When the next program is 10 years younger. How much does it cost to participate in the project?

Transformation show on Channel One, adaptation of the British format 10 Years Younger.

Project " Ten years younger» ( 10 Years Younger) has been running successfully in England since 2004. Today, analogues of the show can be seen in many countries - from New Zealand to the United States of America. Thousands of women around the world have been able to change themselves thanks to this program. Finally, Russian women have the opportunity to become participants in the grandiose project “ 10 years younger».

Leading the project " 10 years younger» on Channel One - Svetlana Abramova. The audience knows Abramov as a presenter of sports news and press reviews. Svetlana’s team, which will help women transform themselves, includes a surgeon Sergey Blokhin, dentist Oleg Konnikov, style expert Ekaterina Gershuni and stylist Evgeniy Zhuk.

About the show 10 Years Younger

You don’t like the reflection in the mirror, you don’t have enough time for yourself, you don’t have style, you can’t choose clothes that fit your figure - this happens to women much more often than they are willing to admit. Program " 10 years younger"will correct mistakes and make dreams come true.

Every Sunday, a team of professionals led by presenter Svetlana Abramova will clearly prove that becoming 10 years younger is quite possible. Surgeon Sergei Blokhin, dentist Oleg Konnikov, style expert Ekaterina Gershuni and stylist Evgeniy Zhuk will show how this can be done.

All stages of the program’s heroine’s transformation will take place in front of the audience. Participants in the reality show will have the right makeup done, clothes will be selected, their hair will be changed, all the necessary cosmetic procedures will be performed, and if necessary, plastic surgery will be available. Incredible transformations await the heroines.

The task of the show experts " 10 years younger"- transform the main character. First, a survey is conducted on the street; passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take on the work and reshape the heroines’ faces and bodies.

Presenter Svetlana Abramova: “Most women come unhappy, and the reason often lies in their personal life. But our heroines are ready to go to great lengths to become more beautiful. All women want to use the services of a plastic surgeon, but when they directly encounter this - they come to the clinic, undergo standard procedures - panic begins. Even the bravest have fear. But this is the peculiarity of Russian women - to make sacrifices for the sake of men!”

In addition, each heroine will be able to plunge into the world of fashion - a clothing stylist and a makeup and hair specialist will select a wardrobe and give a new look.

Evgeniy Zhuk, beauty stylist: “My task is to show a woman that she is beautiful. And we really manage to inspire them to a new life!”

Super professionals in their field, led by presenter Svetlana Abramova, know how to make sure that by the end of the show each heroine looks at least 10 years younger. The transformation lasts for ten days. At the end of the reality show, the street poll is repeated.

How much did the “10 Years Younger” project cost a resident of Biysk, how Elena “promoted” Channel One for sneakers for 40 thousand rubles and how she plans to change her life after participating in the project, read in an interview with Elena Sidelnikova on the website portal.

Nine years of solitude

Elena Sidelnikova, a resident of Biysk, did not manage to get into the “10 Years Younger” project the first time. She sent an application for participation back in May 2016. A month later I decided to try my luck again and wrote again. Then there were castings on Skype with the show’s producers, editors, psychologists, and finally she heard the cherished: “We’re taking you!” The decision that Elena should participate in the project was unanimous.

“I stayed in Moscow for about two months. They paid for my tickets, rented an apartment. Then there was surgery, treatment, rehabilitation, breast surgery, a nose lift. By the way, I am the first in this project to have my nose “done.” The professor is like me I just fell in love, I charmed him with my recklessness,” Elena Sidelnikova told the portal site.

Elena explains her decision to participate in the show simply. She's tired of being alone. Nine years ago my husband died. She is withdrawn, communicates little with people, only with those closest to her. Elena says, it was disgusting to approach the mirror.

She turns 45 the other day, and people at the mall said she looks at least ten years older.

“I saw myself in the mirror and understood everything. Nine years of loneliness, such hard work. I lost weight, gained weight, quit smoking, started again. Last year I really lost it. And before that I gained up to 80 kilograms. I couldn’t look at myself.” , – the woman shared.

The attitude surprised

Three participants are filmed at one time in the “10 Years Younger” program. Elena was always left, as they say, in the dark.

“I was the favorite of the crew. The director kissed me on the cheek at every meeting and praised me that I was great, very real and open,” says a participant in the project.

Elena signed a contract, according to which she had to follow all the director’s instructions. When the film crew found out that she was singing, they asked her to perform “Murka”.

“I’ve never sung this song in my life! I really didn’t want to do it! I tried to refuse, but no way! And then, when the program aired and the media wrote about it, I actually read the comments. That I’m a drunk, that I’m a redneck, a market woman. Why do people write this?” – Elena laments.

Filming took place from morning until late at night. They filmed absolutely everything. The operation, which lasted five hours, was completely filmed. They filmed how teeth were made, how bandages were applied. A lot was not included in the broadcast, which lasts only 40 minutes.

What surprised Elena most of all was the attitude of people towards the project participants.

“In the center where we had plastic surgery, we were treated like family. They offered us coffee, everyone was smiling and friendly. At the same time, they know that we personally don’t pay a penny. But everyone is very kind and responsive,” Sidelnikova noted. .

How much does it cost to participate in the project?

The main question that all participants ask is: “How much will it cost?” Not at all. Elena says that no money is needed. The only thing the woman bought were antibiotics, which she had to take after the operation, and ointment for bruises. The channel paid for everything. But Elena cost the First a tidy sum. How much money was spent on it is a trade secret. But for sure, the woman says, it’s not one million rubles. She even insisted on buying sneakers for 40 thousand rubles. Although the program has a clothing limit, it achieved its goal. The store that sold branded goods made concessions and offered a huge discount.

Elena even had to argue with the project stylist. She offered the woman a set of clothes, which the Biysk woman did not like. We even had to stop filming because everyone was surprised. But the director said that Elena has the right to defend her position.

Lena says that she promised herself not to cry when she saw the final result in the mirror. Moreover, she looked in the mirror every day. But on the last day, when she had her hair and makeup done, she was forbidden to see her reflection.

"I promised myself that I wouldn’t pay. And I didn’t keep that word. I was shocked! I was dumbfounded. Later they told me and wrote that I didn’t thank you for my new appearance. It’s not true! I thanked you! I want , so that the Lord will reward them many times over for the good they do!” — the woman shared.

Do not be afraid

“There are 150 million people living in Russia. And there are only 200 applications for participation in the program. That’s how few people want to change their lives!” – Elena is surprised.

Biychanka advises all women who are even a little dissatisfied with their appearance and life to fill out an application to participate in the show.

“Dear women, don’t be afraid! You can’t give up on yourself, you have to love yourself. Don’t be afraid and fill out the form,” the woman assures.

Today Elena decided to change her job (she was doing renovations). She thinks about what she would like to do. She signed up for a fitness center and wants to improve her personal life. Now at 45 she looks on average 32-35. And I am sure that life is just beginning.

    I have an idea. I understand that this is a project for women. What if a man takes on the task of rebuilding himself? I am 65 years old. I am 30 years older than my wife. Masha (my daughter) is 4 years old. The problem is in the kindergarten. When I pick up Masha from kindergarten, the kids, seeing me, shout: Masha! Grandfather has come for you... And Masha, clenching her fists, shouts to them that this is my dad and he is the best in the world! With the help of your project, I would like to prove to the kids that I am Masha’s dad, and not a grandfather.

    For women who want to take part in the broadcast 10 Years Younger, Channel One periodically holds castings.

    To take part in the casting, you need to send an application with your data on the official website, here: http://www.1tv.ru/sprojects_anketa/si=5981

    Try to tell about yourself as interestingly as possible; priority is given to those who have a not entirely easy fate, that is heroines with a story, which they are ready to tell the country in the program.

    Also required attach photos in good quality, ask your loved ones or friends to take a photo of you. This is mandatory, since applications without a photo will not even be considered.

    You definitely need a profile photo (full height), a front photo (full height), a profile photo (close-up of the face), a front photo (close-up of the face), a profile photo (in a swimsuit), a front photo (in a swimsuit) ), you also need to attach a photograph to the application for the dentist, in which a close-up of your smile will be clearly visible, and also for the dentist you need a close-up photograph to show your teeth so that your gums are included in the frame.

    For women who passed the casting, participation in the project is absolutely free. But it is very difficult to get into the project, since there are a lot of applications. That is why you need to tell about yourself in detail and interestingly in the application form.

    There is a special group in VKontakte that is dedicated to this TV show; you can follow current news here https://vk.com/club62025129.

    It also contains contacts of doctors, stylists, and makeup artists who are involved in the creation of the project. Outside the scope of a television project, their services are paid. See the topic for contacts of our specialists!.

    The 10 Years Younger program is becoming very popular and many people want to take advantage of this chance. Just be prepared for the fact that this show and the show's creators will only be interested in special occasions. In order to get on the program, you need to fill out a form and use your photographs to convince them of the need to take you to the show.

    To become a participant in the show 10 Years Younger, you need to go to this website, fill out a detailed application form and send it.

    Those women who don’t like their own reflection in the mirror, who previously felt more attractive, and who want to try to regain lost youth and beauty can take part in the 10 Years Younger program.

    It is these people who must first pass the casting in order to become a participant in the show 10 Years Younger.

    Participation in the show is free.

    Of course, you want to be among those who, as a result of participating in the program, become more attractive than they were 10 years ago.

    But you must convince the creators of the show that this is necessary; they only help those whose arguments they consider sufficient for change.

    So you take a form, fill it out, attach photos, and if you are convinced of the need for change, you become a participant in the show.

    The show 10 Years Younger really does work wonders. The participants simply transform before our eyes and look ten years younger.

    They undergo plastic surgery, various procedures, hairstyle, makeup, and style selection.

    The show is shown every Saturday at lunchtime on Channel One.

    To become a member, go to the official website of the channel and fill out the form. Here is the link.

    Despite the high costs, participation in this show is absolutely free.

    But as I understand it, many people want to participate, so the editors choose participants with an interesting life story.

    In addition, as I understand it, women over 50 participate in it.

    To get into this growing momentum TV show 10 Years Younger, which takes place on the all-Russian Channel One everyone will need to fill out a form on the channel’s website.

    Gently fill out the form in detail, adding your photographs. You must also provide contact information in the application form.

    If you successfully pass the casting, you will be able to participate and become a hero, or rather the heroine of the program 10 years younger.

    In order to get into a program called 10 years younger, aired on Channel One, you need to try hard, since there are a lot of people who want it. You can leave a request on the channel’s website. Write about yourself, attach photos. There should be several photos: full-length, close-up of the face, a photo in a swimsuit, a photo of teeth and gums for the dentist. If your candidacy is of interest, you will be invited to a casting. Participation in the show is absolutely free.

    For those women who do not have the opportunity to create a look that will pleasantly surprise, first of all, themselves, such an opportunity can be provided by the new program 10 Years Younger, which launched on Channel One.

    Before the eyes of the audience, the woman transforms from a simple Cinderella into a beautiful princess from whom you cannot take your eyes off.

    Thanks to this program, women can learn useful things for themselves that will give them the opportunity to believe in themselves and gain confidence in their irresistibility.

    To participate in the program, you need to fill out a mandatory participant form (on the channel’s website), attach your photos (take worse ones to give the channel the opportunity to show its extraordinary fantastic talents for your transformation)

    Cosmetologists, stylists, plastic surgeons, hairdressers, and makeup artists can be involved in your transformation.

    The chances of participating in the program can be increased by traits that, in the eyes of people around her, do not seem to make a woman beautiful, but with a skillful approach (what to highlight, what to hide) can transform her into a queen.

    To become a participant in the popular show project 10 Years Younger, which airs on Channel One, you need to fill out a form on this website: 1tv.ru. It is necessary to fill out all the points of the form in as much detail as possible and add photographs. And hope that you will be chosen to participate in the program. Participation in the program is free, you do not have to pay for participation.

TV presenter Svetlana Abramova said that finding participants who meet fairly simple requirements is not so easy.

In the spring, a new season of the reality show about transformation “10 Years Younger” will start on Channel One. TV presenter Svetlana Abramova spoke about the changes that await the program this spring and the new casting for the popular television project.

The main innovation of the program may be new, younger heroines:
“Previously, we didn’t have heroines under 36 years old,” says Svetlana Abramova. — She was the youngest participant, and before our project she looked 46. But we often receive applications from girls, for example, 32 years old, who have anatomical, rather than age-related defects. For example, problems with the jaw, or some other features. It is possible that in the new season we will take on similar cases; we are currently discussing this format.

Working with new heroines can bring a number of changes to the established format of the show. If earlier the transformation took two months (and this was not always enough to evaluate the changes), now this process may require even more time.

“It is possible that in the new season we will approach each case individually,” says Svetlana. — Perhaps we will abandon the stage of plastic surgery in cases where this is not necessary, and we will pay more attention to other stages of transformation. Previously, all stages - plastic surgery, dentistry, style and beauty - were mandatory. Now we can become more flexible and move away from these rules. It all depends on the heroines who will come to us in the new season.

An application for participation in the program can be submitted on the Channel One website: http://www.1tv.ru/shows/na-10-let-molozhe/uchastvuyte-v-proekte. Every day from 9.00 to 21.00 editors are on duty to review all profiles.

In past seasons, there were two main criteria for selecting heroines: she can undergo plastic surgery (it turns out that for health reasons this procedure is not for everyone), she has an interesting life story (it can be both positive and tragic) or there is some clear goal, Why does she want to change her appearance?

“Surprisingly, there are not as many heroines who meet these simple but strict requirements as one might expect,” Svetlana complains. — But there are many other requests: many, for example, do not want to have plastic surgery, but want dentistry, image, hair and makeup. Therefore, in the new season the idea arose to become more flexible. Do not do plastic surgery if it is not necessary, but correct some other features that prevent a woman from living.

Today on Russian television there are many programs on the transformation of women. Not long ago, on Channel One, together with the plastic surgery clinic “Frau Klinik”, a new season of the project “10 Years Younger”, which is well-known outside Russia, was launched, which has significant differences from its analogues. A whole team of specialists is working on the transformation of the heroines, including plastic surgeon Sergei Blokhin, dentist Oleg Konnikov, stylist Katya Gershuni and hair and makeup specialist Evgeniy Zhuk.

Every woman has a chance to get on the project! To do this, you just need to leave your application on the official website of the reality show. Participants in the “10 Years Younger” project will receive a serious rejuvenation program using the most modern technologies in the field of plastic surgery and dentistry. Several dozen women have already become happy participants in the reality show, the results of which you can see on the website.

Leave a request to participate in the joint project of Channel 1 and Frau Klinik - “10 years younger.”

Natalya Zvirik, 61 years old

Natalia underwent the following procedures:
- platysmoplasty (neck surgery),
- SMAS-lifting (an innovative technique for deep face lifting),
- blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery),
- laser facial resurfacing (a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating the skin structure).

Irina Zakrevskaya, 51 years old

To transform Irina, the following was carried out:
- face lift,
- eyelid surgery,
- neck plastic surgery,
- laser facial resurfacing.

Svetlana Krylova, 45 years old

Svetlana Krylova underwent two serious operations - blepharoplasty and deep facelift (SMAS), the result was secured with laser resurfacing.

Elena Sheveleva, 41 years old

Irina was held circular facelift, blepharoplasty and eyebrow lifting.

Irina Parkhomenko, 63 years old

Irina was allowed to return the youth and beauty of her face eyelid surgery and check-lifting (mid-face lift surgery), upon completion of the operation was performed laser resurfacing.

Svetlana Ayokova, 39 years old

Svetlana underwent the following procedures:
- blepharoplasty,
- facelift (facelift),
- laser facial resurfacing.

Actress Natalya Bondarchuk, 65 years old

Natalya Bondarchuk underwent a number of plastic surgeries:
- SMAS-lifting (circular facelift),
- platysmoplasty (neck surgery),
- blepharoplasty (upper eyelid lift).
The obtained result was consolidated with microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage.

You can watch all episodes of the program at



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