Treatment of the trigeminal nerve with herbs. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve with cereals and herbs

Under neuralgia trigeminal nerve refers to a painful disorder of one or more branches facial nerve. Sensations from the face are transmitted to the brain using this nerve. People with this condition experience pain in the face, and some experience pain closer to the ears.

Patients complain of debilitating pain that may continue long time. As a rule, compression of the trigeminal nerve leads to blood vessels, which are located close to each other, the reason may also lie in the loss of protective cover.

The trigeminal nerve is treated in most cases surgically. The only advantage of this treatment is that re-inflammation is impossible after surgery. The painful manifestations of the disease can only be compared to renal colic. It is for this reason that people try to start treatment immediately.

Besides medication solution problems, you can use folk remedies that will help relieve pain and inflammation. Traditional methods are especially relevant in cases where it is not possible to immediately visit a specialist.

The disease occurs as a result of compression of the nerve root by a vessel. As a rule, it is observed in people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, neurosyphilis, and also if there is a tumor of the posterior cranial fossa. And yet, despite this, quite often the cause of neuralgia is unknown, but in such cases it does not appear earlier than 50 years.

Patients are bothered by short attacks of severe pain (they can be compared to a blow electric current) in the cheek, the upper or lower jaw may also hurt; much less often, pain occurs in the eyebrow. For some people, such pain is accompanied by watery eyes, redness and swelling of the skin. Most often, attacks occur in winter. The presence of the disease may be indicated by special “trigger” zones on the face, when touched, sharp pain appears.

Folk remedies for the trigeminal nerve

To treat the trigeminal nerve, traditional medicine uses animal materials and plant origin. Neuralgic diseases are treated with medicinal herbs and plants such as mint, burdock, valerian, laurel, St. John's wort, as well as chamomile, aloe and yarrow, lemon balm and geranium. To relieve active symptoms For neuralgia, herbs must be consumed internally in the form of tinctures; you can also prepare lotions from them.

How to treat the trigeminal nerve with cereals and herbs

Traditional medicine for treatment suggests the following: heat a glass of buckwheat in a frying pan, pour the cereal into a cotton bag and apply to the sore area. The bag is removed when it has completely cooled down. This procedure is carried out twice a day.

In addition, chamomile tea purchased at the pharmacy will not hurt. To prepare tea, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of the herb with boiling water (1 glass). This tea is not drunk, but simply taken warm into the mouth and kept for a while.

They also recommend an infusion of marshmallow, or rather its root. To prepare it you will need 4 teaspoons of root and a glass of boiled water. The root is poured with water (necessarily cooled) and left for at least 8 hours. The finished infusion is used as a compress, which is applied to the sore cheek. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure before bedtime. Place paper on top of the compress and cover with a warm scarf. After an hour and a half, the compress is removed, a warm scarf is put on your head and you go to bed. The procedure lasts for at least a week, during which time the pain should disappear.

Treatment of the trigeminal nerve with an egg

Application this recipe will relieve you from painful attacks for a long time. Egg treatment has repeatedly given positive results.

During an exacerbation of the disease, inflammation and pain can be relieved with heat. One of the simplest but most effective traditional methods Treatment with eggs is recommended. If you have an attack, hard boil an egg, remove the shell and cut it in half. To relieve pain, just apply the egg to the most painful places.

Beets will relieve pain

The beets are grated on a coarse grater. A small envelope is made from the bandage (the bandage is rolled up in several layers), into which the grated beets are placed. Such a convolution is introduced into ear canal on the side where the inflammation appeared. It is recommended that the beet juice remain in the ear canal. Similar effect can be achieved by instilling juice into the ear canal. You can also make lotions from grated horseradish root wrapped in a bandage.

Fir oil

A cotton swab is soaked in oil and then rubbed into the sore spots. This procedure continues about 5-6 times a day. Do not be afraid of redness and swelling of the skin in those places where fir oil was rubbed. After three days, the pain should subside and the skin should accept normal look. To avoid burns, do not rub the oil into the skin too much.

Several ways to relieve pain

Pain from inflammation can be relieved with one of the following remedies.

  1. Rub with black radish juice. Grate the radish, dip a cotton swab into the juice that has been released and rub it into the skin. Black radish juice is excellent for treating trigeminal nerve disease, as well as sciatica.
  2. Use herbal decoctions. For example, you can prepare a decoction from peppermint. To do this, pour a tablespoon of mint into a glass hot water and boil everything for about 10 minutes. The prepared decoction is taken twice a day, 100 ml.
  3. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve with geranium leaves is considered one of the most ancient methods. You will need a few leaves from a houseplant and linen fabric. Place the leaves on a cloth and apply to the sore spot; it is advisable to tie a warm scarf on top of such a bandage. This procedure is repeated three times a day, and do not forget to replace the leaves. After a few hours, the pain symptoms subside.

If you have managed to get rid of pain syndromes with the help of folk remedies, you should not refuse to consult a doctor! It definitely won't do any harm!

The trigeminal nerve is one of a pair of nerves in the cranial region, located on both sides of the face. Its branches diverge to the temple, eye and to the lower and upper jaws. The main function of the trigeminal nerve is to provide sensation to the forehead, eyes, cheeks and lips.

Due to a number of reasons, compression of this nerve can sometimes occur. As a result, a person develops trigeminal neuralgia - trigeminal neuralgia. This is a fairly serious disease, the treatment of which requires not only a long time, but also compliance with many conditions.


Moreover, most often this disease affects women aged fifty to seventy years, although its symptoms also occur in men. The most common symptoms in both sexes are:

  • sudden sharp pain;
  • the nature of the pain resembles an electric shock;
  • a painful attack can last either short - from just a few minutes, or quite a long time - up to several weeks, depending on the stage of the disease;
  • the occurrence of pain is provoked even by a light touch to the face, chewing food, talking, brushing teeth, smiling, cold air;
  • painful sensations spread into the area lower jaw or on the gums, they gradually move to the cheeks and lips, eyes, neck, shoulder;
  • usually an attack is felt only on one side, which is probably why a person most often takes this sharp pain for dental treatment and goes to the dentist to cure a bad tooth, but even tooth extraction does not lead to relief;
  • painful sensations appear in waves, usually after an attack they subside, although sometimes the patient experiences constant pain, atypical for trigeminal neuralgia.

As a rule, patients additionally experience tearing of the eyes and certain areas of the face go numb; in addition, salivation increases, and in advanced cases, involuntary contraction of the facial muscles occurs.

Causes of trigeminal neuralgia

To date, specialists have not been able to determine the unambiguous cause of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, however, doctors have identified very specific factors that may well contribute to the occurrence of of this disease. The following factors may contribute to this disease:

  • severe hypothermia of the facial area - in this case, trigeminal neuralgia can be caused not only by prolonged exposure to frost or wind, but also by quite ordinary washing with cold water;
  • a previous injury to the face: it could be a fall, a blunt blow or a bruise - they can “trigger” the inflammatory process, and, as a result, the person will develop neuralgia;
  • such serious diseases as vascular aneurysm or some oncological pathology at a certain stage they can compress the facial branches of the nerves, thereby causing their inflammation;
  • numerous pathologies in oral cavity may well provoke further spread across the face infectious process: such diseases are considered to be pulpitis and periodontitis, many diseases of the sinuses, etc.
  • meningitis;
  • even a dental malocclusion may well distort or compress the nerve, making it vulnerable to inflammation;
  • multiple sclerosis, which today is an incurable disease;
  • acute form of a disease such as herpes;
  • severe concussion;
  • almost all acute viral and bacterial diseases;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • metabolic disorder in the human body.

The listed reasons are not a complete list of factors that provoke neuralgia: quite often specialists fail to fully establish the true cause of this disease. And sometimes, in order to remove inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, it is enough to cure:

  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • inflammation in the nose;
  • neurosis;
  • work of cerebral vessels.

Treatment methods

Neuralgia can be treated either conservatively or surgically, depending on the course of the disease. Drug treatment involves taking the following drugs:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • painkillers;
  • antidepressants;
  • glucocorticoids.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also carried out in combination with drug therapy, which in many cases can be carried out at home. Sometimes a patient who is prescribed treatment for the trigeminal nerve at home takes and drug blockades, as well as vitamin therapy.

In cases where drug treatment of trigeminal neuralgia at home does not give the expected results, doctors decide to surgical method treatment of neuralgia. One of these ways surgical intervention- through the skin - performed on early stages under local anesthesia.

But even in this case further treatment can be performed at home, since hospitalization is not required for such surgical intervention. The mini-operation consists of the following: the surgeon uses radio waves or certain chemicals through a subcutaneously inserted catheter, it destroys the trigeminal nerve root.

In some severely neglected or difficult cases more serious is prescribed surgery, for example, deleting ganglion. Such operations that involve nerves are now performed in almost all hospitals. Many pathologies are treated in this way, for example, Morton's neuroma, etc.

How to cure trigeminal nerve at home

Complex therapy along with traditional methods, according to experts, it is quite possible to carry out at home, using not only medicines, but also many recipes recommended by traditional medicine. It must be remembered that even independent treatment with herbs and fruits must be agreed upon with a neurologist.

To treat the trigeminal nerve at home with recipes traditional medicine, not only medicinal herbs are used, but also oil from many fruits and seeds of plants. Fir oil helps the most in treating the inflamed trigeminal nerve. Treatment with this remedy involves rubbing it with a swab soaked in oil into the pulsating area - where the inflamed nerve is supposed to be located. The procedure must be repeated several times a day.

In this case, the treated area may become red or swollen: no need to worry, as this goes away in just two to three days. In general, fir oil has excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and it also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

In general, treating neuralgia at home involves the use of the most unexpected recipes. For example, healers recommend treating the trigeminal nerve at home... with an egg, and to relieve a severe neuralgic attack, a freshly hard-boiled egg is used, which must be cut and applied to the sore spot.

Judging by the reviews, a decoction of yarrow helps no less effectively: it not only relieves inflammation, but also generally helps to improve the health of the entire body. The recipe for preparing the tincture is as follows: pour one tablespoon of dried yarrow with a glass of boiling water and leave the resulting decoction for one or two hours. You need to drink the product on an empty stomach, one tablespoon three times a day.

For those who have been diagnosed with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and prescribed conservative treatment, herbalists recommend using willow bark at home. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water into the prepared container, add a teaspoon willow bark and bring to a boil over low heat.

The infusion should be kept covered for fifteen to twenty minutes, then it should be cooled, strained through cheesecloth and drunk one tablespoon three times a day. The effect will not be long in coming, since willow bark has not only an antipyretic, but also a strong analgesic effect.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is characterized by an acute pain attack. Treating it at home means, first of all, alleviating the condition of a patient suffering from painful neuralgia. That is why you need to treat the nerve with those herbs that anesthetize the nerve.

Not bad medicinal plant, which alleviates inflammation during neuralgia is wormwood citvar. A tincture from it is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • one tablespoon of wormwood flowers is added to three hundred milliliters of boiling water; the composition settles for two hours;
  • is strained.

Wormwood is used only for local external use in the form of rubs or compresses. This herb will quickly and effectively relieve inflammation. In some cases, it is also better to use wormwood oil to treat neuralgia.

Helps well with pain and inflammation and such houseplant like geraniums that grow in almost everyone’s home. Geranium leaves applied to the site of pain relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

In addition to warming up, in some cases strong cooling also helps - wiping the face and neck ice cubes. This method cannot be used in cases where neuralgia is caused by diseases of the dental system or ENT organs, especially at the stage of exacerbation of frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis.

The method of treating neuralgia with buckwheat has become widespread. You need to do the following: buckwheat is thoroughly calcined in a frying pan, and then placed in a bag made of linen or cotton fabric. The bag is applied to the places where the nerve exits or to painful places to warm them up.

Another vintage one folk recipe to treat pain on the face is to apply cakes to the face, which are mixed with vinegar-clay “dough” until they are completely dry. In this case, it is advisable to take medical clay: it is sold in a pharmacy.

An equally effective method for treating neuralgia at home is alcohol blockades, which have a pronounced analgesic and also antispasmodic effect. To do this you will need to buy eighty at the pharmacy percentage solution alcohol and ampoules of novocaine.

However, despite their effectiveness, these alcohol blockades are fraught with the risk of bleeding, which is why it is advisable to carry them out in inpatient conditions under medical supervision.

Massage at home

According to experts, one of the most effective means for the treatment of neuralgia in home conditions is massage, the main task of which is how quick withdrawal pain syndrome in the patient, and mitigation of tension in the affected muscle groups.

Moreover, a well-done massage helps improve blood circulation, relieves inflammation and swelling of the face. The technique of this procedure is quite simple, even a non-specialist can master it:

  • the patient needs to be seated in a chair and his head placed on the headrest so that his facial muscles relax as much as possible;
  • after this you need to start making light circular movements on the skin of the face in the area of ​​the affected nerve;
  • gradually stroking movements and pressure must be increased.

The time for the massage procedure should be no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, and it is advisable to repeat it twice a day. The course lasts two weeks. During the massage, it is better to apply moisturizer or vegetable oil in order to increase the elasticity of fabrics.

Other treatments

Home treatment for neuralgia also includes turpentine or mustard powder baths for the feet. They have a good calming effect, so they are recommended even during a severe attack. If you don't have turpentine or mustard powder, then you can just take a hot foot bath.

Since the pain attack during trigeminal neuralgia in some cases is neuropathic in nature, therefore, for burning pain, applications with pepper patch which can be done at night.

Most often, trigeminal neuralgia largely appears against the background of the presence of pathological impulses felt in the Gasserian ganglion, therefore, unlike other types of neuralgia - sciatica or intercostal neuralgia, during localization of symptoms the following are indicated anticonvulsants such as Carbamazepine, Finlepsin or Tegretol.

If painful attacks become more frequent, it is recommended to take additional drugs that are part of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen and Nalgesin, as well as Movalis or Celebrex. To eliminate the muscle pain component, neurologists also use muscle relaxants central action- Mydocalm or Sirdalud.

You should know this

To avoid any complications, you should know which procedures are contraindicated for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

  • Under no circumstances should you warm up the affected area of ​​the face with a heating pad or apply warm compresses too much for a long time, since this can increase swelling and inflammation;
  • It is not allowed to apply ice to the face for a long time, as this can worsen sensitivity and impair blood circulation - you can only wipe the face with ice;
  • It is undesirable to take medications without a doctor’s recommendation; moreover, it is strictly forbidden to make even seemingly harmless pain-relieving injections without the prior permission of a neurologist.

Even self-treatment of trigeminal neuralgia - at home - must be carried out under constant medical supervision. If painful attacks become more frequent, their intensity increases, or new symptoms appear, such as pale skin color or watery eyes, tinnitus, dizziness or fainting, you need to go through more thorough examination from a specialist - a neurologist.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (neuritis) - independent disease or symptom of others pathological conditions, which manifests itself as pain and numbness of the face. To identify the real reason you need to consult a neurologist who will prescribe comprehensive examination and treatment. At home, it is allowed to use traditional medicine recipes that complement the main therapy. If untreated, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is possible severe complications- paresis of facial muscles, hearing impairment and damage nervous system.


The main causes of trigeminal neuritis include:

  • Internal and external compression. Internal is caused by tumors and adhesions that form after injury or displacement of the arteries and veins located next to the trigeminal nerve. External compression refers to the inflammatory process in the oral cavity and nasal sinuses.
  • Hypothermia. Most often it occurs in people who do not wear a hat during the cold season. If the nerve is cold, an attack may occur even after washing with cool water.
  • Oral diseases - periodontitis, pulpitis, gingivitis and other complications of caries. An incorrectly placed filling or injury after tooth extraction can cause pathology.
  • Shingles. This viral disease, which is activated when the body weakens. This gives impetus to the occurrence of the inflammatory process.
  • Cholesterol plaques. They interfere with nerve nutrition.

Sometimes neuralgia is provoked by:

  • mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • herpes;
  • meningitis;
  • disruptions in metabolism or endocrine system;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hormonal changes (for example, during menopause).

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of trigeminal nerve damage are:

  • Pain that is caused by typical and atypical inflammation. In a typical case, a small area is affected and the symptom lasts only a few seconds. Such attacks occur 1-2 times a day. With atypical inflammation, pain covers most of the face. The symptom in this case is constantly present.
  • Distorted facial expressions due to the distortion of one half of the face.
  • Headache, chills, general weakness and muscle pain.
  • Insomnia and irritability.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Twitching of muscles near the inflamed nerve.
  • Small rash in the affected area.

At the peak of the attack there may be following signs - increased salivation, tearing, tongue smacking.

Treatment of neuritis

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and relieving pain. It is recommended to treat neuritis the following types drugs:

  • Anticonvulsants. The main medicine in this group is Carbamazepine. Its action is aimed at reducing impulses in nerve fibers. The drug begins to affect the human condition after 2 days. The dosage is selected individually. Therapy is stopped if no exacerbation is recorded within 6 months. This group includes drugs based on Oxcarbazepine and Clonazepam.
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They are used at the very beginning of the disease and are intended to relieve inflammation and pain. Nimesil, Ketanov, Ibuprofen are prescribed.
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics. Used for severe pain. These include Trimecain, Baclofen, Baralgin.

There are 2 popular methods used at home:

  • A massage that helps eliminate pain and swelling, improve blood circulation and relax muscles. It is performed with circular movements, kneading the affected muscles.
  • Compresses and tinctures.

Folk remedies used for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

Ingredients Directions for use
Fir and olive oilMix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:5. Rub into facial skin for 3 days
Almond oil, vodka in equal quantitiesThe face is rubbed with the mixture for acute pain.
Dry chamomileIt is necessary to prepare a decoction. To do this you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Keep the infusion in your mouth for 5 minutes. This remedy reduces pain and inflammation
SagebrushPrepare the infusion in the same way as in the previous recipe and apply it as a compress.
Black radishSqueeze the juice out of it and wipe your face with it 2 times a day.
Honey, fresh cabbage leavesGrind the cabbage, squeeze out the juice and add honey. Apply the composition as a compress overnight. This will reduce swelling and pain
Dates, milkPeel the dates, chop the pulp and add milk. Eat 3 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. This will help restore paralyzed muscles
Marshmallow rootPrepare an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. After 12 hours, apply as a compress
BuckwheatPlace warm fried buckwheat into a small linen or cotton bag and apply to the sore spot until it cools completely.
Raspberry leaf tinctureThis recipe is used to prevent relapses. To prepare the tincture you need to take one part raspberry leaves and 3 parts vodka. Leave in a dark place for 9 days. Take 20-50 drops before meals for 3 months
Fireweed2 tbsp. l. Place crushed fireweed leaves in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave overnight. Drink the resulting product throughout the day.
willow barkPre-grind 10 g of bark and add 250 ml of hot water. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Filter the cooled broth and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day
PeppermintFor 200 ml of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. peppermint and boil for 10 minutes. Filter and drink 100 ml in the morning and before bed. This recipe is effective for pain
Lemon zest, black currant leaves, lemon balmGrate the zest of 1 lemon into 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 3 tbsp. l. currant leaves and 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm. Leave for an hour and filter. Take 60-70 ml 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals
White clay, table vinegarMix the clay with vinegar, form thin plates and apply every evening to the affected area for 3 days.
EggBoil an egg hard, divide into 2 parts and apply the cut side to pain area, keep until cool
Geranium leavesWash the leaves and place on a linen napkin. Apply a compress to the affected area, secure and insulate with a woolen scarf. The pain decreases after 2 hours. The compress is applied 3 times a day
Agave leavesThey can also be used as a compress. Cut the leaves lengthwise and apply the juicy side to the painful area. If a burning sensation occurs, you need to apply soft cottage cheese to the area.
Birch budsBirch bud tincture can be used as a compress or for rubbing. Raw materials must be collected before leaves appear on the trees. A handful of buds should be poured with 500 ml of vodka and left for 7 days in a dark place.
  • close and open your eyes;
  • smile with your mouth open and closed;
  • take in air and move it from cheek to cheek, then repeat the exercise with water;
  • alternately stretch and compress your lips;
  • whistle.

If pain does not improve after 3 days of treatment folk ways, then you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease.

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the functioning of the facial area. It has three large branches. One is attached in the area of ​​the lower jaw, the second is around the nose, and the third is above both eyebrows.

If this part is damaged, the person experiences severe pain in any area of ​​the head and neck. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve is possible both in the hospital and at home - it all depends on the symptoms. Painkillers are used first. In addition, it is important to determine the cause discomfort and remove it.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia at home

In most cases, treatment is prescribed at home. Commonly used:

  1. Carbamazepine. The composition includes analgesic and anticonvulsant components. The drug is considered toxic. It negatively affects the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is prohibited for nursing mothers and pregnant women to take it. Despite this, the medicine is considered one of the best in this area.
  2. Pipolfen is an antihistamine. It is used only in combination with Carbamazepine, enhancing its effect.
  3. Glycine. Mainly performs additional drug. It helps relieve nervousness, which prevents an attack.

In some cases, tranquilizers and antipsychotics are prescribed.

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve at home with massage

This method can quickly restore sensitivity. It is performed carefully, without pressing hard. If discomfort occurs in the neck area, it is recommended to knead with progressive movements from the shoulders to the chin. If the problems directly concern the facial area, the massage is performed from the center to the periphery.

Will speed up the healing process special massage oil.

Preparation and use

Bay leaves must be crushed and added to the oil. Cover the resulting mixture and place in a dark place for a week. Strain and can be used. The resulting massage oil is used during facial massage. If painful sensations They don’t allow you to do this; the solution is simply applied to problem areas three times a day. Use until complete recovery.

Treatment of the facial trigeminal nerve at home using compresses

There are several basic methods of treating the nerve using compresses:

  1. Brassicas. Several sheets need to be boiled, removed from the water, allowed to cool slightly and applied to the painful area. It is advisable to cover the top with a terry towel. When the product has cooled down, immediately change it to warm. The procedure takes place over an hour. After the first session the patient will feel relief.
  2. Made from clay. The product must be diluted in warm water until it becomes a porridge and apply to the problem area. Cover the top with film and a towel. Carry out the procedure twice a day until recovery.
  3. From radish seeds. They are filled with boiling water to a depth of five millimeters and closed with a lid for ten minutes. A gauze pad is soaked with the resulting liquid and applied to the problematic part of the face.

Treatment of trigeminal neuritis at home using rubbing

In addition to compresses, a special rubbing will help warm the affected area (and speed up the recovery process).

  • autumn colchicum root – 10 g;
  • alcohol 60% – 50 ml.

Preparation and use

The dry root is crushed and filled with alcohol. The mixture is infused in a sealed container in a dark place for a month. Sometimes you need to shake it up. To speed up the healing process, problem areas are rubbed before bed. You cannot cover the top with a film, since the root itself is considered toxic. In addition, alcohol can cause burns on the skin. Use until complete recovery.

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Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: causes, symptoms. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: treatment options at home

The trigeminal nerve consists of three branches that lie above the eyebrows, on both sides of the nose and in the lower jaw area.

Its task is to control the neurological condition of the face.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (neuralgia) and methods of treating this unpleasant condition at home.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: causes

To date no exact reason inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, but doctors identify the following factors that can contribute to the development of this disease:

1. Severe hypothermia of the face. At the same time, neuralgia can be caused not only by exposure to wind and frost, but also by simple washing with cold water.

2. A previous facial injury (fall, blunt blow, bruise, etc.) can trigger the process of inflammation and, as a consequence, the development of neuralgia.

3. A disease such as a vascular aneurysm or oncological pathology can put pressure on the nerves, causing their inflammation.

4. Various diseases oral cavity can easily provoke further spread of infection across the face. Typically such diseases are pulpitis, periodontitis and sinus diseases.

6. Dental malocclusion can distort and compress nerves, making them more vulnerable to inflammation.

7. Multiple sclerosis, which cannot be treated.

8. Acute form herpes.

9. Concussion.

10. Various acute viral or bacterial diseases.

11. Acute respiratory diseases.

12. Metabolic disorders in the body.

In addition, an attack of acute neuralgia can sometimes occur spontaneously (when a person laughs, shaves, washes his face, or just talks).

In most cases, this disease affects people between fifty and sixty years of age who have problems with blood vessels and heart.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms and signs

Highlight following symptoms inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

1. Pain is the most hallmark of this disease. It will be localized in the lower jaw and spread to the entire face, eyes, and neck.

The pain will intensify when talking, hypothermia or eating. It cannot be relieved with conventional painkillers.

In addition, neuralgia pain is divided into two separate types: typical and atypical.

At typical pain the person will have a wavy pain syndrome(the pain will either get worse or subside again). The nature of this pain is sharp, shooting, pulsating, burning. The frequency of manifestation varies (in some patients pain occurs every hour, in others it may occur only several times a day).

Atypical pain is observed less frequently. Her character is whining. It can proceed monotonously for several hours. Exactly this type pain is more difficult to treat.

2. Redness and swelling of the eyelids.

4. Increased salivation.

5. Involuntary contraction of facial muscles.

6. Loss of facial skin sensitivity.

7. Taste disturbance.

9. Sleep disturbance.

11. The patient’s anxiety in anticipation of new attacks of pain.

12. The appearance of facial asymmetry due to muscle distortion.

13. The appearance of sharp flashes (shootings) of pain, which is similar to an electric shock.

14. Increased facial sensitivity.

15. Numbness of the nose and cheeks.

16. Increased body temperature.

17. The appearance of a rash in the affected part of the face.

18. Headaches.

It is important to know that inflammation of the trigeminal nerve has a progressive course, and if it is not eliminated in time, most of the symptoms may not go away even after further therapy. This means that from time to time a person may still be bothered by strong painful attacks, facial numbness and muscle tremors.

In addition, trigeminal neuralgia is very similar in its symptoms to neuralgia occipital nerve and Ernest's syndrome.

For this reason, it is worth being extremely careful when diagnosing and accurately identifying the root cause of the disease. This will greatly simplify the treatment process and help the doctor choose the right medications.

If this type of neuralgia is not treated in a timely manner, it can cause the following complications in the patient’s condition:

1. Hearing impairment.

2. Taste disturbance.

3. Chronic pain.

4. Paresis of facial muscles.

5. Atrophy of the facial muscles.

6. Damage to the nervous system.

7. Deterioration in the functioning of the central nervous system (patient isolation due to constant pain).

8. Sleep disturbance.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: treatment at home

One of the most effective means for home treatment Neuralgia is relieved by massage. Its main task is to quickly relieve pain in the patient and alleviate muscle tension in the affected muscle groups.

In addition, with the help of massage you can improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and swelling from the face. The technique of this procedure is simple: the patient needs to sit down and put his head on the headrest so that the muscles of his face relax.

After this, you should begin to make light circular movements across the face in the area of ​​the affected muscle groups. Gradually it is necessary to increase pressure and stroking movements. The procedure should take no more than twenty minutes. It is advisable to repeat it twice a day for two weeks.

Also, during a massage, moisturizing creams and oils can be applied to the face to improve tissue elasticity.

One more effective method Treatment of neuralgia at home is the use of alcohol blockades. They have a pronounced analgesic and antispasmodic effect. To prepare them you need to use an 80% alcohol solution and novocaine.

Despite this, these blockades have a risk of bleeding, so it is still advisable to carry them out in a hospital setting under medical supervision.

In order not to cause any complications, you should be aware of the following procedures that cannot be done for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

1. You cannot warm your face with heating pads or apply warm compresses for a long time, as this will only increase swelling and inflammation.

2. You should not apply ice to your face for a long time, as this can further worsen skin sensitivity and impair blood circulation.

3. It is not advisable to take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to inject yourself with medications without the prior permission of a doctor.

Features of treating inflammation of the trigeminal nerve at home

The fastest-acting recipes for an attack of facial neuralgia are:

1. Remedy from fir oil. It needs to be divorced from olive oil in a ratio of 1:5 and rub into the skin of the face for three days in a row.

2. Chamomile recipe. To do this you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile and leave for an hour. The prepared solution should be taken into the mouth and kept there for at least five minutes. The product will help relieve swelling, pain and inflammation.

3. Fry the buckwheat in a frying pan and place it warm in a fabric bag. Apply to face for ten minutes every day. It is important to know that such a procedure can only be done on initial stages the course of the disease when it is not yet very advanced.

4. Wipe your face with black radish juice twice a day.

5. Apply a compress of honey and fresh cabbage leaves on the face at night. The product will help relieve swelling and severe pain.

6. Wipe your face with small ice cubes after each attack of pain. It is advisable to massage your face with warm hands after this procedure.

7. Rub your face with a mixture of vodka and almond oil. It will help relieve pain and acute inflammation.

8. Mix vinegar and white water cosmetic clay and make thin layers from the finished mixture. Apply them to your face for three days.

9. Grind a few dates and mix them with milk. Eat the finished mixture one tablespoon at a time for a week. The product will help relieve muscle paralysis.

Before using traditional medicine, you should always consult your doctor.

If, a week after the development of symptoms of neuralgia, a person’s condition does not improve, then doctors recommend starting traditional drug therapy, which involves taking painkillers, antispasmodics, and medications to improve the functioning of the human nervous system.

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova


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How is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve treated?

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (neuralgia) is carried out using various methods, but is it really possible to do this at home? We will try to answer in detail in today’s material.

This disease is insidious - painful symptoms overtake the victim suddenly and he will have to go a long way to get rid of them.


So what is neuralgia and what are the problems of the disease? The trigeminal nerve is three branched nerves that run along both sides of the face: one of the branches is located above the eyebrows, the other two are on both sides of the nose and in the lower jaw.

Inflammation of this nerve is extremely painful and has a specific nature, the consequences of which are literally visible. When affected, pain appears in the forehead, nose, brow ridges, jaw, neck and chin. Possible severe attacks toothache. At the same time, nervous twitching, paleness or redness of the skin, and atrophy of the facial muscles also occur.

The disease occurs for various reasons - it can be independent or a consequence of various infections, overwork and stress. If you notice signs of neuralgia, you should not delay seeing a doctor and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

Types of inflammation

Since each part of the trigeminal nerve is divided into smaller branches that lead to all areas of the face, the nerve covers it as a whole. These branches are responsible for facial sensitivity.

The first branch is responsible for the eyebrow, eye, upper eyelid and forehead. The second - for the nose, cheek, lower eyelid and upper jaw, the third - for some chewing muscles and the lower jaw.

There are two types of disease:

  • type one (true): the most common, occurs due to impaired blood supply or compression of a nerve, and is independent. In this type, the pain is severe, periodic and piercing;
  • type two (secondary): a symptom, often a complication of a previous disease, arising as a result of complications of other diseases. With neuralgia of this type, the pain is burning and constant, and can occur in any part of the face.


Doctors are still unable to determine the exact factor why neuralgia occurs, but there are a number of reasons that contribute to the appearance and development of the disease:

  • Compression of the trigeminal nerve can be internal or external. Tumors and adhesions formed after injuries, as well as a displacement of the location of arteries and veins near the trigeminal nerve are usually classified as internal. Inflammation in the oral cavity and nasal sinuses is classified as external factors;
  • hypothermia of the face area - occurs among those who do not prefer to wear a hat in winter. If the nerve is cold, even washing with cold water can provoke an attack of neuralgia;
  • signs of immune ailment of the body, against the background of which herpes has become more active - in this case, antiherpes drugs help;
  • diseases of the oral area are an additional impetus for neuralgia: periodontitis, pulpitis, gingivitis, gum abscess, periodontitis and other types of caries complications are also very dangerous. If the filling is placed incorrectly (the material extends beyond the top of the tooth) or the patient is injured during tooth extraction, this can also be the cause;
  • herpes zoster is a disease that is viral in nature and becomes more active if the body is weakened; as a result of reproduction, it develops an inflammatory process of the trigeminal nerve;
  • “hunger” of the nerve - accumulation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

To get rid of inflammation, you should take treatment:

  • some forms of allergies;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • metabolic failure;
  • depression and insomnia;
  • neurosis;
  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • psychogenic disorders;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hepatic infection;
  • lowered immune system.

The etiology of neuralgia is indeed wide, but it is generally accepted that it usually affects women aged 45 to 70 years. With age, immunity decreases and any physical activity may cause an attack of illness.

Video: trigeminal neuralgia in the “Live Healthy” program with Elena Malysheva.

Symptoms of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Many patients complain of sudden and causeless pain, but also note the occurrence of neuralgia after stressful situations. Doctors are inclined to believe that the inflammation developed earlier - a stressful situation triggered the onset of pain.

The branches of the trigeminal nerve affect motor and sensory fibers, acute pain and spasms appear in the area masticatory muscles, all these symptoms indicate inflammation.

Symptoms of facial nerve damage are:

  • acute piercing pain in one of the halves of the face, which has a through nature;
  • distorted facial expressions due to distortion individual plots or in the area of ​​one of the halves of the face;
  • headaches, chills, general weakness, muscle pain throughout the body;
  • increased body temperature (hyperthermic reaction of the body);
  • with severe pain - insomnia, fatigue and irritability;
  • muscle twitching near the affected nerve;
  • a small rash in the affected area of ​​a certain part of the face.

If the disease persists for a long time, paleness or redness of the skin, changes in the secretion of glands, greasy or dry skin, swelling of the face and even loss of eyelashes are possible.

Neuralgia pain is divided into two types:

  1. Typical pain is sharp and intense, periodic, and can fade and recur. With neuritis, the shooting, similar to a toothache, resembles an electric shock and lasts about 2-3 minutes. It affects only one part of the face and is localized depending on which part of the triple nerve is damaged. After paroxysmal pain instead comes aching pain.

Typical pain can be triggered by washing, brushing teeth, shaving, applying makeup - actions affecting one of the parts of the face. Pain appears during laughter, smiling and talking, most often occurring after exposure to low temperatures on one of the halves of the facial and ear areas.

  • Atypical pain is constant with short breaks, covers most of the face, making it difficult for the patient to determine its source. It happens that a painful attack is accompanied by muscle spasm, then a painful tic occurs on the affected side of the face. Their sudden contraction looks like abnormal facial asymmetry and is accompanied by pain, and the victim cannot open his mouth until the attack ends. It is much more difficult to treat, since the pain torments the patient every hour, reaching its peak in 20 seconds, after which it continues for some time.
  • Anatomy diagram, photo

    The trigeminal nerve is located in temporal zone, where three of its branches are located and pass:

    The first two branches have sensitive fibers, the last one has sensory and masticatory fibers, providing active muscular movements of the jaw.


    In diagnosing pathology, it is important to consult a doctor in time to assess the pain syndrome and carry out neurological examination. The diagnosis is based on the patient’s complaints, the specialist determines the type of pain syndrome, its triggers, localization and possible places of damage that cause a pain attack.

    To determine the affected area and find out which branch of the trigeminal nerve is damaged, the doctor palpates the patient’s face. Additionally, an examination is carried out for the presence inflammatory processes facial area – sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.

    The following are used instrumental methods research:

    1. Magnetic resonance imaging is informative if the cause was sclerosis or a tumor.
    2. Angiography - reveals dilated vessels or aneurysms of cerebral vessels that compress the nerve.

    Treatment methods for trigeminal neuralgia

    The disease is difficult to treat, and if painful attacks last more than a day, the patients are placed in the neurological department of the hospital. There is appointed complex therapy, preventing the development chronic form and relieving acute symptoms.

    • electrophoresis and phonophoresis;
    • ultrasound treatment;
    • diadynamic therapy;
    • acupuncture;
    • treatment using impulsive low-frequency currents;
    • laser processing;
    • exposure to an electromagnet;
    • infrared and ultraviolet treatment.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment of nerve inflammation begins with eliminating the underlying pain symptoms. In the future, the causes of the disease are determined (so that the treatment itself is not in vain), tests are prescribed and a full-scale examination of the patient is carried out.

    • inflammatory processes in the sinuses, if any, are eliminated;
    • when inflammatory processes are detected in the gums, great attention is paid to stopping them;
    • if the patient has pulpitis, remove the nerve of the damaged tooth, filling filling material root canals;
    • If x-rays confirm that a filling is placed incorrectly on one of the teeth, it is re-treated.

    To calm the pain, the patient is prescribed the necessary set of medications and referred to an appointment with an endocrinologist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist and allergist. If one of the specialists discovers a problem, they are prescribed appropriate medications.

    Video: inflamed trigeminal nerve - how to identify symptoms and cure?


    You should not resort to self-medication for neuralgia without consulting a doctor who will select necessary drug and its dosage.

    1. Anticonvulsants: in the form of carbamazepine tablets (in other words - finlepsin, tegretol) - occupies a leading place in this category, providing an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect, inhibiting the activity of neurons, which eliminates pain. Due to its toxicity, it is not recommended for use by pregnant women; it can also lead to mental disorders, toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, drowsiness, nausea, and pancytopenia, among others. It is not recommended to drink during use grapefruit juice, it can aggravate negative impact medicines on the body. Additionally, valproic acid drugs are prescribed: convulex, depakine, lamotrigine, diphenin (phenytoin), oxcarbazepine.
    2. Painkillers and non-steroidal drugs: Nise, analgin, movalis or baralgin - taken after meals three times a day. The course of treatment is short-lived, since long-term use may cause problems with gastrointestinal tract. They only help at the beginning of an attack. These include: dicloberl, revmoxib, movalis, indomethacin, celebrex.
    3. Painkillers in the form of non-narcotic analgesics - in case of severe pain syndrome, dexalgin, ketanov, ketalgin and narcotic drugs are prescribed: promedol, morphine, tramadol, nalbuphine.
    4. Antiviral drugs - prescribed if neuritis has viral nature. Antibiotics are taken when bacterial nature diseases. The standards are acyclovir, herpevir, lavomax.
    5. Neuroprotectors and vitamin preparations: neurorubin, thiogama, milgama, proserin, nervohel and neurobion relieve nervousness, reducing the risk of an attack.
    6. Glucocorticoids: reduce swelling, inflammation of the nerve, have strong effect in a short time. Methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, and dexamethasone are considered the best.

    You also need to undergo mandatory physiotherapeutic treatment: paraffin-ozokerite, UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy.

    Surgical intervention

    Surgical elimination of the cause of neuralgia is used in case of ineffectiveness of drug therapy or when pain persists.

    There are two surgical methods:

    • microvascular decompression;
    • radiofrequency destruction;

    The first method is trepanation of the posterior part of the cranial fossa. The trigeminal nerve root, which compresses the blood vessels, is separated. A special gasket is placed between the spine and the vessels to prevent compression to prevent relapses.

    The radiofrequency destruction method is not so traumatic and is carried out under local anesthesia, current discharges are directed to the affected area, they also destroy the roots of the trigeminal nerve, which are susceptible to pathological processes.

    Sometimes one operation is enough, otherwise the effect is repeated several times.


    Massage at trigeminal neuritis improves tone and removes excess muscle tension in certain muscle groups. Blood supply and microcirculation in the inflamed nerve and in the affected superficial tissues improve.

    Impact on reflex zones in the places where the branches of the trigeminal nerve exit the facial, auricular and cervical region comes first in massage, after which they work with muscles and skin.

    The massage is performed while sitting, leaning your head back on the headrest to relax the neck muscles. Attention is focused on the sternocleidomastoid muscle, thanks to light massaging movements. Then, with stroking and rubbing movements, they move up to the parotid areas, after which they massage the healthy and affected sides of the face.

    The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, on average there are sessions per course of treatment.

    How to treat at home?

    The most effective folk remedies and recipes:

    • chamomile - pour boiling water over 1 tsp. flowers. The drink is taken into the mouth and held there until the pain subsides at least a little;
    • fir oil – you should rub it into the damaged areas throughout the day. The skin may become red, but the pain will subside. Three days of such procedures are enough;
    • marshmallow - 4 tsp. the roots of the plant are poured with cooled boiled water, leaving for a day. In the evening, moisten a piece of cloth with the infusion and apply it to the face. The compress is insulated on top with a scarf or parchment paper, removed after an hour and a half, and a scarf is also worn at night;
    • black radish - wipe the skin with its juice several times a day;
    • buckwheat - a glass of grain is well fried in a frying pan, then placed in a bag made of natural fabric, keeping it on the affected areas until the buckwheat cools down. Treatment is repeated 2-3 times a day;
    • egg - cut a hard-boiled egg in half, applying its parts to the painful areas;
    • raspberry - a vodka-based tincture is prepared from it by pouring the leaves of the plant (1 part) with vodka (3 parts), after which it is infused for 9 days, then this infusion is consumed for 90 days in a row in small doses before meals;
    • clay - it is mixed with vinegar, after which thin plates are sculpted, which are applied every evening to the affected area;
    • dates - several ripe products are ground in a meat grinder, this mass is consumed three times a day, 3 tsp. To improve the taste it is diluted with water or milk;
    • ice - they wipe the skin of the face with it, covering the neck area, then warm the face, massaging it with warm fingers. At one time, the procedure is repeated for three approaches.

    Important! We require that even traditional methods be used only under the supervision of a doctor. He will clarify the prescription and, moreover, will tell you whether treatment with such drugs will be effective specifically in your case.


    Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve does not involve mortal danger, but the consequences are very dangerous.

    1. Depression is developing rapidly.
    2. Constant pain causes mental disorders, there may be a need to avoid society, and social ties are broken.
    3. The patient loses weight because he cannot eat properly.
    4. The patient's immunity decreases.

    Video: Fayyad Akhmedovich Farhat (Doctor of Medical Sciences, neurosurgeon of higher qualification category) about a disease of the facial nerve.


    Because common cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve becomes a disease paranasal sinuses nose (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis) or dental disease, premature therapy will greatly reduce the risk of the problem occurring.

    • minimizing psycho-emotional stress;
    • elimination of possible hypothermia;
    • avoiding infectious diseases.

    For viral and infectious diseases, in parallel with antipyretic and antiviral drugs anticonvulsants should be taken.

    Additional questions

    What to do if the trigeminal nerve hurts?

    If the pain strikes suddenly, you should immediately consult a neurologist, who will determine the source of pain and methods for eliminating pain syndromes, prescribe the necessary medication or refer you to a neurosurgeon. Before going to the doctor, you can try to temporarily calm the pain using traditional methods of treatment.

    Which doctor treats you?

    A neurologist deals with the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, and a neurosurgeon deals with surgical intervention on this basis.

    In ICD-10 the disease is coded (G50.0).

    Does double vision occur?

    Double vision with neuralgia is quite real, often accompanied by hearing loss and noise in one of the ears.

    Is it possible to heat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve?

    The inflamed area should not be heated, even if relief occurs after this. Heat provokes the progression of inflammation, which can spread to other parts of the face.

    Is acupuncture effective?

    It is believed that acupuncture is really effective for this disease. It affects certain facial points according to special rules and methods.

    What should a pregnant woman do with this problem?

    You need to see a doctor, he will take appropriate measures. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation, electrophoresis with a sanitary agent, and acupuncture during pregnancy are allowed.

    • New articles
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    For acute pain, I save myself by acupressure of the facial nerve, thumb, I press hard on the nerve in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles on the cheek, and with my index finger, in the temple area, I look for the most sore spot and press with force, so I localize the pain from the shooting pain of the facial trigeminal nerve.

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    they won't replace qualified assistance doctor

    The sensitivity of our face is provided by the trigeminal nerve. On both sides we have three branches: one goes to the eye and skin of the forehead, the other to the cheeks, nose and upper teeth, the third - to the lower jaw. Trigeminal neuralgia may be due to the fact that some formation or vessel is pressing on the nerve (symptomatic) or to disorders of a vascular, endocrine, or psychosomatic nature (idiopathic).

    This disease has one of the most painful manifestations, comparable only to renal colic. Therefore, people usually do not hesitate to see a doctor. There are also folk remedies that help relieve pain and inflammation. This will be especially true when it is not possible to immediately go to the clinic. Let's figure out how the trigeminal nerve is treated with folk remedies.

    Grandma's three pain relief remedies

    This disease did not appear in the 21st century. How was it dealt with when there were no modern medications?

    Trigeminal nerve disease is not new. It was treated many centuries ago. Below are the most effective methods for relieving pain and treating the trigeminal nerve.

    • 1. Try cooking chicken egg, cut it in half and apply it to the place where you feel acute pain. When the egg cools, the syndrome should go away.
    • 2. A compress of marshmallow tincture can also help. 2 tbsp. leave spoons of roots in a glass of boiling water in a thermos for 1 hour. Apply gauze or cloth soaked in hot infusion to the sore spot. Keep the compress until it cools down; you can apply it several times while the mood is warm. Then tie a scarf around your head. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. Sleep in a scarf.
    • 3. Dry buckwheat compress. Heat buckwheat in a frying pan, pour into a cotton bag (no synthetics!) and attach.

    Do not forget that you should not be in drafts and get cold feet. Cold provokes attacks. In cold weather, you should stay outside less and wear a suitable hat. Women are more likely to suffer from this disorder. the best option There will be a shawl or a warm scarf.

    How to relieve inflammation?

    At the first opportunity, you should consult a doctor to find and eliminate the cause of the disease. Don't hope that the disease will pass itself, if the pain has eased slightly. She may return with renewed vigor. What should you take care of?

    If you managed to relieve trigeminal nerve pain syndrome, still consult a doctor! It definitely won't hurt you! Also try to eliminate everything possible reasons diseases

    • Try to avoid stressful situations. And if problems began against the background of such problems, then it is necessary to organize an anti-stress program: get enough sleep, reduce physical and psychological stress, and find time for your favorite activity. Draw, listen to positive music, watch old comedies, knit or embroider - any calming activity will give results.
    • It is important to enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Special attention look at products with high content vitamin C and calcium. In winter or early spring, when the diet is especially affected, it makes sense to take them in the form of organic supplements.
    • Herbal teas and infusions have always been good helpers in treatment even serious illnesses. It is only important to take into account the characteristics of your body. Some concomitant diseases may be contraindications.

    Chamomile tea. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Drink like tea, with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey.

    Infusion of fireweed (fireweed) tea. Pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of herbs in 0.5 liters of boiling water overnight. Drink throughout the day, dividing into 3 times.

    Peppermint decoction. 2 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink ½ glass morning and evening.

    Herbal collection. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of valerian root, angelica officinalis, and peppermint. 2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort and silver birch leaves, mix. Brew at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Be sure to check it out interesting video on how to treat the trigeminal nerve with folk remedies:



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