a comb and comb your hair along the entire length. You should use the product before washing your hair.

Chamomile oil products for skin

For aging facial skin:

— Wax – 30 g;

— Borax – 2 g;

— Cypress essential oil – 2 drops;

— Bergamot essential oil – 5 drops;

— Chamomile essential oil – 30 drops;

— Water for injections – 50 g.

Mix everything, heat and beat until kefir thick. Divide the mixture into containers and store in the refrigerator. Use as you would a regular cream before bed.

For pimples, acne and scars:

Soak a cloth or piece of cotton wool in chamomile oil and apply to the problem area of ​​the skin. To improve skin color, remove “bruises” under the eyes and give velvety, you should take a piece natural fabric Apply drops of chamomile oil in a checkerboard pattern (2*2 cm) and apply the material to your face. The mask should be applied to steamed skin - after a bath or shower. Keep the product on your face for at least 20 minutes.

For oily skin and for acne:

Take a glass of boiled water and cool it. Add 5 drops of chamomile oil. Pour the product into molds and freeze. Rub with a cube chamomile ice face and body. Do this procedure instead of morning wash.

Chamomile oil - how to prepare at home

To prepare the composition, you need to take chamomile flowers. It grows in the field, it is a plant with small flowers and elastic branches with leaves similar to spruce needles. The plant with large flowers is a cultivated variety that can be used to make oil, but healing properties he has less.

Place the flowers in a container to the top, pour in olive or corn oil that has been boiled and cooled to room temperature. Cover the container with a cloth and put it in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the infusion and remove the oil to a cool, dark place.

Homemade chamomile oil is no different in its beneficial properties from that purchased at the pharmacy.

This remedy will help you avoid unnecessary expenses, because the price of natural chamomile oil sold in pharmacies is not low. By using chamomile essential oil, prepared at home, for medical or cosmetic treatments, you will feel beauty and health returning to you.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile essential oil

Chamomile oil cannot cause serious harm to health. It is advisable not to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, allergy sufferers should do a skin test before using chamomile oil products. Apply a drop of the product to your wrist and wait a few minutes. If redness and itching do not appear, you can safely use chamomile oil in cosmetic procedures and for treatment.

11 January 2014, 15:39

Chamomile delights the eye with its unsurpassed tenderness and light, slightly perceptible aroma. The inflorescence extract is considered to be a potion of youth and feeling great. Essential oils are made from dried flowers. Chamomile oil properties and uses interesting topic, embracing various areas applications.

Chamomile plant description

The culture is annual herbaceous plant, belongs to the aster family, can reach 40 cm in height. The foliage is excised, the stems branch. Flowering lasts from late spring to late summer. The grass has solitary flowers, appearing on the tops of the stems.

The plant has a light but well-defined aroma. In addition to the usual pharmacy variety, there are other varieties that are not used in medicine. It is the bright aroma that distinguishes medicinal grade from other types of culture. The plant contains quite a lot of active components, thanks to which it received wide application in perfumery, cosmetology. Shampoos, lotions, creams, and balms are made from chamomile. Culture occupies a special place in the manufacture of children's cosmetic products. The plant is also used in hair coloring, which gives light shades of hair a beautiful golden tint.

Educational! To all the listed areas of application we can add the food and agricultural industries. In the first case, it is possible to use the herb in the production of certain types of alcohol. In the second, the crop is added to livestock feed and used in the fight against certain insects and pests.

Chamomile oil beneficial properties

Thanks to its constituent components, the oil extract has incredible benefits:

  1. It has calming characteristics: it relieves feelings of fear, anxiety, emotional stress, and gives a feeling of peace. Having a relaxing property, it helps combat lack of sleep and gives the brain rest.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. Etherol can accelerate the healing of such skin lesions such as: ulcers, abscesses, purulent wounds, burns. It also helps in the treatment of dermatitis, herpes, rosacea, psoriasis, acne, and allergies. Cleanses and nourishes dry, flaking-prone skin, relieves puffiness, and increases elasticity.
  3. Renders therapeutic effect on the human body. Saves from muscle problems lumbar pain, conditioned nervous tension. Eliminates menstrual, neurological, headaches, as well as toothache. Has the ability to restore the menstrual cycle, relieve negative consequences menopause and PMS.
  4. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The substance has therapeutic effect for exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting and other diseases.
  5. Renders positive influence for the treatment of the genitourinary system, liver diseases, even such as jaundice.
  6. It has the ability to resist pathogenic microbes by stimulating the production of immune cells.

Advice! For healthy good sleep carry out aromatherapy using oil solution. A special lamp is heated, a solution with water is added in a 1:1 ratio. When heated, particles of the solution will evaporate, filling the room with an intoxicating aroma.

Composition of chamomile essential oil

Etherol is produced by industrial evaporation of dried inflorescences. To obtain one liter of extract you will need to process about 200 kg of dried flowers. Ready drug has a bluish tint, but the color can vary depending on storage conditions, ranging from marsh to chestnut. The structure of the substance is thick with a tart herbaceous aroma, light notes of hay, tobacco, and spices.

The time of collection of raw materials and the phase of plant formation directly affect the composition of the final product. The oil contains a sufficient amount of bisabolol and chamazulene. These components have moderating, anti-inflammatory, and relaxing properties. It is thanks to them that the product is often used in the production of hypoallergenic cosmetics for children. In addition, the extract acts as an antiseptic, tonic, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and exhibits analgesic properties.

Types of Chamomile Essential Oil

Oil concentrate can be different, because it can be obtained from several types of crops. Particularly precious is the etherol made from Roman chamomile flowers. By appearance the plant is similar to wild chrysanthemum, the growing environment is considered to be France, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain. Quite often the plant is called “English chamomile”. This is due to the fact that England was previously a major manufacturer of hoods.

The next most valuable is the Moroccan chamomile extract. The birthplace of the culture is the northwestern part of Africa, bred this type in Israel, Spain. The Moroccan species began to be used not so long ago for the purpose of obtaining essential oils, so the product is not yet widespread enough.

The most common extract is based on medicinal chamomile. Sometimes the name “German” or “blue” is found. This species is common in Western Asia, Russia, and Europe. Breeders also grow crops on the territory North America, Australia. This particular type is on the shelves of domestic pharmacies and stores.

For your information! Despite the abundance of recipes self-cooking etherol, the amount of useful components in home remedies is much lower.

Using chamomile oil at home

The extract can be used for various diseases. For example: bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, ARVI, lack of sleep, stress, melancholy, various dermatological rashes (dermatitis, ulcers, burns, herpes, allergic urticaria, etc.), PMS, intestinal colic, toxicosis during pregnancy.

Due to its rapid anti-inflammatory effect, the product is especially popular in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, as well as in products for intimate hygiene.

In everyday life, the hood can be used in the following ways:

  1. Hot inhalations. Pour 2 liters of liquid into a heat-resistant container (temperature 85 degrees), add 3 drops of concentrate. They bow their heads over the vessel, cover themselves with a towel, and deeply inhale the vapors of the liquid. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cold inhalations. To carry out cold inhalations, apply a little oil solution to a napkin and deeply inhale the healing fumes. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. You can also inhale the vapor directly from the container with the concentrate. To do this, place the bottle at a distance of 5 cm from the nose.
  3. Aroma makers. For manipulation you will need an aroma lamp. A flat candle is placed in a special hole in the device, and the recess is filled with water. To achieve therapeutic effect, add etherol to the water at the rate of 10 drops per 15 square meters of room. When the lamp body is heated, the mixture will begin to evaporate, filling the room with the fragrance of medicinal compounds.
  4. Aroma pendants. Jewelry is a type of cold inhalation. Clay (or ceramic) medallions have a special recess into which a little extract is added. Regularly wearing such jewelry protects the body from viruses and bacteria. Know! In order to increase the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a little tea tree extract to the aroma pendant.
  5. Therapeutic baths. Before taking a bath, a glass sea ​​salt flavored with 10 drops of concentrate, dissolved in water.
  6. Preparation of mixtures for lightening age spots. For the procedure, prepare a mixture: 5 g of “Extra” salt is mixed with 5 drops of chamomile oil, 3 drops of lime, 8 drops of wheat germ oil. The resulting composition is applied to areas of pigmentation using cotton swab. It is important to comply spot application, avoiding contact of the product on light areas of the skin.
  7. Enrichment of cosmetics. The extract can be added to shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, balms, creams, lotions and hair tonics, and intimate hygiene products. When adding the product, calculate the amount based on the formula: 5 drops of oil per 5 ml of product.
  8. Treatment of panaritium. Panaritium is called acute suppuration of the nail bed. To receive medicine Mix 5 drops of St. John's wort oil with 5 drops of chamomile essential oil. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and apply it to the affected nail. The applications last for several hours.

Chamomile oil in folk medicine

The culture is considered the most famous plant in folk medicine. Its popularity is due to the many positive functions of culture on the human body. Basic medicinal properties based on the essential concentrate contained in the inflorescences.

In cosmetology

The product gained maximum popularity in cosmetology. Based on experience, cosmetologists assure that procedures with the addition of extracts have a soothing, cleansing, whitening, healing, renewing, smoothing effect on the skin. Products based on chamomile ether are considered extremely useful for thin, tired, dry skin that has lost its elasticity.

It is also necessary to use the extract for those with problematic skin prone to rashes. Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, the use of such products helps to cope with inflammatory processes, combat the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

Know! Chamomile extract helps tighten pores, cleanses blackheads, eliminates redness, evens out and improves the natural tone of the face.

In gynecology

Chamomile essential oil helps relieve inflammation and helps resist the development of pathogenic flora mucous membranes of the female genital organs. The extract is used during menopause and for menstrual irregularities. Etherol can be used for douching, bathing, and massage.

For infections and inflammations

It is recommended to douche: prepare a solution: 5 drops of extract, half a teaspoon of soda diluted in a glass of water. The manipulation is carried out at night, 3 times a week. Used for the treatment of erosion, wound healing and scars. medicinal tampons. A teaspoon of sea buckthorn extract is combined with a large number ether. A hygienic tampon is impregnated with the resulting composition, inserted into the vagina, and left overnight.

For oncology

Not long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that culture has truly valuable substance– apigenin. This component provokes weakening cancer cells, thereby making them more susceptible to chemotherapy treatment. The anti-inflammatory properties of the component have a positive effect on the treatment of prostatitis. Prevents the degeneration of benign disease cells and the development of prostate cancer.

For a cold

Acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are the most common ailments that affect adults and children. Diseases are caused by hundreds of bacteria and viruses. Initially, a cold may seem very harmless disease, but can actually cause a lot of serious complications. It is for this reason that it is important to get rid of the disease on early stage development of the disease, do not neglect preventive methods.

The most affordable, effective way to fight a cold is aromatherapy. Medical research show that the use of oils reduces the likelihood of disease manifestation by almost 80%.

Remember! For treatment and prevention, one or multicomponent compositions of extracts can be used. The main thing is that the additional components also have restorative, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Inhalation with chamomile against colds

Inhalation is recognized as the most effective home remedy for getting rid of colds. When making a solution, 10 drops of ether are diluted in 500 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture can be poured into a special inhaler or a small container. You need to breathe the healing steam for 15-20 minutes, taking as deep breaths as possible.

Gargling Solution

To obtain a solution, add 5 drops of ethereal extract to a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly. Rinsing can be done up to 5 times a day.

Self-medication is allowed for 3 days. If after the specified period the cold does not subside or relief does not come, you must seek medical help. qualified help to the doctors. Leave chamomile recipes as additional component treatment.

Chamomile oil for face, hair, feet

For facial skin care

The extract helps soothe sensitive skin prone to inflammation and copes well with the complete care of dry, mature skin. It also quickly eliminates inflammation, scabies, allergic manifestations. Having healing properties, etherol helps improve the condition skin, rejuvenates, restores smoothness and elasticity.

Compresses for the skin around the eyes

To obtain the drug, the extract of the culture and jojoba are mixed in the same ratio. Mixes well and heats up. The warm mixture is applied to the area around the eyes. Such compresses help moisturize and tighten the eyelid.

Getting rid of acne

To get rid of acne and herpes, the extract is used in concentrated form. They directly cover the site of inflammation.

Scrub for sensitive skin

To prepare the scrub, mix a tablespoon of candied honey, a small amount of wheat germ oil, lavender extract, and chamomile etherol. The mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Important! You can make your work easier by purchasing factory-made facial care products based on chamomile extract. But the problem is that most manufacturers, in order to save money, use a synthetic analogue instead natural oil. Such products will not bring the expected effect from use.

For hair care

Oil extractor is perfect for daily care for hair. The component gives them a healthy natural shine. Dried, damaged ends will be restored, become moisturized, and the issue of hair cutting will disappear. Systematic use of the extract will make the hair lightening process easier and more effective.

Nourishing hair mask

2 drops of ether are mixed with a tablespoon of burdock oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length, avoiding excessive application to the roots. Leave the product for one hour, then rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for hair growth and strengthening

Beat egg yolk (1 pc), add a tablespoon of heated olive oil, 2 drops of extract. The prepared composition is applied to wet hair, leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mask for oily hair

10 drops of sage are mixed with 10 drops of lavender and chamomile extract, 50g apple cider vinegar, 250g water. The product is applied to the entire length of the hair. When used systematically, it eliminates oily hair problems and eliminates hair loss.

For your information! If you don’t have time to prepare and apply masks, you can add a small amount of extract to a portion of shampoo before washing your hair.

For foot skin care

Etherol is used for foot massage to get rid of pain, heaviness, and fatigue in the legs. The oil also helps in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, relieves dryness and cracks. Usually the extract is mixed with a neutral oil that does not have a strong aroma.

The culture extract is used to massage aching, tired legs. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves muscle spasms.

Hot bath for tired legs

Combine a little chamomile, mint, lavender ether, 50 grams of sea salt. The mixture is poured into two liters hot water. Such a bath relieves tension, relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue at the end of a hard day at work.

Blend against cracks and rough skin

The composition is prepared from a tablespoon base oil(olive, almond, jojoba) and a small amount of one or more essential concentrates (chamomile, lemon, eucalyptus, sage). Using the prepared mixture, perform a foot massage, after which cotton socks are put on for 2 hours.

Educational! It is also possible in nourishing cream add a little chamomile and lavender elixir. Systematic use of this cream will make the cracks disappear forever.

Using chamomile oil internally

In case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take the oil extract internally, combining the product with jam, lemon juice, and honey. For one teaspoon additional product add a drop of ether, consume before meals, washed down with compote, tea or fruit juice. The reception is repeated twice a day.

Contraindications for chamomile oil

Experts in the field of homeopathy do not recommend combining the use of the concentrate with taking homeopathic remedies, because etherol can suppress the properties of most substances. The product cannot be used on early stages pregnancy (first trimester). The prohibition is associated with the drug’s ability to cause contraction of the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage.

Remember! Before using the hood, you should test for an allergic reaction, because the drug can cause individual intolerance.

Where to buy, price

The cost of the product directly depends on the place of manufacture, the quality of raw materials, and the region of sale. The most affordable is etherol diluted with a base oil. For example, in Krasnoyarsk, 50 ml of the product costs 46 rubles, in Moscow – from 48 rubles, in Yekaterinburg – from 46 rubles.

Pure concentrate costs an order of magnitude more. The cost of a 10 ml bottle can vary from 400 to 700 rubles. Online stores offer medicinal composition at exorbitant prices. So, for a pure extract the price tag ranges from 1,400 to 4,500 rubles, and for a diluted extract - from 50 to 400 rubles.

Chamomile is a delicate and elegant plant, vaguely reminiscent of the sun in shape: a golden-yellow core and snow-white ray petals. When you look at this simple flower, your soul becomes lighter, you involuntarily feel a surge of inner warmth. In addition to the image that has been loved since childhood, this plant has a large number of useful properties. Almost every representative of the fair sex will probably have a product containing chamomile extract or oil in her medicine cabinet or cosmetic bag.

Since ancient times, people have deservedly appreciated the amazing healing properties of chamomile. The Latin theologian Walafrid Strabo described in detail the medicinal properties of this plant back in 827:

“A lot of praise is given to anthemia, that is, chamomile

Wise Asclepius; its hamameloy or hamomilla

We call...

Pliny is a witness that if you take it

For forty days and a day take

Her twice with a couple of wines, definitely

With thin and white,

Little by little, with urine, it will cleanse the entire spleen

Treats growths near the eyes if it is finely excised

And then they apply; so he will cleanse dirty wounds

Head pain that, suffering, burns in a feverish

The heat can soften it.

Ulcers are driven away with fresh chamomile, boiled

In olive oil

Boil chamomile in oil for a fever patient

You will warm you up, drive away the chills, and often

And all the fever;

This ointment is used to cleanse the hypochondrium from swelling.”

Valafrid Strabo. Salerno Code of Health, 827

Nowadays, chamomile oil is sold in every pharmacy. Its acquisition will be profitable and useful, despite the relatively high cost. The reason for this lies in the fact that to prepare just one gram of oil, two kilograms of chamomile flowers are required, and for a kilogram, respectively, 2 tons of raw materials. But it is chamomile oil that contains such important component, like chamazulene. Chamomile tincture or decoction does not contain this substance. Chamazulene has unique anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, accelerates tissue regeneration. In addition, chamomile oil contains the following components:

  • carotenoids;
  • bisabolol;
  • bisabolol oxides A, B;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • micro- and macroelements (potassium, magnesium, zinc and many others).

It should be noted that chamomile essential oil is much more concentrated than the base oil, therefore the aroma and healing properties of the base version are much weaker. It is important not to confuse these two types of oil; we are considering essential oil.

Therapeutic qualities of chamomile essential oil:

  • bactericidal;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • activating blood circulation;
  • expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • cleansing;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative;
  • calming.

The use of chamomile oil in hair care

The most in a simple way The use of chamomile oil in hair care is to add a few drops to regular shampoo, with the only difference being that you can leave this composition on your hair longer, giving you the opportunity useful components let the oils soak in thoroughly and then rinse off the shampoo warm water. It is important to comply correct proportions: no more than two to three drops of ether per tablespoon of shampoo.

Table: nourishing and restorative hair masks using chamomile oil

MaskIngredientsPreparation and useResult
  • 3 tablespoons castor oil;
  • vitamin E ampoule;
  • 5 drops of lavender oil;
  • 3 drops of chamomile oil.
Mix all ingredients in preheated castor oil. Apply the mixture, evenly distributing it along the entire length of the hair, thoroughly rub into the roots. After half an hour, wash off with warm water and shampoo.Strengthens hair follicles and stimulates their growth.
  • 3 tablespoons of burdock oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile oil;
  • 5 drops of cinnamon oil.
To improve the effect burdock oil you need to heat it in a water bath, then add essential oils and mix. The mixture is applied for 1 hour, then washed off with warm water and shampoo.Restores hair structure, makes it smoother and more manageable.
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 5 drops of chamomile oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.
Beat the yolk, add and mix all the ingredients, apply along the entire length of the hair for half an hour. This mask should never be washed off with hot water; you should use lukewarm water to avoid curdling the yolk.Nourishes hair along the entire length, gives it elasticity and shine.
Hair growth stimulating
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder;
  • 2 tablespoons castor oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile oil.
Preheat castor oil before adding other ingredients. Apply to hair roots. It is better to keep this mask for no more than 15 minutes to avoid scalp burns. Wash off with shampoo and warm water.Prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Since childhood I have known about amazing properties daisies. By the age of ten, I could already boast of long brown hair. And all because my mother made me a hair mask from honey and chamomile oil, then washed it off with warm water and finally rinsed it with a decoction from the same plant. After drying, the hair became soft, and most interestingly, with a natural, slightly golden, beautiful tint. This effect became especially noticeable in the light sun rays. I still make this mask, but on my own and with the addition of other ingredients, such as castor and burdock oil. This option is suitable for all those who want to slightly change their image, without using hair dye with chemicals. active ingredients which may negatively affect their condition.

The use of chamomile oil in cosmetology for skin care

Chamomile oil has beneficial influence on the condition of the skin, nourishes it, accelerates the healing of wounds and scratches, and soothes itching. You can add 10 drops of this oil before taking a bath, and in addition to a few drops of lavender ether, the procedure will also have a relaxing, calming effect. Before use, you need to mix the oils with three tablespoons of sea salt, and then add the resulting mixture to the water.

You can also use a body scrub homemade. Let's look at a few recipes:

  • coffee-nut scrub. To prepare it you will need: 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, chopped walnuts (you can take 3-4 pieces), 2 drops of cedar and cinnamon ether, 5 drops of chamomile oil, 2 tablespoons coconut oil. All components must be thoroughly mixed, and with circular stroking movements, rub this mixture into problem areas of the body that are prone to cellulite or the formation of the so-called orange peel;
  • sea ​​salt scrub. Pour 3 tablespoons of fine sea salt into a container, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 drops of chamomile essential oil, the method of application is the same as in the previous paragraph;
  • strawberry scrub Mash a glass of strawberries with a tablespoon of sugar (if you have brown cane sugar, it is better to use it), add 2 teaspoons of almond oil and 5 drops of chamomile essential oil to the resulting mixture;
  • chocolate honey scrub. Melt 50 grams of dark chocolate, add 2 tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of fine salt, preferably sea salt, 3 drops each of chamomile and cocoa essential oil.

I especially like the strawberry scrub. But unfortunately, it is possible to do it only in the summer, when there are plenty of strawberries on the market stalls. During the off-season, this berry is much more expensive, and doubts arise as to how natural it is, whether the manufacturer used nitrates. It is better to wait for the summer season and enjoy the full effectiveness of this wonderful dessert for the body.

Using these simple recipes approximately once a week on an ongoing basis, you may notice significant improvement body condition after just a few uses, and in combination with in a healthy way life and proper nutrition visible positive effect will be achieved even faster.

Facial care

You can enrich the simplest nourishing face cream with chamomile oil by adding 2 drops per 10 grams of cream (2/3 tablespoon). The oil will refresh dry and sensitive skin and add elasticity, while oily and problematic skin prone to rashes or acne will help heal and accelerate regenerative functions.

Table: DIY preparation of facial cosmetics with chamomile essential oil

CosmeticsIngredientsPreparation and useResult
Nourishing maskMedium sized cucumber
3-4 drops of chamomile essential oil.
Finely grate the cucumber, add essential oil to the resulting mixture, mix, distribute evenly, and after 15 minutes rinse with water.Nutrient components saturate the skin, moisturize it, make it soft and beautiful.
Anti-inflammatory mask1 teaspoon almond oil, lemon juice and sour cream 20%, 2 drops of geranium oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil.Preheat almond oil, add lemon juice, sour cream and ethers, apply the mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.The mask has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
Anti-pigmentation mixture5 grams of salt, 8 drops of wheat germ oil, 4 drops of chamomile essential oil, 3 drops of lime juice.All ingredients are mixed to form a homogeneous consistency and applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin.Over time age spots and freckles become less noticeable and significantly lighter.
Anti-aging cream5.5 tablespoons of water, 4 tablespoons of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of borax, 6 drops of chamomile oil, 1 drop of lavender essential oil.Melt the wax without bringing it to a boil, mix with borax, water and ethers, heat it again, beat the resulting mass and put it in a cold place for three hours.Activates the regenerating functions of the skin, it becomes smoother and more elastic.
Regenerating scrub mask2 teaspoons wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 drop lavender oil, 1 drop chamomile essential oil.Heat the wheat germ oil, add a spoonful of candied honey and ethers, mix. Rub the resulting mass into the skin for about 5 minutes. Can be used no more than 3 times a month.Cleanses, moisturizes, accelerates skin regeneration processes.

Chamomile oil for breasts, buttocks and thighs

Essential oil increases skin elasticity and eliminates stretch marks. It is especially advisable and effective to use it when massaging the chest and buttocks. The middle-aged female half of humanity knows firsthand how difficult it can be to keep these areas aesthetically pleasing, fit and elastic. Age-related changes are inevitable, but with a competent approach to cosmetic procedures and regular care You can prolong the youth of these parts of the body as much as possible. A particularly noticeable effect is achieved when the oil is applied along special massage lines to steamed skin after taking a bath. It is important to observe the proportions: for 30 grams of base oil you need to add 5 drops of essential oil. Such massage treatments It is recommended to do it at least 2 times a week, and the skin will remain velvety, smooth and elastic long time. Also, when taking a bath, you can use recipes for scrubs with the addition of chamomile oil, the preparation methods for which are described in the section above.

How and why chamomile oil is used internally

Chamomile oil helps with gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, colitis, ulcers, etc. This is due to the presence of chemical composition ester of a component such as bisabolol. For oral administration, it is recommended to use a mixture of 2 drops of oil and a teaspoon of honey. You can also do inhalations using this oil in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with severe cough and bronchitis. It is permissible to add no more than two drops per inhalation session for 5 minutes. You can use chamomile oil when gargling: add 2 drops of ether to a glass of water. Chamomile oil also has a strong calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, therefore it is often used for insomnia, stress, increased irritability, depressive states and a tendency toward apathy.

Contraindications and possible harm to the body

Before use, it is recommended to conduct a test to determine the presence allergic reaction chamomile oil, just drop a little of the substance on the skin. In case of redness, itching or swelling, it should be excluded from further use. This reaction indicates that the body is intolerant to some of the components contained in the oil. The instructions for use also indicate that chamomile oil is contraindicated for use by pregnant women. It is important to note that it should also not be used in conjunction with homeopathic remedies.



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