Summary of a speech therapy lesson on lexical and grammatical categories. Theme: “Migratory birds”

Date______________ Class________

Lesson No.___________

Topic: Migratory birds

Correctional and educational goals:
- Clarification and systematization of children’s knowledge about migratory birds.
- Expansion of vocabulary on a lexical topic,
- Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Corrective and developmental goals:
- Development of visual, auditory attention, logical thinking.
- Development of general and fine motor skills.
- Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

Correctional and educational tasks:
- Fostering a love for the animal world.

Equipment: cards with images of wintering and migratory birds, colored pencils, pictures of migratory birds, workbooks.

Progress of the lesson

1.Finger gymnastics.

Tili-teli, tili-teli, (Waving their palms).

The birds flew south.

The squirrel flew away -

Gray feather. (Fingers on both hands are bent alternately, starting with the little finger of the left hand).

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry, who's quick?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin.

Everyone got ready and flew away (Waving their palms).

They sang sad songs. (Use your index and thumb to make a beak, “The birds are singing”).

2. Articulation gymnastics.“How a tongue saved a crow from a cat.”

It was a warm autumn day. One day, returning from the store, Tongue sat down on a bench and began to admire nature. Suddenly he heard an old crow croak: “Kar-kar-kar!” He looked around (exercise “Watch”) and crumbled a small bun. Suddenly a large black crow landed very close to him. She folded her wings and began to walk proudly. Nodding its head up and down, the crow picked up bread crumbs from the ground (exercise “Swing”).

Tongue was very amused by this proud bird, and he began to imitate her (exercise “Duck beak”: pull in your cheeks and hold them with your teeth, move your lips like a “beak”). Before the crow had time to pick up all the crumbs, an angry cat appeared from behind the tree. (ex. “Angry cat”). The crow got scared and flew into the sky and began circling for a long time. (exercise “Jam”: lick lips from left to right). The tongue, on the contrary, was not afraid. He poured fresh milk in a saucer for the cat (exercise “Cup”) and let her lap it up a little (lap milk like a cat).

Very soon the cat drank all the milk, and the saucer turned out to be empty. (exercise “Cup”). After washing your paws, ears and face (exercise “Jam”), The cat climbed a tree and fell fast asleep.

A little later, the crow sank to the ground and finished off the remaining crumbs (exercise “Swing”).

When Tongue returned home, he recalled with a smile how he saved an old crow from an angry cat (exercise “Smile” - “Angry Cat”).

3. Breathing exercises “Bird fly”

Place the paper bird on your palm. We take a short nasal inhalation and a long, targeted oral exhalation. As a result, the bird flies from the palm. The exercise is repeated 4-5 times.

4. A conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, what can you call in one word the birds that we named while doing finger exercises? (Migratory birds).

Why are they called migratory? (They are called migratory because they fly to warmer regions for the winter).

Why do they fly to warmer climes? (They are afraid of the cold, cannot get food, water bodies freeze)

What stories and tales do you know about migratory birds? (“Thumbelina”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Grey Neck”, “The Ugly Duckling”).

5. "Make no mistake."

The speech therapist invites the children to sit at the tables.

On the tables are cards depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Speech therapist: “You need to circle all the migratory birds with a red pencil and justify your action.”

Child: “I circled the swallow because the swallow is a migratory bird.”

“I circled the crane because the crane is a migratory bird.”

6. Game “Where is the bird?” »

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is now. “Where did the starling fly from? "What did the starling fly up to? »

7. Game “Name the parts of the bird’s body.”

Working with the mnemonic table “Migratory Birds”.

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what body parts they have. We answer with a full sentence.

Birds have a head. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have a beak. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

6. Game "Find the sound".

The speech therapist invites the children to come to the board. On the table, near the board, there are pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, each of you must choose a migratory bird and attach it to the board. (children complete the task).

Speech therapist: Now you need to name each bird, determine the first and last sound in the word and divide the word into syllables.

1st child: This is a stork. The first sound in this word is [A]. The last sound is [T]. The word AIST has two syllables.

2nd child: This is a cuckoo. The first sound in this word is [K]. The last sound is [A]. The word CUCKOO has three syllables.

3rd child: This is a heron. The first sound in this word is [C]. The last sound is [I]. The word HERON has two syllables.

7. Work in notebooks

Speech therapist: Now let’s label our birds and highlight the sounds that we were looking for.

8. Summary of the lesson. The speech therapist asks the children what migratory and wintering birds are called and why, how to determine the first and last sound in a word.

During the lesson, students consolidate the skills of pronunciation of sounds [l]–[l"], improve the grammatical structure of speech, the skill of sound analysis and synthesis, develop articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, auditory and visual attention.


  • Correctional educational: clarify the dictionary “Spring. Migratory birds."; consolidate the skill of pronunciation of sounds [L-L], isolated and in syllables, improve the grammatical structure of speech in the formation and coordination of possessive adjectives, improve the skill of sound analysis and synthesis (3-sound words); continue to learn how to compose complex sentences.
  • Correctional and developmental: develop articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, phonemic perception, dialogic speech, auditory and visual attention, thinking (the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships), teach orientation on a plane and in space.
  • Correctional and educational: cultivate respect for nature, develop cooperation skills, develop initiative and independence.

Materials and equipment:

  • Flannelograph.
  • Thematic pictures on the topic: winter, spring; migratory and wintering birds; signs of spring.
  • Symbols of sounds; symbols for making sentences.
  • Map. Compass. Binoculars. Flashlight. Ball. Parrot toy. A chest with “coins” - candies. Envelopes with letters. Nest, feeder, grain.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and are greeted by a Parrot (toy):

– Guys, your group was visited by magical pirates and turned it into enchanted islands. The inhabitants of these islands are asking for your help, asking you to save them from evil spells. Are you ready to help them?

Children: - Yes, we are ready!

Teacher: - We will have to sail on the ocean, what can we use to travel?

Children: - On a boat, on a ship, on a raft, we choose a steamer.

Teacher: - For the trip we will need some items from this chest. Select suitable items.

(Children choose objects and explain their choice):

– We need a compass and a map (Figure 1) to know where to sail. Binoculars are needed to look into the distance. The lantern will light our way.

Figure 1

Teacher: - We say goodbye to the parrot and hit the road. Look at the map, where should we go? What's on the next island?

Children: - Two snowflakes.

Teacher: - What number should be on this island?

Children: – Number “2”

Teacher: - Let's look through binoculars (children use their fingers to pretend to be binoculars), is this island close?

Children: - Far away.

Teacher: – In order for our ship to set off, we need to say the magic words:

“The ship floats on the waves,
The steamer gives a whistle - L,
And in the distance it hums - L,

(Children move in the group to “island 2” and pronounce the sounds L-L).

On “island 2” they find an envelope containing a letter and pictures-symbols with signs of spring(Figure 2).

Figure 2

Teacher: - Guys, look, there is an envelope with a letter here. The inhabitants of this island wrote a letter: “The pirates confused and bewitched all the seasons. It’s cold here all the time, and we dream about...” What time of year do they write about in the letter if it’s cold all the time?

Children: - About winter.

Teacher: - What time of year will come after winter?

Children: - Spring.

(Pictures-symbols of “Winter” and “Spring” are placed on the flannelgraph).

Teacher: - Let's talk about spring, the little pictures from the envelope will help us.

(Using the symbolic pictures, they make up a story about spring, take the pictures out of the envelope, explain it and put it on a flannelgraph).

Children: – In spring the sun warms up. Thawed patches appear. The snow is melting and streams are flowing. It starts dripping. Birds are flying in. Insects appear.

Teacher: - In spring I want to say beautiful words, we will pass a flower to each other and say beautiful words about spring. Spring, what?

Children: - Sunny, warm, cheerful, joyful, singing, green.

Teacher: - On this island we completed the task, we’ll go further, look on the map where to sail.

Children: - On the island marked by three birds, we look for the number 3.

Teacher: – Let’s say the magic words

“A cloud floated by.
Steamboats are humming - LA.

(Children move to the third table. On it there are pictures with images of a nest, a feeder, a feather, grain, bird tracks).

Teacher: - What is this? Whose nest? Children: - Bird.

-Whose feeder? - Bird.

- Whose food? - Avian.

-Whose traces? - Birds.

Teacher: - Who lives on this island?

Children: - Birds.

(The flannelograph opens and contains pictures of wintering and migratory birds.(Figure 3)).

Figure 3

Teacher: - Wintering birds lived on one half of the island, migratory birds lived on the other, the pirates mixed up all the birds. Let's resettle the birds correctly, under the sign " Sun"we will place pictures with migratory birds, and under the sign " snowflake"with winterers.

- Take a picture of who you have, where you will live, why?

(Children complete the task and answer questions).

Teacher: Why are these birds called migratory?

Children: - In the fall they fly away to warmer regions and return in the spring.

Teacher: Why do birds fly away in the fall?

Children: – It’s getting cold and there’s nothing to eat.

Teacher: – What is more terrible for migratory birds: cold or hunger?

Children: - Hunger, because they only eat insects, and you can hide from the cold.

Teacher: – In spring, birds have many important things to do. What do birds do in spring?

Children: - Build nests, hatch chicks, feed chicks.

Teacher: - Let's remember what the chicks are called.

Ball game "Who has who"

The rook has rooks, the jackdaw has chicks, the crane has chicks, the crow has chicks, the swift has swifts, the duck has ducklings, the starling has chicks.

Teacher: - On this island we also completed the task, we look at the map where we need to sail next.

Children: - There are four beetles drawn on the island, we are looking for the number 4.

(They move to the next “island 4”, pronouncing the phrase).

“We see the island in the distance
We pronounce it together - LI

Teacher: - We ended up on the island of insects, but I don’t see anyone here. Let's shine a flashlight, there's no one there.

(We found a bag and an envelope with a letter):“The pirates mixed up the sounds and the insects disappeared, to return them, you need to make up 2 words BEETLE and WASPS.”

Teacher: – Take one picture from the bag (Figure 4). Let's first make up the word BEETLE. Those who have the necessary pictures come out. What's the first sound? Second? Last? Did you get the word BEETLE?

Figure 4

Now let’s make up the word WASP (perform the task similarly to the first one, lay out the words on a flannelgraph).

You have completed the task, now insects will appear and the birds will have a lot of food. The birds will sing cheerfully, let's remember a cheerful poem about spring.

Speech with the Vesnyanka movement

(Find the next envelope with a letter): “Help! Pirates can do things that cannot be done in nature! They can hurt us!”

Teacher: - let's make signs on bird protection, tell you what you shouldn't do and why.

(Children in pairs make up pictures-symbols(Figure 5) phrases).

Figure 5

You can't shoot birds with a slingshot because you might hurt them.

Nests must not be destroyed because birds hatch their chicks in them.

You can't kill insects because birds eat insects.

Teacher: - Now all visitors to the island will know these rules, and you do not forget them. Let's see what the map shows. We arrive at the island where we started our journey.

Parrot meets children: - Guys, you have disenchanted all the islands, and we will hear the birds singing again. In gratitude, the birds left you a gift, you can find it using this note.

(Children read a note from symbol pictures(Figure 6)) .

Figure 6

The first note should say “Look into the vase.” In the vase they find the following note: “Look on the book.” On the book they find another note: “Look under the hat.” Under the hat they find a chest with “gold coins” (candies).

Used literature:

  1. Tkachenko, T.A. Special symbols in preparing 4-year-old children for learning to read and write: a guide for educators, speech therapists and parents. – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2000. – 48 p.
  2. Tkachenko, T.A. Lexico-grammatical representations: Formation and development. Methodological guidelines for conducting exercises. – M.: Publishing house “Knigolyub”, 2010. – 56 p.
  3. Kulikovskaya, T.A. Speech therapy tongue twisters and counting rhymes. – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2008. – 128 p.
  4. Molodova, L.P. Playful environmental activities with children: Educational method. manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers. – Mn.: “Asar” – 1996. – 128 p.: ill.

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Lesson notes (preparatory speech therapy group).

Topic: “Sounds R-R, Letter “R”. Migratory birds."


  1. Development of auditory attention, phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  2. Activation of vocabulary on the topics: “Spring, migratory birds.”
  3. Formation of comparative degree of adjectives, compound words, antonyms.
  4. Formation of diminutive forms of nouns.

Material for the lesson:

  • Firebird, sound houses, Flowers; cards with letters; apples (on the reverse side - tongue twisters for reading).

Progress of the lesson:

1. - Children, today we have a guest from a fairy tale in our lesson. Guess what his name is. The speech therapist asks the children a riddle:

Sweet apple aroma
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day.

The Firebird has prepared interesting games for you. Do you want to play with the Firebird? Then repeat after me the magic words:

Ra - Ra - Ra - the game begins.
Ro-ro-ro - I hold a pen in my hand.

The speech therapist detaches one feather from the Firebird attached to the board. On the back there is a task: cross out two identical letters.

Children sit at tables, there are cards on the tables. The letters are written on them: R. V P. E T S R. N T A P. Having crossed out the same letters, the children read the word: “Spring.”

2. The speech therapist detaches the second feather. It says: Correct the mistakes.

Development of auditory attention. Didactic game “Correct the mistakes.”

The speech therapist reads the text:

Spring has come. The streams are babbling merrily, icicles are dripping from the roofs - leaf fall (drops) has begun. The days are getting shorter (longer) and the nights longer (shorter). Wintering (migratory) birds are returning. People have already taken care of the rooks (starlings) - they have put together birdhouses. Insects wake up from winter sleep: flies, grannies (butterflies), bees. The first spring flowers - bluebells (snowdrops) - are about to bloom.

Tell me, what happens to the sun in spring? The sun shines brighter, warms, warms the earth.

What happens to the snow - it turns black, melts, and streams appear.

What do streams do? They are murmuring.

What happens in nature? The birds are returning.

3. The speech therapist detaches the third feather. It says: Compare the beginning of spring with the end.

Formation of the comparative degree of adjectives.

Children, do you think the forest is beautiful in winter? And in the spring, when the first leaves appear, what will it be like? – even more beautiful; curly forest - even curlier; a dense forest - even more dense; the joyful singing of birds will be more joyful; The sun is bright - it will be brighter, the singing of birds is loud - it will be louder, the snow is loose - it will be looser. The air is clear - it will be clearer. Birds fly fast - they will be faster.

4. On the fourth feather it is written: Reading tongue twisters - getting to know the sounds.

The Firebird loves apples very much, she decided to treat you too. Apples are unusual, magical. Read what is written on them. Tongue twisters are written on the reverse side, the children read them:

a) On a neighbor, on a rook,
The rook shouted in the heat of the moment.

b) The rook screamed, the rook got excited.

c) But the neighbor was not upset.

d) The starling cut centipede boots for the centipede.

e) The starling will sew properly on time.

f) All forty tailored boots.

g) A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.
The crow missed the crow.
Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

Which sound is pronounced more often than others? Sound “R” Characteristics of sound. (Consonant, voiced, hard). The sound “R” has a brother, the sound “r”. (Consonant, voiced, soft).

5. On the fifth feather it is written: Find the sound.

Didactic game "Sound houses".

Children determine the presence of “R-R” sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end of the word). The speech therapist names the words, the children determine the position of the “R-R” sounds in the word and place a bell in the appropriate box.

Words: Willow, Swift, thawed patch, starling, rook, lark, birdhouse, stream.

6. On the sixth feather it is written: Play with the birds.

What birds arrive in spring? Name it.

In the names of which birds did you hear the sounds “R - R”?

a) Didactic game: “Name the chick.”

  • Rook - little rook;
  • swift - haircut - haircut;
  • crane - baby crane - baby cranes;
  • starling-starling-starlings.

b) Didactic game “Complex words”.

  • White breast - white breasted;
  • long wings - long-winged;
  • short tail - short-tailed;
  • black eyes - black-eyed;
  • gray eyes - gray-eyed;
  • loud voice - loud-voiced;
  • motley wings - motley winged.

7. On the seventh feather it is written - transformation.

The children find themselves in a clearing and turn into spring. They say the magic words: Turn around yourself, turn into Spring. Children imagine themselves as a kind and gentle spring. They give gifts to nature: trees - foliage, meadows - grass and flowers.

Again there is no rest for the streams - (they dance in a circle, walk in a circle).
They murmur in the bushes day and night (they stop and make waves with their hands).
The golden sun is walking (raise your hands up, make a semicircle with your hands).
In clear, clear skies. (Children squat and stand up).
It pours rays onto the forest and meadow (make waves with their arms).
And all the flowers around. (Show a flower above your head).

8. On the eighth feather it is written: “Find a pair.”

Flowers are laid out in the clearing. Words are written on them. Children read the words and find a pair.

Didactic game “Say the opposite”.

Enemy - friend, evil - good, enmity - friendship, sadness - joy, cowardice - courage, laziness - hard work.

9. On the ninth feather it is written: “Enchanted birds.”

From mixed up letters, children make up the names of birds.

10. On the tenth feather it is written: Guess what is most expensive?

Children name pictures, identify the first sound and form words. Then they write all the words on the card. Having written down all the words, the children read the proverb: “Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.”

11. Summary of the lesson.

Come out, children, to the meadow,
Everyone stand in a circle.
Sun, shine the sun,
Light us with a bright ray.

Children close their eyes and try to feel the warmth, then they hold hands and transfer the warmth of their hands to each other.

Shabalina Svetlana Vitalievna,
speech therapist teacher,
MBDOU No. 139,

The topic of the lesson in the senior speech therapy group of the kindergarten: “Migratory birds. The use of prepositions B-NA in the prepositional and accusative cases.”
Goal: to develop lexical and grammatical means of speech.
Speech tasks:
1.Expand and activate the vocabulary on this topic.
2. Develop the ability to use nouns in the prepositional and accusative cases with prepositions V-HA in speech.
3. Construct a short statement based on an object picture.
Cognitive tasks:
1. Consolidate children’s ideas on the studied topic “Wintering Birds.”
2.Form children’s ideas on the topic “Migratory Birds.”

Equipment: subject and subject pictures on the topics studied, a musical recording of bird voices, a flannelgraph, silhouettes of a bird, a branch, a birdhouse, the roof of a house.
Progress of the lesson.
1.Organizational point:
The speech therapist invites children to prepare to listen carefully and say what they heard.
(A recording of bird voices is turned on. Children say that birds are singing).
2. Repetition of the material covered:
The speech therapist shows the children object pictures depicting wintering birds (crow, sparrow, tit) and asks them to name each one, then remember how to call them in one word. The interpretation of the word “wintering” learned in previous lessons is repeated.
The speech therapist offers to depict the sounds made by these birds (kar-kar, chiv-chiv, hsin-hsin), and then asks to tell each picture according to the model: this is a crow, it croaks; it's a sparrow, it's chirping; It's a tit, it's blue.
3.Introduction to the topic “Migratory Birds”.
The speech therapist suggests checking who remembers how the lesson began. (The children listened to the birds singing.) Who liked listening to birds singing? Who wants to see these birds and learn their names?
The speech therapist presents one by one subject pictures depicting a nightingale, a lark, a starling, naming them and talking about each:
This is a starling. He flies to us in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted. People rejoice at the arrival of starlings and prepare special birdhouses for them.
This is a nightingale. It flies to our region at the end of spring, when the leaves have already begun to bloom on the trees.
This is a lark. It can be seen in our area at the beginning of summer, when it becomes very warm and the trees are covered with green leaves.
(The speech therapist accompanies each story by showing a plot picture with the seasons).
The conclusion is voiced: the birds whose singing we listened to today live with us only in the warm season, and for the winter they fly to warmer regions, therefore the nightingale, lark, and starling are migratory birds.
“Sparrow, chirp!” The sparrows (all children) stand in a row, the driver stands with his back to them at a distance of 4-5 steps and says: little sparrow, chirp. One of the children, at the direction of the speech therapist, “chirps”, and the driver guesses the sparrow. He becomes the driver.
4. Work with lexical and grammatical material in the context of the topic being studied.
The speech therapist says that now we will meet migratory birds. They will fly and land on different objects: this is a branch, this is a roof, this is a birdhouse, this is a nest, this is a tree.
-The nightingale (lark, starling) has arrived. What did the nightingale (lark, starling) sit on? (the speech therapist moves the bird figurine so that the children answer: on a branch, on the roof, on a tree)
-The starling has arrived. Where will the starling live? (in the birdhouse)
-The lark has arrived. Where will the lark live? (in the nest)
The speech therapist suggests imagining that a bird has flown into the group.
-What can she sit on? (children name surrounding objects using the preposition NA and place a bird figurine on the named object).
-If she likes us, what will the bird live in? (children name surrounding objects using the preposition B and place a bird figurine inside the named object).
The speech therapist controls the correct use of word forms in the accusative and prepositional cases with prepositions V-HA and the adequacy of the proposed options. If the child’s answer is incorrect in meaning or grammatically, the speech therapist asks the children to think about how to say it correctly.
5. Summing up.
The speech therapist asks the children to remember the names of the birds that were talked about today, how to call them in one word, and why.
Find out what you liked about the lesson.
Children's successes are celebrated.

State public educational institution "Dzerzhinsky sanatorium orphanage"



Speech therapist teacher

Erysheva O.N.



Teach children to use prepositions in their independent speech.

Work on the syllable structure of words denoting migratory birds.

Write descriptive stories based on a diagram.


Clarify existing knowledge on the topic “Spring” and “Migratory Birds”.

- RaswiderThere is an active dictionary on the topic “Migratory Birds”.

- Improve the skill of composing different typessentences with prepositions and conjunctions.

- Work on the grammatical structure of speech:

Genitive case singular and plural;

Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Learn to identify the “4th extra” with an explanation.

3. Developmental:

Develop higher mental functions: attention, thinking,memory;

Develop gross and fine motor skills.

4. Educators:

Teach politeness, tact, mutual assistance, friendly attitude, sense of teamwork, kind attitude towards nature and birds.

Equipment: frog and stork costumes; caps of rook, lark, magpie, lark; cut-out pictures of migratory birds; pictures of birds; diagram of the retelling of the swallow; recording with bird sounds.

1. Organizational moment. (Working on spatial concepts, using wordsafter, before.

What time of year is it now? (It’s spring now).

What time of year was before spring? (Before spring there was winter)

What time will come after spring? (After spring will come summer).

What part of spring is it now? (It's mid-spring)

Speech therapist . Guys, before the start of class, let’s say our motto:

Who wants to talk

He must speak out.

Everything is correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone.

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer.

If everything is green and a stream rings in the fields. If the sun shines brighter.

If the birds can't sleep,

If the evening has become warmer,

This means that...(spring) has come to us

Speech therapist. Yes, with the arrival of spring everything comes to life around. How well do you know the signs of spring? Let's check it now. I invite you to guess spring riddles:

(answer with a sentence, start with the word “spring”)

1. What warms, shines, scorches in spring? (sun)

2.What is blue, high, clear in spring? (sky)

3. What runs, murmurs, sings in the spring? (streams)

4. What hangs from the roof, drips, melts? (icicles)

5.What gets dark in spring? (snow)

What in the spring drips, rings, sings? (drops)

Let's imagine that we are in a spring forest .

Close your eyes and count to three with me. 1-2-3 miracle happen!

(a recording with the sounds of the forest and birds singing is turned on).

- Well, what miracle happened? -Yes!

Guys, we are in a spring forest! The forest is a great and true friend. It is also a home for animals and birds. Listen, who is that singing in the forest?

These are birds!

Speech therapist. Of course, guys. And guys, in the spring birds that flew to warm countries in the fall return to us.

What are these birds called? (migratory)

Speech therapist . Right. Today in class we will talk about migratory birds. ( The first grass is turning green, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the streams are ringing merrily, the birds are singing loudly. Migratory birds are returning from warm countries. They fly in flocks and scream. Birds are also happy about spring.)

Speech therapist. . Why are they called migratory?

Children . Migratory birds live with us in the summer, build nests, hatch chicks, and with the onset of cold weather they fly away to hot countries for the whole winter in order to return to their native lands in the spring.

Speech therapist . Now let's play a game"Say a word "and find out what birds arrive in the spring.

1.To your wooden palace

Arrived in the spring...(starling)

2. Don’t be sorry for sonorous songs

In the spring...(nightingale).

3.A sad wedge in the heavenly distance

They fly with a sad cry... (cranes)

4. Variegated breast, tail, crown

In the forest and in the clock, the cuckoo cuckoos.

5. Starts with the letter “A”

The name of the bird...(stork).

6. In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

A bird as black as a raven.

All the migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

There is a doctor for our trees,

Eats different bugs... (Rook).

Speech therapist . Tell me, guys, what migratory birds do you know? (rook, nightingale, cuckoo, swallow, wild ducks, starlings...

Finger gymnastics “Migratory birds”

Tili-teli, tili-teli – (cross their thumbs, wave their palms)

Birds have arrived from the south!

A squirrel flew to us – (alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the left hand)

Gray feather.

Lark, nightingale

Hurry up, who's faster?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin -

Everyone's back, they've arrived , (again, crossing their thumbs, waving their palms)

Voiced songs eli!( make a beak with the index finger and thumb - “birds sing”)

Speech therapist . “4-odd” -Which bird is extra? (Nightingale, stork, cuckoo, magpie)

Children . The extra magpie is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, rook

Children. The extra bird, the rook, is a migratory bird.

Speech therapist. A story about birds. (Rooks are among the first to fly to their homeland. They are not afraid of cold weather. And until the fields are free of snow, the rooks look for grain and leftover food near human habitation. Then the construction of nests begins. The rook brings twigs, and the rook builds a nest. On one tree you can count 15-20 nests.)


The rook is a large bird. She looks like a crow. She has a big thick beak. The rook is the first to arrive to us in the spring. It eats beetles, larvae, and worms. The rook makes a nest of thin twigs and straw on the treetops.

Let's play the game "Fix the sentence" ( choose the preposition necessary for the meaning (from, in, to, over, on, by)

The rook flew out of the nest. The rook flew (to) the nest. The rook flew up (to) the nest. The rook circles (over) the nest. The rook sat (on) a branch. The rook walks (on) the ground. The rook sits (under) a tree.

2) The children made a house

And they nailed it to a tree.

The singer settled in there.

And his name?... (Starling)


Starlings arrive after the rooks. The bird is small in size, black feathers with white spots. The beak is powerful, there is a black crest on the head. It feeds on worms, caterpillars, and butterflies. They protect forests and gardens from pests. The starling lives in a birdhouse.(In summer, during the long daylight hours, both parents fly to the nest up to 300 times! Just imagine how many caterpillars, beetles and worms one pair of starlings will destroy.)

Game "Choose a Word"

Speech therapist.

- How to call a starling affectionately ?(Skvorushka)

- Who is the starling's chick, chicks? ( Birdhouse, starlings)

-What is their mother's name?( Starling)

- What kind of house do people build for starlings in the spring? ?(birdhouse)

Speech therapist .

3) Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this... (nightingale) Let's call the nightingale affectionately (nightingale).


Nightingales arrive when trees and bushes are covered with leaves. This little gray bird sings very beautifully. His home is a nest. It feeds on insects and seeds.Read. There is a sign among the people: “The nightingale sings all night - for good weather.”

4) Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body

And the back of the head, naked, red

Wanders through the dirty swamps,

Catches frogs and stupid jumpers in them. (Crane)

The crane is a large bird. The crane has a long neck, long beak, wide wings, and long legs. Cranes are gray and white.

Formation of related words. Crane chicks - baby cranes, little crane,mother of the cranes - crane,flock of cranes – crane,let's call him affectionately - crane, crane.

Surprise moment. (knock on glass like a bird with its beak)

Guys, it’s as if a bird knocked on the window with its beak, and it seems that it brought a letter.

A dove threw a letter towards us at the window about someone.

Apparently he was in a hurry, he left very quickly,

There was a lot of mail, but he didn’t deliver it all.

Well, I’ll read it to you, from whom I find it out.

“Hello, my little friends!

I want to hear a story about a bird that returns to you from warm countries in the spring.

In the meantime, I’m sending you a puzzle with a photo of this bird.

(La 100 chka).

Swallows and swifts arrive later than other birds, because they need a lot of flying insects to appear.

Speech therapist . Let's try to compose a story about a swallow using pictures. (Children turn over snowdrops and make sentences).

The swallow is a beautiful migratory bird.

The swallow has a black head, a white breast with a red and blue tie. The tail and wings are long and sharp.

A swallow lives in a nest under the roof of a house. Builds a nest from twigs, blades of grass, and clay.

The swallow's enemy is the cat. Swallows unitely defend themselves from enemies.

The swallow feeds on insects: caterpillars, mosquitoes, worms, and bugs.

The swallow sings beautifully. She makes people happy with her loud, cheerful chirping.

Game "The birds have flown away."

Swallow - swallows - no swallows

Crane - cranes - no cranes.

Starling - starlings - no starlings.

Nightingale - nightingales - no nightingales

Lark – larks – no larks

Lexico-grammatical game “Say the other way around”

TO short tail – long tail

Black beak – white beak

Thin neck – thick neck

Sharp beak - blunt beak

- Write the letters into the figures according to the example. Read the name of the birds and match it with the example. (on the desk).

Individually (collect cut-out pictures of migratory birds)

-Exercise “Finish the sentence” »

I really liked all your stories and poems. But there are still some questions left. Let's try to answer them answer them.

In the spring, birds build nests because... (children repeat the phrase and finish it) they hatch chicks in them.

The first to fly south are the birds that feed on insects, because... the insects are hiding and have nothing to eat.

In autumn, swans, ducks and geese are the last to fly away, because... reservoirs do not freeze for a long time and provide them with food.

All people love to listen to the nightingale because... he sings wonderfully.

Caterpillars cannot destroy crops because... birds destroy them.

The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because... (it does not build its own nests).

Birds need to be loved and protected, because... they bring great benefits (they decorate our nature, sing wonderfully, etc.)

Speech therapist . And now our theatrical page “Meetings in the spring forest”

Stork and frog

The frog and the stork argued who was more beautiful.

- I! - Look how beautiful my legs are!

-But I have four of them, and you only have two!

-Yes, I only have two legs, but they are long!

- I can croak, but you can’t!

- And I fly, and you just jump!

- You fly, but you can’t dive!

- And I have a beak!

- Just think, a beak! What is it for?

- That's what!

(the stork got angry and swallowed the Frog).

It’s not for nothing that they say that storks swallow frogs so as not to argue with them in vain.

(S. Mikhalkov).

Whose thawed patch

(Magpie, rook, lark come out to musical accompaniment)

Magpie: Tra-ta-ta! No thawed patch? Mine, mine! My thawed patch, since I saw it first!

Rook : Hello, I've already arrived! And right into my thawed patch! Ugly!

Magpie: Why is she yours? I saw her first!

Rook: You saw it, and I was flying towards her from afar! Left warm countries. Where there is thawed land, there we are, rooks! My thawed patch!

Lark: And I was born on it!

Speech therapist : Don't quarrel, friends, thawed patches are like thawed patches. Why do you need it?

Magpie. What about the seeds? Are the sprouts green?

Rook . Sit, walk, stretch! Dig your nose into the ground.

Lark. And it’s so good to sing over a thawed patch! There are as many thawed patches in the field as there are so many larks above them, and everyone is singing! There is nothing better than our thawed patch!

Speech therapist: Why are you arguing then, since she’s yours? The lark wants to sing - let him sing, the rook wants to walk - let him walk.

Lesson summary:

Guys, please tell me what birds we talked about in class today?

What did you like about our lesson?



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs