How to calculate the average exam score. Transfer of Unified State Exam points: Detailed description of the assessment system

Every applicant wants to enroll on a budget; this is a natural and completely reasonable desire. But not everyone scores enough points on the Unified State Exam to do this. By low scores we mean 130-150 (160).

You shouldn’t despair, you can enroll, but getting into the budget will be much more difficult than with a higher score. There are several options for admission:

  1. Technical school or college. With not particularly high scores, the likelihood of being admitted to such educational institutions on a budget is the highest. Moreover, they teach the most in-demand specialties today.
  2. Contract training at a university. You can consider this as a fallback option.
  3. Budget for correspondence or evening courses at a university. A huge advantage is the opportunity to combine study with work.
  4. Admission to a university in a relatively unpopular specialty, which usually does not require a high passing grade, but after receiving a diploma, employment in the specialty will take time and is not guaranteed.

In any case, it is important to understand that you can enroll almost anywhere, even on a budget, but only if the low score on the Unified State Exam was an unfortunate accident, and you are still a diligent and capable applicant.

Choosing a specialty

  • agricultural technology;
  • electronics and nanoelectronics;
  • livestock farming;
  • geodesy;
  • radio electronics.

If it doesn’t matter to you where you go, but the budget is important, then college is the best option. The choice of specialties is enormous. But keep in mind that after graduation you will receive a diploma not of higher education, but of secondary specialized education. After technical school, you can easily enroll in the 2nd or even 3rd year of a university and get a bachelor’s and then a master’s.

There are many examples where a school graduate received low scores on the Unified State Exam, but later, upon entering an educational institution, shows very good results, succeeds in his studies and even graduates from a university with honors. This once again proves that grades are not an indicator of intelligence, because a person could simply get worried or put his head together only after admission, realizing that he needs education.

Nowadays it is very difficult to find a job without having a higher education diploma. But it is also sometimes difficult to do this, even after graduating from a prestigious university in your current specialty. There are many examples of how applicants who have received such specialties as agricultural engineering or radio electronics acquire prestigious positions in reputable companies, since institutions require precisely such workers. It all depends on the person himself and his level of training.

A good option for the development of events is the correspondence department. Ideally, this scheme works if you also get a job in your specialty. Then, in parallel with getting an education, you also gain experience.

If you can’t get a job anywhere, there is always contract training (paid). In this case, you need to be prepared to pay a lot of money for training, but you can choose almost any specialty.

In any case, remember that 160 points on the Unified State Exam is not a death sentence, and you can continue to study, having decided which direction is most suitable for you. The above tips will help you make your choice. So, carefully read the lists of universities in your city, decide on your specialty and study for your health. The main thing is to have the desire, and the opportunity will appear.

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When summer comes, school graduates are faced with many questions, because they have to choose an educational institution and decide on their future profession. With the beginning of the admissions campaign, many begin to wonder how to find out the average score of the certificate.

Why this indicator is needed and how it is calculated is a pressing question for all applicants.

Why is the indicator needed?

The average score of the certificate is calculated by those applicants who plan to enter a secondary specialized educational institution. Currently in Russia there is a rule according to which people are admitted to colleges without entrance examinations (but there are some exceptions). The admissions committee only looks at the average score of the educational document and does not take into account the results of the Unified State Exam.

In universities, completely different rules apply. Many people may not even think about how to calculate their GPA. The fact is that institutes, academies and universities do not look at this indicator. Applicants are accepted only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination in certain subjects or taking into account the results of entrance tests conducted for certain categories of persons.

About the absence of entrance tests in colleges

Entrance tests are not provided for in many specialties. For example, you will not need to take anything if you choose “economics”, “law and organization of social security”, “tourism”, “hotel service”. Small testing is provided for those specialties that require certain professional qualities. Tests are taken in “nursing” and “medicine”. In creative specialties related to design, applicants complete a drawing.

For educational programs that include tests and creative tasks, special admission rules apply. First, employees of a particular technical school or college look at the result of the entrance test. This can be either a “fail” or a “pass”. In the first case, the applicant is denied admission, without even paying attention to what average grade point he has. If “passed,” the applicant is allowed to participate in the certificate competition.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate

Let's say we have a document on education. How to calculate GPA? Take the insert that accompanies this document. Next, we count how many disciplines we studied during our school years. We got 20 items. Next, we take a calculator and add up all the grades that are indicated in the appendix to the certificate, or we calculate the total amount in our heads. The final value is 87.

Now we just need to calculate the average score of the certificate. As you can see, we have 2 values. Divide the sum of grades by the number of items. The calculator screen displays the number 4.35. This is our average certificate score. The maximum possible value is 5. This is the average score for excellent students.

Competition between applicants: equality of average scores

Often, admissions officers are faced with a situation where there is only one budget place left, and several people with the same average certificate score are applying for it. How do I know who will be accepted? The selection of an applicant for the last budget place is carried out taking into account grades in certain subjects.

For example, let's take the Moscow College of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the average scores are equal, this educational institution looks at grades in specialized disciplines - Russian language, English language and history. In other educational institutions, it is recommended to clarify the conditions for admission, because specific specialized subjects are defined for each specialty.

If the indicator is high

Excellent students don’t even have to think about how to calculate their average certificate score. Paths to various technical schools and colleges are open to them. If the average score is 5, then documents can be submitted to any educational institution. In specialties without additional entrance tests, admission is guaranteed.

You may not be able to enroll in educational programs with additional tests and creative assignments. However, the likelihood of this happening is very low. Excellent students always prepare responsibly for admission. “Failure” is possible only if the applicant is too worried. An unsatisfactory result can also occur due to the wrong choice of profession or a rash step. But this is possible purely theoretically. In practice, a different picture is observed.

If your GPA is low

With a low average score on a budget, it is impossible to enter prestigious and highly sought-after colleges, because after the entrance campaign the best applicants are selected. If your grades are poor, it is recommended to apply to educational institutions that are not in high demand.

There is another option - to go to college not after the 9th grade, but after the 11th grade. After 9th grade, many graduates go to apply to colleges. The competition is very high. After the 11th grade, there are fewer people who want to become students at technical schools and colleges. The majority of graduates set themselves the goal of obtaining a higher education.

A few years ago, graduates did not think about how to calculate the average score of the certificate, and did not worry about the grades in the document. Admission to colleges was based on the results of passing exams in general education subjects. For example, in medical colleges, when applying for “nursing”, applicants wrote a dictation in the Russian language. In biology, passing the exam was carried out using tickets.

There is no need to prepare for exams now, but it is worth taking care of your grades in order to obtain a higher average score for admission to college. Therefore, in the 9th and 11th grades, take a more responsible approach to your studies. If you have problems in any subjects, consider the services of a tutor. It will help you master school material and understand complex topics. Schools often conduct additional classes and electives. You can visit them too.

And one more piece of advice. If your grades are low in 9th grade, then consider continuing your studies in school. In grades 10-11, you can get higher grades if you pay attention to your studies and try hard. If you are unable to cope with a significant part of the subjects, concentrate on preparing for the Unified State Exam in those disciplines in which you are strongest. Also choose a major related to these subjects. Having passed the Unified State Exam well, you will get a chance to enter a university. In any academy they won’t even look at your average score, but will take into account your Unified State Exam results.

How to calculate your GPA is a fairly simple question. Use the method described above. You can also define the indicator differently. Multiply the number of threes by “3”, the number of fours by “4”, the number of fives by “5”, then add all the values ​​and divide by the number of subjects studied. You will end up with the same average score.

Many philosophers and scientists heatedly debate among themselves about the answer to the question: would it be good for a person to know his own future. Of course, from a philosophical point of view and from the angle of global perception and happiness, you can find a huge number of arguments both in favor of this theory and in its disadvantage. But, abstracting from such global thoughts, each of us at least once in our lives thought about how wonderful it would be if he could see the future. The number of problems in human life would immediately become hundreds (if not thousands) times smaller.

One of the important stages in the life of many people is entering a university. And in order to enter a higher education institution, it is necessary to undergo external independent assessment in certain subjects. And based on the results of the latter, it will be determined where and what the applicant will be able to enroll in. Taking the test is a stressful process in itself. And the fact that the admission situation may remain as uncertain even after receiving the results only intensifies these negative experiences (which does not have the best effect on the health and well-being of young people).

To “shed light” on the situation and make it easier for students to understand next steps, some higher education institutions have created an application for their official websites such as Income calculator. For some, this program only allows you to see those specialties that an applicant can take when passing certain subjects at the External Examination, while for others it also allows you to see the minimum number of points in each subject.
On the website Kharkov University of Radio Electronics also has its own Calculator.

To use it, you must enter your points according to VNO, GPA and, if there are any personal merit from the above (such as victories in the Olympiads or MANA). The program will not only calculate for you your rating score among all applicants, but it will also show list of all specialties , which you can apply for with the list of items you specified. And each specialty will be indicated your admission rating , and also, for comparison, what your rating would have been in previous years. Also in the table shown, the applicant will be able to get acquainted with information about the number of budget places and their changes from year to year (in addition, where there were no budget places and where there was a shortage).

For even greater visibility and increased perception, quickly finding what will be useful, all shown specialties will be painted in different colors. This way, the applicant will immediately see in which specialties he has a high probability of admission to the budget, in which - average, and in which - low. Moreover, KNURE calculator also provides all site visitors with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with detailed instructions for their use, and what data was used for analysis, and where to go for additional information and subsequent submission of documents.

It is also extremely convenient that such applications are usually posted on information sites, where, after calculating the probabilities of admission to different specialties, it is possible to immediately familiarize yourself with the description of the specialties themselves, the admission process and contacts in case of additional questions.

Many applicants even calculate in advance (while still schoolchildren) on the Calculator how many points they need to score and in what subjects, in order to presumably plan further preparation in the subjects and get into the desired specialty.

It’s quite easy to select Moscow universities according to the Unified State Exam on a budget on the Internet. Our website provides a popular and high-quality ranking of universities from which you can choose. you can build a rating that will offer the best educational institutions. You can choose based on the location of the university, areas of study and other factors. It is quite difficult to enroll on a budget; usually you need to have an average score of around eighty on the Unified State Exam. But there are a number of highly specialized universities that are not popular due to the low popularity of the professions they graduate. You can enter such universities with average results and learn an interesting and rare profession. After graduating from such a university, you won’t be able to boast of a diploma from a prestigious university and a popular profession, but you can have a good job, with a decent salary and interesting responsibilities. All in all. You should not chase popular solutions if you want to select Moscow universities according to the Unified State Exam when applying for a budget.

Where is it easy to enroll on a budget with low Unified State Exam scores?

There are a number of areas where you can enter with low scores. Of course, these do not include economics, law and management. - these are some of the most promising areas for study if you do not have high scores. In recent years, agriculture has been actively developing, and people will never stop eating, so the relevance of these professions will not be lost over the years. It is quite easy to enroll in ecology, although the profession is experiencing a peak in popularity; you can even enroll in ecology at quite prestigious universities. Another area for admission is metrology. In general, quite a lot of professions are associated with measurement. And if metrology itself is not a very relevant area, then cadastres are quite a promising area.

There are many other specialties and professions that you can enter with low scores on a budget. At first glance, it seems that there are practically no vacancies in these specialties, but it is worth considering that one or two universities graduate specialists of this profile, and not hundreds, as is the case with economics and law.

High school students can objectively assess their chances of entering the university of their dreams.

The main wave of surrender started on May 28 unified state exam (Unified State Exam). Upon completion, many school graduates plan to continue their studies at universities. A significant part of them have probably already decided on their priorities in choosing a specific university and a specific specialty. At the same time, there is no doubt that even many excellent students who received close to maximum scores Unified State Exam, until the end of July-beginning of August, when it ends university admissions campaign, will be tormented by doubts about whether they entered the chosen university or not. Ease the torment and assess chances of admission The Unified State Exam calculator developed at the Higher School of Economics allows you to enter a specific university for a specific specialty.

The calculator shows average and minimum (passing) scores Unified State Exam in areas of training (specialties) for all Russian universities - based on the results of admission in 2011. The scores for budget and paid places are shown separately (for the latter, the cost of training is also shown). And this year's applicants can compare their scores Unified State Exam with last year’s scores sufficient for admission to the university of interest, and thus assess the likelihood of your admission.

It is clear that for applicants this year they can only serve as a rough guide, but a quick analysis shows that usually a passing grade Unified State Exam at a university it rarely decreases or increases by more than 10 points. Considering that this year, as in the past, an applicant can apply for admission to 5 universities at once for 3 specialties, calculator Unified State Exam will allow you to correctly calculate admission tactics and insure yourself in case the points scored Unified State Exam As a result, they will be insufficient for admission to the chosen specialty at a priority university.

Let's take, for example, the currently popular specialty of economist. In the Rostov region, according to the calculator Unified State Exam, education in this specialty can be obtained at 8 universities, including 7 of them for free, by entering through a competition for budget places. At the same time, the passing score for budget places Depending on the university and faculty, it can fluctuate by tens of points. The highest USE scores are above the range of 72.3 – 74.7 on average for each of the subjects - it is necessary for applicants to SFU, Rostov State Civil Engineering University, South Russian State Technical University (formerly Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute).

For applicants with average scores between 70 and 80 points in core subjects this year, it would be a good idea to hedge their bets in case their average score Unified State Exam will be below the passing grade for “Economics” at the university they like most from the mentioned list, and apply for this specialty also to other universities. Moreover, just in case, for additional security, they should also submit documents to at least one university in which the average passing score last year was below 70. For example, in Rostov State Transport University (63.3), South Russian State University of Economics and Service (66.3) or in Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (68.3).

If the average score on the profile Unified State Examination of the applicant is below 60, then admission to budget places in each of the listed universities in the region to major in economics will be problematic for him. The only exception will be the Rostov State Economic University RINH, which last year cut off only those applicants whose average score Unified State Exam was below 50.3. True, low competition and a passing grade last year may stimulate an influx of applicants to this university this year who are unsure of admission to other universities, which will inevitably lead to an increase in competition and passing grade.

However, no matter how the situation with admission to this university turns out this year, applicants with an average Unified State Examination score in specialized subjects in the range between 50 and 60 points and even lower, they can choose a university in another region, where these points will be enough for admission. They have a chance of entering a university to major in economics if they are ready to leave home, for example, to Saint Petersburg. Last year, applicants with such scores for the specialty “economics” in the “northern capital” were accepted into State Polar Academy, Hydrometeorological University And Mining Institute.
If the Unified State Exam scores are above 80, then perhaps such an applicant should try his hand at more popular and well-known universities in our country. For example, apply to the Faculty of Economics St. Petersburg State University, the passing grade for which last year was 79.3 or to Moscow in Higher School of Economics, in different faculties of which the passing score ranged from 80.8 to 90 points.
In turn, applicants with low scores who do not want to leave the region also have the opportunity to enroll in paid places in economic faculties. As the calculator shows Unified State Exam, last year the passing score for paid places at universities in the region ranged from 34.7 to 42.7. The cost of training ranged from 40 thousand to 69 thousand rubles per year.

Similarly, applicants who do not receive enough points to study at the expense of the state budget can enroll in paid places at many leading metropolitan universities, although the passing score and tuition fees will most likely be higher. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the student and his parents will have to pay the full cost of education every year. Many universities have a discount system. Thus, the already mentioned Higher School of Economics has a system of rating students depending on academic performance. Students at the top of the rankings receive discounts from 30 to 70% of the annual tuition fee, and the best of them are transferred to free places to replace state-funded students who drop out for some reason.

We gave an example of building tactics for entering a university using a calculator Unified State Exam for an applicant from our region only for the specialty “economics”, in a similar way, you can build tactics for entering a university in other specialties.



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