Cats and Siberian Huskies - how to improve their relationship in a common area in one house or apartment. Animal psychology technologies that help make friends between a husky and a cat, cat or kitten and avoid unnecessary mutual aggression - Incredible Husky Encyclopedia

07.12.2017 13:12

In the American city of San Jose, three Siberian huskies adopted a kitten. All the world's media write about these unusual friends, and the page of the huskies Lilo, Infinity, Miko and the cat Rosie has become one of the most popular on Instagram.

The story of an animal family is a real story about an abandoned child with a happy ending. The three-month-old cat was suffering from exhaustion and, according to the owners, was “dying.”

The owners decided to take a risk and placed the foundling next to the leader of the husky pack - Lilo, who never had and never will have her own puppies. The dog immediately felt a kindred spirit in the kitten and began to take care of him - did not leave for a minute.

Husky Lilo, who never had children of her own, began to care for Rosie as her child.

Friendship, attention, warmth and care saved the cat’s life. Now she copies the behavior of the dogs that replaced her parents: she walks on a leash, plays with them on the street, sleeps and eats with the rest of the “pack”.

The owners say that Rosie has completely adopted some of the traits of her friends: for example, she is “fearless” and is not at all afraid of water.

“Rosie has become a full member of the pack,” ABCNews quotes one of the animal owners.

Currently, 365 thousand people are subscribed to the account where photographs of four best friends appear. In total, more than 1000 photographs were published there, each of which evokes genuine emotion.

Everyone knows the story of Mowgli, who grew up in the jungle and was raised by wolves, but this story is a little more exotic. User Dong_of_justice gained popularity overnight after telling an unusual story about his husky named Tully, who was raised by cats and seriously believes that he is a cat. Just like a cat, he likes to sit with his paws tucked under him, and he is also used to urinating in the house, in the worst places for that. Unfortunately, the user did not provide photos of the cats that Tully was raised with. He has no direct evidence that she considers herself a cat, when you look at the following photos, you will understand that no evidence is needed here.

The owners adopted Tally when she was 2 years old

She was raised by cats from her previous owners

Funny husky Tully, raised by cats, lies with her paws tucked under her, she really thinks that she is a cat herself and behaves appropriately

Look how cute she tucked her paws

Tully also loves to sit in boxes.

She could sit there all day


She, like any cat, loves to sit silently on the windowsill and watch everything that happens outside from the window.

Damn loves boxes

Why not a cat?

She loves to bask in the sun like a cat

Not a day goes by that she doesn't do some mischief

Every day

She loves to lie like this, if you thought that she was waiting for her belly to be scratched, then you are mistaken, if you do this, she will sigh heavily, looking angrily at you, and wait until you finish

“People often stop me on the street to admire Tally and tell me how pretty she is,” the owner said

She's funny

She is lazy, but very flexible and if she hears a strange sound, instead of jumping up and checking like any other dog, she will turn her head from side to side like a cat.

Bye everyone, I hope you enjoyed it!

Despite the fact that the husky's ancestors originally lived in the Far East, the breed is considered American, since it was American breeders who brought it into the form in which these dogs became known throughout the world as wolves with blue eyes.

Sled huskies are perhaps one of the oldest dog breeds that have survived almost unchanged to this day.

All this time, huskies have been a serious help to a person, no matter where his fate takes him: these are real working dogs.

Nowadays there is no longer such a need for the working qualities of these breeds; they gradually become companion dogs, successfully performing at exhibitions and competitions, and even nugget actors, as in any of

Compatibility of Husky and his owner

If you fall for the appearance of a husky, before buying a puppy, be sure to read information about the character of this breed, and first, enjoy it.

Any dog ​​is not a plush toy, and when it comes to working huskies, the pros and cons need to be weighed more than once.

What is he like - perfect husky owner? Yes, almost any person, there are only a couple of nuances: he must be a temperamental and active sports fan.

If you prefer to relax on the couch, you shouldn’t take a puppy of this breed - it won’t end well: it’s a very pity and shame for a beautiful animal, for whom all life is movement, being walked around the house on a leash.

At the time of the highest popularity of the breed, when everyone rushed to get huskies for their stunning appearance, advertisements often said “I’ll give away a husky due to moving.” But the problem was that the owners were unprepared: people simply did not calculate the time and effort.

So, what surprises can you expect from the breed?

How do huskies get along with cats?

Great, but only with your own people - you should always remember this.

Huskies are good hunters, although highly specialized (they are capable of finding and killing a small animal, but bringing it to the owner is not a fact), so any strange cat will be perceived as an object of hunting.

The same, although less often, applies to small decorative fluffy dogs.

  • You are unlikely to be able to completely suppress this instinct, so you should pay more attention to behavior correction.

Husky attitude towards children

This is one of the few dog breeds that does not have aggression towards humans, so you can be calm about your child.

The only problem- the size coupled with the activity of the husky: a dog that is not trained in correct behavior can simply knock down a child in a game.

  • Therefore, all communication between the animal and the child should be under your control.

Have doubts about the size of your dog?

Why does a husky howl and what to do about it?

Most of this breed extremely talkative, which does not mean they are gibberish - barking at any incomprehensible sound is beneath their dignity.

But the huge range of different grunts, growls, whines and howls will make you doubt the phrase “with Bucks can't talk».

In fact, huskies rarely howl, usually just out of boredom. Therefore, if your neighbors begin to greet you home from work more joyfully than your dog, it means that the husky clearly does not have enough physical activity.

Huskies were created for good physical training, which is quite difficult to imagine in a city, so you will have to use your imagination.

  • An excellent solution would be training classes: This will help you build a relationship with your dog and keep him fully engaged. Usually, after mental exercises, dogs sleep peacefully and grumble less.
  • As after other useful exercises: long walks in the park, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. If possible, you can join the sledding sport enthusiasts - this is the dog’s native element.

Husky habits

In fact, there are few of them and most habits are banal mistakes in education. But there are a few that are worth highlighting:

Digging– the passion of many huskies.

If you live outside the city, on your own property, then your day should begin with an inspection of the perimeter of the fence. Otherwise, next time you will encounter a second problem with this breed.

Husky doesn't care what to dig- a hole under a fence, a garden bed, a hole on a path - they like the process itself, and city residents often encounter this on a walk.

If you have a few huskies in your dog run, the area will soon resemble a field after a bombing.

Unfortunately, in a city apartment, huskies can also engage in digging, masterfully opening up floors and lifting linoleum.

In this case there's no use scolding them: It’s better to exercise more during walks and make an appointment with a dog handler.

Vagrancy- in general, the problem of almost all huskies, but with the condition of the gullibility and curiosity of the husky - sometimes it becomes simply a disaster.

No way do not self-walk this breed: firstly, it is illegal; secondly, it is deadly for a husky.

Although here it is necessary be extremely careful: Husky is not a breed that always runs side by side and looks into your mouth waiting for a command.

Stubbornness- this statement may be controversial - many Husky fans believe that this is not stubbornness, but independence.

In fact, whatever you call this quality, the fact remains a fact: Husky is not a breed for beginners. Its representatives are very smart and self-sufficient.

If you want quiet devotion, following on your heels and stability of behavior, get or.

Huskies quickly get bored with monotonous commands: you will have to work hard to interest the dog.

And for any ban you have, the cunning one will have a lot of ways to get around it.

Want “something like a wolf”?

If you feel that a husky is your breed, don’t hesitate for a minute - go ahead and get a puppy!

How often the life of our little brothers depends on a lucky chance. This is one of the stories that could have had a completely different ending, but, fortunately, chance intervened, the very happy one.

A small blind stray kitten could have died somewhere on the street if kind people had not accidentally found him, picked him up and brought him home. And if in their house Rosie, as the kitten was named, would not have met a husky named Lilo. The two immediately felt a certain connection between them, and after a week of such amazing closeness and warmth, Rosie opened her eyes and was able to walk on her own.

“She couldn’t do it the first night,” Lilo’s owner writes on Instagram. — Rosie looked weak and limped badly. But by some miracle she was able to reach Lilo and clung to her. Surprisingly, the dog almost immediately became a full-fledged second mother for the kitten.”

When Rosie was found she was very weak and almost dying

She was about 3 weeks old and in terrible shape.

But then Rosie met the husky Lilo, who replaced her mother

At first Rosie limped and was very weak, but in Lilo's arms she quickly recovered

Since then, Rosie has been feeling much better and acting like a healthy and happy kitten!

Lilo never had her own puppies, and never will again.

But perhaps motherhood was her calling

Now Rosie is already 3.5 months old, and she is happy in her new family

She even goes for walks with her new mom!

In the American city of San Jose, three Siberian huskies adopted a kitten. All the world's media write about these unusual friends, and the page of the huskies Lilo, Infinity, Miko and the cat Rosie has become one of the most popular on Instagram.

The story of an animal family is a real story about an abandoned child with a happy ending. The three-month-old cat was suffering from exhaustion and, according to the owners, was “dying.”

The owners decided to take a risk and placed the foundling next to the leader of the husky pack - Lilo, who never had and never will have her own puppies. The dog immediately felt a kindred spirit in the kitten and began to take care of him - did not leave for a minute.

“Rosie has become a full member of the pack,” ABCNews quotes one of the animal owners.

Friendship, attention, warmth and care saved the cat’s life. Now she copies the behavior of the dogs that replaced her parents: she walks on a leash, plays with them on the street, sleeps and eats with the rest of the “pack”.

The owners say that Rosie has completely adopted some of the traits of her friends: for example, she is “fearless” and is not at all afraid of water.

Currently, 143 thousand people are subscribed to the account where photographs of four best friends appear. In total, more than 800 photographs were published there, each of which evokes genuine emotion.



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