Cough when you inhale air. Causes of dry cough during exhalation and ways to eliminate it

Coughing when breathing is a common complaint with which patients turn to therapists and pulmonologists. This symptom may indicate that the patient has chronic, advanced and very serious diseases. If you begin to cough when breathing, consult your doctor immediately.

Dry cough when breathing is a symptom of bronchitis and pneumonia

Dry cough with deep breath most often indicates diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx, as well as their irritation, is often observed. A nonproductive cough when breathing begins due to contraction of the diaphragm muscles. This gradually leads to the closure of the glottis, due to the fact that the pressure on the respiratory muscles increases. A closed glottis restricts the access of air to the airways and provokes an attack.

If you cough when you breathe, and before that you suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, or even a common cold, then it may indicate the development of complications. Unfortunately, not all people are sensitive to their health and self-medicate or suffer from the above ailments on their feet. These two factors are the most common cause development of complications.

Most often not treated in a timely manner respiratory diseases lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. You should not mistakenly assume that these two ailments are always accompanied by sputum discharge. Dry nonproductive cough when breathing can also be a symptom. It occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia if the discharge of sputum is difficult. In this case, the patient often experiences a whistling sound when breathing, while the cough is clogging and paroxysmal. Patients complain that they cannot sleep at night, since the attack begins when taking a horizontal position.

“I cough when I inhale,” patients often complain when visiting a therapist. In this case, the specialist listens to the patient for the presence of wheezing and sputum in the bronchi and lungs. This is done by comparing breathing in calm state and at deep breath. If pneumonia is suspected, the patient is referred to X-ray examination. Inflamed areas of the lungs are clearly visible on x-ray, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis process.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated by taking strong antibiotics and, if necessary, antibacterial agents. Dry cough when breathing, which occurs as a result of these diseases, goes away with integrated approach to treatment. Patients are prescribed expectorants that dilute mucus and remove it from the bronchi and lungs. In this case, the symptom passes from the unproductive stage to the productive one.

Cough when inhaling, causes not related to bronchitis and pneumonia

Coughing after inhalation is often complained of heavy smokers. The reason for this is spasms of the bronchi and lungs, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as chronic accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Cough when breathing in smokers can also develop due to circulatory problems, which often leads to emphysema. In smokers, this symptom cannot be clearly divided into productive and unproductive. In the morning, when sputum accumulates, it is moist; during the day it can be either dry or wet. It occurs when you take a deep breath.

If, as a result of constant smoking, a cough begins when inhaling, then the first health safety measure should be to give up this harmful habit. To the one suffering from nicotine addiction, you should also cleanse the blood and remove phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. And also, switch to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. The latter measure is necessary to reduce the load on the lungs and heart.

“I inhale and cough,” people often come to see a cardiologist with this complaint, while also suffering from chest pain. There are several diseases cardiovascular system, causing cough when breathing. It's about coronary disease, heart valve dysfunction, heart failure. Besides this symptom and chest pain in patients with the above diseases, there is general fatigue and weakness, pain in the back and even fainting when physical activity. A sick person wants to cough when inhaling in this case because the pressure on the heart muscle increases, gradually being transmitted to the diaphragm, which leads to the closure of the glottis.

Treatment of the above diseases, which cause coughing when breathing, is prescribed by a cardiologist only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient is prescribed medications that normalize heart function, as well as special physical exercises and oxygen therapy. IN in rare cases the patient requires surgical intervention.

In this case, coughing with a deep breath does not require separate treatment. It goes away on its own after normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of cough when exhaling

Patients often also experience a cough when exhaling, the causes of which also lie in various diseases. Most often, this symptom is observed in people with bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi and disruption of their normal functioning. When inhaling, the air easily overcomes the obstacle created by the narrowed organs, so a person with asthma does not experience any discomfort at this moment. When you exhale, everything happens differently, because carbon dioxide The air we exhale is heavier than oxygen. It is much more difficult to escape from the narrowed bronchi, causing an attack of suffocation and painful sensations. If you feel like coughing when you exhale, then it’s time to see a doctor. Remember that the earlier asthma is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

Cough when exhaling may be caused by hilar or lobar pneumonia. It occurs, as a rule, only with bilateral inflammation, when the lungs cannot cope with the volume of air entering them. This disease is treated inpatiently with antibiotics and antitussives.

Lung cancer is the most dangerous illness, during which a cough begins when taking a deep breath. A tumor compressing the lungs leads to poor air flow into the respiratory system, which causes attacks of suffocation. However, most often in cancer patients this symptom is expressed by following diagram: inhale - exhale - cough. Naturally, such a disease is accompanied by severe pain. Diagnosis of lung cancer early stage allows him to be cured. The main risk group for this disease includes primarily smokers, as well as employees of hazardous industries. Prevention of lung cancer includes annual fluorography, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Do not forget that it is stupid to be afraid to know that you have a particular disease. Be sure to see a doctor if you have breathing problems. By the way, one symptom “I inhale and cough” will clearly not be enough for a doctor. Your task is to describe the problem as accurately as possible. This is necessary for the specialist to prescribe the necessary laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.

Almost every person has experienced a condition when they feel like coughing when inhaling. The causes of the problem may lie in infectious diseases and viral nature, as well as the impact of external factors on the human body. Pathology often manifests itself against the background chronic diseases lungs and cardiovascular system. You should understand in more detail the causes of cough when inhaling air and how to eliminate it.

Increased desire to cough appears when inhaling

General information

What is it - coughing when you sigh? The reflex cannot occur independently; it indicates disturbances in the body. More often, the symptom accompanies infectious diseases of the respiratory system, which require the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and immunomodulators. But a spasm does not always form during colds. It can be provoked external factors– polluted environment, tobacco smoke, inhalation of allergenic substances (paints, dust), non-compliance with the daily routine.

Bacterial pathologies are almost always accompanied by cough, fever, dry throat, discomfort when speaking, and impaired saliva production by the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Itching may occur after contact with pets. Attack allergic nature accompanied by slight cough, without fever and sputum production. However, treatment for the condition may take longer than treatment for a cold.

A sore throat and cough reflex may be of an allergic nature.

Sources of the problem

As noted above, when inhaling severe cough appears on various reasons. The most common ones should be noted:

All of the listed causes of pathology are quite serious, so the condition requires contacting a doctor for diagnosis and drawing up a comprehensive treatment regimen.

The cough reflex appears when a tumor develops in the thyroid gland

Clinical picture

The cause of seizures can be identified by characteristic symptoms. If the cough begins with a deep breath and is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, then we're talking about about respiratory tract pathology. Dry cough with whistling is a sign of ARVI in acute stage. The intensity of the symptom increases in evening time when a person assumes a horizontal position.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are characterized by the production of viscous sputum. At shallow breathing the attacks do not bother the patient, but with a sharp inhalation the cough appears.

Why shouldn't you ignore the first signs of a problem? Seizures may indicate incipient development oncological processes which, if not intervened in a timely manner, lead to the death of the patient. The following manifestations are typical for respiratory cancer:

  • paroxysmal cough, worse at night;

A cough that gets worse at night is especially annoying.

People suffering from chronic bronchitis, workers, and chemical industry and persons who consume cigarettes. Smokers also cough when morning time and when doing physical exercise.

Tuberculosis exhibits cancer-like symptoms. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner who can differentiate one type of disease from another.

Cough is often accompanied by loss of appetite


Only a doctor can decide what to do in each specific case. Treatment is based on the patient’s age and test results (blood, urine, sputum). Besides laboratory research, are required and instrumental methods diagnostics:

  1. X-ray of the lungs - reveals not only inflammatory processes in respiratory system, but also some cardiac pathologies.
  2. Bronchoscopy – examination inside respiratory organs using a miniature camera.
  3. Spirometry – determines the level of functioning of vital systems.
  4. CT scan – is prescribed when there are difficulties in making a diagnosis and in cases where it is necessary to confirm oncology;
  5. Ultrasound of the heart.

Bronchoscopy is performed to identify the cause of cough.

Complex treatment includes inhalations, medication, cough massage, and physiotherapeutic measures.

Measures to alleviate the condition

Emergency measures are required if a cough appears suddenly and prevents a person from breathing normally. What does first aid include? It is necessary to call a medical team, and before its arrival, take actions to promote large sputum discharge. To do this, the patient is taken to the bathroom, where the tap is turned on. hot water. Humid air will cause liquefaction of mucus in the bronchi.

You should also ventilate the room if a cough suddenly begins. If it’s warm outside, open the window wide. The patient is removed tight clothes. If you have a nebulizer at home, you can inhale through the mouth with saline solution or other liquid that has alkaline composition. The action will ease attacks and eliminate tickling in the throat. Also, the patient is not recommended to lie down during severe spasms, since horizontal position The sputum comes out worse.

A nebulizer will help relieve cough symptoms

If there is no temperature, then other measures are taken to reduce the intensity of the symptom:

  • steaming the legs in a basin at a liquid temperature no colder than 38 degrees;
  • applying to lower limbs mustard plasters for a few minutes;
  • consumption of plain water or milk with a small amount of soda;
  • stopping smoking in the room where the patient is;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solution.

Often, mild illnesses accompanied by a sore throat and cough degenerate into dangerous pathologies(pneumonia, pleurisy), which are accompanied by difficulty breathing and wheezing in the chest. The only way To avoid consequences - contact an otolaryngologist or therapist in a timely manner to get help.

Smoking is prohibited in the room where the patient is located.

Ways to deal with the problem

A cough does not always need to be eliminated when it appears, as it helps clear the respiratory system of mucus and dust particles. Treatment is carried out carefully. For mild symptoms in a child, you can use traditional medicine:

  • reception warm milk with butter and honey;
  • drinking chamomile tea;
  • steam inhalations.

These measures help improve the patient’s condition, and sometimes completely eliminate ARVI.

For a dry cough, doctors prescribe drugs that suppress the reflex - Stoptussin, Sinekod, Codeine. Medicines are prescribed only in extreme cases, when spasms interfere with normal rest at night. Medicines should not be taken unless prescribed by a specialist, as they contribute to the stagnation of mucus in the lungs. For tickling in the throat, lozenges with eucalyptus or sage are added to antitussive medications. The effect of the lollipops lasts for 2-3 hours.

Chamomile tea is used to treat cough

Spasms with phlegm are treated with mucus-thinning drugs - Lazolvan, Bromhexine. Mucolytics are prescribed to remove viscous masses - Mucaltin, Halixol. If the disease is complicated by pneumonia or bronchitis, then the treatment regimen includes mandatory include antibacterial drugs. It should be remembered that remedies that help with wet coughs do not cope with dry ones. Medications should be selected with extreme caution for children and pregnant women.

A person who is sick must remain completely at rest, since a cold suffered “on the feet” with high probability complicated by bacterial diseases.

Prevention of the problem

Prevention of pathologies of the respiratory system includes mandatory smoking cessation. Tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi and causes chronic cough, which over time can degenerate into oncological lesion respiratory system.

Daily walks fresh air will help strengthen the bronchopulmonary system

The risk group for bronchitis and pneumonia includes: infants and adults who are forced to lie in bed for health reasons. In the absence of movement occurs congestion in the lungs. Prevention of the problem for babies includes daily exercises and massage, which mothers can learn at home. For disabled people who are bedridden, it is recommended to inflate balloons for the development of the respiratory system.

TO preventive measures also include: daily walks in the fresh air; limiting contact with allergens, ventilating the room and carrying out wet cleaning in it, rational nutrition.

The video will tell you about the causes of difficulty breathing and coughing:

Coughing when inhaling is a familiar situation to many, especially smokers. We are used to it and don’t take it seriously. However, sometimes, coughing when inhaling can be a symptom of serious illnesses.

Causes of cough when inhaling

Cough when inhaling is the first symptom of lung cancer, indicating endobronchial tumor growth. In the initial stage of the disease, the cough is dry, hacking, painful, and sometimes occurs in attacks. Coughing when inhaling causes anxiety in patients, usually at night. The difficulty in assessing the clinical picture of cough when inhaling as a symptom of lung cancer lies in the fact that it usually affects for a long time smoking people or sick chronic bronchitis. Chronic cough when inhaling is typical for these categories of people.

During the development of the tumor, in approximately 90% of cases, a cough is observed when inhaling, accompanied by the discharge of thick, odorless mucus. Later, blood appears, resembling raspberry jelly. Profuse bleeding of the lung may occur, resulting in the death of the patient.

Cough when taking a deep breath

Cough is a rise chest pressure, as a result of which the muscles contract, helping to squeeze out mucus and phlegm from the bronchi. When the throat slit is quickly opened, air escapes at a speed sufficient to quickly clear the bronchi. Rare coughing impulses are normal occurrence, the appearance of which should not cause any special concern.

Cough with a deep breath is divided into two types:

Dry cough. This type of cough occurs with diseases of the bronchi and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the trachea. It is intrusive in nature and is often associated with vocal cord disorders.

- Wet cough. It stops with the separation of sputum and begins again only after another accumulation of mucus. Wet cough considered a symptom of bronchitis. The patient suffers from it a lot of troubles, the cough is painful for him.

Coughing while taking a deep breath is very painful for the patient. Practice confirms that most often it is caused by irritation of pleurisy, asthma attacks or increased allergic sensitivity of the lungs. If the cough occurs against the background of abundant foamy sputum, this indicates a swallowing disorder.

Reasons causing the appearance There are a lot of coughs when taking a deep breath. This suggests that you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. You need to contact a good specialist to conduct examinations and determine the disease.

Dry cough when inhaling

A dry cough when inhaling is the most common symptom diseases of the respiratory system. Wet and dry cough when inhaling helps clear the upper respiratory tract of foreign bodies, phlegm and mucus.

The cause of a dry cough when inhaling is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi. This cough is reflex action, however, sometimes it can be deliberately provoked.

When you get the flu, the bacilli are scattered several meters away from the sick person when you cough. In this case, it must be isolated from healthy people, in order to protect them from infection.

When inhaling, a dry cough occurs; when breathing is deep, contraction occurs. respiratory muscles, as a result of which the glottis closes. Tension of the respiratory muscles increases pressure in the respiratory tract.

This type of cough is distinctive feature lung diseases, despite the fact that its presence does not indicate a pathology of the respiratory system.

A dry cough when inhaling is caused by diseases such as allergies, flu, pharyngitis, colds, and pleurisy.

In hazardous industries, if work is carried out with harmful substances, workers should use masks to prevent penetration chemicals V respiratory organs. If this rule is neglected, coughing during inhalation may occur due to chemical irritation.

Child coughs when inhaling

The child still has very weak respiratory organs, so the appearance of any cold infection capable of causing various diseases. Special significance has smoking family members, due to the fact that passive inhalation by the baby tobacco smoke contributes to the development of respiratory diseases.

A cough when inhaling begins in a child with acute bronchitis. In the event that coughing attacks are accompanied by wheezing, parents have to deal with obstructive bronchitis. The doctor prescribes treatment, but by the way the child coughs, one can judge what type of bronchitis he has.

When air is inhaled through the trachea into the larynx, it passes through the bronchi, eventually ending up in the lungs. Protective cells equipped with cilia cover the bronchi from the inside. When harmful microbes enter the bronchi, sputum is released, which the cilia transform to the center of the bronchi from all their corners. Coughing when inhaling contributes well to this, significantly accelerating the cleansing of the bronchi.

Difficulty breathing when coughing

Difficulty breathing when coughing in children is most often observed with viral croup. When entering children's body various infections virus, disease-causing, promotes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx. Breathing becomes difficult due to narrowing of the airways. This condition is called croup. Almost always the cause that causes it is ARVI. However, in a small percentage of cases, croup can be caused by other causes, so only the attending physician can definitively determine the diagnosis.

In adults, coughing when inhaling with difficulty breathing is often caused by infections that occur with HIV. In addition, these symptoms are caused by immune reconstitution syndrome.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical stress; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors' recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate everything from everyday use aggressive means, replace with natural ones, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • The reflex process in the throat is called a cough. The reasons for its formation lie in infectious or catarrhal inflammations, but, in addition, cough can occur due to viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Coughing should be treated according to the factors causing it, and for this, the patient should be diagnosed by a qualified doctor.

    If a cough occurs when inhaling or exhaling, you should see a doctor immediately. The formation of a dry cough when inhaling indicates dangerous process, which passes through the upper respiratory system. The cause of this symptom may lie in a serious viral inflammation, development bronchial asthma or appear as a result of complications of bronchitis or tracheitis.

    Cough is not an independent symptom, but only a sign of some kind of inflammation. Most often it occurs against the background of a cold or flu. Treatment for this process involves the use of anti-inflammatory medications. In addition, it will not be superfluous to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamins and active supplements.

    A cough does not always develop as a consequence of a cold. In some cases, the cause of cough lies in viral infection body. You can get rid of an illness of this nature only with the help of antiviral medications, as well as by observing bed rest.

    Any colds arises as a consequence of weak immune system patient.

    In more dangerous situations throat irritation occurs against the background of bacterial proliferation. As a rule, this form of the disease occurs as a result of the development of bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis.

    Bacterial cough is accompanied by high temperature bodies, painful sensations in the sternum, and also severe violation functions of the mucous membrane. Such symptoms can be eliminated using complex treatment. More details on how to cure a cough in this case are described here.

    Sometimes a dry and irritated throat occurs after interacting with pets or due to contact with other allergens. Allergic cough is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or sputum outflow. However, its treatment can take a long time. How to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation as quickly as possible written

    Why does cough occur when inhaling?

    Throat irritation does not always occur against the background of a serious inflammatory process. In some cases, dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat occurs after a long walk in dry areas. Dust particles cause reflex process body when the mucous membrane tries to eliminate foreign objects by coughing up. Therefore, a dry cough when inhaling is characteristic of allergic reaction body.

    If the cough occurs when you take a deep breath, should be determined exact reasons such a process. Alarming symptom may be accompanied by pain in the sternum and head, high body temperature, weakness, lethargy and severe exhaustion.

    Cough is a sign of an inflammatory process that requires drug treatment. Hoping that the disease will go away on its own is stupid.

    You should determine why you want to cough when you inhale at the very beginning of treatment. Apply for urgent medical care necessary in the cases described below.


    Cough when exhaling becomes common symptom for neuralgia. The symptoms of this disease are known to many. The first sign of the disease is chest pain. It can be paroxysmal, but at the same time quite strong. P Besides pain, patients note the formation of coughing attacks when inhaling or exhaling.

    Debilitating dryness in the mucous membrane of the throat disrupts sleep, since throat irritation mainly occurs in the evening or at night.

    You can find out how to cure a cough that appears at night

    Neuralgia is one of the most common forms of diseases that cause frequent coughing.

    In some cases neuralgia is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and face, swelling, impaired sensitivity of the skin.

    The reason for the formation of such a process lies in banal hypothermia. In addition, neuralgia occurs due to physical overexertion or as a result of trauma. Nerve endings may lose their functions due to infectious inflammation, because too frequent use alcoholic drinks, as well as prolonged contact with chemicals.

    Neuralgia often causes osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases in the area of ​​the motor system.

    Cough with this disease appears under the guise of a reflex process. Typically, patients do not notice mucus discharge, so some patients confuse this form of cough with a non-productive form of inflammation.

    Anatomy disorders

    Cough when inhaling may occur due to violations anatomical structure body. This symptom occurs especially often in children, as well as in amateurs. contact type sports Usually with this form the patient complains of severe pain, breathing problems and other symptoms.

    Patients often experience coughing attacks with bleeding. Treatment for this process is aimed at restoring lung function, as well as healing of damaged tissues and bones.

    Complications of acute respiratory diseases

    Cough when breathing occurs as a complication after acute respiratory diseases. If the patient has not treated a cold or flu, there is a risk of pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis and other infectious inflammations.

    A barking and dry cough often occurs against the background of the development of bronchitis or tracheitis.

    Typically, irritation of the throat when inhaling or exhaling occurs at the acute stage of the development of the disease, when, in addition to dryness and irritation, patients complain of the following symptoms:

    • sore throat;
    • increased body temperature;
    • breathing problems;
    • dry cough;
    • no sputum discharge;
    • irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

    Cough in such forms of diseases acts as obsessive and barking. Treatment involves the use of not only anti-inflammatory drugs, but also drugs wide range actions.

    Bronchial asthma

    Wheezing in the bronchi without a cough may appear at the acute stage of asthma development. This disease is accompanied by severe symptoms that cause extreme discomfort to the patient.

    Choking attacks or asthma are serious illness, which has chronic form . With the development of such a process, the patient develops severe attacks which are accompanied extraneous sounds in the bronchi.

    Treatment for asthma should be individualized, as it is important to know all clinical picture diseases.


    If the patient has a strong cough when inhaling, but before the formation of this symptom the patient was not exposed to colds or infectious diseases, the condition of the bronchi and respiratory tract should be checked.

    Cancer cells can be eliminated without surgical intervention actually early stage development of the disease.

    The most terrible diagnosis in this case, the formation of a benign or malignant tumor may occur. The first symptoms of tumor formation appear as follows:

    • sore throat;
    • feeling of a foreign object;
    • abundance of mucous secretions;
    • severe breathing difficulties;
    • swelling;
    • cough with wheezing;
    • blood discharge.

    cure cancer possible using standard treatment without dangerous consequences possible at an early stage of the disease. Therefore, you should not ignore these symptoms.

    In any case, indicate the reasons and further treatment Coughing while exhaling and inhaling should be done with the help of a qualified physician. Do not try to eliminate the disease using traditional methods or following the advice of friends and relatives.

    How is the treatment carried out?

    In order to determine the cause of cough when breathing, the patient should undergo x-ray of the lungs, and then identify any deviations using bronchoscopy. This procedure will determine the presence of neoplasms, as well as determine the quality of respiratory tract functions.

    If necessary, the patient will be prescribed spirometry And tomography. Only after a thorough diagnosis can the patient be prescribed drug or surgical therapy.

    Conservative treatment is as follows:

    1. For dry cough of an infectious nature, the patient is prescribed antitussives - “Libexin”, “Butamirat”, “Glaucin”, “Oxeladin”, “Prenoxyndiosin”.
    2. To alleviate the patient's condition and to eliminate phlegm, you should undergo a course of treatment with syrups and tablets - “ACC”, “Ambroxol”, “Mukaltin”, “Solutan”
    3. It is important to reduce swelling in the mucosa. To do this, use antihistamines- “Zirtec”, “Zodak”, “Suprastin”, “Cetrin”, “Ketotifen”, “Ketoprofen”, “Tavegin”, “Diazolin”, “Claritin”.
    4. With a bacterial form the patient needs powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics - Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxiclav.
    5. To relieve a dry cough into a productive form You should use mucolytics - “ACC”, “Ascoril”, “Libexin”, “Bromhexin”.
    6. Subject to availability shortness of breath If you have a cough, take Eufillin.
    7. Throat irritation due to bronchitis can be eliminated with hormonal medications- “Salbutamon”, “Berodual”.

    In addition, the course of complete therapy includes the use of traditional methods. However, you should not use decoctions or drink teas without a doctor’s prescription. More about methods alternative therapy written


    Self-medication for cough can be dangerous to human health and lead to completely the opposite result. Also, you should not hope that the attacks will go away on their own. This attitude towards one’s own health can cause the development dangerous disease, for example, pneumonia or tuberculosis.



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