How to take amoxicillin for adults. What does Amoxicillin help with? Instructions for use of the drug, indications and contraindications

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the class of old antibacterial drugs, and is still actively prescribed for the treatment...

What does Amoxicillin help with? Instructions for use of the drug, indications and contraindications

From Masterweb

27.04.2018 02:01

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the class of old antibacterial drugs, and is still actively prescribed for the treatment of many diseases for both children and adults. It has a number of contraindications for use. We can safely say that one of the most popular antibacterial agents among the people is Amoxicillin. What it helps with, what its cost is and what you can replace this drug with, you will learn from the article.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate. Excipients: sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, talc, hypromellose.

The bioavailability indicator is in no way related to food intake. The patient can take Amoxicillin tablets at any time convenient for him, and this will not affect absorption in any way.

In about two hours the medicine is completely absorbed in the intestine. Three hours after administration, a consistently high concentration of the active substance can be observed in the blood. In the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the concentration is low, which is why the drug is not prescribed for the treatment of intestinal infections.

The active substance amoxicillin trihydrate is almost completely destroyed by the action of bacterial beta-lactamase enzymes. Therefore, it makes no sense to prescribe it for the treatment of diseases caused by beta-lactamase-producing strains. You can find out what Amoxicillin helps best with by reading the article to the end.

Release form

You can purchase the drug in the following forms:

  • "Amoxicillin" produced by the Serbian company "Hemofarm" in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension, dosage 250 mg in five milliliters (100 ml bottle). Optimal for use by children and adolescents.
  • The Dutch pharmaceutical company Astellas produces Amoxicillin in capsules with active ingredient concentrations of 125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg.
  • Amoxicillin capsules of 250 mg and 500 mg are produced by the Serbian company Hemofarm.
  • Powder for making suspension "Amosin": 250 mg of amoxicillin trihydrate in 3 g. There are ten sachets in one package.
  • The domestic pharmacological company Sintez AKOMP produces the drug in tablets of 250 and 500 mg.

The instructions for Amoxicillin tablets indicate that the release form does not affect bioavailability. The same amount of the drug will be absorbed both when taking tablets and when injecting. The toxic effect on the liver when administered intravenously is slightly less than when administered orally. However, the difference is so small that you should not give preference to injection administration only for this reason.

Side effect of the drug

Possible allergic reactions:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • urticaria and various dermatitis;
  • rhinitis and conjunctivitis, lacrimation.

With long-term use in doses above 1 g per day:

  • asthenia, weakness;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • drowsiness;
  • inappropriate actions.

When taken simultaneously with clavulonic acid preparations:

  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • toxic hepatitis (with long-term use);
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • toxic necrolysis.

Dosage for adults

The initial dosage for adults should not exceed 1500 mg (that's three 500 mg tablets) per day. At the discretion of the attending physician, in case of severe disease, the daily dose can be increased to two grams of the drug, which can make Amoxicillin more toxic for the patient.

For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a dose of one to two grams per day is recommended. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of symptoms and the health status of the patients. Testing is constantly required to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. If a patient takes an arbitrary dose without permission, this can lead to dire consequences.

The instructions for use of Amoxicillin 500 for acute gonorrhea recommend taking the drug twice, two or three grams at a time. A day later, you need to undergo tests again to ensure the effectiveness of the therapy.

Dosage for children

For children from three to seven years old, taking more than 600 mg of Amoxicillin per day is not advisable. This amount of the drug can provoke side effects and allergic reactions. If the child is in a hospital and the appointment is under the supervision of medical staff, increasing the dosage is possible.

The instructions for use for Amoxicillin tablets recommend cutting the tablets with a blade if you need to give the child 250 mg. If you need a dosage of 125 mg, then you need to split the whole tablet as carefully as possible using a blade, first in half, and the resulting halves into two more parts.

Why Amoxicillin is most often prescribed to children:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • chronic purulent tonsillitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • laryngitis and pharyngitis.

Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

This antibiotic freely penetrates the placental barrier. After a couple of days of administration, it already accumulates in the tissues of the embryo. Due to this obvious effect on the fetus, Amoxicillin is prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases. The intended benefit of therapy for the mother must outweigh the expected harm to the unborn child.

Today there are many more modern and safer antibiotics on sale for pregnant women.

There are no data on mutagenic and embiotoxic effects on the fetus - no one has conducted such studies.

In this regard, in rare cases, this antibiotic can still be prescribed to a patient, but the drug is classified in the category of effects on the fetus according to the FDA - B. This means that reliable studies on the absence of harm on human material have not been conducted.

Indications for use

The active substance perfectly overcomes the histohematic barrier. Quickly and effectively creates therapeutic concentrations.

It is most effective for diseases of an infectious nature of the following body systems:

  • urinary system;
  • gastrointestinal tract (except for the lower intestine);
  • skin problems, infectious dermatitis, furunculosis;
  • upper respiratory tract (angina, acute otitis media, pharyngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, lung abscess).

It is often prescribed for the treatment of various forms of gonorrhea, salmonella carriage, and Lyme disease. For these ailments, it is unacceptable to self-medicate. The exact dosage of Amoxicillin in the form of trihydrate can only be prescribed by the attending doctor after receiving test results.

In case of severe infection, it is preferable to use Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Suitable for use in both tablet and injection forms.

It is impossible to say for sure what Amoxicillin helps best with. The result of therapy always depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the qualifications of the doctor and the proportionality of the prescribed dosage to the severity of the disease.

Contraindications for use

If you have the following diseases, you should avoid taking this drug:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • hypersensitivity to penicillins;
  • bronchial asthma.

In case of liver failure, cirrhotic condition and other chronic liver diseases, combined use with clavulonic acid is prohibited. Taking Amoxicillin alone for liver problems is possible only after a doctor's prescription.

Do not take in case of chronic renal failure. In severe cases of pyelonephritis, when there is a question about the preservation of kidney function, only the attending physician can decide on the advisability of taking Amoxicillin tablets.

Drug interactions

"Amoxicillin" is able to stimulate the functionality of indirect anticoagulants. In parallel with this, it suppresses intestinal microflora and reduces the prothrombin index.

The instructions for Amoxicillin 500 indicate that simultaneous use with bactericidal antibiotics leads to synergism; The drug is not compatible with bacteriostatic antibiotics.

Women taking oral hormonal contraceptives should note that when taken simultaneously with Amoxicillin, the likelihood of conception increases by 8%.

The instructions for Amoxicillin tablets warn that when taking the drug simultaneously with alcohol tinctures (Corvalol, Valoserdin), an increase in the sedative effect most often occurs. There have been cases of coma developing in cases of overdose while taking alcohol medicinal tinctures.

Special instructions for use

Instructions for use for Amoxicillin 500 recommend starting with small doses if patients have a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions. Angioedema, urticaria, itching, and nausea may develop. If allergic attacks have previously been recorded (even not to medications), you should start taking it as carefully as possible.

The use of Amoxicillin 500 in combination with metronidazole is prohibited for patients under 18 years of age.

If you have chronic hepatitis, hepatosis and cirrhotic liver disease, it is not recommended to take Amoxicillin. This is only possible in extreme situations when the patient’s life is at risk and there are no antibacterial drugs with less toxic load on the liver and gall bladder.

During combination therapy with metronidazole, it is not recommended to consume ethanol. This increases the toxic load on the liver and increases the risk of an allergic reaction.

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If you need medicine to treat a cold or other inflammatory disease, find out from this article how many days to take Amoxicillin in order to completely get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

Brief information

Amoxicillin is a drug, a semi-synthetic antibiotic from the penicillin group. Its pharmacological properties are similar to ampicillin, but have better bioavailability when taken orally.

Amoxicillin is active against a huge group of pathogenic bacteria. But it does not work on viruses and fungi.

The instructions provide a list of diseases for which you can take Amoxicillin.

Leaders in indications for use:

  • diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis);
  • intestinal infections and inflammatory lesions of the peritoneum (dysentery, salmonellosis, peritonitis);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia);

Release forms

For the convenience of treating patients, Amoxicillin is available in the form:

  • tablets and capsules of 250 and 500 mg - for adult patients;
  • granules for preparing a suspension for small patients - 125 and 250 mg of active substance in 5 ml of the finished suspension.

Treatment with Amoxicillin

Like any antibiotic from the penicillin group, It is necessary to drink Amoxicillin for sore throat or other diseases caused by pathogenic microbes at least three times a day, every 8 hours, for 5 - 12 days. Taking Amoxicillin does not need to be tied to a diet; it does not reduce the effect of treatment and does not affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

During treatment with Amoxicillin, it is important to observe regularity, that is, how much Amoxicillin to drink and not skip the next dose of the medicine, because a decrease in the concentration of the active substance in the blood leads to the adaptation of microbes to the drug and increased reproduction. Treatment becomes ineffective. This rule applies to all antibiotics.

Treatment for adults

For an uncomplicated disease, 500 mg of Amoxicillin is prescribed for each appointment - this is 1 tablet of 500 mg or 2 tablets of 250 mg.

If there is a positive trend during treatment and there is no risk of complications, it is recommended to take Amoxicillin for at least 5, and preferably 7 days.

In the case of a severe course of the disease, when recovery time is delayed or complications arise, the doctor usually prescribes an increase in dosage to 750 mg and in some cases even up to 1000 mg per dose. The course of treatment is also extended.

Treatment of children

The antibiotic Amoxicillin is often used to treat bacterial infections in children, including sore throats. The manufacturer allows Amoxicillin to be prescribed to newborns and even premature babies.

The instructions describe in detail how to properly take Amoxicillin for children, according to the child’s age.

For children, Amoxicillin is prescribed in the form of a suspension for ease of use. As a rule, the frequency of taking the drug is 3 times a day, with the exception of newborns and premature babies, as well as babies under 3 months of age - the daily dose of the drug is divided into 2 doses. The dose is selected according to the age and weight of the child, and the severity of the condition is also taken into account.


  • For newborns and children up to 3 months, the dose is determined at the rate of 30 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 2 doses, every 12 hours;
  • Children under 2 years of age - recommended 1/2 measuring spoon (125 mg or 2.5 ml) of suspension or at the rate of 20 mg/kg body weight per day, the dose is divided into 3 doses;
  • Children from 2 to 5 years old from 1/2 to 1 measuring spoon or 2.5 - 5 ml (125 - 500 mg of active substance) 3 times a day;
  • Children from 5 to 10 years old take 1 - 2 measuring spoons of the drug - 5 - 10 ml of suspension, 250 - 500 mg of active substance, three times a day;
  • Children aged 10 years and older are recommended to take 2 scoops of suspension (10 ml or 500 mg of active ingredient) 3 times a day. In severe cases of the disease, the dose is increased to 4 scoops - 20 ml or 1000 mg of the active substance three times a day.

Preparation of the suspension: add boiled water to the bottle with the drug, shake until the granules are completely dissolved. Shake the contents of the bottle each time before use.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication for taking antibiotics. Whether you can take Amoxicillin and for how many days - the doctor must decide.

During lactation, it is better not to take Amoxicillin, but to switch to other methods of treatment or temporarily replace natural feeding with artificial feeding.

Gastric ulcer, treatment features

Not long ago, scientists discovered that gastric ulcers are caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. Studies have established that in order to combat this pathogen, you can drink Amoxicillin, in an increased dosage of 1000 mg per dose. But use in combination with metronidazole or another analogue, an omeprazole derivative.

Important! After the symptoms of the disease disappear, the medication is continued and its dosage is not reduced; you need to take Amoxicillin for several more days in order to completely defeat the disease.

Doctors' opinions

In the reviews, experts point out that Amoxicillin has been used for a long time; doctors often prescribe it and claim that if Amoxicillin is taken correctly, it effectively helps with bacterial infections.

But they warn that prescribing antibiotics on your own and deciding how many days to take Amoxicillin is dangerous to your health.

Article verified
Anna Moschovis is a family doctor.

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Amoxicillin is an antibacterial, bactericidal drug with a wide spectrum of action.

Belongs to the 4th generation of semisynthetic penicillins. Amoxicillin is active against gram-positive aerobic bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, as well as gram-negative aerobic bacteria - salmonella, gonococci, meningococci, Escherechia coli, Klebsiella.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe the drug Amoxicillin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real reviews of people who have already used Amoxicillin can be read in the comments.

Release form and composition

Depending on the disease, different forms of the drug are prescribed. The basis of the medicine is amoxicillin trihydrate. Auxiliary elements include magnesium, sodium, polyvidone and others.

The most popular forms of antibiotics are:

  1. Pills. One tablet contains 250 or 500 mg of amoxicillin trihydrate;
  2. Capsules. One capsule contains 250 or 500 mg of active substance;
  3. Suspension for oral use. 5 ml of suspension contains 125 mg of amoxicillin;
  4. Solution for oral use. In 1 ml of solution – 100 mg of active substance;
  5. Dry substance for injection.

I would like to note that amoxicillin, as well as most antibiotics, are substances that, in a dissolved state, are not capable of maintaining chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the suspension is available in the form of powder or granules, which must be dissolved before administration.

What is Amoxicillin used for?

The drug is used for bacterial infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to its action. The range of indications for Amoxicillin includes:

  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • meningitis;
  • endocarditis (for prevention purposes);
  • sepsis;
  • infections of the respiratory tract and ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis);
  • infections of the urogenital tract (cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis, peritonitis, enterocolitis);
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, infected dermatoses).

In combination with metronidazole, the drug is used to treat chronic gastritis or peptic ulcers associated with H. pylori.

Pharmacological action

Amoxicillin is effective against most pathogens, with the exception of penicillinase-producing strains. The drug is resistant to acids, quickly absorbed in the intestines, easily penetrates the tissues, fluids and organs of the human body, suppressing bacterial activity.

  • The action of Amoxicillin begins half an hour after administration and lasts for 6-8 hours, therefore, to maintain a constant concentration of the drug in the body, it is prescribed three times a day.

After a certain period of time, the drug is partially excreted by the kidneys, liver and in small quantities through breast milk, so nursing women are sometimes advised to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, the dosage regimen for Amoxicillin is strictly individual. The duration of treatment ranges from 5 to 12 days.

  • For oral administration, a single dose for adults and children over 10 years of age (with a body weight of more than 40 kg) is 250-500 mg, for severe disease - up to 1 g.
  • For children aged 5-10 years, a single dose is 250 mg; at the age of 2 to 5 years – 125 mg; for children under 2 years of age, the daily dose is 20 mg/kg.
  • For adults and children, the interval between doses is 8 hours. For the treatment of acute uncomplicated gonorrhea - 3 g once (in combination with probenecid).

In patients with impaired renal function with CC 10-40 ml/min, the interval between doses should be increased to 12 hours; with CC less than 10 ml/min, the interval between doses should be 24 hours.


Amoxicillin is not prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis,
  • liver failure,
  • lymphocytic leukemia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • exudative-catarrhal diathesis,
  • breastfeeding,
  • infectious mononucleosis.

Amoxicillin should be used with caution in cases of renal failure, pregnancy, or a history of bleeding.

Side effects

The following adverse events are possible when using Amoxicillin:

  1. Allergic reactions (erythema, urticaria, rhinitis, Quincke's edema, conjunctivitis, joint pain, fever, eosinophilia, anaphylactic shock);
  2. Superinfections (most often in patients with reduced body resistance and chronic diseases).
  3. With long-term use in high doses - ataxia, dizziness, depression, confusion, convulsions, peripheral neuropathies.

When using Amoxicillin together with clavulanic acid, the development of hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, and epidermal necrolysis is possible.

Pregnancy and lactation

Amoxicillin crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in small quantities in breast milk. If it is necessary to use amoxicillin during pregnancy, the expected benefits of therapy for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus should be carefully weighed.

Use amoxicillin with caution during lactation (breastfeeding).

Amoxicillin analogues

Analogues of the drug containing amoxicillin as the active ingredient are the following drugs:

  • Amoxillat (Germany);
  • Amosin (Russia);
  • Amoxisar (Russia);
  • Danemox (India);
  • Hikoncil (Slovenia);
  • Apo-Amoxi (Canada);
  • Ecoball (Russia);
  • Gonoform (Austria);
  • Bactox (France);
  • Grunamox (Germany);
  • Thaysil (Bangladesh);
  • Ospamox (Austria);
  • Flemoxin Solutab (Netherlands);
  • E-Mox (Egypt).

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of AMOXICILLIN tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) is 35 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dark place, protected from light and moisture, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of release. It is prohibited to use the product after the expiration date indicated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Amoxicillin tablets are a prescription drug.

Flemoklav solutab (250, 500 mg): instructions, reviews, analogues Cerucal tablets: instructions, reviews, analogues

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic of the penicillin group that helps patients recover from various bacterial infections. It is a semi-synthetic drug, in its medicinal properties it is closest to the antibiotic ampicillin, but is considered more reliable due to its better absorption by the body when taking tablets orally. Amoxicillin is unstable to the effects of beta-lactamases produced by some microorganisms that live in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT), so the active substance of the drug is combined with clavulanic acid, which acts as a beta-lactamase inhibitor.

History of the creation of amoxicillin

The development of the drug was completed in 1972 by the Beecham pharmaceutical company, and Beecham's successor, GlaxoSmithKline, began selling it. Initially, the drug was called Amoxil, since a corresponding patent with a registered trade name was issued for it. Currently, since the patent has expired, other pharmaceutical corporations that sell amoxicillin under other names have received the right to produce its analogues.

Properties of amoxicillin

Belongs to the penicillin class of drugs. The composition of amoxicillin is organic compounds, the core of which is formed by 6-aminopenicillanic acid, obtained from Penicillium chrysogenum.

The advantage of amoxicillin over analogue drugs, such as ampicillin and benzopenicillin, is that the amoxicillin molecule contains an OH hydroxyl group. Thanks to it, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood; accordingly, a high concentration of amoxicillin is achieved in a shorter period of time. In turn, this fact allows patients with acute viral or bacterial infections to be prescribed amoxicillin tablets instead of, for example, ampicillin injections, which makes taking the medication much easier and saves money.

Another benefit of amoxicillin is that it resistant to gastric juice. This property of the drug allows pharmaceutical companies to produce forms of the drug for oral use.



Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum medicine, acid-resistant, bactericidal and antibacterial, from the class of semi-synthetic penicillins.

It affects the synthesis of peptidoglycan (a substance found in the cell walls of bacteria) and disrupts it during bacterial reproduction and growth, promotes bacterial lysis and inhibits transpeptidase. Active against the following harmful microorganisms:

  • staphylococci,
  • streptococci,
  • pathogens of meningitis, gonorrhea and salmonellosis.

Viruses and bacteria that can produce penicillinase are immune to the medicinal components of amoxicillin. The drug begins to perform useful work thirty minutes after administration and is effective for eight hours.


Absorption of amoxicillin into the blood occurs quickly, absorption of the drug reaches 93%, while no effect on absorption depending on the presence or absence of food in the stomach was detected. Acidic gastric juice does not destroy the active components of the medicine. The maximum concentration in the patient’s blood after taking the tablets is detected after two hours.

The drug is distributed within the body through organs, tissues and fluids, for example, it is found in blood plasma, urine, sputum, lung tissue, genitals, adipose tissue, bones, cerebrospinal fluid, gallbladder, intestinal mucosa and pleural fluid.

Increasing the dose of the drug helps to increase its concentration in the human body. If you take 3 tablets at once instead of 1, the concentration will increase 3 times. The antibiotic has difficulty crossing the blood-brain barrier.

Amoxicillin is metabolized to form inactive metabolic products. The body completely eliminates the drug within three hours after administration. The elimination of the drug involves the kidneys, which process approximately 2/3 of the components of amoxicillin; up to 20% is metabolized and excreted by the liver. Found in small doses in breast milk. If the patient has impaired renal function, the complete elimination of amoxicillin may take up to 16-17 hours, and hemodialysis may be required.

Amoxicillin release form

Currently, manufacturers produce the medicine in the following forms:

  1. Pills.
  2. Capsules.
  3. Suspensions.
  4. Solution for oral administration.
  5. Dry substance used for injection.

Amoxicillin instructions for use

Indications for taking the drug

  • respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis);
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, for example, cystitis, endometritis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (peritonitis, cholecystitis, typhoid fever, enterocolitis);
  • infectious diseases of soft tissues and skin, for example, impetigo, dermatoses and erysipelas.


Taking amoxicillin is strictly prohibited in two cases: excessive sensitivity of a person to any components of the drug or in case of infectious mononucleosis.

Amoxicillin should be used with special precautions by patients who are predisposed to allergies. Individuals who are overly sensitive to amoxicillin should take into account that when using cephalosporin antibiotics together with the antibiotic we are considering, cross-allergic reactions may occur.

Before prescribing this medicine to pregnant women, it is necessary to keep in mind that taking the medicine may harm the baby. Therefore, you need to weigh the expected benefits of treatment for the expectant mother and possible harm to the fetus.

Newborns and small children should not be fed breast milk during treatment, since amoxicillin passes into it and can cause unwanted side effects in the child, such as allergies.

Amoxicillin: dosage, use and exceptions to dosage rules

The antibiotic is taken orally, and it does not matter whether before or after meals.

Doctors usually prescribe amoxicillin up to three doses per day, 0.5 grams for adults and children who weigh more than forty kilograms and are over ten years old. If the disease is severe and complications are possible, the dose can increase to seventy-five hundredths or even one gram. If your child is from five to ten years old, then he should take a maximum of twenty-five hundredths of a gram of medicine three times a day, a child from two to five years old - one hundred and twenty-five thousandths of a gram of medicine three times a day, and a child under two years old - 20 milligram per 1 kilogram of weight per day. Treatment time correlates with the severity of the disease and usually lasts from five to twelve days.

When treating with this antibiotic, there are some exceptions to the dosage rules that you need to keep in mind:

  1. In case of acute gonorrhea without complications, the patient needs to take three grams of the drug once. Women are advised to repeat the above dose of medication after recovery to avoid relapse.
  2. If you suffer from gastrointestinal, liver and biliary tract infections or acute gynecological infections, then you should take one and a half to two grams of amoxicillin three times a day.
  3. When treating leptospirosis, adults need to take 0.5 - 0.75 grams of medication four times a day for at least 6-12 calendar days. The dose of the drug for children should be reduced by 2 times.
  4. If your kidneys have impaired normal functioning and your creatinine clearance ranges from fifteen to forty milliliters per minute, then according to the instructions, the interval between taking the next dose should be maintained at least 12 hours. If, according to urine analysis, creatinine clearance is less than ten milliliters per minute, then the usual dosage should be reduced by half. For anuria, the maximum dose of amoxicillin per day is two grams.

Side effects of amoxicillin

The most common side effects of this antibiotic is the occurrence of various allergic reactions. These can be a variety of ailments, such as urticaria, angioedema, skin hyperemia, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Do not think that amoxicillin is in any way radically different from other antibiotics in terms of negative effects on the digestive system. It causes dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, liver dysfunction, glossitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

As a result of research, side effects of the drug on the nervous system were revealed, namely:

  • insomnia,
  • confusion,
  • anxiety,
  • excitation,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • convulsions,
  • peripheral neuropathy.

Other negative side effects:

  • tachycardia,
  • vaginal candidiasis,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • interecitial nephritis.

Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, treatment

Typically, an overdose of amoxicillin does not manifest itself with symptoms other than diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fluid imbalance resulting from vomiting and persistent diarrhea.

Treatment is as follows: the patient is washed out the stomach, given activated charcoal and laxatives, as well as drinking plenty of fluids to restore water balance. In the most severe cases, when life is threatened, hemodialysis is used.

Amoxicillin analogues

Amoxicillin is not the only drug used to treat bacterial infections.

Analogs of this drug, containing the same active medicinal components, are the following drugs:

Special instructions for treatment with amoxicillin

The use of amoxicillin and its analogues is useless in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases and influenza.

If a patient’s gastrointestinal disease is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, then it is highly advisable to treat the patient with amoxicillin injections.

If the nature of the disease requires a long period of treatment, then it is necessary to take antifungal drugs, for example, nystatin or levorin, together with amoxicillin or its analogues.

You need to be extremely careful and carefully monitor the condition of a patient who has a history of bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, hay fever or allergic diathesis.

If your doctor prescribes high doses, be sure to take steps to monitor your liver and kidney function.

During treatment, provide the sick person with plenty of fluids and pay attention to the frequency of urination and the amount of urine excreted, since at least 2/3 of amoxicillin is excreted.

If symptoms such as abdominal pain, urge to defecate accompanied by pain, fever, watery stools with blood occur, the onset of pseudomembranous colitis should be suspected. You should immediately stop taking amoxicillin and concentrate on treating the symptoms that arise.

Conditions and periods of storage of the medicine

As the instructions say, the drug must be stored, avoiding exposure to sunlight, in a dry place at normal room temperature. You need to ensure that it is inaccessible to your children.

The typical shelf life of amoxicillin is two years.. When the expiration date expires, the drug must be disposed of. Amoxicillin, released in the form of a suspension, has a shelf life of 14 days.

The effectiveness of treatment of diseases of the ENT organs directly depends on the choice of antibacterial drug. Amoxicillin was synthesized in the last century, belongs to the group of penicillins, and has been used for many years to treat infections of various localizations. Its demand is due to its good results in treatment and the possibility of administration to children and the elderly. Let's consider the main methods of treatment with Amoxicillin, the forms of the drug and instructions for use.

The substance amoxicillin has a therapeutic effect. This component comes in all forms in various dosages. The substance is obtained by a semi-synthetic method.

Release form of the drug

Amoxicillin is available in the following forms:

  1. Pills. 250, 500 mg amoxicillin. Packaged in blisters or contour cells of 10 pieces. Some manufacturers use dark glass bottles (24 pieces). The tablets are round, white.
  2. Capsules. Dosage 250 mg, 500 milligrams. Located on blisters of 10 pieces.
  3. Granulated preparation for obtaining a suspension. Dosage 250 milligrams/5 milliliters. Contained in a 40 ml bottle. Has a measuring device for dosing.

At a dosage of 125 mg, it is available on the market in the form of dispersible tablets.

The dosage is 1 g for a medicine called Amoxicillin Sandoz, the number of tablets per package is 12.

The Ecobol company produces Amoxicillin in tablet form containing 250 and 500 milligrams.

Pharmacological action

The action is antibacterial. In structure and properties it is closest to another representative of penicillins - ampicillin.

It is used for the following types of infection of ENT organs:

  • streptococci, staphylococci;
  • aerobic gram-negative.

Penicillinase, which breaks down some groups of beta-lactam antibiotics (including amoxicillin), does not allow the drug to be used against certain groups of pathogens, limiting its scope of activity.

This problem can be solved by simultaneous use of a beta-lactamase inhibitor, which expands the capabilities of Amoxicillin.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The drug has proven itself well when taken orally. It does not decompose in the acidic environment of the digestive tract and is quickly absorbed by tissues. The maximum volume is fixed within 1-2 hours from the time of taking any form of the drug.

The contents of the stomach do not impair absorption. The active substance is quickly distributed throughout all tissues and fluids. Note that the accumulation of amoxicillin is observed in liver cells. When taking a larger dose, the amount of active substance in the blood increases proportionally.

Half-life from the blood is observed after 1.5 hours. This figure is higher in younger children and older people. Also, the withdrawal period of a half dose of Amoxicillin increases with kidney failure.

The metabolism of the drug is unexpressed, more than 50% is excreted unchanged in the urine.

Removal through hemodialysis is possible.

In what cases is the medicine used?

Amoxicillin is often prescribed by otolaryngologists for infections that cannot be eliminated without antibiotics. Indications for use are:

  • sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, others);
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

The medicine treats infections of the lower respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis.

Amoxicillin is used for inflammation of the genitourinary and digestive systems, skin infections, scarlet fever, meningitis, and sepsis.

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs with Amoxicillin is indicated when there is a danger of inflammation turning into a purulent form, the ineffectiveness of herbal medicine and external antibiotics, poor immunity and general weakness of the body.

Instructions for use and dosage of Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs that are caused by bacteria. Before starting an antibiotic, your doctor may order a sputum sensitivity test. Based on the results of the analysis, the required doses and course duration are adjusted.

The effective dose for adults is 1-2 grams per day. If Amoxicillin was prescribed without a previous analysis, the dynamics of the condition are monitored for two days. If there is no improvement, replace with an alternative antibiotic.

The medicine is taken by drinking about a glass of water with it. Due to good absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, it can be taken in any form, regardless of food intake.


Good absorption in the gastrointestinal tract makes it convenient to treat pathologies of the ENT organs using Amoxicillin tablets and capsules. The metabolic features of the drug make it most effective when taken three times a day.

For one dose, if the disease is not severe, a dosage of 500 milligrams is effective. All patients weighing more than 40 kilograms receive this dose.

Amoxicillin in an amount of 250 milligrams is convenient for children; if necessary, take a smaller amount of Amoxicillin (125 milligrams) - divide the tablet. In this case, it is better not to use capsules.

For more severe cases, the prescribed dose is 750-1000 milligrams per dose (3 times a day), no more than 6 grams per day.

For effective treatment, the recommended 8 hours between doses must be observed. Therapy lasts 5-12 days.


This dosage form is used for children under 5 years of age. The suspension is prepared according to the instructions, diluted with boiled water at room temperature. The measuring spoon holds 5 milliliters of the drug, it contains 250 milligrams of Amoxicillin.

The standard dosage is as follows:

  1. 5-10 years – 5 milliliters of suspension 3 times a day;
  2. 2-5 years – 2.5 milliliters 3 times a day;
  3. Up to 2 years: 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into 3 doses.

The diluted suspension can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days. Before giving the medicine to a child, the drug is heated and shaken well to dissolve the sediment. In severe cases, usually in a children's hospital, the child may receive part of the drug by injection.

Features of use for children

Amoxicillin is often prescribed by otolaryngologists to treat inflammation of the nasopharynx and ear. Children tolerate antibiotics well, and the number of negative reactions is minimal.

Due to delayed excretion in newborns, the medicine is used 2 times a day. Children of all other ages are given the drug 3 times. The suspension is convenient for children who are not ready to take pills. The dosage rules are described above.

In general, when prescribing, the doctor is guided by the following rules:

  • after 10 years – 250-500 milligrams;
  • 5-10 years – 250 milligrams;
  • 2-5 years – 125 milligrams;
  • younger than 2 years – 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

In cases of severe purulent infections, children's dosages are usually increased by 2 times.

How to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Amoxicillin is distributed in all body fluids, including breast milk, and crosses the placental barrier. Whether it is worth using it during pregnancy is decided by the doctor, taking into account the risk to the fetus. The specialist, if therapy is necessary, will choose a treatment regimen and dosage.

To avoid harm to the baby, you should not breastfeed while taking the medicine. Return to feeding 24 hours after completion of therapy.

Amoxicillin for sore throat

The drug is often prescribed for tonsillitis. Before using Amoxicillin, perform a sputum examination (throat swab). The medicine is not prescribed for fungal or viral infection.

Indications for use:

  • high temperature for 3 days;
  • plaque on the tonsils;
  • soreness and enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • addition of nasal congestion and ear pain;
  • pain in the chest, in the face.

The action of Amoxicillin lasts up to 8 hours, so it is necessary to take it three times a day, observing the recommended interval. This ensures a constant action of the antibiotic on pathogenic flora and effective removal of pathogens.

For patients over 12 years of age, the usual dosage is 500 milligrams at a time. If the sore throat is purulent and the condition is severe, the amount of the drug at a time is increased to 0.75-1 grams.

Per day you are allowed to receive:

  • average severity – 1.5-2 grams;
  • complicated form – up to 6 grams.

Suspension is the most convenient form for children under 5 years of age. Dosing of Amoxicillin in different age groups for tonsillitis:

  • for newborns (up to 3 months) – 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into 2 doses;
  • up to 2 years – 20 milligrams per kilogram, 3 times a day (weight up to 10 kilograms);
  • child weighing 10-20 kilograms – 125-250 milligrams, 3 times;
  • 5-12 years – 250-500 milligrams with three times a day.

After 12 years, general (adult) dosages are used for everyone. The maximum limit is 6 grams.

For information: uncomplicated sore throat is treated for 5-7 days; for purulent inflammation, an antibiotic is taken for at least 10 days.

In inpatient treatment of angina, for problems with the digestive tract, Amoxicillin can be used parenterally. After several days of administration, the patient is transferred to taking tablets or capsules.

For impaired renal and liver function

For renal dysfunction, the dose is adjusted according to the nature of changes in creatinine clearance. The interval between doses of Amoxicillin is also selected individually.

Due to the accumulation of the active substance in the liver, caution is required when taking it during pathological processes in the organ. Do not use in combination with metronidazole.


When taking large doses, no severe signs of intoxication were recorded. Diarrhea and nausea are possible. The reception is stopped. Take sorbents (activated carbon or others).

If you have kidney problems, CK control is required.

If necessary, Amoxicillin is removed from the body by hemodialysis.

Side effects

Negative reactions, in most cases, occur when treated with large dosages. Tagged:

  1. Allergic manifestations of a different nature - urticaria, itching, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, rarely - Quincke's edema.
  2. The addition of infections of a different nature, in particular candidiasis.
  3. From the nervous system – headaches, loss of orientation, convulsions.
  4. Typical reactions when used together with clavulanic acid (dermatitis, jaundice) and metronidazole (stool disorders, anorexia).

Most patients tolerate Amoxicillin well, which explains the popularity of the drug.


The drug is prohibited for use by patients with the following diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • severe damage to the digestive tract with diarrhea;
  • mononucleosis;
  • allergic diathesis;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • intolerance to any antibiotics of the penicillin class.

When combining Amoxicillin with metronidazole, there are additional contraindications:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • allergy to nitroimidazoles.

The drug cannot be combined with clavulanic acid in case of liver dysfunction and jaundice.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Interactions that a specialist should take into account when prescribing Amoxicillin:

  1. The drug enhances the effect of bactericidal antibiotics - cephalosporins and others. Bacteriostatic drugs lose their effect - macrolides, tetracyclines, etc.
  2. A number of drugs reduce the absorption of Amoxicillin - antacids, laxatives, aminoglycosides. Acetylsalicylic acid increases absorption.
  3. NSAIDs, diuretics, and allopurinol retain the drug in the blood, increasing its concentration.

Amoxicillin interacts with anticoagulants, multiplying their effect due to the effect on intestinal flora. Weakens the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Special instructions for the medication

The drug is an antibiotic, therefore, when taking it, it is necessary to observe the accuracy of dosages and the recommended regimen.

Amoxicillin is not effective against viral infections.

Clavulanic acid prevents the inactivation of the active substance, which makes it more effective when used together against certain types of pathogens that inhibit beta-lactamase.

Elderly patients should be aware of changes in CK and the possibility of effects on the liver.

With long-term treatment with Amoxicillin, antifungal drugs are additionally prescribed - Nystatin or others.

Allergic reactions are possible from prolonged use, with caution in case of bronchial asthma, hay fever.

Terms of sale and cost of the drug

Dispensation by prescription. Prices for drugs from the Amoxicillin group:

  • suspension – 100 rubles;
  • capsules (500 milligrams, 16 pieces) – from 90 rubles;
  • capsules (250 milligrams, 16 pieces) – from 50 rubles
  • tablets (500 milligrams, 20 pieces) – from 56 rubles;
  • tablets (250 milligrams, 20 pieces) - from 40 rubles.

The cost of the drug depends on the dosage and manufacturer.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of sealed medications is 3 years. Store them at temperatures up to 25 °, in places protected from light. Keep away from children.

Store the ready-to-use suspension in the refrigerator for no longer than 14 days.

Analogues of the drug

Amoxicillin is included in a large number of drugs that are analogues of:

  • Amosin (capsules, tablets, suspension);
  • Ospamox (dispersible tablets, suspension);
  • Hiconcil.


One of the best analogues of the drug, which contains clavulanic acid, which increases the capabilities of amoxicillin. Available in the form of powder for suspension, tablets, including dispersible ones.

It has increased resistance against beta-lactamases, thereby reducing the resistance of pathogens. It is used in the treatment of ENT pathologies, including for children. Suitable for treating newborns.

The manufacturer is Austria, which significantly increases the price of the drug. The price of the suspension is from 300 rubles, tablets – 250-400 rubles.

The drug contains amoxicillin in dosages of 125, 250, 500, 1000 milligrams. Manufacturer: Netherlands.

The tablets have a dispersible form and are easy to use. Used for otitis, inflammation of the throat and nose caused by bacterial pathogens. The course of therapy is 5-7 days. The drug is taken 2-3 times a day.

A suspension for young children is prepared from tablets.

The price of Flemoxin Solutab is 230-500 rubles.

Amoxicillin has excellent patient reviews; otolaryngologists have extensive experience in treating the drug. The medicine is well tolerated even by young patients. If you strictly follow the recommended regimen, it reliably eliminates bacterial infections of any complexity.



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