How to put your baby to sleep - simple and effective ways without stress. How to put a baby to sleep: effective methods and tricks

Once the baby is born, it spends almost all its time sleeping. He is still tiny and not used to the world around him. It is important for mom to take care of him and ensure safe and comfortable sleep. How should a newborn baby sleep: next to his mother or in a crib, on his side or back, in a diaper or under a blanket, which mattress to choose? Doubts are normal for a young mother, we can sort them out further.

How should a newborn sleep in a crib?

Should a newborn sleep in a crib or is co-sleeping better? A newborn baby in a crib may feel discomfort in the first months, but according to safety rules, the child is allocated a separate place to sleep. A standard crib will do; your baby will be able to rest in it for years.

How a newborn should sleep in a crib Komarovsky video:

How newborns should sleep in a crib:

  • The optimal position is on your side. It is dangerous to lay on your back; regurgitation is possible;
  • The pillow is not used until 1 - 1.5 years, the mattress needs a firm one;
  • There is no need to cover the baby with soft down blankets; it is better to use a diaper, wrap it in a thin blanket, and put on a sleeping bag.

What surface should a newborn baby sleep on? For proper development of the body, a child needs a hard surface. It is the safest, the baby will not bury his nose, and it will not make breathing difficult. A newborn should sleep on a hard surface even when sleeping with his parents.

A newborn child must sleep correctly from birth; health, skeletal formation, routine and safety depend on this.

A newborn baby should sleep correctly from birth. Health, skeletal formation, routine and safety depend on this.

What mattress should a newborn sleep on? Choosing a mattress is a responsible process. The material chosen is hygienic and safe; it is better to choose coconut fiber as a filler. They produce spring and springless mattresses; the parents decide on which mattress a newborn child should sleep.

Which side of the mattress should a newborn sleep on? If the mattress is double-sided, it is preferable for children under one year of age to lie on the hard side. Then the mattress is turned over to the soft side.

How to choose a children's mattress for healthy sleep video:

Which side should a newborn sleep on?

Why should a newborn sleep on its side? This is the best position for safe sleep; the baby does not have difficulty breathing; if the baby burps, food will not get inside.

To ensure that the baby lies on his side and does not try to roll over, you can place bolsters from a blanket or diaper under the backrest, or a sleep holder to fix the position. Hands can wake up the baby; it is advisable to wear a vest with closed sleeves or scratchy gloves.

How long should a newborn sleep on its side, and how often should it be turned over? For uniform development of the skeleton, every few hours it is necessary to turn the baby on different sides.

In what position should a newborn baby sleep?

Some children sleep on their stomachs from birth, while others are placed by their mother on their backs or sides. The baby should sleep so that he can breathe freely, the bones of the skull and posture are formed correctly.

Opinions vary on what position newborns should sleep in. It is not recommended to leave the baby on his stomach for a long time until he has learned to hold his head. Sleeping on the back is dangerous because the child is able to burp and food will make breathing difficult.

In what position should a newborn baby sleep?

  • On the side. This is a common position and is safe for those who frequently spit up. It is important to periodically change one side to the other;
  • On the back. You need to be careful with your posture. The baby moves his arms and legs unconsciously in his sleep and may become frightened. Swaddling will allow you to restrain movements, and the baby will feel calm. If the baby has a stuffy nose or difficulty breathing, you should not put him on his back, it is better to put him on his side;
  • On the stomach. This position strengthens the muscles of the neck and arms, but is not suitable for sleeping during the newborn period. The respiratory system is imperfect, there is a high risk of suffocation. It is advisable to place it on the baby’s stomach during the day, under the supervision of the parents.

What does the child’s pose video say:

There are many discussions on forums about what position a newborn should sleep in. If any doubts arise, it is better to contact a pediatrician who will tell you how best to lay the baby down.

How should a 1 month old baby sleep?

How long should a one-month-old baby sleep? Typically, sleep lasts approximately 20 hours a day with breaks for food. Discharge from the maternity hospital occurs no earlier than the child is at least 3 days old. This is a very short period of time and the baby will need time to adapt to the new sleep pattern. Mom should be nearby for the maximum amount of time.

The normal body temperature for a newborn is 37C, it is not considered high, and you should not panic.

At what temperature should a newborn sleep? The optimal air temperature in the room is 18 - 22 C, it is important to prevent possible drafts. The air needs to be humidified. Dry air makes breathing difficult and dust gets into the nose. At a comfortable temperature, it is enough to cover with a warm sheet. If the house is cold, a blanket is used.

How should a 2-3 month old baby sleep?

At 2-3 months, children sleep approximately 15-16 hours, this does not mean that they sleep all the time separately from their mother. A 2 month old baby can sleep at the breast and doze in his arms. During the day, sleep is short and lasts about 40 minutes. At night, the baby sleeps longer, waking up to feed at intervals of about 3 hours.

A two-month-old baby moves more, but is not yet able to hold his head tightly; falling asleep on his stomach is not recommended.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps for about 10 hours at night, waking up to feed. During the day, the total duration of sleep is 5-6 hours.

What pillow should a newborn sleep on? It is important to choose a pillow from natural materials, 1-2 cm high, with hypoallergenic fillers.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns:

At what angle should a newborn sleep? Only a newborn baby should fall asleep on a flat surface. Later, it is recommended to place a towel under the mattress so that the angle of inclination does not exceed 30 degrees. You can also use a special large inclined pillow.

Tilt is needed for normal blood circulation and to prevent neck stiffness.

Many people ask whether a newborn should sleep after each feeding. At the age of 3 months, the baby is more active, but the sleep-feeding-wake pattern still remains.

How should a 4-5 month old baby sleep?

The duration of sleep decreases at this age. During the day, the child sleeps for approximately 4 hours, the rest of the time he eats, learns to crawl and sit, and actively explores the world. A 4-month-old baby can fall asleep in a position on his stomach, holds his head tightly and, if there is a lack of air, is able to raise his head and change position.

A 5-month-old child often involuntarily turns over and wakes up in his sleep. He needs to wait out this period; later he will be able to control his movements.

What light should a newborn sleep in? During the day, the baby falls asleep well in the light, but he needs to be protected from the bright rays of the sun. For this purpose, curtains, bumpers on the crib, and special covers for the stroller are used.

To prevent your baby from being afraid of the dark while sleeping, you can use a night light. The product is also convenient for feeding at night. There is no need to turn on the main light, the child is half asleep and falls asleep faster after eating.

Vitamin D is absorbed in the absence of light. Moderate darkness helps prevent improper bone formation. At night, the baby is most comfortable with the lights off.

How should a baby sleep at 6-10 months?

From six months the baby becomes mobile, his movements are controlled. He himself chooses a position that is comfortable for sleeping. The child can sleep on his stomach, side and back, as he likes at the moment. The duration of night sleep increases. Breastfed babies may also wake up frequently, but bottle-fed babies sometimes sleep all night or wake up 1-2 times to feed.

The older the child gets, the easier it is to establish a sleep-wake schedule. A 10-month-old child sleeps 2 times a day for 1.5 hours, and at night for 10 hours, waking up to feed once.

Where should a newborn baby sleep? Some parents practice co-sleeping, while others place their baby in a bed or cradle from birth. If your baby slept with his mother for up to six months, now is the time to move him to a separate crib.

In case of late colic, the mother can always put the baby on her stomach; natural warmth will help improve digestion. Afterwards, you need to resume separate sleep.

How to choose a crib from 0 to 2-3 years, advice from an orthopedist video:

Where should a 2 year old child sleep? For an older baby, a regular crib is still suitable for sleeping. The baby will not fall off of it and the bed is still comfortable for his height. The child can sleep with a pillow and on the soft side of the mattress. A 2 year old child is able to fall asleep without motion sickness.

How should a 1 year old baby sleep?

For healthy sleep of a 1-year-old baby, it is necessary to organize the correct regime. As a rule, the child sleeps once a day at home, and actively explores the world during walks.

You need to go to bed at the same time every night and follow the usual procedures before going to bed:

How should a newborn sleep in a stroller?

During a walk, children fall asleep quickly due to motion sickness. The baby will sleep well if he is dressed appropriately for the weather. The stroller should be protected from drafts and precipitation. On the street, children usually sleep on their backs.

To summarize, we can say that the optimal sleeping position for a baby is on its side. When the baby begins to hold his head up, he can fall asleep on his stomach and on his back, in which case he will turn over. Babies under one year old do not need a pillow, and the surface of the mattress needs a hard surface. And the most important thing is that the baby is fed, healthy and cheerful!

I often receive letters from you complaining about the difficulties of putting newborn babies to sleep. You write that it takes a long time to put the baby to bed. Despite obvious fatigue, the child is capricious, cries, but does not fall asleep, tormenting both you and himself. How to put a baby to sleep? Let's talk about this.

Create a familiar environment

The first thing that is important to do in order to put your baby to sleep without problems is to rid him of these problems. The most important of them lies in the fact that the child finds himself in a completely new, unusual environment. Just imagine: in your tummy it spent 9 months getting used to one set of conditions, and now it’s in completely different conditions:

  • There was constant noise in your tummy (the beat of your heart, the flow of blood, the sound of amniotic fluid, external noises), and now they are trying to create perfect silence around. Which, it turns out, is completely uncomfortable for a newborn!
  • The child got used to constant twilight and suddenly found himself in bright light (by the way, read an interesting article about when a newborn begins to see >>>);
  • Inside my mother he was moving with her all the time, and now suddenly he suddenly stopped swaying;
  • It was cramped for the baby in the mother, but now there is so much space that the baby feels lost;
  • For the previous 9 months, my mother was constantly there as a guarantee of peace and security. And now she tries to put him down alone and leave.

Therefore, to quickly put your baby to sleep, create conditions similar to those to which he is accustomed:

  1. Swaddling will ensure tightness (in addition, the baby will be warmer this way, because his thermoregulation is still weak). Learn the secrets of swaddling from the article How to swaddle a newborn >>>;
  2. A background noise will help create white noise - an audio recording of measured, muffled sounds (the noise of wind, rain, river) We have an article on this topic on our website: White noise for a newborn >>>;
  3. It’s also easy to create twilight by closing the curtains and turning off the lights;
  4. Movement in the stomach now perfectly simulates motion sickness (don’t be afraid to rock your baby - he won’t get used to it until he’s 3 months old);
  5. You can also recreate constant contact with your mother: let the baby fall asleep under your breast, or in your arms, on your stomach. Let him feel your constant presence, as it was before birth.

To your question about how to put a month-old baby to sleep without motion sickness, there is only one answer - early. Due to the immaturity of the nervous system, the baby cannot yet fall asleep on his own.

Do not force a tiny organism by teaching it independence by throwing it alone in the crib. Apart from terrible stress (my mother left me, she doesn’t need me!), this will give the baby nothing.

What else is important to consider when putting your baby to bed?

  • The baby can now stay awake between naps for about 20 minutes. After this, his nervous system gets tired. The baby begins to show signs of fatigue (be capricious, rub his face or eyes with his fists, “kick out”). So it’s time to put him down again.
  • Most babies don't know when it's day or night. You can help them with this by constantly showing the difference clearly;

So, during the day he needs to ensure maximum light and noise conditions (open the curtains, if necessary, turn on the lights, do not whisper, do not muffle other sounds). But then, how to put a one-month-old baby to sleep during the day? Let it be “half-dark” and “half-noisy.”
At night, on the contrary, it should be as quiet and dark as possible. Even if the baby wakes up for feeding or needs to change his diaper, do it in the dark, with a dim nightlight, without talking to him loudly.

  • Most of a child's sleep at this age is not deep sleep. Therefore, the baby can wake up every 20-30 minutes, even if it is not yet time to eat. Especially during the day, when there is more interference. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will have to be “pumped to death”;

To put your baby to bed at night...

...often mothers have to spend much more effort. After all, when showing your child the difference between day and night, you cannot make light or noise. How, then, to put a month-old baby to sleep at night?

Co-sleeping can be a good help, when the baby falls asleep next to his mother, feeling her warmth, smell, and pulse.

Know! So that mommy can also get some sleep, you can move a baby's cradle to the adult bed by removing its side wall. This will make feeding the baby more convenient: the fewer unnecessary movements, the faster the baby will calm down again.

In addition, if you constantly accustom your baby to the difference between day and night, this will help the baby get used to the silence of the night. And in the future, in 3-4 months, do not confuse day with night, which is quite common among infants.

This issue is covered in the article The child confused day with night, what to do?>>>

By the way! Don't be afraid to tame your baby too much. It is better to be afraid of not giving your child a feeling of peace, security, and joy.

After all, now you are the stronghold of little children’s happiness, the deficiency of which in very early childhood may, in the future, result in serious psychological problems (withdrawal, embitterment, inferiority complex, neuroses, aggression).

Finding the reason will then be very difficult. But problems are easier to prevent!

What else affects babies' sleep?

Yes, a lot of things actually. So you seem to be rocking him, and swaddling him, and turning on white noise, and giving him breastfeeding, but he is still tormented by crying... Then think about something else:

  1. Are you calm yourself?

Newborns very acutely feel emotional discomfort in the family, especially in their mother. If you are nervous, often quarrel with your husband, or have become embittered, all your rocking and lullabies will not help put your baby to sleep.

  1. Isn’t the child’s psyche overloaded with the constant “invasion of guests”?

Our grandmothers also hid their children from prying eyes for the first few months. And not at all in order to “not jinx it.”

It’s just difficult for a baby’s nervous system to cope with “digesting” so many faces, voices, and noises. A grandmother coming “for a visit” is one thing. But crowds of friends, colleagues, all kinds of relatives are already too much.

It is a known fact that small children grow up in their sleep, which is why it is so important in the first years of life. During the first year, children are awake very little and spend a lot of time in the cradle.

Proper sleep in the crib

How should a newborn sleep in a crib? Emotional and physical health depends on how the newborn falls asleep in the crib. The main thing is to ensure that there are no unnecessary objects in it, that the surface is even, smooth, and that the bed linen is clean and ironed. A newborn will sleep more peacefully in a crib than with his parents.

There is no need to completely wrap yourself in a warm blanket, as this can lead to suffocation. A newborn baby will feel more comfortable in a crib if the mother places it next to hers. Not a single newborn baby can fall asleep on his own; at first, mom and dad need to put him to sleep correctly.

How newborns should sleep in a crib:

  1. the most natural one is on the back. At the same time, turn your head to the side so that the baby does not choke if he burps;
  2. you can put it on its side, and put a small cushion or a rolled up towel under the back so that it doesn’t turn over;
  3. If you are not swaddling, put cotton scratch pads on the arms so that hand movements do not wake you up.

Newborns can sleep on their stomachs, however, this position is not advisable. Everyone is different, so parents need to determine the ideal sleep position on their own.

When should a child sleep on a pillow? In the first year, a pillow is not needed so that the whole body is at the same level. You are allowed to place a thin diaper under your head. The exception is a special butterfly-shaped pad with a notch in the middle. A simple pillow is placed after reaching two years of age.

At what angle should a newborn sleep? Make sure that the angle of elevation of the baby's head in relation to his body does not exceed 10 centimeters.

What pillow should a newborn baby sleep on? There are locking pads that make installation easier. If the baby sleeps in a cradle, a thin diaper folded four times is placed under the head.

Sleeping surface

What surface should a newborn sleep on? Due to the fact that the skeletal and muscular systems of babies are still developing, it becomes clear that a newborn should sleep on a hard surface. Buy a bed made of wood, without irregularities and not varnished.

What mattress should a newborn sleep on? Pediatricians recommend purchasing hard orthopedic mattresses for infants, because on them the body assumes the anatomical position inherent in nature.

It is important that the mattress is made from environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials and ideally matches the size of the bed. The best purchase would be one made from natural coconut fiber and half buckwheat husk. A newborn baby should sleep on such a mattress so that the spine is straight.

Which side of the mattress should a newborn sleep on? They can be alternated depending on the air temperature in the room where the baby sleeps and his age. Coconut gives a “breathing” effect and is tougher. For older children, you can turn it over to the softer side.

The surface must be smooth, since children are still developing their spine and soft bones. Try to make sure that there are no toys in the crib during sleep, and that the linen is ironed.

In order for the baby to sleep peacefully, it is important for parents to create good conditions for this. It’s good if children get used to their bed from birth. At the same time, buy a good mattress, do not skimp on your health, you don’t need a pillow, and choose a blanket that is not very warm.

What position should a newborn sleep in?

Parents choose what position their newborn baby should sleep in. After all, children do not yet know how to roll over and sleep like adults do.

Pediatricians say newborns can sleep:

  • on the back;
  • on the stomach;
  • on the side.

The parents' task is to ensure that the baby is comfortable and safe in the chosen position. Babies sleep on their backs with their arms up and their heads turned to the side. In this position, babies are most relaxed, but they can frighten themselves with their hands.

Sleeping on the stomach is considered dangerous, but some babies sleep only this way. Parents need to make sure that the baby's head is turned to the side. In this case, you cannot use a pillow to prevent the baby from suffocating. It is better if the child sleeps on his stomach only during the day.

The most comfortable position is considered to be on your side. This is how it is safe for newborns to sleep, because babies will not choke when burping. For convenience, place a cushion from a blanket under the backrest.

In what position should a newborn baby sleep? Adults can choose what position a newborn should sleep in by watching the child. If he is comfortable, then let him sleep on his back, side or stomach, but you need to ensure the safety of the child. According to pediatricians, lying on your side is the most optimal position for rest.

Side position

Which side should a newborn sleep on? It is not recommended to leave the baby on one side for a long time. The baby is turned over from one side to the other after 2-3 hours. This is required for the correct formation of the newborn’s skeleton. During daytime sleep, change the side each time you lay down.

Why should a newborn sleep on its side? Resting in this position is safe, because when burping, the baby will not choke on milk. The newborn will sleep completely peacefully all night on his side, because he breathes freely.

How long should a newborn sleep on its side? It is very comfortable to rest on your side, but the newborn needs to be periodically turned to the opposite side. Babies sleep on their sides for about 3 months. As children grow up, they learn to roll over and take a comfortable position.

How should a newborn sleep in a stroller? The conditions for sleeping in a stroller should be the same as in a crib. A hard mattress is placed in the stroller, and a folded diaper can be placed under the head. The baby will not need a pillow. In a stroller, babies mostly sleep on their backs. During the walk, parents should close the stroller from drafts and dress the baby according to weather conditions.

How should a baby sleep by month?

1 month. You need to prepare a crib or stroller in advance so that a month-old baby can sleep separately from its parents. Pediatricians do not recommend putting children in bed with adults. This is dictated by the safety of the baby, because parents can unwittingly harm him.

A firm mattress is placed in the crib so that the skeleton is formed correctly. Children under 1.2 years old do not need a pillow; it is better to buy a thin blanket. At 3 days old, the baby can already wear a sleeping bag. To prevent the newborn from choking when regurgitating, he is placed on his side. A newborn must change position every few hours.

At what temperature should a newborn sleep? The optimal temperature in the bedroom ranges from 18 – 23 degrees. The children's room is ventilated before bedtime and drafts are not allowed during sleep. The air must be constantly humidified so that the baby’s nose does not dry out.

What should be the temperature of a sleeping child? During sleep, the baby's temperature rises slightly and is 37 degrees. But there is no need to worry; this is normal.

2-3 months. A 2 month old baby can sleep on his back, but his head must be turned to the side. This position will prevent the baby from choking and oxygen will enter the body faster. A 3 month old baby is already more active and begins to turn his head in his sleep on his own. The baby can be placed on a special orthopedic pillow.

Should my baby sleep after every feeding? Very often this is exactly what happens, but the correct regimen involves feeding - wakefulness - sleep. Having eaten, the baby actively explores the world and then, tired, falls asleep soundly. And after sleep, when hungry, he sucks the breast much more actively.

4-5 months. The optimal position for a 4-month-old baby to sleep at night is as follows: on his back, head turned to the side, arms raised up, legs bent at the knees.

A mature child at 5 months can already roll over independently and take a comfortable position. Babies can already sleep on their stomachs, butt up, but you need to make sure that they don’t get tangled in a blanket or diaper.

What does the baby's pose say in the video:

What light should a newborn sleep in? During daytime rest, you can close the windows with curtains, but there is no need to create complete darkness. At night, you can leave a dim night light on. It makes it convenient to stand next to your baby for meals and changing clothes.

1 - 2 years. During sleep, the toddler changes position several times, so there is no specific position at this age. He will lie as he pleases.

What pillow should a one-year-old baby sleep on? Children can rest without a pillow until they are 1.5 years old. If you buy a pillow, it is better to have an orthopedic one. A pillow filled with bamboo fiber, latex, or polyester that fits the width of the crib is suitable.

Where should a 2 year old child sleep? The two-year-old baby is already sleeping separately from his parents in his own bed. At this age, you can move the child to a separate room and teach him to rest alone.

Correct sleeping position and comfortable conditions will ensure healthy and safe sleep for your little one. Taking a close look at the baby, it will immediately become clear which position is most comfortable.

There are a lot of opinions about how to properly put a baby to sleep. Many methods and techniques are being developed, and traditional methods are being used. After all, rest is very important for the baby’s body, the formation of its organs and systems. He receives strength for his development, knowledge of the world, acquisition of various skills, impressions, and life experiences.

Disturbance and lack of sleep can cause serious consequences, exhaustion of the nervous system, and developmental delays. Helping the baby fall asleep by creating comfortable conditions for this is the main task of parents.

A six-month-old baby sleeps at least 15 hours a day. But at the same time, the main reason for the fatigue of many young mothers is chronic lack of sleep. They complain about the baby's restless sleep and frequent awakenings. The need to constantly approach him and lull him to sleep exhausts a woman. You need to understand the reason for this behavior and try to eliminate it. This will help to improve the rest of the baby and mother.

Important to know! The most common cause of interrupted sleep is night feedings. The baby is used to eating around the clock, but after five months his body no longer requires this.

Try giving him something to drink instead of food. If the child falls asleep calmly, then he does not need food, gradually wean him off this. A stuffy nose can make it difficult to put your baby to sleep. Dry air leads to the formation of crusts in the nose, and the baby can even suffocate. Dust, irritating odors, uncomfortable crib or clothing, noise and light also cause anxiety and lead to the baby waking up.

Features of placing infants

Sleep is vital for a person at any age. For a small child, its influence is even more significant. At this time, the following processes occur in the baby:

  • growth hormone is produced;
  • strength is restored;
  • energy supply is replenished;
  • the nervous system is strengthened.

Advice! The baby should sleep in a specially designated place (separate crib), under comfortable conditions. It is better to lay it on its side, so there is no risk of choking when regurgitating, which often happens in the first months of life.

You can place a cushion under the backrest, which will make it possible to maintain body position and give the baby a feeling of confidence and security. A one-year-old child is able to independently control his position in bed.

We create conditions

Optimal sleeping conditions are an important factor for a child’s comfortable rest. The room temperature should be between 20-22 degrees. To determine if your baby is cold, touch the skin at the base of the neck from the back. If she is warm but not sweaty, then everything is fine.

You definitely need to check the humidity. Dry air, especially during the heating season, will cause irritation of the mucous membranes and thirst. The room should be ventilated, and if the weather permits, leave the window ajar.

Children hear immediately after birth, but one-month-old babies wake up only from sharp, loud sounds. The older the child gets, the more lightly he sleeps. It is often advised not to teach your baby to be quiet. But this depends on his individual characteristics.

Rules for organizing night sleep

At about 3 months, the baby begins to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. It is associated with the length of daylight hours; its production does not occur in bright light.

Advice! For a good night's rest, you should dim the lights in the evening and put your baby to bed with a night light on.

Give the baby a relaxing massage, stroke the belly, sing a lullaby. After falling asleep, the lighting should be turned off completely. Evening swimming promotes good sleep.

Specifics of day rest

Many mothers have a problem with how to put their baby to sleep during the day, especially after six months. Such children very quickly move from active wakefulness to overtiredness.

If you start bedtime too early, the child may not be tired yet and will resist going to bed. Overtiredness also prevents the baby from relaxing and falling asleep. You need to learn to detect signs of fatigue when the baby just begins to want to rest. These include:

  • yawn;
  • increased mobility, agitation;
  • bad mood, the baby begins to be capricious and cry;
  • the child rubs his eyes, tugs at his ear;
  • loss of interest in the game;
  • reluctance to communicate;
  • tears, hysteria.

If you miss these moments, then it will become difficult to put the child to bed, the nervous system will be overstrained. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time. Compliance with the regime will develop a conditioned reflex, and the laying down process will go faster.

Complete darkness during the daytime is not needed. You just need to close the curtains tightly so that the bright light does not bother the child.

Attention! Creating conditions close to night during daylight hours can cause a disruption in the body’s biological clock, causing the baby to “confuse day and night.”

Should I breastfeed before bed?

Mother's breasts will help you quickly put the baby to sleep. This is the most convenient and effective way to go to bed.

But this habit can cause frequent awakenings at night. The baby does not know how to relax in any other way as soon as he receives his mother’s milk. We need to teach him this. To do this you should:

  • move feedings from the bedroom to another room;
  • do not breastfeed in bed;
  • Feed a child over 5 months not before bedtime, but after;
  • place him only in the place where he will sleep next;
  • reduce your participation in falling asleep.

Advice! Give your child the opportunity to fall asleep on his own. Sit next to him, sing a song, stroke his back. Gradually he will get used to it and understand that he can doze off without sucking on the breast.

It is necessary to determine the probable causes of awakenings; perhaps something is bothering the baby or causing discomfort. Eliminating the irritating factor will help improve the process of falling asleep.

To rock or not

The need to rock a baby to sleep before bed is controversial. Opponents of this believe: if you start using this method to quickly put your baby to sleep at night, the baby will get used to it and will demand it for a long period. There is also talk about possible disorders of the vestibular system and brain damage.

The positive aspects are to quickly calm the child and relieve anxiety. He feels his mother's warmth and security when he is in his arms. Movements should be smooth, without large amplitude or jerks. Motion sickness is practiced in a stroller or cradle.

Dr. Komarovsky considers this means of calming from the perspective of both sides: the child and the mother. He sees no contraindications for the baby to go to bed this way. But this should not be done with fanaticism: when the baby falls asleep, you need to put him in the crib. A woman should pay attention to herself, her husband, other family members, and the home, and not constantly carry the child around the room, lulling him to sleep.

In the same bed with mom: pros and cons

It is much easier for a mother who is tired during the day to control her baby at night by putting her in bed with her. She hears him better, there is no need to get up to give him something to drink or change a diaper. The baby behaves much calmer when he sleeps next to his mother, hearing her heartbeat, feeling the warmth and smell.

There is an opinion that this is dangerous, it can cause harm to health and injure a child. The woman sleeps very sensitively, reacting to every movement and change in the newborn’s breathing. Just don't breastfeed him while lying down, there is a risk of falling asleep and blocking the airways.

Advice! But dads sleep more deeply and may not feel that they are near a little man and accidentally push him. A man should not lie next to a baby.

There is a theory that parents can infect their baby with various pathogenic microorganisms. If they are both healthy, then there is no risk. The danger of transmitting your microflora in the case of co-sleeping is no greater than with ordinary household contact.

Feeding schedule and sleep

The daily routine for a child of the first year of life consists of sleep, wakefulness, feeding, and walks. The duration of each period depends on the needs of the baby, his age, and family structure. Their shift must be subject to a certain rhythm and regime. This is not a strict rule, deviation from which even for a minute is perceived as a disaster.

Important to know! Getting the body used to the sequence of events occurring at approximately the same time helps it quickly adjust to sleep or wakefulness, and it becomes easier to put the infant to sleep. It’s easy for a family to plan their schedule, walks, and visits in advance, taking into account the baby’s individual daily routine.

The first two months of life, a newborn sleeps about 20 hours a day, taking breaks only for feeding. Then the duration of daytime rest is gradually reduced.

Gradually, the baby stops falling asleep after his stomach is full, and he becomes interested in the world around him. From about six months, children do not need night feedings. It is better to remove them slowly, increasing the intervals, replacing food with water. Often babies themselves do not wake up to eat at night.

Norms for daytime and night rest for infants

Months of life
Total sleep durationDay restNight sleep
0-1 20-22 hoursSleeps all day except for food breaksSleep all night, excluding feedings
1 20 8-9 10-12
2 18 2 times for 3 hours, twice for 30 minutes10
3 17 2 for 2-3 hours, 2 for 30-40 minutes10
4 17 2 x 3 hours, 2 x 0.5 hours10
5 16 2 x 2.5 hours, 1 time 60 minutes10
6 15 Twice 2 hours, 1 0.5 hours10
7 15 2 to 2.5 hours10
8 15 2 x 2.5 or 1 time 3-4 hours10
9 15 Two times 2.5 hours10
10 14 2 times for 2 hours10
11 14 Twice 2 hours10
12 13-14 1 time 2.5.1 – 1.510-11


Sufficient sleep and a proper daily routine help the infant to rest better and gain strength for development. Reducing sleep time negatively affects the immunity of a young child; he is more susceptible to various colds.

Calm, healthy, deep and sweet sleep of a newborn baby, among other factors, also depends on the position in which the baby sleeps. Until he can't roll over on his own, mom or dad puts him in the sleeping position. After birth, the baby gets used to the new environment, regains strength and learns about the world. At first, the baby sleeps a lot. While in the arms of Morpheus, the baby grows, develops, analyzes and remembers what he sees and hears. In addition, during the deep sleep phase, the child produces growth hormone. In order for the baby to sleep well, the mother bathes him in herbal decoctions, gives him a massage, breastfeeds him before bed and sings a lullaby. However, it turns out that sleeping position plays an important role.

Sleeping on your tummy

There is evidence that sleeping on your stomach can cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). However, scientists were unable to provide an evidence base for these data and did not confirm them in any way. At the same time, the baby feels safe in the stomach sleeping position. He feels comfortable and sleeps more peacefully. While sleeping on your stomach, the muscles of your back, neck and shoulder girdle are strengthened. Lying on his stomach, the baby slightly raises the lower part of the body, as a result, blood supply to the brain improves. At the same time, the baby’s legs are in the correct physiological position, they are widely apart, which is the prevention of hip dysplasia. By cuddling his body to a warm crib, the baby loses less heat, so he does not freeze. In addition, the gastrointestinal tract works more actively in the tummy position, milk is absorbed better, and colic bothers you less. It is worth placing the baby on his tummy at least during the daytime nap.

Sleeping on your back

While sleeping on his back, the baby can freely move his arms and legs and turn his head. However, the movements of newborns are still abrupt and uncoordinated, so babies often wake themselves up with their hands and scratch their faces. Trim your baby's nails promptly. You can also wrap the arms loosely in a diaper at night and leave the legs free. Imitating a gentle hug will improve your baby's sleep. You should not place your baby on his back if he has a stuffy nose. This will make it more difficult for the baby to breathe, because the swollen nasopharynx partially blocks the throat.

Sleeping on your side

The side position is the most common position for babies who spit up frequently. Place a folded terry towel, blanket or special bolster pillow under the baby's back. Then he won't roll onto his back. Just change the position of the child, each time putting him to sleep on the other side.

Sleeping in the fetal position

For some time after birth, the baby will try to take the position in which he spent the previous few months: he pulls his legs up to his tummy and presses his arms to his chin. But at the end of the month, the baby should already move away from this position. If this does not happen, you should visit a pediatrician and rule out muscle hypertonicity in the child.

Conditions for sweet sleep

1. Don't swaddle your baby. When the baby is tightly wrapped in fabric, he ceases to feel his legs and arms, begins to cry and get nervous. The child’s blood circulation deteriorates and there is a risk of hypothermia. It is better to wear loose cotton overalls on your baby, and instead of a blanket, use an envelope with a zipper or a sleeping bag that fastens on the hanger and expands towards the bottom. This way the baby will be able to move freely and will not open up at night.

2. The baby does not need a pillow; you should not put rolled up diapers under your head. It is better to slightly raise the crib or mattress from the side of the head, placing a small board under the legs.

3. If possible, do not put your baby to bed immediately after eating. Give him the opportunity to burp, carry him in your arms in a column. So, colic will not disturb the baby at night, and he will sleep more peacefully.



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