Summer vacation. Advice from pediatricians

Marina Pecheritsa
Consultation for parents “Tips for the summer”

Consultation for parents

Summer is a good time to improve your overall health next year and help the body adequately cope with colds in autumn and winter. To do this, you just need to follow simple recommendations.

A properly organized daily routine, including enough time for sleep and rest, is an invaluable tool not only for strengthening the child’s health. To wake up children's body, the morning should begin with exercise. During morning exercises It is important to monitor your mood, since cheerfulness and good mood promotes détente nervous system, increases and provides healing effect. Gymnastics will help you find emotional state and a good mood for the whole day.

Summer– the most suitable time for hardening. To begin with, you can simply walk in the dew in the morning or wipe yourself with a damp towel. Then connect contrast shower and dousing. The only thing is that the transition to a larger temperature difference must first be smooth, gradually increasing the difference.

The very presence of a child in the open air has a general strengthening and health-improving value. You need to walk in any weather. Walking barefoot is one of the oldest hardening techniques, widely practiced today in many countries. In addition, the muscles of the foot are trained, protecting against flat feet. It is recommended to walk barefoot on mown grass, fallen pine needles in the forest, etc. It is not scary if children have to run through damp grass, puddles, or even get caught in warm summer rain while walking - this will further increase the stability of their body. Sleeping in the fresh air or at home with the window open is very useful.

Prolonged exposure to the sun not only gives a beautiful tan, but also promotes the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for growth and absorption of calcium. It is best to sunbathe while playing on the move. Light-air baths in combination with sunbathing and water procedures have a strengthening effect on the child’s body. Light-air baths should be completed with water procedures.

It is very important to keep track drinking regime child. After all, water is the most important component of the body. Offer your baby something to drink more often. It is best to use boiled or bottled water without gas. You can offer an unsweetened rosehip decoction or compote, but any drink must be warm. Let children drink as much as they require.

Planning daily life your child from the point of view of promoting health, try not to overload him. Increased loads often exhausted protective forces body and weaken the immune system. For small children - preschool age, it is very important to move a lot, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, communicate and play with peers. But TV, computer, and electronic games should be present in a child’s life to a minimum.

Games with parents is an integral part of children's development. This is both health promotion and good mood. For a preschooler, “game - the only way free yourself from the role of a child while remaining a child.” For an adult - “the only way to become a child again while remaining an adult”.

What can you play with your child that will bring joy to you and your children? Choose games that are accessible to your child. Keep in mind that children will quickly lose interest if they do not experience the joy of victory. Remember the games you played as a child, teach these games to your child. This will bring great pleasure to both him and you; childhood memories are very pleasant! Ask your child to introduce you to the games he plays with his peers in kindergarten. Be an attentive listener, because these are the most valuable minutes of your communication. Except good mood Games help improve family relationships, bring children closer together and parents.

With judicious use of natural natural factors children for summer are tempered, become healthier, parents You must not miss the period when you can use all natural factors to boost your immunity.

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Summer holidays are the best favorable time when it is necessary to use all available opportunities for the child’s health. Sun, air and water are the most favorable factors for children of any age. The child should stay in the fresh air as long as possible. Walks, games, physical education are the best daily relaxation after academic year, because motor activity in children during the school period it decreases by 50%.

Summer is a time for travel, relaxation, hardening and healing of children. Plan a summer vacation with your children. It is very important that parents the greatest benefit distribute your precious vacation time. In order to prevent psychological discomfort, conflicts, diseases, the child should be prepared in advance for summer holidays. But many questions arise about how best to do this. And here, it seems to us, to a certain extent our advice may be useful to you.

For starters, the kids could use a good night's sleep! It is known that most children do not get 1-1.5 and sometimes even 2 hours of sleep on school days. But childhood neuroses most often develop as a result of systematic lack of sleep.

Keep your child away from the computer as much as possible. or at least reduce its use to hygienically recommended standards (7 minutes - children under 5 years old; 10 minutes - children 6 years old; 15 minutes - primary school students).

Summer holidays are the best time to finally give your child what you have been planning for a long time, but did not have time to do during the school year. There is more time to communicate with the child and conduct joint activities. Read together, share with your child your opinion about what you read. Introduce your child to a family reading culture, enjoy reading yourself, and develop in your children an attitude towards reading as a pleasure. Take turns reading stories to each other or funny stories; Encourage children to read aloud to develop the skill and self-confidence of the ability to retell what they read close to the text. During the summer holidays, you can also influence your child’s interest in learning activities.

To do this:

  • emphasize important role good education in your life;
  • When discussing acquaintances (adults or children), pay attention to the quality and level of their education;
  • emphasize the demand for competent specialists in production;
  • be attentive to your child’s inclinations and interests, promote their development, through them mastering ever wider areas of knowledge;
  • When discussing modern literature with your child, draw his attention to the attractiveness of the image of an educated, independent, independent person making a successful career.

From wide range opportunities, choose those types of summer recreation, entertainment, and activities that will suit your child and you. Consider the children’s tendency to active species rest. Use the holidays to ensure that your child acquires useful life skills (car repair, home improvement and other activities). The joint activities of parents and growing children during the summer holiday can and should become an excellent school of communication and mutual understanding. Summer gives you the opportunity to appreciate increased level of your child’s capabilities, overcome old stereotypes of parent-child relationships, evaluate the child as a possible or already accomplished assistant. Successful work in activities not related to studies can become the most important means prevention of uncertainty, anxiety, low self-esteem.

Holidays are the time of falling in love for the first time. A violent and short-term hobby can be perceived as a big, serious feeling for the rest of your life. Parents are unlikely to be able to protect an “adult” child from mistakes, but they are able to make the child stronger by supporting him. To be indignant and sad means it is “normal” to experience disappointment. It is important to support the child by showing empathy. Let your child feel like an adult and independent. Independent decision-making and responsibility for it are an integral part of growing up. Use a strategy of accepting, supportive behavior. Your child’s friend is a great opportunity to see what his needs are not being met in communication with you. No matter how strange these needs may seem to you, your son or daughter needs them for some reason, so you should not criticize them sharply. The effect may be the opposite.

It is not recommended to allow significant deviations in the daily routine: The times of waking up and going to bed should be approximately the same as during the school year, or changed within reasonable limits. You should pay attention to the child’s nutrition. The diet should be balanced and contain sufficient quantity proteins and carbohydrates, and these are dairy and meat products, fresh fruit, berries and vegetables. Summer is the most favorable period to replenish the lack of vitamins.

You can identify a child in summer health facility , at least for one month. Children with chronic diseases It is useful to improve your health in a sanatorium. Parents should take advantage of the holidays to consult with doctors and carry out a course of preventive procedures.

The sun is warmth, good mood, health. However, excessive exposure sunlight may have negative effect: Sunburn, disorders of the cardiovascular system, breathing, lethargy, irritability, dizziness as a result of thermal and sunstroke. Children should not deliberately sunbathe in the open sun. To avoid overheating, you need to cover your head with a hat, cap, or Panama hat. The air temperature in the shade should be 20-22oC. You should not take sunbathing on an empty stomach or earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating. Best time– from 9 to 11 o’clock and from 16 to 18 o’clock. In the first 2-3 days, stay under open sun rays should be no more than 5 minutes, then the time is gradually increased. Duration sunbathing strictly individual: depends on age, skin type, condition of the child. It is advisable that children do not lie in the open sun, but play, run, sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the shade. Sunbathing contraindicated for children with elevated temperature body, malaise, headache. It is important to know that taking certain medicines before relaxing on the beach can cause sunburn. These include sulfonamide drugs. Taking these and some other medications increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun several times.

On walks you need to take with you mineral, bottled or boiled chilled (but not ice) water, which you should drink in small quantities in small sips, as well as juices or fruits. On hot days, children should wear clothes only made from natural fabrics. You should avoid clothing made from synthetic fabrics that are poorly breathable. Cotton and linen items are suitable for good protection; it is better to give preference to colored fabrics (red, green, yellow, orange, blue) rather than plain light ones. Light-colored clothing (especially white) transmits the sun's rays to a greater extent.

When swimming in a river or lake, several factors affect a child external environment – air and water temperature, wind, sun. In addition, when bathing, the child moves actively, almost all muscle groups are involved, while the load on the spine and joints is sharply reduced. This type of hardening requires careful supervision by adults. You can swim in an open body of water from the age of 3-4, but only after completing a course of preparatory procedures (rubbing, dousing, showering). Sea bathing has an exceptionally strong effect on the child’s body (water has a complex chemical composition). Very helpful sea ​​air. Swimming in the sea is allowed for children from two years of age. These procedures can be started when the water temperature is not lower than 20o C. During the first baths, the child essentially only takes a dip, being in the water for 20-30 seconds. Gradually, the duration of stay in the water increases for preschoolers to 3-5 minutes, for schoolchildren - to 8-10 minutes. It is necessary to closely monitor the child’s health and his reaction to bathing. If you are relaxing in the village or at the dacha, let your child run barefoot in the dew in the morning. Short term impact cold water on the feet leads to the fact that the vessels of the feet and at the same time the vessels of the nasopharyngeal region narrow and then sharply expand. As a result, blood circulation in the nasopharynx area increases, creating a reliable barrier to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In addition, walking on dew is considered to prevent flat feet.

During the holidays, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the child. Before you let him ride a bicycle or roller skates, make sure that the equipment is in good working order and that he knows how to use it well. Try to do everything in your power to protect your child from injury.

To make it easier to return to school life, start preparing for the new school year in July: buy school writing materials, a backpack, necessary clothes, shoes, and a tracksuit. This needs to be done in advance so as not to be nervous last days holidays Before the start of the new school year in the last days of August, advise your child to clean up his desk, bookshelves, and closet.

Compliance with the above is quite simple recommendations will protect summer holidays, preserve and strengthen children's health.

Splashes of water turn golden in the sun, and a child in an inflatable ring splashes merrily in the salty water. sea ​​water... Or: the toddler’s nose and cheeks are stained with melted ice cream, the ice cream is about to drip onto a T-shirt or dress, but the child continues to lick the treat without paying any attention to it... These are ordinary episodes of a happy summer for children and their mothers and fathers. And I want the coming summer to be rich in such joyful moments, so that the sonorous laughter of children in the midst of summer sounds more often and lifts the spirits of parents. But it happens that the hot months are overshadowed by a cold, intestinal disorders and other troubles. He talks about how not to get sick in the summer, how much ice cream you can eat and how to swim Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatrics Valery Ivanovich Zhiltsov.

- What diseases are children most often susceptible to in the summer?

In the summer, enteroviral infections are more common, affecting the upper respiratory tract, or intestines. Typically, the disease begins with high temperature 38-40 degrees. The so-called summer flu is also common, which is characterized by headache, dizziness, vomiting, redness skin, stool disorders.

- What is prevention? colds during hot months?

As with any viral infections it is not advisable to be in places large cluster people. Enteroviral infections often affects children's groups, so rooms should be ventilated more often. In the summer, the child’s menu should include more vegetables and fruits, and not multivitamin tablets.

- All children love ice cream. How can you allow them such a delicacy without harm to their health?

Now they have even banned eating ice cream in children's holiday camps, because many outbreaks are being recorded intestinal diseases. If you want to treat yourself and your child to this sweetness, buy ice cream only in stores and specialized kiosks. Avoid buying second hand ice cream on the beach. The treat should not be melted and the packaging should not be damaged. If you make ice cream at home in an ice cream maker, use only high-quality, fresh food, follow the preparation and storage modes.

To avoid a sore throat, ice cream should be served not from the freezer, but melted, at room temperature. Many children are registered in the hospital with pharyngitis and laryngitis. And for such children abrupt change temperatures: the temperature in the oral cavity is average, and you introduce cold, it will worsen tonsillitis. You need to be careful with ice cream!

- Why are drafts dangerous?

Naturally, if you ventilate the room, take care of the child. It’s not so much drafts that are dangerous for children now, but climate control systems. Air conditioners that create temperature changes often lead to illness. It is not advisable for a child to come from a hot street into a room where the air conditioner is running. A difference of one or two degrees is acceptable, but when the temperature difference is five degrees, you can get a fever.

Summer is vacation time. How can you ensure that a holiday at sea helps improve your child’s health and does not result in any illness?

Again, the danger is the difference in temperature. At the beginning of summer, when the water is not warmed up and the air temperature is high, it is better to refrain from swimming. We need to prepare for the summer holidays - harden the children, immunize them. The child will bathe for a long time with pleasure, but parents must exercise prudence. Sometimes mom and dad sunbathe on the beach, and the child blue lips sits in the water... But this is not healing, but stress for the body! You can get pneumonia. Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not get drunk on sea water or river water, this may lead to serious intestinal infection. During the hot period from 11.00 to 16.00, children, especially small ones, should not be on the beach. Even under awnings and umbrellas, since at this time solar radioactivity is high, and you can get burns instead of tanning.

- What medicines would you advise mothers to take with them in their first aid kit?

First of all, it is antipyretic. Also antiviral drugs, antiallergic, something for cough - expectorant syrups. Under no circumstances should you attempt treatment on your own. You don’t need to take antibiotics with you; you don’t need to give them to your child without a doctor’s prescription.

- There are a lot of sun protection products on sale now. Are they suitable for children?

The pediatricians and I did not discuss these issues. It may make sense to use these products for older children, but for babies they may cause more harm. It is unknown what the skin reaction to the cream will be; some components may cause atopic dermatitis. Tanning should be natural; sunburn should not be allowed. Tanning also strengthens the body, but moderation is important in everything. Why let it get burned? Sunburn, along with hypothermia, is stress for the body.

- Summer is the time for abrasions and broken knees for almost all fidgets. How and what to properly treat wounds with?

Each wound must be treated with an antiseptic - brilliant green, fucarcin or iodine.

- What should you do if you are stung by a wasp?

It is necessary to immediately give the child an antiallergic drug. And treat the bite site with water and vinegar. In some cases, an insect bite can even lead to allergic shock.

For children, summer is a long-awaited freedom, and for parents, it is an opportunity to improve their health. In nine months kindergarten or school, the child absorbs a sea of ​​knowledge, but usually moves little, often gets sick, breathes city air and disappears at the computer. Parents want to make the most of warm summer days so that the child’s body can rest and gain strength. Doctors about summer children's recreation they have their own opinion, which they urge parents to listen to.

Advice from pediatricians on how to strike a balance between pleasant and useful so that the summer months benefit your child:

  1. Take a break from studying, your brain needs rest too. Pay attention to those things that you did not have time for during your studies. Ask your child what he would like to do, what to try, what to learn new. He might want to go fishing, hike, learn how to grow flowers, or even grow his own vegetable garden.
  2. It would be nice to change the environment and definitely spend more time in the fresh air: relaxing by the sea, camp, village, dacha. But it should be remembered that it is not advisable for children under 4 years of age to change climate zone, and the optimal period of adaptation to a different climate is a month. It is better to plan your stay in the open sun in the morning before 11.00 or in the evening after 17.00. Sunbathe for no more than 15 minutes and be sure to use sunscreen sun creams with an SPF index of at least 50. When traveling, do not radically change your child’s diet; give preference to fresh and familiar food.
  3. Move as much as possible and less time carried out within the walls of the apartment.
  4. A child’s diet must include fruits, vegetables, berries, and greens. Homemade soups with meat and porridge with a side dish of vegetables are also useful. It is better to give up sausage, sweets (at least limit the amount for avid sweet tooths), and chips. Replace juices and carbonated drinks with plain water, compotes, and fruit drinks. Do not force food, feed according to your appetite.
  5. Walk barefoot more often, for example, at the seaside or in the countryside. This way the child’s foot will be massaged naturally, which normalizes the functioning of internal organs.
  • the child should take a break from contact with many people, from city air, from chlorinated water and household chemicals. In the overwhelming majority of cases, holidays “at the seas” have nothing to do with the health of a frequently ill child, since most harmful factors is preserved, plus public catering and, as a rule, worse living conditions compared to home are added;
  • The ideal rest for a frequently ill child looks like this (every word is important):

summer in the village;

inflatable pool with well water, next to a pile of sand;

dress code - shorts, barefoot;

restriction on the use of soap;

feed only when he screams: “Mom, I’ll eat you!”;

  • dirty naked child jumping from water to sand, begging for food, breathing fresh air and does not come into contact with many people, in 3-4 weeks it restores immunity damaged by city life.



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