How to cure male impotence. Common Treatments for Impotence

Impotence ( impotence) is the inability of a man to perform full sexual intercourse. This disease can manifest itself as impaired erection, ejaculation, and inability to obtain satisfaction from sexual intercourse.

Typically, impaired potency is not an independent disease, but a symptom of other pathologies. One of the common causes is diseases of the genital organs (inflammation of the testicle and its appendages, damage to the penis). Can lead to sexual impotence nervous disorders due to chronic fatigue, prolonged stress, depression, etc. Brain pathology (tumors, inflammatory processes, trauma), diseases of the endocrine system (diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus), kidney and liver diseases, infectious processes(mumps, syphilis), cardiac lesions vascular system(hypertension, widespread atherosclerosis), alcoholism, drug use, manifestation hereditary diseases, the use of certain medications, exposure to industrial and other toxic substances. This condition sometimes occurs after surgery on the rectum, testicle, and prostate gland. In some men, a decrease in sexual strength (even impotence) may occur against the background of complexes of a sexual nature (for example, regarding the size of one’s penis).

Herbal treatment

1. Leuzea safflower ( maral root). Tincture. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. Used as a tonic for fatigue and sexual weakness.

2. The bait is high. Tincture. Take 30-40 drops 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before meals. Used as a tonic and stimulant for sexual impotence.

3. Aralia Manchurian. Tincture. Take 30-40 drops 2 times a day in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a central nervous system stimulant for sexual weakness.

4. Rhodiola rosea (golden root). Tincture. Take 20-40 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. Acts mainly on the nervous system, with impotence. Contraindicated in cases of severe symptoms of increased nervous excitability, hypertensive crises, depletion of cortical cells, feverish conditions.

5. Pantocrine. Tincture. Take 15-20 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a strong tonic, for impotence, and as a general tonic.

6. Eleutherococcus. Tincture.

Take 15-20 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system and the entire body for impotence. ,

Note. Take all the listed medications for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for 1 month, then repeat the course. Long time It is not advisable to accept. People with high blood pressure should not take it. Also do not take in spring and summer.

7. Periwinkle. Tincture. 20 g of small periwinkle herb with flowers are boiled over low heat in 250 ml of vodka and consumed 8 drops 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 4 days. After this, take a two-day break and repeat the treatment.

Zalmanov capillary baths

Zalmanov's capillary baths perfectly increase sexual potency in almost all men, regardless of age. We have not yet specifically dealt with these issues, since we have enough more pressing health problems. But the facts of the beneficial effects of turpentine baths on male potency so impressive that it is simply a sin to remain silent about them. I am sure that almost every man who has taken capillary baths for certain diseases has noticed this pleasant side effect, which consists of a rush of blood into the vessels of the penis and the appearance of an erection. This especially applies to white capillary baths. No Viagra with its negative side effects can compare with the harmless Zalman baths in increasing male sexual power.

The penis, a man’s sexual “tool,” is rich not only in nerve receptors, but also in blood vessels, the blood supply of which determines the hardness of the penis and the duration of its erection, that is, “persistence” during sexual intercourse.

Turpentine baths especially quickly provide therapeutic success for impotence and reduced potency vascular origin, that is, when they are associated with the poor condition of the arteries supplying the penis. Poor condition of the supply arteries is observed, for example, with vascular atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, thromboangiitis obliterans.

I have observed men over fifty years of age with quite severe impotence associated with the above vascular problems. All of them took capillary baths primarily to treat their neglected vascular diseases. Everyone had to take more than a dozen healing baths. And from bath to bath, from stage to stage, everyone experienced a gradual improvement in erection and increased sexual potency, along with an improvement in other areas of the body. The results of the treatment were amazing.


Most often, in the treatment of impotence, essential oils are used as additives in baths or during massage. The oils used are sandalwood, ylang-ylang, neroli, jasmine, amyris, basil, black pepper, cardamom, celery, sage, coriander, cumin, geranium, ginger, patchouli, rose, thyme, violet.

Collection No. 1


1 tbsp. spoon of toadflax grass, Icelandic moss, lemon balm leaves and spotted orchis tubers, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1 glass per day.

Collection No. 2


1 tbsp. spoon of madder root, herb kidney tea, field steel grass, chamomile flowers, dill seeds, horsetail grass, silver birch leaves, 250 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the crushed mixture. Leave for 5-6 hours, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

Collection No. 3


4 tbsp. spoons of bearberry leaves, hernia herb, plantain leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of birch buds, knotweed grass, sandy caraway flower baskets, thuja shoots, 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation.

3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of crushed collection. Leave for 12 hours, then boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. Strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Collection No. 4


6 tbsp. spoons of tricolor violet herb, burdock roots, 4 tbsp. spoons of creeping wheatgrass rhizomes, Veronica herb, 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation.

3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the crushed mixture and boil for 12-15 minutes. Leave for 3-3.5 hours, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

Collection No. 5


1 tbsp. spoon of rose hips, thyme grass, oat straw, knotweed grass, chicory grass and roots, 500 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the crushed mixture. Leave for 4-4.5 hours, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Collection No. 6


2 tbsp. spoons of bearberry leaves, silver birch leaves, licorice root, corn columns with stigmas, 250 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

Pour boiling water over 4 teaspoons of crushed collection. Leave for 50-60 minutes, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Collection No. 7


2 tbsp. spoons of silver birch leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon of field steelhead root, dry fruits of forest dugout, 250 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture. Leave for 1 - 1.5 hours, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Collection No. 8


2 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers, 4 tbsp. spoons of immortelle flowers, St. John's wort, valerian rhizomes, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for 1 hour, strain

Method of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Turnip decoction in milk


100 g turnips, 50 g honey, 50 ml carrot juice.

Method of preparation.

Boil turnips in milk. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder, mix with honey and juice.

Method of application.

Take 50 g 3 times a day before meals.

Lungwort herb decoction


2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb lungwort, 250 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

Pour in the chopped grass boiled water room temperature, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month.

Aloe leaf tincture


500 g aloe leaves, 500 g honey, 500 ml dry red wine.

Method of preparation.

Mix the leaves crushed into pulp with honey and wine. Place the mixture in a dark and cool place for 5 days.

Method of application.

Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. After a week, increase the dose to 1 tbsp. spoons at a time. The course of treatment is a month. After a week, the course can be repeated.


Herbal medicine methods are widely used in the treatment of impotence. For example, nettles have long been used to stimulate sexual activity. Most clearly enhance sexual desire and crushed nettle seeds increase the formation and maturation of sperm when mixed with honey and grape wine or with onions and eggs.

Peony evasive preparations have a calming and analgesic effect. Water infusion roots and rhizomes enhances libido and sexual performance; calamus has a tonic effect in cases of sexual weakness, manifested by accelerated ejaculation and weakening sexual desire. From medicinal plants The use of adaptogens is also recommended. These drugs stimulate the function of the gonads, nervous system, contribute to the body’s adaptation to stress factors, increase performance, and have a general strengthening and stimulating effect.

The most commonly prescribed are Eleutherococcus (2 ml of alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus 30 minutes before meals), Schisandra tincture (25-30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals), Schisandra fruits (fresh or dry 3-4 pieces 3 times a day), tincture of zamanikha roots (30-40 drops in a small amount of water 3 times a day in the morning), tincture of ginseng (20-25 drops 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before food), Aralia tincture (30-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals), pantocrine (25-30 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals).

The course of treatment lasts 1 - 1.5 months. When using adaptogens, it is necessary to remember that the last dose of the drug should be no later than 19-20 pm, since their characteristic tonic effect can lead to difficulty falling asleep (insomnia).


Take 5-8 drops royal jelly 3 times a day (keep in mouth, without swallowing, until completely absorbed). The course of treatment continues for 2 months. After a 10-day break, taking royal jelly can be repeated.

Take 1 teaspoon pollen 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. After a two-week break, you can repeat the course.

Medical nutrition

The diet for sexual weakness should include turnips boiled in milk, parsley, walnuts, and honey. It is recommended to add the root to the patient’s diet (in dry form, as a side dish for meat dishes) and seeds (in the form of infusion) of parsnip. Be sure to eat onions and green onions and garlic in salads (if healthy liver and kidneys). The consumption of alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea is strictly limited.

Rosehip is very useful, as it is rich in vitamins and essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body, including the male genital area. Men with impotence are advised to drink a decoction of its fruits as their main drink throughout the day.

Often impotence develops against the background of a general lack of physical development men. In this case, a complete high-calorie diet, rich in proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and regular meals help normalize body weight and restore potency.

Often the cause of impotence is a deficiency of vitamin E in a man's body. To eliminate hypovitaminosis E, it is recommended to enrich the diet with vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, soybean, corn), wheat germ, green plants, black bread, nuts (including peanuts), sunflower seeds and pumpkins. Vegetable oil should be present in dishes consumed during the day in the amount of 2-3 tbsp. spoons

Among other vitamins that have a beneficial effect on potency, the leading role is given to vitamins B and C.

To maintain sufficient levels of these vitamins in the body, it is recommended to add certain products: sea buckthorn, currants, strawberries, viburnum, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, rowan, sorrel, rhubarb, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, turnips.


Most doctors will first prescribe one of the following medications for you.


Most men get excellent results when taking Viagra. Unfortunately, Viagra does not treat impotence caused by nerve damage as well as other types of impotence.

Unlike most other methods of treating impotence, Viagra gives not an artificial, but a natural erection. You still need stimulation to achieve an erection. The medicine helps you respond to stimulation by relaxing smooth muscle cells, which increases blood flow and makes it easier to achieve and maintain an erection.


You take the medicine about an hour before you intend to have sexual intercourse. The medicine lasts for about four hours and should not be used more than once a day. Many men manage to maintain an erection even after several orgasms.


Taking Viagra is incompatible with taking nitrates, such as nitroglycerin. If these drugs are taken together, the mixture may reduce blood pressure, which will lead to a fatal heart attack.

Viagra can also lead to other side effects. There is often a rush of blood to the face that lasts five to ten minutes. You may also have short-term mild headaches or stomach upset. Large doses may cause short-term problems with visual perception: the perception of all objects with a bluish tint, blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light. These symptoms disappear a few hours after taking the drug.


This medication is a man-made version of the hormone prostaglandin E. Like Viagra, this drug helps relax the smooth muscles of the penis, which increases blood flow and causes an erection. Sometimes alprostadil is taken in combination with other drugs that enhance its effect. Alprostadil is not produced in tablets, but enters the body in two ways described below.

Self-administered urethral insertion

Using a disposable applicator, you insert a small candle - half the size of a grain of rice - into the head of the penis. Candle,

Trade names drugs with the active ingredient Alprostadil: Alprostan, Caverject, Prostin BP, Vazaprostan, MUSE.

Injected into the penis about five centimeters, it dissolves there and is absorbed by the tissue, increasing blood flow and causing an erection. Side effects may include some soreness, dizziness, and fibrous lumps. After a trial time in your doctor's office, you will learn how to perform the procedure yourself.


Using a thin needle, you inject alprostadil into the base or side of the penis. The medicine should enter two cylindrical spongy formations that run along both sides of the penis along its entire length. Alprostadil increases blood flow to the spongy tissue, causing an erection.

With self-urethral insertion, you insert a small suppository into the penis, which helps relax smooth muscle and increase blood flow to the penis.

The medicine usually begins to work within 20 minutes, and the erection lasts about an hour. The needle used for the injection is very thin, like the needles in syringes used to treat diabetes or allergies, so the pain when inserting the needle is minimal.

Remember that the needle should only be inserted into the side of the penis, and not into the bottom or head. Arteries, veins and nerves pass through the head of the penis, and the urethra is located at the bottom. If you inject the medicine into one of these areas, you will not get an erection and will have to wait at least 24 hours before the medicine can be used again. If this happens more than once, ask your doctor to explain to you again how to administer the medicine correctly.


Side effects may include bleeding from the injection site or, very rarely, a long, painful erection (priapism). In order to avoid long lasting erection, it is necessary to make trial injections to select required dosage. If an erection lasts more than four hours, the blood in the penis begins to thicken due to lack of oxygen. This can damage the tissue of the penis. If you experience a prolonged erection, apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to your penis, this should stop the erection. Taking over-the-counter decongestants that constrict blood vessels may also help.

If all else fails and your erection lasts more than four hours, call your doctor or seek medical advice. emergency care. Next time, reduce the dose of the drug administered to reduce the duration of the erection.

Other side effects may include a lump (fibrosis) forming in the area where you inject the medicine. This is also rare, and when you stop injecting, the bump usually goes away. One way to prevent fibrosis is to give injections in different places and no more than two or three times a week. If you accidentally hit a small blood vessel with a needle, the tissue may turn blue. To avoid this, after administering the drug, apply pressure to the injection site for five minutes.

In addition, anticoagulants taken in parallel with alprostadil increase (mutually) the risk of bleeding. During treatment, it is necessary to use an adequate method of contraception by the female partner of childbearing age. The female partner may experience a burning and itching sensation in the vagina.

A self-injection involves injecting a drug directly into a specific area of ​​the penis, which increases blood flow and causes an erection.

Vacuum device

This method uses vacuum pressure to stimulate the penis to fill with blood. You place a plastic cylinder on your penis and use a hand pump to suck the air out of it. Thus, blood is attracted to the penis and a reaction occurs. You then remove the elastic ring from the base of the cylinder and stretch it over the base of the penis. The ring prevents blood from leaving the penis and maintains an erection when the cylinder is removed. The ring must be removed within 30 minutes to restore normal blood circulation in the penis. Wearing it longer can damage the tissue of the penis.

The vacuum device uses a hand pump to draw blood to the penis and cause an erection. An elastic ring placed on the base of the penis keeps it erect.

Some men find the ring uncomfortable and feel that it looks unnatural. Additionally, you may feel cold in your penis due to lack of blood circulation. However, the vacuum device works 90% of the time and requires no medication or surgery.

Im implants in the penis

If other methods do not help you, there is another option - placing an implant in the penis using surgery. There are four types of implants:

Semi-rigid, flexible rod

This implant is the easiest to use and breaks less often than others. Two rigid, bendable rods made of wire coated with silicone or polyurethane are placed inside your penis. You bend your penis down toward your body to hide an erection and extend it upward for sexual intercourse.

Although this implant looks unnatural and takes some time to get used to, the surgery to install it is easier and shorter than other implants. He doesn't have mechanical parts, which can break, and it is popular.

With a semi-rigid implanted shaft, your penis is always erect. To hide this, the rod is simply bent downwards.

This implant looks and works more naturally than a semi-rigid rod. You don't have a constant erection, you get it when you want it.

An inflatable pump implant works using a small pump and reservoir. To achieve an erection, you squeeze the pump and fluid from the reservoir fills inflatable cylinders implanted in the penis.

Two hollow cylinders are implanted into your penis. These cylinders are connected to a small pump placed in the scrotum, and to a reservoir, which is either also in the scrotum or in the lower abdomen. When you squeeze the pump, fluid from the reservoir fills the cylinders and an erection occurs.

This erection looks more natural than with other implants. It is also the only implant that allows you to achieve a natural volume of the erect penis. In addition, the presence of this implant is the easiest to hide and it works very effectively. But at the same time, it fails more often than others.

Inflatable implant without pump

A device placed near the head of the penis controls the flow of fluid into cylindrical implants that run along the entire length of the penis. To achieve an erection, you squeeze the head of the penis, releasing fluid that fills the cylinders. To make the fluid leave the cylinders and the penis to become soft, you bend the implant and press the release valve.

Connecting blocks

This implant is very similar to a semi-rigid rod, only in this case a series of small blocks connected by a steel cable are implanted into the penis. An erection does not occur until you engage the links. This implant is very easy to use and is not noticeable, and you get an erection only when you want it.

For prostate cancer

Impotence can be caused by prostate cancer or as a consequence of treatment. As the cancer grows, it can invade and damage the nerves coming from prostate gland which are responsible for erection. Cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation, or cryotherapy, can also damage these nerves. Hormonal treatment, although it does not affect the nerves, it completely deprives your body of testosterone, so you do not have the desire to have sex. The nerves may be functioning normally, but they are not receiving the signal to start working. There are three main methods of treating impotence.

How to cope with intestinal disorders

About 5-20% of men treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer develop problems with gastrointestinal tract. This may include blood in the stool, cramping, irritation and discharge from the rectum, diarrhea, or a feeling that you urgently need to go to the toilet.

Radiation therapy concentrates precisely on cancerous tumor in the prostate gland, but the rectum usually receives some radiation as well. The most common side effect is rectal irritation. In most cases, radiation does not reach the upper intestines. Radiation damage rarely requires surgery—less than one percent of cases.

Surgery to remove the prostate can also cause intestinal damage. But this also happens rarely. If any damage occurs, it is usually repaired during the same surgery.

Gastrointestinal problems may continue for several months after treatment. Most of them go away on their own.

Stool with blood

Radiation treatment can damage the lining of the rectum. One consequence of this is

increased growth of small blood vessels near the surface, which causes bleeding. Sometimes they can last for years.

Treatment depends on the severity of the bleeding. The first step is often to monitor your bleeding to see how much blood you are losing. If the bleeding is moderate, your doctor may prescribe stool softeners or enemas to reduce the pressure on the intestinal wall as stool passes. At heavy bleeding the vessels that cause it can be destroyed using laser therapy.


Diarrhea can be a consequence of radiation, but usually in cases where radiation is exposed pelvic area. Most often this is a temporary phenomenon. Sold without a prescription medicines, such as Imodium, will help you deal with this.

To stay hydrated during bouts of diarrhea, drink at least eight glasses of fluid a day, including plain and sparkling water. Eliminate dairy products, caffeine, fatty and spicy food which may contribute to the continuation of diarrhea. Signs of dehydration include increased thirst, dry mouth, weakness, dark urine and rare or complete absence of urination.


Medicines used to treat prostate cancer can interfere with normal bowel movements. When this happens, the stool becomes compacted and hard, leading to cramping and constipation. In some cases, constipation can be managed by eating regularly and including high-fiber foods such as whole grains, whole grain bread, fresh vegetables and fruits. Add these foods to your diet gradually to avoid gas and related discomfort. Daily physical exercise and consumption large quantity fluids will also help relieve constipation.

You can try natural fiber supplements. They should start working within one to three days. Fiber supplements are generally safe, but try to drink plenty of water as they are highly absorbent, otherwise they may have the opposite effect, i.e. a fixative effect.

If these measures don't help, ask your doctor if you should take a stool softener or laxative. There are several types of them.

Stool softeners. This is the most soft drugs. They are sold without a prescription. Should not be used as a stool softener

mineral oils, as they may interfere with absorption essential vitamins.

Saline laxatives. These include over-the-counter magnesium, Glauber's salt, Carlsbad salt, which increase the water content in the stool.

Stimulant laxatives. This is the most strong remedies, and they should be resorted to only if other measures cannot induce stool. Among those sold without a prescription are phenolphthalein (Purgen), guttalax.

How to deal with nausea and diarrhea

Radiation treatment, medications and your anxiety, especially all of these together, can cause diarrhea and nausea. Here are a few practical advice that will help you combat these problems:


Let your refrigerator and cupboard always have products that relieve nausea: pure soda, soups, crackers.

As soon as you wake up, eat something dry, such as a piece of toast or a saltine cracker.

It is better to eat salty rather than sweet foods.

Avoid hot, greasy, spicy dishes and dishes that have strong smell.

After eating, sit quietly for 10-15 minutes to allow the food to sink into your stomach.


Drink more clean liquids.

It is better to eat little, but often, and not three times a day in large quantities.

Eat foods and drink fluids that contain potassium and sodium, two essential minerals that are usually lost from the body when you have diarrhea. Broths contain a lot of sodium. Bananas, peach and apricot juice, boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes are rich in potassium. Sports drinks contain a lot of potassium and sodium.

Avoid fatty foods, products with crusts, films and grains, gas-forming vegetables such as broccoli, regular and cauliflower.

Try it following products: yogurt, cottage cheese, rice, noodles, warm cereal, peanut butter with white bread, skinless chicken and turkey, lean beef.

Hello, "Granny"!

The topic you want to touch on usually comes at night in a dream, and then you wake up, lie in bed and think about how best to express your thoughts. Recently, many men have been suffering from sexual impotence. To all representatives of the stronger sex who have suffered the same fate, I want to say: “Firstly, this is not fatal, so you shouldn’t get depressed, and secondly, everything can be fixed, you just have to want to be cured.” I managed to find recipes for several effective folk remedies for treating impotence, so, men, use them and don’t suffer anymore.

That is, sexual impotence, weakening of erection, disruption of the normal course of sexual intercourse, can provoke urological diseases, disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, exhaustion, obesity, various diseases brain, alcohol and smoking abuse, neuropsychic stress, poor environment and poor nutrition. Having suffered a serious illness can also lead to sexual weakness. Therefore, before taking any drug that stimulates sexual activity, you first need to find out the cause of impotence and deal with it as quickly as possible.
Men over 30 definitely need to monitor their metabolism and stimulate it in a timely manner. With age, it is necessary to saturate the body with vitamin E, which is abundant in fruits, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, various greens, nuts, sprouted grains and legumes. Fish caviar has the ability to increase potency, fried fish, eaten hot, shish kebab, eggs of partridges and pigeons, rice with milk, fatty kid meat, lamb, grapes, honey with water, overcooked onions, ginger jam and sour milk. Good stimulants - coffee, chocolate, milk, watermelons, melons, crayfish, a glass of vodka, cognac or a glass of good wine.

Wheat malt is an active biostimulant for many diseases, including impotence. To prepare it, wheat grain is placed in one layer between two layers of linen or cotton cloth, well soaked in warm water, and left at a temperature of 22-240C. Upper part the tissues are periodically moistened until sprouts appear. This usually takes 1-2 days. Wheat sprouts are medicinal when their height does not exceed 1 mm. The sprouted grains are quickly dried, turned into flour and added to food. If malt flour is poured into a glass with fresh boiled milk or boiling water, you will get jelly or porridge that has healing properties.

Siberian cedar nuts restore vigor and restore male strength. If you eat a handful of them every day, you can not only increase potency, but also strengthen the immune system, and also achieve longevity.

Onions excite sexual desire and stimulate sperm production. It is recommended to eat a medium-sized onion at night.
It is effective for sexual impotence to drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice 3 times a day every day for a month.

You can chop and mix celery leaves and fennel fruits in equal volumes, then pour 100 g of the mixture into 1 liter of grape wine, leave for 30 days in a dark place, strain and drink 1/3 glass after meals until potency is restored.

This remedy will also cope with impotence. You need to clean the celery root from dirt, wash it, chop it, boil it, and then simmer in a frying pan in a small amount of oil, adding a little flour and water to the celery. Once ready, mix the drug with boiled chicken egg yolk, crushed nutmeg and eat everything hot. And so on until recovery.

It is very useful to eat an egg yolk every morning on an empty stomach or eat onions and eggs for 3 days in a row.

Purple sedum (rabbit cabbage) will help overcome physical exhaustion and impotence. You need 1-2 tbsp. crushed plant herbs, pour a glass of warm boiled water, leave for 4 hours, strain and take 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day, diluting the infusion with 100 ml of whey each time. Cook daily fresh remedy. Drink it until you get a positive result.
Used for recovery male power and St. John's wort. You need 2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed herb of the plant, strain after 40 minutes and drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day.

Our ancestors also knew that galangal (upright cinquefoil) and European undergrowth (abdominal grass, medicinal umbrella) cope well with sexual impotence. To prepare the medicine, pour 20 g of the crushed root of one of these plants into 200 ml of vodka, let it brew for 3 weeks, and then take the tincture of undergrowth 20 drops 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, and galangal extract - 20-30 ml per day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. If necessary, you can repeat it after a month.

Drinking fireweed infusion has a good effect. You need 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the chopped herbs, strain after 15 minutes and drink just before bed.

Sexual impotence can overcome the ice. You need to wrap 600 g of crushed ice in a piece of cotton fabric or a waffle towel, apply it to the back of your head at the place where the skull and spine connect, and hold for 1 minute. After this, the ice compress should be moved to the chest in the area of ​​the heart, left for 60 seconds, and then held for another 1 minute near the scrotum. Do this 3-5 times. Perform the procedure for several days in a row.

Used in folk medicine to eliminate impotence and Lyubka bifolia. You need to grind 2-3 g of dried plant roots into powder, soak it for a few minutes in a small amount cold water, then pour 400 ml of boiled water at room temperature, soak for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath, strain and drink 70 ml 15 minutes before meals.

Coriander will help increase potency and increase sperm movement. It is necessary to pour 40-50 g of plant seeds in the evening in an enamel bowl with 600 ml of boiling water, wrap it and leave it to steep overnight. In the morning, soak for 10-15 minutes in a boiling water bath, without bringing to a boil, remove from the stove, wrap again and leave for 10 minutes. After this, strain and drink 100 ml half an hour before meals until improvement.
It is useful to eat sweet berries picked and aged for 2 days. white grapes with thin skin.

This drug stimulates potency well. Grind 1 tbsp in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. nettle seeds, mix the resulting flour until smooth with the pulp of a fairly ripe banana and eat everything in small portions throughout the day. Prepare fresh solution daily.

I also advise you to mince 200 g of walnuts, dried apricots and raisins, 1-2 lemons with the peel, but without seeds, mix everything thoroughly with a glass of honey and take 1 tbsp. mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed until male strength is restored. Before using this recipe, be aware that walnuts are contraindicated in case of diseased intestines and increased blood clotting, and consuming lemon is undesirable in case of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

Royal jelly rejuvenates the body and restores its former potency. Take it 3-5 times a day under the tongue on the tip of a knife 1-1.5 hours before meals. Keep until completely dissolved. You can dilute 30 mg of royal jelly in 1/2 glass of milk and drink. Take it this way also 3-5 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals, but the sublingual method is more effective.

That's probably all I wanted to write about today. I would be very glad if my recommendations help at least some men regain sexual activity. May the Lord bless everyone!

Sincerely - Valentina Ivanovna Sereda

Impotence is a weakening of erection, sexual weakness that interferes with sexual intercourse. The causes of sexual weakness lie in mental disorders, uncertainty, depression, general weakening of the body, excessive drinking of alcohol, use of sedatives and sleeping pills, obesity, diabetes.

Sexual weakness can manifest itself as temporary erectile dysfunction and complete inability to engage in sexual activity. On at the moment the most famous various methods healing, but the treatment of sexual weakness with medicinal plants is practiced only by traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is in no hurry to turn its attention to plants, despite the fact that impotence has been treated with medicinal plants for centuries and folk experience has been accumulating all this time...

In addition to taking herbal preparations, nutrition and positive emotions. You should include sour foods in your diet at this time. goat milk, whey, honey, millet, brewer's yeast, vegetable oil, carrots, tomatoes, rose hips, celery, onions and garlic. In addition to fresh onions, take 100 ml of infusion of 2 chopped onions in 400 ml of water three times a day.

Push it dried dates with quince seeds, pistachios and almonds in equal quantities and consume 100 grams of the product per day. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, reduce the consumption of white flour and sugar to a minimum, think more about good things, and to treat sexual weakness with medicinal plants, use one of the following recipes.

Folk remedies for sexual weakness.

* 1 tbsp. l. meadow clover seeds, pour 200 ml of red wine and boil in a water bath for half an hour, then filter, cool and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

* Mix 350 ml Cahors, 250 ml honey and 150 g fresh juice leaves tree aloe. Drink the composition to enhance sexual function, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

* 40 grams of the root of the medicinal plant Radiola rosea, pour 200 ml of vodka, leave for 14 days, take 25 drops of tincture three times a day to treat sexual weakness.

* 2 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the rose hips, keep in a thermos for 3 hours, take 100 ml of infusion after meals.

* Pharmacy tincture Manchurian aralia, take 20 drops 3 times before lunch as a cure for sexual weakness.

* 20 grams of Schisandra chinensis, ginseng or lovage roots, pour 200 ml of alcohol, leave for a week. Take tincture of medicinal plants 3 times a day. 30 drops per day.

* Fry 100 grams of hemp seeds in a frying pan with salt. The food enhances sexual activity.

* To treat sexual weakness, take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day a mixture of 50 g of bee honey and 50 g of carrot juice.

* Roast a glass of hemp seeds, grind them in a mortar, pour 3 glasses of hot boiling water (50 °C), filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

* Raisins increase sexual activity. Boil 30 g of black raisins in 200 ml of milk and eat. Do this three times a day. By adding 5 grams every day, increase the consumption of raisins to 50 g. Stop treatment and can repeat after a break.

* 2 tsp. pour 500 ml of cold water over the herbs of the medicinal plant motherwort, leave for 8 hours, filter. The herb for sexual weakness should be consumed three times a day, half a glass before meals.

* 1.5 tbsp. l. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over dry crushed yarutka grass, leave for 4 hours, wrap, filter. Use 1 tsp. 4 rub. per day. The product stimulates sexual function.

* 4 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the Dubrovnik herbs, boil for 5 minutes, filter. Use a quarter glass of 4 rubles to treat sexual weakness. a day before meals.

* Mix equal parts cilantro and parsley and chop. Eat 1 tbsp constantly. l. mixtures of medicinal plants as a food additive for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

* 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over dried calamus rhizomes, soak, filter. Drink a quarter glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

* Fill dried calamus rhizomes 5 times a large number vodka, leave for a week and take half a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

* 1 tsp. dry crushed grass sweet rue pour a glass of boiling water over it, leave for 10 minutes and drink a glass of infusion in the evening and in the morning to treat sexual weakness.

* Grind the kernels walnut, fill with the same amount of honey. For a month, take 2 tsp. 3 r. a day half an hour after meals.

* 1 tbsp. l. dry fruits of Chinese lemongrass, pour 250 ml of boiling water, soak, filter. Use 1 tbsp. l. twice a day for general strengthening body.

* 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over dried hop cones and cook in a closed container over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool and filter. Drink half a glass twice a day for 10 days before meals.

* Pour 200 grams of dried crushed roots of the medicinal plant Eleutherococcus with a liter of 40% alcohol, let it brew for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink half a teaspoon three times a day.

* 3 rub. drink 40 drops of motherwort juice per day, diluting them in 1 tbsp. l. water.

* Mix 25 g of valerian rhizome, 30 g of St. John's wort herb, 10 g of immortelle and 10 g of calendula inflorescences. 1 tbsp. l. collect medicinal plants, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cool, filter. Use 1 tbsp. l. per day.

* 4 tbsp. l. crushed roots of seed parsnips and 6 tbsp. l. sugar, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for a quarter of an hour, let stand for 8 hours. To enhance sexual function, drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 rub. a day half an hour before meals.

* Drink 2 tsp 30 minutes before meals. celery root juice three times a day.

Sexual impotence is a problem that every man faces at least once in his life. As a rule, most problems with erectile function in men begin after 40 years of age. However, today there are more and more young people who experience temporary or constant violations erections. This is not surprising, because male potency is influenced by many factors.

Young people most often experience so-called psychological impotence, which develops against a background of severe stress and anxiety. In more late age manifests itself, which becomes a consequence of the natural process of withering of the body.

Causes of sexual impotence in men

As mentioned earlier, potency is influenced by many factors. As a rule, there are the following reasons why sexual impotence in men may occur:

Other reasons

In most cases, men who encounter problems in bed do not want to see a doctor, believing that this problem cannot be solved. However, only in 5% of cases treatment of sexual impotence becomes impossible. Most pathologies can be eliminated with the help of properly selected drug therapy or, on extreme case, through surgery.

The main thing when you detect erectile dysfunction is not to delay and contact a specialist as soon as possible. On early stage Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system are much easier and faster to treat than in advanced cases.

Treatment methods for male impotence

Treatment of impotence should be carried out in mandatory, because for any man, stable erection and sexual performance are extremely important. Violation erectile function can lead to many other problems, both physiological and psychological. However, it is important to understand that treatment, regardless of the chosen method, must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Otherwise self-therapy may aggravate the pathology.

Today, there are several approaches to treating impotence. All of them can be divided into three types:

  • drug effects;
  • psychotherapy;
  • and operational methods.

The choice of treatment method directly depends on the diagnosis and the cause of impotence..


Psychotherapeutic methods are effective when impotence is caused by problems in relationships with women.

In this case, the psychotherapist can conduct a series of sessions, during which he will identify the real reason a man's inability to have normal sexual relations, and will also help you understand yourself and feel confident.

Treatment of male impotence with drugs

Treatment of male impotence with medication usually involves taking special drugs, aimed at enhancing erection and sexual desire in men. Often drugs are used for such purposes:

  • Inforte,
  • and similar ones.

The active components of these products stimulate blood circulation in the genital organ, due to which blood flows more strongly to the penis and fills it corpora cavernosa. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect of the drugs is temporary, it usually lasts at least 4 hours and no more than a day and a half.

In addition, erection-stimulating drugs should not be taken by men who have heart or vascular disease, as well as increased blood pressure. Drugs like Viagra work by dilating blood vessels, which increases blood pressure in the body.

Drug therapy may be aimed not at a temporary effect, but at eliminating the cause of male impotence. For example, if the cause lies in a disruption in the production of hormones or the functioning of the thyroid gland, medications can be used to eliminate these problems.

In most cases, doctors recommend using comprehensive treatment methods, affecting both the cause of the disease and the symptoms of its manifestation. In this way it is possible to achieve good result which will allow a man to continue to enjoy sex life without the use of stimulant drugs.

If conventional therapy does not bring the desired result or is initially considered powerless, surgical methods are used. Indications for surgery are most often arterial or venous insufficiency genital organ. Sometimes doctors offer to solve the problem in a very radical way - to carry out an endoprosthetics procedure.

Very effective methods in the treatment of impotence are folk recipes. It is believed that with the help herbal infusions and plant mixtures can be achieved good effect. Indeed, in some cases, traditional medicine helps to get rid of erectile dysfunction, however, it is important to take into account the causes of male impotence.

If a man is indicated for an operation that will eliminate the factor in the development of erectile dysfunction, then no matter what herbs and miracle recipes he uses, he is unlikely to be able to solve the problem without surgical intervention. Moreover, it is important to understand that there is no universal remedy, which could solve the problem of impotence. In any case, the prescription will need to be selected depending on the causes of sexual dysfunction.

Today they are actively used following plants and herbs that help eliminate erectile dysfunction:

To improve potency in men, there are many methods and recipes, including folk ones. For example, ginseng root or Eurycoma longifolia is considered very effective. These components are part of many biologically active additives, intended for the treatment of impotence.

Sexual impotence is erectile dysfunction. Another name is impotence. May be complete or partial. It is irreversible only in one case out of a hundred. Most often treatable, provided correct definition causes of the problem and its solutions medications, folk recipes and lifestyle adjustments.

Sexual impotence can occur in men of any age, however, after 55 years, the risk of developing erectile disorders increases three times. All causes of poor erection are divided into psychogenic and organic. They can be distinguished by the nature of potency problems:


Psychogenic causes

Organic causes

Frequency of occurrence



Not observed

It's getting worse every time

Character of erection

A man either cannot achieve an erection, or the penis becomes insufficiently hard, which prevents sexual intercourse.

A man either cannot achieve an erection, or the penis becomes not hard enough. Another option is that an erection occurs, but goes away during coitus.

May be present during erection or ejaculation.

Wet dreams and morning erections

May disappear

Additional symptoms


  • Nervousness and irritability.
  • Accelerated ejaculation.
  • Increased heart rate due to excitement, mental overexcitability.
  • Bad mood.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia.


  • Decreased libido (lack of sexual desire).
  • Impaired duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Delayed ejaculation.
  • Discharge from the genitals.
  • Pain in the abdomen or groin, itching, burning sensation.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • General weakness.

TO psychogenic reasons intimate impotence include anxiety, fatigue, aggression towards a sexual partner, phobias, and depression. Men of any age are equally susceptible to them. Organic causes are diseases that cause problems with erectile functionality. There is no direct dependence on age, but the older a man is, the more at risk he is of developing one or another pathology.

Psychogenic causes of intimate impotence include fatigue, phobias, and depression.

There is a classification organic reasons impotence:

  • Arteriovenous impotence - appears when mechanical failure blood supply to the penis. This can be hypospadias, testicular hydrocele, scars, tumors, inflammation. Diseases can also impair potency cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, varicocele, etc.
  • Cortical sexual impotence – occurs due to a transmission disorder nerve impulses from the brain. More often, only the erection suffers, while libido and ejaculation remain normal (since the spinal cord is responsible for them). Causes: brain injury, poisoning (including alcohol), ischemic disease, chronic anemia.
  • Spinal impotence is caused by pathologies of the departments spinal cord responsible for erection and ejaculation. Occurs with back injuries and tumors. It can also appear against the background of myelitis, syphilis, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis.
  • Neuroreceptor sexual impotence - develops due to the action of foreign formations on peripheral receptors. This happens with inflammation and tumors of the prostate, urethra and testes.
  • Hormonal impotence - occurs due to malfunctions of the endocrine system. For example, this may be a deterioration or complete blocking of the functionality of the testicles (hypogonadism), pathology of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. With hormonal impotence, libido, erection, ejaculation are impaired, and a man's fertility decreases.
  • Infectious sexual impotence - appears against the background of infectious diseases. An erection will suffer most severely if there is an infection of the genitourinary system.

How to treat

The goal of treating sexual impotence is to eliminate the cause that caused erectile dysfunction in a man. Psychogenic problems can be treated as follows:

  • Adjustment of the daily routine (for example, if sexual impotence appears due to fatigue, then you need to take a break from work and rest).
  • Consultation with a psychologist or sexologist (recommended for chronic complexes, discord between partners, prolonged depression).
  • Taking sedatives: drugs from soothing herbs or sedatives ( latest drugs recommended only in severe cases of potency problems).


Treatment for organic impotence depends on the cause. For mechanical blockages of blood flow to the penis, it is often prescribed surgery(urethroplasty, excision of a tumor or hernia, surgery to remove scars). Elimination of endocrine impotence involves taking medications with hormones or using a biopotentizer (a device for stimulating the hormone production of the gonads). For inflammatory and infectious diseases The use of drugs such as NSAIDs and antibiotics is indicated; instillations, massage, and physiotherapeutic treatment are also used.

Additionally, to treat male impotence, the doctor prescribes diet therapy: the diet includes more meat(it activates the production of testosterone), greens, fruits, vegetables, seafood. It is recommended to take medications with vitamins A, B, C, zinc, and selenium. Avoid consuming large amounts of sugar, salt, spices, and fatty foods.

During treatment, you can take pills to temporarily eliminate symptoms, that is, for artificial stimulation erections. The most popular drugs among men are Viagra, Cialis, Dapoxetine, Alicaps. But it is worth remembering that these drugs will not provide a good treatment for impotence - they do not remove the cause and do not replace medications prescribed by a doctor.

Each stimulant has its own characteristics:

Viagra tablets contain sildenafil, a PDE5 inhibitor that relaxes the muscles of the penis. When a man experiences sexual desire, the cavernous bodies of the genital organ are more actively filled with blood, which greatly enhances the erection. Side effects from the drug occur due to the fact that sildenafil stimulates blood flow not only to the penis, but also to other internal organs. The tablets begin to work 15 minutes after administration, the effect lasts 40–50 minutes. If a man high blood pressure or have heart pathologies, then using Viagra can cause an exacerbation.

The drug acts against impotence due to the enzymes guanosine monophosphate and phosphodiesterase. The first component ensures intense blood flow to the penis, and the second temporarily blocks venous outflow, that is, blood is retained in the penis for some time, which prolongs the erection. Starts working 20 minutes after taking the tablet. The effect of the drug lasts up to 36 hours. The side effects are the same as those of Viagra.

  • Dapoxetine tablets.

A remedy for the temporary elimination of sexual impotence. In addition to ensuring a strong erection, it protects against premature ejaculation. Increases the time of sexual intercourse by more than 3 times.

Refers to biologically active drugs(dietary supplements). The product is recommended for men seeking to increase their desire and prolong sexual intercourse. The action of Alicaps is mild, the tablets cannot enhance an erection very much, they are more suitable for use for minor disorders and for prevention.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are many recipes that can eliminate sexual weakness at home. Effective herbal remedies for the treatment of impotence are:

Parsley. Contains a lot of apigenin. This substance reduces estrogen concentrations and increases testosterone levels. Improves blood supply to the pelvic organs. It is recommended for men to use it as a seasoning for salads and soups. Use fresh parsley.

St. John's wort. Helps men get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system. It has a sedative property, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of impotence caused by stress, overwork, depression, anxiety, and embarrassment.

Ginseng is a natural energy drink. Increases a man's activity, makes him more resilient, improves erection, and prolongs the time of coitus. Also helps fight inflammation and infection.

Golden root (other name is Rhodiola rosea). Products containing this plant contain tannins, anthraglycosides, microelements that strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and help cope with sexual impotence. Recommended to drink as tea (spoon dried herb per 200 ml of water).

Pomegranate. Useful for treatment circulatory system: the effect of the fruit is aimed at thinning the blood and eliminating blood clots. It is also a strong antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins that impair the functioning of the vascular system and lead to erectile dysfunction.

Horseradish. The product can increase desire, increase the duration and quality of sexual intercourse. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial substances contained in the plant prevent the development of many diseases in men, including prostate inflammation.

Let's summarize. If sexual impotence occurs for the first time, then do not be nervous. A person could be nervous or tired at work, so it’s enough to calm down and rest, and men's health will recover. Regularly recurring failures are a cause for concern. In this case, it is important to determine the causes of erectile dysfunction and start taking medications ( synthetic tablets And folk remedies) – if this is not done, then sexual impotence will progress and result in complete impotence for the man.



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