How to live healthy for a long time. Poor choice of partner

One and universal recipe Unfortunately, there is no information on how to live longer. But it is certain that healthy image life significantly increases a person's chances for a long and happy life.

There are several golden rules, following which you can live longer. Let's take a closer look at them.

Regime and diet

It is necessary to monitor your diet and nutrition, because our health is directly related to what we eat.

  • You should eat a varied diet natural products high quality. If there are no contraindications, then they must be in the diet protein products: chicken, eggs, dairy products, as well as fiber-rich foods, cereals, rice, vegetables, legumes and fruits.
  • You can't overeat. For all adults, except those who are underweight (who can eat more often), it is necessary to eat in three main meals. Moreover, lunch should be the most plentiful, and dinner should be light. For those who are afraid to dial overweight, can I recommend eating high-calorie food only in the morning, and the last meal should be no later than 18 hours.
  • It is undesirable to eat a lot of sweets, fried foods, fast food and other foods containing trans fats.
  • An important point in nutrition is the use of salt. It has been proven that a person should receive no more than 6 grams of this substance per day, since otherwise salt deposition occurs in the kidneys and joints. Salt has a negative effect on cardiovascular system in general and specifically on the heart muscle.
  • All food should be chewed thoroughly and without haste - this will ensure health gastrointestinal tract.
  • You need to eat a little less than you want, that is, get up from the table a little hungry.
  • You should drink about 1.25 -2 liters per day. clean water depending on age, weight and physical activity. Also healthy drinks are natural juices and compotes. Cocktails made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Green tea will help avoid heart disease. But coffee, black tea and energy drinks should be consumed in limited quantities.

Healthy weight

Retention is very important normal weight- this point follows from the previous one. Normal healthy eating along with moderate physical activity will provide a body weight close to ideal. This means that there will be no unnecessary stress on the joints, heart, as well as other systems and organs.

Bad habits

Refuse bad habits- means increasing your chances of long life. It is obvious that smoking, drinking alcohol and other harmful substances“hits” very hard internal organs, complicates their work, and therefore shortens the period of their normal performance.


In order not to breathe car exhaust gases and emissions industrial enterprises, not to be exposed to radio waves and radiation, you should move to an ecologically clean area closer to nature. If this is not possible, then you need to take care of the safety of your home. For this you should:

  • install environmentally friendly double-glazed windows that do not allow street dust to pass through and reduce the level of urban noise;
  • use climate control equipment: humidifiers and air purifiers, and ionizers for disinfecting premises;
  • do wet cleaning in the apartment more often.

Daily routine

It is necessary to observe a rest and sleep regime. The body cannot constantly work hard and still remain healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day, rest on weekends and during vacations. If you neglect such advice, then there is a risk of developing chronic nervous disorder. As a result, various phobias and neuroses, and chronic fatigue may develop.

The daily routine should include sufficient physical activity for the body. So, daily walking for half an hour will prolong life by 2 years.

In general, by adhering to these simple standards, you don’t have to think about how to live longer and what needs to be done for this. Other tips and secrets of longevity are revealed in our article.

Stress management

The modern world presents people with “surprises” every day, which are causes of stress. Constant stress- "blow" on human health, since it affects all organs, provokes a decrease in immunity, and therefore indirectly causes various diseases up to cancer.

In order to reduce the impact on the body of daily stressful situations, you need to learn to relax. There are many relaxation techniques, but the most effective are meditation and relaxation lessons. They will help you maintain your health, which means living long and happily.

And who's on at the moment lived the longest? So far, the Azerbaijani shepherd Shirali Muslimov has become a super-long-liver, who has reached the age of 168 (!) years. Izumi Shigetie, who lived to be 120 years old, is also considered a long-living record holder.

We are what we eat - this idea is not entirely new. Food directly affects our health and, as scientists prove, longevity. You can extend your life with the help of a whole range of measures, not the least of which is the right diet.

At the first international summit on personalized health and nutrition NEWTRITION, a lot of attention was paid to ways to increase life and prevent disease. Scientists agreed that nutrition in the fight against aging is one of key points. And very important point: calorie restriction. Some studies even show that intermittent caloric restriction may have more benefits. effective action. But it's not just about calories.

Thus, Alexey Moskalev, head of the laboratory of genetics of life expectancy and aging at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, said that about 10 years ago, studies appeared that connect life expectancy not with calorie content, as such, but with those components that come to us with food, and in their combinations.

For example, experiments on mice and rats show a significant increase in life expectancy if we limit the consumption of the essential amino acid methionine to the required minimum.

It is important to control the consumption of components that accelerate the aging process: fructose, trans fats, lactose. And on the other hand, pay attention to the sufficient presence in food of probiotics, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, vitamins, microelements and amino acids that slow down aging.

By using certain products we can activate cell renewal processes and slow down the aging process. For example, necessary elements contained in:

  • Turmeric
  • Olive oil
  • Oily fish
  • Vinograd
  • Cabbage
  • Basilica

Through nutrition we can trigger certain processes in cells.

For example, soybeans, fesalis, turmeric and brown rice contain substances that help launch cell rejuvenation processes.

And parsley, strawberries, persimmons, apples, black cumin and the same cabbage increase the resistance of cells to stress.

Excess intracellular cholesterol can trigger stress processes in cells. This excess occurs when consuming meat products, for a long time lying in the freezer, egg powder, products containing saturated fatty acids(palm, coconut oil, for example), alcohol.


Damage to cells, inflammation in them, leads to the inability of cells to divide. The danger of inflammation also lies in the fact that it can spread to other cells. This is a vicious cycle that leads to chronic inflammation as we age. There is also an inverse relationship: chronic inflammation accelerates the aging process.

There are many known compounds that suppress these chronic processes inflammation. In particular, these are mustard, turmeric, hot pepper, chili pepper, brown rice, propolis, spinach, soybeans, grapes, parsley, cabbage.

But there are foods that provoke inflammatory processes in our body, these are:

  • Soy sauce
  • Sweet carbonated drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Bakery
  • Caramel
  • Whiskey
  • Dark beer

In addition, inflammatory processes are provoked by sharp increase blood sugar levels. Such surges can be caused by pasta, honey, sweet cereals, pancakes, white bread, watermelon, pizza, mashed potatoes.

Scientists recommend replacing such foods with foods with a low glycemic index, so if possible, include them in your diet. rye bread, oranges, nuts, mangoes, apples, raw carrots, avocado, legumes, various salads and leafy vegetables.

It should be noted that glycemic index assessed by glucose, but there are other sugars that can be even more dangerous in terms of causing inflammation. So at the University of Oregon they conducted an experiment: they baked three types of cookies using sucrose, lactose and fructose. And it turned out that sucrose gave smallest color toasting, and fructose is the strongest. That is, it is after consuming fructose that greatest number glycation products, which causes inflammation. Therefore, according to Professor Moskalev, the recommendation for diabetics to replace sucrose with fructose is most likely incorrect.


Prebiotics, dietary fiber, are the factors that optimize the microbiota and slow down aging. Probiotics can be obtained from garlic, onions, bananas, black currants, plums, and beets.

Important. Latest Research showed that excess antioxidants should be avoided. Because any antioxidant in excess becomes a pro-oxidant and begins to work not for good, but for harm. This applies not only to excess vitamin C, but also vitamin E.

So, in order to slow down the aging process of our body as much as possible, we need very simple things:

The human body has a limited amount of resources, this is the sad truth - all living things someday cease to be so.

However, it contains enough of this very resource to live much longer than we used to think. How a person uses the initial data received from nature, so will the quality of his life, and the experience of centenarians suggests that it is quite possible to live until.

Get rid of bad habits

It is very advisable to follow the culture from a young age and have developed eating habits. You don't have to eat expensive to eat healthy.

Take care of your teeth

The advice to chew food thoroughly is not just for fun. The digestion process begins in the mouth with chewing and mixing food with saliva, which, thanks to the enzymes in its composition, breaks down some substances already in the mouth.

Chewing is possible only with the help; their presence and health are difficult to overestimate.

Did you know? In primitive times, someone who lost all his teeth died, like an animal in a similar situation, if there was no person willing to chew food for him. This the oldest way expressions of love were also used by mothers who crushed food for babies, in addition, some consider it a prototype of a kiss and a sign of trust.

Teeth affected by bacteria are a source of infection, on the one hand, and an open gate to hit pathogenic microorganisms into the body - on the other. can bring its owner serious troubles in the form of pulpitis, fistulas, inflammation of the gums and even problems with the bones of the skull, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
It turns out that there is a direct connection between loss and the risk of ischemic heart disease, as Swedish scientists have proven.

Did you know? According to some reports, good condition oral cavity and teeth can increase life expectancy up to 6 years.

Drink more water

In terms of usefulness, not a single substance in the world can compete with water. Without it, life expectancy is reduced to several painful days. We consist for the most part of, it takes part in most processes occurring in the body.

When a person is thirsty, this means that the body gives a signal about dehydration, which it is advisable to avoid and drink water not when you want, but constantly, drinking at least 2 liters per day.

Experiencing a deficiency, the body begins to use its own resources, using the water that is part of the cells and blood.
While providing primarily for the lungs, liver, and kidneys, the body deprives the intestines and joints, depriving them of the ability to work normally, which can lead to unexpected and unwanted diseases.

Important! To form the habit of drinking water, you should associate its intake with some actions: waking up, before eating, when leaving the house, and so on. To remember to drink water, you need to keep it in sight at all times.

Taking it in sufficient quantities for the body can prevent some diseases and processes, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on life expectancy.

Take a walk in the fresh air

Walking people play a very important role for the state. It is not necessary to do it at all, it is enough hiking from 2 kilometers per day with active walking.
This is a useful practice:

  • trains the heart muscle;
  • tones the functioning of blood vessels;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • saturates body tissues with oxygen;
  • helps control;
  • stimulates the functioning of all body systems.

Important! You should walk with an active step, quite quickly, while breathing deeply and evenly. It is advisable not to stop so as not to lose your breath. Naturally, a walk in the forest will be much healthier than a promenade on polluted city streets.

Of course, this practice takes some time, but you can plan your daily route in such a way that you still have the opportunity to walk, for example, get off two stops early on the way and walk.

This is not burdensome, but the result will not be long in coming - your body will repay with improved well-being and changes for the better.
especially important take walks to maintain condition and increase life expectancy.

Play sports

Nature intended that man should be... All our functions, having undergone evolutionary changes, are intended for active use. , starting from birth, instinctively brings these functions into the appropriate form, moving a lot, performing them with multiple repetitions, spending indefatigable energy on physical development.

As we grow older, energy becomes less, metabolism and heat exchange slow down, and the person himself becomes smarter and, alas, lazier. This one does a disservice: planned for active organs in inactivity they lose their functions, become inactive and over time cause trouble to the owner in the form of illnesses.

Important! Thanks to physical activity lifespan extends nerve cells, blood flow and heart function improve, the work of the body as a whole is synchronized.

By exercising regularly, a person does not allow his body to idle. And since everything in it is interconnected, the work of the muscles and heart activates the work of the systems and metabolic processes, maintaining them in working condition, preventing them from stagnating and atrophying, being exposed to various diseases.
People who have lived over 100 years throughout their lives were active, engaged physical labor and weren't lazy.

Worry less

Renders destructive effect on the body, provokes diseases and shortens human life.

Hormones have an extremely negative effect on blood vessels, which can react with spasm, even stopping blood flow. And this is fraught with strokes and heart attacks.

Jealousy, anger, disappointment, cause your blood vessels to narrow, resulting in increased

Everyone dreams of learning the secret of longevity. It would be so nice to understand the secret of a happy and long life. Especially if it would allow you to do nothing and still remain strong and healthy. Such advice exists, and it is far from secret. Just follow these 10 guidelines and you will live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

Eating healthy never hurt anyone

It will not be a revelation to anyone that centenarians try to eat healthy. But the hamburgers are so delicious! However, if you want to live happily ever after, you will have to part with them. Just associate each sandwich you eat with a certain period of your life. If you ate a sandwich, you took a week of your life, your beloved one. I agree, the comparison may seem stupid, but in fact this statement is not so far from the truth. Try to follow this rule: make sure that 80% of the food you eat is natural. This should include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, legumes, dairy and produce.

Get as much sleep as you need

Sleep has a huge impact on our lives. If you want to be successful and productive, then do not forget about healthy holiday. It is commendable that you can sleep two hours a day and function almost perfectly, but your body will not forgive you for this. He doesn’t care that you have an urgent report or session. He requires rest.

Quit smoking right now

Scientists have long established that smokers shorten their lives by at least seven years and, in the long term, get nothing but illnesses and poor health. The faster you quit, the more days you will meet the birth.

Don't forget about physical activity

Movement is life, no matter what they tell you. Once you start practicing, you will only get benefits. You will feel much better. You'll look great. And since you look great, your self-esteem immediately rises by several points. Confident people are guaranteed to become more successful. And success, as we know, helps extend our lives.

Be sociable

Your sociality is one of the most important aspects long and happy life. Just organize a meeting with friends you haven't seen for a long time. Call your grandma, aunt or nephew. You will immediately notice that there are people around you who care about you. Simple communication can cheer you up at least until the end of the day. But good mood also a guarantee of longevity.

If you like to drink, then do it wisely

This is one of the most important tips for future centenarians. People who don't smoke, exercise, eat healthy food and drink wisely, live 14 years longer than those around them who do not. It’s better, of course, not to drink at all or limit yourself to one glass of whiskey or wine.

Become a dreamer

All happy people- dreamers. They strive upward and are not afraid to fall. In fact, such individuals are comfortable with failure, because it is an integral part of their growth and development. Don't be afraid to take risks and win too. Only by trying something new will you know what you are capable of.

Don't let go of your thirst for knowledge

People who lived long and happy lives followed one rule: they tried to learn and learn as much new things as possible. Your education does not end at school. Try to learn something new every day. Indeed, in our time it has become such an easy and accessible process. We are surrounded by information everywhere. We can read a book, go online and find absolutely everything there. But just don’t forget about healthy communication. Your friends can also tell you a lot of new and interesting things.

Remember your family and friends

Ask 100 passers-by what is most important in life, and you will get the answer - family and friends. If not everyone will answer this way, then most certainly will. But we very often forget about our family. We have too much to do and not enough time. We don't have 24 hours to work. What a family this is! But this is irresponsible. Family is truly the most important thing in life. You can always find at least a couple of minutes a day to just call your family. Instead of Twitter feed and Instagram is better call mom.

Be grateful for what you have

Some of us think too much about what we want to achieve and get. In this race we do not notice many pleasant and good things around us. Be grateful for what you have. It will make you happier - scientifically proven. One study confirmed that people happy with that What they have are more optimistic, happier and even sleep better than irritable and grumpy people.

These simple and obvious tips will help you fill your life with meaning and make it long and happy. Perhaps all of the above is banal for you and should not even be said about it. But in the bustle of days, we sometimes forget the simplest things. Perhaps these tips will help you. Then everything was not in vain.

What advice can you give for a long and happy life?

Usually every person strives to live longer. There are, of course, cases when life becomes so unbearable that you no longer want to live. But this is already extreme, and we will not take this option into account. Let's talk about how to live long and what needs to be done for this.
It is clear that life expectancy depends on the will of God or fate (who believes in what). But besides this, The time of death of a person is influenced by only 2 things: health and old age. If there is an opportunity to influence the state of health and the speed of approaching old age, then there is also an opportunity to live long.
Fortunately, it is quite possible to improve human health and slow down the approach of old age. Let's figure out how to do this.

We are dying of old age. We die from diseases. We die for all other reasons.
Among diseases, 95-96% of us die due to only 3 diseases: atherosclerosis (more than 50% of deaths), cancer (about 25% of deaths), diabetes mellitus(17-18% of deaths).
Old age is inextricably linked with all of the above diseases. With every year of life, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases. With each passing year of life, the risk of developing cancerous tumors. Type II diabetes mellitus mainly affects people aged 30 years and above.
So, you can combine old age and 3 main diseases into one group.
All other accidents and various diseases leading to death account for only 4-5%.
However, if we can rarely do anything with this last 4-5%, then we are quite capable of maximizing our chances of life by dealing with atherosclerosis, diabetes and even, to some extent, cancer.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus, which claims almost 20% of lives, is directly related to a person’s diet. Yes, type I diabetes occurs due to the failure of the beta cells of the pancreas to produce insulin. But type II diabetes is almost always associated with poor diet.
Imagine a situation where a person eats carbohydrates that quickly increase blood sugar levels (sugar, soda, sweets, flour products, white bread and much more).
The pancreas quickly releases insulin to lower blood glucose levels to normal. In this case, sugar from the blood fills the liver cells, forming a reserve type of glucose - glycogen. Over time, glycogen should be released into the blood and increase sugar levels when they fall below normal.
But what happens if the liver cells are full of unused glycogen, and a new portion of fast energy comes with food?
In this case, the pancreas will again secrete insulin. But where to put glucose if the liver is full to capacity? The body begins to process sugar into fat. We're getting fatter.
Over time, with such nutrition and sedentary Life our body no longer has time to reduce blood sugar levels. The pancreas works at its maximum capacity, but the glucose level remains elevated because there is simply nowhere to put the sugar. And such a person is diagnosed with diabetes.
A person may be prescribed insulin injections, which will inevitably lead to beta cell atrophy. A person becomes disabled, each year approaching the inevitable end.

How to solve the problem of diabetes

The problem can be solved simply. It is necessary to lose excess weight and change your diet and routine. To do this, reduce caloric intake during weight loss and completely remove it from the diet. fast carbohydrates, minimize the amount of fat and increase meals to 5-6 small portions.


Atherosclerosis of blood vessels can be completely removed in a few months physical exercise.
The fact is that properly performed physical exercises lead to the release of hormones from endocrine system person and to their circulation with the bloodstream. And hormones are able to penetrate into atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, break down the cholesterol contained there into fatty acids and release them into the bloodstream.
For short time Such hormonal secretions will destroy all cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
In addition, regular hormone release will help maintain elasticity. internal walls vessels, which will make the appearance of atherosclerosis impossible.

How to solve the problem of atherosclerosis

It is enough to periodically and regularly perform physical exercises that lead to the release of hormones from endocrine glands, primarily testosterone and growth hormone.
Suitable for young people various types strength exercises, completed before the moment of mental stress - the moment of overcoming. This is exactly what mental stress stimulates the release of hormones.
Older people should not immediately switch to regular strength exercises due to the fact that they increase blood circulation. This can disrupt atherosclerotic plaques that are already present.
Therefore, in middle and old age, you need to pay attention to such types of exercises as callanetics, isotonic or static-dynamic strength exercises. If they are performed correctly, there is no increase blood pressure and, as a result, blood circulation remains within normal limits. Over time you can move on to usual forms power movements.


Cancer is the second leading cause of death and, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict which of every four people will get sick and die from cancer.
However, there is good news. According to studies, if a person exercises at least 30-60 minutes a couple of times a week, he reduces the likelihood of cancer by 60%.
It would seem that what is the connection between cancer diseases and exercise? But it turned out that strength exercises, which promote the release of hormones into the blood, have a positive effect on the condition. immune system. And the immune system is responsible for recognizing and destroying foreign and defective cells in the body.
Moreover, with the right physical activities Metabolism is accelerated, which means the renewal of body cells is accelerated. This directly affects the rate of recognition and removal of cells with damaged DNA.
Those. performing physical strength exercises both directly (through the immune system) and indirectly (through stimulation of metabolism and cell renewal of the body) affects the possibility of the formation of cancer cells in the body.

How to minimize the likelihood of developing cancer

Correct execution of the already mentioned strength exercises, which stimulate the release of hormones into the blood, will have a positive effect on the state of the immune system and speed up metabolism.

Old age

In a nutshell, old age is an almost complete cessation of the production of one’s own hormones (we are interested in growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen in women) and an extreme slowdown in the renewal of body cells. If you cope with these problems, then the time of approaching old age and death will be greatly delayed.
Fortunately, the already mentioned exercises aimed at stimulating the release of growth hormone and testosterone can solve the problem of old age.
Regular release of hormones into the blood will have an extremely beneficial effect on the state of both the endocrine and immune systems.
As a result, cell renewal will increase, which means the condition of the whole body will be excellent. After all, in essence, old age is not a date on a passport, but the state of the cells of our body.
All that remains is to learn how to correctly perform static-dynamic exercises, become familiar with physical exercise systems such as callanetics and isotonic, and also learn how to eat properly and get rid of fat.
Information about all this is already on the pages of the Health Blog. And then it will become more and more. Therefore, do not miss the chance to receive interesting, simple, but extremely necessary information in order to maintain your health and, if possible, live a long and happy life.



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