How to identify a broken rib in a person. In what position to sleep

Let's start with the fact that a rib fracture is very painful and dangerous injury. Broken ribs can damage internal organs located in the chest - for example, puncture a lung or compress the diaphragm, and this in turn leads to blood loss and disruption of the body's respiratory activity. This outcome suggests that untimely assistance and diagnosis can lead to death.

How can you break a rib?

A fracture can occur even with slight compression of the chest (when providing first aid to victims, doing artificial massage hearts, often break 1-2 ribs); an awkward fall or hit (even with an ordinary basketball).

What are the symptoms of a broken rib?

What symptoms indicate a rib fracture? One of the signs is pain in the place where the blow itself fell. It gets worse when a person coughs or breathes in and out deeply. A certain stiffness in postures appears, forcing a person to take an unusual position - half-lying, half-sitting (it’s hard to stand, since broken ribs are displaced and cause sharp pain when breathing).

Usually, during a fracture, the rib fragments do not move, but if such a case occurs, it is very dangerous. Sharp bones can pierce porous lung tissue or the pleural cavity.

If, nevertheless, the broken ribs touched inner fabrics chest, a so-called pneumothorax occurs - a person’s breathing becomes rapid, shallow, shortness of breath begins, and the skin and lips acquire a blue tint due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. An aggravating factor may be internal bleeding- when blood vessels are touched by rib fragments. In this case, to the above symptoms are added an increase in weakness, dizziness, and blood pressure decreases.

First aid for a broken rib

The necessary first aid in such a situation depends on the type of rib fracture.

For closed fractures in simple form It is necessary for the patient to take a semi-sitting position and bend his arms at the elbow. He should be given a special support bandage and one bent arm should be tied to his body, so that pressure is created on the broken rib.

In case of a closed fracture of a complex shape (severe pain, difficulty breathing), it is necessary for the victim to take a semi-sitting position and lean towards the broken rib. He needs to make a bandage that would tie the arm tightly to the body, immobilizing the painful part of the body.

To help with broken ribs open form, you need to apply your palm and close the wound, tilting the body towards the fracture, and sit the victim down. Bandage open wound, cover it with airtight material and bandage it. Tie your arm to your body to immobilize the broken rib.

For any type of fracture, you must immediately call ambulance .

Treatment and diagnosis of rib fracture

For staging accurate diagnosis rib fractures must be done x-ray. With fluoroscopy, it is necessary to show as accurately as possible the place where there is pain and describe the symptoms for a correct diagnosis. A radiologist will tell you for sure whether such an injury occurs only by seeing and describing the image. As a rule, it is the x-ray that shows 100% the location of the rib fracture.

Treatment in this case is based on immobilizing the patient as much as possible for several weeks. Depending on the location of the fracture, plaster corsets may be applied to improve bone healing.

Complex fractures with displacement and formation of fragments require surgical interventions. There are also isolated cases when several ribs are broken, and unpaired ones (climbers and steeplejacks suffer more often - falls from small heights lead to people receiving multiple fractures of the ribs with displacements). Such fractures take a long time to heal.

Chest injuries are not uncommon and have varying degrees severity, and in the absence of proper treatment can cause significant complications. Complications especially often arise as a result of injury such as rib fractures. Different chest injuries require different treatment methods. If uncomplicated bruises are treated on an outpatient basis, then a complex rib fracture requires the patient to be in a hospital. It is important to diagnose as soon as possible after the injury occurs. correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Many people wonder how to determine whether a rib is bruised or fractured. Accurate diagnosis possible only in medical institution. It is not possible to make a correct diagnosis at home. Even the most experienced doctor cannot always visually distinguish these injuries, since they have similar signs, hardware diagnostics of damage is often required.

A rib injury is considered severe and quite painful. The main causes of injury are:

  • falling from a height;
  • road traffic accident or work injury;
  • blow to the chest area;
  • severe pressure or squeezing of the chest;
  • specific diseases that affect bone fragility (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis and others).

A rib fracture or bruise is similar in symptoms, so when initial examination It is difficult to immediately recognize the type of injury and make the correct diagnosis. Common signs such damages are:

  • strong pain syndrome, which occurs at the time of injury and persists for a long time, can put a person in a state of shock and affects his motor functions;
  • swelling of soft tissues and an increase in their temperature at the site of injury;
  • the appearance of hematomas and bruises - due to strong blow rupture and damage to small blood vessels in soft tissues;
  • shallow breathing, shortness of breath (“intermittent inspiration syndrome”), which arise as a result of pain and limited movement of the chest;
  • the appearance of rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) due to breath holding.

In order to prescribe treatment, it is necessary to understand exactly what kind of injury we are dealing with - a bruise or a broken rib. The most accurate picture of damage is provided by an x-ray in two projections. If the patient has a fracture, then the fracture line and bone fragments will be visible in the picture, otherwise it will occur.

The approach to the treatment of uncomplicated bruises and fractures has similar features:

  • Bed rest is prescribed until the main acute symptoms are relieved ( pain and swelling);
  • on the first day, periodically apply to the site of injury cold compress(every 20 minutes with a 5-minute break) until the pain is relieved;
  • shown outpatient treatment with periodic visits to the attending physician.

Do not forget about possible complications, the risk of which is higher the more severe the damage. Complex bruises and fractures should be treated in inpatient conditions. More information about that.


A rib(s) fracture is an injury that results in a violation of the integrity of the bones of the chest and concomitant damage to nearby soft tissues, skin and internal organs.

The concept of “fracture” distinguishes between: complete and subperiosteal fractures. Above are general symptoms, characteristic of all chest injuries, however, there are also those that can be used to determine whether a fracture or just a bruise of the ribs occurs in a particular case.

During the initial examination of the fracture, asymmetry of parts of the chest can be identified; the affected part may “sink” inward when inhaling. When moving the victim, you can hear the crunching (crepitation) of broken bones and see fragments protruding from under the skin. In cases where a rib is broken, the pain is more pronounced. This may be a consequence collateral damage fragments of rib bones, muscle and lung tissue, pleura and nerve fibers. These injuries can immediately cause complications in the form of pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleura), hemothorax (bleeding into the chest cavity) and subcutaneous emphysema (accumulation of air in the pleura). subcutaneous tissue). Medical assistance in such cases should be provided in urgently due to the need for immediate puncture to remove fluid or air. Due to congestion in the lungs over time, the victim of a fracture or severe bruise ribs may develop pneumonia.

It should be noted that the symptoms of an injury that involves only cracked ribs are very similar to those of a bruise.

In cases of violation bone integrity rib treatment involves connecting bone fragments and securely fixing them for proper fusion. This can be achieved by carrying out conservative therapy If this does not happen, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

The following medications are used to treat fractures:

  • novocaine to block pain at the site of injury;
  • non-steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and relieve inflammatory process in the form of injections and ointments;
  • antibiotics to treat secondary infections;
  • calcium-containing preparations and B vitamins for the restoration of bones and nerve fibers.


A bruise is a mechanical injury to soft tissue without violating the integrity of bone tissue and skin.

The distinctive signs of a bruised or cracked rib are as follows:

  • severe pain at the time of injury, which decreases over time, however painful sensations are stored for a month;
  • shallow breathing caused by pain;
  • significant swelling and increased temperature in the damaged area;
  • an extensive hematoma, which over time changes color from dark burgundy to yellow.

To choose the right treatment tactics for a patient, it is first necessary to diagnose a bruise and rule out rib fractures.

The goal of treating a bruise is to:

  • pain relief for injury;
  • reduction of swelling and hematoma;
  • restoration of full functionality of the chest.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections or tablets are usually used to relieve pain from a bruise. After reducing the pain, pain-relieving ointments and gels are used. To reduce swelling and resolve bruises, treatment at home includes the use of traditional medicine in the form of compresses, lotions and ointments. From medical supplies for these purposes you can use “Lioton”, “Bruise OFF” and others.

In the structure of chest injuries, traumatologists recognized rib fractures as the most common injury. It is more common in older people, athletes, at work and at home. You can break a rib by falling from a height, as a result of a direct blow, or in an accident.

The chest is the formative element of the body, but, in addition, it reliably protects the internal organs from mechanical damage. Therefore, violation of the integrity of the rib frame can lead to injury to organs chest cavity both bone fragments and foreign objects from outside.

It is important to understand that timely provision helping the victim can save his life, so you need to clearly understand what to do if a person has broken ribs.

Main symptoms of a rib fracture

Each disease, including injury, has its own characteristics that allow a correct and timely diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment. Knowing certain things, it is easier to decide what to do if someone around you is injured.

If as a result of exposure to chest any physical strength the following appear, it can be assumed that the victim has a fracture of one or more ribs:

  • Pain in the chest, diffuse, but localized. It intensifies when turning the body and breathing.
  • A characteristic crunching sound (crepitus) when palpating the suspected fracture site.
  • Shallow breathing. In order to minimize discomfort, the body involuntarily protects itself from friction of internal organs against bone fragments.
  • Dizziness, headache due to oxygen deficiency, develops over some time after injury.
  • Sputum with inclusion bloody veins, cough.
  • Availability wound surface with protruding fragments.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed by an x-ray in two projections (frontal and lateral), which shows clearing in the bone tissue of the chest, and bone fragments may be visible.

First aid

As mentioned above, when the ribs are injured, the organs of the chest cavity - the lungs and even the heart - are often affected. If you suspect damage, you must call an ambulance. If there is no pulse or breathing, begin artificial respiration. Indirect massage You shouldn’t do the heart surgery yourself, because there is a risk of additional damage to internal organs from bone fragments.

Provide influx fresh air to the victim's respiratory tract - unbutton tight collars, open the window.

You can sit the victim on a chair or lay him on a hard surface, slightly raising his head and chest.

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If the patient is conscious, check if he is allergic to medicines. If possible, offer him painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol.

The victim needs a tight pressure bandage on the chest. It is applied at the height of a deep breath. Instead of a bandage, you can use any available material.

What to do if one rib (or several) is broken to prevent a large hematoma? You can apply an ice pack to the injured area.

How to properly treat a rib fracture

The final diagnosis is made only in a medical institution. A traumatologist and/or thoracic surgeon determines the depth of the lesion and volume medical intervention necessary for this injury. What to do if a rib fracture is confirmed?

In cases where the ribs are broken, but there are no complications, treatment at home is acceptable; the doctor tells the victim step by step what to do. The patient is prescribed a course non-narcotic analgesics, expectorant drugs, a bandage is applied to the chest. Physical activity dosage, determined by the attending physician.

Group of drugs Therapeutic effect from use
Analgesics The action is aimed at pain relief from the injury. Ibuprofen is very effective in such cases. Ointments can be used as local anesthetics for rib fractures. For example, Voltaren or Diclofenac - relieve pain and reduce inflammation
Anti-inflammatory If the victim has a simple rib fracture, treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. non-steroidal drugs to relieve inflammation and swelling at the site of injury. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe glucocorticoids to relieve breathing problems. This group includes Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Aceclofenac and others
Antibiotics For speedy recovery and bone fusion is prescribed antibacterial drugs, especially in cases of damage to internal tissues or skin
Expectorants Funds in this group are prescribed for the purpose of effectively removing the accumulated bronchial tree sputum, which cannot be removed on its own due to damage to the chest. If the cough causes pain, the patient is prescribed drugs that block the cough reflex
Mineral and vitamin supplements Treatment of broken ribs at home will be much more effective if you take minerals containing phosphorus, calcium and other elements, as well as vitamins K and D

If the patient's condition is unstable, there is respiratory failure, the first stage of treatment can be carried out in a trauma hospital. Here's what doctors do when a rib is fractured in this case:

  1. Carrying out a blockade nerve endings in the area of ​​damage. For this, an analgesic and 70% alcohol are used.
  2. Oxygen inhalations. Allows you to saturate the blood and internal organs sufficient quantity oxygen even with shallow breathing.
  3. If pneumonia develops (as a complication), antibacterial therapy.
  4. Puncture pleural cavity carried out with diagnostic and/or therapeutic purpose. Indeed, very often after a rib injury, pneumothorax (literally, air in the chest) or hemothorax (bloody effusion in the pleura) develops. The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia.

In severe cases, patients are indicated for surgical treatment.

It is indicated for patients with damage to the abdominal or thoracic organs, if there is large quantity bone fragments, ongoing internal bleeding.

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Patients who are treated on an outpatient basis (at home under the supervision of a polyclinic traumatologist), with the permission of the attending physician, can resort to traditional methods treatment. Healers have a whole range of recipes to speed up the period of recovery and rehabilitation. The most common are compresses made from infusions and decoctions. They improve local circulation, activating metabolism in damaged tissues. It is recommended to take infusions of plants rich in vitamin C (rose hips) and calcium (powder made from eggshells).

In what position to sleep

With a fracture of the chest bones, disorders are often observed respiratory function. They are caused by both mechanical obstacles to inhalation and pain. The patient's condition during sleep can be alleviated by using the correct position. You need to sleep on a hard surface. In this case, the lower back, sternum, shoulders, and head are raised above the pelvis and are at different ascending levels. This position allows you to avoid congestion in the lungs and facilitates the breathing process.

Patients should not sleep on their stomach or side if their ribs are broken; what should they do if it is impossible to spend the whole night on their back? With the permission of the attending physician, you can turn over to your healthy side for a short time.

Please note that if the ribs are injured on the back side, you need to sleep on your stomach.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period is quite long. In children it is an average of three weeks, in healthy adults – a month and a half, elderly patients sometimes recover for more than two months. Only a traumatologist can determine the duration of the recovery period based on the severity of the injury, general condition body, the presence of immediate or delayed complications. Rehabilitation is completed after restoration of the integrity of the bone tissue.

It is important to understand that recovery period begins literally on the second day from the moment of injury. It is then that the patient is recommended to perform breathing exercises.

  • deep breathing;
  • fast breathing.

Patients are recommended to as soon as possible walk independently, first around the apartment and ward, then on the street. With the permission of the attending physician, medical complexes are performed. physical culture. The load increases gradually; the patient should under no circumstances feel pain when performing the exercises.

At the rehabilitation stage, victims are prescribed a diet rich in calcium-containing foods, sometimes calcium supplements and multivitamin complexes.

A rib fracture is caused by physical impact on the chest. According to statistics, such injuries are observed in 70% of people who consult a traumatologist regarding suspected chest injury, and in 16% of patients with fractures. More often, the integrity of the IV-VII ribs is compromised, and this fact is explained by the fact that in the area where they are located there is no corset of muscles that protects the remaining ribs, and they do not have the same flexibility as the lower ones.

The severity of rib injuries largely depends on the type of fracture and the presence of damage to the surrounding tissues and organs. In almost 60% of cases, such injuries are accompanied by damage to the lungs, pleura, esophagus, liver, blood vessels and heart. They are the most severe and can cause death. Fractures that are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of several ribs or multiple fractures are also considered dangerous. In such cases, the likelihood of developing severe complications increases significantly. Simple rib injuries usually heal on their own and do not pose a threat to the health or life of the patient.

Injuries to the ribs are more common in adults (especially older people), because the children's chest is more elastic and less susceptible to such injuries. In this article we will introduce you to the causes, types, symptoms, methods of providing first aid to the victim, methods of treating rib fractures and features bed rest and sleep with such injuries.

Types of rib fractures

Depending on the presence of skin damage, a rib fracture may be:

  • open - bone fragments violate the integrity of the skin and soft tissues;
  • closed - bone fragments are located in the thickness of soft tissues and do not damage the skin.

Depending on the degree of damage to the bone tissue, a rib fracture can be:

  • complete – the bone is damaged throughout its entire thickness;
  • subperiosteal - damaged bone tissue ribs;
  • crack - only the tissue of the rib bone is damaged, and there is no fracture.

Based on the number of fractures, rib fractures can be:

  • single – one rib is damaged;
  • multiple – several ribs are damaged.

Depending on the location, rib fractures can be:

  • unilateral - a violation of the integrity of one or more ribs occurs on one side of the chest;
  • bilateral - the ribs of the right and left sides of the chest are damaged.

A fenestrated fracture is damage to a rib in two places, resulting in the formation of a mobile bone fragment.

Depending on the location of the bone fragments, a rib fracture can be:

  • no offset;
  • with offset.


Depending on the condition of the rib bones, experts distinguish two types of rib fractures. The first type includes damage healthy bones caused by mechanical injuries. The second type of rib damage is referred to as pathological fractures, which are provoked by changes in the bones that occur during various diseases and minimal mechanical stress.

The first type of rib fractures is caused by the following injuries:

  • traffic accidents;
  • blow to the chest (fight, blow with a blunt object);
  • falling from a height;
  • chest compression;
  • sports injuries;
  • gunshot wounds.

The second type of fractures is caused by minimal mechanical impact on the ribs in the following diseases:

  • primary tumors of the ribs;
  • malignant tumors and their metastases;
  • genetic diseases.


The severity and nature of symptoms during fractures depends on the area of ​​their localization, severity and the presence of injuries to nearby organs.

Fractures of ribs without damage to internal organs


After an injury, a dull ache, increasing with deep breath or cough. It is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the pleura and intercostal muscles by bone fragments. With fractures of the ribs located on the front of the chest, the pain is more intense, and with damage to the rib bones located on the back of the chest, the pain is less pronounced, because during breathing they move less and their fragments almost do not move.

Forced posture of the patient

To reduce pain, the victim tries to take a position that minimizes movement in the chest. Usually the patient leans towards the broken ribs or wraps his arms around the chest.

Shallow breathing

This symptom is also associated with pain. Because of its intensification with a deep breath, the patient tries to breathe so that the chest moves minimally. At the same time, on the side of the fracture, the chest lags behind in breathing.

Interrupted inspiration syndrome

When some try to breathe, the patient experiences intense pain and breathing becomes intermittent.

Changes in the area of ​​the rib injury

The skin over the broken rib becomes swollen. At mechanical impact on skin hematomas appear.

Breast deformity

Changes in breast shape occur when several ribs are damaged. This symptom is especially noticeable in thin people - upon examination, not only slight deformation is revealed, but also “erasure” of the intercostal spaces.


For multiple fractures without displacement or fractures with a large number a crunch or a specific sound appears when the fragments come into contact when the bones rub.

Fractures of ribs with damage to internal organs and their complications

The nature of symptoms in rib fractures complicated by damage to internal organs depends on concomitant organ injuries. In addition to the symptoms characteristic of an uncomplicated fracture, the victim experiences a rapid pulse and severe pallor (sometimes with cyanosis).

In addition to the symptoms described above, the patient appears:

  • lung injury - the victim develops subcutaneous emphysema, accompanied by a sharp violation breathing and air getting under the skin, when coughing from respiratory tract blood appears;
  • damage to the aorta - massive blood loss leads to the death of the victim at the scene of the incident (such injuries are observed rarely and usually with a combined fracture of the ribs and spine or with an impact and compression of the chest with the formation of multiple left-sided fractures);
  • heart damage - more often observed with a combined fracture of the sternum and ribs, can lead to the patient’s death (immediate, in the first hours or days) or heart contusions, which significantly complicate the patient’s subsequent life, causing dystrophic cardiosclerosis (mortality rate in such cases is up to 70% );
  • liver damage - massive blood loss leads to death (every second victim dies 2 hours after such an injury).

Lung injuries due to rib fractures are observed more often. Depending on their severity, they can lead to the development the following complications:

  1. . Sharp limitation of movements due to intense pain, inability to normal breathing, tight bandaging and damage lung tissue often leads to the development pneumonia.
  2. . Damage lung tissue leads to the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity and compression of the chest organs. In the absence of timely medical care A pneumothorax can become tense and cause cardiac arrest and death of the victim. To prevent its development, a closed pneumothorax must be made open (a puncture is performed in the anterior wall of the chest, creating a hole for air to escape out).
  3. Hemothorax. Rupture of blood vessels by rib fragments leads to accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity. The patient experiences shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. With massive bleeding and lack of medical care, which consists of stopping it and removing the accumulated blood using a puncture, respiratory failure occurs.
  4. Respiratory failure. The victim's breathing becomes intermittent and rapid, the pulse quickens, the skin becomes pale and cyanotic. When committing breathing movements certain parts of the chest sink, and it becomes asymmetrical. In the absence of urgent medical care, the patient dies.
  5. Pleuropulmonary shock. This condition develops with extensive injuries leading to pneumothorax and the entry of a large volume of air (especially cold) into the pleural cavity. The victim develops respiratory failure, a painful cough and cold extremities. In the absence of urgent medical care, the patient dies.

Stages of healing for rib fractures

  • I – blood accumulates at the fracture site, containing fibroblasts that produce connective tissue and forming connective tissue callus;
  • II – calluses are deposited in connective tissue tissues minerals, and an osteoid callus is formed;
  • III – hydroxyapatites accumulate in the tissues of the osteoid callus, making it more dense; at first its dimensions are larger than the diameter of the ribs, but over time they decrease.

First aid to the victim

First first aid is aimed at reducing pain and fixing the body in one position, preventing the occurrence of pain and additional tissue injuries. To provide this, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Give the patient a pain reliever.
  2. Apply a tight bandage of bandages, towels or cloth to the chest. To reduce pain during this procedure, bandaging should be done while exhaling.
  3. Apply ice to the injury site.
  4. Give the patient a semi-sitting position: the back should rest on a hard surface, place a cushion under the legs.
  5. Call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible on a stretcher using available means that ensure maximum immobility.
  6. When signs appear state of shock provide the necessary assistance.

If you have broken ribs, you should not self-medicate! Application of compresses, ointments and others folk ways can significantly worsen the patient's condition and cause complications.


A chest x-ray will help confirm the diagnosis of rib fracture.

To diagnose a rib fracture, the following measures are taken:

  • interview and examination of the patient - crepitus is determined in the area of ​​injury and the step between the fragments of the rib bone is palpated;
  • symptom of interrupted inhalation - when trying to inhale sharply, breathing is interrupted by intense pain;
  • Payr's symptom - an attempt to tilt in the direction opposite to the fracture causes pain;
  • a symptom of axial loads - when trying to compress the chest, pain occurs on the side of the injury.

To clarify the degree of damage to the ribs and identify blood accumulation and other lesions, the following may be prescribed: additional methods examinations:

  • x-rays (in anteroposterior projection);
  • Ultrasound of the chest.


The treatment tactics for rib fractures are determined by the severity of the injury and the presence of damage to internal tissues and organs.

For minor fractures, a circular bandage of elastic bandages and pain relief is performed using novocaine blockade. To do this, enter into the projection of the fracture local anesthetic and 1 ml 70% ethyl alcohol. Over time, this procedure can be repeated. For extensive injuries, pain relief can be supplemented with narcotic drugs.

In some cases, a plaster corset or bandage is used to more reliably immobilize the chest. For fixation of bone fragments in bilateral fractures, it may be recommended surgery for installing fixing plates that can hold rib fragments in the required position until complete healing.

Surgical treatment is always performed when open fractures ribs During the intervention, the edges of the wound are processed, tissues incapable of restoration are removed, and damaged large blood vessels are ligated. After this, the wound is sutured.

Rib fractures are often complicated by pneumonia. Antibiotics and symptomatic medications are used to treat them.

In case of damage to lung tissue and large blood vessels, the patient may undergo the following surgical procedures:

  • for pneumothorax - puncture of the pleural cavity is performed to remove air and restore normal pressure in the lungs using a vacuum pump;
  • in case of extensive hemothorax, a puncture of the pleural cavity is performed to remove blood (if the volume of blood is small, the puncture is not performed and the blood resolves on its own).

If rib fractures are complicated by pneumothorax, hydrothorax and respiratory failure, the necessary medication is prescribed to stabilize the condition. drug therapy. To eliminate oxygen starvation oxygen inhalations are carried out.

A rib fracture is a fairly common injury that can be caused by a blow, a fall, a traffic accident, or playing sports, but how do you know if a rib is broken?

Pain syndrome.

Usually, at the site of the fracture, the rib makes itself felt by a sharp, local pain. The victim can usually accurately indicate not only a specific rib at the site of the fracture, but also its separate section, since severe pain he feels it there. The fact of injury is confirmed upon examination by bruises, scratches, hematomas and abrasions. Noteworthy is the fact that normal mobility of the chest is limited on the side where the injury occurred. The victim's breathing is rapid, painful, especially when performing deep breathing movements. A person with a rib fracture notes that the pain intensifies when changing body position, especially from a lying position to a sitting position.

Methods for studying rib fractures.

Undoubtedly, the most important confirmation of a broken rib is X-ray examination, which in such cases is carried out in several projections, which makes it possible to determine the fact of a fracture, as well as the location of the fracture line, the presence of damage to the pulmonary pleura from rib fragments, and the possibility of displacement of the fracture.

In case of rib injuries, their fragments can damage not only the layers of the pulmonary pleura, but also the lung itself, which can significantly worsen the well-being and condition of the victim. At the same time, respiratory failure and shortness of breath are added to the pain. All this is quite easy to determine by listening. On the affected side, breathing and lung sounds may not be heard at all. If you don’t have a special device at hand - a phonendoscope, then you can listen to the lung by simply pressing your ear to the area of ​​injury and comparing it with listening on the symmetrical side of the chest. If there is any doubt about injury to the ribs or lungs, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. There are cases where rib fractures caused disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

How to tell if a rib is broken by symptoms.

The patient complains of severe chest pain, which intensifies with movements, breathing, coughing, talking and decreases in sitting positions and at rest.

Breathing is shallow, on the affected side the chest lags behind when breathing.

When pressing on the site of the lesion, you can hear the crunching of bone fragments.

Lateral and anterior rib fractures are usually accompanied by breathing problems. If damaged rear parts ribs, the disturbance in pulmonary ventilation is less pronounced.

Subject to availability multiple fractures ribs, the victim’s condition can deteriorate sharply. The pulse is rapid, breathing is shallow, the skin is bluish or pale. The patient tries to sit as still as possible and avoid the slightest movements.

Bruising and swelling of the soft tissue may be observed at the site of the rib fracture.

Hemoptysis may occur if lung damage.

In elderly and elderly people, after a rib fracture, a complication in the form of post-traumatic pneumonia may appear. About development of this disease may indicate fever, deterioration, difficulty breathing and symptoms of intoxication. The occurrence of post-traumatic pneumonia is due to sharp decline ventilation of the lungs on the injured side.

It is important to remember that health problems can be significantly worsened by self-medication. Many people believe that in order to fuse the ribs, it is necessary to bandage the chest, thereby limiting their mobility. In fact, in this case, the lungs may appear congestion and pneumonia occurs. To prevent the development in time possible complications, you must contact a qualified medical assistance, as early as possible.



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